diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/cime_config/buildnml b/components/mpas-ocean/cime_config/buildnml
index 2e04d3516cf4..73a631b51091 100755
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/cime_config/buildnml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/cime_config/buildnml
@@ -999,6 +999,14 @@ def buildnml(case, caseroot, compname):
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
+ lines.append('')
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_conservation_check.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_conservation_check.F
index 351fe98ae5bd..0d5155f59991 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_conservation_check.F
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_conservation_check.F
@@ -217,7 +217,8 @@ subroutine ocn_precompute_conservation_check(domain, timeLevel, err)!{{{
conservationCheckAMPool, &
conservationCheckEnergyAMPool, &
conservationCheckMassAMPool, &
- conservationCheckSaltAMPool
+ conservationCheckSaltAMPool, &
+ conservationCheckCarbonAMPool
integer, pointer :: &
@@ -225,7 +226,8 @@ subroutine ocn_precompute_conservation_check(domain, timeLevel, err)!{{{
real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
initialEnergy, &
initialMass, &
- initialSalt
+ initialSalt, &
+ initialCarbon
err = 0
@@ -255,6 +257,16 @@ subroutine ocn_precompute_conservation_check(domain, timeLevel, err)!{{{
call compute_total_salt(domain, initialSalt)
+ if (config_use_ecosystracers) then
+ ! initial total carbon
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, &
+ "conservationCheckCarbonAM", conservationCheckCarbonAMPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, &
+ "initialCarbon", initialCarbon)
+ call compute_total_carbon(domain, initialCarbon)
+ endif
performConservationPrecompute = 0
@@ -343,6 +355,9 @@ subroutine ocn_compute_conservation_check(domain, timeLevel, err)!{{{
! salt conservation check
call salt_conservation(domain, err)
+ ! carbon conservation check
+ if (config_use_ecosystracers) call carbon_conservation(domain, err)
if (config_AM_conservationCheck_write_to_logfile .and. &
MPAS_stream_mgr_ringing_alarms(domain % streamManager, "conservationCheckOutput", ierr=ierr)) then
call mpas_log_write('==========================================================')
@@ -1353,6 +1368,469 @@ subroutine salt_conservation(domain, err)
end subroutine salt_conservation
+! routine carbon_conservation
+!> \brief Compute MPAS-Ocean analysis member
+!> \author Kat Smith, Mathew Maltrud
+!> \date August 2022
+!> \details
+!> This routine calculates carbon conservation terms
+ subroutine carbon_conservation(domain, err)
+ type(domain_type), intent(inout) :: &
+ domain
+ integer, intent(out) :: &
+ err !< Output: error flag
+ type(block_type), pointer :: &
+ block
+ type(MPAS_pool_type), pointer :: &
+ conservationCheckCarbonAMPool
+ real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
+ initialCarbon, &
+ finalCarbon, &
+ carbonChange, &
+ netCarbonFlux, &
+ absoluteCarbonError, &
+ relativeCarbonError
+ real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink, &
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux, &
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux, &
+ accumulatedCarbonTend, &
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux, &
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux, &
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux, &
+ accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError, &
+ accumulatedRelativeCarbonError
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
+ sumArray, &
+ sumArrayOut
+ type(MPAS_pool_type), pointer :: &
+ meshPool, &
+ forcingPool, &
+ statePool, &
+ tendPool, &
+ diagnosticsPool, &
+ tracersSurfaceFluxPool, &
+ tracersTendPool, &
+ ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1, &
+ ecosysAuxiliary, &
+ ecosysSeaIceCoupling
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ areaCell
+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ maxLevelCell
+ type (MPAS_timeInterval_type) :: &
+ timeStepESMF
+ real(kind=RKIND) :: &
+ dt, dtAvg, v, A, s, c
+ integer :: &
+ totalTimeSteps
+ real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
+ daysSinceStartOfSim
+ real(kind=RKIND) :: &
+ relativeCarbonErrorStepBounds, &
+ relativeCarbonErrorBounds, &
+ relativeCarbonErrorPerTimeStep, &
+ relativeCarbonErrorBoundsFac
+ logical :: &
+ conservationCheck_carbon_failure_abort = .true.
+ integer, pointer :: &
+ nCellsSolve, &
+ index_DICTend, index_DOCTend, &
+ index_DOCrTend, index_zooCTend, &
+ index_spCTend, index_diatCTend, &
+ index_diazCTend, index_spCaCO3Tend, &
+ index_DICFlux, index_DOCFlux, &
+ index_DOCrFlux, index_zooCFlux, &
+ index_spCFlux, index_diatCFlux, &
+ index_diazCFlux
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: &
+ ecosysTracersTend
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: &
+ ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ ecosys_diag_calcToSed, &
+ ecosys_diag_pocToSed, &
+ CO2_gas_flux
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ ecosys_diag_Jint_Ctot
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ iceFluxDIC, &
+ iceFluxDOCr
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: &
+ iceFluxPhytoC, &
+ iceFluxDOC
+ integer :: &
+ iCell, &
+ k, &
+ ierr
+ integer, parameter :: &
+ nSums = 7
+ character(len=160) :: &
+ m
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(timeStepESMF, timeString=config_dt, ierr=err)
+ call mpas_get_timeInterval(timeStepESMF, dt=dt)
+ dtAvg = dt * accumulatedFluxCounter
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, &
+ 'diagnostics', diagnosticsPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(diagnosticsPool, &
+ "daysSinceStartOfSim", daysSinceStartOfSim)
+ totalTimeSteps = int((daysSinceStartOfSim*86400.0_RKIND + 1.e-6)/dt)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, "conservationCheckCarbonAM", conservationCheckCarbonAMPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSourceSink", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonTend", &
+ accumulatedCarbonTend)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCO2gasFlux", &
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux", &
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux", &
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux)
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Net carbon flux to ocean
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ allocate(sumArray(nSums))
+ allocate(sumArrayOut(nSums))
+ sumArray = 0.0_RKIND
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call MPAS_pool_get_dimension(block % dimensions, "nCellsSolve", nCellsSolve)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, "mesh", meshPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, "forcing", forcingPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, "state", statePool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(meshPool, "areaCell", areaCell)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'maxLevelCell', maxLevelCell)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, 'tend', tendPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(tendPool, 'tracersTend', tracersTendPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(forcingPool, 'tracersSurfaceFlux', tracersSurfaceFluxPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(forcingPool, 'ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1', ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(forcingPool, 'ecosysAuxiliary', ecosysAuxiliary)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(tracersTendPool, 'ecosysTracersTend', ecosysTracersTend )
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux', ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1, 'ecosys_diag_calcToSed', ecosys_diag_calcToSed )
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1, 'ecosys_diag_pocToSed', ecosys_diag_pocToSed )
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysDiagFieldsLevel1, 'ecosys_diag_Jint_Ctot', ecosys_diag_Jint_Ctot )
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysAuxiliary, 'CO2_gas_flux', CO2_gas_flux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_DICTend', index_DICTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_DOCTend', index_DOCTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_DOCrTend', index_DOCrTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_zooCTend', index_zooCTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_spCTend', index_spCTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_diatCTend', index_diatCTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_diazCTend', index_diazCTend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersTendPool, 'index_spCaCO3Tend', index_spCaCO3Tend)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_DICSurfaceFlux', index_DICFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_DOCSurfaceFlux', index_DOCFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_DOCrSurfaceFlux', index_DOCrFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_zooCSurfaceFlux', index_zooCFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_spCSurfaceFlux', index_spCFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_diatCSurfaceFlux', index_diatCFlux)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersSurfaceFluxPool, 'index_diazCSurfaceFlux', index_diazCFlux)
+ if (config_use_ecosysTracers_sea_ice_coupling) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(forcingPool, 'ecosysSeaIceCoupling', &
+ ecosysSeaIceCoupling)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysSeaIceCoupling, 'iceFluxPhytoC', iceFluxPhytoC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysSeaIceCoupling, 'iceFluxDIC', iceFluxDIC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysSeaIceCoupling, 'iceFluxDOCr', iceFluxDOCr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(ecosysSeaIceCoupling, 'iceFluxDOC', iceFluxDOC)
+ endif
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
+! convert from mmol/m3 cm/s to mmol/m3 m/s
+! NOTE Jint_Ctot includes the losses to sediment, so it is an internal MarBL
+! conservation check and should be very small
+ sumArray(1) = sumArray(1) + areaCell(iCell) * ecosys_diag_Jint_Ctot(iCell)*0.01_RKIND
+! convert from nmol/cm2/s to mmol/m2/s
+ sumArray(2) = sumArray(2) + areaCell(iCell) * ( &
+ ecosys_diag_calcToSed(iCell) &
+ + ecosys_diag_pocToSed(iCell))*0.01_RKIND
+ sumArray(3) = sumArray(3) + areaCell(iCell) * ( &
+ ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_DICFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_DOCFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_DOCrFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_zooCFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_spCFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_diatCFlux, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersSurfaceFlux(index_diazCFlux, iCell))
+ do k = 1, maxLevelCell(iCell)
+ sumArray(4) = sumArray(4) + areaCell(iCell) * ( &
+ ecosysTracersTend(index_DICTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_DOCTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_DOCrTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_zooCTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_spCTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_diatCTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_diazCTend, k, iCell) &
+ + ecosysTracersTend(index_spCaCO3Tend, k, iCell))
+ enddo ! k
+ sumArray(5) = sumArray(5) + areaCell(iCell) * CO2_gas_flux(iCell)
+ if (config_use_ecosysTracers_sea_ice_coupling) then
+ sumArray(6) = sumArray(6) + areaCell(iCell) * (iceFluxDOC(1,iCell) &
+ + iceFluxDOC(2,iCell) + iceFluxDOC(3,iCell) + iceFluxDOCr(iCell) &
+ + iceFluxPhytoC(1,iCell) + iceFluxPhytoC(2,iCell))
+ sumArray(7) = sumArray(7) + areaCell(iCell) * iceFluxDIC(iCell)
+ else
+ sumArray(6) = 0.0_RKIND
+ sumArray(7) = 0.0_RKIND
+ endif
+ enddo ! iCell
+ block => block % next
+ enddo
+ ! perform the sums over processors
+ call MPAS_dmpar_sum_real_array(domain % dminfo, nSums, sumArray, sumArrayOut)
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink = accumulatedCarbonSourceSink + sumArrayOut(1)
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux = accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux + sumArrayOut(2)
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux = accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux + sumArrayOut(3)
+ accumulatedCarbonTend = accumulatedCarbonTend + sumArrayOut(4)
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux = accumulatedCO2gasFlux + sumArrayOut(5)
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux = accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux + sumArrayOut(6)
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux = accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux + sumArrayOut(7)
+ ! cleanup
+ deallocate(sumArray)
+ deallocate(sumArrayOut)
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Carbon conservation error
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (MPAS_stream_mgr_ringing_alarms(domain % streamManager, "conservationCheckOutput", ierr=ierr)) then
+ ! Average the fluxes
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink = accumulatedCarbonSourceSink /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux = accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux = accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedCarbonTend = accumulatedCarbonTend /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux = accumulatedCO2gasFlux /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux = accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux = accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux /accumulatedFluxCounter
+ ! get initial carbon
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "initialCarbon", initialCarbon)
+ ! get final carbon
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "finalCarbon", finalCarbon)
+ call compute_total_carbon(domain, finalCarbon)
+ ! compute carbon change
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "carbonChange", carbonChange)
+ carbonChange = finalCarbon - initialCarbon
+ ! calculate the final net carbon flux to ocean
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "netCarbonFlux", netCarbonFlux)
+! sediment flux is positive OUT of ocean, so subtract it
+ netCarbonFlux = &
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux &
+ - accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux
+ ! compute the final carbon error
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "absoluteCarbonError", absoluteCarbonError)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError", accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "relativeCarbonError", relativeCarbonError)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedRelativeCarbonError", accumulatedRelativeCarbonError)
+ absoluteCarbonError = netCarbonFlux * dtAvg - carbonChange
+! relativeCarbonError = absoluteCarbonError / (finalCarbon - 1.0_RKIND)
+ relativeCarbonError = absoluteCarbonError / finalCarbon
+ accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError = accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError + &
+ absoluteCarbonError
+ accumulatedRelativeCarbonError = accumulatedRelativeCarbonError + &
+ relativeCarbonError
+ relativeCarbonErrorStepBounds = 1.0e-8
+ relativeCarbonErrorBoundsFac = 1.e-2
+ relativeCarbonErrorBounds = &
+ relativeCarbonErrorStepBounds*relativeCarbonErrorBoundsFac*totalTimeSteps
+ relativeCarbonErrorPerTimeStep = relativeCarbonError/accumulatedFluxCounter
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Output to log file
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (config_AM_conservationCheck_write_to_logfile) then
+ call mpas_log_write('')
+ call mpas_log_write('----------------------------------------------------------')
+ call mpas_log_write('CARBON CONSERVATION CHECK')
+ call mpas_log_write('')
+ A = earthAreaE3SM
+ c = 1.0e10_RKIND/A
+ s = 0.0_RKIND
+ call mpas_log_write('CARBON FLUXES')
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ call mpas_log_write('MPAS-Ocean name kg/s (raw sum) coupler name short name kg/m^2/s*1.e10 (flux)')
+ v=accumulatedCarbonSourceSink*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('MarBL SrcSink+sedFlux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ v=accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('sedimentFlux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ s=s+v
+ v=accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('surfaceFlux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ s=s+v
+ v=accumulatedCO2gasFlux*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('CO2 gas Flux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ v=accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('Ice-Ocean Organic Flux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ v=accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux*mmol_to_kg_C
+ write(m,"('Ice-Ocean Inorganic Flux ',es16.8,' ',f16.8)") v,v*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('SUM FLUXES (surf + sed) ',es16.8,' ',f16.8,es16.8)") s, s*c;
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ call mpas_log_write('CHANGE IN CARBON: computed from ocean domain')
+ call mpas_log_write(' kg ')
+ write(m,"('Initial carbon ',es16.8)") initialCarbon*mmol_to_kg_C
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Final carbon ',es16.8)") finalCarbon*mmol_to_kg_C
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Carbon change (Fin-Init) ',es16.8)") carbonChange*mmol_to_kg_C
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Carbon change (Tend) ',es16.8)") accumulatedCarbonTend*dtAvg*mmol_to_kg_C
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ call mpas_log_write('CARBON CONSERVATION SUMMARY')
+ call mpas_log_write(' kg kg/s kg/m^2/s')
+ write(m,"('Carbon change ', 3es16.8)") &
+ carbonChange*mmol_to_kg_C, &
+ carbonChange*mmol_to_kg_C/dtAvg, &
+ carbonChange*mmol_to_kg_C/dtAvg*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Net carbon flux ', 3es16.8)") &
+ netCarbonFlux*mmol_to_kg_C*dtAvg, &
+ netCarbonFlux*mmol_to_kg_C, &
+ netCarbonFlux*mmol_to_kg_C*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Absolute carbon error ', 3es16.8)") &
+ absoluteCarbonError*mmol_to_kg_C, &
+ absoluteCarbonError*mmol_to_kg_C/dtAvg, &
+ absoluteCarbonError*mmol_to_kg_C/dtAvg*c
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ write(m,"('RELATIVE CARBON ERROR =', es16.8)") &
+ relativeCarbonError
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ write(m,"('Relative carbon error per timestep = ', es16.8)") &
+ relativeCarbonErrorPerTimeStep
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Relative carbon error per timestep bounds = ', es16.8)") &
+ relativeCarbonErrorStepBounds
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ write(m,"('Accumulated absolute carbon error (kg) ', es16.8)") &
+ accumulatedAbsoluteCarbonError*mmol_to_kg_C
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ write(m,"('Accumulated relative carbon error = ', es16.8)") &
+ accumulatedRelativeCarbonError
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ write(m,"('Accumulated relative carbon error bounds = ', es16.8)") &
+ relativeCarbonErrorBounds
+ call mpas_log_write(m)
+ call mpas_log_write(' ')
+ if (abs(relativeCarbonErrorPerTimeStep) > relativeCarbonErrorStepBounds) then
+ if (conservationCheck_carbon_failure_abort) then
+ call mpas_log_write( &
+ 'WARNING: relative carbon error exceeds bounds ', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write( &
+ 'WARNING: relative carbon error exceeds bounds ')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (abs(accumulatedRelativeCarbonError) > relativeCarbonErrorBounds) then
+ if (conservationCheck_carbon_failure_abort) then
+ call mpas_log_write( &
+ 'WARNING: accumulated relative carbon error exceeds bounds ', &
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write( &
+ 'WARNING: accumulated relative carbon error exceeds bounds ')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ end subroutine carbon_conservation
! routine compute_total_energy
@@ -1628,6 +2106,107 @@ subroutine compute_total_salt(domain, totalSalt)
end subroutine compute_total_salt
+! routine compute_total_carbon
+ subroutine compute_total_carbon(domain, totalCarbon)
+ type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: &
+ domain
+ real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: &
+ totalCarbon
+ type(block_type), pointer :: &
+ block
+ type(MPAS_pool_type), pointer :: &
+ meshPool, &
+ statePool, &
+ tracersPool
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
+ areaCell
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: &
+ layerThickness
+ real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: &
+ ecosysTracers
+ real(kind=RKIND) :: &
+ carbon
+ integer, pointer :: &
+ nCellsSolve, &
+ nVertLevels, &
+ indexDIC, &
+ indexDOC, &
+ indexDOCr, &
+ indexZooC, &
+ indexSpC, &
+ indexDiatC, &
+ indexDiazC, &
+ indexSpCaCO3
+ integer :: &
+ iCell, &
+ k
+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: minLevelCell, maxLevelCell
+ carbon = 0.0_RKIND
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call MPAS_pool_get_dimension(block % dimensions, "nCellsSolve", nCellsSolve)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_dimension(block % dimensions, "nVertLevels", nVertLevels)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, "mesh", meshPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, "state", statePool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(meshPool, "areaCell", areaCell)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'minLevelCell', minLevelCell)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'maxLevelCell', maxLevelCell)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(statePool, "layerThickness", layerThickness, 1)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(statePool, 'tracers', tracersPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_DIC', indexDIC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_DOC', indexDOC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_DOCr', indexDOCr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_zooC', indexZooC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_spC', indexSpC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_diatC', indexDiatC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_diazC', indexDiazC)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(tracersPool, 'index_spCaCO3', indexSpCaCO3)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(tracersPool, 'ecosysTracers', ecosysTracers, 1)
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
+ do k = minLevelCell(iCell), maxLevelCell(iCell)
+ carbon = carbon + &
+ areaCell(iCell) * layerThickness(k,iCell) * ( &
+ ecosysTracers(indexDIC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexDOC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexDOCr,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexZooC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexSpC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexDiatC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexDiazC,k,iCell) + &
+ ecosysTracers(indexSpCaCO3,k,iCell))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ block => block % next
+ enddo
+ ! sum across processors
+ call MPAS_dmpar_sum_real(domain % dminfo, carbon, totalCarbon)
+ end subroutine compute_total_carbon
! routine reset_accumulated_variables
@@ -1648,7 +2227,8 @@ subroutine reset_accumulated_variables(domain)
type(MPAS_pool_type), pointer :: &
conservationCheckEnergyAMPool, &
conservationCheckMassAMPool, &
- conservationCheckSaltAMPool
+ conservationCheckSaltAMPool, &
+ conservationCheckCarbonAMPool
real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
accumulatedLatentHeatFlux, &
@@ -1689,6 +2269,15 @@ subroutine reset_accumulated_variables(domain)
accumulatedFrazilSalinityFlux, &
+ real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: &
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink, &
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux, &
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux, &
+ accumulatedCarbonTend, &
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux, &
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux, &
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux
call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, "conservationCheckEnergyAM", conservationCheckEnergyAMPool)
call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckEnergyAMPool, "accumulatedLatentHeatFlux", accumulatedLatentHeatFlux)
@@ -1770,6 +2359,31 @@ subroutine reset_accumulated_variables(domain)
accumulatedFrazilSalinityFlux = 0.0_RKIND
accumulatedLandIceFrazilSalinityFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ call MPAS_pool_get_subpool(domain % blocklist % structs, "conservationCheckCarbonAM", conservationCheckCarbonAMPool)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSourceSink", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux", &
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCarbonTend", &
+ accumulatedCarbonTend)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedCO2gasFlux", &
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux", &
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux)
+ call MPAS_pool_get_array(conservationCheckCarbonAMPool, "accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux", &
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux)
+ accumulatedCarbonSourceSink = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedCarbonSedimentFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedCarbonSurfaceFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedCarbonTend = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedCO2gasFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedIceOceanOrganicCarbonFlux = 0.0_RKIND
+ accumulatedIceOceanInorganicCarbonFlux = 0.0_RKIND
end subroutine reset_accumulated_variables
@@ -1876,3 +2490,4 @@ end subroutine ocn_finalize_conservation_check!}}}
end module ocn_conservation_check
! vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_constants.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_constants.F
index fc05e1b967e9..893bf793eaaa 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_constants.F
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_constants.F
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ module ocn_constants
latent_heat_fusion_mks,&! lat heat of fusion (J/kg)
sea_ice_salinity ,&! salinity of sea ice formed (psu)
ocn_ref_salinity ,&! ocean reference salinity (psu)
- atm_ref_pressure ! standard sea level pressure (Pa)
+ atm_ref_pressure ,&! standard sea level pressure (Pa)
+ molecular_weight_C ,&! molecular weight carbon
+ molecular_weight_O2 ! molecular weight oxygen
! conversion factors
@@ -76,7 +78,9 @@ module ocn_constants
fwflux_factor ,&! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt((msu/psu)*m/s)
salinity_factor ,&! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt flux (msu*m/s)
sflux_factor ,&! salt flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt flux (msu*m/s)
- fwmass_to_fwflux ! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to fw flux (m/s)
+ fwmass_to_fwflux ,&! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to fw flux (m/s)
+ mmol_to_kg_C ,&! mmol-C to kg-C
+ mmol_to_kg_O2 ! mmol-O2 to kg-O2
@@ -129,6 +133,8 @@ subroutine ocn_constants_init(configPool, packagePool)!{{{
sea_ice_salinity = 4.0_RKIND ! (psu)
ocn_ref_salinity = 34.7_RKIND ! (psu)
atm_ref_pressure = 101325.0_RKIND ! (Pa)
+ molecular_weight_C = 12.0107_RKIND ! molecular weight carbon
+ molecular_weight_O2 = 15.9994_RKIND ! molecular weight oxygen
@@ -165,6 +171,8 @@ subroutine ocn_constants_init(configPool, packagePool)!{{{
latent_heat_fusion_mks = SHR_CONST_LATICE ! J/kg
ocn_ref_salinity = SHR_CONST_OCN_REF_SAL ! psu
sea_ice_salinity = SHR_CONST_ICE_REF_SAL ! psu
+ molecular_weight_C = SHR_CONST_MWC ! molecular weight carbon
+ molecular_weight_O2 = SHR_CONST_MWO ! molecular weight oxygen
@@ -262,6 +270,9 @@ subroutine ocn_constants_init(configPool, packagePool)!{{{
fwmass_to_fwflux = 0.1_RKIND
+ mmol_to_kg_C = molecular_weight_C * 1.e-6_RKIND
+ mmol_to_kg_O2 = molecular_weight_O2 * 1.e-6_RKIND
end subroutine ocn_constants_init!}}}