diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 01c7283aa319..0610f98d3e22 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -61,3 +61,6 @@
[submodule "components/mpas-ocean/src/FFTW"]
path = components/mpas-ocean/src/FFTW
url = https://github.com/knbarton/fftw-3.3.8.git
+[submodule "components/mpas-ocean/src/ppr"]
+ path = components/mpas-ocean/src/ppr
+ url = https://github.com/dengwirda/PPR.git
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist
index 5fee738461f8..64a922e9781d 100755
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist
@@ -768,11 +768,14 @@ add_default($nl, 'config_land_ice_flux_jenkins_salt_transfer_coefficient');
# Namelist group: advection #
-add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv');
-add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv_order');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_advection_method');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_remap_order');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_remap_interval');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv_flux_order');
add_default($nl, 'config_horiz_tracer_adv_order');
add_default($nl, 'config_coef_3rd_order');
-add_default($nl, 'config_monotonic');
+add_default($nl, 'config_flux_limiter');
+add_default($nl, 'config_remap_limiter');
# Namelist group: bottom_drag #
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist-section b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist-section
index d7d4efe740f0..0a9d5459111c 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist-section
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/build-namelist-section
@@ -301,11 +301,14 @@ add_default($nl, 'config_land_ice_flux_jenkins_salt_transfer_coefficient');
# Namelist group: advection #
-add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv');
-add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv_order');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_advection_method');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_remap_order');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_remap_interval');
+add_default($nl, 'config_vert_tracer_adv_flux_order');
add_default($nl, 'config_horiz_tracer_adv_order');
add_default($nl, 'config_coef_3rd_order');
-add_default($nl, 'config_monotonic');
+add_default($nl, 'config_flux_limiter');
+add_default($nl, 'config_remap_limiter');
# Namelist group: bottom_drag #
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mpaso.xml b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mpaso.xml
index 789acecc6e54..a1c31bf79ab2 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mpaso.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mpaso.xml
@@ -342,11 +342,14 @@
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_mpaso.xml b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_mpaso.xml
index 6e0153ead725..841de7c4e7fc 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_mpaso.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_mpaso.xml
@@ -1582,17 +1582,33 @@ Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
-Method for interpolating tracer values from layer centers to layer edges
+Method for advecting tracers, momentum, and thickness vertically.
-Valid values: 'spline' and 'stencil'
+Valid values: 'flux-form' and 'remap'
Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
-Order of polynomial used for tracer reconstruction at layer edges
+Order of remapping method used for momentum and tracer advection
+Valid values: 1, 2, 3 and 5
+Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
+Number of timesteps between each remapping. If 0, remapping occurs every timestep
+Valid values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0
+Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
+Order of polynomial used for tracer reconstruction at layer edges for flux-form method
Valid values: 2, 3 and 4
Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
@@ -1614,11 +1630,19 @@ Valid values: any real between 0 and 1
Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
-If .true. then fluxes are limited to produce a monotonic advection scheme
+Slope limiter for the flux-form advection scheme.
-Valid values: .true. and .false.
+Valid values: 'none','monotonic'
+Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
+Slope limiter for the vertical remap advection scheme.
+Valid values: 'none','monotonic','weno'
Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
@@ -2188,7 +2212,7 @@ Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
-Enables a change on tracer monotonicity at the end of the monotonic advection routine. Only used if config_monotonic is set to .true.
+Enables a change on tracer monotonicity at the end of the monotonic advection routine. Only used if config_flux_limiter is set to monotonic
Valid values: .true. or .false.
Default: Defined in namelist_defaults.xml
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/index.rst b/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/index.rst
index 703a9d4efabb..190686a4a264 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/index.rst
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/index.rst
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Design document describing new capabilities added to MPAS-Ocean.
+ vert-lagrang-remap/vert-lagrang-remap
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/vert-lagrang-remap/vert-lagrang-remap.rst b/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/vert-lagrang-remap/vert-lagrang-remap.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2328e75be2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/docs/design_docs/vert-lagrang-remap/vert-lagrang-remap.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+Vertical Lagrangian-remap method
+date: 2020/12/21
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+We propose to implement the vertical Lagrangian-remap method to support the
+choice of hybrid vertical coordinates, which may be required for evolving ice-
+shelf cavity geometries. It can be seen as an extension of the Arbitrary
+Lagrangian-Eulerian method which is already implemented in MPAS-Ocean, a key
+difference being that the solution of diasurface transport is coordinate-free.
+This has the advantage of removing the vertical CFL constraint, which is of
+particular concern for an evolving ice shelf geometry in terrain-following
+coordinate schemes. This development may also reduce numerical diffusion in the
+vertical, but we do not require this result for this implementation to be
+Generalization of the vertical coordinate is not in the scope of this development.
+Additionally, the infrastructure for specifying a target grid that differs from
+the existing z-star and z-tilde options is reserved for future development.
+The minimum criteria for success are not degrading the accuracy of the solution
+or computational performance.
+Requirement: Ability to perform vertical Lagrangian-remapping
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+The core of the proposed development is the ability to perform vertical
+Lagrangian-remapping (VLR). When VLR is performed, the momentum, volume and
+tracer conservation equations are first solved in a Lagrangian sense; that is,
+layer thicknesses evolve such that there is no vertical transport across layer
+interfaces. A target grid is then specified. For this stage of development,
+we only require that the algorithm be able to use the existing grid
+specifications. However, the implementation should be general enough that
+a different grid could be used for remapping. This regridding step is followed
+by a conservative remapping of velocity and scalars to the target grid.
+Requirement: Grid is sufficiently conditioned for accuracy and stability
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+A severely deformed grid can lead to issues with the accuracy and stability of
+the numerical methods used for the dynamics and thermodynamics. If layers are
+allowed to become very thin they can also degrade the accuracy and stability of
+the solution. Thus, a requirement of the VLR implementation is that there are
+safeguards to prevent layers from becoming too thin or deformed.
+Requirement: Ability to specify remapping method and its options
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+There are several choices to make for the remapping operation to balance
+accuracy, stability and computational cost. To the extent that it is feasible,
+the user should have the ability to control the order of accuracy of the
+remapping method, and other remapping options (e.g., via namelist options).
+Requirement: Support for existing time stepping schemes
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Vertical Lagrangian remapping should be supported (eventually) in both the RK4
+and the split-explicit time stepping schemes currently implemented in MPAS-
+Ocean. The scheme will also have a straightforward interface so it can be easily
+added to new time stepping schemes.
+Requirement: not climate changing
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+For the same target grid, time-stepping scheme and problem, the solution for
+layer thicknesses and key prognostic variables using VLR is within a non-
+climate-changing threshold value of the solution when VLR is not performed.
+Tests should span from idealized tests of simplified dynamics to full climate
+simulations. Acceptable thresholds specified for each test could be similar to
+those from changing time stepping schemes.
+Requirement: tracer and volume conservation
+Date last modified: 2020/12/04
+Contributors: Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman, Mark Petersen
+The column-wise tracer content should be conserved over the remapping step to a
+specified threshold, and using a specified method to integrate the tracer. The
+column-integrated volume must remain unchanged over the remapping step, as
+Requirement: performance
+Date last modified: 2020/12/04
+Contributors: Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman, Mark Petersen
+Performance is not degraded below an acceptable level. Compute time for
+stand-alone ocean, without i/o, on full primitive equations, is expected to
+remain very similar - within 5% of compute time when using vertical
+advection method but likely less because remapping is a column-wise, in-cache
+Requirement: no interference
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Remapping does not introduce errors in the computation of prognostic and
+diagnostic variables, such as through the use of an Eulerian vertical velocity
+that is not consistent with the Lagrangian solution.
+Requirement: modularity
+Date last modified: 2020/12/21
+Contributors: Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman
+To the degree possible, the code for determining the target grid and performing
+remapping should be kept in its own Fortran module(s) for better readability.
+These modules should be called by both timestepping routines to maximize code
+Algorithm Design (optional)
+Algorithm Design: Ability to perform vertical Lagrangian-remapping
+Date last modified: 2020/12/15
+Contributors: Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman
+The conservation of momentum, volume, and tracer equations in MPAS-Ocean (
+`Ringler et al. 2013 `_;
+`Petersen et al. 2014 `_)
+.. math::
+ \frac{\partial u_k}{\partial t} + q_k h_k u_k^{normal} + \overline{w^t \delta z^t u} = -\frac{1}{\rho_0} \nabla p_k - \frac{\rho_k g}{\rho_0} \nabla z_k - \nabla K_k + [D_h^u]_k + [D_{\nu}^u]_k + F_k^u
+ \frac{\partial h_k}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (h_k \mathbf{u}_k) + w_k^t - w_{k+1}^t = 0
+ \frac{\partial (h_k \phi_k)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (h_k \mathbf{u}_k \phi_k) + \overline{\phi}_k^t w_k^t - \overline{\phi}_{k+1}^t w_{k+1}^t = [D_h^{\phi}]_k + [D_v^{\phi}]_k + F_k^{\phi}
+For the Lagrangian step, the vertical velocity through the top of the cell,
+:math:`w_k^t`, is set to zero in all of the above equations. Thus, these
+equations simplify to:
+.. math::
+ \frac{\partial u_k}{\partial t} + q_k h_k u_k^{\perp} = -\frac{1}{\rho_0} \nabla p_k - \frac{\rho_k g}{\rho_0} \nabla z_k - \nabla K_k + [D_h^u]_k + [D_v^u]_k + F_k^u
+ \frac{\partial h_k}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (h_k \mathbf{u}_k) = 0
+ \frac{\partial (h_k \phi_k)}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (h_k \mathbf{u}_k \phi_k) = [D_h^{\phi}]_k + [D_v^{\phi}]_k + F_k^{\phi}
+The time-stepping algorithm (RK4 or split-explicit) advances the prognostic
+variables and layer thickness from their values at time n
+:math:`u_k^{n},\phi_k^{n},h_k^{n}`, to their values after the Lagrangian step,
+designated by the superscript *lg*, :math:`u_k^{lg},h_k^{lg},\phi_k^{lg}`.
+Note that the vertical mixing terms :math:`D_v^h, D_v^{\phi}`
+are retained here. We opt to compute these terms prior to remapping as this
+allow for future development in which the dynamics are subcycled relative to
+the thermodynamics and remapping is scheduled on the thermodynamic timestep.
+This computation of vertical mixing terms prior to remapping is similar to
+both MOM6 and HYCOM. We anticipate that there could be a trade-off between (a)
+loss of accuracy of vertical mixing terms when their computation precedes
+remapping due to grid deformation and (b) loss of accuracy when their
+computation follows remapping due to remapping errors in vertical gradients of
+prognostic variables. We do not intend to test this at this time.
+The target grid needs to be determined after the solution for prognostic
+variables so that the vertical Lagrangian-remapping method is general enough to
+be used with coordinate systems that depend on the ocean state (this includes
+the z-star coordinate system in which SSH perturbations are vertically
+distributed between layers). We do not present an algorithmic design for
+regridding to coordinate systems not already supported in MPAS-Ocean, as this
+will be the subject of future development. For now, the target grid is based on a
+constant set of z-star levels that are specified at initialization.
+For the grid selection step, the target grid, :math:`h_k^{target}`, is
+determined, conserving volume:
+.. math::
+ \sum_{k=1}^{kmax}h_k^{target} = \sum_{k=1}^{kmax}h_k^{lg}
+For scalar remapping, layer thicknesses at the next timestep,
+:math:`h_k^{n+1}` are set according to the target grid and scalars are remapped
+to the target grid using the remapping operations represented by the function
+.. math::
+ h_k^{n+1} = h_k^{target}
+ hEdge_k^{n+1} = 0.5 (h_{k,cell1}^{n+1} + h_{k,cell2}^{n+1})
+ u_k^{n+1} = G(u_k^{lg},hEdge_k^{lg},hEdge_k^{n+1})
+ \phi_k^{n+1} = G(\phi_k^{lg},\phi_k^{lg},h_k^{n+1})
+For velocity remapping, we solve for layer thicknesses at edges after the
+lagrangian step and the regridded thickness. In this development, we only plan
+to support centered edge layer thicknesses consistent with the centered
+advection scheme. There does not appear to be a precedent among ocean models
+(HYCOM, MOM6) at this time for using upwinded layer thickness in the remapping
+operation. We touch on a few of the implementation challenges with using
+upwinded layer thicknesses for remapping in the corresponding implementation
+section. If VLR is run with an upwinded thickness flux, the horizontal momentum
+flux will not be conserved as :math:`hEdge^{n+1}` will be reassigned to the
+upwinded layer thickness (errors will likely increase as horizontal gradients
+in layer thickness increase). Otherwise, the remapping operation :math:`G`
+conserves volume flux and scalar concentration.
+.. math::
+ hEdge_k^{lg} = 0.5 (h_{k,cell1}^{lg} + h_{k,cell2}^{lg})
+ hEdge_k^{n+1} = 0.5 (h_{k,cell1}^{n+1} + h_{k,cell2}^{n+1})
+ u_k^{n+1} = G(u_k^{lg},hEdge_k^{lg},hEdge_k^{n+1})
+.. math::
+ \sum_{k=1}^{kmax} u_k^{n+1} h_k^{n+1} = \sum_{k=1}^{kmax} u_k^{lg} h_k^{lg}
+ \sum_{k=1}^{kmax} \phi_k^{n+1} h_k^{n+1} = \sum_{k=1}^{kmax} \phi_k^{lg} h_k^{lg}
+The vertical velocity across layer interfaces may be computed anytime after
+regridding. It can be computed as
+.. math::
+ w = - \nabla \cdot (h_k \mathbf{u}_k) - (h_k^{t+1} - h_k^t)/dt
+.. math::
+ w = (h_k^{t+1} - h_k^{lg})/dt
+The choice between the two is discussed in the Implementation section.
+Implementation: Ability to perform vertical Lagrangian-remapping
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Namelist options:
+- To turn VLR on/off:
+ :code:`advection, config_vert_advection_method = 'remap' or 'flux-form'`
+Lagrangian step:
+The solution for prognostic variables in RK4 and split-explicit remains
+largely the same. The main difference is that the vertical velocity through
+the top of layers is set to zero in the routine
+:code:`ocn_vert_transport_velocity_top`. This is the same as what is done when
+:code:`config_vert_coord_movement` is :code:`impermeable_interfaces`.
+Grid selection step:
+#. :math:`z_k^{target}`, the depth of the top of the layer, is determined based
+ on an analytical expression for the grid.
+ The simplest case is constant z-levels, :math:`z_k^{target} = z_k^{init}`.
+ Since :math:`z_k^{target}` can be a function of the ocean state (e.g.,
+ :math:`\rho` for isopycnal coordinates, grid selection doesn't occur until
+ after the solution for prognostic variables.
+#. Superimpose SSH perturbations according to one of the existing depth-
+ dependent functions, :math:`z_k^{target} = z_k^{target} + c(z) \: \eta`. As
+ in :code:`ocn_ALE_thickness`, layer thicknesses are adjusted from the
+ seafloor upwards. Currently :code:`layerThicknessTarget` is computed in a
+ new routine :code:`ocn_vert_regrid` following other instances in which a z-
+ star grid is recomputed.
+#. Apply conditioning steps outlined in the following section. (Not
+ implemented until coordinates other than z-star are implemented.)
+#. In preparation for remapping, compute :math:`z_k^{target}` from
+ :code:`layerThicknessTarget`.
+All of the grid selection steps will be performed from a separate module called
+:code:`ocn_vert_regrid`. This topic is further addressed in section
+Implementation: modularity.
+Remapping step:
+There is a new remapping routine :code:`ocn_remap_vert_state` which updates
+all state variables with depth coordinates at :code:`timeLevel=2`. On input,
+:code:`layerThickness(tlev=2)` reflects the Lagrangian layer thickness
+determined by :code:`ocn_tend_thick`. On output, it is equal to
+:code:`layerThicknessNew` as determined by the regridding routine
+Members of :code:`statePool` that will be remapped:
+- All members of :code:`tracerPool` unless :code:`activeTracersOnly`, in which
+ case only the :code:`activeTracers` will be remapped
+- :code:`normalVelocity`
+- :code:`highFreqThickness`
+- :code:`lowFreqDivergence`
+- :code:`normalBarotropicVelocity`, only for split-explicit time-stepping
+In preparation for remapping, we compute the scratch variables
+:code:`layerThickEdgeNew` as the mean of :code:`layerThicknessNew` at
+neighboring cells. We do these locally rather than through a call to
+:code:`ocn_diagnostic_solve_layerThicknessEdge`. For the Lagrangian
+:code:`layerThickEdgeMean` we use the existing solution from
+:code:`ocn_diagnostic_solve_layerThicknessEdge`. This approach requires that
+:code:`config_thickness_flux_type` is :code:`'centered'`. At initialization,
+we throw an error but do not terminate the run if
+:code:`config_thickness_flux_type` is not :code:`'centered'` and VLR is active.
+A note about difficulties of implementing upwinded :code:`layerThicknessEdge`
+for remapping:
+Currently, the PPR library assumes that the total height is the same before and
+after remapping (i.e., :code:`sum_k(layerThicknessOld)` equals
+:code:`sum_k(layerThicknessTarget)`. Over the course of remapping, the upwind
+cell could change for one or more layers and thus the total column height could
+change. PPR would have to be carefully adapted to deal with this condition in
+order to preserve the total volume flux as well as the vertical distribution of
+momentum during remapping.
+An alternative to modifying the remapping library is to use centered edge layer
+thicknesses for remapping and correct :code:`uNormal` prior to remapping such
+that :code:`uNormalCorr(k) * layerThicknessEdgeCntr(k) = uNormal(k) * layerThicknessEdgeUpwind(k)`.
+When edge layer thicknesses are upwinded based on the remapped :code:`uNormal`,
+:code:`uNormal` must be corrected again to preserve layerwise fluxes. There
+will still be some error in the vertical distribution of volume flux with this
+approach. Given the complexity of either of these implementation options, we
+leave this issue for future development.
+After determining the layer thicknesses to remap to, the vertical layer
+interface locations are determined, :code:`heightCellNow`,
+:code:`heightCellNew`, :code:`heightEdgeNow`, :code:`heightEdgeNew`.
+These variables and the Lagrangian state variable are the inputs to the PPR
+routine :code:`rmap1d`, and the output is the remapped state variable.
+Some implementation considerations for PPR:
+- Error-checking in PPR: make consistent with MPAS errors, consider additional
+ error checks. (Not implemented)
+After remapping, :code:`ocn_diagnostic_solve` is called. This is needed to
+compute the density and pressure fields based on the remapped ocean state and
+the diagnostic field :code:`vertVelocityTop` which is the vertical velocity
+through the top of the layer. This is only used as a diagnostic variable for
+computing the MOC streamfunction and tracer budgets. None of the mixing
+parameterizations require a vertical velocity (Eulerian or diasurface velocity).
+Note: if `vertVelocityTop` is computed between regridding and remapping then it
+can be computed as
+.. code::
+ vertVelocityTop(k) = vertVelocityTop(k+1) - div_hu(k) -
+ (layerThickness(k,tlev=2) - layerThickness(k,tlev=1))/dt
+In our implementation, `vertVelocityTop` is computed after remapping and
+:code:`div_hu` is no longer appropriate as it has been remapped. In this case,
+the Lagrangian layer thickness is stored in the state variable
+:code:`layerThicknessLag` and then the vertical velocity through the top of the
+layer is computed as:
+.. code::
+ layerThicknessLag = layerThickness(tlev=2)
+ layerThickness(tlev=2) = layerThicknessTarget
+ vertVelocityTop = (layerThickness(tlev=2) - layerThicknessLag)/dt
+The function that performs this computation is
+If :code:`normalGMBolusVelocity` is computed based on the remapped ocean state
+then the computation of :code:`vertTransportVelocityTop` and
+:code:`vertGMBolusVelocitytop` is unchanged as these fields represent Eulerian
+However, the current implementation will not compute
+:code:`normalGMBolusVelocity` based on the remapped ocean state before
+:code:`ocn_diagnostic_solve` is called. Thus, :code:`vertGMBolusVelocityTop` and
+:code:`vertTransportVelocityTop` will be inaccurate. This will only pose an
+issue when the number of vertical levels changes during regridding, a
+capability which isn't included in this development scope.
+Tracer tendencies that are computed as diagnostics will also be inaccurate
+after regridding, as they will not be remapped. Remapping these variables does
+not make physical sense without also computing vertical tracer fluxes, which
+would be overly burdensome. Analysis members that currently use these diagnostic
+variables are :code:`mpas_ocn_layer_volume_weighted_averages` and
+Implementation: Grid is sufficiently conditioned for accuracy and stability
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Since the grid is remapped back to z-star in the current implementation, we
+assume that the grid is sufficiently regular.
+For future coordinate choices, consdider applying the following after
+determining the target grid:
+#. Assign :math:`h_k^{t+1}` to :math:`h_k^{lg}` if :math:`h_k^{t+1} - h_k^{lg}`
+ is less than a minimum thickness alteration. This is motivated by accuracy
+ considerations, as each remapping may introduce errors. (Not implemented)
+#. Apply minimum layer thickness criterion. (Not implemented)
+#. Smooth layers in space and time. (Not implemented)
+Namelist options:
+- Minimum layer thickness
+- Minimum thickness change for remapping to occur
+Implementation: Ability to specify remapping method and its options
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Namelist options:
+- Order of remapping:
+ :code:`advection, config_vert_remap_order = 1, 2, 3, or 5`
+- Interval number of timesteps for remapping:
+ :code:`advection, config_vert_remap_interval = integer >= 0`
+- Slope limiter:
+ :code:`advection, config_remap_limiter = 'none', 'monotonic', or 'weno'`
+Implementation: Support for existing time stepping schemes
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Currently, only the split-explicit time integration scheme is supported. We
+explored the RK4 implementation but it was not found to be stable.
+Implementation: performance
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+OMP calls were implemented for all cell loops in the remapping routine. Our
+main strategy for improving performance is remapping an interval of time steps
+rather than every time step. For EC60to30 global configurations, an interval of
+3-4 timesteps was found to not significantly degrade the solution.
+Options for improving performance (not implemented):
+- Splitting the scalar and momentum timesteps
+- Only remapping when the change in thickness exceeds given threshold
+- Optimizing/parallelizing PPR
+Implementation: no interference
+Date last modified: 2020/12/15
+Contributors: Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman
+Ensure that no calculations are made outside of remapping itself using
+prognostic (or diagnostic) variables both before and after remapping to avoid
+introducing additional errors.
+Look for places in the code where prognostic variables are used at the previous
+Implementation: modularity
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Remapping operations (PPR) are performed in a separate routine,
+Target grid levels are determined in a separate routine,
+Testing and Validation: Ability to perform vertical Lagrangian-remapping
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Ability to handle strong vertical velocities:
+- Baroclinic channel test case
+Evaluating spurious mixing due to remapping: Compare with and without VLR
+- Internal wave test case
+- Baroclinic channel test case
+Testing and Validation: not climate changing
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+Global ocean case :code:`GMPAS-JRA1p4.TL319_EC30to60E2r2` 50 year run comparison
+between VLR branch with VLR on and master without remapping:
+`Link to analysis `_
+Testing and Validation: performance
+Date last modified: 2022/05/21
+Contributors: Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+For the same global ocean case above we show that remapping increases run time
+by 20% for remapping every time step and that it scales almost perfectly with as
+the remapping interval increases, i.e., 5% increase for remapping every 4 time
+steps. We also show that 90% of the remapping time is spent in the PPR routine
+:code:`rmap1d`, indicating that this would be the target for performance
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Makefile b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Makefile
index 6ace38223a57..822ed12d5409 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Makefile
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ endif
FRAMEWORK_DIR = ../../../mpas-framework/src
OCEAN_SHARED_INCLUDES = -I$(FRAMEWORK_DIR)/framework -I$(FRAMEWORK_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 -I$(FRAMEWORK_DIR)/operators
OCEAN_SHARED_INCLUDES += -I$(PWD)/shared -I$(PWD)/analysis_members -I$(PWD)/mode_forward -I$(PWD)/mode_analysis
-OCEAN_SHARED_INCLUDES += -I$(PWD)/BGC -I$(PWD)/MARBL/include -I$(PWD)/cvmix/src/shared -I$(PWD)/gotm/build -I$(PWD)/gotm/build/modules -I$(PWD)/SHTNS
+OCEAN_SHARED_INCLUDES += -I$(PWD)/BGC -I$(PWD)/MARBL/include -I$(PWD)/cvmix/src/shared -I$(PWD)/gotm/build -I$(PWD)/gotm/build/modules -I$(PWD)/SHTNS -I$(PWD)/ppr/src
ifneq "$(EXCLUDE_INIT_MODE)" "true"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ifneq "$(EXCLUDE_INIT_MODE)" "true"
-all: shared libcvmix analysis_members libBGC libMARBL libgotm libfftw libshtns
+all: shared libcvmix analysis_members libBGC libMARBL libgotm libfftw libshtns libppr
ifneq "$(EXCLUDE_INIT_MODE)" "true"
@@ -131,7 +131,14 @@ libfftw:
fi \
-shared: libcvmix libBGC libMARBL libgotm libshtns libfftw
+ if [ -e ppr/.git ]; then \
+ (cd ppr/src; $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) ppr_1d.F90 > ppr_1d.F; $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c ppr_1d.F -o ppr_1d.o) \
+ else \
+ (pwd ; echo "Missing core_ocean/ppr/.git, did you forget to 'git submodule update --init --recursive' ?"; exit 1) \
+ fi
+shared: libcvmix libBGC libMARBL libgotm libshtns libfftw libppr
analysis_members: libcvmix shared libgotm
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
index 9e9128f39dda..fda2d17e651c 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml
@@ -1000,12 +1000,20 @@
@@ -1340,7 +1352,7 @@
possible_values=".true. or .false."
@@ -1687,6 +1700,25 @@
\brief Computes diagnostic variables for velocity
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date October 2021
+!> \details
+!> This routine computes the Eulerian vertical velocity valid for
+!> Vertical Lagrangian Remapping
+ subroutine ocn_diagnostic_solve_vertVel_remap(layerThickness, &
+ layerThicknessLag, dt, vertVelocityTop)!{{{
+ use ocn_mesh
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! input variables
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
+ layerThickness ! layerThickness after remapping at timeLevelIn
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: &
+ layerThicknessLag ! layerThickness before remapping at timeLevelIn
+ real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! output variables
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: &
+ vertVelocityTop
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! local variables
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer :: iCell, k
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
+ heightCell, heightCellLag
+ allocate(heightCell(nVertLevels+1))
+ allocate(heightCellLag(nVertLevels+1))
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(k, heightCell, heightCellLag)
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsAll
+ heightCell(:) = -1.0_RKIND * bottomDepth(iCell)
+ heightCellLag(:) = -1.0_RKIND * bottomDepth(iCell)
+ do k = maxLevelCell(iCell), minLevelCell(iCell), -1
+ ! reconstruct heights
+ heightCellLag(k) = heightCellLag(k + 1) + layerThicknessLag(k, iCell)
+ heightCell(k) = heightCell(k + 1) + layerThickness(k, iCell)
+ end do
+ vertVelocityTop(:, iCell) = 0.0_RKIND
+ do k = minLevelCell(iCell), maxLevelCell(iCell)
+ ! compute vertical velocity at the top of each Cell
+ vertVelocityTop(k,iCell) = (heightCellLag(k) - heightCell(k))/dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ deallocate(heightCell)
+ deallocate(heightCellLag)
+ end subroutine ocn_diagnostic_solve_vertVel_remap!}}}
! routine ocn_diagnostic_solve_surface_pressure
@@ -2209,7 +2335,8 @@ subroutine ocn_vert_transport_velocity_top(meshPool, verticalMeshPool, oldLayerT
err = 0
- if (config_vert_coord_movement.eq.'impermeable_interfaces') then
+ if (config_vert_coord_movement == 'impermeable_interfaces' .or. &
+ configVertAdvMethod == vertAdvRemap) then
!$acc update device(vertAleTransportTop)
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection.F
index 8efe2433c048..b2fe794421af 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection.F
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection.F
@@ -143,7 +143,14 @@ subroutine ocn_tracer_advection_init(err)!{{{
! set some basic flags for options
tracerAdvOff = config_disable_tr_adv
- monotonicOn = config_monotonic
+ if (config_flux_limiter == 'monotonic') then
+ monotonicOn = .true.
+ elseif (config_flux_limiter == 'none') then
+ monotonicOn = .false.
+ else
+ CALL mpas_log_write('Advection limiter not supported', &
+ endif
! set all other options from submodule initialization routines
call ocn_tracer_advection_shared_init(err1)
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_vert.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_vert.F
index 2bb1eb147730..acf90b4cd5db 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_vert.F
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_vert.F
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ subroutine ocn_tracer_advection_vert_init(err) !{{{
err = 0 ! set error code to success
! set choice of vertical advection order
- select case (config_vert_tracer_adv_order)
+ select case (config_vert_tracer_adv_flux_order)
case (2)
vertOrder = vertOrder2
coef3rdOrder = 0.0_RKIND
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_advection.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_advection.F
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a390d6529ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_advection.F
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+! Copyright (c) 2013, Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS)
+! and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
+! Unless noted otherwise source code is licensed under the BSD license.
+! Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
+! distributed with this code, or at http://mpas-dev.github.com/license.html
+! ocn_vertical_advection
+!> \brief MPAS ocean vertical advection module
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date February 2022
+!> \details
+!> This module contains the initialization for vertical advection
+!> schemes.
+module ocn_vertical_advection
+ use ocn_config
+ use mpas_log
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public parameters
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer, public :: &
+ configVertAdvMethod ! choice of vertical advection method
+ integer, parameter, public :: &! supported vertical advection methods
+ vertAdvFluxForm = 1, &! flux form
+ vertAdvRemap = 2 ! remapping
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public member functions
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public :: ocn_vertical_advection_init
+! routine ocn_vertical_advection_init
+!> \brief Initializes vertical advection scheme properties
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date February 2022
+!> \details
+!> This routine initializes quantities related to
+!> the vertical advection scheme.
+ subroutine ocn_vertical_advection_init(err)!{{{
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer, intent(out) :: err
+ err = 0
+ select case (trim(config_vert_advection_method))
+ case ('flux-form')
+ configVertAdvMethod = vertAdvFluxForm
+ case ('remap')
+ configVertAdvMethod = vertAdvRemap
+ case default
+ call mpas_log_write( &
+ 'Invalid choice for config_vert_advection_method. Choices are: flux-form, remap')
+ err = 1
+ end select
+ end subroutine ocn_vertical_advection_init!}}}
+end module ocn_vertical_advection
+! vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_regrid.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_regrid.F
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..369a7919f31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_regrid.F
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+! Copyright (c) 2013, Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS)
+! and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
+! Unless noted otherwise source code is licensed under the BSD license.
+! Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
+! distributed with this code, or at http://mpas-dev.github.com/license.html
+! ocn_vertical_regrid
+!> \brief MPAS ocean vertical regridding
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+!> \date July 2021
+!> \details
+!> This module contains the vertical regridding routine, used for
+!> vertical Lagrangian remapping.
+module ocn_vertical_regrid
+ use mpas_derived_types
+ use mpas_pool_routines
+ use mpas_constants
+ use mpas_dmpar
+ use mpas_threading
+ use mpas_vector_reconstruction
+ use mpas_spline_interpolation
+ use mpas_timer
+ use mpas_log
+ use ocn_constants
+ use ocn_config
+ use ocn_mesh
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public parameters
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public member functions
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public :: ocn_vert_regrid
+ public :: ocn_vert_regrid_init
+ contains
+! routine ocn_vert_regrid
+!> \brief Regridding for vertical Lagrangian remapping
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date 2021
+!> \details
+!> This routine determines the layerThickness to remap to subject to
+!> constraints
+ subroutine ocn_vert_regrid(restingThickness, layerThicknessLag, &
+ layerThicknessTarget, err)
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: &
+ layerThicknessLag, & ! layerThickness after the lagrangian step
+ restingThickness
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: &
+ layerThicknessTarget ! adjusted target layerThickness for remapping
+ integer, intent(out) :: err !< Output: Error flag
+ integer :: iCell, k, kmin, kmax
+ real (kind=RKIND) :: totalThickness
+ err = 0
+ ! Calculate z-star layer locations
+ layerThicknessTarget = 0.0_RKIND
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(k,totalThickness)
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsAll
+ totalThickness = 0.0_RKIND
+ do k = maxLevelCell(iCell), minLevelCell(iCell), -1
+ totalThickness = totalThickness + layerThicknessLag(k,iCell)
+ end do
+ do k = maxLevelCell(iCell), minLevelCell(iCell), -1
+ layerThicknessTarget(k, iCell) = restingThickness(k, iCell) * &
+ totalThickness / bottomDepth(iCell)
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ end subroutine ocn_vert_regrid
+! routine ocn_vert_regrid_init
+!> \brief Initializes ocean vertical regridding
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date July 2021
+!> \details
+!> This routine initializes parameters required for vertical Lagrangian
+!> regridding
+ subroutine ocn_vert_regrid_init(err)
+ integer, intent(out) :: err !< Output: Error flag
+ err = 0
+ end subroutine ocn_vert_regrid_init
+end module ocn_vertical_regrid
+! vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_remap.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_remap.F
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7bde91d922b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/shared/mpas_ocn_vertical_remap.F
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+! Copyright (c) 2013, Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS)
+! and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
+! Unless noted otherwise source code is licensed under the BSD license.
+! Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
+! distributed with this code, or at http://mpas-dev.github.com/license.html
+! ocn_vertical_remap
+!> \brief MPAS ocean vertical Lagrangian remapping
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+!> \date July 2021
+!> \details
+!> This module contains the vertical remapping routine.
+module ocn_vertical_remap
+ use mpas_derived_types
+ use mpas_pool_routines
+ use mpas_constants
+ use mpas_dmpar
+ use mpas_threading
+ use mpas_vector_reconstruction
+ use mpas_spline_interpolation
+ use mpas_timer
+ use ocn_constants
+ use ocn_config
+ use ocn_diagnostics_variables
+ use ocn_mesh
+ use ocn_vertical_regrid
+ use ppr_1d
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public parameters
+ !
+ type(rmap_opts) :: opts
+ integer :: bc_upper, bc_lower
+ integer :: itimestepLastRemap
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Public member functions
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public :: ocn_remap_vert_state
+ public :: ocn_vertical_remap_init
+ contains
+! ocn_remap_vert_state
+!> \brief MPAS ocean vertical Lagrangian remapping
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Xylar Asay-Davis
+!> \date July 2021
+!> \details
+!> This routine remaps state variables from current layerThickness to
+!> a new layerThickness
+ subroutine ocn_remap_vert_state(block, err)
+ type (block_type), intent(in) :: block
+ integer, intent(out) :: err
+ integer :: nCells, nEdges
+ integer :: nLayers, nLevels, nVars, nDoFs, nTracers
+ integer :: cell1, cell2, iCell, jCell, iEdge, iTrac
+ integer :: k, kmin, kmax, kTop, kBot
+ type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: verticalMeshPool
+ type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: statePool
+ type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: tracersPool
+ type (mpas_pool_iterator_type) :: groupItr
+ type(rmap_work) :: work ! Internal workspace for PPR
+ type(rcon_ends), dimension(:), allocatable :: bcUpper, bcLower
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: dataNow, dataNew
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: &
+ layerThicknessNew, & ! layerThickness (new target grid)
+ layerThickEdgeNew, & ! layerThickness at edges (new target grid)
+ heightCellNow, heightEdgeNow, & ! depth at layer interfaces (lagrangian grid)
+ heightCellNew, heightEdgeNew ! depth at layer interfaces (new target grid)
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: layerThickness, restingThickness
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: normalVelocity
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: highFreqThickness,lowFreqDivergence
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :, :), pointer :: tracersGroup
+ err = 0
+ itimestepLastRemap = itimestepLastRemap + 1
+ if (itimestepLastRemap < config_vert_remap_interval) return
+ itimestepLastRemap = 0
+ ! Remapping currently only supports one block for the whole domain rather
+ ! than sub-blocks
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, 'verticalMesh', verticalMeshPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block % structs, 'state', statePool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(statePool, 'tracers', tracersPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(verticalMeshPool, 'restingThickness', restingThickness)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'layerThickness', layerThickness, 2)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'normalVelocity', normalVelocity, 2)
+ if (config_use_freq_filtered_thickness) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'highFreqThickness', highFreqThickness, 2)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'lowFreqDivergence', lowFreqDivergence, 2)
+ end if
+ nCells = nCellsAll
+ nEdges = nEdgesAll
+ allocate(heightCellNow(nVertLevels + 1, nCells))
+ allocate(heightCellNew(nVertLevels + 1, nCells))
+ allocate(heightEdgeNow(nVertLevels + 1, nEdges))
+ allocate(heightEdgeNew(nVertLevels + 1, nEdges))
+ allocate(layerThicknessNew(nVertLevels, nCells + 1))
+ allocate(layerThickEdgeNew(nVertLevels, nEdges))
+ ! Compute new layer thicknesses based on vertical coordinate choice
+ ! Currently, zstar coordinate is hard-coded
+ call ocn_vert_regrid(restingThickness, layerThickness, &
+ layerThicknessNew, err)
+ ! Compute the layer interface locations between bottomDepth and -ssh
+ ! (rather than between -bottomDepth and ssh due to PPR limitations)
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(k)
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ heightCellNow(:, iCell) = bottomDepth(iCell)
+ heightCellNew(:, iCell) = bottomDepth(iCell)
+ ! reconstruct "now" heights
+ do k = maxLevelCell(iCell), minLevelCell(iCell), -1
+ heightCellNow(k, iCell) = &
+ heightCellNow(k + 1, iCell) - layerThickness(k, iCell)
+ end do
+ ! reconstruct "new" heights
+ heightCellNew(minLevelCell(iCell), iCell) = heightCellNow(minLevelCell(iCell), iCell)
+ do k = maxLevelCell(iCell), minLevelCell(iCell)+1, -1
+ heightCellNew(k, iCell) = &
+ heightCellNew(k + 1, iCell) - layerThicknessNew(k, iCell)
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !$acc parallel loop &
+ !$acc present(layerThickness, layerThickEdgeMean, &
+ !$acc minLevelEdgeBot, maxLevelEdgeTop, cellsOnEdge) &
+ !$acc private(k, kmin, kmax, cell1, cell2)
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(k, kmin, kmax, cell1, cell2)
+ do iEdge = 1, nEdgesAll
+ kmin = minLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
+ kmax = maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ ! initialize layerThicknessEdgeMean to avoid divide by
+ ! zero and NaN problems.
+ layerThickEdgeNew(k,iEdge) = -1.0e34_RKIND
+ end do
+ do k = kmin, kmax
+ ! central differenced
+ layerThickEdgeNew(k,iEdge) = 0.5_RKIND * &
+ (layerThicknessNew(k,cell1) + &
+ layerThicknessNew(k,cell2))
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) private(k, kTop, kBot, cell1, cell2)
+ do iEdge = 1, nEdges
+ cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
+ kTop = minLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
+ kBot = maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ ! We only need to define the kBot+1 depth for one active cell
+ ! as the absolute kBot+1 depth has no effect on remapping
+ if (cell1 <= nCellsAll .and. maxLevelCell(cell1) > 0) then
+ heightEdgeNow(:, iEdge) = heightCellNow(kBot+1, cell1)
+ heightEdgeNew(:, iEdge) = heightCellNew(kBot+1, cell1)
+ elseif (cell2 <= nCellsAll .and. maxLevelCell(cell2) > 0) then
+ heightEdgeNow(:, iEdge) = heightCellNow(kBot+1, cell2)
+ heightEdgeNew(:, iEdge) = heightCellNew(kBot+1, cell2)
+ else
+ call mpas_log_write('No valid cell for edge remapping', MPAS_LOG_WARN)
+ heightEdgeNow(:,iEdge) = 0.0_RKIND
+ cycle
+ endif
+ do k = kBot, kTop, -1
+ heightEdgeNow(k, iEdge) = heightEdgeNow(k+1, iEdge) - layerThickEdgeMean(k, iEdge)
+ heightEdgeNew(k, iEdge) = heightEdgeNew(k+1, iEdge) - layerThickEdgeNew(k, iEdge)
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ ! Assign new layerThicknesses
+ layerThickness = layerThicknessNew
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ nDoFs = 1 ! always 1 for MPAS, it'd be >1 for DG methods (with more DoF per layer)
+ ! how many variables to be remapped concurrently per column
+ if (config_use_freq_filtered_thickness) then
+ nVars = 3
+ else
+ nVars = 1
+ endif
+ allocate(dataNow(nDoFs, nVars, nVertLevels+1))
+ allocate(dataNew(nDoFs, nVars, nVertLevels+1))
+ allocate(bcUpper(nVars))
+ allocate(bcLower(nVars))
+ ! set boundary conditions
+ bcUpper%bcopt = bc_upper
+ bcLower%bcopt = bc_lower
+ dataNow = 0.0_RKIND
+ dataNew = 0.0_RKIND
+ call work%init(nVertLevels + 1, nVars, opts)
+ ! Remap all edge-centred variables from heightEdgeNow to heightEdgeNew
+ if (config_use_freq_filtered_thickness) then
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) &
+ !$omp private(kTop, kBot, nLayers, nLevels, dataNow, dataNew, work)
+ do iEdge = 1, nEdges
+ kTop = minLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
+ kBot = maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ nLayers = kBot - kTop + 1
+ nLevels = nLayers + 1
+ if (nLevels .lt. 2) cycle
+ dataNow(1, 1, 1:nLayers) = normalVelocity (kTop:kBot, iEdge)
+ dataNow(1, 2, 1:nLayers) = highFreqThickness(kTop:kBot, iEdge)
+ dataNow(1, 3, 1:nLayers) = lowFreqDivergence(kTop:kBot, iEdge)
+ call rmap1d(nLevels, nLevels, nVars ,nDoFs, &
+ heightEdgeNow(kTop:kBot+1, iEdge), &
+ heightEdgeNew(kTop:kBot+1, iEdge), &
+ dataNow, dataNew, &
+ bcUpper, bcLower, work, opts)
+ normalVelocity (kTop:kBot, iEdge) = dataNew(1, 1, 1:nLayers)
+ highFreqThickness(kTop:kBot, iEdge) = dataNew(1, 2, 1:nLayers)
+ lowFreqDivergence(kTop:kBot, iEdge) = dataNew(1, 3, 1:nLayers)
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ else
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) &
+ !$omp private(kTop, kBot, nLayers, nLevels, dataNow, dataNew, work)
+ do iEdge = 1, nEdges
+ kTop = minLevelEdgeBot(iEdge)
+ kBot = maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ nLayers = kBot - kTop + 1
+ nLevels = nLayers + 1
+ if (nLevels .lt. 2) cycle
+ dataNow(1, 1, 1:nLayers) = normalVelocity(kTop:kBot, iEdge)
+ call rmap1d(nLevels, nLevels, nVars, nDoFs, &
+ heightEdgeNow(kTop:kBot+1, iEdge), &
+ heightEdgeNew(kTop:kBot+1, iEdge), &
+ dataNow, dataNew, &
+ bcUpper, bcLower, work, opts)
+ normalVelocity (kTop:kBot, iEdge) = dataNew(1, 1, 1:nLayers)
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ end if
+ deallocate(dataNow,dataNew)
+ deallocate(bcUpper,bcLower)
+ call work%free()
+ ! Remap all cell-centred variables from heightCellNow to heightCellNew
+ call mpas_pool_begin_iteration(tracersPool)
+ do while ( mpas_pool_get_next_member(tracersPool, groupItr) )
+ if ( groupItr % memberType == MPAS_POOL_FIELD ) then
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(tracersPool, groupItr % memberName, tracersGroup, 2)
+ if ( associated(tracersGroup) ) then
+ nTracers = size(tracersGroup, dim=1)
+ allocate(dataNow(nDoFs, nTracers, nVertLevels))
+ allocate(dataNew(nDoFs, nTracers, nVertLevels))
+ call work%init(nVertLevels + 1, nTracers, opts)
+ allocate(bcUpper(nTracers))
+ allocate(bcLower(nTracers))
+ bcUpper%bcopt = bc_upper
+ bcLower%bcopt = bc_lower
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp do schedule(runtime) &
+ !$omp private(iTrac, kTop, kBot, nLayers, nLevels, dataNow, dataNew, work)
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ kTop = minLevelCell(iCell)
+ kBot = maxLevelCell(iCell)
+ nLayers = kBot - kTop + 1
+ nLevels = nLayers + 1
+ if (nLevels .lt. 2) cycle
+ do iTrac = 1, nTracers
+ dataNow(1, iTrac, 1:nLayers) = tracersGroup(iTrac, kTop:kBot, iCell)
+ end do
+ call rmap1d(nLevels, nLevels, nTracers,nDoFs, &
+ heightCellNow(kTop:kBot+1, iCell), &
+ heightCellNew(kTop:kBot+1, iCell), &
+ dataNow, dataNew, &
+ bcUpper, bcLower, work, opts)
+ do iTrac = 1, nTracers
+ tracersGroup(iTrac, kTop:kBot, iCell) = dataNew(1, iTrac, 1:nLayers)
+ end do
+ end do
+ !$omp end do
+ !$omp end parallel
+ deallocate(dataNow,dataNew)
+ deallocate(bcUpper,bcLower)
+ call work%free()
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ deallocate(heightCellNow)
+ deallocate(heightEdgeNow)
+ deallocate(heightCellNew)
+ deallocate(heightEdgeNew)
+ end subroutine ocn_remap_vert_state
+! routine ocn_vertical_remap_init
+!> \brief Initializes ocean vertical remapping
+!> \author Carolyn Begeman
+!> \date July 2021
+!> \details
+!> This routine initializes parameters required for vertical Lagrangian
+!> remapping
+ subroutine ocn_vertical_remap_init(err)
+ integer, intent(out) :: err !< Output: Error flag
+ err = 0
+ call ocn_vert_regrid_init(err)
+ if ( config_time_integrator == 'RK4' ) then
+ CALL mpas_log_write('Vertical remap not supported for RK4', &
+ endif
+ ! Options for remapping
+ if ( config_vert_remap_order == 1 ) then
+ opts%cell_meth = pcm_method ! PCM method
+ elseif ( config_vert_remap_order == 2 ) then
+ opts%cell_meth = plm_method ! PLM method
+ elseif ( config_vert_remap_order == 3 ) then
+ opts%cell_meth = ppm_method ! PPM method
+ opts%edge_meth = p3e_method ! 3rd-order edge interp.
+ elseif ( config_vert_remap_order == 5 ) then
+ opts%cell_meth = pqm_method ! PPM method
+ opts%edge_meth = p5e_method ! 3rd-order edge interp.
+ else
+ CALL mpas_log_write('Vertical remap order $i not supported', &
+ MPAS_LOG_CRIT, intArgs=(/config_vert_remap_order/))
+ endif
+ if ( config_remap_limiter == 'monotonic' ) then
+ opts%cell_lims = mono_limit ! monotone slope limits
+ elseif ( config_remap_limiter == 'weno' ) then
+ opts%cell_lims = weno_limit ! WENO slope limits
+ opts%wall_lims = mono_limit ! monotone slope limits
+ elseif ( config_remap_limiter == 'none' ) then
+ opts%cell_lims = null_limit ! no slope limits
+ else
+ CALL mpas_log_write('Remap limiter not supported', &
+ endif
+ bc_upper = bcon_loose
+ bc_lower = bcon_loose
+ itimestepLastRemap = 0
+ end subroutine ocn_vertical_remap_init
+end module ocn_vertical_remap
+! vim: foldmethod=marker