diff --git a/cime/machines-acme/env_mach_specific.edison b/cime/machines-acme/env_mach_specific.edison
index 9a4afbba5bbe..e22ddc6c1b77 100755
--- a/cime/machines-acme/env_mach_specific.edison
+++ b/cime/machines-acme/env_mach_specific.edison
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ echo "DEBUG=$DEBUG"
if (-e /opt/modules/default/init/csh) then
source /opt/modules/default/init/csh
module rm PrgEnv-intel
- module rm PrgEnv-cray
+ module rm PrgEnv-cray
module rm PrgEnv-gnu
module rm intel
module rm cce
module rm cray-parallel-netcdf
- module rm cray-parallel-hdf5
+ module rm cray-parallel-hdf5
module rm pmi
module rm cray-libsci
module rm cray-mpich2
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ if ( $COMPILER == "intel" ) then
module load esmf/6.2.0-defio-mpi-g
module load esmf/6.2.0-defio-mpi-O
- endif
+ endif
if ( $COMPILER == "cray" ) then
module load PrgEnv-cray
module switch cce cce/8.3.7
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ endif
if ( $COMPILER == "gnu" ) then
module load PrgEnv-gnu
module switch gcc gcc/4.8.0
module load papi/5.3.2
module swap craype craype/2.1.1
diff --git a/components/clm/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm b/components/clm/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
index 462384233034..7f2031de99b8 100755
--- a/components/clm/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
+++ b/components/clm/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ OPTIONS
-version Echo the SVN tag name used to check out this CLM distribution.
-vichydro Toggle to turn on VIC hydrologic parameterizations (default is off)
This turns on the namelist variable: use_vichydro
+ -betr_mode Turn on betr model for tracer transport in soil. [on|off] default is off.
Note: The precedence for setting the values of namelist variables is (highest to lowest):
@@ -278,6 +279,7 @@ sub process_commandline {
envxml_dir => ".",
vichydro => 0,
maxpft => "default",
+ betr_mode => "default",
@@ -322,6 +324,7 @@ sub process_commandline {
"maxpft=i" => \$opts{'maxpft'},
"v|verbose" => \$opts{'verbose'},
"version" => \$opts{'version'},
+ "betr_mode=s" => \$opts{'betr_mode'},
) or usage();
# Give usage message.
@@ -641,6 +644,7 @@ sub process_namelist_commandline_options {
setup_cmdl_dynamic_vegetation($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv);
setup_cmdl_ed_mode($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv);
setup_cmdl_vichydro($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv);
+ setup_cmdl_betr_mode($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv);
@@ -762,6 +766,49 @@ sub setup_cmdl_ed_mode {
+sub setup_cmdl_betr_mode {
+ #
+ # call this at least after crop check is called
+ #
+ my ($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv) = @_;
+ my $val;
+ my $var = "betr_mode";
+ $val = $opts->{$var};
+ $nl_flags->{'betr_mode'} = $val;
+ if ( $physv->as_long() == $physv->as_long("clm4_0") || $nl_flags->{'crop'} eq "on" ) {
+ if ( $nl_flags->{'ed_mode'} == 1 ) {
+ # ED is not a clm4_0 option and should not be used with crop and not with clm4_0
+ fatal_error("** Cannot turn betr mode on with crop or with clm4_0 physics.\n" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $var = "use_betr";
+ $nl_flags->{$var} = ".false.";
+ if ($nl_flags->{'betr_mode'} eq "on") {
+ message("Using BETR (Reactive Transport).");
+ $val = ".true.";
+ $nl_flags->{$var} = $val;
+ }
+ if ( defined($nl->get_value($var)) && $nl->get_value($var) ne $val ) {
+ fatal_error("$var is inconsistent with the commandline setting of -betr_mode");
+ }
+ if ( $nl_flags->{$var} eq ".true." ) {
+ my $group = $definition->get_group_name($var);
+ $nl->set_variable_value($group, $var, $val);
+ if ( ! $definition->is_valid_value( $var, $val ) ) {
+ my @valid_values = $definition->get_valid_values( $var );
+ fatal_error("$var has a value ($val) that is NOT valid. Valid values are: @valid_values\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
sub setup_cmdl_bgc {
# BGC - alias for group of biogeochemistry related use_XXX namelists
@@ -2759,7 +2806,7 @@ sub write_output_files {
} else {
@groups = qw(clm_inparm ndepdyn_nml popd_streams light_streams lai_streams clm_canopyhydrology_inparm
clm_soilhydrology_inparm dynamic_subgrid finidat_consistency_checks dynpft_consistency_checks
- clmu_inparm clm_soilstate_inparm clm_pflotran_inparm );
+ clmu_inparm clm_soilstate_inparm clm_pflotran_inparm betr_inparm);
#@groups = qw(clm_inparm clm_canopyhydrology_inparm clm_soilhydrology_inparm
# finidat_consistency_checks dynpft_consistency_checks);
# Eventually only list namelists that are actually used when CN on
diff --git a/components/clm/bld/configure b/components/clm/bld/configure
index 4a1a54efac52..9adc0b1edb0f 100755
--- a/components/clm/bld/configure
+++ b/components/clm/bld/configure
@@ -645,7 +645,12 @@ sub write_filepath_cesmbld
# source directories under root
my @dirs = ( "main",
- "biogeophys",
+ "betr",
+ "betr/betr_math",
+ "betr/betr_core",
+ "betr/bgc_century",
+ "betr/bgc_sminn",
+ "biogeophys",
diff --git a/components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml b/components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml
index d1547a2fe2de..1fd760e1534f 100644
--- a/components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml
+++ b/components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml
@@ -198,6 +198,11 @@ This downscaling is conservative.
Default: .true.
+Toggle to turn on the BeTR
@@ -1275,6 +1280,14 @@ reaches melting when ice is present with no snow layers. Represents puddling, ic
Set to alblak values (0.6, 0.4) to keep albedo constant for ice-covered lakes without snow layers.
+Specify what bgc module will be used within the betr framework.
diff --git a/components/clm/bld/test_build_namelist/t/input/namelist_definition_clm4_5_test.xml b/components/clm/bld/test_build_namelist/t/input/namelist_definition_clm4_5_test.xml
index 7b9cd85cc407..81402ba86372 100644
--- a/components/clm/bld/test_build_namelist/t/input/namelist_definition_clm4_5_test.xml
+++ b/components/clm/bld/test_build_namelist/t/input/namelist_definition_clm4_5_test.xml
@@ -1159,6 +1159,14 @@ reaches melting when ice is present with no snow layers. Represents puddling, ic
Set to alblak values (0.6, 0.4) to keep albedo constant for ice-covered lakes without snow layers.
+Specify what bgc module will be used within the betr framework.
diff --git a/components/clm/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl b/components/clm/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
index 2bfcfa7b192a..4e829aa67eb6 100755
--- a/components/clm/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
+++ b/components/clm/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
@@ -507,6 +507,11 @@ sub make_env_run {
conopts=>"-phys clm4_5",
+ "useBETRContradict" =>{ options=>"-betr_mode -envxml_dir .",
+ namelst=>"use_betr=.false.",
+ conopts=>"-phys clm4_5",
+ },
"useEDContradict2" =>{ options=>"-envxml_dir .",
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsFactoryMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsFactoryMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ffc441759773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsFactoryMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+module BGCReactionsFactoryMod
+ !
+ ! factory to load the specific bgc reaction modules
+ !
+ ! History:
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2, 2014
+ !
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: ctreate_bgc_reaction_type
+ function ctreate_bgc_reaction_type(method) result(bgc_reaction)
+ !
+ ! create and return an object of bgc_reaction
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use BGCReactionsMockRunType , only : bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ use BGCReactionsCenturyType , only : bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+ use BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType , only : bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ use BGCReactionsCenturyECAType , only : bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ use BGCReactionsSminNType , only : bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+ use BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type , only : bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+ use BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType , only : bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clmo_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc, do_betr_leaching
+ class(bgc_reaction_type), allocatable :: bgc_reaction
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: method
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'ctreate_bgc_reaction_type'
+ select case(trim(method))
+ case ("mock_run")
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_mock_run_type())
+ case ("century_bgc")
+ is_active_betr_bgc = .true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type())
+ case ("century_bgcclm")
+ is_active_betr_bgc = .true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type())
+ case ("century_bgcECA")
+ is_active_betr_bgc = .true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type())
+ case ("century_bgcclm3")
+ is_active_betr_bgc=.true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type())
+ case ("century_bgcclmo")
+ is_active_betr_bgc=.true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clmo_type())
+ case ("betr_sminn")
+ !this must be used together with clm45bgc
+ do_betr_leaching = .true.
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_sminn_type())
+ !case ("o18_istope") ! on hold
+ ! allocate(bgc_reaction, source=bgc_reaction_O18ISO_type())
+ case default
+ write(iulog,*)subname //' ERROR: unknown method: ', method
+ call endrun(msg=errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ end select
+ end function ctreate_bgc_reaction_type
+end module BGCReactionsFactoryMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMockRunType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMockRunType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e34e4b3c7a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMockRunType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+module BGCReactionsMockRunType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! This is an example on how to use polymorphism to create your own bgc modules that will be run with BeTR
+ !
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ private
+ contains
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: InitCold ! do cold initialization
+ procedure :: readParams ! read in parameters
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback !
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ end type bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ interface bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ module procedure constructor
+ end interface bgc_reaction_mock_run_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_mock_run_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type), intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer, parameter :: bndcond_as_conc = 1 ! top boundary condition as tracer concentration
+ integer, parameter :: bndcond_as_flx = 2 ! top boundary condition as tracer flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(:) = bndcond_as_conc
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: itemp_gwm
+ integer :: itemp_g
+ integer :: itemp_s
+ integer :: itemp_gwm_grp
+ integer :: dum
+ integer :: itemp_grp, itemp_v, itemp_vgrp
+ itemp_gwm = 0;
+ itemp_g = 0 ;
+ itemp_s = 0;
+ itemp_gwm_grp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_g); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_g); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_g); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x= addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_g); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_g); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp_gwm; betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups= itemp_gwm_grp
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers = itemp_s; betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = itemp_s
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers = itemp_g; betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups= itemp_g
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = 1
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ itemp_grp = 0 !group id
+ itemp_v = 0 !volatile id
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !volatile group
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem= 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp) )
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: ) !
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars !
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars !
+ integer :: fc, c
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) = 32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) = 8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) = 0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x) = 0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) = 6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.837e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.713e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.532e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.399e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.808e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, &
+ dtime, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars,nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp !
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars !
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars !
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars !
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars !
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars !
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ character(len=*) , parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ end subroutine calc_bgc_reaction
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine do_tracer_equilibration(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! requilibrate tracers that has solid and mobile phases
+ ! using the theory of mass action.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'do_tracer_equilibration'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !depending on the simulation type, an implementation of aqueous chemistry will be
+ !employed to separate out the adsorbed phase
+ !It should be noted that this formulation excludes the use of linear isotherm, which
+ !can be integrated through the retardation factor
+ end subroutine do_tracer_equilibration
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, waterstate_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! do cold initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval, ispval
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ !
+ integer :: p, c, l, k, j
+ integer :: fc ! filter_soilc index
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: begg, endg
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ begg = bounds%begg; endg= bounds%endg
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:, :) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readParams(this, ncid, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! read in module specific parameters
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ !do nothing here
+ end subroutine readParams
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do flux and state variable change between betr and alm.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars !
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ ! initialize the bgc coupling between betr and alm
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_mock_run_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars !
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+end module BGCReactionsMockRunType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b258dc973ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/BGCReactionsMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+module BGCReactionsMod
+ !
+ ! template for doing bgc reaction in betr
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: bgc_reaction_type
+ type, abstract :: bgc_reaction_type
+ private
+ contains
+ !initialize betr bgc
+ procedure(Init_betrbgc_interface) , deferred :: Init_betrbgc
+ !doing bgc reaction
+ procedure(calc_bgc_reaction_interface) , deferred :: calc_bgc_reaction
+ !set boundary condition for related tracer transport
+ procedure(set_boundary_conditions_interface) , deferred :: set_boundary_conditions
+ procedure(init_boundary_condition_type_interface) , deferred :: init_boundary_condition_type
+ !do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure(do_tracer_equilibration_interface ) , deferred :: do_tracer_equilibration
+ !do cold initialization of different tracers
+ procedure(initCold_interface) , deferred :: initCold
+ !read in implementation specific parameters
+ procedure(readParams_interface) , deferred :: readParams
+ !send back state flux variables to other parts of alm
+ procedure(betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback_interface) , deferred :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !initialize betr state variable from other bgc components in alm
+ procedure(init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler_interface) , deferred :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ end type bgc_reaction_type
+ abstract interface
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc_interface(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for init_betrbgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRtracer_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ !
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc_interface
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction_interface(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp,filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for calc_bgc_reaction
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:)
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops( : ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !total nitrogen yield to plant
+ end subroutine calc_bgc_reaction_interface
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions_interface(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, &
+ betrtracer_vars, waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ ! template for set_boundary_conditions
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top( : ) !
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars !
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars !
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions_interface
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type_interface(this, bounds, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! template for init_boundary_condition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type_interface
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine do_tracer_equilibration_interface(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for do_tracer_equilibration
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops( : ) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ end subroutine do_tracer_equilibration_interface
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold_interface(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, waterstate_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for InitCold
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ end subroutine InitCold_interface
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readParams_interface(this, ncid, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for readParams
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ end subroutine readParams_interface
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback_interface(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ ! template for betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ ! !USES:
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars !
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback_interface
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler_interface(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! template for init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ ! !USES:
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ !
+ import :: bgc_reaction_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler_interface
+ end interface
+end module BGCReactionsMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/BetrBGCMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/BetrBGCMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b48593a419f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/BetrBGCMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1801 @@
+module BetrBGCMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! subroutines for betr application
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
+ implicit none
+ private
+ integer, parameter :: do_diffusion = 1 ! do diffusive transport
+ integer, parameter :: do_advection = 2 ! do advective transport, aquesou phase only
+ real(r8), parameter :: tiny_val = 1.e-20_r8 !very small value, for tracer concentration etc.
+ real(r8), parameter :: dtime_min = 1._r8 !minimum time step 1 second
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_tol_transp = 1.e-8_r8 !error tolerance for tracer transport
+ public :: run_betr_one_step_without_drainage
+ public :: run_betr_one_step_with_drainage
+ public :: betrBGC_init
+ public :: calc_dew_sub_flux
+ subroutine betrbgc_init(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize local variables
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'betrbgc_init'
+ end subroutine betrbgc_init
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine run_betr_one_step_without_drainage(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, col , &
+ atm2lnd_vars, soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, waterflux_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, canopystate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars,nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, bgc_reaction, tracerboundarycond_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! run betr code one time step forward, without drainage calculation
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_cn
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : TracerBoundaryCond_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use TracerParamsMod , only : set_phase_convert_coeff, set_multi_phase_diffusion, calc_tracer_infiltration
+ use TracerParamsMod , only : get_zwt, calc_aerecond, betr_annualupdate
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use ColumnType , only : column_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use atm2lndType , only : atm2lnd_type
+ use SoilHydrologyType , only : soilhydrology_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType , only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(column_type) , intent(in) :: col ! column type
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars ! column physics variable
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: bgc_reaction
+ type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_vars
+ type(soilhydrology_type) , intent(in) :: soilhydrology_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'run_betr_one_step_without_drainage'
+ real(r8) :: dtime2, dtime
+ real(r8) :: Rfactor(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj,1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers) !retardation factor
+ integer :: j
+ integer :: jwt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ !initialize extra parameters
+ dtime2 = dtime * 0.5_r8
+ !set up jtops
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col(:)=1
+ if(use_cn)then
+ !update npp for aerenchyma calculation
+ call betr_annualupdate(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ endif
+ !obtain water table depth
+ call get_zwt (bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ col%zi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 0:nlevsoi), &
+ soilstate_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars, &
+ temperature_vars, &
+ soilhydrology_vars%zwts_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ jwt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ !calculate arenchyma conductance
+ call calc_aerecond(bounds, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ jwt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ soilstate_vars%rootfr_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp, 1:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, &
+ carbonstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars)
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)=7._r8
+ call set_phase_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ soilstate_vars=soilstate_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars=waterstate_vars, &
+ temperature_vars=temperature_vars, &
+ chemstate_vars=chemstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars=tracercoeff_vars)
+ call set_multi_phase_diffusion(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ soilstate_vars=soilstate_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars=waterstate_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars=canopystate_vars, &
+ temperature_vars=temperature_vars, &
+ chemstate_vars=chemstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars , &
+ tracercoeff_vars=tracercoeff_vars)
+ call bgc_reaction%set_boundary_conditions(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1), &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ call calc_tracer_infiltration(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ tracercoeff_vars%bunsencef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, &
+ 1, &
+ 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups), &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_infl_col)
+ call set_gwdif_Rfactor(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ Rfactor)
+ !calculate flux from merging topsoil with surface ponding water and snow
+ call calc_tracer_h2osfc_snow_residual_combine(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars)
+ ! do tracer wash with surface runoff
+ call calc_tracer_surface_runoff(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ soilhydrology_vars%fracice_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj), &
+ waterstate_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars)
+ call bgc_reaction%calc_bgc_reaction(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars, &
+ temperature_vars, &
+ soilstate_vars, &
+ chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, &
+ carbonstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ call tracer_gw_transport(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ Rfactor, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ col%zi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj-1:ubj), &
+ waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ (/do_advection, do_diffusion/), &
+ dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ bgc_reaction, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars)
+ call tracer_solid_transport(bounds, 1, ubj, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ dtime, &
+ tracercoeff_vars%hmconductance_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj-1, : ), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj), &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars)
+ call calc_ebullition(bounds, 1, ubj, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ atm2lnd_vars%forc_pbot_downscaled_col, &
+ col%zi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 0:ubj), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj), &
+ dtime, &
+ soilhydrology_vars%fracice_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj), &
+ soilhydrology_vars%zwts_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_ebu_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers))
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ !update nitrogen storage pool
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%summary(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x))
+ endif
+ end subroutine run_betr_one_step_without_drainage
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tracer_solid_transport(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dtime, hmconductance_col, dz, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ !
+ ! do solid phase tracer transport, due to various turbation processes,
+ ! which are parameterized as diffusion
+ ! the surface flux of solid tracer is zero
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstateType , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerboundarycondtype , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use TransportMod , only : DiffusTransp
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: hmconductance_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) !weighted bulk conductance
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type), intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ integer :: kk, j, fc, c, l, ntrcs, trcid, k
+ real(r8) :: dtime_loc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) :: time_remain(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ integer :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ logical :: update_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ logical :: lnegative_tracer
+ logical :: lexit_loop
+ integer, allocatable :: difs_trc_group(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: dtracer(:, :, :)
+ real(r8), pointer :: err_tracer(:, :)
+ real(r8), pointer :: local_source(:, :, :)
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_min_solid=1.e-12_r8
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'tracer_solid_transport'
+ associate(&
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , &
+ nmem_max => betrtracer_vars%nmem_max , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , &
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col , & !
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col &
+ )
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1, betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ allocate (difs_trc_group (nmem_max ))
+ allocate (dtracer (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (err_tracer (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (local_source (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,nmem_max ))
+ jtops(:) =1
+ local_source(:,:,:) = 0._r8
+ do j = betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1, betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups
+ ntrcs = 0
+ difs_trc_group(:) = 0
+ do k = 1, nmem_max
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j, k)-ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(trcid>0)then
+ if(is_mobile(tracer_group_memid(j, k)))then
+ ntrcs = ntrcs + 1
+ difs_trc_group(ntrcs) = trcid
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if (ntrcs==0) cycle
+ !adaptive time stepping for solid phase transport
+ kk = j - betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ dtime_loc(c) = dtime
+ time_remain(c) =dtime
+ update_col(c) = .true.
+ enddo
+ do
+ !do diffusive transport
+ call DiffusTransp(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, ntrcs, &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(:,:,difs_trc_group(1:ntrcs)), &
+ hmconductance_col(:,:,j), &
+ dtime_loc, &
+ dz, &
+ source=local_source(:,:,1:ntrcs), &
+ update_col=update_col, &
+ dtracer=dtracer(:,:,1:ntrcs))
+ !do tracer update
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ !do negative tracer screening
+ lnegative_tracer = .false.
+ !loop through layers
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ trcid = difs_trc_group(k)
+ do l = jtops(c), ubj
+ if(tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,l,trcid)<-dtracer(c,l,k))then
+ !if the tracer update is very tinty, then set it to zero
+ if(abs(dtracer(c,l,k))=err_min_solid)then
+ call endrun('mass balance error for tracer '//tracernames(trcid)//' in '//trim(subname))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !if negative tracer concentration is found, go to the next column
+ if(lnegative_tracer)cycle
+ !when everything is OK, update the remaining time to be evolved.
+ time_remain(c) = time_remain(c)-dtime_loc(c)
+ dtime_loc(c) = max(dtime_loc(c),dtime_min)
+ dtime_loc(c) = min(dtime_loc(c), time_remain(c))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !test for loop exit
+ lexit_loop=exit_loop_by_threshold(bounds%begc, bounds%endc, time_remain, &
+ dtime_min, num_soilc, filter_soilc, update_col)
+ if(lexit_loop)exit
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(difs_trc_group)
+ deallocate(dtracer)
+ deallocate(err_tracer)
+ deallocate(local_source)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine tracer_solid_transport
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tracer_gw_transport(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, Rfactor, &
+ dz, zi, h2osoi_liqvol, transp_pathway, dtime, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, waterflux_vars, bgc_reaction, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, waterstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! do dual-phase (gas+aqueous) vertical tracer transport
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstateType , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracerboundarycondtype , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use tracerfluxtype , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: zi(bounds%begc: ,lbj-1: ) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_liqvol(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: Rfactor(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ,1: ) !rfactor for dual diffusive transport
+ integer , intent(in) :: transp_pathway(2) !the pathway vector
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime !model time step
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ class(bgc_reaction_type) , intent(in) :: bgc_reaction
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ integer :: kk
+ integer :: jtops0(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'tracer_gw_transport'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(zi) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_liqvol) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(Rfactor) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !
+ !Exclude solid phase tracers, by doing tracer equilibration
+ !This is equivalent to do aqueous chemistry without biological production/consumption
+ !The reason for doing this is to account for change in phase
+ !partitioning due to change in hydrological status.
+ call bgc_reaction%do_tracer_equilibration(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ jtops, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !do diffusive and advective transport, assuming aqueous and gaseous phase are in equilbrium
+ do kk = 1 , 2
+ if (transp_pathway(kk) == do_diffusion) then
+ call do_tracer_gw_diffusion(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ jtops, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, &
+ Rfactor, &
+ tracercoeff_vars%hmconductance_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj-1, : ), &
+ dz, &
+ dtime, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars)
+ elseif (transp_pathway(kk) == do_advection)then
+ jtops0(:) = 1
+ call do_tracer_advection(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ jtops0, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, &
+ dz, &
+ zi, &
+ dtime, &
+ h2osoi_liqvol, &
+ waterflux_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine tracer_gw_transport
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine do_tracer_advection(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, dz, zi, dtime, h2osoi_liqvol, waterflux_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do aqueous advection for dissolved tracers, the advection of gasesous phase is done through pressure
+ ! adjustment for ebullition
+ ! the aquesou advection is formulated as
+ ! \frac{\partial{p(vsm*C_aq)}}{\partial t} = - \frac{\partial u*C_aq}{\partial z} + S_{root vs soil}
+ !
+ ! now the code transport tracers by groups specified by phase conversion coefficients
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstateType , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracerfluxtype , only : tracerflux_type
+ use TracerCoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use TransportMod , only : semi_lagrange_adv_backward
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: )
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: ,lbj: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: zi(bounds%begc: ,lbj-1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_liqvol(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime !model time step
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ logical :: update_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) :: time_remain(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) :: dtime_loc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) :: denum, num
+ real(r8) :: qflx_adv_local(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj-1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: qflx_rootsoi_local(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) !
+ integer, allocatable :: adv_trc_group( : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: err_tracer( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: transp_mass( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: leaching_mass( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: inflx_top( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: inflx_bot( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: dmass( : , : )
+ real(r8), pointer :: trc_conc_out(:,:,:)
+ logical :: halfdt_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) :: err_relative
+ real(r8) :: c_courant
+ integer :: num_loops !number of loops as determined by the courant number condition
+ logical :: lexit_loop
+ integer :: c, fc, j, l, k, ntrcs, trcid,kk
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracers
+ logical :: lshock
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_relative_threshold=1.e-2_r8 !relative error threshold
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_adv_min=1.e-10_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: loc_eps = 1.e-8_r8 !smoothing factor to avoid advection velocity spikes, dimension less
+ real(r8) :: mass0
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'do_tracer_advection'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_liqvol) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(zi) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate(&
+ qflx_adv => waterflux_vars%qflx_adv_col , & !real(r8) (:,:)[intent(in)], advective velocity defined at layer interfatemperature_vars
+ qflx_rootsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_rootsoi_col , & !real(r8) (:,:)[intent(in)], water flux between plant and soil at different layers
+ is_advective => betrtracer_vars%is_advective , & !logical(:) [intent(in)], indicator whether the tracer undergoes advection
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !logical(:) [intent(in)], indicator whether the tracer is h2o
+ vtrans_scal => betrtracer_vars%vtrans_scal , & !real(r8) (:) [intent(in)], transport scalar for tracer exchaning between root and soil
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !integer [intent(in)], number of mobile tracers undergoing dual phase transport
+ nmem_max => betrtracer_vars%nmem_max , & !
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , & !
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_leaching => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_leaching_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_vtrans => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_vtrans_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_infl => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_infl_col & !
+ )
+ !allocate memories
+ allocate (adv_trc_group (nmem_max ))
+ allocate (err_tracer (bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,nmem_max ))
+ allocate (transp_mass (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (leaching_mass (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (inflx_top (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (inflx_bot (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (dmass (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,nmem_max ))
+ allocate (trc_conc_out (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj, 1:nmem_max ))
+ !initialize local variables
+ update_col (:) = .true.
+ time_remain (:) = 0._r8
+ dtime_loc (:) = 0._r8
+ !loop over all tracers
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ ntrcs = 0
+ adv_trc_group(:) = 0
+ do k = 1, nmem_max
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j,k)
+ if(trcid>0)then
+ if(is_mobile(trcid) .and. is_advective(trcid)) then
+ ntrcs = ntrcs + 1
+ adv_trc_group(ntrcs) = trcid
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(ntrcs==0)cycle
+ !convert bulk mobile phase into aqueous phase
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ inflx_top(c, k) = tracer_flx_infl(c,adv_trc_group(k))
+ !set to 0 to ensure outgoing boundary condition is imposed, this may not be correct for water isotopes
+ inflx_bot(c,k) = 0._r8
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !obtain advective velocity for the tracer group
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ qflx_adv_local(c,jtops(c)-1) = safe_div(qflx_adv(c,jtops(c)-1),aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,jtops(c),j),eps=loc_eps)
+ do l = jtops(c), ubj
+ qflx_adv_local(c,l) = safe_div(qflx_adv(c,l),aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,l,j),eps=loc_eps)
+ qflx_rootsoi_local(c,l) = safe_div(qflx_rootsoi(c,l),aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,l,j),eps=loc_eps)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !dertmine the local advection time step based on the existence of convergence grid cell, i.e.
+ ! grid cells with ul * ur < 0
+ ! note qflx_adv(c,jtops(c)-1) is defined with infiltration
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ dtime_loc(c)=dtime !local advective time step
+ !initialize the time keeper and make sure all columns are updated initially
+ update_col(c)=.true.
+ time_remain(c) = dtime
+ enddo
+ do
+ !zero leaching flux, leaching is outgoing only.
+ leaching_mass=0._r8
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ trcid = adv_trc_group(k)
+ dmass(c, k) = dot_sum(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, jtops(c):ubj, trcid), dz(c, jtops(c):ubj))
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ ! do semi-lagrangian tracer transport
+ call semi_lagrange_adv_backward(bounds, lbj, ubj, &
+ jtops, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ ntrcs, &
+ dtime_loc, &
+ dz, &
+ zi, &
+ qflx_adv_local(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj-1:ubj), &
+ inflx_top(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ntrcs), &
+ inflx_bot(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ntrcs), &
+ update_col, &
+ halfdt_col, &
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj,adv_trc_group(1:ntrcs)), &
+ trc_conc_out(:,:,1:ntrcs), &
+ leaching_mass(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ntrcs))
+ !do soil-root tracer exchange
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ trcid = adv_trc_group(k)
+ do l = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(update_col(c) .and. (.not. halfdt_col(c)) .and. l>=jtops(c))then
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,l,trcid)=trc_conc_out(c,l,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ transp_mass(:,k) = 0._r8
+ if(vtrans_scal(trcid)>0._r8)then
+ call calc_root_uptake_as_perfect_sink(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, &
+ dtime_loc, &
+ dz, &
+ qflx_rootsoi_local, &
+ update_col, &
+ halfdt_col, &
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj,trcid), &
+ transp_mass(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, k))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !do error budget and tracer flux update
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ trcid = adv_trc_group(k)
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(update_col(c) .and. (.not. halfdt_col(c)))then
+ mass0 = dmass(c, k)
+ dmass(c, k) = dot_sum(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,jtops(c):ubj,trcid), dz(c,jtops(c):ubj))- dmass(c, k)
+ err_tracer(c, k) = dmass(c, k) - inflx_top(c,k) * dtime_loc(c) + leaching_mass(c,k) + transp_mass(c, k)
+ if(abs(err_tracer(c,k)) betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , & !
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , & !
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , & !
+ nmem_max => betrtracer_vars%nmem_max , & !
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !
+ tracer_flx_dif => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_dif_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col , & !
+ tracer_gwdif_concflux_top=> ttracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col , & !
+ condc_toplay => ttracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col , & !
+ topbc_type => ttracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type , & !
+ bot_concflux => ttracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col , & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col &
+ )
+ allocate (err_tracer (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (diff_surf (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (dtracer (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (dmass (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (local_source (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj, nmem_max ))
+ allocate (dif_trc_group (nmem_max ))
+ update_col(:) = .true.
+ time_remain(:) = 0._r8
+ dtime_loc(:) = 0._r8
+ local_source(:,:,:) = 0._r8
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ !assemable the tracer group for diffusion
+ ntrcs = 0
+ dif_trc_group(:) = 0
+ do k = 1, nmem_max
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j,k)
+ if(trcid>0)then
+ if(is_mobile(trcid)) then
+ ntrcs = ntrcs + 1
+ dif_trc_group(ntrcs) = trcid
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(ntrcs==0)cycle
+ !initialize the time keeper
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ time_remain(c) = dtime
+ dtime_loc(c) = dtime
+ update_col(c) = .true.
+ enddo
+ !Do adpative time stepping to avoid negative tracer
+ do
+ call DiffusTransp(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, &
+ num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, ntrcs, &
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col( : , : ,dif_trc_group(1:ntrcs)), Rfactor( : , : ,j), &
+ hmconductance_col( : , : ,j), dtime_loc, dz, local_source(:,:, 1:ntrcs), &
+ tracer_gwdif_concflux_top( : , : ,dif_trc_group(1:ntrcs)), &
+ condc_toplay( : ,j), &
+ topbc_type(j), &
+ bot_concflux( : , : ,dif_trc_group(1:ntrcs)), &
+ update_col, &
+ dtracer(:,:,1:ntrcs))
+ !do tracer update
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !update the column
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ !do negative tracer screening
+ lnegative_tracer = .false.
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ trcid = dif_trc_group(k)
+ !loop through all layers
+ do l = jtops(c), ubj
+ if(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,l,trcid)<-dtracer(c,l,k))then
+ !if the tracer update is very tinty, then set it to zero
+ if(abs(dtracer(c,l,k)) betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , & !
+ gas2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col , & !
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col & !
+ )
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ do k = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(k,1)
+ if(is_volatile(trcid))then
+ kk = volatilegroupid(trcid)
+ Rfactor(c,j, k) = gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,j,kk)
+ else
+ Rfactor(c,j, k) = aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,j,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_gwdif_Rfactor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_ebullition(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ forc_psrf, zi, dz, dtime, fracice, zwt, betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracer_flx_ebu_col)
+ !
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : grav, denh2o, oneatm
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(bounds%begc: , lbj-1: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: forc_psrf(bounds%begc: ) ! atmospheric pressure, [Pa]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fracice(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! fraction of ice in the soil layer, 0-1
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: zwt(bounds%begc: ) ! water table depth [m]
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! tracer info data structure
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars ! tracer phase conversion coefficients
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: tracer_flx_ebu_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers) ! tracer ebullition
+ real(r8), parameter :: icefrac_sealed=0.99_r8 !set the sealing up ice fraction
+ real(r8) :: bubble_flux(betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers) !bubble flux, mol/m2/s
+ real(r8) :: press_hydro
+ real(r8) :: n2_pressure
+ real(r8) :: o2_pressure
+ real(r8) :: ar_pressure
+ real(r8) :: co2_pressure
+ real(r8) :: ch4_pressure
+ real(r8) :: total_pressure
+ real(r8) :: frac
+ integer :: vid
+ integer :: fc, c, j, kk
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(forc_psrf) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(fracice) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(zi) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(zwt) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col, &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col, &
+ henrycef_col => tracercoeff_vars%henrycef_col , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid , &
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ nvolatile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers , &
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , &
+ id_trc_n2 => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 , &
+ id_trc_o2 => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 , &
+ id_trc_ar => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar , &
+ id_trc_ch4 => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 , &
+ id_trc_co2x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x &
+ )
+ if (.not. all(is_mobile((/id_trc_n2,id_trc_o2,id_trc_ar,id_trc_ch4,id_trc_co2x/)))) return
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !initialize bubble flux to zero
+ tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ !do not do anything if the soil is ice sealed.
+ if(fracice(c,1)>=icefrac_sealed)cycle
+ !initialize temporary bubble collecting vector
+ bubble_flux(:) = 0._r8
+ do j = ubj, 1, -1
+ !calculate the imposed atmospheric pressure plus hydrostatic pressure from water
+ press_hydro= max(zwt(c)-zi(c,j-1),0._r8)*denh2o*grav + forc_psrf(c)
+ !convert Pa into atm
+ press_hydro=press_hydro/oneatm
+ !calculate the total gas pressure
+ n2_pressure=calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,id_trc_n2), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(id_trc_n2)), &
+ henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(id_trc_n2)))
+ o2_pressure=calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,id_trc_o2), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(id_trc_o2)), &
+ henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(id_trc_o2)))
+ ar_pressure=calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,id_trc_ar), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(id_trc_ar)), &
+ henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(id_trc_ar)))
+ co2_pressure=calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,id_trc_co2x), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(id_trc_co2x)), &
+ henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(id_trc_co2x)))
+ ch4_pressure=calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,id_trc_ch4), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(id_trc_ch4)), &
+ henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(id_trc_ch4)))
+ total_pressure=n2_pressure+o2_pressure+ar_pressure+co2_pressure+ch4_pressure
+ if(total_pressure>press_hydro)then
+ !ebullition occurs
+ !calculate the fraction of gas to be released as bubble
+ frac=(total_pressure-press_hydro)/total_pressure
+ !note because there exisiting a relationship gas_conc*gas2bulkcef=bulk_con
+ !a fraction of amount frac will be released as bubbles to move upward
+ do kk = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(is_volatile(kk) .and. (.not. is_h2o(kk)))then
+ vid = volatileid(kk)
+ !the upward moving bubble flux
+ bubble_flux(vid) = tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,kk)*frac*dz(c,j)
+ !the readjusted tracer concentration
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,kk) = tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,kk)*(1._r8-frac)
+ !add the bubbles to next layer above
+ if(j>1)then
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j-1,kk) = tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j-1,kk) + bubble_flux(vid)/dz(c,j-1)
+ bubble_flux(vid) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do kk = 1, nvolatile_tracers
+ !+ into the atmosphere
+ tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,kk) = bubble_flux(kk)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_ebullition
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc, aqu2bulkcef, henrycef) result(pres_atm)
+ !
+ ! Calculate gas pressure using given conditions
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: tracer_conc !tracer concentrations [mol/m3]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: aqu2bulkcef !conversion parameter between aqueous and bulk tracer concentrations
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: henrycef !henry's law constant
+ real(r8) :: aqucon
+ real(r8) :: pres_atm !gas pressure [atm]
+ !compuate aqueous concentration, mol/m3
+ aqucon = tracer_conc / aqu2bulkcef
+ !compuate partial pressure, atm
+ pres_atm = aqucon * 1.e-3_r8 / henrycef
+ end function calc_gas_pressure
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_root_uptake_as_perfect_sink(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ dtime_loc, dz, qflx_rootsoi, &
+ update_col, halfdt_col, tracer_conc, transp_mass)
+ !
+ ! calculate plant aqueous tracer uptake through transpiration into xylem
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! layer thickness
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime_loc(bounds%begc: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: qflx_rootsoi(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ logical, intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! logical switch for active col update
+ logical, intent(in) :: halfdt_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: tracer_conc(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! incoming tracer concentration
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: transp_mass(bounds%begc: )
+ real(r8) :: tracer_conc_new
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime_loc) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tracer_conc) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(qflx_rootsoi) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(transp_mass) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ transp_mass(:) = 0._r8
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(update_col(c) .and. (.not. halfdt_col(c)))then
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ tracer_conc_new = tracer_conc(c,j) * exp(-max(qflx_rootsoi(c,j),0._r8)*dtime_loc(c))
+ transp_mass(c) = transp_mass(c) + (tracer_conc(c,j)-tracer_conc_new)*dz(c,j)
+ tracer_conc(c,j) = tracer_conc_new
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_root_uptake_as_perfect_sink
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine run_betr_one_step_with_drainage(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ jtops, qflx_drain_vr, col, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do tracer update due to drainage
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use ColumnType , only : column_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: qflx_drain_vr(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !
+ type(column_type), intent(in) :: col ! column type
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars ! tracer phase conversion coefficients
+ type(tracerflux_type), intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ real(r8) :: aqucon
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(qflx_drain_vr) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( & !
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !
+ is_advective => betrtracer_vars%is_advective , & !
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col , & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , & !
+ dz => col%dz , & !
+ tracer_flx_drain => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_drain_col & !
+ )
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ do k = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ !obtain aqueous concentration
+ if(.not. is_advective(k))cycle
+ aqucon = safe_div(tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k),aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,j,groupid(k)))
+ if(.not. is_h2o(k))then
+ tracer_flx_drain(c,k) = tracer_flx_drain(c,k) + aqucon * max(qflx_drain_vr(c,j),0._r8)
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k) - aqucon * max(qflx_drain_vr(c,j),0._r8)/dz(c,j)
+ if(tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k)<0._r8)then
+ tracer_flx_drain(c,k) = tracer_flx_drain(c,k)+tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k)*dz(c,j)
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k)=0._r8
+ endif
+ else
+ !when drainage is negative, this could result in mass balance problem
+ tracer_flx_drain(c,k) = tracer_flx_drain(c,k) + aqucon * max(qflx_drain_vr(c,j),0._r8)
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,k) - aqucon * max(qflx_drain_vr(c,j),0._r8)/dz(c,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !diagnose gas pressure
+ call diagnose_gas_pressure(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine run_betr_one_step_with_drainage
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_tracer_surface_runoff(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ fracice_top, dz_top2, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! calculate tracer loss through surface water runoff
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fracice_top(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! ice fraction of topsoil
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz_top2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj) ! node depth of the first 2 soil layers
+ type(Waterstate_Type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(waterflux_type), intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars ! tracer phase conversion coefficients
+ type(tracerflux_type), intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars ! tracer flux
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: scal
+ real(r8) :: fracc(2)
+ real(r8) :: h2o_srun ! total amount of water lost as surface runoff
+ real(r8) :: trc_srun !
+ real(r8) :: dloss
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ real(r8) :: total
+ real(r8) :: frac1
+ real(r8) :: dtmp
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid , & !
+ is_advective => betrtracer_vars%is_advective , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !Input [logical (:)] indicator whether it is a H2O tracer
+ h2osoi_liqvol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col , & !
+ qflx_surf => waterflux_vars%qflx_surf_col , & !Input [real(r8) (:)] surface runoff [mm H2O/s]
+ tracer_conc_surfwater => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col , & !Inout [real(r8) (:,:)] tracer concentration in surface water
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , & !
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_surfrun => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_surfrun_col & !Output[real(r8) (:,:)] tracer loss through surface runoff
+ )
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !it is assumed the surface runoff water mixes perfectly with that of the first two soil nodes, so that a proportion goes off with surface runoff
+ !Obtain the total volume
+ if(qflx_surf(c)==0._r8)cycle
+ !volume of water coming from surface runoff
+ h2o_srun = qflx_surf(c) * dtime / denh2o
+ !total volume of water
+ total = h2o_srun+ h2osoi_liqvol(c,1) * dz_top2(c,1) + h2osoi_liqvol(c,2) * dz_top2(c,2) * (1._r8-fracice_top(c))
+ !fraction lost through liquid water surface runoff
+ frac1 = h2o_srun/total
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(.not. is_advective(j))cycle
+ !Do not do this for water tracer, maybe I can do it.
+ if(is_h2o(j))cycle
+ tracer_conc_surfwater(c,j) = 0._r8 !at this moment it is set to zero, however, when tracer is tracked in snow, it should be non-zero
+ trc_srun = tracer_conc_surfwater(c,j) * h2o_srun !total tracer mass in runoff water before mixing
+ total = trc_srun
+ do k = 1, 2
+ if(k==1)then
+ scal = 1._r8
+ else
+ scal=1._r8-fracice_top(c) !reduce the water flush due to ice forst in layer 1
+ endif
+ fracc(k) = safe_div(tracer_conc_mobile(c,k,j), aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,k,groupid(j))) * h2osoi_liqvol(c,k) * dz_top2(c,k) * scal
+ total = total + fracc(k) !total mass
+ enddo
+ !assume perfect mix and obtain the net loss through surface runoff
+ dloss = total * frac1
+ !total export through runoff
+ tracer_flx_surfrun(c,j) = dloss
+ !increase of tracer in the surface runoff
+ dloss = dloss - trc_srun
+ dtmp = fracc(1)+fracc(2)
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) - dloss*safe_div(fracc(1),dtmp)/dz_top2(c,1)
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,2,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,2,j) - dloss*safe_div(fracc(2),dtmp)/dz_top2(c,2)
+ tracer_conc_surfwater(c,j) = tracer_flx_surfrun(c,j)/h2o_srun !revise the tracer concentration in runoff
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_tracer_surface_runoff
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_dew_sub_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_soilc_hydrologyc, &
+ waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! calculate water flux from dew formation, and sublimation
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o,spval
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_hydrologyc ! number of column soil points in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc_hydrologyc(:) ! column filter_soilc for soil points
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars ! tracer flux
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ integer :: fc, c, j, l
+ associate( & !
+ snl => col%snl , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of snow layers
+ dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m)
+ h2osoi_ice => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice lens (kg/m2)
+ frac_h2osfc => waterstate_vars%frac_h2osfc_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ qflx_dew_grnd => waterflux_vars%qflx_dew_grnd_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface dew formation (mm H2O /s) [+]
+ qflx_dew_snow => waterflux_vars%qflx_dew_snow_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] surface dew added to snow pack (mm H2O /s
+ qflx_sub_snow => waterflux_vars%qflx_sub_snow_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] sublimation rate from snow pack (mm H2O /s)
+ tracer_flx_dew_grnd=> tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_dew_snow=> tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_sub_snow=> tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col , & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , &
+ clandunit => col%landunit , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] columns's landunit
+ ltype => lun%itype , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] landunit type
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers &
+ )
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ !now only do water isotope tracer
+ if(.not. is_h2o(j))cycle
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_soilc_hydrologyc(fc)
+ l = clandunit(c)
+ if (ltype(l)/=istsoil .and. ltype(l)/=istcrop)cycle
+ if(snl(c)+1>=1)then
+ tracer_flx_dew_grnd(c, j) = (1._r8 - frac_h2osfc(c))*qflx_dew_grnd(c) * dtime/denh2o
+ tracer_flx_dew_snow(c, j) = (1._r8 - frac_h2osfc(c))*qflx_dew_snow(c) * dtime/denh2o
+ if(h2osoi_ice(c,1)==0._r8)then
+ tracer_flx_sub_snow(c, j) = qflx_sub_snow(c) * dtime/denh2o
+ else
+ tracer_flx_sub_snow(c, j) = (1._r8 - frac_h2osfc(c)) * qflx_sub_snow(c) * dtime/denh2o
+ endif
+ else
+ tracer_flx_dew_grnd(c, j) = 0._r8
+ tracer_flx_dew_snow(c, j) = 0._r8
+ tracer_flx_sub_snow(c, j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !apply those fluxes
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_soilc_hydrologyc(fc)
+ l = clandunit(c)
+ if (ltype(l)/=istsoil .and. ltype(l)/=istcrop)cycle
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) + (tracer_flx_dew_grnd(c, j)+tracer_flx_dew_snow(c, j)-tracer_flx_sub_snow(c,j))/dz(c,1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_dew_sub_flux
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_tracer_h2osfc_snow_residual_combine(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ waterflux_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! apply tracer flux from combining residual snow and ponding water
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of column soil points in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc for soil points
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars ! tracer flux
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ associate( & !
+ dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m)
+ qflx_snow2topsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_snow2topsoi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface dew formation (mm H2O /s) [+]
+ qflx_h2osfc2topsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] surface dew added to snow pack (mm H2O /s
+ tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col, & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , & !
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , & !
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers & !
+ )
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(.not. is_h2o(j))cycle
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual(c,j) = (qflx_snow2topsoi(c) + qflx_h2osfc2topsoi(c))*dtime/denh2o
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,1,j) + tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual(c,j) /dz(c,1)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_tracer_h2osfc_snow_residual_combine
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine diagnose_gas_pressure(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! diagnose gas pressure
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! tracer info data structure
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars ! tracer phase conversion coefficients
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ integer :: j, fc, c, jj
+ real(r8) :: total_pres
+ associate( &
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col, &
+ tracer_P_gas_frac_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_P_gas_frac_col , &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col, &
+ henrycef_col => tracercoeff_vars%henrycef_col , &
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ is_isotope => betrtracer_vars%is_isotope , &
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ !calculate the total gas pressure
+ total_pres=0._r8
+ do jj = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(is_volatile(jj) .and. (.not. is_h2o(jj)) .and. (.not. is_isotope(jj)))then
+ tracer_P_gas_frac_col(c,j, volatileid(jj)) = calc_gas_pressure(tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,j,jj), &
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,groupid(jj)), henrycef_col(c, j, volatilegroupid(jj)))
+ total_pres=total_pres + tracer_P_gas_frac_col(c,j, volatileid(jj))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do jj = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(is_volatile(jj) .and. (.not. is_h2o(jj)) .and. (.not. is_isotope(jj)))then
+ tracer_P_gas_frac_col(c,j, volatileid(jj)) = safe_div(tracer_P_gas_frac_col(c,j, volatileid(jj)),total_pres)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine diagnose_gas_pressure
+end module BetrBGCMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/PlantSoilnutrientFluxType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/PlantSoilnutrientFluxType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..126e62d4cb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/PlantSoilnutrientFluxType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+module PlantSoilnutrientFluxType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ ! data structure for above/below ground nutrient coupling.
+ ! The vision is beyond nitrogen, which probably extends to P, S and ect.
+ ! This is part of BeTRbgc
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Jan 11, 2015
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval, ispval
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ type, public :: plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col (:) !column level mineral nitrogen yield from soil bgc calculation
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col (:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch (:) !patch level mineral nitrogen yeild from soil bgc calculation
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch (:) !patch level mineral nitrogen yeild from soil bgc calculation
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col (:, :) !layer specific active mineral nitrogen yield
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch (:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_uptake_potential_col (:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_uptake_potential_vr_patch (:,:) !plant mineral nitrogen uptake potential for each layer
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_minn_uptake_potential_vr_col (:,:) !plant mineral nitrogen uptake potential for each layer
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_totn_demand_flx_col (:) !column level total nitrogen demand, g N/m2/s
+ real(r8), pointer :: fppnd_col (:) !fraction of fufilled nitrogen demand
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_frootsc_vr_col (:,:) !fine root for nutrient uptake
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_frootsc_col (:) !fine root for nutrient uptake
+ contains
+ procedure , public :: Init
+ procedure , public :: SetValues
+ procedure , public :: summary
+ procedure , public :: calc_nutrient_uptake_potential
+ procedure , private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure , private :: InitHistory
+ procedure , private :: InitCold
+ end type plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ contains
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ !
+ ! initialize data type
+ !
+ class(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ call this%InitAllocate (bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ call this%InitHistory (bounds)
+ call this%InitCold (bounds)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ !
+ ! Initialize pft nitrogen flux
+ !
+ class (plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ !
+ integer :: begp,endp
+ integer :: begc,endc
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begp = bounds%begp; endp = bounds%endp
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc = bounds%endc
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch (begp:endp )) ; this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch (begp:endp )) ; this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch (begp:endp )) ; this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col (begc:endc )) ; this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%fppnd_col (begc:endc )) ; this%fppnd_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col (begc:endc )) ; this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col (begc:endc )) ; this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj )) ; this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col (begc:endc )) ; this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_frootsc_col (begc:endc )) ; this%plant_frootsc_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_frootsc_vr_col (begc:endc,lbj:ubj )) ; this%plant_frootsc_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! Initialize module data structure
+ !
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevgrnd, crop_prog, nlevtrc_soil
+ use histFileMod , only : hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d, hist_addfld_decomp
+ !
+ class(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: k,l
+ integer :: begp, endp
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ character(10) :: active
+ character(24) :: fieldname
+ character(100) :: longname
+ character(8) :: vr_suffix
+ real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr(:,:), data1dptr(:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begp = bounds%begp; endp= bounds%endp
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch(begp:endp) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANT_MINN_ACTIVE_YIELD_FLX_PATCH', units='gN/m^2/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen active uptake flux from soil', &
+ ptr_patch=this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch, default='inactive')
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch(begp:endp) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANT_MINN_PASSIVE_YIELD_FLX_PATCH', units='gN/m^2/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen passive uptake flux from soil', &
+ ptr_patch=this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch, default='inactive')
+ this%fppnd_col(begc:endc) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='FPPND', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='fulfilled plant nitrogen demand from mineral nitrogen uptake', &
+ ptr_col=this%fppnd_col)
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(begc:endc) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANT_MINN_ACTIVE_YIELD_FLX_COL', units='gN/m^2/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen active uptake flux from soil', &
+ ptr_col=this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col)
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(begc:endc) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANT_MINN_PASSIVE_YIELD_FLX_COL', units='gN/m^2/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen passive uptake flux from soil', &
+ ptr_col=this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col)
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname='PLANT_MINN_ACTIVE_YIELD_FLX_vr', units='gN/m^3/s', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen active_uptake flux from soil', &
+ ptr_col=this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col, default='inactive')
+ this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col(begc:endc) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANT_TOTN_DEMAND_FLX', units='gN/m^2/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen demand flux', &
+ ptr_col=this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col, default='inactive')
+ end subroutine InitHistory
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
+ num_patch, filter_patch, value_patch, &
+ num_column, filter_column, value_column)
+ !
+ ! Set nitrogen flux variables
+ !
+ class (plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_patch
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_patch(:)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: value_patch
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_column
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_column(:)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: value_column
+ !
+ integer :: fi,i,j,k,l ! loop index
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do fi = 1,num_patch
+ i=filter_patch(fi)
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_patch(i) = value_patch
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_patch(i) = value_patch
+ enddo
+ do fi = 1,num_column
+ i = filter_column(fi)
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(i) = value_column
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(i) = value_column
+ this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col(i) = value_column
+ this%fppnd_col(i) = value_column
+ enddo
+ end subroutine SetValues
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! Initializes time varying variables used only in coupled carbon-nitrogen mode (CN):
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : crop_prog
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ !
+ class(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: p,c,l
+ integer :: fp, fc ! filter indices
+ integer :: num_special_col ! number of good values in special_col filter
+ integer :: num_special_patch ! number of good values in special_patch filter
+ integer :: special_col(bounds%endc-bounds%begc+1) ! special landunit filter - columns
+ integer :: special_patch(bounds%endp-bounds%begp+1) ! special landunit filter - patches
+ ! Set column filters
+ num_special_col = 0
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ num_special_col = num_special_col + 1
+ special_col(num_special_col) = c
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! Set patch filters
+ num_special_patch = 0
+ do p = bounds%begp,bounds%endp
+ l = pft%landunit(p)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ num_special_patch = num_special_patch + 1
+ special_patch(num_special_patch) = p
+ end if
+ end do
+ call this%SetValues (&
+ num_patch=num_special_patch, filter_patch=special_patch, value_patch=0._r8, &
+ num_column=num_special_col, filter_column=special_col, value_column=0._r8)
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine summary(this, bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz, nh4_transp, no3_transp)
+ !
+ ! summarize state variables from different subpools/subfluxes
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw
+ class(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ubj
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: nh4_transp(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: no3_transp(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(c) =dot_sum(this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col(c,1:ubj),dz(c,1:ubj))/dtime
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(c) =(nh4_transp(c) + no3_transp(c))*natomw/dtime
+ if (this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(c)>0._r8) then
+ this%fppnd_col(c) = (this%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(c) + &
+ this%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(c))/this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(c)
+ else
+ this%fppnd_col(c) = 1._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine summary
+ subroutine calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, frootc_patch)
+ !
+ ! diagnose the vmax for nutrient uptake, with the vision to use ECA or something alike.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ !
+ class(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: frootc_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp)
+ real(r8) :: Vmax_minn = 1.e-6_r8 ! gN/gC/s
+ integer :: fp, p, fc, c
+ real(r8) :: nscal = 1._r8
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(frootc_patch) == (/bounds%endp/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !calculate root nitrogen uptake potential
+ !default approach
+ !
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(c) = this%plant_totn_demand_flx_col(c)*nscal
+ enddo
+ call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, frootc_patch, this%plant_frootsc_col)
+#if 0
+ !new approach
+ do fp = 1, num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ c = pft%column(p)
+ this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch(p) = Vmax_minn*max(frootc_patch(p),10._r8)
+ if(abs(grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c)))<20._r8)this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch(p) = this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch(p) * 1.e3_r8
+ enddo
+ ! now use the p2c routine to get the column-averaged plant_ndemand
+ call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ this%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+end subroutine calc_nutrient_uptake_potential
+end module PlantSoilnutrientFluxType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/SOMStateVarUpdateMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/SOMStateVarUpdateMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdd8ab8b5ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/SOMStateVarUpdateMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+module SOMStateVarUpdateMod
+ !
+ ! subroutines to update state variables of any
+ ! reaction based bgc module
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ public :: calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nx, ny, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates, dxdt)
+ !
+ ! return the temporal trend of the state variables
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cascade_matrix(1:nx,1:ny)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: reaction_rates(1:ny)
+ real(r8), intent(out):: dxdt(1:nx)
+ !intel mkl f90 interface
+ !call gemv(cascade_matrix, reaction_rates, dxdt, alpha=1._r8, beta=0._r8)
+ call dgemv('N', nx, ny, 1._r8, cascade_matrix, nx, reaction_rates, 1, 0._r8, dxdt, 1)
+ end subroutine calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+end module SOMStateVarUpdateMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/BeTRTracerType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/BeTRTracerType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5864451652b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/BeTRTracerType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+module BeTRTracerType
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! data type to configure betr simulations
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ !
+ implicit none
+ private
+ !----------------------------------------------------
+ !betr tracer setup structure
+ !----------------------------------------------------
+ type, public :: BeTRtracer_type
+ character(len=255) :: betr_simname ! name of the simulation
+ integer :: nmem_max ! maximum number of members in a transport group
+ integer :: ntracers ! total number of tracers, gas/aqueous tracers + solid tracers that undergo active mineral protection
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracers ! total number of tracers potentially undergoing gas/aqueous movement
+ integer :: nvolatile_tracers ! number of volatile_tracers
+ integer :: nsolid_equil_tracers ! number of tracers that undergo equilibrium adsorption in soil could include adsorbed doc, nh4(+)
+ integer :: nsolid_passive_tracers ! number of tracers that undergo active mineral protection
+ integer :: ntracer_groups !
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracer_groups ! total number of groups for mobile tracers
+ integer :: nvolatile_tracer_groups ! sub group within gwmobile group
+ integer :: nsolid_equil_tracer_groups ! sub group in solid group
+ integer :: nsolid_passive_tracer_groups ! sub group in solid group
+ integer :: nh2o_tracers ! number of h2o tracers, this will be used to compute vapor gradient and thermal gradient driven isotopic flow
+ logical :: is_oddstep = .true. !this is not used now, originally was included to set up alternative numerical methods
+ integer :: id_trc_n2 ! tag for n2
+ integer :: id_trc_o2 ! tag for co2
+ integer :: id_trc_ar ! tag for ar
+ integer :: id_trc_co2x ! tag for co2 and its related species, co2x(CO2, H2CO3, HCO3(-), CO3(2-)),
+ integer :: id_trc_ch4 ! tag for methane
+ integer :: id_trc_no ! tag for no
+ integer :: id_trc_n2o ! tag for n2o
+ integer :: id_trc_air_co2x ! tag for atmospheric co2
+ integer :: id_trc_arrt_co2x ! tag for autotrophic co2
+ integer :: id_trc_hrsoi_co2x ! tag for heterotrophic co2
+ integer :: id_trc_nh3x ! tag for nh3 and its related species, nh3x(NH3, NH4OH,NH4(+))
+ integer :: id_trc_no3x ! tag for no3 and its related species, no3x(HNO3,NO3(-))
+ integer :: id_trc_no2x ! tag for no2 and its related species, no2x(HNO2,NO2(-))
+ integer :: id_trc_dom ! tag for generic dissolved organic matter
+ integer :: id_trc_doc ! tag for generic dissolved organic carbon, used for testing single carbon pool model
+ integer :: id_trc_o18_h2o ! tag for H2O(18)
+ integer :: id_trc_o17_h2o ! tag for H2O(17)
+ integer :: id_trc_o18_h2o_ice ! tag for H2O(18) in ice
+ integer :: id_trc_d_h2o ! tag for DHO
+ integer :: id_trc_d_h2o_ice ! tag for DHO in ice
+ integer :: id_trc_c13_co2x ! tag for C(13)O2 and its related species
+ integer :: id_trc_c14_co2x ! tag for C(14)O2 and its related species
+ integer :: id_trc_o18_co2x ! tag for O(18)CO and its related species
+ integer :: id_trc_o17_co2x ! tag for O(17)CO and its related species
+ integer :: id_trc_o18_o2 ! tag for O(18)O and its related species
+ integer :: id_trc_o17_o2 ! tag for O(17)O and its related species
+ integer, pointer :: id_trc_h2o_tags(:) !tagged h2o tracers
+ logical, pointer :: is_volatile(:) !flag for volatile species, true/false, (yes/no)
+ logical, pointer :: is_diffusive(:)
+ logical, pointer :: is_adsorb(:) !flag for adsorbable species, true/false (year/no), in equilibrium with aqueous phase and/or gaseous phase
+ logical, pointer :: is_advective(:) !flag for advective species, some species, like non-dissolved som does not undergo advection, rather bioturbation is the major mechanism for vertical transport
+ logical, pointer :: is_mobile(:) !flag indicating whether the tracer is mobile or inert, when it is innert, do not move it around
+ logical, pointer :: is_h2o(:) !flag for water isotope
+ logical, pointer :: is_co2tag(:) !tagged co2 tracer?
+ logical, pointer :: is_dom(:) !true if it is a dom tracer, place holder for rtm bgc
+ logical, pointer :: is_isotope(:)
+ integer, pointer :: refisoid(:) !reference tracer for isotope calculation, this is setup only for non-h2o isotope now
+ integer, pointer :: adsorbid(:) !which tracer is adsorbed
+ integer, pointer :: volatileid(:)
+ integer, pointer :: h2oid(:)
+ integer, pointer :: adsorbgroupid(:)
+ integer, pointer :: volatilegroupid(:) !
+ integer, pointer :: groupid(:)
+ logical :: is_tagged_h2o =.false. !no tagged h2o run by default
+ real(r8),pointer :: tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(:) !reference diffusivity for solid phase tracer, for modeling turbation
+ real(r8),pointer :: tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(:) !threshold diffusivity for solid phase tracer, for modeling turbation
+ integer, pointer :: solid_passive_tracer_groupid(:,:)
+ integer, pointer :: tracer_group_memid(:,:) !grp, gmem
+ character(len=36),pointer :: tracernames(:) !array with tracer names
+ real(r8),pointer :: gram_mole_wt(:) !molecular weight of the master species, [g/mol]
+ real(r8),pointer :: vtrans_scal(:) !scaling factor for plant tracer uptake through transpiration, for non-water neutral aqueous tracers
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, public :: init_scalars
+ procedure, public :: set_tracer
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ end type BeTRtracer_type
+ contains
+ subroutine Init(this)
+ implicit none
+ class(BeTRtracer_type) :: this
+ this%ntracers=this%ngwmobile_tracers+this%nsolid_passive_tracers
+ this%ntracer_groups = this%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups + this%ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ call this%InitAllocate()
+ end subroutine Init
+ subroutine init_scalars(this)
+ ! initilaize scalar variables within the type
+ implicit none
+ class(BeTRtracer_type) :: this
+ this%ntracers = 0 ! total number of tracers, gas/aqueous tracers + solid tracers that undergo active mineral protection
+ this%ngwmobile_tracers = 0 ! total number of tracers undergoing gas/aqueous movement
+ this%nvolatile_tracers = 0 ! number of volatile_tracers
+ this%nsolid_equil_tracers = 0 ! number of tracers that undergo equilibrium adsorption in soil could include adsorbed doc, nh4(+)
+ this%nsolid_passive_tracers = 0 ! number of tracers that undergo active mineral protection
+ this%ntracer_groups = 0
+ this%ngwmobile_tracer_groups = 0
+ this%nvolatile_tracer_groups = 0
+ this%nsolid_equil_tracer_groups = 0
+ this%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 0
+ this%nh2o_tracers = 0 ! number of h2o tracers, this will be used to compute vapor gradient and thermal gradient driven isotopic flow
+ this%is_oddstep = .true. !this is not used now, originally was included to set up alternative numerical methods
+ this%id_trc_ch4 = 0 ! tag for methane
+ this%id_trc_o2 = 0 ! tag for co2
+ this%id_trc_n2 = 0 ! tag for n2
+ this%id_trc_no = 0 ! tag for no
+ this%id_trc_n2o = 0 ! tag for n2o
+ this%id_trc_ar = 0 ! tag for ar
+ this%id_trc_air_co2x = 0 ! tag for atmospheric co2
+ this%id_trc_arrt_co2x = 0 ! tag for autotrophic co2
+ this%id_trc_hrsoi_co2x = 0 ! tag for heterotrophic co2
+ this%id_trc_co2x = 0 ! tag for co2 and its related species, co2x(CO2, H2CO3, HCO3(-), CO3(2-)),
+ this%id_trc_nh3x = 0 ! tag for nh3 and its related species, nh3x(NH3, NH4OH,NH4(+))
+ this%id_trc_no3x = 0 ! tag for no3 and its related species, no3x(HNO3,NO3(-))
+ this%id_trc_no2x = 0 ! tag for no2 and its related species, no2x(HNO2,NO2(-))
+ this%id_trc_dom = 0 ! tag for generic dissolved organic matter
+ this%id_trc_o18_h2o = 0 ! tag for H2O(18)
+ this%id_trc_o17_h2o = 0 ! tag for H2O(17)
+ this%id_trc_d_h2o = 0 ! tag for DHO
+ this%id_trc_c13_co2x = 0 ! tag for C(13)O2 and its related species
+ this%id_trc_c14_co2x = 0 ! tag for C(14)O2 and its related species
+ this%id_trc_o18_co2x = 0 ! tag for O(18)CO and its related species
+ this%id_trc_o17_co2x = 0 ! tag for O(17)CO and its related species
+ this%id_trc_o18_h2o_ice = 0 ! tag for H2O(18) in ice
+ this%id_trc_d_h2o_ice = 0 ! tag for HDO in ice
+ this%id_trc_o18_o2 = 0 ! tag for O(18)O and its related species
+ this%id_trc_o17_o2 = 0 ! tag for O(17)O and its related species
+ this%betr_simname = ''
+ end subroutine init_scalars
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this)
+ ! allocate memories for vectors
+ implicit none
+ class(BeTRtracer_type) :: this
+ integer, parameter :: nanid=-1
+ allocate(this%is_volatile (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_volatile(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_adsorb (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_adsorb(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_advective (this%ntracers)); this%is_advective(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_diffusive (this%ntracers)); this%is_diffusive(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_mobile (this%ntracers)); this%is_mobile(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_h2o (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_h2o(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_co2tag (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_co2tag(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_dom (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_dom(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%is_isotope (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%is_isotope(:) = .false.
+ allocate(this%adsorbgroupid (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%adsorbgroupid(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%adsorbid (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%adsorbid(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%volatileid (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%volatileid(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%volatilegroupid (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%volatilegroupid(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%h2oid (this%nh2o_tracers)); this%h2oid(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%id_trc_h2o_tags (this%nh2o_tracers)); this%id_trc_h2o_tags(:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%tracernames (this%ntracers)); this%tracernames(:) = ''
+ allocate(this%vtrans_scal (this%ngwmobile_tracers)); this%vtrans_scal(:) = 0._r8 !no transport through xylem transpiration
+ allocate(this%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(this%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups)); this%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(:) = 1._r8
+ allocate(this%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group (this%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups)); this%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(:) = 1e-4_r8 / (86400._r8 * 365._r8) * 1.e-36_r8
+ allocate(this%tracer_group_memid(this%ntracer_groups, this%nmem_max)); this%tracer_group_memid(:,:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%solid_passive_tracer_groupid(this%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups, 1:this%nmem_max)); this%solid_passive_tracer_groupid(:,:) = nanid
+ allocate(this%groupid(this%ntracers)); this%groupid(:) = nanid
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ subroutine set_tracer(this, trc_id, trc_name, is_trc_mobile, is_trc_advective, trc_group_id, &
+ trc_group_mem, is_trc_diffusive, is_trc_volatile, trc_volatile_id, trc_volatile_group_id,trc_vtrans_scal)
+ ! set up tracer property based on input configurations
+ class(BeTRtracer_type) :: this
+ integer , intent(in) :: trc_id
+ character(len=*) , intent(in) :: trc_name
+ logical , intent(in) :: is_trc_mobile
+ logical , intent(in) :: is_trc_advective
+ integer , intent(in) :: trc_group_id
+ integer , intent(in) :: trc_group_mem
+ logical, optional , intent(in) :: is_trc_diffusive
+ logical, optional , intent(in) :: is_trc_volatile
+ integer, optional , intent(in) :: trc_volatile_id
+ integer, optional , intent(in) :: trc_volatile_group_id
+ real(r8),optional , intent(in) :: trc_vtrans_scal
+ this%tracernames (trc_id) = trim(trc_name)
+ this%is_mobile (trc_id) = is_trc_mobile
+ this%groupid (trc_id) = trc_group_id
+ this%tracer_group_memid(trc_group_id,trc_group_mem) = trc_id
+ this%is_advective (trc_id) = is_trc_advective
+ if(present(is_trc_diffusive)) this%is_diffusive (trc_id) = is_trc_diffusive
+ if(present(is_trc_volatile))then
+ this%is_volatile (trc_id) = is_trc_volatile
+ if(this%is_volatile (trc_id)) then
+ this%volatileid (trc_id) = trc_volatile_id
+ this%volatilegroupid(trc_id) = trc_volatile_group_id
+ endif
+ endif
+ if(present(trc_vtrans_scal))then
+ this%vtrans_scal(trc_id) = trc_vtrans_scal
+ endif
+ end subroutine set_tracer
+end module BeTRTracerType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/KineticsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/KineticsMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e96d9e980599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/KineticsMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+module KineticsMod
+ ! Subroutines to do substrate kinetics
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Apr 11, 2013
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use abortutils, only: endrun
+ use clm_varctl, only: iulog
+ implicit none
+ real(r8),public, parameter :: kd_infty = 1.e40_r8 !internal parameter
+ interface mmcomplex !the m-m kinetics
+ module procedure mmcomplex_v1s,mmcomplex_v1e, mmcomplex_m
+ end interface mmcomplex
+ interface ecacomplex !the eca kinetics
+ module procedure ecacomplex_v1s,ecacomplex_v1e, ecacomplex_m
+ end interface ecacomplex
+ interface ecacomplex_cell_norm !the eca kinetics
+ module procedure ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1s,ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1e, ecacomplex_cell_norm_m
+ end interface ecacomplex_cell_norm
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine mmcomplex_v1s(kd,ee,ss,siej)
+ ! Compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ ! many microbes vs single substrate
+ ! using the traditional M-M kinetics
+ ! !USES:
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: jj, j
+ real(r8) :: dS
+ jj = size(ee)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(j) = ss * ee(j) / (kd(j) + ss)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ ds = sum(siej)
+ if(ds>ss)then
+ do j = 1, jj
+ siej(j) = siej(j) * ss / ds
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end subroutine mmcomplex_v1s
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine mmcomplex_v1e(kd,ee,ss,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the traditional M-M kinetics
+ !many substrates vs single microbe
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii
+ integer :: i
+ real(r8) :: dE
+ ii = size(ss)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ if(kd(i)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(i) = ss(i) * ee / (kd(i) + ss(i))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ dE = sum(siej)
+ if(dE>ee)then
+ do i = 1, ii
+ siej(i) = siej(i) * ee / dE
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end subroutine mmcomplex_v1e
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine mmcomplex_m(kd,ee,ss,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the traditional M-M kinetics
+ !many substrates vs many microbes
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee, ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii,jj
+ integer :: i, j
+ real(r8) :: dS, dE
+ ii = size(ss)
+ jj = size(ee)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(i,j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i,j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(i,j) = ss(i) * ee(j) / (kd(i,j) + ss(i))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ ds = sum(siej(i,:))
+ if(ds>ss(i))then
+ do j = 1, jj
+ siej(i,j) = siej(i,j) * ss(i) / ds
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, jj
+ dE = sum(siej(:,j))
+ if(dE>ee(j))then
+ do i = 1, ii
+ siej(i,j) = siej(i,j) * ee(j) / dE
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine mmcomplex_m
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ecacomplex_v1s(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ !many microbes vs one substrate
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: j
+ real(r8) :: dnm2
+ jj = size(ee)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ dnm2=1._r8
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm2=dnm2 + ee(j)/kd(j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(j) = ss*ee(j)/(kd(j)*(dnm2+ss/kd(j)))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_v1s
+ subroutine ecacomplex_v1e(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ !many substrate vs single microbe
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii
+ integer :: i
+ real(r8) :: dnm1
+ ii = size(ss)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ dnm1=1._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ if(kd(i)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm1 = dnm1 + ss(i)/kd(i)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, ii
+ if(kd(i)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(i) = ss(i)*ee/(kd(i)*(dnm1+ee/kd(i)))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_v1e
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ecacomplex_m(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ ! many substrate vs many enzymes
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee, ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii,jj
+ integer :: i, j, k
+ real(r8) :: dnm1, dnm2
+ ii = size(ss) !number of substrates, dim 1
+ jj = size(ee) !number of enzymes, dim2
+ if(ii/=size(siej,1) .or. jj/=size(siej,2))then
+ write(iulog,*)'wrong matrix shape in ecacomplex_m'
+ write(iulog,*)'clm model is stopping'
+ call endrun()
+ endif
+ siej = 0._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ dnm1 = 0._r8
+ do k = 1, jj
+ if(kd(i,k)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i,k)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm1 = dnm1 + ee(k)/kd(i,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, jj
+ dnm2 = 0._r8
+ if(kd(i,j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i,j)<.9*kd_infty) )then
+ do k = 1, ii
+ if(kd(k,j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(k,j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm2=dnm2 + ss(k)/kd(k,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ siej(i,j) = ss(i)*ee(j)/(kd(i,j)*(1._r8+dnm1+dnm2))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_m
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_m(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ ! compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ ! using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ ! and noramlize the return value with cell abundance
+ ! many substrates vs many enzymes
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee, ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii,jj
+ integer :: i, j, k
+ real(r8) :: dnm1, dnm2
+ ii = size(ss) !number of substrates, dim 1
+ jj = size(ee) !number of enzymes, dim2
+ if(ii/=size(siej,1) .or. jj/=size(siej,2))then
+ write(iulog,*)'wrong matrix shape in ecacomplex_m'
+ write(iulog,*)'clm model is stopping'
+ call endrun()
+ endif
+ siej = 0._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ dnm1 = 0._r8
+ do k = 1, jj
+ if(kd(i,k)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i,k)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm1 = dnm1 + ee(k)/kd(i,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, jj
+ dnm2 = 0._r8
+ if(kd(i,j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i,j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ do k = 1, ii
+ if(kd(k,j)>0._r8)then
+ dnm2=dnm2 + ss(k)/kd(k,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ siej(i,j) = ss(i)/(kd(i,j)*(1._r8+dnm1+dnm2))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_m
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1s(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ !compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ !using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ !many microbes vs one substrate
+ !and normalize return value with cell abundance
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: j
+ real(r8) :: dnm2
+ jj = size(ee)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ dnm2=1._r8
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm2=dnm2 + ee(j)/kd(j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, jj
+ if(kd(j)>0._r8 .and. (kd(j)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(j) = ss/(kd(j)*(dnm2+ss/kd(j)))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1s
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1e(kd,ss,ee,siej)
+ ! compute concentrations of the enzyme substrate complexes
+ ! using the first order accurate ECA kinetics
+ ! many substrate vs single microbe
+ ! and normalize the return value with cell abundance
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: kd
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ss
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ee
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: siej
+ integer :: ii
+ integer :: i
+ real(r8) :: dnm1
+ ii = size(ss)
+ siej = 0._r8
+ dnm1=1._r8
+ do i = 1, ii
+ if(kd(i)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ dnm1 = dnm1 + ss(i)/kd(i)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do i = 1, ii
+ if(kd(i)>0._r8 .and. (kd(i)<.9*kd_infty))then
+ siej(i) = ss(i)/(kd(i)*(dnm1+ee/kd(i)))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ecacomplex_cell_norm_v1e
+end module KineticsMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBalanceMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBalanceMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f19b397b9138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBalanceMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+module TracerBalanceMod
+! module contains subroutines to do
+! tracer mass balance check
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: begin_betr_tracer_massbalance
+ public :: betr_tracer_massbalance_check
+ contains
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine begin_betr_tracer_massbalance(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! Preparing for tracer mass balance check
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ character(len=256) :: subname='begin_betr_tracer_massbalance'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ call tracerflux_vars%Reset(bounds, numf, filter)
+ call betr_tracer_mass_summary(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars%beg_tracer_molarmass_col)
+ end subroutine begin_betr_tracer_massbalance
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_tracer_massbalance_check(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do mass balance check for betr tracers
+ !
+ ! for solid phase tracers, the only source/sink is biogeochemical production/consumption
+ ! and it is currently assumed no solid phase input from atmospheric precipitation (either dry or wet)
+ ! the equilibrium fraction is always associated with the (dual)-phase mobile tracer.
+ ! However the situation is different for water isotopes, because ice is also part of the
+ ! mass budget, and by assuming equilibrium partitioning, the chemical source/sink for ice is not tracked explicitly.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size,get_nstep
+ use clm_varcon , only : namec,catomw,natomw
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerflux_type), intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ integer :: jj, fc, c, kk
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ real(r8) :: atw
+ real(r8) :: err_rel, bal_beg, bal_end, bal_flx
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_min = 1.e-8_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: err_min_rel=1.e-3_r8
+ associate( &
+ beg_tracer_molarmass => tracerstate_vars%beg_tracer_molarmass_col , &
+ end_tracer_molarmass => tracerstate_vars%end_tracer_molarmass_col , &
+ tracer_flx_infl => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_infl_col , &
+ tracer_flx_netpro => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_col , &
+ tracer_flx_netphyloss => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col , &
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , &
+ errtracer => tracerstate_vars%errtracer_col , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers &
+ )
+ call betr_tracer_mass_summary(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ end_tracer_molarmass)
+ dtime=get_step_size()
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ !summarize the fluxes
+ call tracerflux_vars%flux_summary(c, betrtracer_vars)
+ do kk = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ errtracer(c,kk) = beg_tracer_molarmass(c,kk)-end_tracer_molarmass(c,kk) &
+ + tracer_flx_netpro(c,kk)-tracer_flx_netphyloss(c,kk)
+ if(abs(errtracer(c,kk))err_min_rel)then
+ write(iulog,*)'error exceeds the tolerance for tracer '//tracernames(kk), ' err=',errtracer(c,kk), ' col=',c
+ write(iulog,*)'nstep=',get_nstep()
+ write(iulog,'(4(A,X,E20.10))')'netpro=',tracer_flx_netpro(c,kk),' netphyloss=',tracer_flx_netphyloss(c,kk),&
+ ' begm=',beg_tracer_molarmass(c,kk), &
+ ' endm=',end_tracer_molarmass(c,kk)
+ call tracerflux_vars%flux_display(c,kk,betrtracer_vars)
+ call endrun(decomp_index=c, clmlevel=namec, msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ bal_beg=0._r8
+ bal_end=0._r8
+ bal_flx=0._r8
+ do kk = ngwmobile_tracers+1, ntracers
+ errtracer(c,kk) = beg_tracer_molarmass(c,kk)-end_tracer_molarmass(c,kk) + tracer_flx_netpro(c,kk)
+ if(abs(errtracer(c,kk))>err_min)then
+ write(iulog,*)'error exceeds the tolerance for tracer '//tracernames(kk), 'err=',errtracer(c,kk), 'col=',c
+ write(iulog,*)get_nstep(),is_mobile(kk)
+ write(iulog,*)'begmss=', beg_tracer_molarmass(c,kk), 'endmass=',end_tracer_molarmass(c,kk),' netpro=',tracer_flx_netpro(c,kk)
+ call endrun(decomp_index=c, clmlevel=namec, msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call tracerflux_vars%Temporal_average(c,dtime)
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine betr_tracer_massbalance_check
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_tracer_mass_summary(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracer_molarmass_col)
+ !
+ ! summarize the column tracer mass
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: tracer_molarmass_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)
+ integer :: jj, fc, c, kk
+ associate( &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_equil => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ dz => col%dz , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ is_adsorb => betrtracer_vars%is_adsorb , &
+ nsolid_passive_tracers => betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers , &
+ adsorbid => betrtracer_vars%adsorbid &
+ )
+ do jj = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ tracer_molarmass_col(c,jj) = dot_sum(tracer_conc_mobile(c,1:nlevtrc_soil,jj), dz(c,1:nlevtrc_soil))
+ if(is_adsorb(jj))then
+ tracer_molarmass_col(c,jj) = tracer_molarmass_col(c,jj) + &
+ dot_sum(tracer_conc_solid_equil(c,1:nlevtrc_soil,adsorbid(jj)),dz(c,1:nlevtrc_soil))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do jj = 1, nsolid_passive_tracers
+ kk = jj + ngwmobile_tracers
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ tracer_molarmass_col(c,kk) = dot_sum(tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,1:nlevtrc_soil,jj), dz(c,1:nlevtrc_soil))
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine betr_tracer_mass_summary
+end module TracerBalanceMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBoundaryCondType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBoundaryCondType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7d3b1ddba47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerBoundaryCondType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+module TracerBoundaryCondType
+! data type to specify boundary conditions for tracer tranpsort
+! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ !
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type, public :: tracerboundarycond_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col( : , : , : ) !tracer concentration or incoming flux imposed at top boundary for dual diffusion calculation
+ real(r8), pointer :: condc_toplay_col ( : , : ) !conductance at the column-air interface
+ real(r8), pointer :: bot_concflux_col ( : , : , : ) !bottom boundary condition
+ integer, pointer :: topbc_type ( : ) !type of top boundary condition, it depends on tracer type
+ integer, pointer :: botbc_type ( : ) !type of bottom boundary condition, it depends on tracer type
+ integer, pointer :: jtops_col ( : ) !index of the top numerical node
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, public :: Restart
+ procedure, public :: Reset
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure, private :: InitHistory
+ procedure, private :: InitCold
+ end type tracerboundarycond_type
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! Initialize the datatype
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ !
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitHistory(bounds)
+ call this%InitCold(bounds)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ !
+ ! allocate memories to relevant variables
+ !
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ allocate(this%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col (begc:endc, 1:2, 1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)) ! 1: values at previous time step, 2: values at current time step
+ allocate(this%bot_concflux_col (begc:endc, 1:2, 1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)) ! 1: values at previous time step, 2: values at current time step
+ allocate(this%condc_toplay_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups))
+ allocate(this%topbc_type (1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups))
+ allocate(this%botbc_type (1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups))
+ allocate(this%jtops_col (begc:endc))
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! History fields initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only: spval
+ use clm_varpar , only: nlevsno
+ !
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr_col(:,:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ end subroutine InitHistory
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! do cold initialization
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_infnan_mod, only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ implicit none
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ this%topbc_type(:) = -1
+ this%botbc_type(:) = -1
+ this%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(:,:,:) = nan
+ this%condc_toplay_col(:,:) = nan
+ this%bot_concflux_col(:,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%jtops_col(:) = 1
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Restart(this, bounds, ncid, flag)
+ !
+ ! Read/Write module information to/from restart file.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevsoi
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use ncdio_pio
+ !
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! netcdf id
+ character(len=*) , intent(in) :: flag ! 'read' or 'write'
+ !
+ integer :: j,c ! indices
+ logical :: readvar ! determine if variable is on initial file
+ end subroutine Restart
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Reset(this, column)
+ !
+ ! Intitialize SNICAR variables for fresh snow column
+ !
+ class(tracerboundarycond_type) :: this
+ integer , intent(in) :: column ! column index
+ end subroutine Reset
+ end module TracerBoundaryCondType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerCoeffType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerCoeffType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27998865517c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerCoeffType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+module TracerCoeffType
+ !
+ ! datatype for tracer phase conversion parameters and other scaling parameters
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use landunit_varcon, only : istsoil, istcrop
+ !
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ !
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Column tracer phase conversion/transport parameters structure
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type, public :: TracerCoeff_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: aqu2neutralcef_col (:,:,:) !aqueous tracer into neutral aqueous tracer
+ real(r8), pointer :: aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col (:,:,:) !coefficient to convert bulk concentration into aqueous phase, (nlevsno+nlevtrc_soil)
+ real(r8), pointer :: gas2bulkcef_mobile_col (:,:,:) !coefficient to convert bulk concentration into gaseous phase, (nlevsno+nlevlak+nlevtrc_soil)
+ real(r8), pointer :: aqu2equilsolidcef_col (:,:,:) !coefficient to convert solid phase (including ice) into aqueous phase
+ real(r8), pointer :: henrycef_col (:,:,:) !henry's law constant
+ real(r8), pointer :: bunsencef_col (:,:,:) !bunsen solubility
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_diffusivity_air_col(:,:) !diffusivity in the air
+ real(r8), pointer :: aere_cond_col (:,:) !column level aerenchyma conductance (m/s)
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_aere_cond_col (:,:) !column level scaling factor for arenchyma or parenchyma transport
+ real(r8), pointer :: diffgas_topsno_col (:,:) !gas diffusivity in top snow layer, this is not used currently
+ real(r8), pointer :: diffgas_topsoi_col (:,:) !gas diffusivity in top soil layer, this is not used currently
+ real(r8), pointer :: hmconductance_col (:,:,:) !geometrically weighted conductances (nlevsno+nlevtrc_soil)
+ real(r8), pointer :: annsum_counter_col (:)
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, public :: Restart
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure, private :: InitHistory
+ procedure, private :: InitCold
+ end type TracerCoeff_type
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the data type
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ class(TracerCoeff_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitHistory(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitCold(bounds)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Restart(this, bounds, ncid, flag, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! Read/Write module information to/from restart file.
+ !
+ ! Now it is purposely empty, but will be potentially useful in the future
+ ! !USES:
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevsoi
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use restUtilMod
+ use ncdio_pio
+ !
+ class(TracerCoeff_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! netcdf id
+ character(len=*) , intent(in) :: flag ! 'read' or 'write'
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: j,c ! indices
+ logical :: readvar ! determine if variable is on initial file
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname='annsum_counter_betr', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column', long_name='', units='', &
+ interpinic_flag='interp' , readvar=readvar, data=this%annsum_counter_col)
+ end subroutine Restart
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! Allocate memories for arrays in the datatype
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ !
+ class(TracerCoeff_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ allocate(this%aqu2neutralcef_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups)); this%aqu2neutralcef_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups)); this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%henrycef_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%henrycef_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%bunsencef_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%bunsencef_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_diffusivity_air_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%tracer_diffusivity_air_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%scal_aere_cond_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%scal_aere_cond_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%aere_cond_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%aere_cond_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%annsum_counter_col (begc:endc)) ; this%annsum_counter_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%diffgas_topsno_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%diffgas_topsno_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%diffgas_topsoi_col (begc:endc, 1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups)); this%diffgas_topsoi_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%hmconductance_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups)) ; this%hmconductance_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%aqu2equilsolidcef_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracer_groups));this%aqu2equilsolidcef_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! History fields initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !use shr_infnan_mod, only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use histFileMod , only : hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d
+ use histFileMod , only : no_snow_normal, no_snow_zero
+ !
+ class(TracerCoeff_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: jj, kk, trcid
+ real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr(:,:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ real(r8), pointer :: data1dptr(:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ !use the interface provided from CLM
+ associate( &
+ ntracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups , &
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , &
+ nsolid_equil_tracers => betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames &
+ )
+ begc=bounds%begc; endc=bounds%endc
+ do jj = 1, ntracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(jj,1)
+ if(jj <= ngwmobile_tracer_groups)then
+ if(is_volatile(trcid))then
+ kk = volatilegroupid(jj)
+ this%scal_aere_cond_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%scal_aere_cond_col(begc:endc, kk)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='SCAL_ARENCHYMA_'//tracernames(trcid), units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='scaling factor for tracer transport through arenchyma for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%aere_cond_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%aere_cond_col(begc:endc, kk)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='ARENCHYMA_'//tracernames(trcid), units='m/s', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='conductance for tracer transport through arenchyma for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%diffgas_topsoi_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%diffgas_topsoi_col(begc:endc, kk)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='CDIFF_TOPSOI_'//tracernames(trcid), units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='gas diffusivity in top soil layer for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col(:,:,kk) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col(:,:,kk)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname='CGAS2BULK_'//tracernames(trcid), units='none', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='converting factor from gas to bulk phase for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(:,:,jj) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(:,:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname='CAQU2BULK_vr_'//tracernames(trcid), units='none', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='converting factor from aqeous to bulk phase for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ this%hmconductance_col(:,:,jj) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%hmconductance_col(:,:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname='HMCONDC_vr_'//tracernames(trcid), units='none', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='bulk conductance for '//trim(tracernames(trcid)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitHistory
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! do cold initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ !
+ class(TracerCoeff_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: c, l ! index
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ this%aqu2neutralcef_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%henrycef_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%bunsencef_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_diffusivity_air_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%scal_aere_cond_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%aere_cond_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%diffgas_topsno_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%diffgas_topsoi_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%hmconductance_col (c,:,:) = spval
+ this%annsum_counter_col (c) = spval
+ endif
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ this%aqu2neutralcef_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%henrycef_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%bunsencef_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_diffusivity_air_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%scal_aere_cond_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%aere_cond_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%diffgas_topsno_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%diffgas_topsoi_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%hmconductance_col (c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%annsum_counter_col (c) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine InitCold
+end module TracerCoeffType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerFluxType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerFluxType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8fb932bc2446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerFluxType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+module TracerFluxType
+ ! tracer flux type
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval, ispval
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon, only : istsoil, istcrop
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ !
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ !
+ type, public :: TracerFlux_type
+ !tracer flux defined at the column level
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_top_soil_col(:,:) !tracer fluxes available for infiltration+runoff
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_can_loss_col(:,:) !tracer loss from canopy
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_snowmelt_col(:,:) !tracer loss from snow melting
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_infl_col(:,:) !tracer fluxes available for infiltration
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(:,:) !total tracer loos through all possible physical pathways: drainage (+ runoff), leaching, ebullition, diffusion, minus precipitation/infiltration
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_netpro_col(:,:) !total tracer production through chemical processes
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_dstor_col(:,:) !net storage of tracer due to input-output, ideally, dstor=netpro-netloss at various scales
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_ebu_col(:,:) !tracer emitted as bubbles, mol, lake, volatile
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_prec_col(:,:) !tracer added to a column from precipitation, mol
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_dif_col(:,:) !tracer emitted through diffusion, unsat, volatile
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_drain_col(:,:) !tracer removal through subface drainage
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_surfemi_col(:,:) !total emitted tracer fluxes at surface, volatile, including ebullition, diffusion, arenchyma transport
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_leaching_col(:,:) !leaching fluxes
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_surfrun_col(:,:) !tracer loss thru runoff, mol tracer / second
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col(:,:,:) !total source strength for the tracers, chemical production, root exudation, excludes incoming root transport (by exchange with air) and (infiltration?)
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_tparchm_col(:,:) !total tracer flux through plant aerenchyma transport, for volatile species only, mol/m^2/s
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col(:,:,:) !vertical resolved tracer flux through aerenchyma transport, for volatile species only, mol/m^3/s
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_totleached_col(:,:) !total leaching flux, vertical + lateral leaching
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_vtrans_col(:,:) !column level tracer flux through transpiration
+ !real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_snowloss_col(:,:) !tracer flux lost from snow dynamics, place holder
+ !tracer fluxes defined at the pft level
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_vtrans_patch(:,:) !tracer goes to the pathway of plant transpiration, currently not released, if it is nutrient, assumed it is taken by plants completely
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_snowfall_grnd_patch(:,:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_rainfall_grnd_patch(:,:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_prec_intr_patch(:,:) !interception of tracer from wet deposition [mol/s]
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_prec_grnd_patch(:,:) !tracer onto ground including from canopy runoff [mol /s]
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_snwcp_liq_patch(:,:) !excess rainfall tracer due to snow capping [mol /s]
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_snwcp_ice_patch(:,:) !excess snowfall tracer due to snow capping [mol /s], this is used for aerosol type and water type tracer input
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col(:,:) !tracer flux to ground coming from dew formation
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_dew_snow_col(:,:) !tracer flux to snow coming from dew formation
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_sub_snow_col(:,:) !tracer flux loss from snow sublimation
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(:,:) !tracer flux coming from residual standing water and residual snow
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, public :: Restart
+ procedure, public :: Reset
+ procedure, public :: Temporal_average
+ procedure, public :: Flux_summary
+ procedure, public :: Flux_display
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure, private :: InitHistory
+ procedure, private :: InitCold
+ end type TracerFlux_type
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ ! initialize data type
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitHistory(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitCold(bounds)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ ! memory allocation
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ !
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: begp, endp
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracers
+ integer :: nvolatile_tracers
+ integer :: ntracers
+ integer :: nsolid_passive_tracers
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ begp = bounds%begp; endp= bounds%endp
+ ngwmobile_tracers = betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ ntracers = betrtracer_vars%ntracers
+ nvolatile_tracers = betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers
+ nsolid_passive_tracers = betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_prec_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_prec_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_vtrans_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_vtrans_patch (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_snowfall_grnd_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_snowfall_grnd_patch(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_rainfall_grnd_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_rainfall_grnd_patch(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_prec_intr_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_prec_intr_patch (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_prec_grnd_patch(begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_prec_grnd_patch(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_snwcp_liq_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_snwcp_liq_patch (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_snwcp_ice_patch (begp:endp, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_snwcp_ice_patch (:,:) = nan
+ if(ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_drain_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_drain_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_infl_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_infl_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_leaching_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_leaching_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers));this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(:,:) = nan
+ endif
+ if(nvolatile_tracers>0)then
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_ebu_col (begc:endc, 1:nvolatile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_ebu_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_dif_col (begc:endc, 1:nvolatile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_dif_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col (begc:endc, 1:nvolatile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col (begc:endc, 1:nvolatile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:nvolatile_tracers)); this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col(:,:,:) = nan
+ endif
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_netpro_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_flx_dstor_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%tracer_flx_dstor_col(:,:) = nan
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! History fields initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !use shr_infnan_mod, only: nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use clm_varcon , only: spval
+ use clm_varpar , only: nlevsno
+ use histFileMod , only: hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d
+ use histFileMod , only: no_snow_normal, no_snow_zero
+ use BeTRTracerType, only: BeTRTracer_Type
+ !
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: ntracers
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracers
+ integer :: nsolid_passive_tracers
+ integer :: jj, kk
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr(:,:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ real(r8), pointer :: data1dptr(:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames &
+ )
+ begc=bounds%begc; endc=bounds%endc
+ do jj = 1, ntracers
+ if(jj<= ngwmobile_tracers) then
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_DEW_GRND', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='incoming dew flux to ground for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_DEW_SNOW', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='incoming dew flux to snow from '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_H2OSFC_SNOW_RES', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='incoming flux to topsoi from snow and h2osfc residual for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_SUB_SNOW', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='sublimation flux from snow for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_TOPSOIL', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='incoming flux at top of the soil for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_CAN_LOSS', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss from canopy for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_SNOWMELT', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss from snowmelt for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_infl_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_INFIL', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='infiltration for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col(begc:endc, :, jj) = spval
+ data2dptr =>this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col(:,:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_NETPRO_vr', units='none', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='net production for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_LEACHING', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='bottom of soil leaching for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_SRUNOFF', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss from surface runoff for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_VTRANS', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='transport through transpiration for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_TLEACH', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='transport through leaching for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ if(is_volatile(jj))then
+ kk = volatileid(jj)
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(:, kk)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_EBU', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss through ebullition (+ into atmosphere) for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_dif_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_dif_col(:, kk)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_DIF', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss through diffusion (+ into atmosphere) for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(begc:endc, kk) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_ARCHM', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss from aerenchyma transport for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ this%tracer_flx_drain_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_drain_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_DRAIN', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='loss from drainage for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_NETLOSS', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='net loss for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_NETPRO', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='net production for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_dstor_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_dstor_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_DSTOR', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='total concentration change for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_flx_prec_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_FLX_PREC', units='none', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='incoming from precipitation for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitHistory
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! cold initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: c, j, p, l ! index
+ integer :: begp, endp
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ begp = bounds%begp; endp= bounds%endp
+ do p = bounds%begp,bounds%endp
+ l = pft%landunit(p)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_snowfall_grnd_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_rainfall_grnd_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_intr_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_grnd_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_snwcp_liq_patch(p,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_snwcp_ice_patch(p,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_snowfall_grnd_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_rainfall_grnd_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_intr_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_grnd_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_snwcp_liq_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_snwcp_ice_patch(p,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do c = begc, endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_dstor_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_dif_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_drain_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(c,:) = spval
+ this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dstor_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dif_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_drain_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_totleached_col (c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Restart(this, bounds, ncid, flag, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! Read/Write module information to/from restart file.
+ !
+ ! Now it is purposely empty, but will be potentially useful in the future
+ ! !USES:
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevsoi
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use restUtilMod
+ use ncdio_pio
+ !
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! netcdf id
+ character(len=*) , intent(in) :: flag ! 'read' or 'write'
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: j,c ! indices
+ logical :: readvar ! determine if variable is on initial file
+ end subroutine Restart
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Reset(this, bounds, numf, filter)
+ !
+ ! Intitialize SNICAR variables for fresh snow column
+ !
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer :: fc, column
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ column = filter(fc)
+ this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dstor_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dif_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_drain_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_leaching_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col (column,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(column,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col (column,:,:) = 0._r8
+ this%tracer_flx_totleached_col (column,:) = 0._r8
+ enddo
+ end subroutine Reset
+ subroutine Temporal_average(this, column, dtime)
+ !
+ ! do temporal average for different fluxes
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ integer , intent(in) :: column ! column index
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_top_soil_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_can_loss_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_snowmelt_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_infl_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(column,:) = this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_netpro_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_ebu_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_prec_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_prec_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_dif_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_dif_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_drain_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_drain_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_leaching_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_leaching_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (column,:) = this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col (column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(column,:) = this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(column,:)/dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_totleached_col(column,:) = this%tracer_flx_drain_col(column,:) + this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(column,:)
+ end subroutine temporal_average
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Flux_summary(this, c, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! aggregate fluxes for mass balance check
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ integer , intent(in) :: c ! column index
+ !local variables
+ integer :: jj, kk
+ real(r8):: dtime
+ associate( &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ nvolatile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do jj = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ !the total net physical loss currently includes infiltration, surface runoff, transpiration aided transport,
+ !lateral drainage, vertical leaching
+ !for volatile tracers, this includes surface emission surface three different pathways
+ this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,jj) = this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,jj)*dtime
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(c,jj) = - this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,jj) - this%tracer_flx_dew_grnd_col(c,jj) &
+ - this%tracer_flx_dew_snow_col(c,jj) - this%tracer_flx_h2osfc_snow_residual_col(c,jj) &
+ + this%tracer_flx_sub_snow_col(c,jj) + this%tracer_flx_drain_col(c,jj) + &
+ this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,jj) + this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(c,jj) + this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(c,jj)
+ if(is_volatile(jj))then
+ kk = volatileid(jj)
+ this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,kk) = dot_sum(x=this%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col(c,1:nlevtrc_soil,kk), y=col%dz(c,1:nlevtrc_soil))
+ this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col(c,kk) = this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,kk) + this%tracer_flx_dif_col(c,kk) + &
+ this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,kk)
+ this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(c,jj) = this%tracer_flx_netphyloss_col(c,jj) + this%tracer_flx_surfemi_col(c,kk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do jj = 1, ntracers
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(c,jj) = dot_sum(x=this%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col(c,1:nlevtrc_soil,jj),y=col%dz(c,1:nlevtrc_soil))
+ if(jj<=ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ if(is_volatile(jj))then
+ kk = volatileid(jj)
+ this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(c,jj) = this%tracer_flx_netpro_col(c,jj) + this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,kk)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine Flux_summary
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Flux_display(this, c, jj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! aggregate fluxes for mass balance check
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(TracerFlux_type) :: this
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ integer , intent(in) :: c ! column index
+ integer , intent(in) :: jj
+ !local variables
+ integer :: kk
+ associate( &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ nvolatile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ !the total net physical loss currently includes infiltration, surface runoff, transpiration aided transport,
+ !lateral drainage, vertical leaching
+ !for volatile tracers, this includes surface emission surface three different pathways
+ write(iulog,*)tracernames(jj)
+ write(iulog,*),'infl=',this%tracer_flx_infl_col(c,jj),' drain=', this%tracer_flx_drain_col(c,jj), &
+ ' surfrun=',this%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,jj),' vtrans=', this%tracer_flx_vtrans_col(c,jj),&
+ ' leaching=', this%tracer_flx_leaching_col(c,jj)
+ if(is_volatile(jj))then
+ kk = volatileid(jj)
+ write(iulog,*),'tpartm=', this%tracer_flx_tparchm_col(c,kk),' dif=', this%tracer_flx_dif_col(c,kk), &
+ ' ebu=',this%tracer_flx_ebu_col(c,kk)
+ endif
+ end associate
+ end subroutine Flux_display
+end module TracerFluxType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerParamsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerParamsMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..110548293b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerParamsMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1952 @@
+module TracerParamsMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ ! Module holding routines used to compute solubility, and phase conversion parameters
+ ! to be used for BeTR 1D vertical tracer transport
+ !
+ !
+ ! History
+ ! Jinyun Tang created May 2014.
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use tracer_varcon
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: tracer_param_init
+ public :: set_multi_phase_diffusion
+ public :: get_gas_diffusivity
+ public :: get_diffusivity_ratio_gas2h2o, get_henrycef
+ public :: convert_mobile2gas
+ public :: set_phase_convert_coeff
+ public :: calc_tracer_infiltration
+ public :: pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux
+ public :: diagnose_advect_water_flux
+ public :: diagnose_drainage_water_flux
+ public :: calc_smp_l
+ public :: get_zwt
+ public :: calc_aerecond
+ public :: betr_annualupdate
+ !parameters
+ real(r8), parameter :: minval_diffus = 1.e-20_r8 !minimum diffusivity, m2/s
+ real(r8), parameter :: minval_airvol = 1.e-10_r8 !minimum air-filled volume
+ !declare a private tortuosity type
+ type :: soil_tortuosity_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: tau_gas(:,:) !soil tortuosity for gaseous phase diffusion
+ real(r8), pointer :: tau_liq(:,:) !soil tortuosity for aqueous phase diffusion
+ end type soil_tortuosity_type
+ type(soil_tortuosity_type), target :: tau_soil
+ real(r8), private, pointer :: h2osoi_liq_copy(:,:)
+ !!
+ subroutine tracer_param_init(bounds)
+ !
+ !
+ ! initialize the tracerParamsMod
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds !bounds
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='tracer_param_init'
+ allocate(tau_soil%tau_gas(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1 : nlevtrc_soil))
+ tau_soil%tau_gas(:,:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(tau_soil%tau_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1 : nlevtrc_soil))
+ tau_soil%tau_liq(:,:) = 0._r8
+ end subroutine tracer_param_init
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Calc_gaseous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_gas)
+ !
+ !
+ ! compute soil tortuosity for gasesous diffusion
+ ! !USES:
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of column soil points in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter for soil points
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ type(soilstate_type), intent(in) :: soilstate_vars ! column soil physical state variables
+ type(Waterstate_Type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! column soil water state variables
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: tau_gas(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !output variable
+ !local variables
+ integer :: n, fc, c !indices
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_gaseous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity'
+ associate( &
+ eff_porosity => soilstate_vars%eff_porosity_col, & !effective soil porosity
+ bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , & !clapp-hornber shape parameters
+ air_vol => waterstate_vars%air_vol_col & !volume possessed by air
+ )
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tau_gas) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ tau_gas(c,n) = get_taugas(eff_porosity(c,n), air_vol(c,n),bsw(c,n))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine Calc_gaseous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Calc_aqueous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_liq)
+ !
+ ! compute soil tortuosity for aquesous diffusion
+ !
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ type(soilstate_type), intent(in) :: soilstate_vars ! column soil physical state variables
+ type(Waterstate_Type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! column soil water state variables
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: tau_liq(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !output variable
+ !local variables
+ integer :: n, fc, c !indices
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_aqueous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tau_liq) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ eff_porosity => soilstate_vars%eff_porosity_col, & !effective soil porosity
+ bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , & !clapp-hornber shape parameters
+ h2osoi_liqvol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col & !soil volume possessed by liquid water
+ )
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ tau_liq(c,n)=get_tauliq(eff_porosity(c,n), h2osoi_liqvol(c,n),bsw(c,n))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_aqueous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bulk_diffusivity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, bunsencef_col, &
+ canopystate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_soi, betrtracer_vars, t_soisno, bulkdiffus)
+ !
+ ! compute the weighted bulk diffusivity in soil for dual-phase transport
+ ! Reference: Tang and Riley, 2014, BG, Simple formulations and solutions of &
+ ! the dual-phase diffusive transport for biogeochemical modeling.
+ !the formula for a volatile species is
+ !D_bulk=(airvol*D_g*tau_g+bunsencef_col*h2osoi_liqvol*D_w*tau_w)
+ ! !USES:
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : zisoi
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! soil temperature
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: bunsencef_col(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ,1: ) ! bunsen coefficient for gaseous-aqueous conversion
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars ! canopy state variables
+ type(soil_tortuosity_type) , intent(in) :: tau_soi ! soil tortuosity
+ real(r8) ,intent(out) :: bulkdiffus(bounds%begc: ,lbj: , 1: ) ! the returning variable
+ !local variables
+ real(r8) :: max_depth_cryoturb = 3._r8 !m
+ !parameters below will be encapsulated into a structure later
+ real(r8) :: max_altdepth_cryoturbation = 1._r8 ! (m) maximum active layer thickness for cryoturbation to occur
+ real(r8) :: cryoturb_diffusion_k = 1e-4_r8 / (86400._r8 * 365._r8) ! [m^2/sec] = 1 cm^2 / yr = 1m^2/1000 yr
+ real(r8) :: som_diffus = 5e-4_r8 / (86400._r8 * 365._r8) ! [m^2/sec] = 1 cm^2 / yr
+ integer :: j, k, n, fc, c , trcid !indices
+ integer :: nsld
+ real(r8) :: diffaqu, diffgas
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_bulk_diffusivity'
+ !array shape checking will be added later.
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bunsencef_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bulkdiffus) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & ! Integer[intent(in)], number of dual phase (gw) tracers
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !
+ ntracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups , & ! Integer[intent(in)], total number of tracers
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & ! logical[intent(in)], is a volatile tracer?
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & ! logical[intent(in)], is a h2o tracer?
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , & ! integer[intent(in)], location in the volatile vector
+ air_vol => waterstate_vars%air_vol_col , & ! volume possessed by air
+ h2osoi_liqvol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col , & ! soil volume possessed by liquid water
+ altmax => canopystate_vars%altmax_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] maximum annual depth of thaw
+ altmax_lastyear => canopystate_vars%altmax_lastyear_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] prior year maximum annual depth o
+ tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group => betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group , & !scaling factor for solid phase diffusivity
+ tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group => betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group , & !threshold for solid phase diffusivity
+ tau_gas => tau_soi%tau_gas , & ! real(r8)[intent(in)], gaseous tortuosity
+ tau_liq => tau_soi%tau_liq & ! real(r8)[intent(in)], aqueous tortuosity
+ )
+ bulkdiffus(:,:,:) = 1.e-40_r8 !initialize to a very small number
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j,1)
+ if(is_volatile(j))then
+ !it is a volatile tracers
+ k=volatilegroupid(trcid)
+ do n=lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ !aqueous diffusivity
+ diffaqu=get_aqueous_diffusivity(trcid, t_soisno(c,n), betrtracer_vars)
+ !gaseous diffusivity
+ diffgas=get_gas_diffusivity(trcid, t_soisno(c,n), betrtracer_vars)
+ !bulk diffusivity
+ !the bulk diffusivity is calculated by assuming the diffusion equation is gas-primary
+ !accordingly the retardation factor is gas primary
+ if(is_h2o(trcid))then
+ !for water tracer, the aqueous phase is used as dominant species
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j)=air_vol(c,n)*tau_gas(c,n)*diffgas/bunsencef_col(c,n,k)+ &
+ h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)*tau_liq(c,n)*diffaqu
+ else
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j)=air_vol(c,n)*tau_gas(c,n)*diffgas+ &
+ h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)*tau_liq(c,n)*diffaqu*bunsencef_col(c,n,k)
+ endif
+ !to prevent division by zero
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j)=max(bulkdiffus(c,n,j),minval_diffus)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ !it is not a volatile tracer
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ !the retardation factor is 1.
+ diffaqu=get_aqueous_diffusivity(trcid, t_soisno(c,n), betrtracer_vars)
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j)=diffaqu*h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)*tau_liq(c,n)
+ !to prevent division by zero
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j)=max(bulkdiffus(c,n,j),minval_diffus) !avoid division by zero in following calculations
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !do solid phase passive tracers
+ do j = ngwmobile_tracer_groups + 1, ntracer_groups
+ nsld = j - ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j,1)
+ do n = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if ( ( max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) <= max_altdepth_cryoturbation ) .and. &
+ ( max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) > 0._r8) ) then
+ ! use mixing profile modified slightly from Koven et al. (2009): constant through active layer, linear decrease from base of active layer to zero at a fixed depth
+ if ( zisoi(n) < max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) ) then
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = cryoturb_diffusion_k * tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(nsld)
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = max(bulkdiffus(c,n,j), tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(nsld))
+ else
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = max(cryoturb_diffusion_k * &
+ ( 1._r8 - ( zisoi(n) - max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) ) / &
+ ( max_depth_cryoturb - max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) ) ), 0._r8) ! go linearly to zero between ALT and max_depth_cryoturb
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = bulkdiffus(c,n,j) * tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(nsld)
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = max(bulkdiffus(c,n,j), tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(nsld))
+ endif
+ elseif ( max(altmax(c), altmax_lastyear(c)) > 0._r8 ) then
+ ! constant advection, constant diffusion
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = som_diffus * tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(nsld)
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = max(bulkdiffus(c,n,j), tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(nsld))
+ else
+ ! completely frozen soils--no mixing
+ bulkdiffus(c,n,j) = 1e-4_r8 / (86400._r8 * 365._r8) * 1.e-36_r8 !set to very small number for numerical purpose
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_bulk_diffusivity
+ subroutine calc_bulk_conductances(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, bulkdiffus, dz, betrtracer_vars, hmconductance_col)
+ !
+ ! Compute weighted conductances for diffusive/dispersive tracer transport
+ ! dispersion is not modeled currently.
+ ! The computation of diffusivity assumes to implement the Fick's law of diffusion,
+ ! which is supposed to be of good accuracy when the chemical is in trace amount and
+ ! total air pressure changes with a small amount. The Stefan-Maxwell relationship
+ ! could be implemented, but it is too complicate to gain much given other sources
+ ! of uncertainty.
+ ! Reference: Tang and Riley, 2014, BG, Simple formulations and solutions of &
+ ! the dual-phase diffusive transport for biogeochemical modeling.
+ ! jyt, Jan 6, 2014
+ ! !USES:
+ use transportmod , only : calc_interface_conductance
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: bulkdiffus(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ,1: ) !weighted bulk diffusivity for dual-phase diffusion
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: hmconductance_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) !weighted bulk conductance
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, n, fc, c !indices
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_bulk_conductances'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bulkdiffus) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1, betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !Integer[intent(in)], number of gw tracers
+ ntracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups , & !Integer[intent(in)], total number of tracers
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !logical[intent(in)], is a volatile tracer?
+ is_mobile => betrtracer_vars%is_mobile , &
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid & !integer[intent(in)], location in the volatile vector
+ )
+! compute the depth weighted diffusivities
+ do j = 1, ntracer_groups
+ if(.not. is_mobile(tracer_group_memid(j,1)))cycle
+ call calc_interface_conductance(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter , &
+ bulkdiffus(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, j) , &
+ dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) , &
+ hmconductance_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj-1, j))
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_bulk_conductances
+ subroutine calc_henrys_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, t_soisno, soi_pH, &
+ betrtracer_vars, aqu2neutralcef_col, henrycef_col)
+ !
+ ! compute henry's law constant for volatile tracers
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil temperature
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: soi_pH(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !pH profile
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ real(r8), intent(inout):: aqu2neutralcef_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !conversion parameter between bulk aqueous and neutral aqueous tracer
+ real(r8), intent(inout):: henrycef_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !henry's constant, mol/L/atm = M/atm
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, k, n, fc, c, trcid ! indices
+ real(r8) :: scal
+ character(len=255) :: subname='calc_henrys_coeff'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(soi_pH) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(aqu2neutralcef_col)== (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(henrycef_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !Integer[intent(in)], number of tracers
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !logical[intent(in)], is a volatile tracer?
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !logical[intent(in)], is a h2o tracer?
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !integer[intent(in)], tracer id
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid & !integer[intent(in)], location in the volatile vector
+ )
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ !for tagged co2 simulations, the henry's constants are assumed same for all co2 tracers
+ trcid= tracer_group_memid(j, 1)
+ if(is_volatile(trcid) .and. (.not. is_h2o(trcid)))then
+ k = volatilegroupid(trcid)
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ !Henry's law constants
+ henrycef_col(c,n,k)=get_henrycef(t_soisno(c,n), trcid, betrtracer_vars)
+ scal = get_equilibrium_scal(t_soisno(c,n), soi_pH(c,n), trcid,betrtracer_vars)
+ henrycef_col(c,n,k)=henrycef_col(c,n,k) * scal
+ aqu2neutralcef_col(c,n,j)=1._r8/scal !this will convert the bulk aqueous phase into neutral phase
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_henrys_coeff
+ subroutine calc_bunsen_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, henrycef_col, t_soisno, smp_l, betrtracer_vars, bunsencef_col)
+ !
+ ! compute Bunsen's coefficient
+ !
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil temperature, K
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smp_l(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil matric pressure, mm
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: henrycef_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !henry's constant
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: bunsencef_col(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !returning variable
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, k, n, fc, c , trcid !indices
+ real(r8) :: rho_vap(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ! saturated vapor pressure for different layers
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_bunsen_coeff'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(smp_l) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(henrycef_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bunsencef_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !Integer[intent(in)], number of tracers
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !logical[intent(in)], is a volatile tracer?
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !logical[intent(in)], is a h2o tracer
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid & !integer[intent(in)], location in the volatile vector
+ )
+ if(any(is_h2o))then
+ call calc_rhovap(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, t_soisno, smp_l, rho_vap)
+ endif
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ !for tagged co2 simulations, the henry's constant are assumed same for all co2 tracers
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j, 1)
+ if(is_volatile(trcid))then
+ k = volatilegroupid(trcid)
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ bunsencef_col(c,n, k)= henrycef_col(c,n,k)*t_soisno(c,n)/12.2_r8
+ !add the pH effect for tracers that can exist in multiple aqueous phases
+ if(is_h2o(trcid))then
+ !for water isotopes
+ bunsencef_col(c,n,j) = get_equi_lv_h2oiso_fractionation(trcid, t_soisno(c,j), betrtracer_vars) * denh2o/rho_vap(c,n)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_bunsen_coeff
+ subroutine calc_dual_phase_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, &
+ waterstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ !compute phase conversion coefficients between gaseous and aqueous phases
+ ! The total aqueous and gases phase concentration is = theta*aqueous+epsilon*gaseous
+ ! because aqueous = bunsen*gaseous, these coefficients are constant throughout the all period.
+ !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TracerCoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o, denice
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(Waterstate_Type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars ! structure containing tracer transport parameters
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, n, k, fc, c , trcid ! indices
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'calc_dual_phase_convert_coeff'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , & !Input: [integer(:)], number of tracers
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , & !Input: [integer(:)], tracer id
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , & !Input: [logical(:)], is h2o tracer?
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !Input: [logical(:)], is a volatile tracer?
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , & !Input: [logical(:)], location in the volatile vector
+ adsorbgroupid => betrtracer_vars%adsorbgroupid , & !Input: [Integer(:)], tracer id
+ h2osoi_liqvol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col , & !Input: [real(r8)(:,:)], liquid h2o vol
+ h2osoi_icevol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_icevol_col , & !Input: [real(r8)(:,:)], ice h2o vol
+ air_vol => waterstate_vars%air_vol_col , & !Input: [real(r8)(:,:)], air vol
+ bunsencef_col => tracercoeff_vars%bunsencef_col , & !Input: [real(r8)(:,:)], bunsen coeff
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col , & !Output:[real(r8)(:,:)], phase conversion coeff
+ aqu2equilsolidcef => tracercoeff_vars%aqu2equilsolidcef_col , & !Input: [real(r8)(:,:)], phase conversion coeff
+ gas2bulkcef_mobile => tracercoeff_vars%gas2bulkcef_mobile_col & !Output:[real(r8)(:,:)], phase conversion coeff
+ )
+ do j = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(j,1)
+ if(is_volatile(trcid))then
+ k = volatilegroupid(trcid)
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ !aqueous to bulk mobile phase
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,j) = air_vol(c,n)/bunsencef_col(c,n,k)+h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)
+ !gaseous to bulk mobile phase
+ gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,k) = air_vol(c,n)+h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)*bunsencef_col(c,n,k)
+ if(is_h2o(trcid))then
+ !for water tracer, I assume the three phases are in equilibrium, such that
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,j)= aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,j) + aqu2equilsolidcef(c,n,adsorbgroupid(trcid))
+ gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,k) = gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,k)+ aqu2equilsolidcef(c,n,adsorbgroupid(trcid)) * bunsencef_col(c,n,k)
+ endif
+ !correct for impermeable layer, to avoid division by zero in doing diffusive transport
+ gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,k) = max(gas2bulkcef_mobile(c,n,k),air_vol(c,n),minval_airvol)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ !when linear adsorption is used for some adsorptive aqueous tracers, the aqu2bulkcef will be the retardation factor
+ !for the moment, it is set to one for all non-volatile tracers
+ !It is assumed that ice have same equilibrium solublity as liquid water for soluable tracers
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ aqu2bulkcef_mobile(c, n, j) = h2osoi_liqvol(c,n)+denice/denh2o * h2osoi_icevol(c,n)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_dual_phase_convert_coeff
+ function get_equilibrium_scal(temp, pH, tracer, betrtracer_vars)result(rscal)
+ !
+ !obtain the equilibrium scaling factor for species that
+ !can exist in multiple aqueous forms through hydrolysis.
+ !obtain mole fractions stored as carbonate and bicarbonate
+ !dlogK/dT=dH/(2.303RT^2)
+ !logK=logK(T_0)+dH*(1/(2.303R*T_0)-1/(2.303R*T))
+ !
+ ! through the scale, the bulk aqueous tracer is, rscal * aqueous(netural)
+ ! !USES
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp, pH
+ integer, intent(in) :: tracer
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ !local variables
+ real(r8), parameter :: Tref=298.15 ! Kelvin
+ real(r8), parameter :: co2reflogK1=-6.352_r8 !25 Celcius
+ real(r8), parameter :: co2reflogK2=-10.33_r8 !25 Celcisum
+ real(r8), parameter :: co2dH1=-2.0e3_r8 ! J/mol
+ real(r8), parameter :: co2dH2=-3.5e3_r8 ! J/mol
+ real(r8), parameter :: nh3logK=9.24_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: no3logK=1.30_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: R=8.3144
+ real(r8) :: co2logK1, co2logK2, rscal
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='get_equilibrium_scal'
+ if(tracer==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ !H2CO3 <--> H(+)+HCO3(-) K1
+ !HCO3(-)<--> H(+)+CO3(2-) K2
+ !I have to check why I need 1.e3_r8 for conversion
+ co2logK1 = co2reflogK1+co2dH1*(1._r8/(2.303_r8*R*Tref)-1._r8/(2.303_r8*R*temp))
+ co2logK2 = co2reflogK2+co2dH2*(1._r8/(2.303_r8*R*Tref)-1._r8/(2.303_r8*R*temp))
+ rscal = 1._r8+10._r8**(co2logK1)*10._r8**(-pH)*(1._r8+10._r8**(co2logK2)*10._r8**(-pH))*1.e3_r8
+ elseif(tracer==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x)then
+ !NH3H2O <--> NH4(+) + OH(-)
+ rscal = 1._r8+10._r8**(nh3logK)*10._r8**(-pH)
+ elseif(tracer==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)then
+ !HNO3 <--> NO3(-) + H(+)
+ rscal = 1._r8+10._r8**(no3logK)*10._r8**(-pH)
+ else
+ rscal = 1._r8 ! no rescal for other tracers
+ endif
+ return
+ end function get_equilibrium_scal
+ function get_henrycef(temp, trcid, betrtracer_vars)result(henry)
+ !
+ !Compute the henry's law coefficient
+ !There are unconsidered isotopic effect on the henry's law constant.
+ !Some theoretical comments on such effect can be found in Jancso, 2002
+ !REFERENCE: compilation of henry's law constants for inorganic and organic
+ ! species of potential importance in environmental chemistry, Rolf Sander
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp
+ integer, intent(in) :: trcid
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ !local variable
+ real(r8) :: henry !unit[M/atm]=[mol_aq/dm3_aq]/[atm]
+ real(r8) :: es
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='get_henrycef'
+ if(trcid == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ henry=1.4e-3_r8*exp(-1500._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ henry=1.3e-3_r8*exp(-1500._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x)then
+ henry=5.6e1_r8*exp(-4100._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ henry=6.1e-4_r8*exp(-1300._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)then
+ henry=2.5e-2_r8*exp(-2600._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no)then
+ henry=1.9e-3*exp(-1500._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c13_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c14_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o17_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_air_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_arrt_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_hrsoi_co2x)then
+ henry=3.4e-2_r8*exp(-2400._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8))
+ else if(trcid == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)then
+ henry=1.3e-3_r8*exp(-1700._r8*(1._r8/temp-1._r8/298.15_r8)) !mol dm^-3 amt^-1
+ endif
+ return
+ end function get_henrycef
+ subroutine calc_rhovap(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, filter_soilc, t_soisno, smp_l, rho_vap)
+ !
+ !Compute actual vapor pressure inside the soil profile
+ !
+ ! uses
+ use clm_varcon , only : rwat, grav
+ use QSatMod , only : rhoSat
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil filters
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil temperature, K
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smp_l(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !liquid soil matric potential, mm
+ real(r8), intent(inout):: rho_vap(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !actual vapor pressure, kg/m3
+ !local variables
+ real(r8) :: hh !relative humidity
+ real(r8) :: rho_sat !saturated water vapor pressure
+ integer :: c, fc, n
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='calc_rhovap'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(smp_l) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(rho_vap) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !be careful below, because snow and pure water has no definition of water matrix potential
+ do n = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(n>=jtops(c))then
+ !calculate saturated vapor pressure
+ if(n>=1)then
+ hh = exp(smp_l(c,n)*1.e-3_r8*grav/(rwat*t_soisno(c,n))) !relative humidity using Kelvin equation
+ else
+ hh = 1._r8 !just in case it is snow layer
+ endif
+ call rhoSat(t_soisno(c,n), rho_sat)
+ !I use max to avoid completely dry soil
+ rho_vap(c,n) = rho_sat * max(hh,1.e-4_r8) !kg/m3
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_rhovap
+ function get_taugas(eff_por, airvol, bsw)result(taugas)
+ !
+ !Descriptions
+ !compute the tortuosity for the gas diffusion
+ !Reference:
+ !Millington and Quirk, 1961; Maggi et al., 2008
+ !Moldrup et al, 2003
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: eff_por ! effective porosity
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: airvol ! air filled volume
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: bsw ! clapp-hornber shape parameter
+ real(r8) :: taugas
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='get_taugas'
+ if(eff_por == 0._r8)then
+ taugas = 0._r8
+ else
+ if(present(bsw))then
+ !modified from Eq.(5) in Moldrup et al., 2003
+ taugas = (airvol/eff_por)**(3._r8/bsw)*airvol
+ else
+ taugas= eff_por**(1._r8/3._r8)*(airvol/eff_por)**(7._r8/3._r8)
+ endif
+ endif
+ end function get_taugas
+ function get_tauliq(eff_por, liqvol, bsw)result(tauliq)
+ !
+ !compute tortuosity for solute diffusion
+ !Reference:
+ !Millington and Quirk, 1961; Maggi et al., 2008
+ !Moldrup et al, 2003
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: eff_por !effective porosity
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: liqvol !liquid water filled volume
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: bsw !clapp-hornberg shape parameter
+ real(r8) :: tauliq
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='get_tauliq'
+ if(eff_por == 0._r8)then
+ tauliq = 0._r8
+ else
+ if(present(bsw))then
+ !Modified from Eq.(3) in Moldrup et al., 2003.
+ tauliq=(min(liqvol/eff_por,1._r8))**(bsw/3._r8-1._r8)*liqvol
+ else
+ tauliq=eff_por**(1._r8/3._r8)*(min(liqvol/eff_por,1._r8))**(7._r8/3._r8)
+ endif
+ endif
+ end function get_tauliq
+ function get_gas_diffusivity(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars)result(diff)
+ !
+ !
+ !compute gaseous diffusivity for volatile species
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp !kelvin
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ !local variable
+ real(r8) :: diff
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'get_gas_diffusivity'
+ if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ diff=1.93e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ diff=1.61e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ diff=1.8e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ diff=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_air_co2x)then
+ diff=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_arrt_co2x)then
+ diff=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_hrsoi_co2x)then
+ diff=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)then
+ diff=1.9e-5_r8*(temp/298.0_r8)**1.82_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x)then
+ diff=0.211e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no)then
+ diff=0.199e-4_r8*(temp/293.15)**1.5_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)then
+ diff=0.159e-4_r8*(temp/293.15)**1.5_r8
+ !use the kinetic theory of gases, assuming the collison diameters are same
+ !between the light and heavy isotopmer, assuming the bath gas is dry air
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o)then
+ diff = 0.9723_r8*0.226e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8 !from Merlivat, 1978
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_d_h2o)then
+ diff = 0.9755_r8*0.226e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8 !from Merlivat, 1978
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c13_co2x)then
+ diff = 0.9958_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8 ! from Trudinger, 1997
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_co2x)then
+ diff = 0.9913_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8 !e.g. Wingate et al., 2009
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c14_co2x)then
+ diff = 0.9918_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8 ! from Trudinger, 1997
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o17_co2x)then
+ diff = 0.9957_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8
+ endif
+ return
+ end function get_gas_diffusivity
+ function get_aqueous_diffusivity(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars, is_dom)result(diff)
+ !
+ ! Descriptions:
+ ! Compute aqueous diffusivity for volatile species
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_dom
+ !local variable
+ real(r8) :: diff ! m2/s
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='get_aqueous_diffusivity'
+ if(present(is_dom))then
+ if(is_dom)then
+ diff=2.6e-9_r8
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ diff=2.57e-9_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ diff=2.4e-9_r8*temp/298.0_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ diff=2.15e-9_r8*temp/298.0_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_air_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_arrt_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_hrsoi_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)then
+ diff=1.5e-9_r8*temp/298.0_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)then
+ diff=2.6e-9_r8*temp/298.15_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no2x)then
+ diff=2.6e-9_r8*temp/298.15_r8 !considers revision
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x)then
+ diff=1.64e-5_r8*temp/298.15_r8
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_d_h2o)then
+ diff=0.9833_r8*1e-9_r8*exp(-(535400._r8/temp-1393.3_r8)/temp+2.1876_r8)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o)then
+ diff=0.9669_r8*1e-9_r8*exp(-(535400._r8/temp-1393.3_r8)/temp+2.1876_r8)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_co2x)then
+ !theoretical calculations based on molecular dynamics indicate the fractionation between carbonate and bicarbonate due to diffusion is less than 1 per mil.
+ !so set it to the diffusivity of the base value
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c13_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c14_co2x)then
+ diff=1.81e-6_r8*exp(-2032.6/temp)
+ else
+ diff=2.6e-9_r8
+ endif
+ end function get_aqueous_diffusivity
+ function get_diffusivity_ratio_gas2h2o(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars)result(ratio)
+ !
+ ! Compute the ratio of gas phase diffusivities for different volatile species in air with respect to that of water vapor
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ real(r8) :: diff, ratio, diffh2o
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'get_diffusivity_ratio_gas2h2o'
+ diffh2o=0.229e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8
+ if(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ ratio=1.93e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ ratio=1.8e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ ratio=1.6e-5_r8*(temp/273.0_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ ratio=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_air_co2x)then
+ ratio=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_arrt_co2x)then
+ ratio=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_hrsoi_co2x)then
+ ratio=1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)then
+ ratio=1.9e-5_r8*(temp/298.0_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x)then
+ ratio=0.211e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no)then
+ ratio=0.199e-4_r8*(temp/293.15)**1.5_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)then
+ ratio=0.159e-4_r8*(temp/293.15)**1.5_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o)then
+ ratio = 0.9723_r8 !from Merlivat, 1978
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_d_h2o)then
+ ratio = 0.9755_r8 !from Merlivat, 1978
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c13_co2x)then
+ ratio = 0.9957_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_c14_co2x)then
+ ratio = 0.9913_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_co2x)then
+ ratio = 0.9913_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ elseif(trcid==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o17_co2x)then
+ ratio = 0.9957_r8*1.47e-5_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.82_r8/diffh2o
+ endif
+ return
+ end function get_diffusivity_ratio_gas2h2o
+ subroutine convert_mobile2gas(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, do_forward, gas2bulkcef_mobile_col, betrtracer_vars, tracer_conc_mobile)
+ !
+ ! do conversion between bulk mobile phase and gaseous phase
+ !
+ ! USES
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ !arguments
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of filters
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
+ logical, intent(in) :: do_forward ! true, dual_bulk => gaseous
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc: ,lbj: , 1: ) !conversion parameter
+ real(r8), intent(inout):: tracer_conc_mobile(bounds%begc: ,lbj: , 1: ) !bulk mobile tracer
+ !local variables
+ integer :: jj, kk, fc, c, j
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'convert_mobile2gas'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(gas2bulkcef_mobile_col) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tracer_conc_mobile) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !Integer[intent(in)], number of tracers
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , & !logical[intent(in)], is a volatile tracer?
+ volatilegroupid => betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid & !integer[intent(in)], location in the volatile vector
+ )
+ do jj = 1, ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(is_volatile(jj))then
+ kk = volatilegroupid(jj)
+ if(do_forward)then
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,jj) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,jj) / gas2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,kk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ else
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,jj) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,jj) * gas2bulkcef_mobile_col(c,j,kk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine convert_mobile2gas
+ subroutine set_multi_phase_diffusion(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, temperature_vars, chemstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ !
+ ! set parameters for the dual phase diffusion
+ !
+ use TracerCoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars ! physical state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars ! chemistry state variable
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars ! structure containing tracer transport parameters
+ !
+ real(r8) :: bulkdiffus(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups ) !weighted bulk diffusivity for dual-phase diffusion
+ !maybe I should use tau_soil as a local variable, I will check this later
+ character(len=255) :: subname='set_multi_phase_diffusion'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !compute tortuosity
+ !gaseous phase
+ call calc_gaseous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_soil%tau_gas)
+ !aqueous phase
+ call calc_aqueous_diffusion_soil_tortuosity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_soil%tau_liq)
+ !compute bulk diffusivity
+ call calc_bulk_diffusivity(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter , &
+ tracercoeff_vars%bunsencef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj, : ) , &
+ canopystate_vars, waterstate_vars, tau_soil, betrtracer_vars , &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), bulkdiffus)
+ !compute weigthed conductances
+ call calc_bulk_conductances(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, bulkdiffus, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars%hmconductance_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj-1, :))
+ end subroutine set_multi_phase_diffusion
+ subroutine set_phase_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, dz, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, &
+ temperature_vars, chemstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ !
+ ! set parameters for phase conversion
+ use TracerCoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: ,lbj: )
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(Waterstate_Type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(soilstate_type), intent(in) :: soilstate_vars ! physical state variables
+ type(temperature_type), intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(chemstate_type), intent(in) :: chemstate_vars ! chemical state variable
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars ! structure containing tracer transport parameters
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_phase_convert_coeff'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !compute Henry's law constant
+ call calc_henrys_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter , &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) , &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), betrtracer_vars , &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2neutralcef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj, : ) , &
+ tracercoeff_vars%henrycef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, : ))
+ !compute Bunsen's coefficients
+ call calc_bunsen_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter , &
+ tracercoeff_vars%henrycef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, : ) , &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) , &
+ waterstate_vars%smp_l_col (bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) , &
+ betrtracer_vars , &
+ tracercoeff_vars%bunsencef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, :))
+ !compute equilibrium fraction to liquid phase conversion parameter
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ call calc_equil_to_liquid_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter , &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) , &
+ waterstate_vars%h2osoi_ice_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) , &
+ dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) , &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars%aqu2equilsolidcef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj,:))
+ endif
+ !compute phase conversion coefficients
+ call calc_dual_phase_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, waterstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ end subroutine set_phase_convert_coeff
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_tracer_infiltration(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, bunsencef_topsoi, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars, waterflux_vars, tracer_flx_infl)
+ !
+ ! calculate advection velocity for BeTR code
+ ! this assumes the interfacial velocity qflx_adv (except infiltration) has been calcualted in doing vertical
+ ! watermovement
+ ! This assumes the advection solves the equation
+ ! \frac{\parital m}{\partial t}+\frac{V*m}{\partial z} = 0
+ !where m = C*vsm, therefore, V=ql/vsm
+ !
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: bunsencef_topsoi(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type), intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: tracer_flx_infl(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ associate( &
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_gross_infl_soil_col & !real(r8) (:) [intent(in)], infiltration, mm/s
+ )
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bunsencef_topsoi) == (/bounds%endc, betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tracer_flx_infl) == (/bounds%endc, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ !for a real mechanistic modeling, tracer_flx_infl should be derived from water flux coming from snow melt, surface ponding water,
+ !and precipitation. I here just comparomise for a quick shot.
+ if(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o)then
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ tracer_flx_infl(c,j) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)/denh2o !kg m-2 s-1/ kg m-3 = m/s
+ enddo
+ else
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(betrtracer_vars%is_volatile(j) .and. betrtracer_vars%is_advective(j))then
+ !for volatile non water tracer, infiltration is calculated based dissolution of the gas in the water, this may need
+ !improvement when tracers are allowed to transport inside snow, such that the tracer infiltration is derived from mass balance in snow
+ tracer_flx_infl(c,j) = bunsencef_topsoi(c,betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid(j)) * tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1,j) * qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)*1.e-3_r8
+ else
+ tracer_flx_infl(c,j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_tracer_infiltration
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, h2osoi_liq)
+ !
+ ! pre diagnose advective water fluxes at different soil interfaces
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_hydrologyc ! number of column soil points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_hydrologyc(:) ! column filter for soil points
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanc ! number of column urban points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanc(:) ! column filter for urban points
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_liq(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_liq) == (/bounds%endc, nlevsoi/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ allocate(h2osoi_liq_copy(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevsoi)); h2osoi_liq_copy(:, :) = spval
+ do j = 1, nlevsoi
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ h2osoi_liq_copy(c,j) = h2osoi_liq(c,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine diagnose_advect_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, h2osoi_liq, qcharge, waterflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! diagnose advective water fluxes between different soil layers
+ !
+ use WaterFluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_hydrologyc ! number of column soil points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_hydrologyc(:) ! column filter for soil points
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanc ! number of column urban points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanc(:) ! column filter for urban points
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_liq(bounds%begc: , 1: ) !mm H2O/m2 eqv. kg H2O/m2
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: qcharge(bounds%begc: ) ! mm H2O/s aquifer recharge rate
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, fc, c
+ real(r8):: dtime
+ real(r8):: diff
+ real(r8):: infl_tmp
+ real(r8):: scal
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_liq) == (/bounds%endc, nlevsoi/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(qcharge) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( & !
+ qflx_rootsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_rootsoi_col , & ! Iput : [real(r8) (:,:) ] vegetation/soil water exchange (m H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
+ qflx_adv => waterflux_vars%qflx_adv_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] water flux at interfaces (m H2O/s) (- = to atm)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil=> waterflux_vars%qflx_gross_infl_soil_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] gross infiltration (mm H2O/s)
+ qflx_infl => waterflux_vars%qflx_infl_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] infiltration
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil=> waterflux_vars%qflx_gross_evap_soil_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] gross evaporation (mm H2O/s)
+ )
+ ! get time step
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ !start from the bottom layer, because the water exchange between vadose zone soil and aquifer and plant root is known
+ !the water flux at uppper surface can be inferred using the mass balance approach
+ do j = nlevsoi, 1, -1
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ if(j==nlevsoi)then
+ qflx_adv(c,j) = qcharge(c) * 1.e-3_r8
+ else
+ qflx_adv(c,j) = 1.e-3_r8 * (h2osoi_liq(c,j+1)-h2osoi_liq_copy(c,j+1))/dtime + qflx_adv(c,j+1) + qflx_rootsoi(c,j+1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! correct gross infiltration and gross evaporation
+ ! (h2osoi_liq(c,1)-h2osoi_liq_copy(c,1))/dtime=qflx_infl-q_out-qflx_rootsoi
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ !obtain the corrected infiltration
+ qflx_infl(c) = (h2osoi_liq(c,1)-h2osoi_liq_copy(c,1))/dtime + (qflx_rootsoi(c,1)+qflx_adv(c,1))*1.e3_r8
+ !the predicted net infiltration
+ infl_tmp=qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)-qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)
+ diff=qflx_infl(c)-infl_tmp
+ if(abs(diff)/=0._r8)then
+ if(infl_tmp==0._r8)then
+ if(diff>0._r8)then
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)=diff
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)=0._r8
+ else
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)=0._r8
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)=-diff
+ endif
+ else
+ scal = (1._r8+diff/infl_tmp)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) * scal
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) * scal
+ if(qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)<0._r8)then
+ !no negative evaporation allowed
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)-qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)<0._r8)then
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = qflx_gross_evap_soil(c)-qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ qflx_adv(c,0) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) *.1e-3_r8 !surface infiltration
+ enddo
+ deallocate(h2osoi_liq_copy)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine diagnose_advect_water_flux
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine diagnose_drainage_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, h2osoi_liq, waterflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! diagnose advective water fluxes between different soil layers
+ !
+ use WaterFluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_hydrologyc ! number of column soil points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_hydrologyc(:) ! column filter for soil points
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanc ! number of column urban points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanc(:) ! column filter for urban points
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_liq(bounds%begc: , 1: ) !mm H2O/m2 eqv. kg H2O/m2
+ !local variables
+ integer :: j, fc, c
+ real(r8):: dtime
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_liq) == (/bounds%endc, nlevsoi/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( & !
+ qflx_drain_vr => waterflux_vars%qflx_drain_vr_col & ! Output : [real(r8) (:,:) ] vegetation/soil water exchange (mm H2O/step) (to river +)
+ )
+ ! get time step
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ !start from the bottom layer, because the water exchange between vadose zone soil and aquifer and plant root is known
+ !the water flux at uppper surface can be inferred using the mass balance approach
+ do j = nlevsoi, 1, -1
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ qflx_drain_vr(c,j) = h2osoi_liq_copy(c,j)-h2osoi_liq(c,j)
+ qflx_drain_vr(c,j) = min(qflx_drain_vr(c,j),h2osoi_liq_copy(c,j))/denh2o
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ deallocate(h2osoi_liq_copy)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine diagnose_drainage_water_flux
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_equi_lv_h2oiso_fractionation(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars)result(ans)
+ !
+ ! get equilibrium isotopic fractionation of liquid against gaseous phase
+ !
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: temp !temperature
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ !now it is set to one, for O18 and H/D, pleasure refer to Braud et al. (2005, J. Hydrology)
+ ans = 1._r8
+ return
+ end function get_equi_lv_h2oiso_fractionation
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_equi_sv_h2oiso_fractionation(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars)result(ans)
+ !
+ ! get equilibrium isotopic fractionation of ice against vapor phase
+ !
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: temp !temperature
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ !now it is set to one, for O18, Roche (2013, GMD) gives some information
+ ans = 1._r8
+ return
+ end function get_equi_sv_h2oiso_fractionation
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_equi_sl_h2oiso_fractionation(trcid, temp, betrtracer_vars)result(ans)
+ !
+ ! get equilibrium isotopic fractionation of ice against liquid water
+ !
+ !
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: trcid
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: temp !temperature
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ !now it is set to one, it is equal to alpha_sv*alpha_vl
+ ans = 1._r8
+ return
+ end function get_equi_sl_h2oiso_fractionation
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_equil_to_liquid_convert_coeff(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, numf, filter, t_soisno, h2osoi_ice, dz, &
+ betrtracer_vars, aqu2equilsolidcef_col)
+ !
+ ! calculate partition parameter between solid and aqueous phase tracers
+ ! this could mean differnt things for different cases
+ ! for water isotopes, this represents ice/liquid equilibrium partitioning, it could also
+ ! mean linear isotherms of adsorption/desorption. Currently, it is only
+ ! for water isotope partitioning between liquid water and ice
+ !
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o, denice
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: h2osoi_ice(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: aqu2equilsolidcef_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, 1:betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracer_groups)
+ real(r8) :: alpha_sl
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_ice) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o &
+ )
+ if(any(is_h2o))then
+ !doing a water isotope simulation
+ if(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o>0)then
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ alpha_sl = get_equi_sl_h2oiso_fractionation(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o, t_soisno(c,j), betrtracer_vars)
+ aqu2equilsolidcef_col(c,j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o18_h2o_ice) = alpha_sl * h2osoi_ice(c,j) / (denh2o * dz(c,j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ endif
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_equil_to_liquid_convert_coeff
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_smp_l(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, t_soisno, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, soil_water_retention_curve)
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use SoilWaterRetentionCurveMod , only : soil_water_retention_curve_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : grav,hfus,tfrz
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! soil temperature
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_vars
+ class(soil_water_retention_curve_type), intent(in) :: soil_water_retention_curve
+ !local variables
+ real(r8) :: s_node
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)),errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( & !
+ h2osoi_vol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil moisture
+ smp_l => waterstate_vars%smp_l_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil suction (mm)
+ bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] Clapp and Hornberger "b"
+ watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] minimum soil suction (mm)
+ sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] minimum soil suction (mm)
+ )
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=1)then
+ if(t_soisno(c,j) soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)
+ h2osoi_vol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water (0<=h2osoi_vol<=watsat) [m3/m3]
+ t_soisno => temperature_vars%t_soisno_col & ! Input: [real(r8) (: ,:) ] soil temperature (Kelvin) (-nlevsno+1:nlevsoi)
+ )
+ ! The layer index of the first unsaturated layer, i.e., the layer right above
+ ! the water table.
+ ! ZS: Loop is currently not vectorized.
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ ! Check to see if any soil layers are frozen and saturated. If so, start looking at the first layer above the top
+ ! such layer. This is potentially important for perched water tables in the Tundra.
+ perch = nlevsoi
+ do j = nlevsoi, 1, -1
+ if (t_soisno(c,j) < tfrz .and. h2osoi_vol(c,j) > f_sat * watsat(c,j)) then
+ ! strictly less than freezing because it could be permeable otherwise
+ perch = j-1
+ end if
+ end do
+ jwt(c) = perch
+ do j = perch, 2, -1
+ if(h2osoi_vol(c,j) > f_sat * watsat(c,j) .and. h2osoi_vol(c,j-1) < f_sat * watsat(c,j-1)) then
+ jwt(c) = j-1
+ zwt(c) = zi(c,jwt(c))
+ exit
+ end if
+ enddo
+ if (jwt(c) == perch .and. h2osoi_vol(c,1) > f_sat * watsat(c,1)) then ! missed that the top layer is saturated
+ jwt(c) = 0
+ endif
+ zwt(c) = zi(c,jwt(c))
+ end do
+ end associate
+ end subroutine get_zwt
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_aerecond(bounds, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jwt, rootfr, temperature_vars, betrtracer_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ !
+ !
+ ! calculate aerenchyma conductance (m/s)
+ use clm_varcon , only : tfrz, rpi
+ use pftvarcon , only : nc3_arctic_grass, crop, nc3_nonarctic_grass, nc4_grass, noveg
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_cn
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_nstep
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of column soil points in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! column filter for soil points
+ integer , intent(in) :: jwt(bounds%begc: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: rootfr(bounds%begp: ,1: ) ! fraction of roots in each soil layer
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ real(r8) :: aerecond !
+ real(r8) :: nppratio
+ real(r8) :: anpp
+ real(r8) :: m_tiller
+ real(r8) :: n_tiller
+ real(r8) :: poros_tiller
+ real(r8) :: area_tiller
+ real(r8) :: lbl_rsc
+ real(r8) :: porosmin = 0.05_r8 ! wait to be read in later
+ real(r8) :: rob = 3._r8 ! ratio of root length to vertical depth ("obliquity"), wait to be read in later
+ real(r8) :: nongrassporosratio = 0.33_r8 ! non grass ratio
+ real(r8) :: unsat_aere_ratio= 0.05_r8 / 0.3_r8
+ logical :: usefrootc = .false. ! wait to be read in later
+ integer :: j, fp, p, c, g, kk, k, trcid
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jwt) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(rootfr) == (/bounds%endp, nlevsoi/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ associate( & !
+ z => col%z , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m) (-nlevsno+1:nlevsoi)
+ dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer thickness (m) (-nlevsno+1:nlevsoi)
+ wtcol => pft%wtcol , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] weight (relative to column)
+ lbl_rsc_h2o => canopystate_vars%lbl_rsc_h2o_patch , & ! laminar layer resistance for h2o
+ elai => canopystate_vars%elai_patch , &
+ annsum_npp => carbonflux_vars%annsum_npp_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] annual sum NPP (gC/m2/yr)
+ annavg_agnpp => carbonflux_vars%annavg_agnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual average above-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ annavg_bgnpp => carbonflux_vars%annavg_bgnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual average below-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ frootc => carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gC/m2) fine root C
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ volatilegroupid=> betrtracer_vars%volatilegroupid , &
+ ngwmobile_tracer_groups=> betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups , &
+ tracer_group_memid => betrtracer_vars%tracer_group_memid , &
+ t_veg => temperature_vars%t_veg_patch , &
+ t_soisno => temperature_vars%t_soisno_col , &
+ scal_aere_cond => tracercoeff_vars%scal_aere_cond_col , &
+ tracer_diffusivity_air=> tracercoeff_vars%tracer_diffusivity_air_col, &
+ aere_cond => tracercoeff_vars%aere_cond_col & !
+ )
+ do j=1,nlevsoi
+ do fp = 1, num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp (fp)
+ c = pft%column(p)
+ g = col%gridcell(c)
+ ! Calculate aerenchyma diffusion
+ if (j > jwt(c) .and. t_soisno(c,j) > tfrz .and. pft%itype(p) /= noveg) then
+ ! Attn EK: This calculation of aerenchyma properties is very uncertain. Let's check in once all
+ ! the new components are in; if there is any tuning to be done to get a realistic global flux,
+ ! this would probably be the place. We will have to document clearly in the Tech Note
+ ! any major changes from the Riley et al. 2011 version. (There are a few other minor ones.)
+ if(use_cn)then
+ anpp = annsum_npp(p) ! g C / m^2/yr
+ anpp = max(anpp, 0._r8) ! NPP can be negative b/c of consumption of storage pools
+ if (annavg_agnpp(p) /= spval .and. annavg_bgnpp(p) /= spval .and. &
+ annavg_agnpp(p) > 0._r8 .and. annavg_bgnpp(p) > 0._r8) then
+ nppratio = annavg_bgnpp(p) / (annavg_agnpp(p) + annavg_bgnpp(p))
+ else
+ nppratio = 0.5_r8
+ end if
+ endif
+ ! Estimate area of tillers (see Wania thesis)
+ !m_tiller = anpp * r_leaf_root * lai ! (4.17 Wania)
+ !m_tiller = 600._r8 * 0.5_r8 * 2._r8 ! used to be 300
+ ! Note: this calculation is based on Arctic graminoids, and should be refined for woody plants, if not
+ ! done on a PFT-specific basis.
+ if(.not. use_cn)then
+ m_tiller = 0._r8 !this was set to zero purposely
+ else
+ if (usefrootc) then
+ m_tiller = frootc(p) ! This will yield much smaller aere area.
+ else
+ m_tiller = anpp * nppratio * elai(p)
+ end if
+ endif
+ n_tiller = m_tiller / 0.22_r8
+ if (pft%itype(p) == nc3_arctic_grass .or. crop(pft%itype(p)) == 1 .or. &
+ pft%itype(p) == nc3_nonarctic_grass .or. pft%itype(p) == nc4_grass) then
+ poros_tiller = 0.3_r8 ! Colmer 2003
+ else
+ poros_tiller = 0.3_r8 * nongrassporosratio
+ end if
+ poros_tiller = poros_tiller * unsat_aere_ratio
+ poros_tiller = max(poros_tiller, porosmin)
+ area_tiller = n_tiller * poros_tiller * rpi * 2.9e-3_r8**2._r8 ! (m2/m2)
+ do k = 1, ngwmobile_tracer_groups
+ trcid = tracer_group_memid(k, 1)
+ if(is_volatile(trcid))then
+ kk = volatilegroupid(k)
+ tracer_diffusivity_air(c,kk) = get_gas_diffusivity(trcid,t_veg(p), betrtracer_vars)
+ aerecond = scal_aere_cond(c, kk)*area_tiller * rootfr(p,j) * tracer_diffusivity_air(c,kk) / (z(c,j)*rob)
+ ! Add in boundary layer resistance
+ lbl_rsc = safe_div(lbl_rsc_h2o(p), (get_diffusivity_ratio_gas2h2o(trcid, t_veg(p), betrtracer_vars))**(2._r8/3._r8))
+ !laminar boundary resistance + resistance in the aerenchyma
+ aerecond = safe_div(1._r8, (safe_div(1._r8,aerecond) + safe_div(1._r8,lbl_rsc)))
+ aere_cond(c,kk) = aere_cond(c,kk) + wtcol(p) * aerecond
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end do ! p filter
+ end do ! over levels
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_aerecond
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_annualupdate(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
+ !
+ ! !DESCRIPTION: Annual mean fields.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_days_per_year, get_nstep
+ use clm_varcon , only : secspday
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil points in pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! patch filter for soil points
+ type(Carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ !
+ integer :: c,p ! indices
+ integer :: fc ! soil column filter indices
+ integer :: fp ! soil pft filter indices
+ real(r8):: dt ! time step (seconds)
+ real(r8):: secsperyear
+ logical :: newrun
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ associate( &
+ agnpp => carbonflux_vars%agnpp_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gC/m2/s) aboveground NPP
+ bgnpp => carbonflux_vars%bgnpp_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gC/m2/s) belowground NPP
+ tempavg_agnpp => carbonflux_vars%tempavg_agnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] temporary average above-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ annavg_agnpp => carbonflux_vars%annavg_agnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual average above-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ tempavg_bgnpp => carbonflux_vars%tempavg_bgnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] temporary average below-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ annavg_bgnpp => carbonflux_vars%annavg_bgnpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual average below-ground NPP (gC/m2/s)
+ annsum_counter => tracercoeff_vars%annsum_counter_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] seconds since last annual accumulator turnover
+ !finundated => ch4_vars%finundated_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional inundated area in soil column
+ !tempavg_somhr => ch4_vars%tempavg_somhr_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] temporary average SOM heterotrophic resp. (gC/m2/s)
+ !annavg_somhr => ch4_vars%annavg_somhr_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual average SOM heterotrophic resp. (gC/m2/s)
+ !tempavg_finrw => ch4_vars%tempavg_finrw_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] respiration-weighted annual average of finundated
+ !annavg_finrw => ch4_vars%annavg_finrw_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] respiration-weighted annual average of finundated
+ )
+ ! set time steps
+ dt = real(get_step_size(), r8)
+ secsperyear = real( get_days_per_year() * secspday, r8)
+ newrun = .false.
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if (annsum_counter(c) == spval) then
+ ! These variables are now in restart files for completeness, but might not be in inicFile and are not.
+ ! set for arbinit.
+ newrun = .true.
+ annsum_counter(c) = 0._r8
+ !tempavg_somhr(c) = 0._r8
+ !tempavg_finrw(c) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ annsum_counter(c) = annsum_counter(c) + dt
+ end do
+ ! patch loop
+ do fp = 1,num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ if (newrun .or. tempavg_agnpp(p) == spval) then ! Extra check needed because for back-compatibility
+ tempavg_agnpp(p) = 0._r8
+ tempavg_bgnpp(p) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ end do
+ do fp = 1,num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ c = pft%column(p)
+ if (annsum_counter(c) >= secsperyear) then
+ annavg_agnpp(p) = tempavg_agnpp(p)
+ tempavg_agnpp(p) = 0._r8
+ annavg_bgnpp(p) = tempavg_bgnpp(p)
+ tempavg_bgnpp(p) = 0._r8
+ else
+ tempavg_agnpp(p) = tempavg_agnpp(p) + dt/secsperyear * agnpp(p)
+ tempavg_bgnpp(p) = tempavg_bgnpp(p) + dt/secsperyear * bgnpp(p)
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if (annsum_counter(c) >= secsperyear) annsum_counter(c) = 0._r8
+ end do
+ end associate
+ end subroutine betr_annualupdate
+end module TracerParamsMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerStateType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7fc374d0f626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TracerStateType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+module TracerStateType
+ !
+ ! data type for state variables used in betr
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use spmdMod , only : masterproc
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval, ispval
+ use landunit_varcon, only : istsoil, istcrop
+ !
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ !
+ type, public :: TracerState_type
+ ! Column tracer state variables
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_surfwater_col (:,:) !tracer concentration in the hydraulic head
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_aquifer_col (:,:) !tracer concentration in the flux to aquifer
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_grndwater_col (:,:) !tracer concentration in the flux to groundwater, include lateral drainage and discharge to aquifer
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_col_molarmass_col (:,:) !for error tracking, column tracer mass
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_atm_col (:,:) !colum volatile tracer in the atmosphere
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_P_gas_col (:,:) !total gas pressure at different depth, sum of different gas species.
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_P_gas_frac_col (:,:,:) !fraction of the volatile species in the overall pressure
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_soi_molarmass_col (:,:) !vertically integrated tracer content (mol tracer/m2), only in the soil
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_mobile_col (:,:,:) !tracer concentration in each layer (mol/m3) (snow/ponding water + soil)
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_solid_equil_col (:,:,:) !tracer concentration in adsorbed/solid phase for each layer (mol/m3) (soil), which is in equilibrium with mobile phase
+ real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_solid_passive_col (:,:,:) !tracer concentration in passive solid phase, which is not in equilibrium with mobile phase. e.g. polymers, or protected monomers, or ice
+ !real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_frozen_col (:,:,:) !place holder, tracer concentration in frozen layer for unsaturated part for nonvolatile species
+ !real(r8), pointer :: tracer_conc_bubble_col (:,:,:) !place holder, a bubble pool to track the lake ebullition in freeze-thaw period, [col, levels, tracer]
+ real(r8), pointer :: beg_tracer_molarmass_col (:,:) !column integrated tracer mass
+ real(r8), pointer :: end_tracer_molarmass_col (:,:) !column integrated tracer mass
+ real(r8), pointer :: errtracer_col (:,:) !column mass balance error
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, public :: Restart
+ procedure, public :: Reset
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure, private :: InitHistory
+ end type TracerState_type
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the data type
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ class(TracerState_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call this%InitHistory(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! allocate memory for arraies in the data type
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ implicit none
+ !
+ class(TracerState_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: ngwmobile_tracers, ntracers
+ integer :: nsolid_equil_tracers
+ integer :: nsolid_passive_tracers
+ integer :: nvolatile_tracers
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ ngwmobile_tracers = betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ ntracers = betrtracer_vars%ntracers
+ nsolid_equil_tracers = betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers
+ nsolid_passive_tracers = betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers
+ nvolatile_tracers = betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers
+ allocate(this%tracer_P_gas_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj)) ; this%tracer_P_gas_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_surfwater_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_aquifer_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_aquifer_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_grndwater_col (begc:endc, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_col_molarmass_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)) ; this%tracer_col_molarmass_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_soi_molarmass_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)) ; this%tracer_soi_molarmass_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%errtracer_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)) ; this%errtracer_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_atm_col (begc:endc, 1:nvolatile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_atm_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_mobile_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:ngwmobile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_mobile_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:nsolid_equil_tracers)) ; this%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:nsolid_passive_tracers)); this%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%tracer_P_gas_frac_col (begc:endc, lbj:ubj, 1:nvolatile_tracers)) ; this%tracer_P_gas_frac_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%beg_tracer_molarmass_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%beg_tracer_molarmass_col(:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%end_tracer_molarmass_col (begc:endc, 1:ntracers)); this%end_tracer_molarmass_col(:,:) = nan
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! History fields initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !use shr_infnan_mod, only: nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use clm_varpar , only: nlevsno
+ use BeTRTracerType, only: BeTRTracer_Type
+ use histFileMod , only: hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d
+ use histFileMod , only: no_snow_normal, no_snow_zero
+ !
+ class(TracerState_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: jj, kk
+ real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr(:,:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ real(r8), pointer :: data1dptr(:) ! temp. pointers for slicing larger arrays
+ associate( &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ is_volatile => betrtracer_vars%is_volatile , &
+ is_isotope => betrtracer_vars%is_isotope , &
+ is_h2o => betrtracer_vars%is_h2o , &
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames &
+ )
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc=bounds%endc
+ this%tracer_P_gas_col(begc:endc, :) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%tracer_P_gas_col
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname='TRACER_P_GAS', units='Pa', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='total gas pressure', &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr)
+ do jj = 1, ntracers
+ if(jj<= ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ this%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(begc:endc,jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_SURFWATER', units='mol m-3', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='head concentration for tracer '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_AQUIFER', units='mol m-3', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='quifier concentration for tracer '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(:, jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_GRNDWATER', units='mol m-3', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='groundwater concentration for tracer '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_conc_mobile_col(begc:endc, :, jj) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%tracer_conc_mobile_col(:, :, jj)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_MOBILE', units='mol m-3', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='gw-mobile phase for tracer '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr)
+ if(is_volatile(jj) .and. (.not. is_h2o(jj)) .and. (.not. is_isotope(jj)))then
+ this%tracer_P_gas_frac_col(begc:endc,:, volatileid(jj)) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%tracer_P_gas_frac_col(:,:, volatileid(jj))
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_P_GAS_FRAC', units='mol m-3', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='fraction of gas phase contributed by '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr)
+ endif
+ else
+ kk = jj - ngwmobile_tracers
+ this%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(begc:endc, :, kk) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(:, :, kk)
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'TRACER_CONC_SOLID_PASSIVE', units='mol m-3', type2d='levtrc', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='passive solid phase for tracer '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ this%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRCER_SOI_MOLAMASS', units='mol m-2', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='total molar mass in soil for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%tracer_col_molarmass_col(begc:endc, jj) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%tracer_col_molarmass_col(:,jj)
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRCER_COL_MOLAMASS', units='mol m-2', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='total molar mass in the column (soi+snow) for '//trim(tracernames(jj)), &
+ ptr_col=data1dptr, default='inactive')
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitHistory
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Restart(this, bounds, ncid, flag, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! Read/Write module information to/from restart file.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevsoi
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno
+ use BeTRTracerType, only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ !use spmdMod , only : masterproc
+ use restUtilMod
+ use ncdio_pio
+ !
+ implicit none
+ class(TracerState_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ class(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! netcdf id
+ character(len=*) , intent(in) :: flag ! 'read' or 'write'
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ !
+ integer :: j,c,jj,kk ! indices
+ logical :: readvar ! determine if variable is on initial file
+ real(r8), pointer :: ptr1d(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: ptr2d(:,:)
+ associate( &
+ ntracers => betrtracer_vars%ntracers , &
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , &
+ is_adsorb => betrtracer_vars%is_adsorb , &
+ adsorbid => betrtracer_vars%adsorbid , &
+ tracernames => betrtracer_vars%tracernames &
+ )
+ do jj = 1, ntracers
+ if(jj<= ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ ptr1d => this%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(:, jj)
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_AQUIFER', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column', long_name='', units='', &
+ interpinic_flag='interp' , readvar=readvar, data=ptr1d)
+ ptr2d => this%tracer_conc_mobile_col(:, :, jj)
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_MOIBLE', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column',dim2name='levtrc', switchdim=.true., &
+ long_name='', units='', fill_value=spval, &
+ interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=ptr2d)
+ if(is_adsorb(jj))then
+ ptr2d => this%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(:, :, adsorbid(jj))
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'_TRACER_CONC_SOLID_EQUIL', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column',dim2name='levtrc', switchdim=.true., &
+ long_name='', units='', fill_value=spval, &
+ interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=ptr2d)
+ endif
+ else
+ kk = jj - ngwmobile_tracers
+ ptr2d => this%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(:, :, kk)
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname=trim(tracernames(jj))//'TRACER_CONC_SOLID_PASSIVE', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column',dim2name='levtrc', switchdim=.true., &
+ long_name='', units='', &
+ interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=ptr2d)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine Restart
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Reset(this, column)
+ !
+ ! reset state variables
+ !
+ class(TracerState_type) :: this
+ integer , intent(in) :: column ! column index
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end subroutine Reset
+end module TracerStateType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/Tracer_varcon.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/Tracer_varcon.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..042b789ed936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/Tracer_varcon.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+module Tracer_varcon
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !BOP
+ !
+ ! !MODULE: Tracer_varcon
+ !
+ ! Module containing parameters and logical switches and routine to read constants from CLM namelist for tracer transport set up.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ !
+ implicit none
+ save
+ logical, public :: l2ndadvsolver = .false. ! by default use 1st order solver for advection
+ real(r8),public, parameter :: SHR_CONST_VSMOW_O18 = 2005.20e-6_R8 ! ratio of 18O/16O in Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW)
+ real(r8),public, parameter :: SHR_CONST_VSMOW_O17 = 379.9e-6_R8 ! ratio of 17O/16O in Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW)
+ real(r8),public, parameter :: SHR_CONST_VSMOW_D = 155.76e-6_R8 ! ratio of D/H in Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW)
+ real(r8),public, parameter :: SHR_CONST_VSMOW_T = 1.85e-6_R8 ! ratio of T/H in Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW)
+ ! underground tracer transport logical switches
+ logical, public :: ltracer_offline=.true. ! true=> do not pass volatile tracers from/to atmosphere
+ logical, public :: ltrcunsat=.false. ! ture=> swith on tracer transport for specified underground processes in unsaturated upland soil
+ logical, public :: ltrcsat =.false. ! ture=> swith on tracer transport for specified underground processes in unsaturated wetland soil
+ logical, public :: ltrclake =.false. ! ture=> swith on tracer transport for specified underground processes in lake water and lake soil
+ logical, public :: laquadv_off =.false. ! true=> turn off aqueous advection
+ logical, public :: lgasadv_off = .false. ! true=> turn off gas advection
+ logical, public :: lzero_restart = .false. ! true => start with nil tracer concentration, by default
+ logical, public :: is_online_soilchem = .false. ! true=> chemistry is done outside TracerUpdate, added for plug&play capability, say microbial model
+ logical, public :: ldsolvn_vtransport = .false. ! this is not in the namelist, and its value will be determined in SoilTracersMod, don transport?
+ logical, public :: ldsolvc_vtransport = .false. ! this is not in the namelist, and its value will be determined in SoilTracersMod, doc transport?
+ logical, public :: lco2_refix = .false. ! true => refix co2 transported to leaf
+ logical, public :: lneut = .false. ! true => only allow neutral molecules to go through xylem
+ logical, public :: ltracer_stem = .false. ! true => model valatile tracer in stem
+ logical, public :: use_pH_data = .false.
+ logical, public :: licecoat = .false. ! true => switch on ice coating for dissolved tracers, the coating is defined as the dice/h2oliq,
+ ! where, dice is the change of ice content during to free-thaw cyles
+ logical, public :: is_active_betr_bgc = .false.
+ logical, public :: do_betr_leaching = .false.
+ logical, public :: liceseal = .true. ! true => allow ice to seal the surface soil and keep the gas tracer
+ real(r8),public :: rr_dif_scal = 1._r8 ! scaling factor for how much root respiration is diffused out into soil
+ real(r8),public :: mr_dif_scal = 0._r8 ! how much fraction of stem respiration is back into xylem
+ real(r8),public :: co2_refix_scal = 0.0_r8 ! how much fraction of co2 in the xylem is refixed in leaf
+ real(r8),public :: site_pH = 7._r8 ! pH value of the site
+ ! atmospheric compositions, (v/v)
+ real(r8),public :: atm_n2 = 0.78084_r8
+ real(r8),public :: atm_o2 = 0.20946_r8
+ real(r8),public :: atm_ar = 0.009340_r8
+ real(r8),public :: atm_co2 = 379e-6_r8 !this will be set to the value provided from co2_ppmv
+ real(r8),public :: atm_ch4 = 1.7e-6_r8 !this will be set to the value provided from atmch4 if clm4me is on
+ real(r8),public :: atm_n2o = 3.1e-7_r8
+ real(r8),public :: atm_no = 4.56e-9_r8
+ real(r8),public :: atm_nh3 = 300.e-12_r8 !
+ real(r8),public :: atm_h2 = 0.55e-6_r8
+ ! atmospheric isotopic signatures
+ ! the zeros will be replaced with updated value from literature searching.
+ real(r8),public :: atm_deld_h2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_delt_h2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del13c_co2 =-6._r8 !set to pre-industrial value by default, it will be used to set the value of c13ratio, PDB
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del13c_ch4 = 0._r8 !relative to PDB
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del14c_co2 = 0._r8 !relative to what?
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del14c_ch4 = 0._r8 !relative to what?
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del18o_co2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del18o_h2o = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del18o_o2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del17o_co2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del17o_h2o = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_del17o_o2 = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_deld_ch4 = 0._r8 !realtive to VSMOW
+ real(r8),public :: atm_deld_h2o = 0._r8 !relative to VSMOW
+ integer, parameter, public :: bndcond_as_conc = 1 !top boundary conditions as tracer concentration
+ integer, parameter, public :: bndcond_as_flux=2 !top boundary condition as tracer flux
+ !true fractions of the isotopologues in the atmosphere
+ real(r8),public :: atm_dratio_h2, atm_tratio_h2
+ real(r8),public :: atm_c13rc12_co2, atm_c14rc12_co2, atm_o18ro16_co2, atm_o17ro16_co2
+ real(r8),public :: atm_drh_h2o,atm_tratio_h2o,atm_o18ro16_h2o, atm_o17ro16_h2o
+ real(r8),public :: atm_c13rc12_ch4, atm_c14rc12_ch4, atm_drh_ch4
+end module Tracer_varcon
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TransportMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TransportMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42a3987adea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_core/TransportMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+module TransportMod
+ !
+ !
+ ! subroutines to do 1d vertical multiphase transport in soil/water
+ ! History: created by Jinyun Tang, Jun 2011
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: DiffusTransp !do tracer transport through diffusion, for both lake and soil
+ public :: calc_interface_conductance
+ public :: init_transportmod
+ public :: get_cntheta
+ public :: calc_col_CFL !claculate CFL critieria
+ public :: semi_lagrange_adv_backward
+ interface DiffusTransp
+ module procedure DiffusTransp_gw
+ module procedure DiffusTransp_solid
+ end interface DiffusTransp
+ type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: zi(:) !interfaces
+ real(r8), pointer :: us(:) !flow velocity at the interfaces
+ integer :: nlen !total number of interfaces
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: InitAllocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+ end type Extra_type
+ type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+ !default configuration parameters
+ real(r8), private :: cntheta
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, lbj, ubj)
+ !
+ ! allocate memory for arrays of the specified data type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='InitAllocate'
+ allocate(this%zi(lbj:ubj))
+ allocate(this%us(lbj:ubj))
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ !
+ ! Deallocate memories
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='DDeallocate'
+ deallocate(this%zi)
+ deallocate(this%us)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine AAssign(this, zi_t,us_t)
+ !
+ ! Assgin values for member variables for the specified data type
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: zi_t
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: us_t
+ integer :: n1, n2
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='AAssign'
+ n1 = size(zi_t)
+ n2 = size(us_t)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%zi(1:n1) = zi_t
+ this%us(1:n2) = us_t
+ this%nlen = n1
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_cntheta()result(ans)
+ !
+ ! return the theta factor
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='get_cntheta'
+ ans = cntheta
+ return
+ end function get_cntheta
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_transportmod(lcntheta)
+ !
+ ! initialize transportmod
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: lcntheta
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='init_transportmod'
+ if(present(lcntheta))then
+ cntheta = lcntheta
+ else
+ ! use implicit solver by default
+ cntheta = 1._r8
+ endif
+ end subroutine init_transportmod
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_interface_conductance(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, bulkdiffus, dz, hmconductance)
+ !
+ ! calcualte conductances at the interfaces using input layered diffusivity and
+ ! thickness
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod, only : bounds_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds !bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtop(bounds%begc: ) ! index of upper boundary, which could be variable
+ integer, intent(in) :: numfl ! length of the filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! the actual filter
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: bulkdiffus(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !weighted bulk diffusivity for dual-phase diffusion
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: hmconductance(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !weighted bulk conductance
+ integer :: n, c, fc
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtop) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bulkdiffus) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ do n=lbj, ubj-1
+ do fc = 1, numfl
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(n>=jtop(c))then
+ hmconductance(c,n) = 2._r8/(dz(c,n)/bulkdiffus(c,n)+dz(c,n+1)/bulkdiffus(c,n+1))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_interface_conductance
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DiffusTransp_gw_tridiag(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin_mobile, &
+ Rfactor, hmconductance, dtime, dz, source, trc_concflx_air,condc_toplay, topbc_type,&
+ bot_concflx, update_col, source_only, rt, at,bt,ct, botbc_type, condc_botlay)
+ !
+ ! Assemble the tridiagonal matrix for the multiphase diffusive transport
+ !
+ ! !USES
+ !
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod, only : bounds_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtop(bounds%begc: ) ! index of upper boundary, which could be variable
+ integer, intent(in) :: numfl ! length of the filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) ! the actual filter
+ integer, intent(in) :: ntrcs
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: Rfactor(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! conversion parameter from the given tracer phase to bulk mobile phase
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: hmconductance(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! weighted bulk tracer conductances
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! node thickness
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime(bounds%begc: ) ! time step
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: condc_toplay(bounds%begc: ) ! top layer conductance
+ integer, intent(in) :: topbc_type ! type of top boundary condtion: 1, concentration, 2 flux
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: bot_concflx (bounds%begc: , 1: , 1: ) ! flux or concentration at the bottom boundary
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: trc_concflx_air(bounds%begc: , 1: , 1: ) ! atmospheric tracer concentration (topbc_type=1) or flux (topbc_type=2)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: trcin_mobile (bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) ! incoming mobile tracer concentration
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: source (bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) ! chemical sources [mol/m3]
+ logical, intent(in) :: source_only ! if .true. only update the source array rt, used for explicit solver
+ logical, intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc: ) ! logical switch indicating if the column is for active update
+ real(r8), intent(out):: rt(bounds%begc: ,lbj: , 1: ) ! tridiagonal matrix element r
+ real(r8), optional,intent(inout):: at(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! tridiagonal matrix element a
+ real(r8), optional,intent(inout):: bt(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! tridiagonal matrix element b
+ real(r8), optional,intent(inout):: ct(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! tridiagonal matrix element c
+ integer, optional,intent(in) :: botbc_type ! type of bottom boundary condition
+ real(r8), optional,intent(in) :: condc_botlay(bounds%begc: ) !conductance at bottom layer
+ integer :: j, fc, c, k !indices
+ integer :: botbc_ltype !temp. variable
+ real(r8) ::Fl, Fr
+ character(len=255) :: subname='DiffusTransp_gw'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtop) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(Rfactor) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(condc_toplay) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(source) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(rt) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trcin_mobile,1),ubound(trcin_mobile,2),size(trcin_mobile,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(bot_concflx,1),ubound(bot_concflx,2),size(bot_concflx,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, 2, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trc_concflx_air,1),ubound(trc_concflx_air,2),size(trc_concflx_air,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, 2, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ if(.not. source_only) then
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(at) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bt) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(ct) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ endif
+ !unless specified explicitly, the bottom boundary condition is given as flux
+ if(present(botbc_type))then
+ botbc_ltype = botbc_type
+ if(botbc_type==bndcond_as_conc)then
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(condc_botlay) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ endif
+ else
+ botbc_ltype = bndcond_as_flux
+ endif
+ do fc = 1, numfl
+ !form the diffusion matrix
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ do j = jtop(c), ubj
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ if(j == jtop(c))then
+ !by default the top node is always assumed as snow surface,
+ !though when it snow free, the conductance is defined with respect to the soil
+ Fr = -hmconductance(c,j)*(trcin_mobile(c,j+1, k)/rfactor(c,j+1)-trcin_mobile(c,j, k)/rfactor(c,j))
+ if(topbc_type == bndcond_as_conc)then
+ !top boundary condition given as concentration
+ Fl = -condc_toplay(c)*(trcin_mobile(c,j, k)/rfactor(c,j)-trc_concflx_air(c, 1, k))
+ elseif(topbc_type == bndcond_as_flux)then
+ !top boundary condition given as flux, this only happens when the flux is given at soil surface
+ Fl = trc_concflx_air(c,1, k)
+ endif
+ elseif(j == ubj)then
+ Fl = -hmconductance(c,j-1)*(trcin_mobile(c,j,k)/rfactor(c,j)-trcin_mobile(c,j-1,k)/rfactor(c,j-1))
+ if(botbc_ltype==bndcond_as_conc)then
+ Fr = - condc_botlay(c)*(bot_concflx(c,1,k)-trcin_mobile(c,j,k)/rfactor(c,j))
+ else
+ Fr = bot_concflx(c,1,k)
+ endif
+ else
+ Fl = -hmconductance(c,j-1)*(trcin_mobile(c,j,k)/rfactor(c,j)-trcin_mobile(c,j-1,k)/rfactor(c,j-1))
+ Fr = -hmconductance(c,j)*(trcin_mobile(c,j+1,k)/rfactor(c,j+1)-trcin_mobile(c,j,k)/rfactor(c,j))
+ endif
+ rt(c,j,k) = Fl-Fr + source(c,j,k)*dz(c,j)
+ if(j==jtop(c) .and. topbc_type == bndcond_as_conc)then
+ rt(c,j,k) = rt(c,j,k)+cntheta*condc_toplay(c)*(trc_concflx_air(c, 2,k)-trc_concflx_air(c, 1,k))
+ endif
+ if(j == ubj .and. botbc_ltype==bndcond_as_conc)then
+ rt(c,j,k) = rt(c,j,k) + cntheta*condc_botlay(c)*(bot_concflx(c,2,k) - bot_concflx(c,1,k))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(source_only)return
+ do fc = 1, numfl
+ !form the diffusion matrix
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ do j = jtop(c), ubj
+ if(j == jtop(c))then
+ if(topbc_type == bndcond_as_conc)then !top boundary condition given as concentration
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime(c)+cntheta*(hmconductance(c,j) &
+ +condc_toplay(c))/Rfactor(c,j)
+ elseif(topbc_type == bndcond_as_flux)then !top boundary condition given as flux
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime(c)+cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)/Rfactor(c,j)
+ endif
+ ct(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)/Rfactor(c,j+1)
+ elseif(j==ubj)then
+ at(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)/rfactor(c,j-1)
+ if(botbc_ltype == bndcond_as_conc)then
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime(c)+cntheta*(hmconductance(c,j-1)+condc_botlay(c))/Rfactor(c,j)
+ else
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime(c)+cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)/Rfactor(c,j)
+ endif
+ else
+ at(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)/rfactor(c,j-1)
+ ct(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)/rfactor(c,j+1)
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime(c)+cntheta*(hmconductance(c,j-1)+hmconductance(c,j))/Rfactor(c,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine DiffusTransp_gw_tridiag
+ subroutine DiffusTransp_gw(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin_mobile, &
+ Rfactor, hmconductance, dtime, dz, source, trc_concflx_air,condc_toplay, topbc_type,&
+ bot_flux, update_col, dtracer, botbc_type, condc_botlay)
+ !
+ ! solve the dual phase transport problem.
+ ! the solver returns the tracer change due to diffusive transport
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use TridiagonalMod, only : Tridiagonal
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtop(bounds%begc: ) ! index of upper boundary, which could be variable
+ integer , intent(in) :: numfl ! length of the filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! the actual filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: ntrcs
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: Rfactor(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !conversion parameter from the given tracer phase to bulk mobile phase
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: hmconductance(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !weighted bulk tracer conductances
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !node thickness
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime(bounds%begc: ) !time step
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: condc_toplay(bounds%begc: ) !top layer conductance
+ integer , intent(in) :: topbc_type !type of top boundary condtion: 1, concentration, 2 flux
+ integer , optional, intent(in) :: botbc_type
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: condc_botlay(bounds%begc: )
+ logical , intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc: ) !logical switch indicating if the column is for active update
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: trcin_mobile(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) ! incoming mobile tracer concentration
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: source(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !chemical sources [mol/m3]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: bot_flux(bounds%begc: , 1: , 1: ) !flux at the bottom boundary
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: trc_concflx_air(bounds%begc: , 1: , 1: ) !atmospheric tracer concentration (topbc_type=1) or flux (topbc_type=2)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: dtracer(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !change of tracer concentration during the time step
+ real(r8) :: rt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, 1:ntrcs) !tridiagonal matrix element r
+ real(r8) :: at(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !tridiagonal matrix element a
+ real(r8) :: bt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !tridiagonal matrix element b
+ real(r8) :: ct(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !tridiagonal matrix element c
+ real(r8) :: dtracer1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'DiffusTransp_gw'
+ integer :: kk, fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtop) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(condc_toplay) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(Rfactor ) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(source) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtracer) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trcin_mobile , 1) , ubound(trcin_mobile , 2), size(trcin_mobile , 3)/) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(bot_flux , 1) , ubound(bot_flux , 2), size(bot_flux , 3)/) == (/bounds%endc, 2, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trc_concflx_air, 1), ubound(trc_concflx_air,2),size(trc_concflx_air,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, 2, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !assemble the tridiagonal maxtrix
+ if(present(botbc_type))then
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(condc_botlay) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call DiffusTransp_gw_tridiag(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin_mobile, &
+ Rfactor, hmconductance, dtime, dz, source, trc_concflx_air,&
+ condc_toplay, topbc_type, bot_flux, update_col, source_only=.false.,&
+ rt=rt, at=at,bt=bt,ct=ct, botbc_type=botbc_type, condc_botlay=condc_botlay)
+ else
+ call DiffusTransp_gw_tridiag(bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin_mobile, &
+ Rfactor, hmconductance, dtime, dz, source, trc_concflx_air,&
+ condc_toplay, topbc_type, bot_flux, update_col, source_only=.false.,&
+ rt=rt, at=at,bt=bt,ct=ct)
+ endif
+ !calculate the change to tracer
+ call Tridiagonal (bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numfl, filter, ntrcs, at, bt, ct, rt, dtracer, update_col)
+ end subroutine DiffusTransp_gw
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Diffustransp_solid_tridiag(bounds, lbj, ubj, lbn, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin,&
+ hmconductance, dtime_col, dz, source, update_col, at,bt,ct, rt)
+ !
+ !
+ ! Do solid phase transport with tracer source
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod, only : bounds_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds !bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbn(bounds%begc: ) !indices of top boundary
+ integer , intent(in) :: numfl !filter dimension
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) !filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: ntrcs
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: trcin(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) !tracer concentration [mol/m3]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: hmconductance(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !weighted conductance
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime_col(bounds%begc: ) !model time step
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !layer thickness
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: source(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) !chemical sources [mol/m3]
+ logical , intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc: ) !logical switch indicating if the column is for active update
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: at(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !returning tridiagonal a matrix
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: bt(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !returning tridiagonal b matrix
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: ct(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !returning tridiagonal c matrix
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: rt(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) !returning tridiagonal r matrix
+ real(r8) :: bot
+ integer :: j, k, fc, c
+ real(r8) :: Fl, Fr
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ character(len=255) :: subname='DiffusTransp_solid_tridiag'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(lbn) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime_col) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(at) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(bt) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(ct) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(rt) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(source) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trcin,1),ubound(trcin,2),size(trcin,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !zero flux is imposed both at the top and bottom boundaries
+ !set zero outgoing flux
+ bot = 0._r8
+ do fc = 1, numfl
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(update_col(c))then
+ dtime=dtime_col(c)
+ do j = lbn(c), ubj
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ if(j==lbn(c))then
+ Fr=-hmconductance(c,j)*(trcin(c,j+1,k)-trcin(c,j,k))
+ Fl=0._r8 !zero flux at top boundary for solid phase
+ elseif(j==ubj)then
+ !assume zero flux for diffusion
+ Fl=-hmconductance(c,j-1)*(trcin(c,j,k)-trcin(c,j-1,k))
+ Fr=bot
+ else
+ Fl=-hmconductance(c,j-1)*(trcin(c,j,k)-trcin(c,j-1,k))
+ Fr=-hmconductance(c,j)*(trcin(c,j+1,k)-trcin(c,j,k))
+ endif
+ rt(c,j,k) = Fl-Fr + source(c,j,k)*dz(c,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j = lbn(c), ubj
+ if(j==lbn(c))then
+ !top boundary condition given as flux
+ at(c,j)=0._r8
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime+cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)
+ ct(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)
+ elseif(j==ubj)then
+ at(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime+cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)
+ else
+ at(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j-1)
+ ct(c,j)=-cntheta*hmconductance(c,j)
+ bt(c,j)=dz(c,j)/dtime-at(c,j)-ct(c,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine DiffusTransp_solid_tridiag
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DiffusTransp_solid(bounds, lbj, ubj, lbn, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin,&
+ hmconductance, dtime_col, dz, source, update_col, dtracer)
+ !
+ ! Do diffusive solid phase tracer transport
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod, only : bounds_type
+ use TridiagonalMod, only : Tridiagonal
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbn(bounds%begc: ) ! indices of top boundary
+ integer , intent(in) :: numfl ! filter dimension
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: ntrcs
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: hmconductance(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! weighted conductance
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime_col(bounds%begc: ) ! model time step
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! layer thickness
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: trcin (bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) ! tracer concentration [mol/m3]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: source(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) ! chemical sources [mol/m3/s]
+ logical , intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc: ) ! logical switch indicating if the column is for active update
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: dtracer(bounds%begc: , lbj: ,1: ) ! update to the tracer
+ real(r8) :: at(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !returning tridiagonal a matrix
+ real(r8) :: bt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !returning tridiagonal b matrix
+ real(r8) :: ct(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !returning tridiagonal c matrix
+ real(r8) :: rt(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, 1:ntrcs) !returning tridiagonal r matrix
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'DiffusTransp_solid'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(lbn) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(hmconductance) == (/bounds%endc, ubj-1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime_col) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtracer) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(source) == (/bounds%endc, ubj, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trcin,1),ubound(trcin,2),size(trcin,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, ubj,ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !assemble the tridiagonal matrix
+ call Diffustransp_solid_tridiag(bounds, lbj, ubj, lbn, numfl, filter, ntrcs, trcin,&
+ hmconductance, dtime_col, dz, source, update_col, at,bt,ct, rt)
+ !calculate the change to tracer
+ call Tridiagonal (bounds, lbj, ubj, lbn, numfl, filter, ntrcs, at, bt, ct, rt, dtracer, update_col)
+ end subroutine DiffusTransp_solid
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function calc_col_CFL(lbj, ubj, us, dx, dtime) result(cfl)
+ !
+ ! calculate the CFL number for the given grid and velocity field
+ ! this subroutine is now not actively used, but can be used
+ ! when a Eulerian advection scheme is adopted.
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj !left and right bounds
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: us(lbj: ) !velocity vector, [m/s]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dx(lbj: ) !node length, [m]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime !imposed time step, [s]
+ real(r8) :: cfl
+ integer :: len, j
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='calc_col_CFL'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(us) == (/ubj+1/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dx) == (/ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ cfl = 0._r8
+ !the column cfl number is defined as the maximum over the whole domain
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ if(us(j)>0._r8)then
+ if(us(j)<0._r8)then
+ cfl= max(dtime/dx(j)*max(abs(us(j)), abs(us(j+1))), cfl)
+ else
+ cfl=max(abs(dtime*us(j)/dx(j)), cfl)
+ endif
+ else
+ if(us(j+1)>0._r8)then
+ cfl=max(abs(dtime*us(j+1)/dx(j)),cfl)
+ else
+ cfl= max(dtime/dx(j)*max(abs(us(j)), abs(us(j+1))), cfl)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end function calc_col_CFL
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine semi_lagrange_adv_backward(bounds, lbj, ubj, lbn, numfl, filter, ntrcs, dtime, dz, &
+ zi, us, inflx_top, inflx_bot, update_col, halfdt_col, trcin, trcou, leaching_mass)
+ !
+ ! do semi-lagrangian advection for equation
+ ! pu/pt+c*pu/px=0
+ ! for a certain tracer group
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod, only : bounds_type
+ use MathfuncMod, only : cumsum, cumdif, safe_div, dot_sum, asc_sort_vec
+ use InterpolationMod, only : pchip_polycc, pchip_interp
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbn(bounds%begc: ) !label of the top/left boundary
+ integer , intent(in) :: numfl
+ integer , intent(in) :: ntrcs
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime(bounds%begc: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: zi(bounds%begc: , lbj-1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: inflx_top(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! incoming tracer flow at top boundary [mol/m2/s]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: inflx_bot(bounds%begc: , 1: ) !incoming tracer flow at bottom boundary
+ logical , intent(in) :: update_col(bounds%begc: ) !indicator of active clumns
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: us(bounds%begc: , lbj-1: ) !convective flux defined at the boundary, positive downwards, [m/s]
+ logical , intent(out) :: halfdt_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: trcin(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: ) !input tracer concentration
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: trcou(bounds%begc: , lbj: , 1: )
+ real(r8), optional, intent(out) :: leaching_mass(bounds%begc: , 1: ) !leaching tracer mass
+ integer, parameter :: pn = 2 !first order lagrangian interpolation to avoid overshooting
+ integer :: j, fc, c, k
+ integer :: ntr !indices for tracer
+ integer :: length, lengthp2
+ real(r8) :: mass_curve(0:ubj-lbj+5 , ntrcs) !total number of nodes + two ghost cells at each boundary
+ real(r8) :: cmass_curve(0:ubj-lbj+5, ntrcs)
+ real(r8) :: mass_new(1:ubj-lbj+1 , ntrcs)
+ real(r8) :: cmass_new(0:ubj-lbj+1 , ntrcs)
+ real(r8) :: zold(0:ubj-lbj+1)
+ real(r8) :: di(0:ubj-lbj+5)
+ real(r8) :: zghostl(1:2) !ghost grid left interface at the left boundary
+ real(r8) :: zghostr(1:2) !ghost grid left interface at the right boundary
+ real(r8) :: ughostl(1:2) !flow velocity at the ghost grid leff interface at the left boundary
+ real(r8) :: ughostr(1:2) !flow velocity at the ghost grid leff interface at the right boundary
+ real(r8) :: z0
+ real(r8) :: zf
+ real(r8) :: utmp
+ real(r8) :: dinfl_mass
+ character(len=32) :: subname='semi_lagrange_adv_backward'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(lbn) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dtime) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(update_col) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(us) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(zi) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(inflx_top) == (/bounds%endc, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(inflx_bot) == (/bounds%endc, ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(leaching_mass) == (/bounds%endc,ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(trcou) == (/bounds%endc, ubj,ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL(((/ubound(trcin,1),ubound(trcin,2),size(trcin,3)/) == (/bounds%endc, ubj,ntrcs/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%InitAllocate(1,ubj-lbj+6)
+ halfdt_col(:) = .false.
+ do fc = 1, numfl
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(.not. update_col(c))cycle
+ !do backward advection for all boundaries, including leftmost (lbn(c)-1) and rightmost (ubj)
+ length = ubj - lbn(c) + 1 !total number of grid cells
+ lengthp2 = length + 4 ! add 2 ghost cells both at the left and right boundaries
+ !define ghost boundary
+ !NOTE: because of the setup, the left boundary and right boundary should have non-zero flow
+ utmp = us(c,lbn(c)-1)
+ zghostl(1) = -abs(utmp)*dtime(c)*2._r8 + zi(c,lbn(c)-1)-2.e-20_r8
+ zghostl(2) = -abs(utmp)*dtime(c) + zi(c,lbn(c)-1)-1.e-20_r8
+ ughostl(1) = us(c,lbn(c)-1)
+ ughostl(2) = us(c,lbn(c)-1)
+ zghostr(1) = zi(c,ubj) + abs(us(c,ubj)) * dtime(c) + 1.e-14_r8
+ zghostr(2) = zi(c,ubj) + abs(us(c,ubj)) * dtime(c) * 2._r8+ 2.e-14_r8
+ ughostr(1) = us(c,ubj)
+ ughostr(2) = us(c,ubj)
+ call backward_advection((/zghostl, zi(c, lbn(c)-1:ubj),zghostr/), (/ughostl, us(c, lbn(c)-1:ubj), ughostr/), dtime(c), zold(0:length))
+ if(.not. is_ascending_vec(zold(0:length)))then
+ halfdt_col(c) = .true.
+ cycle
+ endif
+ !create the cumulative mass curve
+ do ntr = 1, ntrcs
+ !left boundary ghost grids
+ j = 0
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = 0._r8
+ j = 1
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = inflx_top(c, ntr)*dtime(c)
+ j = 2
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = inflx_top(c, ntr)*dtime(c)
+ !regular grids
+ do k = lbn(c), ubj
+ j = k - lbn(c) + 3
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = trcin(c,k, ntr)*dz(c,k)
+ enddo
+ !right ghost grids
+ if(inflx_bot(c,ntr)==0._r8)then
+ j = ubj - lbn(c) + 4
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = trcin(c,ubj, ntr)*(zghostr(1)-zi(c,ubj))
+ j = ubj - lbn(c) + 5
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = trcin(c,ubj, ntr)*(zghostr(2)-zghostr(1))
+ else
+ j = ubj - lbn(c) + 4
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = inflx_bot(c, ntr) * dtime(c)
+ j = ubj - lbn(c) + 5
+ mass_curve(j, ntr) = inflx_bot(c, ntr) * dtime(c)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !compute cumulative mass curve
+ call cumsum(mass_curve(0:lengthp2,1:ntr), cmass_curve(0:lengthp2, 1:ntr),idim=1)
+ !do mass interpolation
+ do ntr = 1, ntrcs
+ call pchip_polycc((/zghostl,zi(c,lbn(c)-1:ubj),zghostr/), cmass_curve(0:lengthp2, ntr), di(0:lengthp2))
+ call pchip_interp((/zghostl,zi(c,lbn(c)-1:ubj),zghostr/), cmass_curve(0:lengthp2, ntr), di(0:lengthp2),&
+ zold(0:length), cmass_new(0:length, ntr))
+ !ensure mass is increasing monotonically
+ call asc_sort_vec(cmass_new(0:length,ntr))
+ !ensure no negative leaching
+ call cmass_mono_smoother(cmass_new(0:length, ntr),cmass_curve(ubj-lbn(c)+3, ntr))
+ !diagnose the leaching flux
+ if(present(leaching_mass))then
+ leaching_mass(c, ntr) = cmass_curve(ubj-lbn(c)+3, ntr)-cmass_new(length, ntr) !add the numerical error to leaching
+ endif
+ !obtain the grid concentration
+ call cumdif(cmass_new(0:length, ntr), mass_new(0:length, ntr))
+ do k = lbn(c), ubj
+ j = k - lbn(c) + 1
+ !correct for small negative values
+ if(mass_new(j, ntr)<0._r8)then
+ write(iulog,*)j,mass_new(j, ntr),cmass_new(j, ntr),cmass_new(j-1, ntr)
+ call endrun('negative tracer '//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ if(present(leaching_mass))then
+ leaching_mass(c, ntr) = leaching_mass(c, ntr)+mass_new(j, ntr) !add the numerical error to leaching
+ endif
+ mass_new(j, ntr)=mass_curve_correct(mass_new(j, ntr))
+ endif
+ trcou(c,k, ntr)=mass_new(j, ntr)/dz(c,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call Extra_inst%DDeallocate()
+ end subroutine semi_lagrange_adv_backward
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine cmass_mono_smoother(cmass,mass_thc)
+ !
+ ! assuming cmass is sorted as ascending vector, make sure no mass is greater than mass_thc
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: cmass
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: mass_thc
+ integer :: n , j
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'cmass_mono_smoother'
+ n = size(cmass)
+ do j = n, 1
+ if(cmass(j)>=mass_thc)then
+ cmass(j) = mass_thc
+ else
+ exit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine cmass_mono_smoother
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function is_ascending_vec(zcor)result(ans)
+ !
+ ! check if it is an ascending array
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: zcor
+ logical :: ans
+ integer :: j, n
+ character(len=32) :: subname= 'is_ascending_vec'
+ n = size(zcor)
+ ans = .true.
+ do j = 2 , n
+ if(zcor(j) shr_log_errMsg
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private ! By default everything is public
+ public :: betr_initialize
+ public :: betr_readNL
+ character(len=32) :: bgc_method='mock_run'
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------
+ ! Instances of component types
+ !-----------------------------------------
+ type(BeTRtracer_type) , public :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(TracerCoeff_type) , public :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(TracerFlux_type) , public :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(TracerState_type) , public :: tracerState_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , public :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , public :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ class(bgc_reaction_type),allocatable , public :: bgc_reaction
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_readNL(NLFilename)
+ !
+ ! read namelist for betr configuration
+ ! !USES:
+ use spmdMod , only : masterproc, mpicom
+ use fileutils , only : getavu, relavu, opnfil
+ use shr_nl_mod , only : shr_nl_find_group_name
+ use shr_mpi_mod , only : shr_mpi_bcast
+ implicit none
+ character(len=*), intent(IN) :: NLFilename ! Namelist filename
+ !
+ integer :: ierr ! error code
+ integer :: unitn ! unit for namelist file
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'betr_readNL' ! subroutine name
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namelist / betr_inparm / bgc_method
+ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Read namelist from standard input.
+ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( masterproc )then
+ unitn = getavu()
+ write(iulog,*) 'Read in betr_inparm namelist'
+ call opnfil (NLFilename, unitn, 'F')
+ call shr_nl_find_group_name(unitn, 'clm_CanopyHydrology_inparm', status=ierr)
+ if (ierr == 0) then
+ read(unitn, betr_inparm, iostat=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call endrun(msg="ERROR reading betr_inparm namelist"//errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ end if
+ end if
+ call relavu( unitn )
+ end if
+ ! Broadcast namelist variables read in
+ call shr_mpi_bcast(bgc_method, mpicom)
+ end subroutine betr_readNL
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_initialize(bounds, lbj, ubj, waterstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! Initialize BeTR
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsFactoryMod, only : ctreate_bgc_reaction_type
+ use BetrBGCMod , only : betrbgc_init
+ use TransportMod , only : init_transportmod
+ use TracerParamsMod , only : tracer_param_init
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(waterstate_type), intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ call betrtracer_vars%init_scalars()
+ allocate(bgc_reaction, source=ctreate_bgc_reaction_type(bgc_method))
+ call bgc_reaction%Init_betrbgc(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call init_transportmod
+ call tracerState_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracerflux_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracercoeff_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracerboundarycond_vars%Init(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ !initialize state variable
+ call bgc_reaction%initCold(bounds, betrtracer_vars, waterstate_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !initialize boundary condition type
+ call bgc_reaction%init_boundary_condition_type(bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !initialize the betr parameterization module
+ call tracer_param_init(bounds)
+ !initialize the betrBGC module
+ call betrbgc_init(bounds, betrtracer_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_initialize
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+end module betr_initializeMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/FindRootMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/FindRootMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b3395d62deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/FindRootMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+module FindRootMod
+ !
+ ! Functions to solve simple equations
+ ! History: created by Jinyun Tang, 2013
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use MathfuncMod , only : is_bounded
+ implicit none
+ interface hybrid_findroot
+ module procedure hybrid_findroot_np, hybrid_findroot_p
+ end interface hybrid_findroot
+ interface brent
+ module procedure brent_np, brent_p
+ end interface brent
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function quadrootbnd(a,b,c, xl, xr)result(x)
+ !
+ ! return a root of the qudratic equation
+ ! within bound xl and xr
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: a, b, c
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: xl, xr
+ real(r8) :: x
+ real(r8) :: delta
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='quadrootbnd'
+ delta = b * b -4._r8 * a * c
+ if(delta>=0._r8)then
+ x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/2._r8
+ if(is_bounded(x,xl,xr))then
+ return
+ else
+ x = (-b - sqrt(delta))/2._r8
+ if(is_bounded(x,xl,xr))then
+ return
+ else
+ write(iulog,*)'no bounded solution for the given quadratic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ write(iulog,*)'no real solution for the given quadratic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ return
+ end function quadrootbnd
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function quadproot(a,b,c)result(x)
+ !
+ ! return positive root of the qudratic equation
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: a, b, c
+ real(r8) :: x
+ real(r8) :: delta
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='quadproot'
+ delta = b * b -4._r8 * a * c
+ if(delta>=0._r8)then
+ x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/2._r8
+ else
+ write(iulog,*)'no positive solution for the given quadratic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ return
+ end function quadproot
+ !===============================================================================
+ function cubicrootbnd(a,b,c,d, xl, xr)result(x)
+ !
+ ! return positive root of the cubic equation
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : rpi
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: a, b, c, d
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: xl, xr
+ real(r8) :: x
+ real(r8) :: p, q
+ real(r8) :: b1, c1, d1
+ real(r8) :: n, u, f, y
+ real(r8) :: delta
+ character(len=32) :: subname ='cubicrootbnd'
+ b1 = b/a
+ c1 = c/a
+ d1 = d/a
+ p = c1 - b1 * b1 /3._r8
+ q = d1 - b1 / 3._r8 * (c1 - 2._r8 * b1**2._r8/9._r8)
+ delta =-4._r8 * p**3._r8 - 27._r8 * q ** 2._r8
+ if(delta<0._r8)then
+ write(iulog,*)'no real solution for the given cubic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ else
+ n = sqrt(-4._r8*p/3._r8)
+ f = -q/2._r8 * (-p/3._r8)**(-1.5_r8)
+ u = acos(f)/3._r8
+ y = n * cos(u)
+ x = y - b1 / 3._r8
+ if(is_bounded(x,xl,xr))then
+ return
+ else
+ y = n * max(cos(u), cos(u-rpi*2._r8/3._r8))
+ x = y - b1 /3._r8
+ if(is_bounded(x,xl,xr))then
+ return
+ else
+ y = n * cos(u-rpi*2._r8/3._r8)
+ x = y - b1 / 3._r8
+ if(is_bounded(x,xl,xr))then
+ return
+ else
+ write(iulog,*)'no bounded solution for the given cubic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ end function cubicrootbnd
+ !===============================================================================
+ function cubicproot(a,b,c,d)result(x)
+ !
+ ! return positive root of the cubic equation
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : rpi
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: a, b, c, d
+ real(r8) :: x
+ real(r8) :: p, q
+ real(r8) :: b1, c1, d1
+ real(r8) :: n, u, f, y
+ real(r8) :: delta
+ b1 = b/a
+ c1 = c/a
+ d1 = d/a
+ p = c1 - b1 * b1 /3._r8
+ q = d1 - b1 / 3._r8 * (c1 - 2._r8 * b1**2._r8/9._r8)
+ delta =-4._r8 * p**3._r8 - 27._r8 * q ** 2._r8
+ if(delta<0._r8)then
+ write(iulog,*)'no real solution for the given cubic equation'
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ else
+ n = sqrt(-4._r8*p/3._r8)
+ f = -q/2._r8 * (-p/3._r8)**(-1.5_r8)
+ u = acos(f)/3._r8
+ if(u<=rpi/3._r8)then
+ y = n * cos(u)
+ elseif(u>rpi/3._r8 .and. u < rpi/2._r8)then
+ !return the maximum of the two non-negative solutions
+ y = n * max(cos(u), cos(u-rpi*2._r8/3._r8))
+ else
+ y = n * cos(u-rpi*2._r8/3._r8)
+ endif
+ x = y - b1 / 3._r8
+ endif
+ end function cubicproot
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine LUsolvAxr(a,r, n)
+ !solve linear equation Ax=r, using the LU decomposition
+ implicit none
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: a(n,n)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: r(n)
+ integer , intent(in) :: n
+ real(r8) :: d(n)
+ integer :: indx(n)
+ !do lu decomposition
+ call ludcmp(a,indx,d,n)
+ !solve for the equation
+ call lubksb(a,indx,r,n)
+ end subroutine LUsolvAxr
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine lubksb(a,indx,b,n)
+ !
+ ! Solves the set of N linear equations A X = B. Here the N x N matrix a is input, not
+ ! as the original matrix A, but rather as its LU decomposition, determined by the routine
+ ! ludcmp. indx is input as the permutation vector of length N returned by ludcmp. b is
+ ! input as the right-hand-side vector B, also of length N, and returns with the solution vector
+ ! X. a and indx are not modified by this routine and can be left in place for successive calls
+ ! with different right-hand sides b. This routine takes into account the possibility that b will
+ ! begin with many zero elements, so it is efficient for use in matrix inversion.
+ implicit none
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: a(n,n)
+ integer , intent(in) :: indx(n)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: b(n)
+ integer , intent(in) :: n
+ integer :: i,ii,ll
+ real(r8) :: summ
+ ii=0 !When ii is set to a positive value, it will become the index
+ ! of the first nonvanishing element of b. We now do
+ ! the forward substitution, equation (2.3.6). The only new
+ ! wrinkle is to unscramble the permutation as we go.
+ do i=1,n
+ ll=indx(i)
+ summ=b(ll)
+ b(ll)=b(i)
+ if (ii /= 0) then
+ summ=summ-dot_product(a(i,ii:i-1),b(ii:i-1))
+ else if (summ /= 0.0) then
+ ii=i !A nonzero element was encountered, so from now on we will
+ end if !have to do the dot product above.
+ b(i)=summ
+ end do
+ do i=n,1,-1 !Now we do the backsubstitution, equation (2.3.7).
+ b(i) = (b(i)-dot_product(a(i,i+1:n),b(i+1:n)))/a(i,i)
+ end do
+ end subroutine lubksb
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine ludcmp(a,indx,d,n)
+ !
+ ! LU docomposition
+ ! adapted from Numerical recipe, chptB2
+ ! Given an N by N input matrix a, this routine replaces it by the LU decomposition of a
+ ! rowwise permutation of itself. On output, a is arranged as in equation (2.3.14); indx is an
+ ! output vector of length N that records the row permutation effected by the partial pivoting;
+ ! d is output as �1 depending on whether the number of row interchanges was even or odd,
+ ! respectively. This routine is used in combination with lubksb to solve linear equations or
+ ! invert a matrix.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod, only : swap
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: a(n,n)
+ integer , intent(out) :: indx(n)
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: d(n)
+ integer , intent(in) :: n
+ real(r8), dimension(size(a,1)) :: vv !vv stores the implicit scaling of each row.
+ real(r8), parameter :: TINY=1.0e-20 !A small number.
+ integer :: j,imax
+ d=1.0 !No row interchanges yet.
+ vv=maxval(abs(a),dim=2) !Loop over rows to get the implicit scaling
+ if (any(vv == 0.0)) then
+ write(6,*)'singular matrix in ludcmp' !information.
+ stop
+ endif
+ !There is a row of zeros.
+ vv=1.0 / vv !Save the scaling.
+ do j=1,n
+ imax=(j-1)+imaxloc(vv(j:n)*abs(a(j:n,j))) !Find the pivot row.
+ if (j /= imax) then !Do we need to interchange rows?
+ call swap(a(imax,:),a(j,:)) !Yes, do so...
+ d=-d !...and change the parity of d.
+ vv(imax)=vv(j) !Also interchange the scale factor.
+ end if
+ indx(j)=imax
+ if (a(j,j) == 0.0) a(j,j)=TINY
+ ! If the pivot element is zero the matrix is singular (at least to the precision of the algorithm).
+ ! For some applications on singular matrices, it is desirable to substitute TINY
+ ! for zero.
+ a(j+1:n,j)=a(j+1:n,j)/a(j,j) !Divide by the pivot element.
+ a(j+1:n,j+1:n)=a(j+1:n,j+1:n)-outerprod(a(j+1:n,j),a(j,j+1:n))
+ !Reduce remaining submatrix.
+ end do
+ end subroutine ludcmp
+ !===============================================================================
+ function imaxloc(arr)
+ !
+ ! locate the maximum in a vector
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: arr
+ integer :: imaxloc
+ integer, dimension(1) :: imax
+ imax=maxloc(arr(:))
+ imaxloc=imax(1)
+ end function imaxloc
+ !===============================================================================
+ function outerprod(a,b)
+ ! do out product of two vectors
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: a,b
+ real(r8), dimension(size(a),size(b)) :: outerprod
+ outerprod = spread(a,dim=2,ncopies=size(b)) * &
+ spread(b,dim=1,ncopies=size(a))
+ end function outerprod
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !BOP
+ !
+ ! !IROUTINE: brent
+ !
+ subroutine brent_p(x, x1,x2,f1, f2, macheps, tol, pp, func)
+ !
+ !Use Brent's method to find the root of a single variable function func, which is known to exist between x1 and x2.
+ !The found root will be updated until its accuracy is tol.
+ !Dec 14/2012: Jinyun Tang, modified from numerical recipes in F90 by press et al. 1188-1189
+ !
+ !!USES:
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x1, x2, f1, f2 !minimum and maximum of the variable domain to search for the solution ci_func(x1) = f1, ci_func(x2)=f2
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: macheps !machine precision
+ integer, intent(in) :: pp !index argument used by subroutine func
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: tol !the error tolerance
+ real(r8), intent(out):: x !indepedent variable of the single value function func(x)
+ interface
+ subroutine func(x,f, pp)
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: f
+ integer, intent(in) :: pp
+ end subroutine func
+ end interface
+ integer, parameter :: ITMAX = 40 !maximum number of iterations
+ integer :: iter
+ real(r8) :: a,b,c,d,e,fa,fb,fc,p,q,r,s,xm,tol1
+ a=x1
+ b=x2
+ fa=f1
+ fb=f2
+ if((fa > 0._r8 .and. fb > 0._r8).or.(fa < 0._r8 .and. fb < 0._r8))then
+ write(iulog,*) 'root must be bracketed for brent'
+ write(iulog,*) 'a=',a,' b=',b,' fa=',fa,' fb=',fb
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ c=b
+ fc=fb
+ iter = 0
+ do
+ if(iter==ITMAX)exit
+ iter=iter+1
+ if((fb > 0._r8 .and. fc > 0._r8) .or. (fb < 0._r8 .and. fc < 0._r8))then
+ c=a !Rename a, b, c and adjust bounding interval d.
+ fc=fa
+ d=b-a
+ e=d
+ endif
+ if( abs(fc) < abs(fb)) then
+ a=b
+ b=c
+ c=a
+ fa=fb
+ fb=fc
+ fc=fa
+ endif
+ tol1=2._r8*macheps*abs(b)+0.5_r8*tol !Convergence check.
+ xm=0.5_r8*(c-b)
+ if(abs(xm) <= tol1 .or. fb == 0.)then
+ x=b
+ return
+ endif
+ if(abs(e) >= tol1 .and. abs(fa) > abs(fb)) then
+ s=fb/fa !Attempt inverse quadratic interpolation.
+ if(a == c) then
+ p=2._r8*xm*s
+ q=1._r8-s
+ else
+ q=fa/fc
+ r=fb/fc
+ p=s*(2._r8*xm*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-1._r8))
+ q=(q-1._r8)*(r-1._r8)*(s-1._r8)
+ endif
+ if(p > 0._r8) q=-q !Check whether in bounds.
+ p=abs(p)
+ if(2._r8*p < min(3._r8*xm*q-abs(tol1*q),abs(e*q))) then
+ e=d !Accept interpolation.
+ d=p/q
+ else
+ d=xm !Interpolation failed, use bisection.
+ e=d
+ endif
+ else !Bounds decreasing too slowly, use bisection.
+ d=xm
+ e=d
+ endif
+ a=b !Move last best guess to a.
+ fa=fb
+ if(abs(d) > tol1) then !Evaluate new trial root.
+ b=b+d
+ else
+ b=b+sign(tol1,xm)
+ endif
+ call func(b,fb, pp)
+ if(fb==0._r8)exit
+ enddo
+ if(iter==ITMAX)write(iulog,*) 'brent exceeding maximum iterations', b, fb
+ x=b
+ end subroutine brent_p
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !BOP
+ !
+ ! !IROUTINE: brent
+ !
+ subroutine brent_np(x, x1,x2,f1, f2, macheps, tol,func)
+ !
+ !Use Brent's method to find the root to a single variable function func, which is known to exist between x1 and x2.
+ !The found root will be updated until its accuracy is tol.
+ !Dec 14/2012: Jinyun Tang, modified from numerical recipes in F90 by press et al. 1188-1189
+ !
+ !!USES:
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x1, x2, f1, f2 !minimum and maximum of the variable domain to search for the solution ci_func(x1) = f1, ci_func(x2)=f2
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: macheps !machine precision
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: tol !the error tolerance
+ real(r8), intent(out):: x
+ interface
+ subroutine func(x,f)
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: f
+ end subroutine func
+ end interface
+ ! whenever it is needed
+ integer, parameter :: ITMAX = 40 !maximum number of iterations
+ integer, parameter :: iulog = 6
+ integer :: iter
+ real(r8) :: a,b,c,d,e,fa,fb,fc,p,q,r,s,xm,tol1
+ a=x1
+ b=x2
+ fa=f1
+ fb=f2
+ if((fa > 0._r8 .and. fb > 0._r8).or.(fa < 0._r8 .and. fb < 0._r8))then
+ write(iulog,*) 'root must be bracketed for brent'
+ write(iulog,*) 'a=',a,' b=',b,' fa=',fa,' fb=',fb
+ call endrun(msg=errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ endif
+ c=b
+ fc=fb
+ iter = 0
+ do
+ if(iter==ITMAX)exit
+ iter=iter+1
+ if((fb > 0._r8 .and. fc > 0._r8) .or. (fb < 0._r8 .and. fc < 0._r8))then
+ c=a !Rename a, b, c and adjust bounding interval d.
+ fc=fa
+ d=b-a
+ e=d
+ endif
+ if( abs(fc) < abs(fb)) then
+ a=b
+ b=c
+ c=a
+ fa=fb
+ fb=fc
+ fc=fa
+ endif
+ tol1=2._r8*macheps*abs(b)+0.5_r8*tol !Convergence check.
+ xm=0.5_r8*(c-b)
+ if(abs(xm) <= tol1 .or. fb == 0.)then
+ x=b
+ return
+ endif
+ if(abs(e) >= tol1 .and. abs(fa) > abs(fb)) then
+ s=fb/fa !Attempt inverse quadratic interpolation.
+ if(a == c) then
+ p=2._r8*xm*s
+ q=1._r8-s
+ else
+ q=fa/fc
+ r=fb/fc
+ p=s*(2._r8*xm*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-1._r8))
+ q=(q-1._r8)*(r-1._r8)*(s-1._r8)
+ endif
+ if(p > 0._r8) q=-q !Check whether in bounds.
+ p=abs(p)
+ if(2._r8*p < min(3._r8*xm*q-abs(tol1*q),abs(e*q))) then
+ e=d !Accept interpolation.
+ d=p/q
+ else
+ d=xm !Interpolation failed, use bisection.
+ e=d
+ endif
+ else !Bounds decreasing too slowly, use bisection.
+ d=xm
+ e=d
+ endif
+ a=b !Move last best guess to a.
+ fa=fb
+ if(abs(d) > tol1) then !Evaluate new trial root.
+ b=b+d
+ else
+ b=b+sign(tol1,xm)
+ endif
+ call func(b, fb)
+ if(fb==0._r8)exit
+ enddo
+ if(iter==ITMAX)write(iulog,*) 'brent exceeding maximum iterations', b, fb
+ x=b
+ end subroutine brent_np
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine hybrid_findroot_p(x0, p, iter, func)
+ !
+ ! use a hybrid solver to find the root of equation
+ ! f(x) = x- h(x),
+ ! s.t. f(x) = 0.
+ !the hybrid approach combines the strength of the newton secant approach (find the solution domain)
+ !and the bisection approach implemented with the Brent's method to guarrantee convergence.
+ !
+ !Apr 14/2013: created by Jinyun Tang
+ implicit none
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: x0 !solution's initial guess
+ integer , intent(in) :: p !index used in the function
+ integer , intent(out) :: iter !number of used iterations
+ interface
+ subroutine func(x,f,p)
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: f
+ integer, intent(in) :: p
+ end subroutine func
+ end interface
+ real(r8) :: a, b
+ real(r8) :: fa, fb
+ real(r8) :: x1, f0, f1
+ real(r8) :: x, dx
+ real(r8), parameter :: eps = 1.e-2_r8 !relative accuracy
+ real(r8), parameter :: eps1= 1.e-4_r8
+ integer, parameter :: itmax = 40 !maximum number of iterations
+ real(r8) :: tol,minx,minf
+ call func(x0, f0, p)
+ if(f0 == 0._r8)return
+ minx=x0
+ minf=f0
+ x1 = x0 * 0.99_r8
+ call func(x1,f1, p)
+ if(f1==0._r8)then
+ x0 = x1
+ return
+ endif
+ if(f1itmax)then
+ !in case of failing to converge within itmax iterations
+ !stop at the minimum function
+ !this happens because of some other issues besides the stomatal conductance calculation
+ !and it happens usually in very dry places and more likely with c4 plants.
+ call func(minx,f1, p)
+ exit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine hybrid_findroot_p
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine hybrid_findroot_np(x0, iter, func)
+ !
+ ! use a hybrid solver to find the root of equation
+ ! f(x) = x- h(x),
+ ! s.t. f(x) = 0.
+ !the hybrid approach combines the strength of the newton secant approach (find the solution domain)
+ !and the bisection approach implemented with the Brent's method to guarrantee convergence.
+ !
+ !Apr 14/2013: created by Jinyun Tang
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: x0 !solution's initial guess
+ integer, intent(out) :: iter
+ interface
+ subroutine func(x,f)
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: f
+ end subroutine func
+ end interface
+ real(r8) :: a, b
+ real(r8) :: fa, fb
+ real(r8) :: x1, f0, f1
+ real(r8) :: x, dx
+ real(r8), parameter :: eps = 1.e-2_r8 !relative accuracy
+ real(r8), parameter :: eps1= 1.e-4_r8
+ integer, parameter :: itmax = 40 !maximum number of iterations
+ real(r8) :: tol,minx,minf
+ call func(x0, f0)
+ if(f0 == 0._r8)return
+ minx=x0
+ minf=f0
+ x1 = x0 * 0.99_r8
+ call func(x1,f1)
+ if(f1==0._r8)then
+ x0 = x1
+ return
+ endif
+ if(f1itmax)then
+ !in case of failing to converge within itmax iterations
+ !stop at the minimum function
+ !this happens because of some other issues besides the stomatal conductance calculation
+ !and it happens usually in very dry places and more likely with c4 plants.
+ call func(minx,f1)
+ exit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine hybrid_findroot_np
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SUBROUTINE gaussian_solve(a,b,error)
+ ! This subroutine solves the linear system Ax = b
+ ! Copyright 1994, Miles Ellis, Ivor Philips and Tom Lahey
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd.
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc.
+ ! Permission is granted for the use of this code for the purpose of teaching
+ ! and/or learning the Fortran 90 language provided that the above copyright
+ ! notices are included in any copies made.
+ ! Neither the authors nor the publishers accept any responsibility for
+ ! any results obtained by use of this code.
+ ! modified by Jinyun Tang
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a !coefficients of A
+ real(r8), dimension(:) , intent(inout) :: b !right handside and solution on returning.
+ integer, intent(out) :: error ! indicates if errors are found
+ ! Reduce the equations by Gaussian elimination
+ call gaussian_elimination(a,b,error)
+ ! If reduction was successful, calculate solution by
+ ! back substitution
+ if (error == 0) call back_substitution(a,b,error)
+ end subroutine gaussian_solve
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine gaussian_elimination(a,b,error)
+ ! This subroutine performs Gaussian elimination on a
+ ! system of linear equations
+ ! Copyright 1994, Miles Ellis, Ivor Philips and Tom Lahey
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd.
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc.
+ ! Permission is granted for the use of this code for the purpose of teaching
+ ! and/or learning the Fortran 90 language provided that the above copyright
+ ! notices are included in any copies made.
+ ! Neither the authors nor the publishers accept any responsibility for
+ ! any results obtained by use of this code.
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod, only : swap
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: a !contains the coefficients
+ real(r8), dimension(:) , intent(inout) :: b !contains the right-hand side
+ integer, intent(out) :: error
+ real(r8), dimension(size(a,1)) :: temp_array ! Automatic array
+ integer, dimension(1) :: ksave
+ integer :: i, j, k, n
+ real(r8) :: temp, m
+ ! Validity checks
+ n = size(a,1)
+ if (n == 0) then
+ error = -1 ! There is no problem to solve
+ return
+ endif
+ if (n /= size(a,2))then
+ error = -2 ! a is not square
+ return
+ endif
+ if (n/=size(b))then
+ error = -3 ! Size of b does not match a
+ return
+ endif
+ ! Dimensions of arrays are OK, so go ahead with Gaussian
+ ! elimination
+ error = 0
+ do i = 1, n-1
+ ! Find row with largest value of |a(j,i)|, j=i, ..., n
+ ksave = maxloc(abs(a(i:n, i)))
+ ! Check whether largest |a(j,i)| is near zero
+ k = ksave(1) + i - 1
+ if ( abs(a(k,i)) <= 1.e-5_r8 ) then
+ error = -4 ! No solution possible
+ return
+ endif
+ !Interchange row i and row k, if necessary
+ if(k /= i) then
+ call swap(a(i,:),a(k,:))
+ ! Interchange corresponding elements of b
+ call swap(b(i), b(k))
+ endif
+ ! Subtract multiples of row i from subsequent rows to
+ ! zero all subsequent coefficients of x sub i
+ do j = i + 1, n
+ m = a(j,i)/a(i,i)
+ a(j,:) = a(j,:) - m*a(i,:)
+ b(j) = b(j) - m*b(i)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine gaussian_elimination
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ SUBROUTINE back_substitution(a,b,error)
+ !
+ ! This subroutine performs back substition once a system
+ ! of equations has been reduced by Gaussian elimination
+ ! Copyright 1994, Miles Ellis, Ivor Philips and Tom Lahey
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd.
+ ! Copyright 1994, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc.
+ ! Permission is granted for the use of this code for the purpose of teaching
+ ! and/or learning the Fortran 90 language provided that the above copyright
+ ! notices are included in any copies made.
+ ! Neither the authors nor the publishers accept any responsibility for
+ ! any results obtained by use of this code.
+ ! Modified by Jinyun Tang, Apr, 2013
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: a !contains the coefficients
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: b !contains the right-hand side coefficients, will contain the solution on exit
+ integer , intent(out) :: error ! will be set non-zero if an error is found
+ real(r8) :: sum
+ integer :: i,j,n
+ error = 0
+ n = size(b)
+ ! Solve for each variable in turn
+ do i = n,1,-1
+ ! Check for zero coefficient
+ if ( abs(a(i,i)) <= 1.e-5_r8 ) then
+ error = -4
+ return
+ endif
+ sum = b(i)
+ do j = i+1,n
+ sum = sum - a(i,j)*b(j)
+ enddo
+ b(i) = sum/a(i,i)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine back_substitution
+end module FindRootMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/InterpolationMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/InterpolationMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b7b06a457bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/InterpolationMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+module InterpolationMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! subroutines to do polynomial interpolation
+ ! author: Jinyun Tang, Sep, 2014
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only: errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ public :: Lagrange_interp
+ public :: pchip_polycc
+ public :: pchip_interp
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Lagrange_interp(pn, x, y, xi, yi)
+ !
+ ! do order pn lagrangian interpolation
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: pn !order of interpolation
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x !location of data
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: y !value of data
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xi !target points to be evaluated
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: yi !target values
+ integer :: k, ni, nx
+ integer :: pos, disp, disp1
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(x) == ubound(y)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(xi) == ubound(yi)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(x) >= pn+1), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ ni = size(xi)
+ nx = size(x)
+ disp=int((pn+1)*0.5_r8+1.e-8_r8)
+ !get the half size of the local window
+ if(mod(pn,2)==0)then
+ disp1=disp
+ else
+ disp1=disp-1
+ endif
+ do k = 1, ni
+ ! find the position of z in array x
+ pos = find_idx(x, xi(k))
+ if(pos == -100) then
+ !left boundary
+ yi(k) = y(1)
+ elseif(pos == -200) then
+ !right boundary
+ yi(k) = y(nx)
+ else
+ ! call function Lagrange
+ if (pos <= disp1) then
+ yi(k) = Lagrange_poly(pn, x(1:pn+1), y(1:pn+1), xi(k))
+ else if (pos >= nx-disp) then
+ yi(k) = Lagrange_poly(pn, x(nx-pn:nx), y(nx-pn:nx), xi(k))
+ else
+ yi(k) = Lagrange_poly(pn, x(pos-disp1:pos+disp), y(pos-disp1:pos+disp), xi(k))
+ end if
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine Lagrange_interp
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function Lagrange_poly(pn, xvect, yvect, z)result(Pz)
+ !
+ ! do lagrangian interpolation at order pn
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: pn ! Order of Interpolation Polynomial
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xvect, yvect ! vectors of known data: x,y-values
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: z ! the target point "z"
+ integer :: i, j, n
+ real(r8) :: L(pn+1) ! Lagrange cardinal function
+ real(r8) :: Pz ! target value
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(xvect) == size(yvect)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(xvect) == pn+1), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ ! n = number of data points:length of each data vector
+ n = size(xvect)
+ ! Initializations of Pz and L
+ Pz = 0._r8 ! initializing the polynomia value at z
+ L(:) = 1._r8 ! initalizing the vector of cardinal functions to 1
+ ! Performing the interpolation
+ do i = 1, n
+ do j = 1, n
+ if (i /= j) then
+ ! part of L(i)
+ L(i) = ( (z - xvect(j)) / (xvect(i) - xvect(j)) )* L(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ Pz = Pz + L(i)*yvect(i) ! update Pz ~ f(z)
+ end do
+ end function Lagrange_poly
+ !------------------------------------------------------------
+ function find_idx(xvect, x)result(k)
+ !
+ ! locate the position of x in xvect
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xvect ! vector of x-values
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: i, k, n
+ ! array dimension
+ n = size(xvect)
+ if(xxvect(n))then
+ k = -200 !beyond right boundary
+ elseif(x==xvect(1))then
+ k=1
+ elseif(x==xvect(n))then
+ k=n-1
+ else
+ ! find index k so that x[k] < x < x[k+1]
+ do i = 1, n-1
+ if ((xvect(i) <= x) .and. (x < xvect(i+1))) then
+ k = i
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ endif
+ end function find_idx
+ !------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine pchip_polycc(x, fx, di, region)
+ !
+ ! Given the data, generate the coefficients of the monotonic cubic
+ ! polynomials
+ ! Ref, Fritsch and Carlson, 1980
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod, only : diff
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: fx
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out):: di
+ integer, optional, intent(in) :: region
+ real(r8), allocatable :: h(:)
+ real(r8), allocatable :: df(:)
+ real(r8), allocatable :: slp(:)
+ real(r8) :: alpha, beta, tao, rr
+ integer :: region_loc
+ integer :: n, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(x) == size(fx)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(x) == size(di)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ region_loc=2
+ if(present(region))region_loc=region
+ n = size(x)
+ allocate(h(n-1))
+ allocate(df(n-1))
+ allocate(slp(n-1))
+ !get interval length
+ call diff(x, h)
+ !get function step
+ call diff(fx, df)
+ !get slope
+ do j = 1, n-1
+ slp(j)=df(j)/h(j)
+ enddo
+ !get di
+ di(:) = 0._r8
+ j = 1
+ di(j)=(fx(j+1)+fx(j+2)-2*fx(1))/(2*h(j)+h(j+1))
+ do j = 2, n-1
+ di(j)=(fx(j+1)-fx(j-1))/(h(j)+h(j-1))
+ enddo
+ j = n
+ di(j)=(2._r8*fx(j)-(fx(j-1)+fx(j-2)))/(2._r8*h(j-1)+h(j-2))
+ !enforce the sign condition
+ if(slp(1)*di(1)<=0._r8)then
+ di(1)=0._r8
+ endif
+ if(slp(n-1)*di(n)<=0)then
+ di(n)=0._r8
+ endif
+ !enforce the range 2 constraint
+ do j = 1, n-1
+ if(abs(slp(j))<=1.e-16_r8)then
+ di(j)=0._r8
+ di(j+1)=0._r8
+ else
+ alpha=di(j)/slp(j)
+ beta =di(j+1)/slp(j)
+ select case (region_loc)
+ case (1)
+ rr=beta/alpha
+ if(rr>1._r8)then
+ if(beta>3._r8)then
+ beta=3._r8
+ alpha=beta/rr
+ di(j)=slp(j)*alpha
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ endif
+ else
+ if(alpha>3._r8)then
+ alpha=3._r8
+ beta=rr*alpha
+ di(j)=slp(j)*alpha
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ endif
+ endif
+ case (2)
+ tao=3._r8/sqrt(alpha*alpha+beta*beta)
+ if(tao<1._r8)then
+ di(j)=tao*di(j)
+ di(j+1)=tao*di(j+1)
+ endif
+ case (3)
+ if(alpha+beta>3._r8)then
+ if(alpha>0._r8)then
+ rr=beta/alpha
+ alpha=3._r8/(1._r8+rr)
+ beta=alpha*rr
+ di(j)=slp(j)*alpha
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ else
+ beta=3._r8
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ endif
+ endif
+ case (4)
+ if(alpha>0._r8)then
+ rr=beta/alpha
+ if(rr>=1._r8)then
+ if(2._r8*alpha+beta>3._r8)then
+ alpha=3._r8/(2._r8+rr)
+ beta=alpha*rr
+ di(j)=slp(j)*alpha
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta;
+ endif
+ else
+ if(alpha+2._r8*beta>3._r8)then
+ alpha=3._r8/(1._r8+2._r8*rr)
+ beta=alpha*rr
+ di(j)=slp(j)*alpha
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if(beta>3._r8)then
+ beta=3._r8
+ di(j+1)=slp(j)*beta
+ endif
+ endif
+ case default
+ call endrun(msg='an constraint region must be specified for pchip_polycc '//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ end select
+ endif
+ enddo
+ deallocate(h)
+ deallocate(df)
+ deallocate(slp)
+ end subroutine pchip_polycc
+ !------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine pchip_interp(x, fx, di, xi, yi)
+ ! do monotonic cubic spline interpolation
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: fx
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: di
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xi
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: yi
+ real(r8) :: h, t1, t2
+ real(r8) :: h1x, h2x, h3x, h4x
+ integer :: n, j
+ integer :: id
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(x) == size(fx)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(x) == size(di)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(xi) == size(yi)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ n=size(xi) !total number of points to be interpolated
+ yi(:)=0._r8
+ do j = 1, n
+ id=find_idx(x,xi(j))
+ h=x(id+1)-x(id)
+ t1=(x(id+1)-xi(j))/h
+ t2=(xi(j)-x(id))/h
+ h1x=phi(t1)
+ h2x=phi(t2)
+ h3x=-h*psi(t1)
+ h4x=h*psi(t2)
+ yi(j)=fx(id)*h1x+fx(id+1)*h2x+di(id)*h3x+di(id+1)*h4x
+ enddo
+ contains
+ function phi(t) result(fval)
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t
+ real(r8) :: fval
+ fval=(3._r8-2._r8*t)*t*t
+ end function phi
+ function psi(t) result(fval)
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t
+ real(r8) :: fval
+ fval=t*t*(t-1._r8)
+ end function psi
+ end subroutine pchip_interp
+end module InterpolationMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/MathfuncMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/MathfuncMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1cfe52890515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/MathfuncMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+module MathfuncMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ ! mathematical functions for some elementary manipulations
+ ! History: Created by Jinyun Tang
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: cumsum
+ public :: swap
+ public :: minmax
+ public :: cumdif
+ public :: diff
+ public :: safe_div
+ public :: dot_sum
+ public :: addone
+ public :: asc_sort_vec
+ public :: is_bounded
+ public :: minp
+ public :: pd_decomp
+ public :: num2str
+ interface cumsum
+ module procedure cumsum_v, cumsum_m
+ end interface cumsum
+ interface swap
+ module procedure swap_i, swap_r, swap_rv
+ end interface swap
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function heviside(x)result(ans)
+ !
+ ! heviside function
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ if(x>0._r8)then
+ ans = 1._r8
+ else
+ ans = 0._r8
+ endif
+ end function heviside
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine swap_i(a,b)
+ !
+ ! swap two integers
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(inout) :: a, b
+ integer :: c
+ c = a
+ a = b
+ b = c
+ end subroutine swap_i
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine swap_r(a,b)
+ !
+ ! swap two real numbers
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: a, b
+ real(r8) :: c
+ c = a
+ a = b
+ b = c
+ end subroutine swap_r
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine swap_rv(a,b)
+ !
+ ! swap two vectors
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: a, b
+ real(r8), dimension(size(a)) :: c
+ integer :: n
+ if(size(a)/=size(b))then
+ write(iulog,*)'the input vectors are not of same size in swap_rv'
+ write(iulog,*)'clm model is stopping'
+ call endrun()
+ endif
+ c = a
+ a = b
+ b = c
+ end subroutine swap_rv
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function minmax(x)result(ans)
+ !
+ !returnd the minimum and maximum of the input vector
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
+ integer :: n, j
+ real(r8) :: ans(2)
+ n = size(x)
+ ans(1) = x(1)
+ ans(2) = x(1)
+ do j = 2, n
+ if(ans(1)>x(j))then
+ ans(1) = x(j)
+ endif
+ if(ans(2) shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: y
+ integer :: n, j
+ real(r8) :: ans
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(x) == size(y)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ n = size(x)
+ ! use subroutine from blas
+ !
+ ans=dot_product(x,y)
+ end function dot_sum
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function addone(a)result(ans)
+ ! return a variable with a + 1
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(inout) :: a
+ integer :: ans
+ a = a + 1
+ ans = a
+ end function addone
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine asc_sort_vec(zvec)
+ !
+ ! sort an array into ascending order
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: zvec
+ integer :: n, j, k
+ logical :: lswap
+ n = size(zvec)
+ do j = 1, n
+ lswap=.false.
+ do k = 2, n-j+1
+ if(zvec(k)=xl .and. x<=xr)then
+ ans = .true.
+ else
+ ans = .false.
+ endif
+ end function is_bounded
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function minp(p,v)result(ans)
+ !
+ !find the minimum of the nonzero p entries, with the entry determined by
+ !nonzero values of v
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: v
+ integer :: j, sz
+ real(r8) :: ans !(<=1._r8)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((size(p) == size(v)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ sz = size(p)
+ ans = 1._r8
+ do j = 1, sz
+ if(v(j)/=0._r8)then
+ ans = min(ans, p(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end function minp
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine pd_decomp(m, n, A, AP, AD)
+ !
+ !separate a input matrix A into AP and AD with positive
+ !and negative entries respectively.
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: n, m
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: A(1: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(out):: AP(1: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(out):: AD(1: , 1: )
+ integer :: i, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(A) == (/m,n/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(AP) == (/m,n/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(AD) == (/m,n/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ AP(:,:) = 0._r8
+ AD(:,:) = 0._r8
+ where(A>0._r8)
+ AP=A
+ elsewhere
+ AD=A
+ endwhere
+ end subroutine pd_decomp
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function num2str(a,fmt)result(ans)
+ !
+ !turn a number into a string using the specified format
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: a
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+ character(len=32) :: ans
+ character(len=32) :: str
+ write(str,fmt)a
+ ans = trim(adjustl(str))
+ end function num2str
+end module MathfuncMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/ODEMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/ODEMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a6879a242b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/betr_math/ODEMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+module ODEMod
+ !
+ ! ode integrators for the biogeochemistry model
+ ! Jinyun Tang, 2013
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: ode_mbbks1, ode_adapt_mbbks1
+ public :: ode_ebbks1
+ public :: ode_rk4
+ public :: ode_rk2
+ real(r8), parameter :: tiny = 1.e-23_r8
+ type, private:: mbkks_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: aj(:)
+ real(r8) :: iJ
+ integer :: nJ
+ end type mbkks_type
+ logical,public :: ldebug_ode=.false.
+ type(mbkks_type), private :: mbkks_data
+ interface get_rerr
+ module procedure get_rerr_v, get_rerr_s
+ end interface get_rerr
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_ebbks1(odefun, y0, nprimeq, neq, t, dt, y, pscal)
+ !first order accurate explicit BBKS fixed time step positive preserving ode integrator
+ !reference: Broekhuizen et al., 2008
+ !!
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq !number of primary equations that are subject to positive constraint
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq !total number of equations
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq) !initial values
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t !current time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt !time step
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq) !return values
+ real(r8), optional, intent(out) :: pscal !scaling factor
+ external :: odefun
+ real(r8) :: f(neq)
+ real(r8) :: pscal_loc
+ call odefun(y0, dt, t, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call ebbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y,pscal_loc)
+ if(present(pscal))pscal=pscal_loc
+ end subroutine ode_ebbks1
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_ebbks2(odefun, y0, nprimeq, neq, t, dt, y)
+ !second order accurate explicit BBKS fixed time step positive preserving ode integrator
+ !reference: Broekhuizen et al., 2008
+ !!
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq !number of primary equations that are subject to positive constraint
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq !total number of equations
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq) !initial values
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t !current time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt !time step
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq) !return value
+ external :: odefun
+ real(r8) :: f(neq)
+ real(r8) :: f1(neq)
+ real(r8) :: y1(neq)
+ real(r8) :: ti
+ integer :: n
+ call odefun(y0, dt, t, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call ebbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y1)
+ ti=t+dt
+ call odefun(y1, dt, ti, nprimeq, neq, f1)
+ do n = 1, neq
+ f(n) = (f(n)+f1(n))*0.5_r8
+ enddo
+ call ebbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y)
+ end subroutine ode_ebbks2
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_mbbks1(odefun, y0, nprimeq, neq, t, dt, y, pscal)
+ !first order accurate implicit BBKS fixed time step positive preserving ode integrator
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq)
+ real(r8), optional, intent(out) :: pscal
+ external :: odefun
+ real(r8) :: f(neq)
+ real(r8) :: pscal1
+ call odefun(y0, dt, t, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call mbbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y, pscal1)
+ if(present(pscal))pscal=pscal1
+ end subroutine ode_mbbks1
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine get_tscal(rerr,dt_scal,acc)
+ !
+ !obtain the time step scalar for adaptive ode
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: rerr !input relative err
+ real(r8), intent(out):: dt_scal !output dt_scal, 2, 1, 0.5
+ logical, intent(out):: acc !true or false
+ real(r8), parameter :: rerr_thr=1.e-4_r8 !relative error threshold
+ if(rerr<0.5*rerr_thr)then
+ dt_scal = 2._r8
+ acc = .true.
+ elseif(rerr0._r8)then
+ do n = 1, neq
+ f(n) = f(n) * pp**(1._r8/nJ)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call mbbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y, pscal)
+ end subroutine ode_mbbks2
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine mbbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y, pscal)
+ ! mbbks update
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq) ! state variable at previous time step
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: f(neq) ! derivative
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt ! time stepping
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq !
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq ! number of equations
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq) ! updated state variable
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: pscal
+ real(r8), pointer :: aj(:)
+ real(r8) :: pmax
+ real(r8) :: pm
+ real(r8) :: a
+ integer :: n, nJ
+ allocate(mbkks_data%aj(neq))
+ aj => mbkks_data%aj
+ nJ = 0
+ pmax = 0._r8
+ do n = 1, nprimeq
+ if(f(n)<0._r8)then
+ nJ = nJ + 1
+ pm = -y0(n)/(f(n)*dt)
+ pm = min(pm,1.e30_r8)
+ aj(nJ) = -safe_div(1._r8,pm)
+ if(nJ==1)then
+ pmax= pm
+ else
+ pmax = min(pm, pmax)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(nJ>0)then
+ pmax=min(1._r8,pmax**(nJ))
+ !solve the gradient modifier function
+ mbkks_data%nJ=nJ
+ mbkks_data%iJ=1._r8/nJ
+ if(pmax<1.e-8_r8)then
+ pscal=pmax
+ else
+ pscal=GetGdtScalar(aj,nJ,pmax)
+ pscal=pscal**(1._r8/nJ)
+ endif
+ !reduce the chance of negative y(n) from roundoff error
+ pscal=pscal*0.9999_r8
+ else
+ pscal=1._r8
+ endif
+ y(:)=y0(:)
+ a=pscal*dt
+ !daxpy(N,DA,DX,INCX,DY,INCY)
+ call daxpy(neq, a, f, 1, y, 1)
+ deallocate(mbkks_data%aj)
+ end subroutine mbbks
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_adapt_mbbks1(odefun, y0, nprimeq, neq, t, dt, y)
+ !first order implicit bkks ode integration with the adaptive time stepping
+ !This could be used as an example for the implementation of time-adaptive
+ !mbbks1.
+ ! !NOTE:
+ ! this code should only be used for mass positive ODE integration
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq) ! state variable at previous time step
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t ! time stamp
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt ! time stepping
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq !
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq ! number of equations
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq) ! updated state variable
+ external :: odefun
+ real(r8) :: yc(neq) !coarse time stepping solution
+ real(r8) :: yf(neq) !fine time stepping solution
+ real(r8) :: ycp(neq) !temporary variable
+ real(r8) :: f(neq) ! derivative
+ real(r8) :: dt2
+ real(r8) :: dtr
+ real(r8) :: dt05
+ real(r8) :: dtmin
+ real(r8) :: tt,tt2 !temporary variables
+ logical :: acc
+ real(r8) :: rerr, dt_scal, pscal
+ integer :: n, nJ
+ dt2=dt
+ dtmin=dt/64._r8
+ dtr=dt
+ tt=0._r8
+ !make a copy of the solution at the current time step
+ y=y0
+ do
+ if(dt2<=dtmin)then
+ call odefun(y, dt2, tt, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call mbbks(y, f, nprimeq, neq, dt2, yc, pscal)
+ dtr=dtr-dt2
+ tt=tt+dt2
+ y=yc
+ else
+ !get coarse grid solution
+ call odefun(y, dt2, tt, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call mbbks(y, f, nprimeq, neq, dt2, yc, pscal)
+ !get fine grid solution
+ dt05=dt2*0.5_r8
+ call mbbks(y,f,nprimeq, neq,dt05, yf, pscal)
+ tt2=tt+dt05
+ ycp=yf
+ call odefun(ycp, dt05, tt, nprimeq, neq, f)
+ call mbbks(ycp,f,nprimeq, neq,dt05,yf,pscal)
+ !determine the relative error
+ rerr=get_rerr_v(yc,yf, neq)
+ !determine time scalar factor
+ call get_tscal(rerr,dt_scal,acc)
+ if(acc)then
+ dtr=dtr-dt2
+ tt=tt+dt2
+ y=yf
+ endif
+ dt2=dt2*dt_scal
+ dt2=min(dt2,dtr)
+ endif
+ if(abs(dtr/dt)<1.e-4_r8)exit
+ enddo
+ end subroutine ode_adapt_mbbks1
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_rerr_v(yc,yf,neq)result(rerr)
+ !
+ ! obtain the relative error
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yc(neq) !coarse solution
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yf(neq) !fine solution
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq !number of equations
+ real(r8) :: rerr
+ real(r8) :: rtmp
+ integer :: n
+ rerr=abs(yc(1)-yf(1))/(abs(yf(1))+1.e-20_r8)
+ do n = 2, neq
+ rtmp=abs(yc(n)-yf(n))/(abs(yf(n))+1.e-20_r8)
+ rerr=max(rerr,rtmp)
+ enddo
+ end function get_rerr_v
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_rerr_s(yc,yf)result(rerr)
+ !
+ ! obtain the relative error
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yc !coarse solution
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yf !fine solution
+ real(r8) :: rerr
+ real(r8) :: rtmp
+ integer :: n
+ rerr=abs(yc-yf)/(abs(yf)+1.e-20_r8)
+ end function get_rerr_s
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function GetGdtScalar(aj,nJ,pmax)result(pp)
+ !get the gradient scaling factor for bkks integrator
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use FindRootMod, only : brent
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: aj(nJ)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pmax
+ integer, intent(in) :: nJ
+ real(r8) :: iJ
+ real(r8) :: f1, f2
+ real(r8), parameter :: macheps = 1.e-8_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: tol = 1.e-8_r8
+ real(r8) :: pp
+ call gfunc_mbkks(0._r8, f1)
+ call gfunc_mbkks(pmax, f2)
+ call brent(pp, 0._r8, pmax, f1, f2, macheps, tol, gfunc_mbkks)
+ end function GetGdtScalar
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine gfunc_mbkks(p, value)
+ !the bkks function
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: p
+ real(r8), intent(out):: value
+ integer :: jj
+ real(r8), pointer :: aj(:)
+ integer :: nJ
+ real(r8) :: iJ
+ aj => mbkks_data%aj
+ nJ = mbkks_data%nJ
+ iJ = mbkks_data%iJ
+ value = 1._r8
+ do jj = 1, nJ
+ value = value * (1._r8 + aj(jj) * p**(iJ))
+ enddo
+ value = value - p
+ if(abs(value)<1.e-20_r8)value=0._r8
+ end subroutine gfunc_mbkks
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ebbks(y0, f, nprimeq, neq, dt, y,ps)
+ !ebbks update
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: f(neq)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimeq
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq
+ real(r8), intent(out):: y(neq)
+ real(r8), optional, intent(out):: ps
+ real(r8), parameter :: beta=0.999_r8 !scaling parameter
+ real(r8) :: js, jsmin
+ real(r8) :: p
+ integer :: n, nJ
+ nJ=0
+ do n = 1, nprimeq
+ if(f(n)<0._r8)then
+ js = y0(n)/(-f(n)*dt)
+ nJ=nJ+1
+ if(nJ==1)then
+ jsmin=js
+ else
+ jsmin=min(jsmin,js)
+ endif
+ if(ldebug_ode)then
+ write(*,'(A,X,I3,3(X,E20.10))')'debbkb',n,f(n),js,y0(n)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ p=1._r8
+ if(nJ>0)then
+ p = min(jsmin*beta,1._r8)
+ endif
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ if(present(ps))ps=p
+ p = p * dt
+ call daxpy(neq, p, f, 1, y, 1)
+ end subroutine ebbks
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_rk4(odefun, y0, neq, t, dt, y )
+ !
+ ! 4-th order runge-kutta method for ode integration
+ ! Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 4.
+ ! call rk4(y, ODEFUN,t, dt,Y0, neq) integrates
+ ! the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) by stepping from T to
+ ! t+dt. Function ODEFUN(T,Y) must return f(t,y) in a column vector.
+ ! The vector Y0 is the initial conditions at T0. Each row in the solution
+ ! array Y corresponds to a time specified in TSPAN.
+ !
+ ! This is a non-adaptive solver. The step sequence is determined by TSPAN
+ ! but the derivative function ODEFUN is evaluated multiple times per step.
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k1(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k2(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k3(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k4(neq)
+ real(r8) :: kt(neq)
+ real(r8) :: ti, dt05, a
+ integer :: n
+ external :: odefun
+ ti = t
+ dt05 = dt * 0.5_r8
+ call odefun(y0, dt05, ti, neq, k1)
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, dt05, k1, 1, y, 1)
+ ti = t + dt05
+ call odefun(y, dt05, ti, neq, k2)
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, dt05, k2, 1, y, 1)
+ ti = t + dt05
+ call odefun( y, dt05, ti, neq, k3)
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, dt, k3, 1, y, 1)
+ ti = t + dt
+ call odefun(y, dt, ti, neq, k4)
+ do n = 1, neq
+ kt(n) = k1(n)+2._r8*K2(n)+2._r8*k3(n)+k4(n)
+ enddo
+ a = dt / 6._r8
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, a, kt, 1, y, 1)
+ end subroutine ode_rk4
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine ode_rk2(odefun, y0, neq, t, dt, y )
+ !
+ ! 2-th order runge-kutta method for ode integration
+ ! Solve differential equations with a non-adaptive method of order 2.
+ ! call rk2(y, ODEFUN,t, dt,Y0, neq) integrates
+ ! the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) by stepping from T to
+ ! t+dt. Function ODEFUN(T,Y) must return f(t,y) in a column vector.
+ ! The vector Y0 is the initial conditions at T0. Each row in the solution
+ ! array Y corresponds to a time specified in TSPAN.
+ !
+ ! This is a non-adaptive solver. The step sequence is determined by TSPAN
+ ! but the derivative function ODEFUN is evaluated multiple times per step.
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: neq
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: y0(neq)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dt
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: y(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k1(neq)
+ real(r8) :: k2(neq)
+ real(r8) :: ti, dt05
+ integer :: n
+ external :: odefun
+ ti = t
+ dt05 = dt * 0.5_r8
+ call odefun(y0, dt, ti, neq, k1)
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, dt05, k1, 1, y, 1)
+ ti = t + dt05
+ call odefun(y, dt05, ti, neq, k2)
+ y(:) = y0(:)
+ call daxpy(neq, dt, k2, 1, y, 1)
+ end subroutine ode_rk2
+end module ODEMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturyParMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturyParMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f6b30d1dfdd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturyParMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+module BGCCenturyParMod
+ !
+ ! parameterization module for century bgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ implicit none
+ public :: readCentDecompBgcParams
+ public :: readCentNitrifDenitrifParams
+ public :: readCentCNAllocParams
+ type, private :: CNNitrifDenitrifParamsType
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_max ! maximum nitrification rate constant (1/s)
+ real(r8) :: surface_tension_water ! surface tension of water(J/m^2), Arah an and Vinten 1995
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_a ! Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_alpha ! parameter to calculate anoxic fraction of soil (Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_beta ! (Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_gamma ! (Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_delta ! (Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ end type CNNitrifDenitrifParamsType
+ type(CNNitrifDenitrifParamsType), protected :: CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst
+ type :: NutrientCompetitionParamsType
+ real(r8) :: dayscrecover ! number of days to recover negative cpool
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_no3 ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_nh4 ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NH4
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_no3 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_nh4 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NH4
+ real(r8) :: compet_denit ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of denitrifiers for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_nit ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of nitrifiers for NH4
+ end type NutrientCompetitionParamsType
+ ! NutrientCompetitionParamsInst is populated in readCNAllocParams which is called in
+ type(NutrientCompetitionParamsType),protected :: NutrientCompetitionParamsInst
+ type, private :: CNDecompBgcParamsType
+ real(r8) :: cn_s1_bgc !C:N for SOM 1
+ real(r8) :: cn_s2_bgc !C:N for SOM 2
+ real(r8) :: cn_s3_bgc !C:N for SOM 3
+ real(r8) :: rf_l1s1_bgc !respiration fraction litter 1 -> SOM 1
+ real(r8) :: rf_l2s1_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_l3s2_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_s2s1_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_s2s3_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_s3s1_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_cwdl2_bgc
+ real(r8) :: rf_cwdl3_bgc
+ real(r8) :: tau_l1_bgc ! turnover time of litter 1 (yr)
+ real(r8) :: tau_l2_l3_bgc ! turnover time of litter 2 and litter 3 (yr)
+ real(r8) :: tau_s1_bgc ! turnover time of SOM 1 (yr)
+ real(r8) :: tau_s2_bgc ! turnover time of SOM 2 (yr)
+ real(r8) :: tau_s3_bgc ! turnover time of SOM 3 (yr)
+ real(r8) :: tau_cwd_bgc ! corrected fragmentation rate constant CWD
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit1
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit2
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit3
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som1
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som2
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som3
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_cwd
+ real(r8) :: cwd_fcel_bgc !cellulose fraction for CWD
+ real(r8) :: cwd_flig_bgc !
+ real(r8) :: k_frag_bgc !fragmentation rate for CWD
+ real(r8) :: minpsi_bgc !minimum soil water potential for heterotrophic resp
+ integer :: nsompools = 3
+ real(r8),allocatable :: spinup_vector(:) ! multipliers for soil decomp during accelerated spinup
+ end type CNDecompBgcParamsType
+ type(CNDecompBgcParamsType),protected :: CNDecompBgcParamsInst
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readCentNitrifDenitrifParams ( ncid )
+ !
+ ! read in nitrification denitrification parameters:
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t,ncd_io
+ use clm_varcon , only : secspday
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_days_per_year
+ !
+ type(file_desc_t),intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNNitrifDenitrifParamsType'
+ character(len=100) :: errCode = '-Error reading in parameters file:'
+ logical :: readv ! has variable been read in or not
+ real(r8) :: tempr ! temporary to read in constant
+ character(len=100) :: tString ! temp. var for reading
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! read in constants
+ !
+ tString='k_nitr_max'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%k_nitr_max=tempr
+ tString='surface_tension_water'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%surface_tension_water=tempr
+ tString='rij_kro_a'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_a=tempr
+ tString='rij_kro_alpha'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_alpha=tempr
+ tString='rij_kro_beta'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_beta=tempr
+ tString='rij_kro_gamma'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_gamma=tempr
+ tString='rij_kro_delta'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_delta=tempr
+ end subroutine readCentNitrifDenitrifParams
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readCentDecompBgcParams ( ncid, nelms, betrtracer_vars )
+ !
+ ! read in decomposition parameters for century bgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only: file_desc_t,ncd_io
+ use clm_varcon , only : secspday
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit, i_cwd
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_days_per_year
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNDecompCascadeConType , only : decomp_cascade_con
+ !
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nelms
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNDecompBgcParamsType'
+ character(len=100) :: errCode = 'Error reading in CN const file '
+ logical :: readv ! has variable been read in or not
+ real(r8) :: tempr ! temporary to read in constant
+ character(len=100) :: tString ! temp. var for reading
+ real(r8) :: tau_l1
+ real(r8) :: tau_l2_l3
+ real(r8) :: tau_s1
+ real(r8) :: tau_s2
+ real(r8) :: tau_s3
+ real(r8) :: days_per_year
+ real(r8) :: tau_cwd
+ real(r8) :: cn_s1
+ real(r8) :: cn_s2
+ real(r8) :: cn_s3
+ integer :: i_litr1
+ integer :: i_litr2
+ integer :: i_litr3
+ integer :: i_soil1
+ integer :: i_soil2
+ integer :: i_soil3
+ integer :: ii, jj, kk
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ associate( & !
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools => decomp_cascade_con%floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool has fixed C:N ratio
+ decomp_pool_name_restart => decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_restart , & ! Output: [character(len=8) (:) ] name of pool for restart files
+ decomp_pool_name_history => decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history , & ! Output: [character(len=8) (:) ] name of pool for history files
+ decomp_pool_name_long => decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long , & ! Output: [character(len=20) (:) ] name of pool for netcdf long names
+ decomp_pool_name_short => decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short , & ! Output: [character(len=8) (:) ] name of pool for netcdf short names
+ is_litter => decomp_cascade_con%is_litter , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is a litter pool
+ is_soil => decomp_cascade_con%is_soil , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is a soil pool
+ is_cwd => decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is a cwd pool
+ initial_cn_ratio => decomp_cascade_con%initial_cn_ratio , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] c:n ratio for initialization of pools
+ initial_stock => decomp_cascade_con%initial_stock , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] initial concentration for seeding at spinup
+ is_metabolic => decomp_cascade_con%is_metabolic , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is metabolic material
+ is_cellulose => decomp_cascade_con%is_cellulose , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is cellulose
+ is_lignin => decomp_cascade_con%is_lignin , & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool is lignin
+ spinup_factor => decomp_cascade_con%spinup_factor & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)
+ )
+ ! These are not read off of netcdf file
+ allocate(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%nsompools))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(:) = (/ 1.0_r8, 15.0_r8, 675.0_r8 /)
+ ! Read off of netcdf file
+ tString='tau_l1'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_l1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='tau_l2_l3'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_l2_l3_bgc=tempr
+ tString='tau_s1'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='tau_s2'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_s2_bgc=tempr
+ tString='tau_s3'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_s3_bgc=tempr
+ tString='tau_cwd'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%tau_cwd_bgc=tempr
+ tString='cn_s1_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='cn_s2_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s2_bgc=tempr
+ tString='cn_s3_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s3_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_l1s1_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_l2s1_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_l3s2_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_s2s1_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_s2s3_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s3_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_s3s1_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_cwdl2_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_cwdl2_bgc=tempr
+ tString='rf_cwdl3_bgc'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_cwdl3_bgc=tempr
+ tString='cwd_fcel'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc=tempr
+ tString='k_frag'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_frag_bgc=tempr
+ tString='minpsi_hr'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%minpsi_bgc=tempr
+ tString='cwd_flig'
+ call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc=tempr
+ !------- time-constant coefficients ---------- !
+ ! set soil organic matter compartment C:N ratios
+ cn_s1 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s1_bgc
+ cn_s2 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s2_bgc
+ cn_s3 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s3_bgc
+ !------------------- list of pools and their attributes ------------
+ i_litr1 = i_met_lit
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_litr1) = .true.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_litr1) = 'litr1'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_litr1) = 'LITR1'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_litr1) = 'litter 1'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_litr1) = 'L1'
+ is_litter(i_litr1) = .true.
+ is_soil(i_litr1) = .false.
+ is_cwd(i_litr1) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_litr1) = 90._r8
+ initial_stock(i_litr1) = 0._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_litr1) = .true.
+ is_cellulose(i_litr1) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_litr1) = .false.
+ i_litr2 = i_cel_lit
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_litr2) = .true.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_litr2) = 'litr2'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_litr2) = 'LITR2'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_litr2) = 'litter 2'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_litr2) = 'L2'
+ is_litter(i_litr2) = .true.
+ is_soil(i_litr2) = .false.
+ is_cwd(i_litr2) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_litr2) = 90._r8
+ initial_stock(i_litr2) = 0._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_litr2) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_litr2) = .true.
+ is_lignin(i_litr2) = .false.
+ i_litr3 = i_lig_lit
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_litr3) = .true.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_litr3) = 'litr3'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_litr3) = 'LITR3'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_litr3) = 'litter 3'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_litr3) = 'L3'
+ is_litter(i_litr3) = .true.
+ is_soil(i_litr3) = .false.
+ is_cwd(i_litr3) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_litr3) = 90._r8
+ initial_stock(i_litr3) = 0._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_litr3) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_litr3) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_litr3) = .true.
+ ! CWD
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_cwd) = .true.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_cwd) = 'cwd'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_cwd) = 'CWD'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_cwd) = 'coarse woody debris'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_cwd) = 'CWD'
+ is_litter(i_cwd) = .false.
+ is_soil(i_cwd) = .false.
+ is_cwd(i_cwd) = .true.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_cwd) = 90._r8
+ initial_stock(i_cwd) = 0._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_cwd) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_cwd) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_cwd) = .false.
+ i_soil1 = 5
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_soil1) = .false.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_soil1) = 'soil1'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_soil1) = 'SOIL1'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_soil1) = 'soil 1'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_soil1) = 'S1'
+ is_litter(i_soil1) = .false.
+ is_soil(i_soil1) = .true.
+ is_cwd(i_soil1) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_soil1) = cn_s1
+ initial_stock(i_soil1) = 20._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_soil1) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_soil1) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_soil1) = .false.
+ i_soil2 = 6
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_soil2) = .false.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_soil2) = 'soil2'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_soil2) = 'SOIL2'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_soil2) = 'soil 2'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_soil2) = 'S2'
+ is_litter(i_soil2) = .false.
+ is_soil(i_soil2) = .true.
+ is_cwd(i_soil2) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_soil2) = cn_s2
+ initial_stock(i_soil2) = 20._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_soil2) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_soil2) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_soil2) = .false.
+ i_soil3 = 7
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(i_soil3) = .false.
+ decomp_pool_name_restart(i_soil3) = 'soil3'
+ decomp_pool_name_history(i_soil3) = 'SOIL3'
+ decomp_pool_name_long(i_soil3) = 'soil 3'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_soil3) = 'S3'
+ is_litter(i_soil3) = .false.
+ is_soil(i_soil3) = .true.
+ is_cwd(i_soil3) = .false.
+ initial_cn_ratio(i_soil3) = cn_s3
+ initial_stock(i_soil3) = 20._r8
+ is_metabolic(i_soil3) = .false.
+ is_cellulose(i_soil3) = .false.
+ is_lignin(i_soil3) = .false.
+ spinup_factor(i_litr1) = 1._r8
+ spinup_factor(i_litr2) = 1._r8
+ spinup_factor(i_litr3) = 1._r8
+ spinup_factor(i_cwd) = 1._r8
+ spinup_factor(i_soil1) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(1)
+ spinup_factor(i_soil2) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(2)
+ spinup_factor(i_soil3) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(3)
+ tau_l1 = 1./18.5
+ tau_l2_l3 = 1./4.9
+ tau_s1 = 1./7.3
+ tau_s2 = 1./0.2
+ tau_s3 = 1./.0045
+ ! century leaves wood decomposition rates open, within range of 0 - 0.5 yr^-1
+ tau_cwd = 1./0.3
+ days_per_year = get_days_per_year()
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit1=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_l1) ![1/s]
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit2=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_l2_l3)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit3=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_l2_l3)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som1=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_s1)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som2=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_s2)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som3=1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_s3)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_cwd =1._r8/(secspday * days_per_year * tau_cwd)
+ kk = 1
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) = 1._r8
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_thc_group(kk) = 1.e-30_r8
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som1 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som1 * CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(1)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som2 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som2 * CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(2)
+ CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som3 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som3 * CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(3)
+ ii=i_soil1
+ kk = 2
+ do jj = 1, nelms
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) = &
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) * spinup_factor(ii)
+ enddo
+ ii=i_soil2
+ kk = 3
+ do jj = 1, nelms
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) = &
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) * spinup_factor(ii)
+ enddo
+ ii=i_soil3
+ kk = 4
+ do jj = 1, nelms
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) = &
+ betrtracer_vars%tracer_solid_passive_diffus_scal_group(kk) * spinup_factor(ii)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end associate
+end subroutine readCentDecompBgcParams
+subroutine readCentCNAllocParams ( ncid )
+ !
+ ! read in allocation parameters.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t,ncd_io
+ implicit none
+ type(file_desc_t),intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'readCentCNAllocParams'
+ character(len=100) :: errCode = '-Error reading in parameters file:'
+ logical :: readv ! has variable been read in or not
+ real(r8) :: tempr ! temporary to read in parameter
+ character(len=100) :: tString ! temp. var for reading
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! read in parameters
+ tString='compet_plant_no3'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_plant_no3=tempr
+ tString='compet_plant_nh4'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_plant_nh4=tempr
+ tString='compet_decomp_no3'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_decomp_no3=tempr
+ tString='compet_decomp_nh4'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_decomp_nh4=tempr
+ tString='compet_denit'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_denit=tempr
+ tString='compet_nit'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_nit=tempr
+end subroutine readCentCNAllocParams
+end module BGCCenturyParMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubCoreMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubCoreMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..330a859c0df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubCoreMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1767 @@
+module BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! module contains subroutine for the century bgc implementation
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varcon , only : catomw, natomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : ndecomp_pools
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state,iulog
+ use clm_varctl , only : CNAllocate_Carbon_only
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: apply_plant_root_respiration_prof
+ public :: apply_plant_root_nuptake_prof
+ public :: calc_som_deacyK
+ public :: calc_sompool_decay
+ public :: init_state_vector
+ public :: retrieve_flux_vars
+ public :: retrieve_state_vars
+ public :: calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate
+ public :: calc_anaerobic_frac
+ public :: calc_potential_aerobic_hr
+ public :: calc_decompK_multiply_scalar
+ public :: calc_nuptake_prof
+ public :: calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof
+ public :: bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp
+ public :: bgcstate_ext_update_afdecomp
+ public :: set_reaction_order
+ public :: calc_nutrient_compet_rescal
+ public :: assign_nitrogen_hydroloss
+ public :: assign_OM_CNpools
+ type, public :: centurybgc_type
+ integer :: nom_pools !not include coarse wood debris
+ integer :: nom_totelms
+ integer :: lit1, lit1_dek_reac
+ integer :: lit2, lit2_dek_reac
+ integer :: lit3, lit3_dek_reac
+ integer :: som1, som1_dek_reac
+ integer :: som2, som2_dek_reac
+ integer :: som3, som3_dek_reac
+ integer :: cwd, cwd_dek_reac
+ integer :: c_loc
+ integer :: n_loc
+ integer :: nelms !number of chemical elements in an om pool
+ !reactive primary variables
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit1
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit2
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_lit3
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som1
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som2
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_som3
+ real(r8) :: k_decay_cwd
+ integer :: lid_nh4, lid_nh4_nit_reac !local position of nh4 in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_no3, lid_no3_den_reac !local position of no3 in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_plant_minn, lid_plant_minn_up_reac !local position of plant consumption of mineral nitrogen in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_at_rt, lid_at_rt_reac !root autotrophic respiration
+ !non reactive primary variables
+ integer :: lid_ar, lid_ar_aere_reac !local position of ar in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_ch4, lid_ch4_aere_reac !nonreactive primary variables
+ !secondary variables
+ integer :: lid_o2, lid_o2_aere_reac !local position of o2 in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_co2, lid_co2_aere_reac !local position of co2 in the state variable vector
+ integer :: lid_n2, lid_n2_aere_reac
+ integer :: lid_n2o, lid_n2o_aere_reac
+ !diagnostic variables
+ integer :: lid_n2o_nit !n2o production from nitrification, used to for mass balance book keeping
+ integer :: lid_co2_hr !co2 production from heterotrophic respiration
+ integer :: lid_no3_den !no3 consumption due to denitrification
+ integer :: lid_minn_nh4_immob !net mineral N immobilization for decomposition
+ integer :: lid_minn_no3_immob
+ integer :: lid_minn_nh4_plant
+ integer :: lid_minn_no3_plant
+ integer :: lid_nh4_nit
+ !aerechyma transport, diagnostic efflux
+ integer :: lid_ar_paere
+ integer :: lid_n2_paere
+ integer :: lid_o2_paere
+ integer :: lid_co2_paere
+ integer :: lid_ch4_paere
+ integer :: lid_n2o_paere
+ integer :: lid_nh4_mpcbuf !nh4 buffer providing the tight to loose coupling between immobilizing and mineralizing decomposers
+ integer :: lid_nh4_supp
+ integer :: nstvars !number of equations for the state variabile vector
+ integer :: nprimvars !total number of primary variables
+ integer :: nreactions !seven decomposition pathways plus nitrification, denitrification and plant immobilization
+ integer :: ncompets !decomposers, + nitrifiers, + denitrifiers, + plants, + adsorption surface
+ integer :: lid_lit1_compet
+ integer :: lid_lit2_compet
+ integer :: lid_lit3_compet
+ integer :: lid_cwd_compet
+ integer :: lid_som1_compet
+ integer :: lid_som2_compet
+ integer :: lid_som3_compet
+ integer :: lid_plant_compet
+ integer :: lid_nitri_compet
+ integer :: lid_denit_compet
+ integer :: lid_clay_compet
+ real(r8), pointer :: t_scalar_col(:,:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: w_scalar_col(:,:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: o_scalar_col(:,:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: depth_scalar_col(:,:) !
+ integer , pointer :: primvarid(:)
+ logical , pointer :: is_aerobic_reac(:)
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, private :: Init_pars
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ end type centurybgc_type
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, do_mpc)
+ !
+ ! Initialize centurybgc type
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only: file_desc_t
+ class(centurybgc_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ logical, optional :: do_mpc
+ logical :: do_mpc_loc
+ if(present(do_mpc))then
+ do_mpc_loc = do_mpc
+ else
+ do_mpc_loc = .false.
+ endif
+ call this%init_pars(do_mpc_loc)
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_pars(this, do_mpc)
+ !
+ ! describe the layout of the stoichiometric matrix for the reactions
+ ! r{1} r{2} r{3} r{4} ... r{n}
+ ! s{1}
+ ! s{2}
+ ! s{3}
+ ! s{4}
+ ! ...
+ ! s{n}
+ ! s{n+1} nonreactive primary variables
+ ! s{n+2}
+ ! ...
+ ! s{m}
+ ! s{m+1} diagnostic variables
+ ! s{p}
+ ! each reaction is associated with a primary species, the secondary species follows after primary species
+ ! for the century model, the primary species are seven om pools and nh4, no3 and plant nitrogen
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ class(centurybgc_type) :: this
+ logical , intent(in) :: do_mpc
+ integer :: itemp
+ integer :: ireac !counter of reactions
+ integer :: itemp1
+ itemp = 0
+ ireac = 0
+ this%nom_pools = 7 !not include coarse wood debris
+ this%lit1 = addone(itemp); this%lit1_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%lit2 = addone(itemp); this%lit2_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%lit3 = addone(itemp); this%lit3_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%cwd = addone(itemp); this%cwd_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%som1 = addone(itemp); this%som1_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%som2 = addone(itemp); this%som2_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%som3 = addone(itemp); this%som3_dek_reac = addone(ireac)
+ this%nelms = 2 !carbon and nitrogen
+ this%c_loc = 1
+ this%n_loc = 2
+ itemp = this%nom_pools*this%nelms
+ this%nom_totelms = itemp
+ this%lid_nh4 = addone(itemp); this%lid_nh4_nit_reac = addone(ireac) !this is also used to indicate the nitrification reaction
+ this%lid_no3 = addone(itemp); this%lid_no3_den_reac = addone(ireac) !this is also used to indicate the denitrification reaction
+ this%lid_plant_minn = addone(itemp); this%lid_plant_minn_up_reac = addone(ireac) !this is used to indicate plant mineral nitrogen uptake
+ this%lid_at_rt = addone(itemp); this%lid_at_rt_reac = addone(ireac) !this is used to indicate plant autotrophic root respiration
+ !non-reactive primary variables
+ this%lid_ch4 = addone(itemp);
+ this%lid_ar = addone(itemp);
+ !second primary variables
+ this%lid_o2 = addone(itemp);
+ this%lid_co2 = addone(itemp);
+ this%lid_n2o = addone(itemp);
+ this%lid_n2 = addone(itemp);
+ this%lid_o2_aere_reac = addone(ireac)
+ if(do_mpc)then
+ this%lid_nh4_mpcbuf = addone(itemp)
+ endif
+ this%nprimvars = itemp !primary state variables 14 + 6
+ !diagnostic variables
+ this%lid_n2o_nit = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_co2_hr = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_no3_den = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_minn_nh4_immob = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_minn_no3_immob = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_minn_nh4_plant = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_minn_no3_plant = addone(itemp)
+ this%lid_nh4_nit = addone(itemp)
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ this%lid_nh4_supp = addone(itemp)
+ endif
+ !aerechyma transport
+ this%lid_o2_paere = addone(itemp) !
+ if ( spinup_state /= 1 ) then
+ this%lid_ar_paere = addone(itemp); this%lid_ar_aere_reac = addone(ireac) !
+ this%lid_n2_paere = addone(itemp); this%lid_n2_aere_reac = addone(ireac) !
+ this%lid_co2_paere = addone(itemp); this%lid_co2_aere_reac = addone(ireac) !
+ this%lid_ch4_paere = addone(itemp); this%lid_ch4_aere_reac = addone(ireac) !
+ this%lid_n2o_paere = addone(itemp); this%lid_n2o_aere_reac = addone(ireac) !
+ endif
+ this%nstvars = itemp !totally 14+32 state variables
+ this%nreactions = ireac !seven decomposition pathways plus root auto respiration, nitrification, denitrification and plant immobilization
+ allocate(this%primvarid(ireac)); this%primvarid(:) = -1
+ allocate(this%is_aerobic_reac(ireac)); this%is_aerobic_reac(:)=.false.
+ !decomposers, + nitrifiers, + denitrifiers, + plants, + adsorption surface
+ itemp1=0
+ this%lid_lit1_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_lit2_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_lit3_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_cwd_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_som1_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_som2_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_som3_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_plant_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_nitri_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_denit_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%lid_clay_compet = addone(itemp1)
+ this%ncompets = itemp1
+ end subroutine Init_pars
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ !
+ ! memory allocation for the data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(centurybgc_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ allocate(this%t_scalar_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ allocate(this%w_scalar_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ allocate(this%o_scalar_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ allocate(this%depth_scalar_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, neq, &
+ tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !
+ ! number of equations, total number of carbon pools + o2 + co2
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ integer , intent(in) :: neq
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(out):: y0(neq, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ ! all organic matter pools are distributed into solid passive tracers
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ !zero out everything
+ y0(:, c, j ) = 0._r8
+ !set up nonzero variables
+ y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*centurybgc_vars%nelms, c, j) = tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c, j, :)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) ,0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) ,0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) ,0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x),0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) ,0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x),0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x),0._r8)
+ y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o, c, j) = max(tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o), 0._r8)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine init_state_vector
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, nom_pools, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, dtime, k_decay)
+ !
+ ! calculate decay coefficients for different pools
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use BGCCenturyParMod , only : CNDecompBgcParamsInst
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ integer , intent(in) :: nom_pools
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: k_decay(nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ !
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ real(r8):: dtimei
+ associate( &
+ t_scalar => carbonflux_vars%t_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature scalar for decomp
+ w_scalar => carbonflux_vars%w_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil water scalar for decomp
+ o_scalar => carbonflux_vars%o_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] fraction by which decomposition is limited by anoxia
+ depth_scalar => centurybgc_vars%depth_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:,:) ] rate constant for decomposition (1./sec)
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , & !
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , & !
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , & !
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , & !
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , & !
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , & !
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , & !
+ k_decay_lit1 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit1 , & !
+ k_decay_lit2 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit2 , & !
+ k_decay_lit3 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_lit3 , & !
+ k_decay_som1 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som1 , & !
+ k_decay_som2 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som2 , & !
+ k_decay_som3 => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_som3 , & !
+ k_decay_cwd => CNDecompBgcParamsInst%k_decay_cwd & !
+ )
+ dtimei=1._r8/dtime
+ k_decay(:, :, :) = spval
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ k_decay(lit1, c, j) = min(k_decay_lit1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(lit2, c, j) = min(k_decay_lit2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(lit3, c, j) = min(k_decay_lit3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(som1, c, j) = min(k_decay_som1 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(som2, c, j) = min(k_decay_som2 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(som3, c, j) = min(k_decay_som3 * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ k_decay(cwd, c, j) = min(k_decay_cwd * t_scalar(c,j) * w_scalar(c,j) * o_scalar(c,j) * depth_scalar(c,j),dtimei)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_som_deacyK
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, &
+ centurybgc_vars, k_decay, om_pools, decay_rates)
+ !
+ ! calculate degradation for all different pools
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: om_pools(centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ integer :: jj, fc, c, j
+ integer :: kc, kn
+ associate( &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms , &
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , &
+ nom_totelms => centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc &
+ )
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ !for om pools
+ do jj = 1, nom_pools
+ kc = (jj-1) * nelms + c_loc
+ kn = (jj-1) * nelms + n_loc
+ if(min(om_pools(kc, c, j),om_pools(kn, c, j))<1.e-10_r8)then
+ k_decay(jj,c,j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ decay_rates(jj, c, j) = om_pools(kc, c, j) * k_decay(jj, c, j)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ !for nitrification and denitrification
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_sompool_decay
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine retrieve_flux_vars(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, neq, dtime, yf, y0, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ !
+ ! retrieve the fluxes
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ integer , intent(in) :: neq
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: yf(neq, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: y0(neq, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type), intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ real(r8) :: deltac, fnit
+ real(r8) :: delta_nh4, delta_no3
+ real(r8) :: delta_nh4_m,delta_no3_m
+ real(r8) :: sminn_plant, sminn_plant2
+ real(r8) :: err,hr, immob
+ real(r8) :: f_nit_n2o, f_den
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms , & !
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , & !
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , & !
+ f_n2o_nit_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%f_n2o_nit_vr_col , & !
+ f_denit_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%f_denit_vr_col , & !
+ f_nit_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%f_nit_vr_col , & !
+ actual_immob_no3_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%actual_immob_no3_vr_col , & !
+ actual_immob_nh4_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col , & !
+ smin_no3_to_plant_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col , & !
+ smin_nh4_to_plant_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col , & !
+ supplement_to_sminn_vr=> nitrogenflux_vars%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col , & !
+ hr_vr => carbonflux_vars%hr_vr_col , & !
+ volatileid => betrtracer_vars%volatileid , & !
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col , & !
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_parchm_vr_col & !
+ )
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ supplement_to_sminn_vr(c,j) = (y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp, c, j) - yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp, c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_vr_col(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn, c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn, c, j))*natomw
+ smin_no3_to_plant_vr(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant, c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant, c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ smin_nh4_to_plant_vr(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant, c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant, c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ hr_vr (c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_hr, c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_hr, c, j))*catomw/dtime
+ f_nit_vr (c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit,c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ f_n2o_nit_vr(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_nit,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_nit,c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ f_denit_vr (c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den,c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ actual_immob_no3_vr(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob,c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ actual_immob_nh4_vr(c,j) = (yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob,c, j))*natomw/dtime
+ !the temporal averaging for fluxes below will be done later
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) ) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_paere , c, j)
+ if ( spinup_state /= 1 ) then
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) ) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_paere , c, j)
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) ) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_paere , c, j)
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_paere, c, j)
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) ) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_paere, c, j)
+ tracer_flx_parchm_vr(c,j,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) ) = yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_paere ,c, j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_paere, c, j)
+ endif
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x) + &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) + &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x ) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o ) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 ) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 ) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4,c,j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) = &
+ yf(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar,c,j) - y0(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar,c,j)
+ !get net production for om pools
+ deltac=0._r8
+ do k = 1, nom_pools
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) + &
+ yf((k-1)*nelms+c_loc, c, j) - y0((k-1)*nelms+c_loc, c, j)
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) + &
+ yf((k-1)*nelms+n_loc, c, j) - y0((k-1)*nelms+n_loc, c, j)
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine retrieve_flux_vars
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine retrieve_state_vars(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, neq, yf, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! retrieve state variables
+ ! number of equations, total number of carbon pools + o2 + co2
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ integer , intent(in) :: neq
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: yf(neq, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k1, k2, k, ll, l
+ real(r8):: totsomc
+ ! all organic matter pools are distributed into solid passive tracers
+ associate( &
+ ngwtracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col &
+ )
+ !only retrieve non-mobile tracers
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do l = 1, centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ ll = (k-1)*centurybgc_vars%nelms + l
+ do j = lbj, ubj !currently, om is added only to soil layers
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c, j, ll) = yf(ll, c, j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4 ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ k1 = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o ; k2 = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o ;
+ call assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, k1, k2, yf(:,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,:))
+ end associate
+ end subroutine retrieve_state_vars
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine assign_A2B(bounds, lbj, ubj, neq, ngwtracers, numf, filter, jtops, &
+ k1, k2, yf, tracer_conc_mobile_col)
+ !
+ ! assign state variables
+ !
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: k1, k2, neq, ngwtracers
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yf(neq, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj,ngwtracers)
+ integer :: j, fc, c
+ do j = lbj, ubj !currently, om is added only to soil layers
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j>=jtops(c))then
+ tracer_conc_mobile_col(c, j, k1) = yf(k2, c, j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine assign_A2B
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, dz, t_soisno, pH, &
+ pot_co2_hr, anaerobic_frac, smin_nh4_vr, smin_no3_vr, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, nh4_no3_ratio, decay_nh4, decay_no3)
+ !
+ ! calculate nitrification denitrification rate
+ ! the actual nitrification rate will be f_nitr * [nh4]
+ ! and the actual denitri rate will be of f_denit * [no3]
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : rpi, secspday
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pH(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !pH of soil
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil temperature
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !potential aerobic heteotrophic respiration, mol CO2/m3/s
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !fraction of anaerobic soil
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_nh4_vr(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_no3_vr(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !soil no3 concentration [mol N/m3]
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !ratio of n2 to n2o in denitrification
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !ratio of soil nh4 and no3
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: decay_nh4(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !1/s, decay rate of nh4
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: decay_no3(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !1/s, decay rate of no3
+ logical, parameter :: no_frozen_nitrif_denitrif = .false. !this is a testing parameter, just to make the model run
+ real(r8) :: soil_hr_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_t_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_ph_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_h2o_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_f_nit_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: soil_bulkdensity(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: smin_no3_massdens_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: soil_co2_prod(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: fmax_denit_carbonsubstrate_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: fmax_denit_nitrate_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: f_denit_base_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: ratio_k1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: diffus(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: ratio_no3_co2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: wfps_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: fr_WFPS(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_f_denit_vr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: co2diff_con(2) = (/0.1325_r8, 0.0009_r8/)
+ real(r8) :: g_per_m3__to__ug_per_gsoil
+ real(r8) :: g_per_m3_sec__to__ug_per_gsoil_day
+ real(r8) :: k_nitr_max
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(pH) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(pot_co2_hr) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(anaerobic_frac) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(smin_nh4_vr) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(smin_no3_vr) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(n2_n2o_ratio_denit) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(nh4_no3_ratio) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(decay_nh4) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(decay_no3) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ bd => soilstate_vars%bd_col , & !
+ watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & !
+ h2osoi_vol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col , & !
+ h2osoi_liq => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col , & !
+ finundated => waterstate_vars%finundated_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)]
+ t_scalar => carbonflux_vars%t_scalar_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature scalar for decomp
+ w_scalar => carbonflux_vars%w_scalar_col & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil water scalar for decomp
+ )
+ ! Set maximum nitrification rate constant
+ k_nitr_max = 0.1_r8 / secspday ! [1/sec] 10%/day Parton et al., 2001
+ decay_nh4(:, :) = spval
+ decay_no3(:, :) = spval
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j 0 ) then
+ ratio_no3_co2(c,j) = smin_no3_massdens_vr(c,j) / soil_co2_prod(c,j)
+ else
+ ! fucntion saturates at large no3/co2 ratios, so set as some nominally large number
+ ratio_no3_co2(c,j) = 100._r8
+ endif
+ ! total water limitation function (Del Grosso et al., 2000, figure 7a)
+ wfps_vr(c,j) = max(min(h2osoi_vol(c,j)/watsat(c, j), 1._r8), 0._r8) * 100._r8
+ fr_WFPS(c,j) = max(0.1_r8, 0.015_r8 * wfps_vr(c,j) - 0.32_r8)
+ ! final ratio expression
+ n2_n2o_ratio_denit(c,j) = max(0.16*ratio_k1(c,j), ratio_k1(c,j)*exp(-0.8 * ratio_no3_co2(c,j))) * fr_WFPS(c,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, t_soisno, soilstate_vars, &
+ h2osoi_vol, o2_decomp_depth_unsat, conc_o2_unsat, anaerobic_frac)
+ !
+ !
+ ! calculate soil anoxia state for doing nitrification and denitrification
+ ! Rewritten based on Charlie Koven's code by Jinyun Tang
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsShareInst
+ use clm_varcon , only : d_con_g, grav, d_con_w
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use BGCCenturyParMod , only : CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:) !indices
+ type(soilstate_type), intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc: , lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: h2osoi_vol(bounds%begc:, lbj: )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: o2_decomp_depth_unsat(bounds%begc: ,lbj: ) !potential o2 consumption, as deduced from aerobic heteorotrophic decomposition, mol o2/m3/s
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: conc_o2_unsat(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !bulk soil o2 concentration, mol/m3
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc: , lbj: ) !fraction of aerobic soil
+ real(r8), parameter :: rho_w = 1.e3_r8 ![kg/m3]
+ real(r8) :: f_a
+ real(r8) :: eps
+ real(r8) :: om_frac
+ real(r8) :: diffus(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: organic_max
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_a
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_alpha
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_beta
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_gamma
+ real(r8) :: rij_kro_delta
+ real(r8) :: surface_tension_water
+ real(r8) :: r_min_sat
+ real(r8) :: r_psi_sat
+ real(r8) :: r_max(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: r_min(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: r_psi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac_sat
+ real(r8) :: ratio_diffusivity_water_gas(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(t_soisno) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(o2_decomp_depth_unsat) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(conc_o2_unsat) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(anaerobic_frac) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(h2osoi_vol) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)) , errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , &
+ watfc => soilstate_vars%watfc_col , &
+ bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , &
+ sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col , &
+ soilpsi => soilstate_vars%soilpsi_col , &
+ cellorg => soilstate_vars%cellorg_col &
+ )
+ surface_tension_water = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%surface_tension_water
+ ! Set parameters from simple-structure model to calculate anoxic fratction (Arah and Vinten 1995)
+ rij_kro_a = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_a
+ rij_kro_alpha = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_alpha
+ rij_kro_beta = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_beta
+ rij_kro_gamma = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_gamma
+ rij_kro_delta = CNNitrifDenitrifParamsInst%rij_kro_delta
+ organic_max = CNParamsShareInst%organic_max
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j 0._r8) then
+ om_frac = min(cellorg(c,j)/organic_max, 1._r8)
+ ! Use first power, not square as in iniTimeConst
+ else
+ om_frac = 1._r8
+ end if
+ diffus (c,j) = (d_con_g(2,1) + d_con_g(2,2)*t_soisno(c,j)) * 1.e-4_r8 * &
+ (om_frac * f_a**(10._r8/3._r8) / watsat(c,j)**2 + &
+ (1._r8-om_frac) * eps**2 * f_a**(3._r8 / bsw(c,j)) )
+ ! calculate anoxic fraction of soils
+ ! use rijtema and kroess model after Riley et al., 2000
+ ! caclulated r_psi as a function of psi
+ r_min(c,j) = 2 * surface_tension_water / (rho_w * grav * abs(soilpsi(c,j)))
+ r_max(c,j) = 2 * surface_tension_water / (rho_w * grav * 0.1_r8)
+ r_psi(c,j) = sqrt(r_min(c,j) * r_max(c,j))
+ ratio_diffusivity_water_gas(c,j) = (d_con_g(2,1) + d_con_g(2,2)*t_soisno(c,j) ) * 1.e-4_r8 / &
+ ((d_con_w(2,1) + d_con_w(2,2)*t_soisno(c,j) + d_con_w(2,3)*t_soisno(c,j)**2) * 1.e-9_r8)
+ if (o2_decomp_depth_unsat(c,j) /= spval .and. conc_o2_unsat(c,j) /= spval .and. &
+ o2_decomp_depth_unsat(c,j) > 0._r8) then
+ anaerobic_frac(c,j) = exp(-rij_kro_a * r_psi(c,j)**(-rij_kro_alpha) * &
+ o2_decomp_depth_unsat(c,j)**(-rij_kro_beta) * &
+ conc_o2_unsat(c,j)**rij_kro_gamma * (h2osoi_vol(c,j) + ratio_diffusivity_water_gas(c,j) * &
+ watsat(c,j))**rij_kro_delta)
+ else
+ anaerobic_frac(c,j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_anaerobic_frac
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, &
+ centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, pct_sand, pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !
+ ! calculate potential aerobic heteorotrophic respiration, and potential oxygen consumption based on cascade_matrix
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsShareInst
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsShareInst
+ use BGCCenturyParMod , only : CNDecompBgcParamsInst
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: pct_sand(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(out):: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(out):: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: ftxt, f1, f2
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix_hr(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix_nh3(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ integer :: fc, c, j, reac
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , & !
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , & !
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , & !
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , & !
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , & !
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , & !
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , & !
+ lit1_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit1_dek_reac , & !
+ lit2_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit2_dek_reac , & !
+ lit3_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit3_dek_reac , & !
+ som1_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som1_dek_reac , & !
+ som2_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som2_dek_reac , & !
+ som3_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som3_dek_reac , & !
+ cwd_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%cwd_dek_reac & !
+ )
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j som1
+ !lit1 + 0.55*o2 -> 0.45 som1 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(lit1) - 0.45/cn_ratios(som1))+ (1/cp_ratios(lit1)-0.45/cp_ratios(som1))
+ reac=lit1_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit1,c,j)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !reaction 2, lit2 -> som1
+ !lit2 + 0.5 o2 -> 0.5 som1 + 0.5 co2 + (1/cn_ratios(lit2)-0.5/cn_ratios(som1)) +(1/cp_ratios(lit2)-0.5/cp_ratios(som1))
+ reac = lit2_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit2,c,j)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !reaction 3, lit3 -> som2
+ !lit3 + 0.5 o2 -> 0.5 som2 + 0.5 co2
+ reac = lit3_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit3,c,j)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc,cn_ratios(som2,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !reaction 4, the partition into som2 and som3 is soil texture dependent, som1->som2, som3
+ !som1 + f(txt) o2 -> f1*som2 + f2*som3 + f(txt) co2 + (1/cn_ratios(som1)-f1/cn_ratios(som2)-f2/cn_ratios(som3)) +(1/cp_ratios(som1)-f1/cp_ratios(som2)-f2/cp_ratios(som3))
+ reac = som1_dek_reac
+ !f(txt) = 0.85_r8 - 0.68_r8 * 0.01_r8 * (100._r8 - sand), assuming sand = 30%
+ !f1+f2+f(txt)=1._r8
+ ftxt = 0.85_r8 - 0.68_r8 * 0.01_r8 * (100._r8 - pct_sand(c,j))
+ f1 = 0.996*(1._r8-ftxt)
+ f2 = 0.004*(1._r8-ftxt)
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = ftxt
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som1,c,j))-safe_div(f1,cn_ratios(som2,c,j))-safe_div(f2,cn_ratios(som3,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !reaction 5, som2 -> som1, som3
+ !som2 + 0.55 o2 -> 0.42 som1 + 0.03som3 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(som2)-0.42/cn_ratios(som1)-0.03/cn_ratios(som3)) + (1/cp_raitos(som2)-0.42/cp_ratios(som1)-0.03/cp_ratios(som3))
+ reac = som2_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som2,c,j))-0.93_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1,c,j)) &
+ -0.07_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som3,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !reaction 6, s3 -> s1
+ !som3 + 0.55 o2 -> 0.45*som1 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(som3)-0.45/cn_ratios(som1)) + (1/cp_ratios(som3)-0.45/cp_ratios(som1))
+ reac = som3_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_hr(reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac)= safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som3,c,j)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !cwd -> lit1, lit2
+ reac = cwd_dek_reac
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(cwd,c,j)) - safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc,cn_ratios(lit2,c,j)) - &
+ safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc,cn_ratios(lit3,c,j))
+ cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) = min(cascade_matrix_nh3(reac) , 0._r8)
+ !obtain the potential respiration
+ pot_co2_hr(c,j) = dot_sum(cascade_matrix_hr, pot_decay_rates(:, c, j)) !mol CO2/m3/s
+ pot_nh3_immob(c,j) = dot_sum(cascade_matrix_nh3,pot_decay_rates(:,c,j)) !mol NH3/m3/s, this does not include mineralization
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_potential_aerobic_hr
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, jtops, finundated, zsoi, &
+ t_soisno, o2_bulk, o2_aqu2bulkcef, soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! compute scalar multipliers for aerobic om decomposition
+ ! because temperature and moisture scalars will not be independent from each other for microbe explicit models,
+ ! temp_scalar and moist_scalar are used as private variables
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsShareInst
+ use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_TKFRZ, SHR_CONST_PI
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ !
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: numf
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_soisno(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: o2_bulk(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: zsoi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: finundated(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: o2_aqu2bulkcef(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ type(soilstate_type), intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(inout) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ integer :: fc, c, j !indices
+ real(r8), parameter :: normalization_tref = 15._r8 ! reference temperature for normalizaion (degrees C)
+ real(r8) :: decomp_depth_efolding ! [m] a testing parameter, which will be replaced,
+ real(r8) :: Q10 ! a number taken from CLM4.5bgc
+ real(r8) :: froz_q10
+ real(r8) :: minpsi
+ real(r8) :: maxpsi
+ real(r8) :: normalization_factor
+ real(r8) :: catanf_30
+ real(r8) :: catanf
+ real(r8) :: t1
+ real(r8) :: o2w
+ real(r8) :: psi
+ !----- CENTURY T response function
+ catanf(t1) = 11.75_r8 +(29.7_r8 / SHR_CONST_PI) * atan( SHR_CONST_PI * 0.031_r8 * ( t1 - 15.4_r8 ))
+ associate( &
+ sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] minimum soil suction [mm]
+ soilpsi => soilstate_vars%soilpsi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] soilwater pontential in each soil layer [MPa]
+ t_scalar => carbonflux_vars%t_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature scalar for decomp
+ w_scalar => carbonflux_vars%w_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil water scalar for decomp
+ o_scalar => carbonflux_vars%o_scalar_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] fraction by which decomposition is limited by anoxia
+ depth_scalar => centurybgc_vars%depth_scalar_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:,:) ] rate constant for decomposition (1./sec)
+ )
+ catanf_30 = catanf(30._r8)
+ ! set "Q10" parameter
+ Q10 = CNParamsShareInst%Q10
+ ! set "froz_q10" parameter
+ froz_q10 = CNParamsShareInst%froz_q10
+ ! Set "decomp_depth_efolding" parameter
+ decomp_depth_efolding = CNParamsShareInst%decomp_depth_efolding
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ c = filter(fc)
+ if(j= SHR_CONST_TKFRZ) then
+ t_scalar(c,j)= (Q10**((t_soisno(c,j)-(SHR_CONST_TKFRZ+25._r8))/10._r8))
+ else
+ t_scalar(c,j)= (Q10**(-25._r8/10._r8))*(froz_q10**((t_soisno(c,j)-SHR_CONST_TKFRZ)/10._r8))
+ endif
+ ! scale all decomposition rates by a constant to compensate for offset between original CENTURY temp func and Q10
+ normalization_factor = (catanf(normalization_tref)/catanf_30) / (q10**((normalization_tref-25._r8)/10._r8))
+ t_scalar(c,j) = t_scalar(c,j) * normalization_factor
+ !moisture scalar, also follows what Charlie has done
+ minpsi = -10.0_r8
+ w_scalar(c,j) = 1._r8
+ maxpsi = sucsat(c,j) * (-9.8e-6_r8)
+ psi = min(soilpsi(c,j),maxpsi)
+ ! decomp only if soilpsi is higher than minpsi
+ if (psi > minpsi) then
+ w_scalar(c,j) = (log(minpsi/psi)/log(minpsi/maxpsi))
+ else
+ w_scalar(c,j) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ !oxygen scalar, this is different from what CLM4.5bgc does, I use a M-M formulation to indicate O2 stress
+ !and the O2 budget is done on the fly
+ o2w = o2_bulk(c,j) / o2_aqu2bulkcef(c, j)
+ o_scalar(c,j) = o2w/(o2w+0.02_r8) !the value 0.22 mol O3/m3 is from Arah and Kirk, 2000
+ !depth scalar, according to Koven et al. (2013), BG, the depth scalar is needed to resolve the radiocarbon profile
+ depth_scalar(c,j) = exp(-zsoi(c,j)/decomp_depth_efolding)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_decompK_multiply_scalar
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, nlevdecomp, num_soilc, filter_soilc, sminn_nh4_vr, sminn_no3_vr, &
+ dzsoi, nfixation_prof, nuptake_prof)
+ !
+ ! calculate the nitrogen uptake profile
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: nlevdecomp ! number of vertical layers
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: sminn_nh4_vr(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! soil mineral nitrogen profile
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: sminn_no3_vr(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! soil mineral nitrogen profile
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dzsoi(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! layer thickness
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: nfixation_prof(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! nitrogen fixation profile
+ real(r8) , intent(inout):: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! nitrogen uptake profile
+ integer :: fc, j, c ! indices
+ real(r8):: sminn_tot(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !vertically integrated mineral nitrogen
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dzsoi) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(sminn_nh4_vr) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(sminn_no3_vr) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(nfixation_prof) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dzsoi) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(nuptake_prof) == (/bounds%endc, nlevdecomp/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ ! init sminn_tot
+ do fc=1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ sminn_tot(c) = 0.
+ end do
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc=1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ sminn_tot(c) = sminn_tot(c) + (sminn_nh4_vr(c,j)+sminn_no3_vr(c,j)) * dzsoi(c,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc=1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if (sminn_tot(c) > 0.) then
+ nuptake_prof(c,j) = (sminn_nh4_vr(c,j)+sminn_no3_vr(c,j)) / sminn_tot(c)
+ else
+ nuptake_prof(c,j) = nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_nuptake_prof
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, nlevdecomp, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ dzsoi, plant_totn_demand_flx_col, nuptake_prof, plant_demand_vr)
+ !
+ !
+ !caluate depth specific demand
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: nlevdecomp ! number of vertical layers
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dzsoi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp) ! layer thickness
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: plant_totn_demand_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevdecomp)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: plant_demand_vr(1,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevdecomp) !mol N/m3/s
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ plant_demand_vr(1,c,j) = plant_totn_demand_flx_col(c) * nuptake_prof(c,j) / dzsoi(c,j) /natomw
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ ! update om pools with external input before doing decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use CNDecompCascadeConType , only : decomp_cascade_con
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: delta_no3, delta_nh4
+ real(r8) :: delta_somn
+ integer :: k, fc, c, j
+ associate( & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ nelm => centurybgc_vars%nelms , & !
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , & !
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , & !
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , & !
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , & !
+ ngwmobile_tracers => betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers , & !
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col , & !
+ bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr => carbonflux_vars%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col , & !
+ bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col , & !
+ sminn_nh4_input_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col , & !
+ sminn_no3_input_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%sminn_no3_input_vr_col , & !
+ initial_cn_ratio => decomp_cascade_con%initial_cn_ratio , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] c:n ratio for initialization of pools
+ floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools => decomp_cascade_con%floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools & ! Output: [logical (:) ] TRUE => pool has fixed C:N ratio
+ )
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ y0((k-1)*nelm+c_loc,c,j) = y0((k-1)*nelm+c_loc,c,j) - bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr(c,j,k)/catomw
+ y0((k-1)*nelm+n_loc,c,j) = y0((k-1)*nelm+n_loc,c,j) - bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr(c,j,k)/natomw
+ if(floating_cn_ratio_decomp_pools(k))then
+ cn_ratios(k, c,j) = safe_div(y0((k-1)*nelm+c_loc,c,j), y0((k-1)*nelm+n_loc,c,j))
+ else
+ cn_ratios(k,c,j) = initial_cn_ratio(k)*natomw/catomw
+ endif
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelm+c_loc) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelm+c_loc) - &
+ bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr(c,j,k)/catomw
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelm+n_loc) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,ngwmobile_tracers+(k-1)*nelm+n_loc) - &
+ bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr(c,j,k)/natomw
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ y0(lid_nh4, c, j) = y0(lid_nh4, c, j) + sminn_nh4_input_vr(c,j)/natomw
+ y0(lid_no3, c, j) = y0(lid_no3, c, j) + sminn_no3_input_vr(c,j)/natomw
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x ) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x ) + &
+ sminn_no3_input_vr(c,j)/natomw
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x ) = &
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr(c,j,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x ) + &
+ sminn_nh4_input_vr(c,j)/natomw
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine bgcstate_ext_update_afdecomp(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, yf)
+ ! update om state variables after doing decomposition.
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: delta_no3, delta_nh4
+ real(r8) :: delta_somn
+ integer :: k, fc, c, j
+ associate( & !
+ nelm => centurybgc_vars%nelms , & !
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , & !
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , & !
+ tracer_flx_netpro_vr => tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_netpro_vr_col , & !
+ bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr => carbonflux_vars%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col , & !
+ bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr => nitrogenflux_vars%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col & !
+ )
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ yf((k-1)*nelm+c_loc,c,j) = yf((k-1)*nelm+c_loc,c,j) + bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr(c,j,k)/catomw
+ yf((k-1)*nelm+n_loc,c,j) = yf((k-1)*nelm+n_loc,c,j) + bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr(c,j,k)/natomw
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine bgcstate_ext_update_afdecomp
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ rr_col, root_prof_col, rr_col_vr)
+ !
+ ! obtain root respiration profile
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: root_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj)
+ real(r8) , intent(inout):: rr_col_vr(1,bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj) !
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ rr_col_vr(1,c,j) = rr_col(c) * root_prof_col(c,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine apply_plant_root_respiration_prof
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_reaction_order( nreact, centurybgc_vars, is_zero_order)
+ !
+ ! set order of the reactions, 0 or 1
+ !
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreact
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ logical , intent(out) :: is_zero_order(nreact)
+ is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac) = .true.
+ if(spinup_state /= 1)then
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac) = .true.
+ is_zero_order(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac) = .true.
+ end subroutine set_reaction_order
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_nutrient_compet_rescal(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ dtime, centurybgc_vars, k_nit, decomp_nh4_immob, plant_ndemand, smin_nh4_vr, nh4_compet)
+ !
+ ! scaling factor for nitrogen competition
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: k_nit(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: decomp_nh4_immob(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: plant_ndemand(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: smin_nh4_vr(bounds%begc: , 1: )
+ real(r8) , intent(inout):: nh4_compet(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj) !
+ integer :: j, fc, c
+ real(r8):: tot_demand
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(k_nit) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(decomp_nh4_immob) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(plant_ndemand) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(smin_nh4_vr) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(nh4_compet) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ tot_demand= (k_nit(c,j) * smin_nh4_vr(c,j) + decomp_nh4_immob(c,j) + plant_ndemand(c,j))*dtime
+ if(tot_demand<=smin_nh4_vr(c,j))then
+ nh4_compet(c,j)=1._r8
+ else
+ nh4_compet(c,j) = smin_nh4_vr(c,j)/tot_demand
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_nutrient_compet_rescal
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ ! update OM pools
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ sminn_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%sminn_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)*natomw
+ sminn_vr_col (c,j) = smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)
+ k = lit1; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = lit2; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = lit3; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = cwd ; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = som1; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = som2; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = som3; decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) * catomw
+ k = lit1; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = lit2; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = lit3; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = cwd ; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = som1; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = som2; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ k = som3; decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) = tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) * natomw
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine assign_OM_CNpools
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! feedback the nitrogen hydrological fluxes, this comes after tracer mass balance, so the flux is with the unit of gN/m2/s
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ integer :: fc, c
+ !get nitrogen leaching, and loss through surface runoff
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ nitrogenflux_vars%smin_no3_leached_col(c) = tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_totleached_col(c,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ nitrogenflux_vars%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) = tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine assign_nitrogen_hydroloss
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_plant_root_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ root_prof_col, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! nitroge uptake profile
+ ! !USES:
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: ubj
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: root_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj) !
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ associate( &
+ plant_frootsc_col => plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_frootsc_col , &
+ plant_frootsc_vr => plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_frootsc_vr_col &
+ )
+ do j = 1, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ plant_frootsc_vr(c, j) = root_prof_col(c,j) * plant_frootsc_col(c)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine apply_plant_root_nuptake_prof
+end module BGCCenturySubCoreMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebd5be85598f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCCenturySubMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+module BGCCenturySubMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! subroutines for stoichiometric configuration of the century bgc
+ ! !History, created by Jinyun Tang, Dec, 2014.
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varpar , only : ndecomp_pools
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ public :: calc_cascade_matrix
+ logical, public :: ldebug_bgc =.false.
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, pct_sand, &
+ centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ !
+ ! calculate cascade matrix for the decomposition model
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : nitrif_n2o_loss_frac
+ use BGCCenturyParMod , only : CNDecompBgcParamsInst, NutrientCompetitionParamsInst
+ use MathfuncMod , only : safe_div
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod , only : centurybgc_type
+ integer , intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreactions
+ type(centurybgc_type) , intent(in) :: centurybgc_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: pct_sand
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions)
+ logical , intent(out) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools) !
+ real(r8) :: ftxt, f1, f2
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_no3
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_nh4
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_no3
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_nh4
+ real(r8) :: compet_denit
+ real(r8) :: compet_nit
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_no3_scal
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_no3_scal
+ integer :: k, reac
+ associate( & !
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , & !
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , & !
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , & !
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , & !
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , & !
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , & !
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , & !
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , & !
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , & !
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms , & !
+ lid_at_rt => centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt , & !
+ lid_o2 => centurybgc_vars%lid_o2 , & !
+ lid_co2 => centurybgc_vars%lid_co2 , & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_ch4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4 , & !
+ lid_ar => centurybgc_vars%lid_ar , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ lid_n2o => centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o , & !
+ lid_n2 => centurybgc_vars%lid_n2 , & !
+ lid_co2_hr=> centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_hr , & !
+ lid_n2o_nit=> centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_nit , & !
+ lid_plant_minn => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit , & !
+ lid_n2_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_paere , & !
+ lid_ch4_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_paere , & !
+ lid_n2o_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_paere , & !
+ lid_o2_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_paere , & !
+ lid_ar_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_paere , & !
+ lid_co2_paere=> centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_paere , & !
+ is_aerobic_reac=> centurybgc_vars%is_aerobic_reac , &
+ primvarid => centurybgc_vars%primvarid , & !
+ lit1_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit1_dek_reac , & !
+ lit2_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit2_dek_reac , & !
+ lit3_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lit3_dek_reac , & !
+ som1_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som1_dek_reac , & !
+ som2_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som2_dek_reac , & !
+ som3_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%som3_dek_reac , & !
+ cwd_dek_reac=> centurybgc_vars%cwd_dek_reac , & !
+ lid_at_rt_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den , & !
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac , & !
+ lid_n2_aere_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac , & !
+ lid_ch4_aere_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac , & !
+ lid_n2o_aere_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac , & !
+ lid_o2_aere_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac , & !
+ lid_ar_aere_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac , & !
+ lid_co2_aere_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac & !
+ )
+ !load parameters
+ compet_plant_no3 = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_plant_no3
+ compet_plant_nh4 = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_plant_nh4
+ compet_decomp_no3 = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_decomp_no3
+ compet_decomp_nh4 = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_decomp_nh4
+ compet_denit = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_denit
+ compet_nit = NutrientCompetitionParamsInst%compet_nit
+ !initialize all entries to zero
+ cascade_matrix = 0._r8
+ nitrogen_limit_flag = .false.
+ !higher [nh4] makes lower [no3] competitiveness
+ !note all reactions are in the form products - substrates = 0, therefore
+ !mass balance is automatically ensured.
+ !set up first order reactions
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction1, lit1 -> s1
+ reac=lit1_dek_reac
+ !lit1 + 0.55*o2 -> 0.45 som1 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(lit1) - 0.45/cn_ratios(som1))min_n+ (1/cp_ratios(lit1)-0.45/cp_ratios(som1))min_p
+ cascade_matrix((lit1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((lit1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit1)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
+ primvarid(reac) = (lit1-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !When a reaction needs mineral nitrogen to balance the elements, it takes mineral nitrogen proportionally from nh4 and no3.
+ !This formulation assumes that the nitrogen mineralized from om decomposition is equally accessible to plants and decomposers. Such
+ !a formulation is different from the century BGC in CLM4.5. Rather, CLM4.5 bgc assumes that the nitrogen mineralized from nitrogen releasing
+ !decomposition pathways is first used to meet the nitrogen demand from nitrogen immobilizing decomposition pathways. In the later case, the stoichiometry becomes
+ !rate dependent.
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 2, lit2 -> s1
+ reac = lit2_dek_reac
+ !lit2 + 0.5 o2 -> 0.5 som1 + 0.5 co2 + (1/cn_ratios(lit2)-0.5/cn_ratios(som1))min_n +(1/cp_ratios(lit2)-0.5/cp_ratios(som1))min_p
+ cascade_matrix((lit2-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((lit2-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit2))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit2)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
+ primvarid(reac) = (lit2-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 3, lit3->s2
+ reac = lit3_dek_reac
+ !lit3 + 0.5 o2 -> 0.5 som2 + 0.5 co2 + (1/cn_ratios(lit3) - 0.5/cn_ratios(som2))min_n + (1/cp_ratios(lit3)-0.5_r8/cp_ratios(som2))minp
+ cascade_matrix((lit3-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((lit3-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc,cn_ratios(som2))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(lit3)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc,cn_ratios(som2))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l3s2_bgc
+ primvarid(reac) = (lit3-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !double check those stoichiometry parameters
+ !reaction 4, the partition into som2 and som3 is soil texture dependent
+ reac = som1_dek_reac
+ ftxt = 0.85_r8 - 0.68_r8 * 0.01_r8 * (100._r8 - pct_sand)
+ f1 = 0.996*(1._r8-ftxt)
+ f2 = 0.004*(1._r8-ftxt)
+ ftxt = 1._r8-f1-f2
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -ftxt
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = f2
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(f2,cn_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = f1
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(f1,cn_ratios(som2))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = ftxt
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som1))-safe_div(f1,cn_ratios(som2))-safe_div(f2,cn_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = ftxt
+ primvarid(reac) = (som1-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 5, som2->som1, som3
+ reac = som2_dek_reac
+ !som2 + 0.55 o2 -> 0.42 som1 + 0.03som3 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(som2)-0.42/cn_ratios(som1)-0.03/cn_ratios(som3)) + (1/cp_raitos(som2)-0.42/cp_ratios(som1)-0.03/cp_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((som2-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som2))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 0.93_r8*(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc)
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = 0.93_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 0.07_r8*(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc)
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = 0.07_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som2))-0.93_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1)) &
+ -0.07_r8*safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s2s1_bgc
+ primvarid(reac) = (som2-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 6, s3-> s1
+ reac = som3_dek_reac
+ !som3 + 0.55 o2 -> 0.45*som1 + 0.55co2 + (1/cn_ratios(som3)-0.45/cn_ratios(som1)) + (1/cp_ratios(som3)-0.45/cp_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((som3-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = 1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((som1-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2 ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(som3)) - safe_div(1._r8-CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc,cn_ratios(som1))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_hr ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_s3s1_bgc
+ primvarid(reac) = (som3-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 7, the partition into lit1 and lit2 is nutrient dependent, respires co2?
+ reac = cwd_dek_reac
+ !cwd + o2 -> 0.76lit2 + 0.24*lit3 + (1/cn_ratios(cwd)-0.76/cn_ratios(lit2)-0.24/cn_ratios(lit3)) + (1/cp_ratios(cwd)-0.76/cp_ratios(lit2)-0.24/cp_ratios(lit3))
+ cascade_matrix((cwd-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix((cwd-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = -safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(cwd))
+ cascade_matrix((lit2-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((lit2-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc,cn_ratios(lit2))
+ cascade_matrix((lit3-1)*nelms+c_loc ,reac) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc
+ cascade_matrix((lit3-1)*nelms+n_loc ,reac) = safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc,cn_ratios(lit3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = safe_div(1._r8,cn_ratios(cwd)) - safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc,cn_ratios(lit2)) - &
+ safe_div(CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc,cn_ratios(lit3))
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob ,reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ primvarid(reac) = (cwd-1)*nelms+c_loc
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if(cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)<0._r8)then
+ !it requires nitrogen uptake
+ nitrogen_limit_flag(reac) = .true.
+ endif
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 8, nitrification
+ reac = lid_nh4_nit_reac
+ !NH4(+) + (2-f)O2 + (2-f)OH(-)-> (1-f)NO3(-) + (f/2)N2O + (3-f/2) H2O
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2 ,reac) = -(2._r8 - nitrif_n2o_loss_frac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac) = 1._r8 - nitrif_n2o_loss_frac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2o, reac) = 0.5_r8 * nitrif_n2o_loss_frac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_nit,reac) = 1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2o_nit,reac) = nitrif_n2o_loss_frac
+ primvarid(reac) = lid_nh4
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 9, denitrification
+ reac = lid_no3_den_reac
+ !NO3(-) -> 0.5*f N2O + 0.5* (1-f) N2, where f is a function determined from the century denitrification model
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2o ,reac) = 0.5_r8 * 1._r8/(1._r8+n2_n2o_ratio_denit)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2 ,reac) = 0.5_r8 * n2_n2o_ratio_denit/(1._r8+n2_n2o_ratio_denit)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3_den,reac) = 1._r8
+ primvarid(reac) = lid_no3
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !below are zero order reactions
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !reaction 10, plant mineral nitrogen uptake
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ ! f nh4 + (1-f) no3 -> plant_nitrogen
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = 0._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_plant_minn, reac) = 1._r8
+ reac = lid_at_rt_reac
+ !ar + o2 -> co2
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2, reac) = 1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2, reac) = -1._r8
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !arenchyma transport
+ !second primary variables
+ reac = lid_o2_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_o2_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ is_aerobic_reac(reac) = .true.
+ if ( spinup_state /= 1 ) then
+ reac = lid_ch4_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_ch4, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_ch4_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ reac = lid_ar_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_ar, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_ar_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ reac = lid_co2_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_co2_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ reac = lid_n2o_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2o, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2o_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ reac = lid_n2_aere_reac
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2, reac) = -1._r8
+ cascade_matrix(lid_n2_paere, reac) = 1._r8
+ endif
+ end associate
+end subroutine calc_cascade_matrix
+end module BGCCenturySubMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d35b4cc96a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+module BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! do nitrogen competition using the ad hoc down-regulation scheme, see Tang and Riley, BG, 2015
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ !
+ ! !USES
+ !
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use BGCCenturySubMod
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ logical :: ldebug
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+ type(centurybgc_type), private :: centurybgc_vars
+ !integer, private :: lpr
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+ private
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: initCold
+ procedure :: readParams
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler ! update state vars using other bgc parts in alm
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+end type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: cn_ratios(:) !cn ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: cp_ratios(:) !cp ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: k_decay(:) !decay parameter for all reactions
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_f(:) !scaling factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conv_f(:) !converting factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conc_f(:) !external forcing strength
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) :: cellsand !sand content
+ logical, pointer :: is_zero_order(:)
+ integer :: nr !number of reactions involved
+ procedure, public :: Init_Allocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+end type Extra_type
+type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+ module procedure constructor
+end interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type
+ subroutine Init_Allocate(this, nompools, nreacts, nprimstvars)
+ !
+ ! allocate memory
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: nompools
+ integer, intent(in) :: nreacts
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimstvars !number of primary state variables
+ allocate(this%cn_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%cp_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%k_decay(nreacts))
+ allocate(this%scal_f(nprimstvars)); this%scal_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conv_f(nprimstvars)); this%conv_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conc_f(nprimstvars)); this%conc_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%is_zero_order(nreacts)); this%is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ this%nr = nreacts
+ end subroutine Init_Allocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ ! Deallocate memory
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ deallocate(this%cn_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%cp_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%k_decay)
+ deallocate(this%scal_f)
+ deallocate(this%conv_f)
+ deallocate(this%conc_f)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine AAssign(this, cn_r,cp_r, k_d, n2_n2o_r_denit, cell_sand, betrtracer_vars, gas2bulkcef, aere_cond, tracer_conc_atm)
+ ! update member variables for data specified by this
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cp_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: k_d
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_r_denit
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_sand
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: aere_cond(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: tracer_conc_atm(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ integer :: n1, n2, n3, j
+ n1 = size(cn_r)
+ n2 = size(cp_r)
+ n3 = size(k_d)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n3 == this%nr), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%cn_ratios(1:n1) = cn_r
+ this%cp_ratios(1:n2) = cp_r
+ this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit = n2_n2o_r_denit
+ this%cellsand = cell_sand
+ this%k_decay = k_d
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer :: c
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups) = bndcond_as_conc
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)) = bndcond_as_flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups) = bndcond_as_flux
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ use clm_varctl , only : cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=32) , parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: nelm, itemp_mem
+ integer :: itemp, itemp_vgrp, itemp_v, itemp_grp
+ integer :: c_loc, n_loc, trcid
+ logical :: carbon_only = .false.
+ call cnallocate_carbon_only_set(carbon_only)
+ call centurybgc_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ nelm =centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ c_loc=centurybgc_vars%c_loc
+ n_loc=centurybgc_vars%n_loc
+ itemp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups=itemp ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4, n2o, nh3x and no3x
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers=itemp-2 ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4 and n2o
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups = itemp-2 !
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 4 ! som1, som2, som3 and others (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers=centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*nelm !
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = nelm*4 ! total number of elemnts, and 4 sub members (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ betrtracer_vars%is_mobile(:) = .true.
+ jj = itemp
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !counter for volatile groups
+ itemp_v = 0 !counter for volatile tracers
+ itemp_grp = 0 !counter for tracer groups
+ trcid = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=1._r8)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o, trc_name='N2O' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp=addone(itemp_grp) !only one group passive solid litter tracers
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDC' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDN' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !==========================================================================================
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem = 0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !values below will be updated with datastream
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)=0._r8 !zero incoming flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) =32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) =8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) =0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)=0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) =6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) =1.195e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ !those will be updated with snow resistance and hydraulic wicking resistance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! this returns net carbon fluxes from decay and translocation
+ ! and also update the related carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus(potentially) pools of OM
+ ! note it is assumed the stoichiometry of the om pools are not changed during decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ODEMod , only : ode_ebbks1,ldebug_ode
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: time
+ real(r8) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s] potential decay rates for different om pools without nutrient limitation
+ real(r8) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s], potential co2 respiration rate
+ real(r8) :: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pscal
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%Init_Allocate(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars%nprimvars)
+ call set_reaction_order( centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars, Extra_inst%is_zero_order)
+ !initialize local variables
+ y0(:, :, :) = spval
+ yf(:, :, :) = spval
+ cn_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ cp_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ !initialize the state vector
+ call init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nstvars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !update the initial vector from external input
+ !calculate elemental stoichiometry for different om pools and add mineral nutrient input from other than decaying process
+ call bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, 1, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ !calculate nitrogen uptake profile
+ call calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj))
+ !update plant nitrogen uptake potential
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch)
+ !calculate multiplicative scalars for decay parameters
+ call calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ waterstate_vars%finundated_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), col%z(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !calculate decay coefficients
+ call calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars,dtime, k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate potential decay rates, without nutrient constraint
+ call calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ pot_decay_rates)
+ !calculate potential respiration rates by summarizing all om decomposition pathways
+ call calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, &
+ soilstate_vars%cellsand_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !calculate fraction of anerobic environment
+ call calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj),&
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate normalized rate for nitrification and denitrification
+ call calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, anaerobic_frac, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, nh4_no3_ratio, &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,1:ubj))
+ !apply root distribution here
+ call apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj))
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:, :) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 32.8_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 8.78_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 0.3924_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x))= 0.0168_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 6.939e-5_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 1.195e-5_r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ call assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! betr and alm state variable exchange
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm3_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler'
+ integer :: c, j, k, l
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ !initialize tracer based on carbon/nitrogen pools
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)=smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)=smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / catomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / catomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / catomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / catomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / catomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / natomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / natomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / natomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / natomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine one_box_century_bgc(ystate, dtime, time, nprimvars, nstvars, dydt)
+ !
+ ! do a single box bgc
+ !
+ !the equations to be solved are in the form
+ !
+ ! dx/dt=I+A*R, where I is the input, A is the stoichiometric matrix, and R is the reaction vector
+ !
+ ! the input only contains litter input and mineral nutrient, som is assumed to be of fixed stoichiometry
+ ! !USES:
+ use SOMStateVarUpdateMod , only : calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ use BGCCenturySubMod , only : calc_cascade_matrix
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(nstvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: dydt(nstvars)
+ integer :: lk, jj
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ logical :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: o2_consump, o2_limit
+ !calculate cascade matrix, which contains the stoichiometry for all reactions
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%cellsand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ !do pool degradation
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(Extra_inst%is_zero_order(lk))then
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ !spinup stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !I add the following line to disconnect the nitrogen and oxygen interaction
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ else
+ ! normal run stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk)=ystate(centurybgc_vars%primvarid(lk))*Extra_inst%k_decay(lk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !obtain total oxygen consumption rate
+ o2_consump = DOT_PRODUCT(cascade_matrix(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,1:Extra_inst%nr),reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ if(-o2_consump*dtime > ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2))then
+ o2_limit=-ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2)/(o2_consump*dtime)
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(centurybgc_vars%is_aerobic_reac(lk))then
+ reaction_rates(lk) = reaction_rates(lk)*o2_limit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, nitrogen_limit_flag, ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4), ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3), &
+ dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrix(1:nstvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), dydt)
+ end subroutine one_box_century_bgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, nreactions, nitrogen_limit_flag, smin_nh4, smin_no3, dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ !
+ !
+ ! this down-regulation considers nitrogen made available from gross mineralization
+ ! this implements is corresponding to the CLM-3 approach as described in Tang and Riley (2015), BG, tehcnique note.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl, only : CNAllocate_Carbon_only
+ use MathfuncMod, only : safe_div
+ integer , intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreactions
+ logical , intent(in) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_nh4
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_no3
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(nreactions)
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_no3_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: gross_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_gross_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: gross_min_nh4_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: dnegt
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: alpha
+ real(r8) :: frac_gross_immob=1.0_r8
+ integer :: reac
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ lid_plant_minn => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant , & !
+ lid_nh4_supp => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit , & !
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, & !
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac & !
+ )
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = 0._r8
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ else
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = gross_min_nh4_flx + reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !add nitrogen demand from plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ !in clm-century, nh4 is first competed between decomposer immobilization, plant and nitrification
+ !total nh3 demand includes decomposer, plant and nitrifier
+ reac = lid_nh4_nit_reac
+ tot_nh4_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ if(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime>(smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime))then
+ !not enought nitrogen
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !nitrifier uses what it is provided
+ !plant use the remaining nh4 and request external supply from supp nh4
+ if(reaction_rates(reac)<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -(smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime)/(reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,lid_nh4_nit_reac)*dtime)
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) * min(alpha, 1._r8)
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+gross_min_nh4_flx+reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)* cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,lid_nh4_nit_reac)
+ else
+ !nitrifiers, decomposers and plants are nh4 limited
+ alpha = (smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime)/(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime) !the last term is used to avoid roundoff error
+ !downregulate nitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*alpha
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+gross_min_nh4_flx+reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)* cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,lid_nh4_nit_reac)
+ endif
+ else
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ endif
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx-1.e-21_r8,0._r8)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ reac = lid_no3_den_reac
+ tot_no3_demand_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ !then no3 is competed between denitrification and residual request from decomposer immobilization and plant demand
+ if(tot_no3_demand_flx * dtime>smin_no3)then
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !denitrifiers is given what is available
+ if(abs(reaction_rates(reac))<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_no3/(dtime*reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_no3,reac))
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*min(alpha,1._r8)
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3,lid_no3_den_reac)
+ else
+ !denitrifiers, decomposers and plants are no3 limited
+ alpha = smin_no3/(tot_no3_demand_flx*dtime)
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*alpha
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime * (decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx/tot_no3_demand_flx)
+ endif
+ else
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ endif
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx + smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx < decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx)then
+ !plant & decomp are nitrogen limited
+ alpha = tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx/decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ alpha = 1._r8
+ endif
+ if(supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant=supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_no3_to_decomp_plant = smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ frac_no3_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 1._r8 - frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant - frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ !revise the stoichiometry matix elements
+ !for decomposers
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !for plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = -frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = -frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -1._r8-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -1._r8-cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation
+end module BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7af70278d0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+module BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ !
+ ! do nitrogen downregulation using the ad hoc approach documented in Tang and Riley, BG, 2015.
+ ! The difference between BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType and BGCReactionsCenturyCLM3Type is that the former
+ ! does nitrogen limitation before oxygen limitation, whereas the latter does the opposite.
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use BGCCenturySubMod
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ logical :: ldebug
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type
+ type(centurybgc_type), private :: centurybgc_vars
+ !integer, private :: lpr
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type
+ private
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: initCold
+ procedure :: readParams
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler ! update state vars using other bgc parts in alm
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+end type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type
+type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: cn_ratios(:) !cn ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: cp_ratios(:) !cp ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: k_decay(:) !decay parameter for all reactions
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_f(:) !scaling factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conv_f(:) !converting factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conc_f(:) !external forcing strength
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) :: cellsand !sand content
+ logical, pointer :: is_zero_order(:)
+ integer :: nr !number of reactions involved
+ procedure, public :: Init_Allocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+end type Extra_type
+type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type
+ module procedure constructor
+end interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type
+ subroutine Init_Allocate(this, nompools, nreacts, nprimstvars)
+ !
+ ! memory allocation for data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: nompools
+ integer, intent(in) :: nreacts
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimstvars !number of primary state variables
+ allocate(this%cn_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%cp_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%k_decay(nreacts))
+ allocate(this%scal_f(nprimstvars)); this%scal_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conv_f(nprimstvars)); this%conv_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conc_f(nprimstvars)); this%conc_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%is_zero_order(nreacts)); this%is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ this%nr = nreacts
+ end subroutine Init_Allocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ !
+ ! Deallocate memories
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ deallocate(this%cn_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%cp_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%k_decay)
+ deallocate(this%scal_f)
+ deallocate(this%conv_f)
+ deallocate(this%conc_f)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine AAssign(this, cn_r,cp_r, k_d, n2_n2o_r_denit, cell_sand, betrtracer_vars, gas2bulkcef, aere_cond, tracer_conc_atm)
+ !
+ ! assign values to members of the data type specified by this
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cp_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: k_d
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_r_denit
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_sand
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: aere_cond(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: tracer_conc_atm(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ !
+ integer :: n1, n2, n3, j
+ n1 = size(cn_r)
+ n2 = size(cp_r)
+ n3 = size(k_d)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n3 == this%nr), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%cn_ratios(1:n1) = cn_r
+ this%cp_ratios(1:n2) = cp_r
+ this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit = n2_n2o_r_denit
+ this%cellsand = cell_sand
+ this%k_decay = k_d
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer :: c
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups) = bndcond_as_conc
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)) = bndcond_as_flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups) = bndcond_as_flux
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ use clm_varctl , only : cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=32) , parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: nelm, itemp_mem
+ integer :: itemp, itemp_vgrp, itemp_v, itemp_grp
+ integer :: c_loc, n_loc, trcid
+ logical :: carbon_only = .false.
+ call cnallocate_carbon_only_set(carbon_only)
+ call centurybgc_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ nelm =centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ c_loc=centurybgc_vars%c_loc
+ n_loc=centurybgc_vars%n_loc
+ itemp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups=itemp ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4, n2o, nh3x and no3x
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers=itemp-2 ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4 and n2o
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups = itemp-2 !
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 4 ! som1, som2, som3 and others (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers=centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*nelm !
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = nelm*4 ! total number of elemnts, and 4 sub members (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ betrtracer_vars%is_mobile(:) = .true.
+ jj = itemp
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !counter for volatile groups
+ itemp_v = 0 !counter for volatile tracers
+ itemp_grp = 0 !counter for tracer groups
+ trcid = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=1._r8)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o, trc_name='N2O' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp=addone(itemp_grp) !only one group passive solid litter tracers
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDC' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDN' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !==========================================================================================
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem = 0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)=0._r8 !zero incoming flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) =32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) =8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) =0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)=0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) =6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) =1.195e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ !those will be updated with snow resistance and hydraulic wicking resistance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! this returns net carbon fluxes from decay and translocation
+ ! and also update the related carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus(potentially) pools of OM
+ ! note it is assumed the stoichiometry of the om pools are not changed during decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ODEMod , only : ode_ebbks1,ldebug_ode
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: time
+ real(r8) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s] potential decay rates for different om pools without nutrient limitation
+ real(r8) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s], potential co2 respiration rate
+ real(r8) :: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pscal
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%Init_Allocate(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars%nprimvars)
+ call set_reaction_order( centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars, Extra_inst%is_zero_order)
+ !initialize local variables
+ y0(:, :, :) = spval
+ yf(:, :, :) = spval
+ cn_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ cp_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ !initialize the state vector
+ call init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nstvars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !update the initial vector from external input
+ !calculate elemental stoichiometry for different om pools and add mineral nutrient input from other than decaying process
+ call bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, 1, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ !calculate nitrogen uptake profile
+ call calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj))
+ !update plant nitrogen uptake potential
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch)
+ !calculate multiplicative scalars for decay parameters
+ call calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ waterstate_vars%finundated_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), col%z(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !calculate decay coefficients
+ call calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars,dtime, k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate potential decay rates, without nutrient constraint
+ call calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ pot_decay_rates)
+ !calculate potential respiration rates by summarizing all om decomposition pathways
+ call calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, &
+ soilstate_vars%cellsand_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !calculate fraction of anerobic environment
+ call calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj),&
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate normalized rate for nitrification and denitrification
+ call calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, anaerobic_frac, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, nh4_no3_ratio, &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,1:ubj))
+ !apply root distribution here
+ call apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj))
+ !do ode integration and update state variables for each layer
+ !lpr = .true.
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:, :) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 32.8_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 8.78_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 0.3924_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x))= 0.0168_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 6.939e-5_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 1.195e-5_r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ call assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_CLMO_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler'
+ integer :: c, j, k, l
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ !initialize tracer based on carbon/nitrogen pools
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)=smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)=smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / catomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / catomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / catomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / catomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / catomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / natomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / natomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / natomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / natomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine one_box_century_bgc(ystate, dtime, time, nprimvars, nstvars, dydt)
+ !
+ ! do a single box bgc
+ !
+ ! the equations to be solved are in the form
+ !
+ ! dx/dt=I+A*R, where I is the input, A is the stoichiometric matrix, and R is the reaction vector
+ ! the input only contains litter input and mineral nutrient, som is assumed to be of fixed stoichiometry
+ ! !USES:
+ use SOMStateVarUpdateMod , only : calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ use BGCCenturySubMod , only : calc_cascade_matrix
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(nstvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: dydt(nstvars)
+ integer :: lk, jj
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ logical :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: o2_consump, o2_limit
+ !calculate cascade matrix, which contains the stoichiometry for all reactions
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%cellsand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ !do pool degradation
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(Extra_inst%is_zero_order(lk))then
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ !spinup stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !I add the following line to disconnect the nitrogen and oxygen interaction
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ else
+ ! normal run stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk)=ystate(centurybgc_vars%primvarid(lk))*Extra_inst%k_decay(lk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, nitrogen_limit_flag, ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4), ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3), &
+ dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ !obtain total oxygen consumption rate
+ o2_consump = DOT_PRODUCT(cascade_matrix(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,1:Extra_inst%nr),reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ if(-o2_consump*dtime > ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2))then
+ o2_limit=-ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2)/(o2_consump*dtime)
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(centurybgc_vars%is_aerobic_reac(lk))then
+ reaction_rates(lk) = reaction_rates(lk)*o2_limit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ !reset cascade matrix
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%cellsand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ call apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, nitrogen_limit_flag, ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4), ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3), &
+ dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrix(1:nstvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), dydt)
+ end subroutine one_box_century_bgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, nreactions, nitrogen_limit_flag, smin_nh4, smin_no3, dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ !
+ ! this down-regulation considers nitrogen made available from gross mineralization
+ ! this implements is corresponding to the CLM-3 approach as described in Tang and Riley (2015), BG, tehcnique note.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl, only : CNAllocate_Carbon_only
+ use MathfuncMod, only : safe_div
+ integer , intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreactions
+ logical , intent(in) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_nh4
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_no3
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(nreactions)
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_no3_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: gross_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_gross_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: gross_min_nh4_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: dnegt
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: alpha
+ real(r8) :: frac_gross_immob=1.0_r8
+ integer :: reac
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ lid_plant_minn => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant , & !
+ lid_nh4_supp => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit , & !
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, & !
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac & !
+ )
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = 0._r8
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ else
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = gross_min_nh4_flx + reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !add nitrogen demand from plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ !in clm-century, nh4 is first competed between decomposer immobilization, plant and nitrification
+ !total nh3 demand includes decomposer, plant and nitrifier
+ reac = lid_nh4_nit_reac
+ tot_nh4_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ if(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime>(smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime))then
+ !not enought nitrogen
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !nitrifier uses what it is provided
+ !plant use the remaining nh4 and request external supply from supp nh4
+ if(reaction_rates(reac)<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -(smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime)/(reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,lid_nh4_nit_reac)*dtime)
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) * min(alpha, 1._r8)
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+gross_min_nh4_flx+reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)* cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,lid_nh4_nit_reac)
+ else
+ !nitrifiers, decomposers and plants are nh4 limited
+ alpha = (smin_nh4+gross_min_nh4_flx*dtime)/(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime) !the last term is used to avoid roundoff error
+ !downregulate nitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*alpha
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+gross_min_nh4_flx+reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)* cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,lid_nh4_nit_reac)
+ endif
+ else
+ !part of nh4 is from smin_nh4, the remaining is from gross mineralization
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ endif
+ tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx-1.e-21_r8,0._r8)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ reac = lid_no3_den_reac
+ tot_no3_demand_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ !then no3 is competed between denitrification and residual request from decomposer immobilization and plant demand
+ if(tot_no3_demand_flx * dtime>smin_no3)then
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !denitrifiers is given what is available
+ if(abs(reaction_rates(reac))<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_no3/(dtime*reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_no3,reac))
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*min(alpha,1._r8)
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3,lid_no3_den_reac)
+ else
+ !denitrifiers, decomposers and plants are no3 limited
+ alpha = smin_no3/(tot_no3_demand_flx*dtime)
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*alpha
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime * (decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx/tot_no3_demand_flx)
+ endif
+ else
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ endif
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = tot_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx + smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx < decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx)then
+ !plant & decomp are nitrogen limited
+ alpha = tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx/decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ alpha = 1._r8
+ endif
+ if(supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant=supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_no3_to_decomp_plant = smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ frac_no3_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 1._r8 - frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant - frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ !revise the stoichiometry matix elements
+ !for decomposers
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !for plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = -frac_no3_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = -frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -1._r8-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -1._r8-cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ end associate
+end subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation
+end module BGCReactionsCenturyCLMOType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3270808bd9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1257 @@
+module BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+! this code uses the ad hoc down-regulation scheme
+! described in Tang and Riley, 2015, BG.
+! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+! !USES:
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+ use BGCCenturySubMod
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ type(centurybgc_type), private :: centurybgc_vars
+ logical :: ldebug
+ !integer, private :: lpr
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ private
+ contains
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: initCold
+ procedure :: readParams
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler ! update state vars using other bgc parts in alm
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ end type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: cn_ratios(:) !cn ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: cp_ratios(:) !cp ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: k_decay(:) !decay parameter for all reactions
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_f(:) !scaling factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conv_f(:) !converting factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conc_f(:) !external forcing strength
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) :: cellsand !sand content
+ logical, pointer :: is_zero_order(:)
+ integer :: nr !number of reactions involved
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init_Allocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+ end type Extra_type
+ type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+ interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ module procedure constructor
+ end interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type
+ subroutine Init_Allocate(this, nompools, nreacts, nprimstvars)
+ !
+ ! memory allocation for data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: nompools
+ integer, intent(in) :: nreacts
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimstvars !number of primary state variables
+ allocate(this%cn_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%cp_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%k_decay(nreacts))
+ allocate(this%scal_f(nprimstvars)); this%scal_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conv_f(nprimstvars)); this%conv_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conc_f(nprimstvars)); this%conc_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%is_zero_order(nreacts)); this%is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ this%nr = nreacts
+ end subroutine Init_Allocate
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ !
+ ! deallocate memory for data type specified by this
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ deallocate(this%cn_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%cp_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%k_decay)
+ deallocate(this%scal_f)
+ deallocate(this%conv_f)
+ deallocate(this%conc_f)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ subroutine AAssign(this, cn_r,cp_r, k_d, n2_n2o_r_denit, cell_sand, betrtracer_vars, gas2bulkcef, aere_cond, tracer_conc_atm)
+ !
+ ! assign member values for data type specified by this
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cp_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: k_d
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_r_denit
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_sand
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: aere_cond(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: tracer_conc_atm(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ integer :: n1, n2, n3, j
+ n1 = size(cn_r)
+ n2 = size(cp_r)
+ n3 = size(k_d)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n3 == this%nr), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%cn_ratios(1:n1) = cn_r
+ this%cp_ratios(1:n2) = cp_r
+ this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit = n2_n2o_r_denit
+ this%cellsand = cell_sand
+ this%k_decay = k_d
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ type(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer :: c
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups) = bndcond_as_conc
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)) = bndcond_as_flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups) = bndcond_as_flux
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ use clm_varctl, only : cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=32) , parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: nelm, itemp_mem
+ integer :: itemp, itemp_vgrp, itemp_v, itemp_grp
+ integer :: c_loc, n_loc, trcid
+ logical :: carbon_only = .false.
+ call cnallocate_carbon_only_set(carbon_only)
+ call centurybgc_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ nelm =centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ c_loc=centurybgc_vars%c_loc
+ n_loc=centurybgc_vars%n_loc
+ itemp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups=itemp ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4, n2o, nh3x and no3x
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers=itemp-2 ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4 and n2o
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups = itemp-2 !
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 4 ! som1, som2, som3 and others (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers=centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*nelm !
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = nelm*4 ! total number of elemnts, and 4 sub members (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ betrtracer_vars%is_mobile(:) = .true.
+ jj = itemp
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !counter for volatile groups
+ itemp_v = 0 !counter for volatile tracers
+ itemp_grp = 0 !counter for tracer groups
+ trcid = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=1._r8)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o, trc_name='N2O' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp=addone(itemp_grp) !only one group passive solid litter tracers
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDC' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDN' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !==========================================================================================
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem = 0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !values below will be updated with datastream
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers)=0._r8 !zero incoming flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) =32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) =8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) =0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)=0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) =6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) =1.195e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ !those will be updated with snow resistance and hydraulic wicking resistance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! this returns net carbon fluxes from decay and translocation
+ ! and also update the related carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus(potentially) pools of OM
+ ! note it is assumed the stoichiometry of the om pools are not changed during decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ODEMod , only : ode_ebbks1,ldebug_ode
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: time
+ real(r8) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s] potential decay rates for different om pools without nutrient limitation
+ real(r8) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s], potential co2 respiration rate
+ real(r8) :: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pscal
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%Init_Allocate(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars%nprimvars)
+ call set_reaction_order( centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars, Extra_inst%is_zero_order)
+ !initialize local variables
+ y0(:, :, :) = spval
+ yf(:, :, :) = spval
+ cn_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ cp_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ !initialize the state vector
+ call init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nstvars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !update the initial vector from external input
+ !calculate elemental stoichiometry for different om pools and add mineral nutrient input from other than decaying process
+ call bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, 1, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ !calculate nitrogen uptake profile
+ call calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj))
+ !update plant nitrogen uptake potential
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch)
+ !calculate multiplicative scalars for decay parameters
+ call calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ waterstate_vars%finundated_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), col%z(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !calculate decay coefficients
+ call calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars, dtime, k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate potential decay rates, without nutrient constraint
+ call calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ pot_decay_rates)
+ !calculate potential respiration rates by summarizing all om decomposition pathways
+ call calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, &
+ soilstate_vars%cellsand_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !calculate fraction of anerobic environment
+ call calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj),&
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate normalized rate for nitrification and denitrification
+ call calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, anaerobic_frac, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, nh4_no3_ratio, &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !now there is no plant nitrogen uptake, I tend to create a new structure to indicate plant nutrient demand when it is hooked
+ !back with CLM
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,1:ubj))
+ !apply root distribution here
+ call apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj))
+ !do ode integration and update state variables for each layer
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:, :) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 32.8_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 8.78_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 0.3924_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x))= 0.0168_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 6.939e-5_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 1.195e-5_r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! state and flux variable exchange between betr and acme
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ call assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! state variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_clm_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler'
+ integer :: c, j, k, l
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col, &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col, &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col, &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ !initialize tracer based on carbon/nitrogen pools
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)=smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)=smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / catomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / catomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / catomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / catomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / catomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / natomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / natomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / natomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / natomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ subroutine one_box_century_bgc(ystate, dtime, time, nprimvars, nstvars, dydt)
+ !
+ ! do asingle box bgc
+ !
+ !the equations to be solved are in the form
+ !
+ ! dx/dt=I+A*R, where I is the input, A is the stoichiometric matrix, and R is the reaction vector
+ !
+ ! the input only contains litter input and mineral nutrient, som is assumed to be of fixed stoichiometry
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use SOMStateVarUpdateMod , only : calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ use BGCCenturySubMod , only : calc_cascade_matrix
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(nstvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: dydt(nstvars)
+ integer :: lk, jj
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ logical :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: o2_consump, o2_limit
+ !calculate cascade matrix, which contains the stoichiometry for all reactions
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%cellsand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ !do pool degradation
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(Extra_inst%is_zero_order(lk))then
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ !spinup stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !I add the following line to disconnect the nitrogen and oxygen interaction
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ else
+ ! normal run stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk)=ystate(centurybgc_vars%primvarid(lk))*Extra_inst%k_decay(lk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !obtain total oxygen consumption rate
+ o2_consump = DOT_PRODUCT(cascade_matrix(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,1:Extra_inst%nr),reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ if(-o2_consump*dtime > ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2))then
+ o2_limit=-ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2)/(o2_consump*dtime)
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(centurybgc_vars%is_aerobic_reac(lk))then
+ reaction_rates(lk) = reaction_rates(lk)*o2_limit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, nitrogen_limit_flag, ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4), ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3), &
+ dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrix(1:nstvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), dydt)
+ end subroutine one_box_century_bgc
+ subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, nreactions, nitrogen_limit_flag, smin_nh4, smin_no3, dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ ! this down regulation does not consider the extra nitrogen made available from mineralization
+ ! this implements is corresponding to the CLM-1 approach as described in Tang and Riley (2015), BG, tehcnique note.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl, only : CNAllocate_Carbon_only
+ use MathfuncMod, only : safe_div
+ integer , intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreactions
+ logical , intent(in) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_nh4
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_no3
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(nreactions)
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_no3_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: alpha
+ integer :: reac
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ lid_plant_minn => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant , & !
+ lid_nh4_supp => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit , & !
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, & !
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac & !
+ )
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !add nitrogen demand from plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ !in clm-century, nh4 is first competed between decomposer immobilization, plant and nitrification
+ reac = lid_nh4_nit_reac
+ tot_nh4_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac)
+ if(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime>smin_nh4)then
+ !nitrifiers, decomposers and plants are nh4 limited
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !nitrifier uses what it is provided
+ !plant use the remaining nh4 and request external supply from supp nh4
+ if(reaction_rates(reac)<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_nh4/(reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac)*dtime)
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * min(alpha, 1._r8)
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ alpha = smin_nh4/(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime)
+ !downregulate nitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*alpha
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime +reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ endif
+ else
+ !none is nh4 limited
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx-1.e-21_r8, 0._r8)
+ reac = lid_no3_den_reac
+ tot_no3_demand_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx - reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ !then no3 is competed between denitrification and residual request from decomposer immobilization and plant demand
+ if(tot_no3_demand_flx * dtime>smin_no3)then
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !denitrifiers is given what is available
+ if(abs(reaction_rates(reac))<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_no3/(dtime*reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_no3,reac))
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*min(alpha,1._r8)
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ else
+ !denitrifiers, decomposers and plants are no3 limited
+ alpha = smin_no3/(tot_no3_demand_flx*dtime)
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*alpha
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ endif
+ else
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = tot_no3_demand_flx
+ endif
+ !avoid negative smin_no3 due to roundoff
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx-1.e-21_r8, 0._r8)
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx + smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx < decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx)then
+ !plant & decomp are nitrogen limited
+ alpha = tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx/decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ alpha = 1._r8
+ endif
+ if(smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>=tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx)then
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 1._r8
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant=0._r8
+ else
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant=1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ else
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ endif
+ !revise the stoichiometry matix elements
+ !for decomposers
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * (1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant-frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !for plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac) = -frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = -(1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant-frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = -(1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation
+end module BGCReactionsCenturyCLMType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyECAType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyECAType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..54882cdc9a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyECAType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+module BGCReactionsCenturyECAType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! do ECA based nitrogen competition in betr.
+ ! this code uses the operator automated down-regulation scheme
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ ! Note: ECA parameters are note tuned.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use BGCCenturySubMod
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ type(centurybgc_type), private :: centurybgc_vars
+ logical :: ldebug
+ !integer, private :: lpr
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ private
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: initCold
+ procedure :: readParams
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler ! update state vars using other bgc parts in alm
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ end type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: cn_ratios(:) !cn ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: cp_ratios(:) !cp ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: k_decay(:) !decay parameter for all reactions
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_f(:) !scaling factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conv_f(:) !converting factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conc_f(:) !external forcing strength
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) :: pct_sand !sand content [0-100]
+ real(r8) :: pct_clay !clay content [0-100]
+ real(r8) :: plant_frts !fine roots for nutrient uptake
+ logical, pointer :: is_zero_order(:)
+ integer :: nr !number of reactions involved
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init_Allocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+ end type Extra_type
+ type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+ interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ module procedure constructor
+ end interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type
+ subroutine Init_Allocate(this, nompools, nreacts, nprimstvars)
+ !
+ ! memory allocation for the data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: nompools
+ integer, intent(in) :: nreacts
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimstvars !number of primary state variables
+ allocate(this%cn_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%cp_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%k_decay(nreacts))
+ allocate(this%scal_f(nprimstvars)); this%scal_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conv_f(nprimstvars)); this%conv_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conc_f(nprimstvars)); this%conc_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%is_zero_order(nreacts)); this%is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ this%nr = nreacts
+ end subroutine Init_Allocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ !
+ ! deallocate memory for the data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ deallocate(this%cn_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%cp_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%k_decay)
+ deallocate(this%scal_f)
+ deallocate(this%conv_f)
+ deallocate(this%conc_f)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine AAssign(this, cn_r,cp_r, k_d, n2_n2o_r_denit, cell_sand, cell_clay, &
+ plant_froots, betrtracer_vars, gas2bulkcef, aere_cond, tracer_conc_atm)
+ !
+ ! assign member values for the data type specified by this
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cp_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: k_d
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_r_denit
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_sand
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_clay
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: plant_froots
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: aere_cond(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: tracer_conc_atm(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ integer :: n1, n2, n3, j
+ n1 = size(cn_r)
+ n2 = size(cp_r)
+ n3 = size(k_d)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n3 == this%nr), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%cn_ratios(1:n1) = cn_r
+ this%cp_ratios(1:n2) = cp_r
+ this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit = n2_n2o_r_denit
+ this%pct_sand = cell_sand
+ this%pct_clay = cell_clay
+ this%k_decay = k_d
+ this%plant_frts = plant_froots
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer :: c
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups) = bndcond_as_conc
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x)) = bndcond_as_flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups) = bndcond_as_flux
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ use clm_varctl , only : cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars !
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: nelm, itemp_mem
+ integer :: itemp, itemp_vgrp, itemp_v, itemp_grp
+ integer :: c_loc, n_loc, trcid
+ logical :: carbon_only = .false.
+ call cnallocate_carbon_only_set(carbon_only)
+ call centurybgc_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ nelm =centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ c_loc=centurybgc_vars%c_loc
+ n_loc=centurybgc_vars%n_loc
+ itemp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups = itemp ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4, n2o, nh3x and no3x
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers = itemp-2 ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4 and n2o
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups = itemp-2 !
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 4 ! som1, som2, som3 and others (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers = centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*nelm !
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = nelm*4 ! total number of elemnts, and 4 sub members (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ betrtracer_vars%is_mobile(:) = .true.
+ jj = itemp
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !counter for volatile groups
+ itemp_v = 0 !counter for volatile tracers
+ itemp_grp = 0 !counter for tracer groups
+ trcid = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=1._r8)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o, trc_name='N2O' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp=addone(itemp_grp) !only one group passive solid litter tracers
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDC' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDN' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !==========================================================================================
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem = 0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars !
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !values below will be updated with datastream
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers) =0._r8 !zero incoming flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) =32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) =8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) =0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x) =0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) =6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) =1.195e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ !those will be updated with snow resistance and hydraulic wicking resistance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! this returns net carbon fluxes from decay and translocation
+ ! and also update the related carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus(potentially) pools of OM
+ ! note it is assumed the stoichiometry of the om pools are not changed during decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ODEMod , only : ode_ebbks1
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: time
+ real(r8) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s] potential decay rates for different om pools without nutrient limitation
+ real(r8) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s], potential co2 respiration rate
+ real(r8) :: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pscal
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%Init_Allocate(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars%nprimvars)
+ call set_reaction_order( centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars, Extra_inst%is_zero_order)
+ !initialize local variables
+ y0(:, :, :) = spval
+ yf(:, :, :) = spval
+ cn_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ cp_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ !initialize the state vector
+ call init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ centurybgc_vars%nstvars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !update the initial vector from external input
+ !calculate elemental stoichiometry for different om pools and add mineral nutrient input from other than decaying process
+ call bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, 1, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ !calculate nitrogen uptake profile
+ call calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj))
+ !update plant nitrogen uptake potential
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch)
+ !calculate multiplicative scalars for decay parameters
+ call calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ waterstate_vars%finundated_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), col%z(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !calculate decay coefficients
+ call calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars,dtime, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate potential decay rates, without nutrient constraint
+ call calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ pot_decay_rates)
+ !calculate potential respiration rates by summarizing all om decomposition pathways
+ call calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, &
+ centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, soilstate_vars%cellsand_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), &
+ pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !calculate fraction of anerobic environment
+ call calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), &
+ pot_co2_hr, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate normalized rate for nitrification and denitrification
+ call calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ pot_co2_hr, &
+ anaerobic_frac, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ soilstate_vars, &
+ waterstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, &
+ n2_n2o_ratio_denit, &
+ nh4_no3_ratio, &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !now there is no plant nitrogen uptake, I tend to create a new structure to indicate plant nutrient demand when it is hooked
+ !back with CLM
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,1:ubj))
+ !apply root distribution here
+ call apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj))
+ call apply_plant_root_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc , &
+ cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj) , &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !do ode integration and update state variables for each layer
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col (c,:, : ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 )) = 32.8_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 )) = 8.78_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar )) = 0.3924_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x )) = 0.0168_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 )) = 6.939e-5_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o )) = 1.195e-5_r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ call assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_ECA_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler'
+ integer :: c, j, k, l
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ !initialize tracer based on carbon/nitrogen pools
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)=smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)=smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / catomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / catomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / catomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / catomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / catomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / natomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / natomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / natomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / natomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine one_box_century_bgc(ystate, dtime, time, nprimvars, nstvars, dydt)
+ !
+ ! do single box bgc
+ !
+ ! the equations to be solved are in the form
+ !
+ ! dx/dt=I+A*R, where I is the input, A is the stoichiometric matrix, and R is the reaction vector
+ !
+ ! the input only contains litter input and mineral nutrient, som is assumed to be of fixed stoichiometry
+ ! !USES:
+ use SOMStateVarUpdateMod , only : calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ use BGCCenturySubMod , only : calc_cascade_matrix
+ use MathfuncMod , only : pd_decomp
+ implicit none
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(nstvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: dydt(nstvars)
+ integer :: lk, jj
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrixp(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrixd(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ logical :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: pscal(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8) :: rscal(1:Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: p_dt(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8) :: d_dt(1:nprimvars)
+ integer :: it
+ logical :: lneg
+ !calculate cascade matrix, which contains the stoichiometry for all reactions
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%pct_sand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, &
+ cascade_matrix)
+ !obtain reaction rates
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(Extra_inst%is_zero_order(lk))then
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ !spinup stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma o2 transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ else
+ ! normal run stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma o2 transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma ch4 transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma ar transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma n2 transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma co2 transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !avoid excessive arenchyma n2o transport into the atmosphere
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk)=ystate(centurybgc_vars%primvarid(lk))*Extra_inst%k_decay(lk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call apply_ECA_nutrient_regulation(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%pct_clay, nitrogen_limit_flag, ystate(1:nprimvars), &
+ Extra_inst%plant_frts, reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), cascade_matrix(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ call pd_decomp(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrix(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), &
+ cascade_matrixp(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), cascade_matrixd(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ it=0
+ do
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrixp(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), p_dt)
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrixd(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), d_dt)
+ !update the state variables
+ call calc_pscal(nprimvars, dtime, ystate(1:nprimvars), p_dt(1:nprimvars), d_dt(1:nprimvars), pscal(1:nprimvars), lneg)
+ if(lneg)then
+ call calc_rscal(nprimvars, Extra_inst%nr, pscal, cascade_matrixd(1:nprimvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), rscal)
+ call reduce_reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr, rscal(1:Extra_inst%nr), reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ else
+ exit
+ endif
+ it = it + 1
+ if(it>100)then
+ write(iulog,*)'it',it
+ call endrun('too many iterations')
+ endif
+ enddo
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, cascade_matrix(1:nstvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), &
+ reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), dydt)
+ end subroutine one_box_century_bgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_pscal(nprimvars, dtime, ystate, p_dt, d_dt, pscal, lneg)
+ !
+ ! calcualte limiting factor from each primary state variable
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: p_dt(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: d_dt(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: pscal(1:nprimvars)
+ logical, intent(out) :: lneg
+ real(r8) :: yt
+ real(r8) :: bb=0.999_r8
+ integer :: j
+ lneg =.false.
+ do j = 1, nprimvars
+ yt = ystate(j) + (p_dt(j)+d_dt(j))*dtime
+ if(yt<0._r8)then
+ pscal(j) = -(p_dt(j)*dtime+ystate(j))/(dtime*d_dt(j))*bb
+ lneg=.true.
+ if(pscal(j)<0._r8)then
+ call endrun('ngeative p in calc_pscal')
+ endif
+ else
+ pscal(j) = 1._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_pscal
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_rscal(nprimvars, nr, pscal, cascade_matrixd, rscal)
+ !
+ ! calcualte limiting factor for each reaction
+ ! !USES:
+ use MathfuncMod , only : minp
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nr
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pscal(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cascade_matrixd(1:nprimvars, 1:nr)
+ real(r8), intent(out):: rscal(1:nr)
+ integer :: j
+ do j = 1, nr
+ rscal(j) = minp(pscal,cascade_matrixd(1:nprimvars, j))
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_rscal
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine reduce_reaction_rates(nr, rscal, reaction_rates)
+ !
+ ! reduce reaction rates using input scalar
+ !
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: nr
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: rscal(1:nr)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(1:nr)
+ integer :: j
+ do j = 1, nr
+ reaction_rates(j) = reaction_rates(j)*rscal(j)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine reduce_reaction_rates
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_ECA_nutrient_regulation(nprimvars, nr, pct_clay, nitrogen_limit_flag, &
+ ystate, plant_frts, reaction_rates, cascade_matrix)
+ !
+ ! do ECA competition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use KineticsMod, only : kd_infty, ecacomplex_cell_norm
+ use MathfuncMod, only : safe_div
+ implicit none
+ integer , intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nr
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pct_clay
+ logical , intent(in) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(1:nprimvars)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: plant_frts
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(1:nr)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: cascade_matrix(1:nprimvars, 1:nr)
+ real(r8) :: k_mat(2,1:centurybgc_vars%ncompets)
+ real(r8) :: vcompet(1:centurybgc_vars%ncompets)
+ real(r8) :: siej_cell_norm(2, 1:centurybgc_vars%ncompets)
+ real(r8) :: eca_nh4, eca_no3
+ integer :: j
+ ! the following parameters are arbitrary
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_nh4_nit = 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_nh4_plant = 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_nh4_clay = 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_no3_denit = 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_no3_plant = 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_nh4_decomp= 1._r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: kd_no3_decomp= 1._r8
+ !assume microbial biomass are 1% of the respective som pool
+ !assume the conversion factor between clay (%) and NH4 adorsption capacity is gamma
+ !also assume no competition between NH4 adsoprtion and other chemical adsorption
+ !nh4 adsoprtion follows linear isotherm
+ associate( &
+ lid_nitri_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_nitri_compet , &
+ lid_denit_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_denit_compet , &
+ lid_plant_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_compet , &
+ lid_clay_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_clay_compet , &
+ lid_lit1_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_lit1_compet , &
+ lid_lit2_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_lit2_compet , &
+ lid_lit3_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_lit3_compet , &
+ lid_cwd_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_cwd_compet , &
+ lid_som1_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_som1_compet , &
+ lid_som2_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_som2_compet , &
+ lid_som3_compet => centurybgc_vars%lid_som3_compet , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , &
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , &
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , &
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac , &
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc &
+ )
+ !form the K matrix
+ !nh4
+ k_mat(1,:) = kd_infty
+ !no3
+ k_mat(2,:) = kd_infty
+ vcompet=0._r8
+ do j = 1, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(j))then
+ k_mat(1,j) = kd_nh4_decomp
+ k_mat(2,j) = kd_no3_decomp
+ endif
+ enddo
+ k_mat(1,lid_nitri_compet) = kd_nh4_nit
+ k_mat(1,lid_plant_compet) = kd_nh4_plant
+ k_mat(1,lid_clay_compet) = kd_nh4_clay
+ !
+ k_mat(2,lid_denit_compet) = kd_no3_denit
+ k_mat(2,lid_plant_compet) = kd_no3_plant
+ !form the competitor vector
+ vcompet(lid_lit1_compet) = ystate((lit1-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_lit2_compet) = ystate((lit2-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_lit3_compet) = ystate((lit3-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_cwd_compet) = ystate((cwd-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ ! by default som decomposition releases mineral nutrient, but I include them as
+ ! subject to potential change
+ vcompet(lid_som1_compet) = ystate((som1-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_som2_compet) = ystate((som2-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_som3_compet) = ystate((som3-1)*nelms+c_loc) * 0.01_r8
+ vcompet(lid_nitri_compet)= ystate(lid_nh4) * 1.e-3_r8 !this number is arbitrary
+ vcompet(lid_plant_compet)= plant_frts
+ vcompet(lid_denit_compet)= ystate(lid_no3) * 1.e-3_r8 !this number is arbitrary
+ vcompet(lid_clay_compet) = 1._r8
+ !form the resource vector
+ call ecacomplex_cell_norm(k_mat,(/ystate(lid_nh4),ystate(lid_no3)/),vcompet,siej_cell_norm)
+ !now modify the reaction rates
+ do j = 1, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(j))then
+ eca_nh4 = siej_cell_norm(1,j)/kd_nh4_decomp
+ eca_no3 = siej_cell_norm(2,j)/kd_no3_decomp
+ reaction_rates(j) = reaction_rates(j) * (eca_nh4 + eca_no3)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, j) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,j) * safe_div(eca_no3,eca_nh4+eca_no3)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, j) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, j) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3,j)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !adjust for nitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) * siej_cell_norm(1,lid_nitri_compet)
+ !adjust for denitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac) * siej_cell_norm(2,lid_denit_compet)
+ !adjust for plant mineral nitrogen uptake
+ eca_nh4 = siej_cell_norm(1,lid_plant_compet)/kd_nh4_decomp
+ eca_no3 = siej_cell_norm(2,lid_plant_compet)/kd_no3_decomp
+ reaction_rates(lid_plant_compet) = reaction_rates(lid_plant_compet) * (eca_nh4+eca_no3) * vcompet(lid_plant_compet)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, lid_plant_minn_up_reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, lid_plant_minn_up_reac) * &
+ safe_div(eca_no3, eca_nh4+eca_no3)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,lid_plant_minn_up_reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,lid_plant_minn_up_reac) - &
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, lid_plant_minn_up_reac)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine apply_ECA_nutrient_regulation
+end module BGCReactionsCenturyECAType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37b76406c95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_century/BGCReactionsCenturyType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+module BGCReactionsCenturyType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! this code uses the operator automated down-regulation scheme described in Tang and Riley, 2015, BG
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ ! !USES
+ !
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval
+ use clm_varctl , only : spinup_state
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use BGCCenturySubMod
+ use BGCCenturySubCoreMod
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use GridcellType , only : grc
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+ type(centurybgc_type), private :: centurybgc_vars
+ !integer, private :: lpr
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+ private
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: initCold
+ procedure :: readParams
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler ! update state vars using other bgc parts in alm
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback !
+end type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+type, private :: Extra_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: cn_ratios(:) !cn ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: cp_ratios(:) !cp ratio of om pool
+ real(r8), pointer :: k_decay(:) !decay parameter for all reactions
+ real(r8), pointer :: scal_f(:) !scaling factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conv_f(:) !converting factor for first order sink
+ real(r8), pointer :: conc_f(:) !external forcing strength
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit !ratio of n2 to n2o during denitrification
+ real(r8) :: cellsand !sand content
+ logical, pointer :: is_zero_order(:)
+ integer :: nr !number of reactions involved
+ procedure, public :: Init_Allocate
+ procedure, public :: DDeallocate
+ procedure, public :: AAssign
+end type Extra_type
+type(Extra_type), private :: Extra_inst
+ interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+ module procedure constructor
+ end interface bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type
+ subroutine Init_Allocate(this, nompools, nreacts, nprimstvars)
+ !
+ ! do memory allocation for the data type specified by this
+ !
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: nompools
+ integer, intent(in) :: nreacts
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimstvars !number of primary state variables
+ allocate(this%cn_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%cp_ratios(nompools))
+ allocate(this%k_decay(nreacts))
+ allocate(this%scal_f(nprimstvars )); this%scal_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conv_f(nprimstvars )); this%conv_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%conc_f(nprimstvars )); this%conc_f(:) = 0._r8
+ allocate(this%is_zero_order(nreacts )); this%is_zero_order(:) = .false.
+ this%nr = nreacts
+ end subroutine Init_Allocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine DDeallocate(this)
+ !
+ ! deallocate memory for the data type specified by this
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ deallocate(this%cn_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%cp_ratios)
+ deallocate(this%k_decay)
+ deallocate(this%scal_f)
+ deallocate(this%conv_f)
+ deallocate(this%conc_f)
+ end subroutine DDeallocate
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine AAssign(this, cn_r,cp_r, k_d, n2_n2o_r_denit, cell_sand, &
+ betrtracer_vars, gas2bulkcef, aere_cond, tracer_conc_atm)
+ !
+ ! assign memmber values for the data type specified by this
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(Extra_type) :: this
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cn_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cp_r
+ real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: k_d
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: n2_n2o_r_denit
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: cell_sand
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: gas2bulkcef(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: aere_cond(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: tracer_conc_atm(1:betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers)
+ integer :: n1, n2, n3, j
+ n1 = size(cn_r)
+ n2 = size(cp_r)
+ n3 = size(k_d)
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n1 == n2), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((n3 == this%nr), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ this%cn_ratios(1:n1) = cn_r
+ this%cp_ratios(1:n2) = cp_r
+ this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit = n2_n2o_r_denit
+ this%cellsand = cell_sand
+ this%k_decay = k_d
+ do j = 1, betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers
+ if(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j == betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ar) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_co2) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ elseif(j==betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) then
+ this%scal_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = aere_cond(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conc_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = tracer_conc_atm(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ this%conv_f(centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o) = 1._r8/gas2bulkcef(betrtracer_vars%volatileid(j))
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine AAssign
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType , only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer :: c
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(1:betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups ) = bndcond_as_conc
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) ) = bndcond_as_flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracer_groups ) = bndcond_as_flux
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ use clm_varctl , only : cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=32) , parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: jj
+ integer :: nelm, itemp_mem
+ integer :: itemp, itemp_vgrp, itemp_v, itemp_grp
+ integer :: c_loc, n_loc, trcid
+ logical :: carbon_only = .false.
+ call cnallocate_carbon_only_set(carbon_only)
+ call centurybgc_vars%Init(bounds, lbj, ubj)
+ nelm =centurybgc_vars%nelms
+ c_loc=centurybgc_vars%c_loc
+ n_loc=centurybgc_vars%n_loc
+ itemp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o = addone(itemp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups = itemp ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4, n2o, nh3x and no3x
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracers = itemp-2 ! n2, o2, ar, co2, ch4 and n2o
+ betrtracer_vars%nvolatile_tracer_groups = itemp-2 !
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracer_groups = 4 ! som1, som2, som3 and others (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ betrtracer_vars%nsolid_passive_tracers = centurybgc_vars%nom_pools*nelm !
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = nelm*4 ! total number of elemnts, and 4 sub members (lit1, lit2, lit3, cwd)
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ betrtracer_vars%is_mobile(:) = .true.
+ jj = itemp
+ itemp_vgrp = 0 !counter for volatile groups
+ itemp_v = 0 !counter for volatile tracers
+ itemp_grp = 0 !counter for tracer groups
+ trcid = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2, trc_name='N2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2, trc_name='O2' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar, trc_name='AR' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x, trc_name='CO2x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp) , &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4, trc_name='CH4' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=1._r8)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o, trc_name='N2O' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.true., trc_volatile_id = addone(itemp_v) , &
+ trc_volatile_group_id = addone(itemp_vgrp))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp=addone(itemp_grp) !only one group passive solid litter tracers
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%lit3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='LIT3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDC' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%cwd-1 )*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='CWDN' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !==========================================================================================
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem = 0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som1-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM1N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp , &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som2-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM2N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !new group
+ itemp_mem=0
+ itemp_grp = addone(itemp_grp)
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+c_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3C' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ trcid = jj+(centurybgc_vars%som3-1)*nelm+n_loc
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = trcid, trc_name='SOM3N' , &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = itemp_grp, &
+ trc_group_mem= addone(itemp_mem))
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ integer :: fc, c
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !values below will be updated with datastream
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers+1:betrtracer_vars%ntracers) =0._r8 !zero incoming flux
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2) =32.8_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2) =8.78_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar) =0.3924_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x) =0.0168_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4) =6.939e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o) =1.195e-5_r8 !mol m-3, contant boundary condition
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ !those will be updated with snow resistance and hydraulic wicking resistance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%condc_toplay_col(c,groupid(betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o)) = 2._r8*1.267e-5_r8/dz_top(c) !m/s surface conductance
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, dtime, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! this returns net carbon fluxes from decay and translocation
+ ! and also update the related carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus(potentially) pools of OM
+ ! note it is assumed the stoichiometry of the om pools are not changed during decomposition
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ODEMod , only : ode_ebbks1
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ !
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ real(r8) :: time
+ real(r8) :: y0(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: yf(centurybgc_vars%nstvars, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cn_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: cp_ratios(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: k_decay(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pot_decay_rates(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s] potential decay rates for different om pools without nutrient limitation
+ real(r8) :: pot_co2_hr(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) ![mol C/m3/s], potential co2 respiration rate
+ real(r8) :: pot_nh3_immob(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: n2_n2o_ratio_denit(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nh4_no3_ratio(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj)
+ real(r8) :: pscal
+ character(len=32), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ call Extra_inst%Init_Allocate(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, &
+ centurybgc_vars%nreactions, centurybgc_vars%nprimvars)
+ call set_reaction_order(centurybgc_vars%nreactions, &
+ centurybgc_vars, Extra_inst%is_zero_order)
+ !initialize local variables
+ y0(:, :, :) = spval
+ yf(:, :, :) = spval
+ cn_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ cp_ratios(:,:,:) = nan
+ !initialize the state vector
+ call init_state_vector(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ centurybgc_vars%nstvars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, y0)
+ !update the initial vector from external input
+ !calculate elemental stoichiometry for different om pools and add mineral nutrient input from other than decaying process
+ call bgcstate_ext_update_bfdecomp(bounds, 1, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ centurybgc_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, y0, cn_ratios, cp_ratios)
+ !calculate nitrogen uptake profile
+ call calc_nuptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj))
+ !update plant nitrogen uptake potential
+ call plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%calc_nutrient_uptake_potential(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, &
+ filter_soilp, carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch)
+ !calculate multiplicative scalars for decay parameters
+ call calc_decompK_multiply_scalar(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ waterstate_vars%finundated_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), col%z(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj),&
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ tracercoeff_vars%aqu2bulkcef_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ soilstate_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars)
+ !calculate decay coefficients
+ call calc_som_deacyK(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars, carbonflux_vars,dtime, k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate potential decay rates, without nutrient constraint
+ call calc_sompool_decay(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, centurybgc_vars, &
+ k_decay(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_pools, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), y0(1:centurybgc_vars%nom_totelms, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ pot_decay_rates)
+ !calculate potential respiration rates by summarizing all om decomposition pathways
+ call calc_potential_aerobic_hr(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, cn_ratios, cp_ratios, centurybgc_vars, pot_decay_rates, &
+ soilstate_vars%cellsand_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, pot_nh3_immob)
+ !calculate fraction of anerobic environment
+ call calc_anaerobic_frac(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2), &
+ anaerobic_frac(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !calculate normalized rate for nitrification and denitrification
+ call calc_nitrif_denitrif_rate(bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, jtops, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ chemstate_vars%soil_pH(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), pot_co2_hr, anaerobic_frac, &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x), &
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj, betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, n2_n2o_ratio_denit, nh4_no3_ratio, &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj))
+ !now there is no plant nitrogen uptake, I tend to create a new structure to indicate plant nutrient demand when it is hooked
+ !back with CLM
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_uptake_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, col%dz(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_uptake_potential_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nuptake_prof(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc ,1:ubj))
+ !apply root distribution here
+ call apply_plant_root_respiration_prof(bounds, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonflux_vars%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ cnstate_vars%nfixation_prof_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:ubj), &
+ k_decay(centurybgc_vars%lid_at_rt_reac, bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:ubj))
+ !do ode integration and update state variables for each layer
+ !lpr = .true.
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if(j betrtracer_vars%volatileid &
+ )
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col (c,:, : ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col (c,: ) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2 )) = 32.8_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_o2 )) = 8.78_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ar )) = 0.3924_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_co2x )) = 0.0168_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_ch4 )) = 6.939e-5_r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_atm_col (c,volatileid (betrtracer_vars%id_trc_n2o )) = 1.195e-5_r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ call assign_nitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, tracerflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_OM_CNpools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, centurybgc_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! state variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_CENTURY_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ integer :: c, j, k, l
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler'
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ decomp_cpools_vr => carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col , &
+ decomp_npools_vr => nitrogenstate_vars%decomp_npools_vr_col , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col , &
+ tracer_conc_solid_passive => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col , &
+ c_loc => centurybgc_vars%c_loc , &
+ n_loc => centurybgc_vars%n_loc , &
+ lit1 => centurybgc_vars%lit1 , &
+ lit2 => centurybgc_vars%lit2 , &
+ lit3 => centurybgc_vars%lit3 , &
+ som1 => centurybgc_vars%som1 , &
+ som2 => centurybgc_vars%som2 , &
+ som3 => centurybgc_vars%som3 , &
+ cwd => centurybgc_vars%cwd , &
+ nelms => centurybgc_vars%nelms &
+ )
+ !initialize tracer based on carbon/nitrogen pools
+ !eventually, this will replace the century bgc
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)=smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)=smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / catomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / catomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / catomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / catomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / catomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+c_loc) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / catomw
+ k = lit1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_met_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cel_lit) / natomw
+ k = lit3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_lig_lit) / natomw
+ k = cwd ; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_cwd ) / natomw
+ k = som1; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil1 ) / natomw
+ k = som2; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil2 ) / natomw
+ k = som3; tracer_conc_solid_passive(c,j,(k-1)*nelms+n_loc) = decomp_npools_vr(c,j,i_soil3 ) / natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine one_box_century_bgc(ystate, dtime, time, nprimvars, nstvars, dydt)
+ !
+ ! do single box bgc
+ !
+ !the equations to be solved are in the form
+ !
+ ! dx/dt=I+A*R, where I is the input, A is the stoichiometric matrix, and R is the reaction vector
+ ! the input only contains litter input and mineral nutrient, som is assumed to be of fixed stoichiometry
+ ! !USES:
+ use SOMStateVarUpdateMod , only : calc_dtrend_som_bgc
+ use BGCCenturySubMod , only : calc_cascade_matrix
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer, intent(in) :: nprimvars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: time
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ystate(nstvars)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: dydt(nstvars)
+ integer :: lk, jj
+ real(r8) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr)
+ logical :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8) :: reaction_rates(Extra_inst%nr)
+ real(r8) :: o2_consump, o2_limit
+ !calculate cascade matrix, which contains the stoichiometry for all reactions
+ call calc_cascade_matrix(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, Extra_inst%cn_ratios, Extra_inst%cp_ratios, &
+ Extra_inst%n2_n2o_ratio_denit, Extra_inst%cellsand, centurybgc_vars, nitrogen_limit_flag, cascade_matrix)
+ !do pool degradation
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(Extra_inst%is_zero_order(lk))then
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1 ) then
+ !spinup stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ !I add the following line to disconnect the nitrogen and oxygen interaction
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ else
+ ! normal run stage
+ if(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_o2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_o2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ch4
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_ar_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_ar
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_co2_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_co2
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ elseif(lk == centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o_aere_reac)then
+ jj = centurybgc_vars%lid_n2o
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%scal_f(jj) *(Extra_inst%conv_f(jj)*ystate(jj) - Extra_inst%conc_f(jj))
+ reaction_rates(lk) = min(reaction_rates(lk),ystate(jj)/dtime)
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk) = Extra_inst%k_decay(lk) !this effective defines the plant nitrogen demand
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ reaction_rates(lk)=ystate(centurybgc_vars%primvarid(lk))*Extra_inst%k_decay(lk)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !obtain total oxygen consumption rate
+ o2_consump = DOT_PRODUCT(cascade_matrix(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2,1:Extra_inst%nr),reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr))
+ if(-o2_consump*dtime > ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2))then
+ o2_limit=-ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_o2)/(o2_consump*dtime)
+ do lk = 1, Extra_inst%nr
+ if(centurybgc_vars%is_aerobic_reac(lk))then
+ reaction_rates(lk) = reaction_rates(lk)*o2_limit
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ call apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, nitrogen_limit_flag, &
+ ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4), ystate(centurybgc_vars%lid_no3), &
+ dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ call calc_dtrend_som_bgc(nstvars, Extra_inst%nr, &
+ cascade_matrix(1:nstvars, 1:Extra_inst%nr), &
+ reaction_rates(1:Extra_inst%nr), dydt)
+ end subroutine one_box_century_bgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation(nstvars, nreactions, nitrogen_limit_flag, &
+ smin_nh4, smin_no3, dtime, cascade_matrix, reaction_rates)
+ !
+ ! this down-regulation considers nitrogen made available from gross mineralization
+ ! this implements is corresponding to the CLM-2 approach as described in Tang and Riley (2015), BG, tehcnique note.
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl, only : CNAllocate_Carbon_only
+ use MathfuncMod, only : safe_div
+ integer , intent(in) :: nstvars
+ integer , intent(in) :: nreactions
+ logical , intent(in) :: nitrogen_limit_flag(centurybgc_vars%nom_pools)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_nh4
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: smin_no3
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: cascade_matrix(nstvars, nreactions)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: reaction_rates(nreactions)
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_nh4_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_no3_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ real(r8) :: frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ real(r8) :: gross_min_nh4_flx
+ real(r8) :: alpha
+ real(r8) :: frac_gross_immob=1.0_r8
+ integer :: reac
+ associate( & !
+ nom_pools => centurybgc_vars%nom_pools , & !
+ lid_nh4 => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4 , & !
+ lid_no3 => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3 , & !
+ lid_plant_minn => centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_immob => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_immob , & !
+ lid_minn_nh4_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_nh4_plant , & !
+ lid_minn_no3_plant => centurybgc_vars%lid_minn_no3_plant , & !
+ lid_nh4_supp => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_supp , & !
+ lid_nh4_nit => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit , & !
+ lid_plant_minn_up_reac=> centurybgc_vars%lid_plant_minn_up_reac, & !
+ lid_nh4_nit_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_nh4_nit_reac , & !
+ lid_no3_den_reac => centurybgc_vars%lid_no3_den_reac & !
+ )
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = 0._r8
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - &
+ reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ else
+ gross_min_nh4_flx = gross_min_nh4_flx + &
+ reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !add nitrogen demand from plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - &
+ reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ !in clm-century, nh4 is first competed between decomposer immobilization, plant and nitrification
+ !
+ reac = lid_nh4_nit_reac
+ tot_nh4_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - &
+ reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 ,reac) &
+ - gross_min_nh4_flx*frac_gross_immob
+ if(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime>smin_nh4)then
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !nitrifier uses what it is provided
+ !plant use the remaining nh4 and request external supply from supp nh4
+ if(reaction_rates(reac)<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_nh4/(reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac)*dtime)
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * min(alpha, 1._r8)
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime+reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_nh4,reac)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ else
+ !nitrifiers, decomposers and plants are nh4 limited
+ alpha = smin_nh4/(tot_nh4_demand_flx*dtime)
+ !downregulate nitrification
+ reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) = reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac)*alpha
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_nh4_nit_reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ endif
+ else
+ !none is nh4 limited
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ !avoid negative smin_nh4 due to roundoff
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx -1.e-21_r8, &
+ smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx)
+ reac = lid_no3_den_reac
+ tot_no3_demand_flx = decomp_plant_residual_minn_demand_flx - &
+ reaction_rates(reac) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ !then no3 is competed between denitrification and residual request from decomposer immobilization and plant demand
+ if(tot_no3_demand_flx * dtime>smin_no3)then
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ !denitrifiers is given what is available
+ if(abs(reaction_rates(reac))<1.e-40_r8)then
+ alpha = 0._r8
+ else
+ alpha = -smin_no3/(dtime*reaction_rates(reac)*cascade_matrix(lid_no3,reac))
+ endif
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*min(alpha,1._r8)
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ else
+ !denitrifiers, decomposers and plants are no3 limited
+ alpha = smin_no3/(tot_no3_demand_flx*dtime)
+ reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) = reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac )*alpha
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_no3/dtime + reaction_rates(lid_no3_den_reac ) * cascade_matrix(lid_no3 ,reac)
+ endif
+ else
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = tot_no3_demand_flx
+ endif
+ !avoid negative smin_no3 due to roundoff
+ smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx = max(smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx-1.e-21_r8,0._r8)
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx + smin_no3_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(CNAllocate_Carbon_only())then
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx - tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx = decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx < decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx)then
+ !plant & decomp are nitrogen limited
+ alpha = tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx/decomp_plant_minn_demand_flx
+ else
+ alpha = 1._r8
+ endif
+ if(smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>=tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx)then
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 1._r8
+ else
+ frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant = smin_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx/tot_sminn_to_decomp_plant_flx
+ if(supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant_flx>0._r8)then
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant=1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ else
+ frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant = 0._r8
+ endif
+ endif
+ !revise the stoichiometry matix elements
+ !for decomposers
+ do reac = 1, nom_pools
+ if(nitrogen_limit_flag(reac))then
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)*(1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant-frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix (lid_nh4_supp , reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) * frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix (lid_nh4 , reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ cascade_matrix (lid_minn_nh4_immob , reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4 , reac) = cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) - cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_immob , reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_immob, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !for plant
+ reac = lid_plant_minn_up_reac
+ reaction_rates(reac) = reaction_rates(reac) * alpha
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac) = -frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ if(lid_nh4_supp>0)then
+ cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp , reac) = -frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3 , reac) = -(1._r8 - frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant - frac_supp_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant , reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)-cascade_matrix(lid_nh4_supp, reac)
+ else
+ cascade_matrix(lid_no3 , reac) = -(1._r8-frac_nh4_to_decomp_plant)
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_nh4_plant , reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_nh4, reac)
+ endif
+ cascade_matrix(lid_minn_no3_plant, reac) = -cascade_matrix(lid_no3, reac)
+ end associate
+ end subroutine apply_nutrient_down_regulation
+end module BGCReactionsCenturyType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_sminn/BGCReactionsSminNType.F90 b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_sminn/BGCReactionsSminNType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e15d71f0930a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/betr/bgc_sminn/BGCReactionsSminNType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+module BGCReactionsSminNType
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !
+ ! do NO3 leaching using betr and the default century bgc
+ !
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang, Oct 2nd, 2014
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BGCReactionsMod , only : bgc_reaction_type
+ use tracer_varcon , only : bndcond_as_conc, bndcond_as_flux
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+ type, extends(bgc_reaction_type) :: &
+ bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+ private
+ procedure :: Init_betrbgc ! initialize betr bgc
+ procedure :: set_boundary_conditions ! set top/bottom boundary conditions for various tracers
+ procedure :: calc_bgc_reaction ! doing bgc calculation
+ procedure :: init_boundary_condition_type ! initialize type of top boundary conditions
+ procedure :: do_tracer_equilibration ! do equilibrium tracer chemistry
+ procedure :: InitCold ! do cold initialization
+ procedure :: readParams ! read in parameters
+ procedure :: betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback !
+ procedure :: init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+end type bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+ interface bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+module procedure constructor
+end interface bgc_reaction_sminn_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) function constructor()
+ !
+ ! create an object of type bgc_reaction_sminn_type.
+ ! Right now it is purposely empty
+ end function constructor
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_boundary_condition_type(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars )
+ !
+ ! initialize boundary condition types
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type), intent(in) :: tracerboundarycond_vars
+ integer, parameter :: bndcond_as_conc = 1 !top boundary conditions as tracer concentration
+ integer, parameter :: bndcond_as_flx=2 !top boundary condition as tracer flux
+ integer :: c
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%topbc_type(:) = bndcond_as_flx
+ end subroutine init_boundary_condition_type
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init_betrbgc(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize the betrbgc
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use MathfuncMod , only : addone
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ type(BeTRtracer_type ), intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname ='Init_betrbgc'
+ integer :: itemp_gwm
+ integer :: itemp_gwm_grp
+ integer :: item_grp
+ integer :: dum
+ integer :: itemp_grp
+ itemp_gwm = 0; itemp_gwm_grp = 0
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x = addone(itemp_gwm); dum = addone(itemp_gwm_grp)
+ betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers = itemp_gwm; betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracer_groups= itemp_gwm_grp
+ betrtracer_vars%nmem_max = 1
+ call betrtracer_vars%Init()
+ itemp_grp = 0 !group id
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x, trc_name='NH3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.false., is_trc_advective = .false., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.)
+ call betrtracer_vars%set_tracer(trc_id = betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x, trc_name='NO3x', &
+ is_trc_mobile=.true., is_trc_advective = .true., trc_group_id = addone(itemp_grp), &
+ trc_group_mem = 1, is_trc_volatile=.false.,trc_vtrans_scal=0._r8)
+ end subroutine Init_betrbgc
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_boundary_conditions(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, dz_top, betrtracer_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, tracerboundarycond_vars)
+ !
+ ! set up boundary conditions for tracer movement
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use TracerBoundaryCondType, only : tracerboundarycond_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: dz_top(bounds%begc: )
+ type(waterflux_type), intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(tracerboundarycond_type), intent(inout) :: tracerboundarycond_vars !
+ integer :: fc, c
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'set_boundary_conditions'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(dz_top) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ associate( &
+ groupid => betrtracer_vars%groupid &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ !eventually, the following code will be implemented using polymorphism
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%tracer_gwdif_concflux_top_col(c,1:2,betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x) = 0._r8
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%bot_concflux_col(c,1,:) = 0._r8 !zero flux boundary condition
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine set_boundary_conditions
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_bgc_reaction(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, jtops, &
+ dtime, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, soilstate_vars, chemstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ !
+ ! do bgc reaction
+ ! !USES:
+ !
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use WaterStateType , only : Waterstate_Type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use SoilStatetype , only : soilstate_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter_soilc
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! pft filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top index of each column
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lower and upper bounds, make sure they are > 0
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! model time step
+ type(Waterstate_Type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars ! water state variables
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_vars ! energy state variable
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(chemstate_type) , intent(in) :: chemstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname ='calc_bgc_reaction'
+ !do nothing here
+ end subroutine calc_bgc_reaction
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine do_tracer_equilibration(this, bounds, lbj, ubj, jtops, num_soilc, &
+ filter_soilc, betrtracer_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! requilibrate tracers that has solid and mobile phases
+ ! using the theory of mass action.
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use tracercoeffType , only : tracercoeff_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type), intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: lbj, ubj
+ integer, intent(in) :: jtops(bounds%begc: ) ! top label of each column
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ type(betrtracer_type), intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type), intent(in) :: tracercoeff_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type), intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ character(len=255) :: subname = 'do_tracer_equilibration'
+ SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtops) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__))
+ !depending on the simulation type, an implementation of aqueous chemistry will be
+ !employed to separate out the adsorbed phase
+ !It should be noted that this formulation excludes the use of linear isotherm, which
+ !can be integrated through the retardation factor
+ end subroutine do_tracer_equilibration
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds, betrtracer_vars, waterstate_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! do cold initialization
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ use clm_varcon , only : spval, ispval
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ !
+ integer :: p, c, l, k, j
+ integer :: fc ! filter_soilc index
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: begg, endg
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc; endc= bounds%endc
+ begg = bounds%begg; endg= bounds%endg
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%ifspecial(l)) then
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = spval
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ntracers > betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = spval
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = spval
+ endif
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = spval
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ !dual phase tracers
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col(c,:, :) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_surfwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_aquifer_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_grndwater_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ !solid tracers
+ if(betrtracer_vars%ngwmobile_tracers < betrtracer_vars%ntracers)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_passive_col(c,:,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if(betrtracer_vars%nsolid_equil_tracers>0)then
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_solid_equil_col(c, :, :) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ tracerstate_vars%tracer_soi_molarmass_col(c,:) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end subroutine InitCold
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readParams(this, ncid, betrtracer_vars)
+ ! read in parameters
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(inout) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(file_desc_t) , intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ !do nothing here
+ end subroutine readParams
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! do state variable and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ call assign_sminn_pools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ call assign_minnitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ tracerflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ end subroutine betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(this, bounds, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! initialize state and flux variable exchange between betr and alm
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ class(bgc_reaction_sminn_type) , intent(in) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ integer :: j, fc, c, l
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col &
+ )
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc
+ l = col%landunit(c)
+ if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x) = smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) / natomw
+ tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x) = smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) /natomw
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine assign_minnitrogen_hydroloss(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, tracerflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! feedback the nitrogen hydrological fluxes, this comes after tracer mass balance, so the flux is with the unit of st/m2/s
+ ! !USES:
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ integer :: fc, c
+ !get nitrogen leaching, and loss through surface runoff
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x &
+ )
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ nitrogenflux_vars%smin_no3_leached_col(c) = tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_totleached_col(c,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ nitrogenflux_vars%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) = tracerflux_vars%tracer_flx_surfrun_col(c,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine assign_minnitrogen_hydroloss
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine assign_sminn_pools(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, tracerstate_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ !
+ ! update mineral nitrogen pool
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only : natomw, catomw
+ use clm_varpar , only : i_cwd, i_met_lit, i_cel_lit, i_lig_lit
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of columns in column filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! column filter
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil1 = 5
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil2 = 6
+ integer, parameter :: i_soil3 = 7
+ integer :: fc, c, j, k
+ associate( &
+ id_trc_no3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_no3x , &
+ id_trc_nh3x => betrtracer_vars%id_trc_nh3x , &
+ smin_no3_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_no3_vr_col , &
+ smin_nh4_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%smin_nh4_vr_col , &
+ sminn_vr_col => nitrogenstate_vars%sminn_vr_col , &
+ tracer_conc_mobile => tracerstate_vars%tracer_conc_mobile_col &
+ )
+ do j = 1, nlevtrc_soil
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_no3x)*natomw
+ smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = tracer_conc_mobile(c,j,id_trc_nh3x)*natomw
+ sminn_vr_col (c,j) = smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end associate
+ end subroutine assign_sminn_pools
+end module BGCReactionsSminNType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNAllocationBetrMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNAllocationBetrMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f9589e3e669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNAllocationBetrMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+module CNAllocationBetrMod
+#include "shr_assert.h"
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Module holding routines used in allocation model for coupled carbon
+ ! nitrogen code.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use clm_varcon , only : dzsoi_decomp
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_c13, use_c14, use_nitrif_denitrif
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use PhotosynthesisType , only : photosyns_type
+ use CropType , only : crop_type
+ use EcophysConType , only : ecophyscon
+ use LandunitType , only : lun
+ use ColumnType , only : col
+ use PatchType , only : pft
+ !
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !
+ public :: readCNAllocBetrParams
+ public :: CNAllocationBetrInit ! Initialization
+ public :: calc_plant_nutrient_demand
+ public :: plantCNAlloc
+ type :: CNAllocParamsType
+ real(r8) :: bdnr ! bulk denitrification rate (1/s)
+ real(r8) :: dayscrecover ! number of days to recover negative cpool
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_no3 ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_plant_nh4 ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NH4
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_no3 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_decomp_nh4 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NH4
+ real(r8) :: compet_denit ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of denitrifiers for NO3
+ real(r8) :: compet_nit ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of nitrifiers for NH4
+ end type CNAllocParamsType
+ !
+ ! CNAllocParamsInst is populated in readCNAllocParams which is called in
+ type(CNAllocParamsType),protected :: CNAllocParamsInst
+ !
+ character(len=*), parameter, public :: suplnAll='ALL' ! Supplemental Nitrogen for all PFT's
+ character(len=*), parameter, public :: suplnNon='NONE' ! No supplemental Nitrogen
+ character(len=15) , public :: suplnitro = suplnNon ! Supplemental Nitrogen mode
+ !
+ real(r8) :: dt !decomp timestep (seconds)
+ real(r8) :: bdnr !bulk denitrification rate (1/s)
+ real(r8) :: dayscrecover !number of days to recover negative cpool
+ real(r8), allocatable :: arepr(:) !reproduction allocation coefficient
+ real(r8), allocatable :: aroot(:) !root allocation coefficient
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readCNAllocBetrParams ( ncid )
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t,ncd_io
+ implicit none
+ type(file_desc_t),intent(inout) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNAllocParamsType' !
+ character(len=100) :: errCode = '-Error reading in parameters file:' !
+ logical :: readv ! has variable been read in or not
+ real(r8) :: tempr ! temporary to read in parameter
+ character(len=100) :: tString ! temp. var for reading
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! read in parameters
+ tString='bdnr'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%bdnr=tempr
+ tString='dayscrecover'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%dayscrecover=tempr
+ tString='compet_plant_no3'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_plant_no3=tempr
+ tString='compet_plant_nh4'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_plant_nh4=tempr
+ tString='compet_decomp_no3'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_decomp_no3=tempr
+ tString='compet_decomp_nh4'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_decomp_nh4=tempr
+ tString='compet_denit'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_denit=tempr
+ tString='compet_nit'
+ call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
+ if ( .not. readv ) call endrun(msg=trim(errCode)//trim(tString)//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ CNAllocParamsInst%compet_nit=tempr
+ end subroutine readCNAllocBetrParams
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine CNAllocationBetrInit ( bounds)
+ !
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varcon , only: secspday
+ use clm_time_manager, only: get_step_size
+ use clm_varpar , only: crop_prog
+ use clm_varctl , only: iulog, cnallocate_carbon_only_set
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only: nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ !
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNAllocationInit'
+ logical :: carbon_only
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ( crop_prog )then
+ allocate(arepr(bounds%begp:bounds%endp)); arepr(bounds%begp : bounds%endp) = nan
+ allocate(aroot(bounds%begp:bounds%endp)); aroot(bounds%begp : bounds%endp) = nan
+ end if
+ ! set time steps
+ dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
+ ! set space-and-time parameters from parameter file
+ bdnr = CNAllocParamsInst%bdnr * (dt/secspday)
+ dayscrecover = CNAllocParamsInst%dayscrecover
+ ! Change namelist settings into private logical variables
+ select case(suplnitro)
+ case(suplnNon)
+ Carbon_only = .false.
+ case(suplnAll)
+ Carbon_only = .true.
+ case default
+ write(iulog,*) 'Supplemental Nitrogen flag (suplnitro) can only be: ', &
+ suplnNon, ' or ', suplnAll
+ call endrun(msg='ERROR: supplemental Nitrogen flag is not correct'//&
+ errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
+ end select
+ end subroutine CNAllocationBetrInit
+ subroutine plantCNAlloc(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ photosyns_vars, cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ !
+ !
+ ! do plant productivity downregulation after considering nutrient limitation
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_sys_mod , only: shr_sys_flush
+ use clm_varctl , only: iulog, cnallocate_carbon_only
+ use pftvarcon , only: npcropmin, declfact, bfact, aleaff, arootf, astemf
+ use pftvarcon , only: arooti, fleafi, allconsl, allconss, grperc, grpnow, nsoybean
+ use clm_varpar , only: nlevsoi, nlevdecomp
+ use clm_varcon , only: nitrif_n2o_loss_frac, secspday
+ use landunit_varcon , only: istsoil, istcrop
+ use clm_time_manager , only: get_step_size
+ use clm_varctl , only: use_c13, use_c14
+ implicit none
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ type(photosyns_type) , intent(in) :: photosyns_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ !
+ !
+ integer :: c,p,l,pi,j !indices
+ integer :: fp !lake filter pft index
+ integer :: fc !lake filter column index
+ real(r8):: f1,f2,f3,f4,g1,g2 !allocation parameters
+ real(r8):: cnl,cnfr,cnlw,cndw !C:N ratios for leaf, fine root, and wood
+ real(r8):: fcur !fraction of current psn displayed as growth
+ real(r8):: gresp_storage !temporary variable for growth resp to storage
+ real(r8):: nlc !temporary variable for total new leaf carbon allocation
+ real(r8):: f5 !grain allocation parameter
+ real(r8):: cng !C:N ratio for grain (= cnlw for now; slevis)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ associate( &
+ ivt => pft%itype , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] pft vegetation type
+ woody => ecophyscon%woody , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] binary flag for woody lifeform (1=woody, 0=not woody)
+ froot_leaf => ecophyscon%froot_leaf , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new fine root C per new leaf C (gC/gC)
+ croot_stem => ecophyscon%croot_stem , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new coarse root C per new stem C (gC/gC)
+ stem_leaf => ecophyscon%stem_leaf , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new stem c per new leaf C (gC/gC)
+ flivewd => ecophyscon%flivewd , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: fraction of new wood that is live (phloem and ray parenchyma) (no units)
+ leafcn => ecophyscon%leafcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf C:N (gC/gN)
+ frootcn => ecophyscon%frootcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fine root C:N (gC/gN)
+ livewdcn => ecophyscon%livewdcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] live wood (phloem and ray parenchyma) C:N (gC/gN)
+ deadwdcn => ecophyscon%deadwdcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] dead wood (xylem and heartwood) C:N (gC/gN)
+ fcur2 => ecophyscon%fcur , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: fraction of allocation that goes to currently displayed growth, remainder to storage
+ graincn => ecophyscon%graincn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] grain C:N (gC/gN)
+ psnsun => photosyns_vars%psnsun_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] sunlit leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ psnsha => photosyns_vars%psnsha_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] shaded leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ leafc => carbonstate_vars%leafc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ frootc => carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestemc => carbonstate_vars%livestemc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ croplive => cnstate_vars%croplive_patch , & ! Input: [logical (:) ] flag, true if planted, not harvested
+ aleaf => cnstate_vars%aleaf_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf allocation coefficient
+ astem => cnstate_vars%astem_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] stem allocation coefficient
+ fpg => cnstate_vars%fpg_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of potential gpp (no units)
+ c_allometry => cnstate_vars%c_allometry_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C allocation index (DIM)
+ n_allometry => cnstate_vars%n_allometry_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] N allocation index (DIM) =
+ downreg => cnstate_vars%downreg_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional reduction in GPP due to N limitation (DIM)
+ annsum_npp => carbonflux_vars%annsum_npp_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] annual sum of NPP, for wood allocation
+ gpp => carbonflux_vars%gpp_before_downreg_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] GPP flux before downregulation (gC/m2/s)
+ availc => carbonflux_vars%availc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C flux available for allocation (gC/m2/s)
+ excess_cflux => carbonflux_vars%excess_cflux_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C flux not allocated due to downregulation (gC/m2/s)
+ plant_calloc => carbonflux_vars%plant_calloc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] total allocated C flux (gC/m2/s)
+ psnsun_to_cpool => carbonflux_vars%psnsun_to_cpool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ psnshade_to_cpool => carbonflux_vars%psnshade_to_cpool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_leafc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_leafc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_leafc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_leafc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_frootc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_frootc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_frootc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_frootc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_livestemc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_livestemc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_livestemc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_livestemc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_deadstemc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_deadstemc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_deadstemc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_deadstemc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_livecrootc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_livecrootc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_livecrootc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_livecrootc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_deadcrootc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_deadcrootc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_gresp_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_gresp_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to growth respiration storage (gC/m2/s)
+ cpool_to_grainc => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_grainc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to grain C (gC/m2/s)
+ cpool_to_grainc_storage => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_grainc_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to grain C storage (gC/m2/s)
+ retransn => nitrogenstate_vars%retransn_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gN/m2) plant pool of retranslocated N
+ plant_ndemand => nitrogenflux_vars%plant_ndemand_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] N flux required to support initial GPP (gN/m2/s)
+ plant_nalloc => nitrogenflux_vars%plant_nalloc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] total allocated N flux (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_grainn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_grainn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to grain N (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_grainn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_grainn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to grain N storage (gN/m2/s)
+ retransn_to_npool => nitrogenflux_vars%retransn_to_npool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] deployment of retranslocated N (gN/m2/s)
+ sminn_to_npool => nitrogenflux_vars%sminn_to_npool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] deployment of soil mineral N uptake (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_leafn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_leafn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to leaf N (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_leafn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_leafn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to leaf N storage (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_frootn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_frootn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to fine root N (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_frootn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_frootn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation to fine root N storage (gN/m2/s)
+ npool_to_livestemn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_livestemn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_livestemn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_livestemn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_deadstemn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_deadstemn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_deadstemn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_deadstemn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_livecrootn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_livecrootn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_livecrootn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_livecrootn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_deadcrootn => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_deadcrootn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ npool_to_deadcrootn_storage => nitrogenflux_vars%npool_to_deadcrootn_storage_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ frootn_to_retransn => nitrogenflux_vars%frootn_to_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ sminn_to_plant => nitrogenflux_vars%sminn_to_plant_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ c13cf => c13_carbonflux_vars, &
+ c14cf => c14_carbonflux_vars &
+ )
+ ! start new pft loop to distribute the available N between the
+ ! competing patches on the basis of relative demand, and allocate C and N to
+ ! new growth and storage
+ do fp=1,num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ c = pft%column(p)
+ ! set some local allocation variables
+ f1 = froot_leaf(ivt(p))
+ f2 = croot_stem(ivt(p))
+ ! modified wood allocation to be 2.2 at npp=800 gC/m2/yr, 0.2 at npp=0,
+ ! constrained so that it does not go lower than 0.2 (under negative annsum_npp)
+ ! There was an error in this formula in previous version, where the coefficient
+ ! was 0.004 instead of 0.0025.
+ ! This variable allocation is only for trees. Shrubs have a constant
+ ! allocation as specified in the pft-physiology file. The value is also used
+ ! as a trigger here: -1.0 means to use the dynamic allocation (trees).
+ if (stem_leaf(ivt(p)) == -1._r8) then
+ f3 = (2.7/(1.0+exp(-0.004*(annsum_npp(p) - 300.0)))) - 0.4
+ else
+ f3 = stem_leaf(ivt(p))
+ end if
+ f4 = flivewd(ivt(p))
+ g1 = grperc(ivt(p))
+ g2 = grpnow(ivt(p))
+ cnl = leafcn(ivt(p))
+ cnfr = frootcn(ivt(p))
+ cnlw = livewdcn(ivt(p))
+ cndw = deadwdcn(ivt(p))
+ fcur = fcur2(ivt(p))
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip 2 generic crops
+ if (croplive(p)) then
+ f1 = aroot(p) / aleaf(p)
+ f3 = astem(p) / aleaf(p)
+ f5 = arepr(p) / aleaf(p)
+ g1 = 0.25_r8
+ else
+ f1 = 0._r8
+ f3 = 0._r8
+ f5 = 0._r8
+ g1 = 0.25_r8
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! increase fcur linearly with ndays_active, until fcur reaches 1.0 at
+ ! ndays_active = days/year. This prevents the continued storage of C and N.
+ ! turning off this correction (PET, 12/11/03), instead using bgtr in
+ ! phenology algorithm.
+ !fcur = fcur + (1._r8 - fcur)*lgsf(p)
+ sminn_to_npool(p) = plant_ndemand(p) * fpg(c)
+ plant_nalloc(p) = sminn_to_npool(p) + retransn_to_npool(p)
+ ! calculate the associated carbon allocation, and the excess
+ ! carbon flux that must be accounted for through downregulation
+ plant_calloc(p) = plant_nalloc(p) * (c_allometry(p)/n_allometry(p))
+ excess_cflux(p) = availc(p) - plant_calloc(p)
+ ! reduce gpp fluxes due to N limitation
+ if (gpp(p) > 0.0_r8) then
+ downreg(p) = excess_cflux(p)/gpp(p)
+ psnsun_to_cpool(p) = psnsun_to_cpool(p) *(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ psnshade_to_cpool(p) = psnshade_to_cpool(p)*(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ c13cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) = c13cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) *(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ c13cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p) = c13cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p)*(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ endif
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ c14cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) = c14cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) *(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ c14cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p) = c14cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p)*(1._r8 - downreg(p))
+ endif
+ end if
+ ! calculate the amount of new leaf C dictated by these allocation
+ ! decisions, and calculate the daily fluxes of C and N to current
+ ! growth and storage pools
+ ! fcur is the proportion of this day's growth that is displayed now,
+ ! the remainder going into storage for display next year through the
+ ! transfer pools
+ nlc = plant_calloc(p) / c_allometry(p)
+ cpool_to_leafc(p) = nlc * fcur
+ cpool_to_leafc_storage(p) = nlc * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_frootc(p) = nlc * f1 * fcur
+ cpool_to_frootc_storage(p) = nlc * f1 * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1._r8) then
+ cpool_to_livestemc(p) = nlc * f3 * f4 * fcur
+ cpool_to_livestemc_storage(p) = nlc * f3 * f4 * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_deadstemc(p) = nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * fcur
+ cpool_to_deadstemc_storage(p) = nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_livecrootc(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 * fcur
+ cpool_to_livecrootc_storage(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * fcur
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc_storage(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ end if
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip 2 generic crops
+ cpool_to_livestemc(p) = nlc * f3 * f4 * fcur
+ cpool_to_livestemc_storage(p) = nlc * f3 * f4 * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_deadstemc(p) = nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * fcur
+ cpool_to_deadstemc_storage(p) = nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_livecrootc(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 * fcur
+ cpool_to_livecrootc_storage(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * fcur
+ cpool_to_deadcrootc_storage(p) = nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ cpool_to_grainc(p) = nlc * f5 * fcur
+ cpool_to_grainc_storage(p) = nlc * f5 * (1._r8 -fcur)
+ end if
+ ! corresponding N fluxes
+ npool_to_leafn(p) = (nlc / cnl) * fcur
+ npool_to_leafn_storage(p) = (nlc / cnl) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_frootn(p) = (nlc * f1 / cnfr) * fcur
+ npool_to_frootn_storage(p) = (nlc * f1 / cnfr) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1._r8) then
+ npool_to_livestemn(p) = (nlc * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * fcur
+ npool_to_livestemn_storage(p) = (nlc * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_deadstemn(p) = (nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * fcur
+ npool_to_deadstemn_storage(p) = (nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_livecrootn(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * fcur
+ npool_to_livecrootn_storage(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_deadcrootn(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * fcur
+ npool_to_deadcrootn_storage(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ end if
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip 2 generic crops
+ cng = graincn(ivt(p))
+ npool_to_livestemn(p) = (nlc * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * fcur
+ npool_to_livestemn_storage(p) = (nlc * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_deadstemn(p) = (nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * fcur
+ npool_to_deadstemn_storage(p) = (nlc * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_livecrootn(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * fcur
+ npool_to_livecrootn_storage(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * f4 / cnlw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_deadcrootn(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * fcur
+ npool_to_deadcrootn_storage(p) = (nlc * f2 * f3 * (1._r8 - f4) / cndw) * (1._r8 - fcur)
+ npool_to_grainn(p) = (nlc * f5 / cng) * fcur
+ npool_to_grainn_storage(p) = (nlc * f5 / cng) * (1._r8 -fcur)
+ end if
+ ! Calculate the amount of carbon that needs to go into growth
+ ! respiration storage to satisfy all of the storage growth demands.
+ ! Allows for the fraction of growth respiration that is released at the
+ ! time of fixation, versus the remaining fraction that is stored for
+ ! release at the time of display. Note that all the growth respiration
+ ! fluxes that get released on a given timestep are calculated in growth_resp(),
+ ! but that the storage of C for growth resp during display of transferred
+ ! growth is assigned here.
+ gresp_storage = cpool_to_leafc_storage(p) + cpool_to_frootc_storage(p)
+ if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1._r8) then
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_livestemc_storage(p)
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_deadstemc_storage(p)
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_livecrootc_storage(p)
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_deadcrootc_storage(p)
+ end if
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip 2 generic crops
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_livestemc_storage(p)
+ gresp_storage = gresp_storage + cpool_to_grainc_storage(p)
+ end if
+ cpool_to_gresp_storage(p) = gresp_storage * g1 * (1._r8 - g2)
+ end do ! end pft loop
+ end associate
+ end subroutine plantCNAlloc
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_plant_nutrient_demand(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp,&
+ photosyns_vars, crop_vars, canopystate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars )
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use PhotosynthesisType , only : photosyns_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ type(photosyns_type) , intent(in) :: photosyns_vars !
+ type(crop_type) , intent(in) :: crop_vars !
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type), intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars !
+ call calc_plant_nitrogen_demand(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ photosyns_vars, canopystate_vars, crop_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_totn_demand_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ !this can used to plug in phosphorus?
+ end subroutine calc_plant_nutrient_demand
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_plant_nitrogen_demand(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ photosyns_vars, canopystate_vars, crop_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, plant_totn_demand_flx_col)
+ !
+ ! compute plant nitrogen demand
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use pftvarcon , only : npcropmin, declfact, bfact, aleaff, arootf, astemf
+ use pftvarcon , only : arooti, fleafi, allconsl, allconss, grperc, grpnow, nsoybean
+ use clm_varcon , only : secspday
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_c13, use_c14
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds !
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ type(photosyns_type) , intent(in) :: photosyns_vars !
+ type(crop_type) , intent(in) :: crop_vars !
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: plant_totn_demand_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ integer :: c,p,l,pi,j ! indices
+ integer :: fp ! lake filter pft index
+ integer :: fc ! lake filter column index
+ real(r8) :: mr ! maintenance respiration (gC/m2/s)
+ real(r8) :: f1,f2,f3,f4,g1,g2 ! allocation parameters
+ real(r8) :: cnl,cnfr,cnlw,cndw ! C:N ratios for leaf, fine root, and wood
+ real(r8) :: curmr, curmr_ratio ! xsmrpool temporary variables
+ real(r8) :: f5 ! grain allocation parameter
+ real(r8) :: cng ! C:N ratio for grain (= cnlw for now; slevis)
+ real(r8) :: fleaf ! fraction allocated to leaf
+ real(r8) :: t1 ! temporary variable
+ real(r8) :: dt ! model time step
+ real(r8) :: dayscrecover !
+ associate( &
+ ivt => pft%itype , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] pft vegetation type
+ woody => ecophyscon%woody , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] binary flag for woody lifeform (1=woody, 0=not woody)
+ froot_leaf => ecophyscon%froot_leaf , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new fine root C per new leaf C (gC/gC)
+ croot_stem => ecophyscon%croot_stem , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new coarse root C per new stem C (gC/gC)
+ stem_leaf => ecophyscon%stem_leaf , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: new stem c per new leaf C (gC/gC)
+ flivewd => ecophyscon%flivewd , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] allocation parameter: fraction of new wood that is live (phloem and ray parenchyma) (no units)
+ leafcn => ecophyscon%leafcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf C:N (gC/gN)
+ frootcn => ecophyscon%frootcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fine root C:N (gC/gN)
+ livewdcn => ecophyscon%livewdcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] live wood (phloem and ray parenchyma) C:N (gC/gN)
+ deadwdcn => ecophyscon%deadwdcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] dead wood (xylem and heartwood) C:N (gC/gN)
+ graincn => ecophyscon%graincn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] grain C:N (gC/gN)
+ fleafcn => ecophyscon%fleafcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf c:n during organ fill
+ ffrootcn => ecophyscon%ffrootcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] froot c:n during organ fill
+ fstemcn => ecophyscon%fstemcn , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] stem c:n during organ fill
+ psnsun => photosyns_vars%psnsun_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] sunlit leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ psnsha => photosyns_vars%psnsha_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] shaded leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ c13_psnsun => photosyns_vars%c13_psnsun_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] sunlit leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ c13_psnsha => photosyns_vars%c13_psnsha_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] shaded leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ c14_psnsun => photosyns_vars%c14_psnsun_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] sunlit leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ c14_psnsha => photosyns_vars%c14_psnsha_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] shaded leaf-level photosynthesis (umol CO2 /m**2/ s)
+ laisun => canopystate_vars%laisun_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] sunlit projected leaf area index
+ laisha => canopystate_vars%laisha_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] shaded projected leaf area index
+ hui => crop_vars%gddplant_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] =gdd since planting (gddplant)
+ leafout => crop_vars%gddtsoi_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] =gdd from top soil layer temperature
+ xsmrpool => carbonstate_vars%xsmrpool_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gC/m2) temporary photosynthate C pool
+ leafc => carbonstate_vars%leafc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ frootc => carbonstate_vars%frootc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestemc => carbonstate_vars%livestemc_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ gddmaturity => cnstate_vars%gddmaturity_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] gdd needed to harvest
+ huileaf => cnstate_vars%huileaf_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] heat unit index needed from planting to leaf emergence
+ huigrain => cnstate_vars%huigrain_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] same to reach vegetative maturity
+ croplive => cnstate_vars%croplive_patch , & ! Input: [logical (:) ] flag, true if planted, not harvested
+ peaklai => cnstate_vars%peaklai_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] 1: max allowed lai; 0: not at max
+ aleafi => cnstate_vars%aleafi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] saved allocation coefficient from phase 2
+ astemi => cnstate_vars%astemi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] saved allocation coefficient from phase 2
+ aleaf => cnstate_vars%aleaf_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf allocation coefficient
+ astem => cnstate_vars%astem_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] stem allocation coefficient
+ grain_flag => cnstate_vars%grain_flag_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 1: grain fill stage; 0: not
+ c_allometry => cnstate_vars%c_allometry_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C allocation index (DIM)
+ n_allometry => cnstate_vars%n_allometry_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] N allocation index (DIM)
+ tempsum_potential_gpp => cnstate_vars%tempsum_potential_gpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] temporary annual sum of potential GPP
+ tempmax_retransn => cnstate_vars%tempmax_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] temporary annual max of retranslocated N pool (gN/m2)
+ annsum_potential_gpp => cnstate_vars%annsum_potential_gpp_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual sum of potential GPP
+ annmax_retransn => cnstate_vars%annmax_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] annual max of retranslocated N pool
+ leaf_mr => carbonflux_vars%leaf_mr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ froot_mr => carbonflux_vars%froot_mr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestem_mr => carbonflux_vars%livestem_mr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livecroot_mr => carbonflux_vars%livecroot_mr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ grain_mr => carbonflux_vars%grain_mr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ annsum_npp => carbonflux_vars%annsum_npp_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] annual sum of NPP, for wood allocation
+ gpp => carbonflux_vars%gpp_before_downreg_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] GPP flux before downregulation (gC/m2/s)
+ availc => carbonflux_vars%availc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C flux available for allocation (gC/m2/s)
+ xsmrpool_recover => carbonflux_vars%xsmrpool_recover_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] C flux assigned to recovery of negative cpool (gC/m2/s)
+ psnsun_to_cpool => carbonflux_vars%psnsun_to_cpool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ psnshade_to_cpool => carbonflux_vars%psnshade_to_cpool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ leaf_curmr => carbonflux_vars%leaf_curmr_patch , &
+ froot_curmr => carbonflux_vars%froot_curmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestem_curmr => carbonflux_vars%livestem_curmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livecroot_curmr => carbonflux_vars%livecroot_curmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ grain_curmr => carbonflux_vars%grain_curmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ leaf_xsmr => carbonflux_vars%leaf_xsmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ froot_xsmr => carbonflux_vars%froot_xsmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestem_xsmr => carbonflux_vars%livestem_xsmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livecroot_xsmr => carbonflux_vars%livecroot_xsmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ grain_xsmr => carbonflux_vars%grain_xsmr_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ cpool_to_xsmrpool => carbonflux_vars%cpool_to_xsmrpool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ retransn => nitrogenstate_vars%retransn_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] (gN/m2) plant pool of retranslocated N
+ plant_ndemand => nitrogenflux_vars%plant_ndemand_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] N flux required to support initial GPP (gN/m2/s)
+ avail_retransn => nitrogenflux_vars%avail_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] N flux available from retranslocation pool (gN/m2/s)
+ retransn_to_npool => nitrogenflux_vars%retransn_to_npool_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] deployment of retranslocated N (gN/m2/s)
+ leafn_to_retransn => nitrogenflux_vars%leafn_to_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ frootn_to_retransn => nitrogenflux_vars%frootn_to_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ livestemn_to_retransn => nitrogenflux_vars%livestemn_to_retransn_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ]
+ c13cf => c13_carbonflux_vars, &
+ c14cf => c14_carbonflux_vars &
+ )
+ ! set time steps
+ dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
+ dayscrecover = CNAllocParamsInst%dayscrecover
+ ! loop over patches to assess the total plant N demand
+ do fp=1,num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ ! get the time step total gross photosynthesis
+ ! this is coming from the canopy fluxes code, and is the
+ ! gpp that is used to control stomatal conductance.
+ ! For the nitrogen downregulation code, this is assumed
+ ! to be the potential gpp, and the actual gpp will be
+ ! reduced due to N limitation.
+ ! Convert psn from umol/m2/s -> gC/m2/s
+ ! The input psn (psnsun and psnsha) are expressed per unit LAI
+ ! in the sunlit and shaded canopy, respectively. These need to be
+ ! scaled by laisun and laisha to get the total gpp for allocation
+ ! Note that no associate statement is used for the isotope carbon fluxes below
+ ! since they are not always allocated AND nag compiler will complain if you try to
+ ! to have an associate statement with unallocated memory
+ psnsun_to_cpool(p) = psnsun(p) * laisun(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ psnshade_to_cpool(p) = psnsha(p) * laisha(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ c13cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) = c13_psnsun(p) * laisun(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ c13cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p) = c13_psnsha(p) * laisha(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ endif
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ c14cf%psnsun_to_cpool_patch(p) = c14_psnsun(p) * laisun(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ c14cf%psnshade_to_cpool_patch(p) = c14_psnsha(p) * laisha(p) * 12.011e-6_r8
+ endif
+ gpp(p) = psnsun_to_cpool(p) + psnshade_to_cpool(p)
+ ! get the time step total maintenance respiration
+ ! These fluxes should already be in gC/m2/s
+ mr = leaf_mr(p) + froot_mr(p)
+ if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1.0_r8) then
+ mr = mr + livestem_mr(p) + livecroot_mr(p)
+ else if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then
+ if (croplive(p)) mr = mr + livestem_mr(p) + grain_mr(p)
+ end if
+ ! carbon flux available for allocation
+ availc(p) = gpp(p) - mr
+ ! new code added for isotope calculations, 7/1/05, PET
+ ! If mr > gpp, then some mr comes from gpp, the rest comes from
+ ! cpool (xsmr)
+ if (mr > 0._r8 .and. availc(p) < 0._r8) then
+ curmr = gpp(p)
+ curmr_ratio = curmr / mr
+ else
+ curmr_ratio = 1._r8
+ end if
+ leaf_curmr(p) = leaf_mr(p) * curmr_ratio
+ leaf_xsmr(p) = leaf_mr(p) - leaf_curmr(p)
+ froot_curmr(p) = froot_mr(p) * curmr_ratio
+ froot_xsmr(p) = froot_mr(p) - froot_curmr(p)
+ livestem_curmr(p) = livestem_mr(p) * curmr_ratio
+ livestem_xsmr(p) = livestem_mr(p) - livestem_curmr(p)
+ livecroot_curmr(p) = livecroot_mr(p) * curmr_ratio
+ livecroot_xsmr(p) = livecroot_mr(p) - livecroot_curmr(p)
+ grain_curmr(p) = grain_mr(p) * curmr_ratio
+ grain_xsmr(p) = grain_mr(p) - grain_curmr(p)
+ ! no allocation when available c is negative
+ availc(p) = max(availc(p),0.0_r8)
+ ! test for an xsmrpool deficit
+ if (xsmrpool(p) < 0.0_r8) then
+ ! Running a deficit in the xsmrpool, so the first priority is to let
+ ! some availc from this timestep accumulate in xsmrpool.
+ ! Determine rate of recovery for xsmrpool deficit
+ xsmrpool_recover(p) = -xsmrpool(p)/(dayscrecover*secspday)
+ if (xsmrpool_recover(p) < availc(p)) then
+ ! available carbon reduced by amount for xsmrpool recovery
+ availc(p) = availc(p) - xsmrpool_recover(p)
+ else
+ ! all of the available carbon goes to xsmrpool recovery
+ xsmrpool_recover(p) = availc(p)
+ availc(p) = 0.0_r8
+ end if
+ cpool_to_xsmrpool(p) = xsmrpool_recover(p)
+ end if
+ f1 = froot_leaf(ivt(p))
+ f2 = croot_stem(ivt(p))
+ ! modified wood allocation to be 2.2 at npp=800 gC/m2/yr, 0.2 at npp=0,
+ ! constrained so that it does not go lower than 0.2 (under negative annsum_npp)
+ ! This variable allocation is only for trees. Shrubs have a constant
+ ! allocation as specified in the pft-physiology file. The value is also used
+ ! as a trigger here: -1.0 means to use the dynamic allocation (trees).
+ if (stem_leaf(ivt(p)) == -1._r8) then
+ f3 = (2.7/(1.0+exp(-0.004*(annsum_npp(p) - 300.0)))) - 0.4
+ else
+ f3 = stem_leaf(ivt(p))
+ end if
+ f4 = flivewd(ivt(p))
+ g1 = grperc(ivt(p))
+ g2 = grpnow(ivt(p))
+ cnl = leafcn(ivt(p))
+ cnfr = frootcn(ivt(p))
+ cnlw = livewdcn(ivt(p))
+ cndw = deadwdcn(ivt(p))
+ ! calculate f1 to f5 for prog crops following AgroIBIS subr phenocrop
+ f5 = 0._r8 ! continued intializations from above
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip 2 generic crops
+ if (croplive(p)) then
+ ! same phases appear in subroutine CropPhenology
+ ! Phase 1 completed:
+ ! ==================
+ ! if hui is less than the number of gdd needed for filling of grain
+ ! leaf emergence also has to have taken place for lai changes to occur
+ ! and carbon assimilation
+ ! Next phase: leaf emergence to start of leaf decline
+ if (leafout(p) >= huileaf(p) .and. hui(p) < huigrain(p)) then
+ ! allocation rules for crops based on maturity and linear decrease
+ ! of amount allocated to roots over course of the growing season
+ if (peaklai(p) == 1) then ! lai at maximum allowed
+ arepr(p) = 0._r8
+ aleaf(p) = 1.e-5_r8
+ astem(p) = 0._r8
+ aroot(p) = 1._r8 - arepr(p) - aleaf(p) - astem(p)
+ else
+ arepr(p) = 0._r8
+ aroot(p) = max(0._r8, min(1._r8, arooti(ivt(p)) - &
+ (arooti(ivt(p)) - arootf(ivt(p))) * &
+ min(1._r8, hui(p)/gddmaturity(p))))
+ fleaf = fleafi(ivt(p)) * (exp(-bfact(ivt(p))) - &
+ exp(-bfact(ivt(p))*hui(p)/huigrain(p))) / &
+ (exp(-bfact(ivt(p)))-1) ! fraction alloc to leaf (from J Norman alloc curve)
+ aleaf(p) = max(1.e-5_r8, (1._r8 - aroot(p)) * fleaf)
+ astem(p) = 1._r8 - arepr(p) - aleaf(p) - aroot(p)
+ end if
+ ! AgroIBIS included here an immediate adjustment to aleaf & astem if the
+ ! predicted lai from the above allocation coefficients exceeded laimx.
+ ! We have decided to live with lais slightly higher than laimx by
+ ! enforcing the cap in the following tstep through the peaklai logic above.
+ astemi(p) = astem(p) ! save for use by equations after shift
+ aleafi(p) = aleaf(p) ! to reproductive phenology stage begins
+ grain_flag(p) = 0._r8 ! setting to 0 while in phase 2
+ ! Phase 2 completed:
+ ! ==================
+ ! shift allocation either when enough gdd are accumulated or maximum number
+ ! of days has elapsed since planting
+ else if (hui(p) >= huigrain(p)) then
+ aroot(p) = max(0._r8, min(1._r8, arooti(ivt(p)) - &
+ (arooti(ivt(p)) - arootf(ivt(p))) * min(1._r8, hui(p)/gddmaturity(p))))
+ if (astemi(p) > astemf(ivt(p))) then
+ astem(p) = max(0._r8, max(astemf(ivt(p)), astem(p) * &
+ (1._r8 - min((hui(p)- &
+ huigrain(p))/((gddmaturity(p)*declfact(ivt(p)))- &
+ huigrain(p)),1._r8)**allconss(ivt(p)) )))
+ end if
+ if (aleafi(p) > aleaff(ivt(p))) then
+ aleaf(p) = max(1.e-5_r8, max(aleaff(ivt(p)), aleaf(p) * &
+ (1._r8 - min((hui(p)- &
+ huigrain(p))/((gddmaturity(p)*declfact(ivt(p)))- &
+ huigrain(p)),1._r8)**allconsl(ivt(p)) )))
+ end if
+ !Beth's retranslocation of leafn, stemn, rootn to organ
+ !Filter excess plant N to retransn pool for organ N
+ !Only do one time then hold grain_flag till onset next season
+ ! slevis: Will astem ever = astemf exactly?
+ ! Beth's response: ...looks like astem can equal astemf under the right circumstances.
+ !It might be worth a rewrite to capture what I was trying to do, but the retranslocation for
+ !corn and wheat begins at the beginning of the grain fill stage, but for soybean I was holding it
+ !until after the leaf and stem decline were complete. Looking at how astem is calculated, once the
+ !stem decline is near complete, astem should (usually) be set to astemf. The reason for holding off
+ !on soybean is that the retranslocation scheme begins at the beginning of the grain phase, when the
+ !leaf and stem are still growing, but declining. Since carbon is still getting allocated and now
+ !there is more nitrogen available, the nitrogen can be diverted from grain. For corn and wheat
+ !the impact was probably enough to boost productivity, but for soybean the nitrogen was better off
+ !fulfilling the grain fill. It seems that if the peak lai is reached for soybean though that this
+ !would be bypassed altogether, not the intended outcome. I checked several of my output files and
+ !they all seemed to be going through the retranslocation loop for soybean - good news.
+ if (ivt(p) /= nsoybean .or. astem(p) == astemf(ivt(p))) then
+ if (grain_flag(p) == 0._r8) then
+ t1 = 1 / dt
+ leafn_to_retransn(p) = t1 * ((leafc(p) / leafcn(ivt(p))) - (leafc(p) / &
+ fleafcn(ivt(p))))
+ livestemn_to_retransn(p) = t1 * ((livestemc(p) / livewdcn(ivt(p))) - (livestemc(p) / &
+ fstemcn(ivt(p))))
+ frootn_to_retransn(p) = 0._r8
+ if (ffrootcn(ivt(p)) > 0._r8) then
+ frootn_to_retransn(p) = t1 * ((frootc(p) / frootcn(ivt(p))) - (frootc(p) / &
+ ffrootcn(ivt(p))))
+ end if
+ grain_flag(p) = 1._r8
+ end if
+ end if
+ arepr(p) = 1._r8 - aroot(p) - astem(p) - aleaf(p)
+ else ! pre emergence
+ aleaf(p) = 1.e-5_r8 ! allocation coefficients should be irrelevant
+ astem(p) = 0._r8 ! because crops have no live carbon pools;
+ aroot(p) = 0._r8 ! this applies to this "else" and to the "else"
+ arepr(p) = 0._r8 ! a few lines down
+ end if
+ f1 = aroot(p) / aleaf(p)
+ f3 = astem(p) / aleaf(p)
+ f5 = arepr(p) / aleaf(p)
+ g1 = 0.25_r8
+ else ! .not croplive
+ f1 = 0._r8
+ f3 = 0._r8
+ f5 = 0._r8
+ g1 = 0.25_r8
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! based on available C, use constant allometric relationships to
+ ! determine N requirements
+ if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1.0_r8) then
+ c_allometry(p) = (1._r8+g1)*(1._r8+f1+f3*(1._r8+f2))
+ n_allometry(p) = 1._r8/cnl + f1/cnfr + (f3*f4*(1._r8+f2))/cnlw + &
+ (f3*(1._r8-f4)*(1._r8+f2))/cndw
+ else if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin) then ! skip generic crops
+ cng = graincn(ivt(p))
+ c_allometry(p) = (1._r8+g1)*(1._r8+f1+f5+f3*(1._r8+f2))
+ n_allometry(p) = 1._r8/cnl + f1/cnfr + f5/cng + (f3*f4*(1._r8+f2))/cnlw + &
+ (f3*(1._r8-f4)*(1._r8+f2))/cndw
+ else
+ c_allometry(p) = 1._r8+g1+f1+f1*g1
+ n_allometry(p) = 1._r8/cnl + f1/cnfr
+ end if
+ plant_ndemand(p) = availc(p)*(n_allometry(p)/c_allometry(p))
+ ! retranslocated N deployment depends on seasonal cycle of potential GPP
+ ! (requires one year run to accumulate demand)
+ tempsum_potential_gpp(p) = tempsum_potential_gpp(p) + gpp(p)
+ ! Adding the following line to carry max retransn info to CN Annual Update
+ tempmax_retransn(p) = max(tempmax_retransn(p),retransn(p))
+ ! Beth's code: crops pull from retransn pool only during grain fill;
+ ! retransn pool has N from leaves, stems, and roots for
+ ! retranslocation
+ if (ivt(p) >= npcropmin .and. grain_flag(p) == 1._r8) then
+ avail_retransn(p) = plant_ndemand(p)
+ else if (ivt(p) < npcropmin .and. annsum_potential_gpp(p) > 0._r8) then
+ avail_retransn(p) = (annmax_retransn(p)/2._r8)*(gpp(p)/annsum_potential_gpp(p))/dt
+ else
+ avail_retransn(p) = 0.0_r8
+ end if
+ ! make sure available retrans N doesn't exceed storage
+ avail_retransn(p) = min(avail_retransn(p), retransn(p)/dt)
+ ! modify plant N demand according to the availability of
+ ! retranslocated N
+ ! take from retransn pool at most the flux required to meet
+ ! plant ndemand
+ if (plant_ndemand(p) > avail_retransn(p)) then
+ retransn_to_npool(p) = avail_retransn(p)
+ else
+ retransn_to_npool(p) = plant_ndemand(p)
+ end if
+ plant_ndemand(p) = plant_ndemand(p) - retransn_to_npool(p)
+ end do ! end pft loop
+ ! now use the p2c routine to get the column-averaged plant_ndemand
+ call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ plant_ndemand(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ plant_totn_demand_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ ! obtain the nutrient uptake potential based on fine root profile
+ end associate
+ end subroutine calc_plant_nitrogen_demand
+end module CNAllocationBetrMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNBalanceCheckMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNBalanceCheckMod.F90
index 1475766516e0..cf443de2c93f 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNBalanceCheckMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNBalanceCheckMod.F90
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module CNBalanceCheckMod
use decompMod , only : bounds_type
use abortutils , only : endrun
use clm_varctl , only : iulog, use_nitrif_denitrif, use_ed
- use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size,get_nstep
use clm_varpar , only : crop_prog
use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
@@ -236,14 +236,22 @@ subroutine CBalanceCheck(bounds, &
err_index = c
end if
end do ! end of columns loop
if (.not. use_ed) then
if (err_found) then
c = err_index
write(iulog,*)'column cbalance error = ', col_errcb(c), c
+ write(iulog,*)'input=',col_cinputs*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'output=',col_coutputs*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'er=',er(c)*dt,carbonflux_vars%hr_col(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'fire=',col_fire_closs(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'dwt=',dwt_closs(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'product=',product_closs(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'hrv=',col_hrv_xsmrpool_to_atm(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'leach=',som_c_leached(c)*dt
write(iulog,*)'begcb = ',col_begcb(c)
- write(iulog,*)'endcb = ',col_endcb(c)
+ write(iulog,*)'endcb = ',col_endcb(c),carbonstate_vars%totsomc_col(c)
write(iulog,*)'delta store = ',col_endcb(c)-col_begcb(c)
call endrun(msg=errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
end if
@@ -262,6 +270,7 @@ subroutine NBalanceCheck(bounds, &
! On the radiation time step, perform nitrogen mass conservation check
! for column and pft
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
@@ -322,13 +331,19 @@ subroutine NBalanceCheck(bounds, &
! calculate total column-level outputs
col_noutputs(c) = denit(c) + col_fire_nloss(c) + dwt_nloss(c) + product_nloss(c)
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + sminn_leached(c)
+ if(is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + f_n2o_nit(c)
+ col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + smin_no3_leached(c) + smin_no3_runoff(c)
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + sminn_leached(c)
+ else
col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + f_n2o_nit(c)
col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) + smin_no3_leached(c) + smin_no3_runoff(c)
- end if
+ end if
+ endif
col_noutputs(c) = col_noutputs(c) - som_n_leached(c)
@@ -356,14 +371,28 @@ subroutine NBalanceCheck(bounds, &
if (err_found) then
c = err_index
- write(iulog,*)'column nbalance error = ', col_errnb(c), c
- write(iulog,*)'Latdeg,Londeg=',grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c)),grc%londeg(col%gridcell(c))
- write(iulog,*)'begnb = ',col_begnb(c)
- write(iulog,*)'endnb = ',col_endnb(c)
- write(iulog,*)'delta store = ',col_endnb(c)-col_begnb(c)
- write(iulog,*)'input mass = ',col_ninputs(c)*dt
- write(iulog,*)'output mass = ',col_noutputs(c)*dt
- write(iulog,*)'net flux = ',(col_ninputs(c)-col_noutputs(c))*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'column nbalance error = ', col_errnb(c), c, get_nstep()
+ write(iulog,*)'Latdeg,Londeg = ',grc%latdeg(col%gridcell(c)),grc%londeg(col%gridcell(c))
+ write(iulog,*)'begnb = ',col_begnb(c)
+ write(iulog,*)'endnb = ',col_endnb(c)
+ write(iulog,*)'delta store = ',col_endnb(c)-col_begnb(c)
+ write(iulog,*)'input mass = ',col_ninputs(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'output mass = ',col_noutputs(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'net flux = ',(col_ninputs(c)-col_noutputs(c))*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'denit = ',denit(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'n2onit = ',f_n2o_nit(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'no3 leach = ', smin_no3_leached(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'no3 runof = ', smin_no3_runoff(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'ndep = ',ndep_to_sminn(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'nfix = ', nfix_to_sminn(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'nsup = ',supplement_to_sminn(c)*dt
+ if(crop_prog) then
+ write(iulog,*)'fertm = ',fert_to_sminn(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'soyfx = ',soyfixn_to_sminn(c)*dt
+ endif
+ write(iulog,*)'fire = ',col_fire_nloss(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'dwt = ',dwt_nloss(c)*dt
+ write(iulog,*)'prod = ',product_nloss(c)*dt
call endrun(msg=errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
end if
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNC14DecayMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNC14DecayMod.F90
index e6f0748cf78a..4e758a7d8725 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNC14DecayMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNC14DecayMod.F90
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ subroutine C14Decay( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, calculate the radioactive decay of C14
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
@@ -100,20 +101,22 @@ subroutine C14Decay( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
seedc(c) = seedc(c) * (1._r8 - decay_const * dt)
end do ! end of columns loop
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
- if ( spinup_state .eq. 1) then
- ! speed up radioactive decay by the same factor as decomposition so tat SOM ages prematurely in all respects
- spinup_term = spinup_factor(l)
- else
- spinup_term = 1.
- endif
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,l) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,l) * (1._r8 - decay_const * spinup_term * dt)
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if ( spinup_state .eq. 1) then
+ ! speed up radioactive decay by the same factor as decomposition so tat SOM ages prematurely in all respects
+ spinup_term = spinup_factor(l)
+ else
+ spinup_term = 1.
+ endif
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,l) = decomp_cpools_vr(c,j,l) * (1._r8 - decay_const * spinup_term * dt)
+ end do
end do
- end do
- end do ! end of columns loop
+ end do ! end of columns loop
+ endif
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ subroutine C14BombSpike( num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
integer, intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(cnstate_type), intent(in) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type), intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
integer :: yr, mon, day, tod, offset
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCIsoFluxMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCIsoFluxMod.F90
index c2a2986468cb..ac99913a72a9 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCIsoFluxMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCIsoFluxMod.F90
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ subroutine CIsoFlux1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, set the carbon isotopic flux
! variables (except for gap-phase mortality and fire fluxes)
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns filter
@@ -365,40 +366,42 @@ subroutine CIsoFlux1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
call CNCIsoLitterToColumn(num_soilc, filter_soilc, cnstate_vars, isotopeflux_vars)
- ! column-level non-mortality fluxes
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- cc = filter_soilc(fc)
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) /= 0._r8) then
- isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
- carbonflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
- (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) &
- / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l))) * 1._r8
- else
- isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
- end if
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ ! column-level non-mortality fluxes
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ cc = filter_soilc(fc)
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) /= 0._r8) then
+ isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
+ carbonflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
+ (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) &
+ / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l))) * 1._r8
+ else
+ isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ end do
end do
end do
- end do
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- cc = filter_soilc(fc)
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) /= 0._r8) then
- isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
- carbonflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
- (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) &
- / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l))) * 1._r8
- else
- isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
- end if
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ cc = filter_soilc(fc)
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) /= 0._r8) then
+ isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
+ carbonflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
+ (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l)) &
+ / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,cascade_donor_pool(l))) * 1._r8
+ else
+ isotopeflux_vars%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ end do
end do
end do
- end do
+ endif
end associate
end subroutine CIsoFlux1
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ subroutine CIsoFlux2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, set the carbon isotopic fluxes for gap mortality
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
@@ -683,6 +687,7 @@ subroutine CIsoFlux3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, set the carbon isotopic fluxes for fire mortality
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns filter
@@ -817,42 +822,45 @@ subroutine CIsoFlux3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
isotopestate_vars%gresp_xfer_patch , carbonstate_vars%gresp_xfer_patch, &
num_soilp , filter_soilp, 1._r8, 0, isotope)
- ! calculate the column-level flux of deadstem and deadcrootc to cwdc as the result of fire mortality.
- do pi = 1,max_patch_per_col
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- cc = filter_soilc(fc)
- if ( pi <= col%npfts(cc) ) then
- pp = col%pfti(cc) + pi - 1
- if (pft%active(pp)) then
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) = &
- isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) + &
- isotopeflux_vars%m_deadstemc_to_litter_fire_patch(pp) * pft%wtcol(pp) * stem_prof(pp,j)
- isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) = &
- isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) + &
- isotopeflux_vars%m_deadcrootc_to_litter_fire_patch(pp) * pft%wtcol(pp) * croot_prof(pp,j)
- end do
- end if
- end if
- end do
- end do
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ ! calculate the column-level flux of deadstem and deadcrootc to cwdc as the result of fire mortality.
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- cc = filter_soilc(fc)
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
- if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l) /= 0._r8) then
- isotopeflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
- carbonflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
- (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l) / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l)) * 1._r8
- else
- isotopeflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
+ do pi = 1,max_patch_per_col
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ cc = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if ( pi <= col%npfts(cc) ) then
+ pp = col%pfti(cc) + pi - 1
+ if (pft%active(pp)) then
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) = &
+ isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) + &
+ isotopeflux_vars%m_deadstemc_to_litter_fire_patch(pp) * pft%wtcol(pp) * stem_prof(pp,j)
+ isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) = &
+ isotopeflux_vars%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(cc,j) + &
+ isotopeflux_vars%m_deadcrootc_to_litter_fire_patch(pp) * pft%wtcol(pp) * croot_prof(pp,j)
+ end do
+ end if
end if
end do
end do
- end do
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ cc = filter_soilc(fc)
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if ( carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l) /= 0._r8) then
+ isotopeflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) = &
+ carbonflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) * &
+ (isotopestate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l) / carbonstate_vars%decomp_cpools_vr_col(cc,j,l)) * 1._r8
+ else
+ isotopeflux_vars%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(cc,j,l) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
end associate
end subroutine CIsoFlux3
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate1Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate1Mod.F90
index 2f74dc28658d..c2e8d3ee4793 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate1Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate1Mod.F90
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate0(&
! On the radiation time step, update cpool carbon state
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate0(&
end subroutine CStateUpdate0
- subroutine CStateUpdate1(&
+ subroutine CStateUpdate1(bounds, &
num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
@@ -82,12 +83,16 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate1(&
! On the radiation time step, update all the prognostic carbon state
! variables (except for gap-phase mortality and fire fluxes)
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(cnstate_type) , intent(in) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
@@ -123,56 +128,74 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate1(&
cs%seedc_col(c) = cs%seedc_col(c) - cf%dwt_seedc_to_deadstem_col(c) * dt
end do
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! plant to litter fluxes
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! phenology and dynamic land cover fluxes
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- ( cf%dwt_livecrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_deadcrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) ) *dt
- end do
- end do
- ! litter and SOM HR fluxes
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ !summarize litter carbon input
+ ! plant to litter fluxes
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! phenology and dynamic land cover fluxes
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ ( cf%dwt_livecrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_deadcrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ elseif (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ ! plant to litter fluxes
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) = &
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) &
- - ( cf%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(c,j,k) + cf%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(c,j,k)) *dt
+ ! phenology and dynamic land cover fluxes
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ ( cf%phenology_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_frootc_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) ) *dt
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ ( cf%dwt_livecrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) + cf%dwt_deadcrootc_to_cwdc_col(c,j) ) *dt
end do
end do
- end do
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- if ( cascade_receiver_pool(k) /= 0 ) then ! skip terminal transitions
+ ! litter and SOM HR fluxes
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) = &
- cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) &
- + cf%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(c,j,k)*dt
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) = &
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) &
+ - ( cf%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(c,j,k) + cf%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(c,j,k)) *dt
end do
end do
- end if
- end do
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end do
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if ( cascade_receiver_pool(k) /= 0 ) then ! skip terminal transitions
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) = &
+ cf%decomp_cpools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) &
+ + cf%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(c,j,k)*dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end do
+ endif !end if is_active_betr_bgc()
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
p = filter_soilp(fp)
@@ -357,6 +380,14 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate1(&
end do ! end of patch loop
+ if(is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ !the following is introduced to fix the spinup problem with simultaneous nitrogen competition
+ call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ cs%frootc_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ cnstate_vars%frootc_nfix_scalar_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ endif
end associate
end subroutine CStateUpdate1
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate2Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate2Mod.F90
index 9b745e1f7708..bcd0333c40bd 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate2Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate2Mod.F90
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ module CNCStateUpdate2Mod
use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
use PatchType , only : pft
use pftvarcon , only : npcropmin
- ! bgc interface & pflotran:
use clm_varctl , only : use_pflotran, pf_cmode
+ use PatchType , only : pft
implicit none
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, update all the prognostic carbon state
! variables affected by gap-phase mortality fluxes
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
@@ -58,30 +59,47 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! column level carbon fluxes from gap-phase mortality
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! column gap mortality fluxes
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ if ( .not. is_active_betr_bgc .and. &
+ (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))) then
+ ! column level carbon fluxes from gap-phase mortality
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! column gap mortality fluxes
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ else if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! column gap mortality fluxes
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
end do
- end do
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ endif
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
@@ -95,7 +113,6 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
cs%deadstemc_patch(p) = cs%deadstemc_patch(p) - cf%m_deadstemc_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
cs%livecrootc_patch(p) = cs%livecrootc_patch(p) - cf%m_livecrootc_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
cs%deadcrootc_patch(p) = cs%deadcrootc_patch(p) - cf%m_deadcrootc_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
! storage pools
cs%leafc_storage_patch(p) = cs%leafc_storage_patch(p) - cf%m_leafc_storage_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
cs%frootc_storage_patch(p) = cs%frootc_storage_patch(p) - cf%m_frootc_storage_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
@@ -126,12 +143,13 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! Update all the prognostic carbon state
! variables affected by harvest mortality fluxes
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
@@ -149,31 +167,44 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! column level carbon fluxes from harvest mortality
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! column harvest fluxes
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%harvest_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
- ! wood to product pools - states updated in CNWoodProducts()
+ if ( (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) .and. &
+ .not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ ! column level carbon fluxes from harvest mortality
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! column harvest fluxes
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%harvest_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! wood to product pools - states updated in CNWoodProducts()
+ end do
end do
- end do
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ else if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_met_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_cel_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%harvest_c_to_litr_lig_c_col(c,j) * dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%harvest_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
@@ -198,7 +229,6 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! xsmrpool
cs%xsmrpool_patch(p) = cs%xsmrpool_patch(p) - cf%hrv_xsmrpool_to_atm_patch(p) * dt
! storage pools
cs%leafc_storage_patch(p) = cs%leafc_storage_patch(p) - cf%hrv_leafc_storage_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
cs%frootc_storage_patch(p) = cs%frootc_storage_patch(p) - cf%hrv_frootc_storage_to_litter_patch(p) * dt
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate3Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate3Mod.F90
index 752880982406..e38819b4c0a1 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate3Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate3Mod.F90
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, update all the prognostic carbon state
! variables affected by fire fluxes
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(carbonflux_type) , intent(in) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
@@ -55,37 +57,64 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! column level carbon fluxes from fire
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
- ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ if ( .not.is_active_betr_bgc )then
+ ! column level carbon fluxes from fire
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ end do
end do
- end do
+ ! litter and CWD losses to fire
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,l) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,l) - cf%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
- ! litter and CWD losses to fire
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ else
+ ! column level carbon fluxes from fire
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,l) = cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,l) - cf%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + cf%fire_mortality_c_to_cwdc_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = cf%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + cf%m_c_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! litter and CWD losses to fire
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ cf%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col(c,j,l) = cf%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col(c,j,l) + cf%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ end do
end do
end do
- end do
+ endif !
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
p = filter_soilp(fp)
! pft-level carbon fluxes from fire
! displayed pools
cs%leafc_patch(p) = cs%leafc_patch(p) - cf%m_leafc_to_fire_patch(p) * dt
@@ -135,6 +164,8 @@ subroutine CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
end do ! end of pft loop
end associate
end subroutine CStateUpdate3
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonFluxType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonFluxType.F90
index fdde01ca385f..e86da223a46b 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonFluxType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonFluxType.F90
@@ -363,6 +363,8 @@ module CNCarbonFluxType
real(r8), pointer :: cwdc_loss_col (:) ! (gC/m2/s) col-level coarse woody debris C loss
real(r8), pointer :: litterc_loss_col (:) ! (gC/m2/s) col-level litter C loss
+ real(r8), pointer :: bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col (:, :, :) ! col-level extneral organic carbon input gC/m3 /time step
+ real(r8), pointer :: bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col (:, :, :) ! col-level extneral organic carbon loss gC/m3 /time step
! patch averaged to column variables - to remove need for pcf_a instance
real(r8), pointer :: rr_col (:) ! column (gC/m2/s) root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) (p2c)
real(r8), pointer :: ar_col (:) ! column (gC/m2/s) autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (p2c)
@@ -399,7 +401,8 @@ module CNCarbonFluxType
procedure , public :: SetValues
procedure , public :: ZeroDWT
procedure , public :: Summary
- procedure , private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure , public :: summary_rr
+ procedure , private :: InitAllocate
procedure , private :: InitHistory
procedure , private :: InitCold
! bgc & pflotran interface
@@ -685,6 +688,9 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%prod100c_loss_col (begc:endc)) ; this%prod100c_loss_col (:) =nan
allocate(this%product_closs_col (begc:endc)) ; this%product_closs_col (:) =nan
+ allocate(this%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col (begc:endc, 1:nlevdecomp_full,ndecomp_pools));this%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col (begc:endc, 1:nlevdecomp_full,ndecomp_pools));this%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col (:,:,:) = nan
allocate(this%lf_conv_cflux_col (begc:endc)) ; this%lf_conv_cflux_col (:) =nan
allocate(this%lithr_col (begc:endc)) ; this%lithr_col (:) =nan
allocate(this%somhr_col (begc:endc)) ; this%somhr_col (:) =nan
@@ -779,7 +785,9 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
use clm_varpar , only : nlevdecomp, nlevdecomp_full, crop_prog, nlevgrnd
use clm_varctl , only : hist_wrtch4diag
use histFileMod, only : hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d, hist_addfld_decomp
- !
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use clm_varctl, only : get_carbontag
+ !
class(carbonflux_type) :: this
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
@@ -795,6 +803,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
character(100) :: longname
real(r8), pointer :: data1dptr(:) ! temp. pointer for slicing larger arrays
real(r8), pointer :: data2dptr(:,:) ! temp. pointer for slicing larger arrays
+ character(len=3) :: ctag
begp = bounds%begp; endp = bounds%endp
@@ -2753,11 +2762,12 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
end do
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if(.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
! output the vertically integrated fluxes only as default
!-- HR fluxes (none from CWD)
@@ -2835,8 +2845,9 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
end if
- end do
+ end do
+ endif
this%t_scalar_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
call hist_addfld_decomp (fname='T_SCALAR', units='unitless', type2d='levdcmp', &
avgflag='A', long_name='temperature inhibition of decomposition', &
@@ -2857,9 +2868,10 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
avgflag='A', long_name='total flux of C from SOM pools due to leaching', &
ptr_col=this%som_c_leached_col)!, default='inactive')
- this%decomp_cpools_leached_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cpools_transport_tendency_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if(.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ this%decomp_cpools_leached_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cpools_transport_tendency_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(k) ) then
data1dptr => this%decomp_cpools_leached_col(:,k)
fieldname = 'M_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'C_TO_LEACHING'
@@ -2875,8 +2887,8 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
- end do
+ end do
+ endif
this%lithr_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='LITHR', units='gC/m^2/s', &
avgflag='A', long_name='litter heterotrophic respiration', &
@@ -3054,6 +3066,25 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
end if
+ ctag=get_carbontag(carbon_type)
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ this%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(begc:endc, :, k) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(:,:,k)
+ fieldname='BGC_'//trim(ctag)//'POOL_EINPUT_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_vr'
+ longname=trim(ctag)//' input to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='g'//ctag//'/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col(begc:endc, :, k) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col(:,:,k)
+ fieldname='BGC_'//trim(ctag)//'POOL_ELOSS_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_vr'
+ longname=trim(ctag)//' loss of '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='g'//ctag//'/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ enddo
! C13 flux variables - native to column
@@ -3081,12 +3112,12 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
end if
end do
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if(.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
!-- HR fluxes (none from CWD)
if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)) ) then
data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(:,:,l)
@@ -3125,8 +3156,9 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
- end do
+ end do
+ endif
this%lithr_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='C13_LITHR', units='gC13/m^2/s', &
avgflag='A', long_name='C13 fine root C litterfall to litter 3 C', &
@@ -3285,12 +3317,12 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
end if
end do
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if(.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
!-- HR fluxes (none from CWD)
if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)) ) then
data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_hr_vr_col(:,:,l)
@@ -3329,8 +3361,9 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
- end do
+ end do
+ endif
this%lithr_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='C14_LITHR', units='gC14/m^2/s', &
avgflag='A', long_name='C14 fine root C litterfall to litter 3 C', &
@@ -3617,7 +3650,7 @@ subroutine Restart ( this, bounds, ncid, flag )
use shr_infnan_mod , only : isnan => shr_infnan_isnan, nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
use clm_time_manager , only : is_restart
use clm_varcon , only : c13ratio, c14ratio
- use clm_varctl , only : use_lch4
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_lch4, use_betr
use restUtilMod
use ncdio_pio
@@ -3694,7 +3727,7 @@ subroutine Restart ( this, bounds, ncid, flag )
end if
- if (use_lch4) then
+ if (use_lch4 .or. use_betr) then
call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname='tempavg_agnpp', xtype=ncd_double, &
long_name='Temp. Average AGNPP',units='gC/m^2/s', &
@@ -4106,6 +4139,8 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
i = filter_column(fi)
this%decomp_cpools_leached_col(i,k) = value_column
this%m_decomp_cpools_to_fire_col(i,k) = value_column
+ this%bgc_cpool_ext_inputs_vr_col(i,:, k) = value_column
+ this%bgc_cpool_ext_loss_vr_col(i,:, k) = value_column
end do
end do
@@ -4235,11 +4270,13 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
! On the radiation time step, perform patch and column-level carbon summary calculations
! !USES:
- use clm_varctl , only: iulog, use_cndv
- use clm_time_manager , only: get_step_size
- use clm_varcon , only: secspday
- use clm_varpar , only: nlevdecomp, ndecomp_pools, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- use subgridAveMod , only: p2c
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog, use_cndv
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varcon , only : secspday
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevdecomp, ndecomp_pools, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ use subgridAveMod , only : p2c
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use MathfuncMod , only : dot_sum
class(carbonflux_type) :: this
@@ -4352,18 +4389,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end if
- ! root respiration (RR)
- this%rr_patch(p) = &
- this%froot_mr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%transfer_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%transfer_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%transfer_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_froot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_livecroot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
- this%cpool_deadcroot_storage_gr_patch(p)
! net primary production (NPP)
this%npp_patch(p) = &
@@ -4674,12 +4700,13 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%cwdc_loss_col(c) = 0._r8
this%som_c_leached_col(c) = 0._r8
end do
+ if ( (.not. is_active_betr_bgc ) .and. &
+ (.not. (use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))) then
+ ! vertically integrate HR and decomposition cascade fluxes
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- ! bgc interface & pflotran:
- !----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- ! vertically integrate HR and decomposition cascade fluxes
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -4693,10 +4720,10 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%decomp_cascade_ctransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
end do
end do
- end do
+ end do
- ! litter heterotrophic respiration (LITHR)
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ ! litter heterotrophic respiration (LITHR)
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
if ( is_litter(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(k)) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -4705,10 +4732,10 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
- end do
+ end do
- ! soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration (SOMHR)
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ ! soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration (SOMHR)
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
if ( is_soil(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(k)) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -4717,35 +4744,43 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
- end do
+ end do
- ! total heterotrophic respiration (HR)
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%hr_col(c) = &
+ ! total heterotrophic respiration (HR)
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%hr_col(c) = &
this%lithr_col(c) + &
- end do
+ end do
- ! total heterotrophic respiration, vertically resolved (HR)
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ ! total heterotrophic respiration, vertically resolved (HR)
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%hr_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
- end do
- end do
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ end do
+ end do
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%hr_vr_col(c,j) = &
this%hr_vr_col(c,j) + &
end do
- end do
- end do
- end if !!if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !----------------------------------------------------------------
+ end do
+ end do
+ elseif (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%hr_col(c) = dot_sum(this%hr_vr_col(c,1:nlevdecomp),dzsoi_decomp(1:nlevdecomp))
+ enddo
+ endif
! bgc interface & pflotran:
@@ -4754,7 +4789,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end if
!! CSummary_interface: hr_col(c) will be used below
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
! total soil respiration, heterotrophic + root respiration (SR)
@@ -4846,9 +4881,10 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
! for vertically-resolved soil biogeochemistry, calculate some diagnostics of carbon pools to a given depth
- ! ! bgc interface & pflotran
- !----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ if ( (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) .and. &
+ (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) ) then
! _col(cWDC_HR) - coarse woody debris heterotrophic respiration
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -4893,7 +4929,9 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
end do
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
if ( is_litter(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(k)) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -4902,12 +4940,12 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
- end do
- end if !!if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !----------------------------------------------------------------
+ end do
- ! add up all vertical transport tendency terms and calculate total som leaching loss as the sum of these
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ else if ((use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ ! add up all vertical transport tendency terms and calculate total som leaching loss as the sum of these
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%decomp_cpools_leached_col(c,l) = 0._r8
@@ -4926,8 +4964,8 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%som_c_leached_col(c) + &
end do
- end do
+ end do
+ endif
end associate
end subroutine Summary
@@ -5136,4 +5174,43 @@ subroutine CSummary_interface(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc)
end associate
end subroutine CSummary_interface
+ !------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine summary_rr(this, bounds, num_soilp, filter_soilp, num_soilc, filter_soilc)
+ !
+ ! description
+ ! summarize root respiration
+ use subgridAveMod , only: p2c
+ class(carbonflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilp
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: num_soilc
+ integer, intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:)
+ integer :: fp, p
+ ! patch loop
+ do fp = 1,num_soilp
+ p = filter_soilp(fp)
+ ! root respiration (RR)
+ this%rr_patch(p) = &
+ this%froot_mr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%transfer_froot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%transfer_livecroot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%transfer_deadcroot_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_froot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_livecroot_storage_gr_patch(p) + &
+ this%cpool_deadcroot_storage_gr_patch(p)
+ enddo
+ call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ this%rr_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ this%rr_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ end subroutine summary_rr
end module CNCarbonFluxType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonStateType.F90
index 34b6a2734694..2988a9b09a0f 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonStateType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNCarbonStateType.F90
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module CNCarbonStateType
real(r8), pointer :: ctrunc_vr_col (:,:) ! col (gC/m3) vertically-resolved column-level sink for C truncation
! pools for dynamic landcover
+ real(r8), pointer :: frootc_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) column-level C pool for fine root
real(r8), pointer :: seedc_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) column-level pool for seeding new Patches
real(r8), pointer :: prod10c_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) wood product C pool, 10-year lifespan
real(r8), pointer :: prod100c_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) wood product C pool, 100-year lifespan
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ module CNCarbonStateType
real(r8), pointer :: totsomc_1m_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter
real(r8), pointer :: totecosysc_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool
real(r8), pointer :: totcolc_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) total column carbon, incl veg and cpool
+ real(r8), pointer :: totabgc_col (:) ! col (gC/m2) total column above ground carbon, excluding som
! Balance checks
real(r8), pointer :: begcb_patch (:) ! patch carbon mass, beginning of time step (gC/m**2)
@@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%totpftc_col (begc :endc)) ; this%totpftc_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%totvegc_col (begc :endc)) ; this%totvegc_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%totabgc_col (begc :endc)) ; this%totabgc_col (:) = nan
this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(:,:,:)= nan
@@ -697,33 +700,36 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
if (carbon_type == 'c12') then
- this%decomp_cpools_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
- if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
- data2dptr => this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(:,:,l)
- fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C_vr'
- longname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//' C (vertically resolved)'
- call hist_addfld2d (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ !those variables are now ouput in betr
+ this%decomp_cpools_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
+ data2dptr => this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(:,:,l)
+ fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C_vr'
+ longname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//' C (vertically resolved)'
+ call hist_addfld2d (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- endif
+ endif
- data1dptr => this%decomp_cpools_col(:,l)
- fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C'
- longname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//' C'
- call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2', &
+ data1dptr => this%decomp_cpools_col(:,l)
+ fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C'
+ longname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//' C'
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
+ if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
data1dptr => this%decomp_cpools_1m_col(:,l)
fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C_1m'
longname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//' C to 1 meter'
call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gC/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
ptr_col=data1dptr, default = 'inactive')
- endif
- end do
+ endif
+ end do
if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
this%totlitc_1m_col(begc:endc) = spval
@@ -806,8 +812,9 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
if ( carbon_type == 'c13' ) then
- this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(begc:endc,:,:) = spval
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
data2dptr => this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(:,:,l)
fieldname = 'C13_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(l))//'C_vr'
@@ -823,7 +830,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds, carbon_type)
call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gC13/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- end do
+ end do
this%seedc_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='C13_SEEDC', units='gC13/m^2', &
@@ -2841,7 +2848,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%totvegc_patch(p) + &
this%xsmrpool_patch(p) + &
+ c = pft%column(p)
! (WOODC) - wood C
this%woodc_patch(p) = &
this%deadstemc_patch(p) + &
@@ -2851,10 +2858,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
- call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
- this%totpftc_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
- this%totpftc_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
call p2c(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
this%totpftc_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
@@ -2866,14 +2870,15 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
! column level summary
- ! vertically integrate each of the decomposing C pools
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ ! vertically integrate each of the decomposing C pools
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%decomp_cpools_col(c,l) = 0._r8
end do
- end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ end do
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -2882,9 +2887,9 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,l) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
end do
end do
- end do
+ end do
- if ( nlevdecomp > 1) then
+ if ( nlevdecomp > 1) then
! vertically integrate each of the decomposing C pools to 1 meter
maxdepth = 1._r8
@@ -2946,14 +2951,14 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end if
end do
- endif
- ! total litter carbon (TOTLITC)
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ endif
+ ! total litter carbon (TOTLITC)
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%totlitc_col(c) = 0._r8
- end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ end do
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
if ( decomp_cascade_con%is_litter(l) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -2962,14 +2967,14 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
- end do
+ end do
- ! total soil organic matter carbon (TOTSOMC)
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ ! total soil organic matter carbon (TOTSOMC)
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%totsomc_col(c) = 0._r8
- end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ end do
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
if ( decomp_cascade_con%is_soil(l) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -2978,14 +2983,14 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
- end do
+ end do
- ! coarse woody debris carbon
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ ! coarse woody debris carbon
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%cwdc_col(c) = 0._r8
- end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ end do
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
if ( decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(l) ) then
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
@@ -2994,7 +2999,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end do
end if
- end do
+ end do
! truncation carbon
do fc = 1,num_soilc
@@ -3037,6 +3042,12 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%totprodc_col(c) + &
this%seedc_col(c) + &
+ this%totabgc_col(c) = &
+ this%totpftc_col(c) + &
+ this%totprodc_col(c) + &
+ this%seedc_col(c) + &
+ this%ctrunc_col(c)
end do
end subroutine Summary
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90
index 48173dfbca5e..c1d8ebddc1da 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNDecompCascadeBGCMod.F90
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
cn_s2 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s2_bgc
cn_s3 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cn_s3_bgc
! set respiration fractions for fluxes between compartments
rf_l1s1 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l1s1_bgc
rf_l2s1 = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%rf_l2s1_bgc
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
cwd_fcel = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_fcel_bgc
cwd_flig = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%cwd_flig_bgc
- ! set path fractions
+ ! set path fractions
f_s2s1 = 0.42_r8/(0.45_r8)
f_s2s3 = 0.03_r8/(0.45_r8)
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
decomp_pool_name_restart(i_litr2) = 'litr2'
decomp_pool_name_history(i_litr2) = 'LITR2'
decomp_pool_name_long(i_litr2) = 'litter 2'
- decomp_pool_name_short(i_litr2) = 'L2'
+ decomp_pool_name_short(i_litr2) = 'L2'
is_litter(i_litr2) = .true.
is_soil(i_litr2) = .false.
is_cwd(i_litr2) = .false.
@@ -451,6 +452,7 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
spinup_factor(i_soil2) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(2)
spinup_factor(i_soil3) = CNDecompBgcParamsInst%spinup_vector(3)
!---------------- list of transitions and their time-independent coefficients ---------------!
i_l1s1 = 1
cascade_step_name(i_l1s1) = 'L1S1'
@@ -521,7 +523,7 @@ subroutine init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
cascade_donor_pool(i_cwdl3) = i_cwd
cascade_receiver_pool(i_cwdl3) = i_litr3
pathfrac_decomp_cascade(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,1:nlevdecomp,i_cwdl3) = cwd_flig
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynBetrMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynBetrMod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..571979da5f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynBetrMod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+module CNEcosystemDynBetrMod
+ !
+ ! betr based aboveground belowground coupling
+ !
+ ! Created by Jinyun Tang
+ ! Now it is only for generic carbon coupling no isotope is attempted below, but will
+ ! be enabled gradually.
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_sys_mod , only : shr_sys_flush
+ use clm_varctl , only : flanduse_timeseries, use_c13, use_c14, use_ed
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
+ use spmdMod , only : masterproc
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_century_decomp
+ use CNStateType , only : cnstate_type
+ use CNCarbonFluxType , only : carbonflux_type
+ use CNCarbonStateType , only : carbonstate_type
+ use CNNitrogenFluxType , only : nitrogenflux_type
+ use CNNitrogenStateType , only : nitrogenstate_type
+ use CNDVType , only : dgvs_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type
+ use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type
+ use atm2lndType , only : atm2lnd_type
+ use SoilStateType , only : soilstate_type
+ use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type
+ use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type
+ use PhotosynthesisType , only : photosyns_type
+ use ch4Mod , only : ch4_type
+ use EnergyFluxType , only : energyflux_type
+ use SoilHydrologyType , only : soilhydrology_type
+ use FrictionVelocityType , only : frictionvel_type
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType , only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BetrTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
+ use PhosphorusFluxType , only : phosphorusflux_type
+ use PhosphorusStateType , only : phosphorusstate_type
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: CNEcosystemDynBetrVeg
+ public :: CNEcosystemDynBetrSummary
+ public :: CNFluxStateBetrSummary
+ public :: CNEcosystemDynBetrInit
+ contains
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrInit(bounds)
+ !
+ ! Initialzation of the CN Ecosystem dynamics.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNAllocationBetrMod, only : CNAllocationBetrInit
+ use CNPhenologyMod , only : CNPhenologyInit
+ use CNFireMod , only : CNFireInit
+ use CNC14DecayMod , only : C14_init_BombSpike
+ !
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call CNAllocationBetrInit (bounds)
+ call CNPhenologyInit (bounds)
+ call CNFireInit (bounds)
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call C14_init_BombSpike()
+ end if
+ end subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrInit
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrVeg(bounds, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, num_pcropp, filter_pcropp, doalb, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, crop_vars, &
+ dgvs_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, energyflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars, &
+ phosphorusflux_vars, phosphorusstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! Update vegetation related state variables and fluxes
+ ! and obtain some belowground fluxes to be applied in belowground bgc
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNNDynamicsMod , only: CNNDeposition,CNNFixation, CNNFert, CNSoyfix
+ use CNMRespMod , only: CNMResp
+ use CNDecompMod , only: CNDecompAlloc
+ use CNPhenologyMod , only: CNPhenology
+ use CNGRespMod , only: CNGResp
+ use CNCStateUpdate1Mod , only: CStateUpdate1,CStateUpdate0
+ use CNNStateUpdate1Mod , only: NStateUpdate1
+ use CNGapMortalityMod , only: CNGapMortality
+ use CNCStateUpdate2Mod , only: CStateUpdate2, CStateUpdate2h
+ use CNNStateUpdate2Mod , only: NStateUpdate2, NStateUpdate2h
+ use CNFireMod , only: CNFireArea, CNFireFluxes
+ use CNCStateUpdate3Mod , only: CStateUpdate3
+ use CNCIsoFluxMod , only: CIsoFlux1, CIsoFlux2, CIsoFlux2h, CIsoFlux3
+ use CNC14DecayMod , only: C14Decay, C14BombSpike
+ use CNWoodProductsMod , only: CNWoodProducts
+ use CNDecompCascadeBGCMod , only: decomp_rate_constants_bgc
+ use CNDecompCascadeCNMod , only: decomp_rate_constants_cn
+ use CropType , only: crop_type
+ use dynHarvestMod , only: CNHarvest
+ use clm_varpar , only: crop_prog
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType , only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNAllocationBetrMod , only : calc_plant_nutrient_demand
+ use CNVerticalProfileMod , only : decomp_vertprofiles
+ use CNAllocationBetrMod , only : plantCNAlloc
+ use CNNStateUpdate3Mod , only : NStateUpdate3
+ implicit none
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_pcropp ! number of prog. crop patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_pcropp(:) ! filter for prognostic crop patches
+ logical , intent(in) :: doalb ! true = surface albedo calculation time step
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_vars
+ type(crop_type) , intent(inout) :: crop_vars
+ type(dgvs_type) , intent(inout) :: dgvs_vars
+ type(photosyns_type) , intent(in) :: photosyns_vars
+ type(soilhydrology_type) , intent(in) :: soilhydrology_vars
+ type(energyflux_type) , intent(in) :: energyflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(inout) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ type(phosphorusflux_type) , intent(inout) :: phosphorusflux_vars
+ type(phosphorusstate_type) , intent(inout) :: phosphorusstate_vars
+ ! --------------------------------------------------
+ ! zero the column-level C and N fluxes
+ ! --------------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNZero')
+ call carbonflux_vars%SetValues( &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, 0._r8, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, 0._r8)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call c13_carbonflux_vars%SetValues( &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, 0._r8, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, 0._r8)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call c14_carbonflux_vars%SetValues( &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, 0._r8, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, 0._r8)
+ end if
+ call nitrogenflux_vars%SetValues( &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, 0._r8, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, 0._r8)
+ call t_stopf('CNZero')
+ ! --------------------------------------------------
+ ! Nitrogen Deposition, Fixation and Respiration
+ ! --------------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNDeposition')
+ call CNNDeposition(bounds, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNDeposition')
+ call t_startf('CNFixation')
+ call CNNFixation( num_soilc, filter_soilc, waterflux_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNFixation')
+ call t_startf('CNMResp')
+ if (crop_prog) then
+ call CNNFert(bounds, num_soilc,filter_soilc, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars)
+ call CNSoyfix(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ waterstate_vars, crop_vars, cnstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ end if
+ call CNMResp(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, photosyns_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNMResp')
+ !calculate vertical profiles to destribute various variables, this could also pet put outside this block of codes
+ call decomp_vertprofiles(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ soilstate_vars, canopystate_vars, cnstate_vars)
+ call calc_plant_nutrient_demand(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ photosyns_vars, crop_vars, canopystate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars )
+ call calc_fpg(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_totn_demand_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ nitrogenstate_vars%plant_nbuffer_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ cnstate_vars%fpg_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ call plantCNAlloc(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ photosyns_vars, cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! Phenology
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! CNphenology needs to be called after CNdecompAlloc, because it
+ ! depends on current time-step fluxes to new growth on the last
+ ! litterfall timestep in deciduous systems
+ call t_startf('CNPhenology')
+ call CNPhenology(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ num_pcropp, filter_pcropp, doalb, &
+ waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, crop_vars, canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, &
+ dgvs_vars, cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
+ nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars, phosphorusflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNPhenology')
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! Growth respiration
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNGResp')
+ call CNGResp(num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars)
+ call carbonflux_vars%summary_rr(bounds,num_soilp, filter_soilp, num_soilc, filter_soilc)
+ call t_stopf('CNGResp')
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! CNUpdate0
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNUpdate0')
+ call CStateUpdate0(&
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate0(&
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate0(&
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ call t_stopf('CNUpdate0')
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! Update1
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNUpdate1')
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c13_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c13')
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c14_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c14')
+ end if
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ call NStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNUpdate1')
+ call t_startf('CNGapMortality')
+ call CNGapMortality( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ dgvs_vars, cnstate_vars, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars, phosphorusflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNGapMortality')
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! Update2
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ call t_startf('CNUpdate2')
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c13_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c13')
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c14_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c14')
+ end if
+ call CStateUpdate2( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ call NStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars)
+ if (flanduse_timeseries /= ' ') then
+ call CNHarvest(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c13_carbonflux_vars, &
+ isotopestate_vars=c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c13')
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c14_carbonflux_vars, &
+ isotopestate_vars=c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c14')
+ end if
+ call CStateUpdate2h( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ call NStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars)
+ call CNWoodProducts(num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars, phosphorusflux_vars)
+ call CNFireArea(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, temperature_vars, energyflux_vars, soilhydrology_vars, waterstate_vars, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ call CNFireFluxes(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ dgvs_vars, cnstate_vars, carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNUpdate2')
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ ! Update3
+ !--------------------------------------------
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c13_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c13')
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CIsoFlux3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotopeflux_vars=c14_carbonflux_vars, isotopestate_vars=c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ isotope='c14')
+ end if
+ call CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call CStateUpdate3( num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call C14Decay(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ c14_carbonstate_vars)
+ call C14BombSpike(num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ cnstate_vars)
+ end if
+ call t_startf('CNUpdate3')
+ call NStateUpdate3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars)
+ call t_stopf('CNUpdate3')
+ end subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrVeg
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrSummary(bounds, &
+ num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, num_pcropp, filter_pcropp, doalb, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, crop_vars, &
+ dgvs_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, energyflux_vars, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars, phosphorusstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! this goes after leaching is done
+ ! !USES:
+ use CNNDynamicsMod , only: CNNDeposition,CNNFixation, CNNFert, CNSoyfix
+ use CNMRespMod , only: CNMResp
+ use CNDecompMod , only: CNDecompAlloc
+ use CNPhenologyMod , only: CNPhenology
+ use CNGRespMod , only: CNGResp
+ use CNCStateUpdate1Mod , only: CStateUpdate1,CStateUpdate0
+ use CNNStateUpdate1Mod , only: NStateUpdate1
+ use CNGapMortalityMod , only: CNGapMortality
+ use CNCStateUpdate2Mod , only: CStateUpdate2, CStateUpdate2h
+ use CNNStateUpdate2Mod , only: NStateUpdate2, NStateUpdate2h
+ use CNFireMod , only: CNFireArea, CNFireFluxes
+ use CNCStateUpdate3Mod , only: CStateUpdate3
+ use CNCIsoFluxMod , only: CIsoFlux1, CIsoFlux2, CIsoFlux2h, CIsoFlux3
+ use CNC14DecayMod , only: C14Decay, C14BombSpike
+ use CNWoodProductsMod , only: CNWoodProducts
+ use CNDecompCascadeBGCMod , only: decomp_rate_constants_bgc
+ use CNDecompCascadeCNMod , only: decomp_rate_constants_cn
+ use CropType , only: crop_type
+ use dynHarvestMod , only: CNHarvest
+ use clm_varpar , only: crop_prog
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType , only: plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use CNPrecisionControlMod , only: CNPrecisionControl
+ implicit none
+ !
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_pcropp ! number of prog. crop patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_pcropp(:) ! filter for prognostic crop patches
+ logical , intent(in) :: doalb ! true = surface albedo calculation time step
+ type(cnstate_type) , intent(inout) :: cnstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_vars
+ type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_vars
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
+ type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_vars
+ type(soilstate_type) , intent(in) :: soilstate_vars
+ type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_vars
+ type(crop_type) , intent(in) :: crop_vars
+ type(dgvs_type) , intent(inout) :: dgvs_vars
+ type(photosyns_type) , intent(in) :: photosyns_vars
+ type(soilhydrology_type) , intent(in) :: soilhydrology_vars
+ type(energyflux_type) , intent(in) :: energyflux_vars
+ type(plantsoilnutrientflux_type) , intent(in) :: plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ type(phosphorusstate_type) , intent(inout) :: phosphorusstate_vars
+ call nitrogenstate_vars%nbuffer_update(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars%plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
+ call t_startf('CNsum')
+ call CNPrecisionControl(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars)
+ end subroutine CNEcosystemDynBetrSummary
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine CNFluxStateBetrSummary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !
+ ! summarize all fluxes and state varaibles, prepare for mass balance analysis
+ !
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonstate_vars !
+ type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars !
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonstate_vars !
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars !
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars !
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(in) :: tracerstate_vars !
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(in) :: tracerflux_vars !
+ call carbonflux_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, 'bulk')
+ call carbonstate_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ call c13_carbonflux_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, 'c13')
+ call c13_carbonstate_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ call c14_carbonflux_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, 'c14')
+ call c14_carbonstate_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+ end if
+ call nitrogenflux_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+ call nitrogenstate_vars%Summary(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp)
+ call t_stopf('CNsum')
+ end subroutine CNFluxStateBetrSummary
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calc_fpg(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, plant_totn_demand_flx, plant_nbuffer, fpg)
+ !
+ ! calculate gpp downregulation factor
+ use PlantSoilnutrientFluxType, only : plantsoilnutrientflux_type
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: plant_totn_demand_flx(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: plant_nbuffer(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: fpg(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ integer :: fc, c
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do fc=1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! calculate the fraction of potential growth that can be
+ ! acheived with the N available to plants
+ ! now a silly question here is does plant take more than necessary?
+ if (plant_totn_demand_flx(c) > 0.0_r8) then
+ fpg(c) = min(plant_nbuffer(c) / (plant_totn_demand_flx(c)*dtime),1._r8)
+ if(fpg(c)<1._r8)then
+ plant_nbuffer(c) = 0._r8
+ else
+ plant_nbuffer(c) = plant_nbuffer(c)-plant_totn_demand_flx(c)*dtime
+ endif
+ !plant_totn_demand_flx(c) = plant_totn_demand_flx(c)* (1._r8-fpg(c))
+ else
+ fpg(c) = 1.0_r8
+ end if
+ enddo
+ end subroutine calc_fpg
+end module CNEcosystemDynBetrMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynMod.F90
index 6a815d8f566c..ef0e6bce2307 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNEcosystemDynMod.F90
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ subroutine CNEcosystemDynNoLeaching1(bounds, &
call t_stopf('CNDeposition')
call t_startf('CNFixation')
- call CNNFixation( num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ call CNNFixation( num_soilc, filter_soilc, waterflux_vars, &
carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
call t_stopf('CNFixation')
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ subroutine CNEcosystemDynNoLeaching2(bounds, &
call CNGResp(num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
call t_stopf('CNGResp')
+ call carbonflux_vars%summary_rr(bounds, num_soilp, filter_soilp, num_soilc, filter_soilc)
! Dynamic Roots
@@ -613,15 +613,15 @@ subroutine CNEcosystemDynNoLeaching2(bounds, &
end if
- call CStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars)
if ( use_c13 ) then
- call CStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
cnstate_vars, c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars)
end if
if ( use_c14 ) then
- call CStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
+ call CStateUpdate1(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
cnstate_vars, c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars)
end if
@@ -782,6 +782,5 @@ subroutine CNEcosystemDynNoLeaching2(bounds, &
end if !end of if not use_ed block
end subroutine CNEcosystemDynNoLeaching2
end module CNEcosystemDynMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNGapMortalityMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNGapMortalityMod.F90
index ffc839136090..b4f07a09d899 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNGapMortalityMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNGapMortalityMod.F90
@@ -430,7 +430,6 @@ subroutine CNGapPftToColumn ( &
(m_livestemc_to_litter(p) + m_deadstemc_to_litter(p)) * wtcol(p) * stem_prof(p,j)
gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc(c,j) = gap_mortality_c_to_cwdc(c,j) + &
(m_livecrootc_to_litter(p) + m_deadcrootc_to_litter(p)) * wtcol(p) * croot_prof(p,j)
! storage gap mortality carbon fluxes
gap_mortality_c_to_litr_met_c(c,j) = gap_mortality_c_to_litr_met_c(c,j) + &
(m_leafc_storage_to_litter(p) + m_gresp_storage_to_litter(p)) * wtcol(p) * leaf_prof(p,j)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNDynamicsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNDynamicsMod.F90
index 0d0def8a0a61..f5da4af27143 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNDynamicsMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNDynamicsMod.F90
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ subroutine CNNDeposition( bounds, &
end subroutine CNNDeposition
- subroutine CNNFixation(num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ subroutine CNNFixation(num_soilc, filter_soilc, waterflux_vars, &
carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars)
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ subroutine CNNFixation(num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
@@ -164,39 +165,54 @@ subroutine CNNFixation(num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
integer :: c,fc ! indices
real(r8) :: t ! temporary
real(r8) :: dayspyr ! days per year
+ real(r8) :: secspyr ! seconds per yr
+ logical :: do_et_bnf = .false.
cannsum_npp => carbonflux_vars%annsum_npp_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] nitrogen deposition rate (gN/m2/s)
col_lag_npp => carbonflux_vars%lag_npp_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] (gC/m2/s) lagged net primary production
+ qflx_tran_veg => waterflux_vars%qflx_tran_veg_col , & ! col vegetation transpiration (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
+ qflx_evap_veg => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_veg_col , & ! col vegetation evaporation (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
nfix_to_sminn => nitrogenflux_vars%nfix_to_sminn_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N (gN/m2/s)
dayspyr = get_days_per_year()
- if ( nfix_timeconst > 0._r8 .and. nfix_timeconst < 500._r8 ) then
- ! use exponential relaxation with time constant nfix_timeconst for NPP - NFIX relation
- ! Loop through columns
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- if (col_lag_npp(c) /= spval) then
- ! need to put npp in units of gC/m^2/year here first
- t = (1.8_r8 * (1._r8 - exp(-0.003_r8 * col_lag_npp(c)*(secspday * dayspyr))))/(secspday * dayspyr)
- nfix_to_sminn(c) = max(0._r8,t)
- else
- nfix_to_sminn(c) = 0._r8
- endif
- end do
+ if (do_et_bnf) then
+ secspyr = dayspyr * 86400._r8
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c =filter_soilc(fc)
+ !use the cleveland equation
+ t = 0.00102_r8*(qflx_evap_veg(c)+qflx_tran_veg(c))+0.0524_r8/secspyr
+ nfix_to_sminn(c) = max(0._r8, t)
+ enddo
- ! use annual-mean values for NPP-NFIX relation
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- t = (1.8_r8 * (1._r8 - exp(-0.003_r8 * cannsum_npp(c))))/(secspday * dayspyr)
- nfix_to_sminn(c) = max(0._r8,t)
- end do
+ if ( nfix_timeconst > 0._r8 .and. nfix_timeconst < 500._r8 ) then
+ ! use exponential relaxation with time constant nfix_timeconst for NPP - NFIX relation
+ ! Loop through columns
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if (col_lag_npp(c) /= spval) then
+ ! need to put npp in units of gC/m^2/year here first
+ t = (1.8_r8 * (1._r8 - exp(-0.003_r8 * col_lag_npp(c)*(secspday * dayspyr))))/(secspday * dayspyr)
+ nfix_to_sminn(c) = max(0._r8,t)
+ else
+ nfix_to_sminn(c) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ end do
+ else
+ ! use annual-mean values for NPP-NFIX relation
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ t = (1.8_r8 * (1._r8 - exp(-0.003_r8 * cannsum_npp(c))))/(secspday * dayspyr)
+ nfix_to_sminn(c) = max(0._r8,t)
+ end do
+ endif
end associate
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate1Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate1Mod.F90
index 5b54f6947ef3..c738cedb5613 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate1Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate1Mod.F90
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! On the radiation time step, update all the prognostic nitrogen state
! variables (except for gap-phase mortality and fire fluxes)
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
integer :: c,p,j,l,k ! indices
integer :: fp,fc ! lake filter indices
real(r8):: dt ! radiation time step (seconds)
+ real(r8), parameter :: frootc_nfix_thc = 10._r8 !threshold fine root carbon for nitrogen fixation gC/m2
associate( &
@@ -80,200 +82,244 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate1(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
ns%seedn_col(c) = ns%seedn_col(c) - nf%dwt_seedn_to_deadstem_col(c) * dt
end do
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ !summarize Organic N input and mineral nitrogen input from litter, deposition, fixation and fertilization
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%plant_nbuffer_col(c) = ns%plant_nbuffer_col(c) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * exp(-cnstate_vars%frootc_nfix_scalar_col(c)/frootc_nfix_thc)
+ enddo
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- ! N deposition and fixation
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%ndep_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
- else
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
! N deposition and fixation (put all into NH4 pool)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%ndep_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
- end if
- ! plant to litter fluxes
- ! phenology and dynamic landcover fluxes
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- ( nf%dwt_livecrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_deadcrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) ) * dt
- end do
- end do
+ nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) = nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) + nf%ndep_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ !now a fraction of fixed nitrogen is first added to plant nitrogen pool
+ nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) = nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j) * (1._r8-exp(-cnstate_vars%frootc_nfix_scalar_col(c)/frootc_nfix_thc))
+ ! plant to litter fluxes
+ ! phenology and dynamic landcover fluxes
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + &
+ ( nf%dwt_livecrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_deadcrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! repeating N dep and fixation for crops
+ if ( crop_prog )then
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! N deposition and fixation (put all into NH4 pool)
+ nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) = nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) + nf%fert_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) = nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) + nf%soyfixn_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) = nf%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j) + nf%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ elseif (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- ! repeating N dep and fixation for crops
- if ( crop_prog )then
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
! N deposition and fixation
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%fert_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%soyfixn_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%ndep_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
! N deposition and fixation (put all into NH4 pool)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%fert_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%soyfixn_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%ndep_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%nfix_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
end if
- end do
- end do
- end if
- ! decomposition fluxes
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) = &
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) - &
- nf%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) * dt
+ ! plant to litter fluxes
+ ! phenology and dynamic landcover fluxes
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ ( nf%phenology_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_frootn_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) ) * dt
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ ( nf%dwt_livecrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) + nf%dwt_deadcrootn_to_cwdn_col(c,j) ) * dt
end do
end do
- end do
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- if ( cascade_receiver_pool(k) /= 0 ) then ! skip terminal transitions
+ ! repeating N dep and fixation for crops
+ if ( crop_prog )then
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) = &
- nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) + &
- (nf%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k)) * dt
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ ! N deposition and fixation
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%fert_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%soyfixn_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ else
+ ! N deposition and fixation (put all into NH4 pool)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%fert_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * ndep_prof(c,j)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%soyfixn_to_sminn_col(c)*dt * nfixation_prof(c,j)
+ end if
end do
end do
- else ! terminal transitions
+ end if
+ ! decomposition fluxes
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) = &
nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) - &
- nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k) * dt
+ nf%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) * dt
end do
end do
- end if
- end do
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- !--------------------------------------------------------
- !------------- NITRIF_DENITRIF OFF -------------------
- !--------------------------------------------------------
+ end do
- ! immobilization/mineralization in litter-to-SOM and SOM-to-SOM fluxes and denitrification fluxes
do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
if ( cascade_receiver_pool(k) /= 0 ) then ! skip terminal transitions
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - &
- (nf%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,k) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k))* dt
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) = &
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_receiver_pool(k)) + &
+ (nf%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k)) * dt
end do
end do
- else
+ else ! terminal transitions
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,k)* dt
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k)* dt
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) = &
+ nf%decomp_npools_sourcesink_col(c,j,cascade_donor_pool(k)) - &
+ nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k) * dt
end do
end do
- endif
+ end if
end do
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! "bulk denitrification"
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_denit_excess_vr_col(c,j) * dt
- ! total plant uptake from mineral N
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ! flux that prevents N limitation (when Carbon_only is set)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ !------------- NITRIF_DENITRIF OFF -------------------
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ ! immobilization/mineralization in litter-to-SOM and SOM-to-SOM fluxes and denitrification fluxes
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if ( cascade_receiver_pool(k) /= 0 ) then ! skip terminal transitions
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - &
+ (nf%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,k) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k))* dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,k)* dt
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k)* dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
end do
- end do
- else
- !--------------------------------------------------------
- !------------- NITRIF_DENITRIF ON --------------------
- !--------------------------------------------------------
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! mineralization fluxes (divert a fraction of this stream to nitrification flux, add the rest to NH4 pool)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%gross_nmin_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ! immobilization fluxes
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%actual_immob_no3_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ! plant uptake fluxes
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ! Account for nitrification fluxes
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + nf%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dt * (1._r8 - nitrif_n2o_loss_frac)
- ! Account for denitrification fluxes
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dt
- ! flux that prevents N limitation (when Carbon_only is set; put all into NH4)
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j)*dt
- ! update diagnostic total
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j)
- end do ! end of column loop
- end do
- end if
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! "bulk denitrification"
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_denit_excess_vr_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! total plant uptake from mineral N
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ! flux that prevents N limitation (when Carbon_only is set)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) + nf%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ !------------- NITRIF_DENITRIF ON --------------------
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! mineralization fluxes (divert a fraction of this stream to nitrification flux, add the rest to NH4 pool)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%gross_nmin_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ! immobilization fluxes
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%actual_immob_no3_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ! plant uptake fluxes
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ! Account for nitrification fluxes
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) - nf%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + nf%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dt * (1._r8 - nitrif_n2o_loss_frac)
+ ! Account for denitrification fluxes
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - nf%f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! flux that prevents N limitation (when Carbon_only is set; put all into NH4)
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + nf%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j)*dt
+ ! update diagnostic total
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j)
+ end do ! end of column loop
+ end do
+ end if
+ endif !end if is_active_betr_bgc
! patch loop
do fp = 1,num_soilp
p = filter_soilp(fp)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate2Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate2Mod.F90
index 2f70ad066946..405cbe9d16f4 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate2Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate2Mod.F90
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! NOTE - associate statements have been removed where there are
! no science equations. This increases readability and maintainability
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
@@ -60,29 +61,42 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate2(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
! column-level nitrogen fluxes from gap-phase mortality
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ if ( .not. is_active_betr_bgc .and. &
+ .not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
end do
- end do
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ elseif (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%gap_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
! patch -level nitrogen fluxes from gap-phase mortality
@@ -130,12 +144,13 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! NOTE - associate statements have been removed where there are
! no science equations. This increases readability and maintainability
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
@@ -153,28 +168,40 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate2h(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! if coupled with pflotran, the following updates are NOT needed
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! column-level nitrogen fluxes from harvest mortality
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%harvest_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc .and. &
+ .not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
+ ! column-level nitrogen fluxes from harvest mortality
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%harvest_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
end do
- end do
- endif ! if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ elseif (is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_met_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_cel_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%harvest_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(c,j) * dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = &
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%harvest_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
! patch-level nitrogen fluxes from harvest mortality
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate3Mod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate3Mod.F90
index a62c50a20e03..057600453fde 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate3Mod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNStateUpdate3Mod.F90
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! NOTE - associate statements have been removed where there are
! no science equations. This increases readability and maintainability.
+ use tracer_varcon, only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilp ! number of soil patches in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilp(:) ! filter for soil patches
- type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenflux_vars
+ type(nitrogenflux_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenflux_vars
type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
@@ -58,51 +59,78 @@ subroutine NStateUpdate3(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp, &
! set time steps
dt = real( get_step_size(), r8 )
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- ! mineral N loss due to leaching
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dt
- else
- ! mineral N loss due to leaching and runoff
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = max( ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - &
- ( nf%smin_no3_leached_vr_col(c,j) + nf%smin_no3_runoff_vr_col(c,j) ) * dt, 0._r8)
- ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)
- end if
- ! column level nitrogen fluxes from fire
- ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%fire_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
- ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
- end do ! end of column loop
- end do
- ! litter and CWD losses to fire
- do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) then
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,l) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,l) - nf%m_decomp_npools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ ! mineral N loss due to leaching
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) - nf%sminn_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dt
+ else
+ ! mineral N loss due to leaching and runoff
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = max( ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) - &
+ ( nf%smin_no3_leached_vr_col(c,j) + nf%smin_no3_runoff_vr_col(c,j) ) * dt, 0._r8)
+ ns%sminn_vr_col(c,j) = ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) + ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)
+ end if
+ ! column level nitrogen fluxes from fire
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%fire_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ end do ! end of column loop
+ end do
+ ! litter and CWD losses to fire
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,l) = ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,l) - nf%m_decomp_npools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ end do
end do
end do
- end do
+ else
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! column level nitrogen fluxes from fire
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level CWD (uncombusted wood)
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cwd) + nf%fire_mortality_n_to_cwdn_col(c,j) * dt
+ ! pft-level wood to column-level litter (uncombusted wood)
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_met_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_met_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_cel_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_cel_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,i_lig_lit) + nf%m_n_to_litr_lig_fire_col(c,j)* dt
+ end do ! end of column loop
+ end do
+ ! litter and CWD losses to fire
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! column loop
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ nf%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col(c,j,l) = nf%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col(c,j,l) + nf%m_decomp_npools_to_fire_vr_col(c,j,l) * dt
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
! patch-level nitrogen fluxes
do fp = 1,num_soilp
p = filter_soilp(fp)
!from fire displayed pools
ns%leafn_patch(p) = ns%leafn_patch(p) - nf%m_leafn_to_fire_patch(p) * dt
ns%frootn_patch(p) = ns%frootn_patch(p) - nf%m_frootn_to_fire_patch(p) * dt
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenFluxType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenFluxType.F90
index efe84feff230..254ea5379ad7 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenFluxType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenFluxType.F90
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ module CNNitrogenFluxType
real(r8), pointer :: nfix_to_sminn_col (:) ! col symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N (gN/m2/s)
real(r8), pointer :: fert_to_sminn_col (:) ! col fertilizer N to soil mineral N (gN/m2/s)
real(r8), pointer :: soyfixn_to_sminn_col (:) ! col soybean fixation to soil mineral N (gN/m2/s)
! phenology: litterfall and crop fluxes
real(r8), pointer :: phenology_n_to_litr_met_n_col (:,:) ! col N fluxes associated with phenology (litterfall and crop) to litter metabolic pool (gN/m3/s)
real(r8), pointer :: phenology_n_to_litr_cel_n_col (:,:) ! col N fluxes associated with phenology (litterfall and crop) to litter cellulose pool (gN/m3/s)
@@ -226,6 +226,15 @@ module CNNitrogenFluxType
real(r8), pointer :: net_nmin_vr_col (:,:) ! col vertically-resolved net rate of N mineralization (gN/m3/s)
real(r8), pointer :: net_nmin_col (:) ! col vert-int (diagnostic) net rate of N mineralization (gN/m2/s)
+ real(r8), pointer :: sminn_no3_input_vr_col (:,:) !col no3 input, gN/m3/time step
+ real(r8), pointer :: sminn_nh4_input_vr_col (:,:) !col nh4 input, gN/m3/time step
+ real(r8), pointer :: sminn_no3_input_col (:) !col no3 input, gN/m2
+ real(r8), pointer :: sminn_nh4_input_col (:) !col nh4 input, gN/m2
+ real(r8), pointer :: sminn_input_col (:) !col minn input, gN/m2
+ real(r8), pointer :: bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col (:,:,:) !col organic nitrogen input, gN/m3/time step
+ real(r8), pointer :: bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col (:,:,:) !col extneral organic nitrogen loss, gN/m3/time step
+ real(r8), pointer :: bgc_npool_inputs_col (:,:) !col organic N input, gN/m2/time step
! ---------- NITRIF_DENITRIF ---------------------
! nitrification / denitrification fluxes
@@ -601,6 +610,9 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%smin_no3_to_plant_col (begc:endc)) ; this%smin_no3_to_plant_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%smin_nh4_to_plant_col (begc:endc)) ; this%smin_nh4_to_plant_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%f_nit_col (begc:endc)) ; this%f_nit_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%f_denit_col (begc:endc)) ; this%f_denit_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%n2_n2o_ratio_denit_vr_col (:,:) = nan
@@ -609,6 +621,16 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%f_n2o_nit_col (begc:endc)) ; this%f_n2o_nit_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%f_n2o_nit_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%f_n2o_nit_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%sminn_nh4_input_col (begc:endc)) ; this%sminn_nh4_input_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%sminn_no3_input_col (begc:endc)) ; this%sminn_no3_input_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%sminn_input_col (begc:endc)) ; this%sminn_input_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full,ndecomp_pools)) ;this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full,ndecomp_pools)) ;this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%bgc_npool_inputs_col (begc:endc,ndecomp_pools)) ;this%bgc_npool_inputs_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%smin_no3_massdens_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%smin_no3_massdens_vr_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%soil_bulkdensity_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%soil_bulkdensity_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%k_nitr_t_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%k_nitr_t_vr_col (:,:) = nan
@@ -726,6 +748,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevgrnd, crop_prog
use histFileMod , only : hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d, hist_addfld_decomp
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc, do_betr_leaching
class(nitrogenflux_type) :: this
@@ -1189,85 +1212,120 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- ! vertically integrated fluxes
- !-- mineralization/immobilization fluxes (none from CWD)
- if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)) ) then
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(begc:endc,l) = spval
- data1dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(:,l)
- if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
- fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'//&
- trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//&
- trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))
- longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
- //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
- 'to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))
- else
- fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))&
- //'N_TO_SMINN'
- longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
- //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))
- endif
- call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^2', &
- avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- ptr_col=data1dptr)
- end if
- !-- transfer fluxes (none from terminal pool, if present)
- if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(begc:endc,l) = spval
- data1dptr => this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(:,l)
- fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//'N_TO_'//&
- trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N'
- longname = 'decomp. of '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
- ' N to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//' N'
- call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^2', &
- avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- ptr_col=data1dptr)
- end if
- ! vertically resolved fluxes
- if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ ! vertically integrated fluxes
!-- mineralization/immobilization fluxes (none from CWD)
if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)) ) then
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(begc:endc,:,l) = spval
- data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(:,:,l)
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(begc:endc,l) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(:,l)
if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
- fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'&
- //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//&
- trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//trim(vr_suffix)
+ fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'//&
+ trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//&
+ trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))
longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
'to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))
fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))&
- //'N_TO_SMINN'//trim(vr_suffix)
+ //'N_TO_SMINN'
longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
- call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
- endif
+ ptr_col=data1dptr)
+ end if
!-- transfer fluxes (none from terminal pool, if present)
if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,l) = spval
- data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(:,:,l)
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(begc:endc,l) = spval
+ data1dptr => this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(:,l)
fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//'N_TO_'//&
- trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))&
- //'N'//trim(vr_suffix)
- longname = 'decomp. of '&
- //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
+ trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N'
+ longname = 'decomp. of '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
' N to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//' N'
- call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
- ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ ptr_col=data1dptr)
+ end if
+ ! vertically resolved fluxes
+ if ( nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
+ !-- mineralization/immobilization fluxes (none from CWD)
+ if ( .not. decomp_cascade_con%is_cwd(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)) ) then
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(begc:endc,:,l) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(:,:,l)
+ if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
+ fieldname = 'SMINN_TO_'&
+ //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//'N_'//&
+ trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_short(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//trim(vr_suffix)
+ longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
+ //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
+ 'to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))
+ else
+ fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))&
+ //'N_TO_SMINN'//trim(vr_suffix)
+ longname = 'mineral N flux for decomp. of '&
+ //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))
+ endif
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ !-- transfer fluxes (none from terminal pool, if present)
+ if ( decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l) /= 0 ) then
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(begc:endc,:,l) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(:,:,l)
+ fieldname = trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//'N_TO_'//&
+ trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))&
+ //'N'//trim(vr_suffix)
+ longname = 'decomp. of '&
+ //trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_donor_pool(l)))//&
+ ' N to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_long(decomp_cascade_con%cascade_receiver_pool(l)))//' N'
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ endif
+ end do
+ endif
- endif
- end do
+ this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col(:,:)
+ fieldname='SMINN_NO3_INPUT_vr'
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3/s', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(:,:)
+ fieldname='SMINN_NH4_INPUT_vr'
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3/s', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(begc:endc, :, k) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(:,:,k)
+ fieldname='BGC_NPOOL_EINPUT_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_vr'
+ longname='N input to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col(begc:endc, :, k) = spval
+ data2dptr => this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col(:,:,k)
+ fieldname='BGC_NPOOL_ELOSS_'//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))//'_vr'
+ longname='N LOSS to '//trim(decomp_cascade_con%decomp_pool_name_history(k))
+ call hist_addfld_decomp (fname=fieldname, units='gN/m^3', type2d='levdcmp', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name=longname, &
+ ptr_col=data2dptr, default='inactive')
+ enddo
this%denit_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='DENIT', units='gN/m^2/s', &
avgflag='A', long_name='total rate of denitrification', &
@@ -1618,6 +1676,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
ptr_col=this%sminn_to_plant_vr_col, default='inactive')
end if
if ( use_nitrif_denitrif .and. nlevdecomp_full > 1 ) then
this%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(begc:endc,:) = spval
call hist_addfld_decomp (fname='SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN'//trim(vr_suffix), units='gN/m^3/s', type2d='levdcmp', &
@@ -2149,6 +2208,7 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
! Set nitrogen flux variables
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
class (nitrogenflux_type) :: this
@@ -2334,7 +2394,7 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
this%harvest_n_to_litr_lig_n_col(i,j) = value_column
this%harvest_n_to_cwdn_col(i,j) = value_column
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif .and. (.not.is_active_betr_bgc )) then
this%sminn_to_denit_excess_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
this%sminn_leached_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
@@ -2386,6 +2446,8 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
this%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
this%gross_nmin_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
this%net_nmin_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
+ this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col(i,j) = value_column
end do
end do
@@ -2410,7 +2472,7 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
this%gross_nmin_col(i) = value_column
this%net_nmin_col(i) = value_column
this%denit_col(i) = value_column
- if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ if (use_nitrif_denitrif .or. is_active_betr_bgc) then
this%f_nit_col(i) = value_column
this%pot_f_nit_col(i) = value_column
this%f_denit_col(i) = value_column
@@ -2420,12 +2482,14 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
this%smin_no3_leached_col(i) = value_column
this%smin_no3_runoff_col(i) = value_column
- ! pflotran
this%f_ngas_decomp_col(i) = value_column
this%f_ngas_nitri_col(i) = value_column
this%f_ngas_denit_col(i) = value_column
this%f_n2o_soil_col(i) = value_column
this%f_n2_soil_col(i) = value_column
+ this%smin_nh4_to_plant_col(i) = value_column
+ this%smin_no3_to_plant_col(i) = value_column
this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(i) = value_column
this%sminn_leached_col(i) = value_column
@@ -2434,7 +2498,9 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
this%noutputs_col(i) = value_column
this%fire_nloss_col(i) = value_column
this%som_n_leached_col(i) = value_column
+ this%sminn_input_col(i) = value_column
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_col(i) = value_column
+ this%sminn_no3_input_col(i) = value_column
! Zero p2c column fluxes
this%fire_nloss_col(i) = value_column
this%wood_harvestn_col(i) = value_column
@@ -2448,6 +2514,9 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
i = filter_column(fi)
this%decomp_npools_leached_col(i,k) = value_column
this%m_decomp_npools_to_fire_col(i,k) = value_column
+ this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col (i,:,k) = value_column
+ this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col (i,:,k) = value_column
+ this%bgc_npool_inputs_col (i,k) = value_column
end do
end do
@@ -2461,29 +2530,31 @@ subroutine SetValues ( this, &
end do
end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- do fi = 1,num_column
- i = filter_column(fi)
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(i,l) = value_column
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(i,l) = value_column
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(i,l) = value_column
- end if
- end do
- end do
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp_full
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
do fi = 1,num_column
i = filter_column(fi)
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(i,l) = value_column
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(i,l) = value_column
if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(i,l) = value_column
end if
end do
end do
- end do
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp_full
+ do fi = 1,num_column
+ i = filter_column(fi)
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(i,j,l) = value_column
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
do j = 1, nlevdecomp_full
@@ -2574,8 +2645,7 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
use clm_varctl , only: use_nitrif_denitrif
use subgridAveMod , only: p2c
use pftvarcon , only : npcropmin
- ! pflotran
-! use clm_varctl , only: use_pflotran, pf_cmode
+ use tracer_varcon , only: is_active_betr_bgc, do_betr_leaching
class (nitrogenflux_type) :: this
@@ -2647,115 +2717,165 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%supplement_to_sminn_col(c) = 0._r8
this%som_n_leached_col(c) = 0._r8
end do
- ! pflotran
- !----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) then
- ! vertically integrate decomposing N cascade fluxes and soil mineral N fluxes associated with decomposition cascade
- do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ if ( (.not. (is_active_betr_bgc )) .and. &
+ (.not. (use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode)) ) then
+ ! BeTR is off AND PFLOTRAN's pf_cmode is false
+ ! vertically integrate decomposing N cascade fluxes and
+ !soil mineral N fluxes associated with decomposition cascade
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(c,k) = &
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(c,k) + &
- this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(c,k) = &
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(c,k) + &
- this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(c,k) = &
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_col(c,k) + &
+ this%decomp_cascade_ntransfer_vr_col(c,j,k) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(c,k) = &
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_col(c,k) + &
+ this%decomp_cascade_sminn_flux_vr_col(c,j,k) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ end do
end do
end do
- end do
- if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- ! vertically integrate each denitrification flux
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ if (.not. use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ ! vertically integrate each denitrification flux
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l) = &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l) + &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,l) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! vertically integrate bulk denitrification and leaching flux
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l) = &
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l) + &
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_vr_col(c,j,l) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c) = &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_excess_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%sminn_leached_col(c) = &
+ this%sminn_leached_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
end do
end do
- end do
- ! vertically integrate bulk denitrification and leaching flux
- do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ ! total N denitrification (DENIT)
+ do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%denit_col(c) = &
+ this%denit_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l)
+ end do
+ end do
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c) = &
- this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c) + &
- this%sminn_to_denit_excess_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- this%sminn_leached_col(c) = &
- this%sminn_leached_col(c) + &
- this%sminn_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%denit_col(c) = &
+ this%denit_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c)
end do
- end do
+ else
- ! total N denitrification (DENIT)
- do l = 1, ndecomp_cascade_transitions
+ ! vertically integrate NO3 NH4 N2O fluxes and pools
+ do j = 1, nlevdecomp
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ ! nitrification and denitrification fluxes
+ this%f_nit_col(c) = &
+ this%f_nit_col(c) + &
+ this%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%f_denit_col(c) = &
+ this%f_denit_col(c) + &
+ this%f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%pot_f_nit_col(c) = &
+ this%pot_f_nit_col(c) + &
+ this%pot_f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%pot_f_denit_col(c) = &
+ this%pot_f_denit_col(c) + &
+ this%pot_f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%f_n2o_nit_col(c) = &
+ this%f_n2o_nit_col(c) + &
+ this%f_n2o_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%f_n2o_denit_col(c) = &
+ this%f_n2o_denit_col(c) + &
+ this%f_n2o_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ if (.not. do_betr_leaching) then
+ ! leaching/runoff flux
+ this%smin_no3_leached_col(c) = &
+ this%smin_no3_leached_col(c) + &
+ this%smin_no3_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) = &
+ this%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) + &
+ this%smin_no3_runoff_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%denit_col(c) = &
- this%denit_col(c) + &
- this%sminn_to_denit_decomp_cascade_col(c,l)
+ this%denit_col(c) = this%f_denit_col(c)
end do
- end do
+ end if
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- this%denit_col(c) = &
- this%denit_col(c) + &
- this%sminn_to_denit_excess_col(c)
- end do
+ elseif (is_active_betr_bgc) then
- else
+ ! BeTR is active
- ! vertically integrate NO3 NH4 N2O fluxes and pools
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- ! nitrification and denitrification fluxes
- this%f_nit_col(c) = &
- this%f_nit_col(c) + &
- this%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%f_denit_col(c) = &
this%f_denit_col(c) + &
this%f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- this%pot_f_nit_col(c) = &
- this%pot_f_nit_col(c) + &
- this%pot_f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- this%pot_f_denit_col(c) = &
- this%pot_f_denit_col(c) + &
- this%pot_f_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%actual_immob_vr_col(c,j) = &
+ this%actual_immob_nh4_vr_col(c,j) + &
+ this%actual_immob_no3_vr_col(c,j)
+ this%actual_immob_col(c) = &
+ this%actual_immob_col(c) + &
+ this%actual_immob_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%f_nit_col(c) = &
+ this%f_nit_col(c) + &
+ this%f_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
this%f_n2o_nit_col(c) = &
this%f_n2o_nit_col(c) + &
this%f_n2o_nit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- this%f_n2o_denit_col(c) = &
- this%f_n2o_denit_col(c) + &
- this%f_n2o_denit_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- ! leaching/runoff flux
- this%smin_no3_leached_col(c) = &
- this%smin_no3_leached_col(c) + &
- this%smin_no3_leached_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- this%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) = &
- this%smin_no3_runoff_col(c) + &
- this%smin_no3_runoff_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
- end do
- end do
+ this%smin_nh4_to_plant_col(c) = &
+ this%smin_nh4_to_plant_col(c) + &
+ this%smin_nh4_to_plant_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%smin_no3_to_plant_col(c) = &
+ this%smin_no3_to_plant_col(c) + &
+ this%smin_no3_to_plant_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
this%denit_col(c) = this%f_denit_col(c)
@@ -2763,9 +2883,6 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
end if
- end if !!if (.not.(use_pflotran .and. pf_cmode))
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------
! vertically integrate column-level fire N losses
do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
do j = 1, nlevdecomp
@@ -2799,6 +2916,18 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%supplement_to_sminn_col(c) = &
this%supplement_to_sminn_col(c) + &
this%supplement_to_sminn_vr_col(c,j) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%sminn_input_col(c) = &
+ this%sminn_input_col(c) + &
+ (this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j)+this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col(c,j))*dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_col(c) = &
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_nh4_input_vr_col(c,j)*dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%sminn_no3_input_col(c) = &
+ this%sminn_no3_input_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_no3_input_vr_col(c,j)*dzsoi_decomp(j)
end do
end do
@@ -2829,6 +2958,9 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%decomp_npools_leached_col(c,l) = &
this%decomp_npools_leached_col(c,l) + &
this%decomp_npools_transport_tendency_col(c,j,l) * dzsoi_decomp(j)
+ this%bgc_npool_inputs_col(c,l) = this%bgc_npool_inputs_col(c,l) + &
+ (this%bgc_npool_ext_inputs_vr_col(c,j,l)-this%bgc_npool_ext_loss_vr_col(c,j,l))*dzsoi_decomp(j)
end do
end do
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenStateType.F90
index 985233b56abf..7b8d3e68fc04 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenStateType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNNitrogenStateType.F90
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ module CNNitrogenStateType
real(r8), pointer :: totsomn_1m_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total soil organic matter nitrogen to 1 meter
real(r8), pointer :: totecosysn_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total ecosystem nitrogen, incl veg
real(r8), pointer :: totcoln_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total column nitrogen, incl veg
+ real(r8), pointer :: totabgn_col (:) ! col (gN/m2)
+ real(r8), pointer :: totblgn_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total below ground nitrogen
! patch averaged to column variables
real(r8), pointer :: totvegn_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total vegetation nitrogen (p2c)
real(r8), pointer :: totpftn_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) total pft-level nitrogen (p2c)
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ module CNNitrogenStateType
real(r8), pointer :: smin_nh4sorb_vr_col (:,:) ! col (gN/m3) vertically-resolved soil mineral NH4 absorbed
real(r8), pointer :: smin_nh4sorb_col (:) ! col (gN/m2) soil mineral NH4 pool absorbed
+ real(r8), pointer :: plant_nbuffer_col (:) ! col plant nitrogen buffer, (gN/m2), used to exchange info with betr
procedure , public :: Init
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@ module CNNitrogenStateType
procedure , public :: SetValues
procedure , public :: ZeroDWT
procedure , public :: Summary
- procedure , private :: InitAllocate
+ procedure , public :: nbuffer_update
+ procedure , private :: InitAllocate
procedure , private :: InitHistory
procedure , private :: InitCold
@@ -211,7 +214,8 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%decomp_npools_1m_col (begc:endc,1:ndecomp_pools)) ; this%decomp_npools_1m_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%totpftn_col (begc:endc)) ; this%totpftn_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%totvegn_col (begc:endc)) ; this%totvegn_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%totabgn_col (begc:endc)) ; this%totabgn_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%totblgn_col (begc:endc)) ; this%totblgn_col (:) = nan
this%decomp_npools_vr_col(:,:,:)= nan
@@ -222,10 +226,11 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%errnb_patch (begp:endp)); this%errnb_patch (:) =nan
allocate(this%errnb_col (begc:endc)); this%errnb_col (:) =nan
- ! pflotran
allocate(this%smin_nh4sorb_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevdecomp_full)) ; this%smin_nh4sorb_vr_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%smin_nh4sorb_col (begc:endc)) ; this%smin_nh4sorb_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%plant_nbuffer_col(begc:endc));this%plant_nbuffer_col(:) = nan
end subroutine InitAllocate
@@ -452,6 +457,11 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
+ this%plant_nbuffer_col(begc:endc) = spval
+ call hist_addfld1d (fname='PLANTN_BUFFER', units='gN/m^2', &
+ avgflag='A', long_name='plant nitrogen stored as buffer', &
+ ptr_col=this%plant_nbuffer_col)
this%ntrunc_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='COL_NTRUNC', units='gN/m^2', &
avgflag='A', long_name='column-level sink for N truncation', &
@@ -705,7 +715,6 @@ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds, &
this%decomp_npools_col(c,k) = decomp_cpools_col(c,k) / decomp_cascade_con%initial_cn_ratio(k)
this%decomp_npools_1m_col(c,k) = decomp_cpools_1m_col(c,k) / decomp_cascade_con%initial_cn_ratio(k)
end do
if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
do j = 1, nlevdecomp_full
this%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
@@ -730,6 +739,7 @@ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds, &
this%prod10n_col(c) = 0._r8
this%prod100n_col(c) = 0._r8
this%totprodn_col(c) = 0._r8
+ this%plant_nbuffer_col(c) = 1._r8
end if
end do
@@ -1023,6 +1033,10 @@ subroutine Restart ( this, bounds, ncid, flag )
end do
end do
+ call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname='plant_nbuffer', xtype=ncd_double, &
+ dim1name='column', long_name='', units='', &
+ interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=this%plant_nbuffer_col)
call restartvar(ncid=ncid, flag=flag, varname='totcoln', xtype=ncd_double, &
dim1name='column', long_name='', units='', &
interpinic_flag='interp', readvar=readvar, data=this%totcoln_col)
@@ -1599,9 +1613,53 @@ subroutine Summary(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soil
this%sminn_col(c) + &
this%totprodn_col(c) + &
this%seedn_col(c) + &
- this%ntrunc_col(c)
+ this%ntrunc_col(c) + &
+ this%plant_nbuffer_col(c)
+ this%totabgn_col (c) = &
+ this%totpftn_col(c) + &
+ this%totprodn_col(c) + &
+ this%seedn_col(c) + &
+ this%ntrunc_col(c) + &
+ this%plant_nbuffer_col(c)
+ this%totblgn_col(c) = &
+ this%cwdn_col(c) + &
+ this%totlitn_col(c) + &
+ this%totsomn_col(c) + &
+ this%sminn_col(c)
end do
end subroutine Summary
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine nbuffer_update(this, bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
+ plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col, plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col)
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ class (nitrogenstate_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
+ integer :: fc, c
+ real(r8) :: dtime
+ dtime = get_step_size()
+ do fc = 1, num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ this%plant_nbuffer_col(c) = this%plant_nbuffer_col(c) + &
+ (plant_minn_active_yield_flx_col(c) + &
+ plant_minn_passive_yield_flx_col(c))*dtime
+ enddo
+ end subroutine nbuffer_update
end module CNNitrogenStateType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNPrecisionControlMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNPrecisionControlMod.F90
index 53bd2e16aacc..30e8aa902aa1 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNPrecisionControlMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNPrecisionControlMod.F90
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ subroutine CNPrecisionControl(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp,
use clm_varctl , only : iulog, use_c13, use_c14, use_nitrif_denitrif
use clm_varpar , only : nlevdecomp, crop_prog
use pftvarcon , only : nc3crop
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
@@ -663,86 +664,84 @@ subroutine CNPrecisionControl(num_soilc, filter_soilc, num_soilp, filter_soilp,
end do ! end of pft loop
- ! column loop
- do fc = 1,num_soilc
- c = filter_soilc(fc)
- do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- ! initialize the column-level C and N truncation terms
- cc = 0._r8
- if ( use_c13 ) cc13 = 0._r8
- if ( use_c14 ) cc14 = 0._r8
- cn = 0._r8
- cp = 0._r8
- ! do tests on state variables for precision control
- ! for linked C-N state variables, perform precision test on
- ! the C component, but truncate both C and N components
- ! all decomposing pools C and N
- ! add P pools -- X.YANG
- do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
- if (abs(cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)) < ccrit) then
- cc = cc + cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
- cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
- cn = cn + ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,k)
- ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
- if ( use_c13 ) then
- cc13 = cc13 + c13cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
- c13cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
- endif
- if ( use_c14 ) then
- cc14 = cc14 + c14cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
- c14cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
- endif
- cp = cp + ps%decomp_ppools_vr_col(c,j,k)
- ps%decomp_ppools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
- end if
- end do
- ! not doing precision control on soil mineral N, since it will
- ! be getting the N truncation flux anyway.
- cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc
- ns%ntrunc_vr_col(c,j) = ns%ntrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cn
- ps%ptrunc_vr_col(c,j) = ps%ptrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cp
- if ( use_c13 ) then
- c13cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = c13cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc13
- endif
- if ( use_c14 ) then
- c14cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = c14cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc14
- endif
- end do
- end do ! end of column loop
- if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- ! remove small negative perturbations for stability purposes, if any should arise.
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc) then
+ ! column loop
do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
- if (abs(ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j)) < ncrit/1e4_r8) then
- if ( ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) < 0._r8 ) then
- write(iulog, *) '-10^-12 < smin_no3 < 0. resetting to zero.'
- write(iulog, *) 'smin_no3_vr_col(c,j), c, j: ', ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j), c, j
- ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
- endif
- end if
- if (abs(ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)) < ncrit/1e4_r8) then
- if ( ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) < 0._r8 ) then
- write(iulog, *) '-10^-12 < smin_nh4 < 0. resetting to zero.'
- write(iulog, *) 'smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j), c, j: ', ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j), c, j
- ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
- endif
- end if
+ ! initialize the column-level C and N truncation terms
+ cc = 0._r8
+ if ( use_c13 ) cc13 = 0._r8
+ if ( use_c14 ) cc14 = 0._r8
+ cn = 0._r8
+ ! do tests on state variables for precision control
+ ! for linked C-N state variables, perform precision test on
+ ! the C component, but truncate both C and N components
+ ! all decomposing pools C and N
+ do k = 1, ndecomp_pools
+ if (abs(cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)) < ccrit) then
+ cc = cc + cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
+ cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
+ cn = cn + ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,k)
+ ns%decomp_npools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ cc13 = cc13 + c13cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
+ c13cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ cc14 = cc14 + c14cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)
+ c14cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! not doing precision control on soil mineral N, since it will
+ ! be getting the N truncation flux anyway.
+ cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc
+ ns%ntrunc_vr_col(c,j) = ns%ntrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cn
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
+ c13cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = c13cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc13
+ endif
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
+ c14cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) = c14cs%ctrunc_vr_col(c,j) + cc14
+ endif
end do
- end do
- endif
+ end do ! end of column loop
+ if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ ! remove small negative perturbations for stability purposes, if any should arise.
+ do fc = 1,num_soilc
+ c = filter_soilc(fc)
+ do j = 1,nlevdecomp
+ if (abs(ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j)) < ncrit/1e4_r8) then
+ if ( ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) < 0._r8 ) then
+ write(iulog, *) '-10^-12 < smin_no3 < 0. resetting to zero.'
+ write(iulog, *) 'smin_no3_vr_col(c,j), c, j: ', ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j), c, j
+ ns%smin_no3_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ end if
+ if (abs(ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j)) < ncrit/1e4_r8) then
+ if ( ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) < 0._r8 ) then
+ write(iulog, *) '-10^-12 < smin_nh4 < 0. resetting to zero.'
+ write(iulog, *) 'smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j), c, j: ', ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j), c, j
+ ns%smin_nh4_vr_col(c,j) = 0._r8
+ endif
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ endif
+ endif ! if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc)
end associate
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNSoilLittVertTranspMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNSoilLittVertTranspMod.F90
index 97f071738fb0..b815c49caeb8 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNSoilLittVertTranspMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNSoilLittVertTranspMod.F90
@@ -438,7 +438,6 @@ subroutine CNSoilLittVertTransp(bounds, num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
end do
end do
! for CWD pools, just add
do j = 1,nlevdecomp
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNStateType.F90
index 8b00256a114d..69a13a2f6564 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNStateType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNStateType.F90
@@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ module CNStateType
real(r8), pointer :: tempmax_retransp_patch (:) ! patch temporary annual max of retranslocated P pool (gP/m2)
real(r8), pointer :: annmax_retransp_patch (:) ! patch annual max of retranslocated P pool (gP/m2)
+ real(r8), pointer :: frootc_nfix_scalar_col (:) ! col scalar for nitrogen fixation
+ real(r8), pointer :: decomp_litpool_rcn_col (:,:,:) ! cn ratios of the decomposition pools
- integer :: CropRestYear ! restart year from initial conditions file - increment as time elapses
+ integer :: CropRestYear ! restart year from initial conditions file - increment as time elapses
@@ -262,7 +263,8 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%wtlf_col (begc:endc)) ; this%wtlf_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%lfwt_col (begc:endc)) ; this%lfwt_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%farea_burned_col (begc:endc)) ; this%farea_burned_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%decomp_litpool_rcn_col (begc:endc, 1:nlevdecomp_full, 4)); this%decomp_litpool_rcn_col (:,:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%frootc_nfix_scalar_col (begc:endc)) ; this%frootc_nfix_scalar_col(:) = nan
this%CropRestYear = 0
allocate(this%dormant_flag_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%dormant_flag_patch (:) = nan
@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%tempmax_retransn_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%tempmax_retransn_patch (:) = nan
allocate(this%annmax_retransn_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%annmax_retransn_patch (:) = nan
allocate(this%downreg_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%downreg_patch (:) = nan
- allocate(this%rc14_atm_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%rc14_atm_patch (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%rc14_atm_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%rc14_atm_patch (:) = nan
!! add phosphorus -X.YANG
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNWoodProductsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNWoodProductsMod.F90
index e3c45d8b199b..3c5768b2f3eb 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNWoodProductsMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNWoodProductsMod.F90
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ subroutine CNWoodProducts(num_soilc, filter_soilc, &
integer , intent(in) :: num_soilc ! number of soil columns in filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_soilc(:) ! filter for soil columns
- type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: carbonstate_vars
- type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: c13_carbonstate_vars
- type(carbonstate_type) , intent(in) :: c14_carbonstate_vars
- type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(in) :: nitrogenstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonstate_vars
+ type(carbonstate_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonstate_vars
+ type(nitrogenstate_type) , intent(inout) :: nitrogenstate_vars
type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: carbonflux_vars
type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c13_carbonflux_vars
type(carbonflux_type) , intent(inout) :: c14_carbonflux_vars
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/ChemStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/ChemStateType.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5865c2500087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/ChemStateType.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+module ChemStateType
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
+ use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ use abortutils , only : endrun
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private
+ !----------------------------------------------------
+ ! column chemical state variables structure
+ !----------------------------------------------------
+ type, public :: chemstate_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: soil_pH(:,:) ! soil pH (-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)
+ contains
+ procedure, public :: Init
+ procedure, private :: InitAllocate
+ end type chemstate_type
+ contains
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Init(this, bounds)
+ class(chemstate_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ call this%InitAllocate(bounds)
+ end subroutine Init
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
+ !
+ ! Initialize module data structure
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi
+ !
+ class(chemstate_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
+ !
+ integer :: begp, endp
+ integer :: begc, endc
+ integer :: begg, endg
+ integer :: lbj, ubj
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ begc = bounds%begc;
+ endc = bounds%endc
+ lbj = 1;
+ ubj = nlevsoi
+ allocate(this%soil_pH(begc:endc, lbj:ubj))
+ end subroutine InitAllocate
+end module ChemStateType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/VOCEmissionMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/VOCEmissionMod.F90
index f6bfb926a257..d42daf546ed0 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeochem/VOCEmissionMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeochem/VOCEmissionMod.F90
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%vocflx_tot_patch (begp:endp)); this%vocflx_tot_patch (:) = nan
allocate(this%efisop_grc (6,begg:endg)); this%efisop_grc (:,:) = nan
do i=1,shr_megan_megcomps_n
@@ -324,7 +323,6 @@ subroutine InitCold(this, bounds)
call getfil (fsurdat, locfn, 0)
call ncd_pio_openfile (ncid, locfn, 0)
call ncd_io(ncid=ncid, varname='EF1_BTR', flag='read', data=temp_ef, dim1name=grlnd, readvar=readvar)
if (.not. readvar) then
call endrun(msg='iniTimeConst: errror reading EF1_BTR'//errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90
index 04f2b559b922..d75c13081bec 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@ subroutine BareGroundFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
qflx_ev_h2osfc => waterflux_vars%qflx_ev_h2osfc_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] evaporation flux from h2osfc (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
qflx_evap_soi => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_soi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] soil evaporation (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
qflx_evap_tot => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_tot_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg
begp => bounds%begp , &
endp => bounds%endp &
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyFluxesMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyFluxesMod.F90
index d791cf895cf4..640776218cad 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyFluxesMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyFluxesMod.F90
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
! !USES:
use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_TKFRZ, SHR_CONST_RGAS
- use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_prev_date
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_prev_date, get_nstep
use clm_varcon , only : sb, cpair, hvap, vkc, grav, denice
use clm_varcon , only : denh2o, tfrz, csoilc, tlsai_crit, alpha_aero
use clm_varcon , only : isecspday, degpsec
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
use QSatMod , only : QSat
use FrictionVelocityMod, only : FrictionVelocity, MoninObukIni
use SoilWaterRetentionCurveMod, only : soil_water_retention_curve_type
+ use SurfaceResistanceMod, only : getlblcef
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
sabv => solarabs_vars%sabv_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] solar radiation absorbed by vegetation (W/m**2)
+ lbl_rsc_h2o => canopystate_vars%lbl_rsc_h2o_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] laminar boundary layer resistance for h2o
frac_veg_nosno => canopystate_vars%frac_veg_nosno_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] fraction of vegetation not covered by snow (0 OR 1) [-]
elai => canopystate_vars%elai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index with burying by snow
esai => canopystate_vars%esai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided stem area index with burying by snow
@@ -456,6 +458,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
cf_bare = forc_pbot(c)/(SHR_CONST_RGAS*0.001_r8*thm(p))*1.e06_r8
rssun(p) = 1._r8/1.e15_r8 * cf_bare
rssha(p) = 1._r8/1.e15_r8 * cf_bare
+ lbl_rsc_h2o(p)=0._r8
do j = 1, nlevgrnd
rootr(p,j) = 0._r8
rresis(p,j) = 0._r8
@@ -746,6 +749,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
! Bulk boundary layer resistance of leaves
uaf(p) = um(p)*sqrt( 1._r8/(ram1(p)*um(p)) )
cf = 0.01_r8/(sqrt(uaf(p))*sqrt(dleaf(pft%itype(p))))
rb(p) = 1._r8/(cf*uaf(p))
rb1(p) = rb(p)
@@ -1084,6 +1088,11 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxes(bounds, num_nolakeurbanp, filter_nolakeurbanp, &
end do ! end of filtered pft loop
+ do f = 1, fn
+ p = filterp(f)
+ lbl_rsc_h2o(p) = getlblcef(forc_rho(c),t_veg(p))*uaf(p)/(uaf(p)**2._r8+1.e-10_r8) !laminar boundary resistance for h2o over leaf, should I make this consistent for latent heat calculation?
+ enddo
! Test for convergence
itlef = itlef+1
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyHydrologyMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyHydrologyMod.F90
index 06691d00a5e7..80ae4411ffef 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyHydrologyMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyHydrologyMod.F90
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ subroutine CanopyHydrology(bounds, &
! update surface water fraction (this may modify frac_sno)
call FracH2oSfc(bounds, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, &
- waterstate_vars)
+ waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars%qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col)
end associate
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ end subroutine FracWet
subroutine FracH2OSfc(bounds, num_h2osfc, filter_h2osfc, &
- waterstate_vars, no_update)
+ waterstate_vars, qflx_h2osfc2topsoi, no_update)
! Determine fraction of land surfaces which are submerged
@@ -643,12 +643,14 @@ subroutine FracH2OSfc(bounds, num_h2osfc, filter_h2osfc, &
use shr_const_mod , only : shr_const_pi
use shr_spfn_mod , only : erf => shr_spfn_erf
use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop
+ use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
integer , intent(in) :: num_h2osfc ! number of column points in column filter
integer , intent(in) :: filter_h2osfc(:) ! column filter
type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_vars
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: qflx_h2osfc2topsoi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)
integer , intent(in), optional :: no_update ! flag to make calculation w/o updating variables
@@ -656,6 +658,7 @@ subroutine FracH2OSfc(bounds, num_h2osfc, filter_h2osfc, &
real(r8):: d,fd,dfdd ! temporary variable for frac_h2oscs iteration
real(r8):: sigma ! microtopography pdf sigma in mm
real(r8):: min_h2osfc
+ real(r8):: dtime
associate( &
@@ -670,13 +673,14 @@ subroutine FracH2OSfc(bounds, num_h2osfc, filter_h2osfc, &
frac_h2osfc => waterstate_vars%frac_h2osfc_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] col fractional area with surface water greater than zero
+ dtime=get_step_size()
! arbitrary lower limit on h2osfc for safer numerics...
do f = 1, num_h2osfc
c = filter_h2osfc(f)
l = col%landunit(c)
+ qflx_h2osfc2topsoi(c) = 0._r8
! h2osfc only calculated for soil vegetated land units
if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then
@@ -703,6 +707,7 @@ subroutine FracH2OSfc(bounds, num_h2osfc, filter_h2osfc, &
frac_h2osfc(c) = 0._r8
h2osoi_liq(c,1) = h2osoi_liq(c,1) + h2osfc(c)
+ qflx_h2osfc2topsoi(c) = h2osfc(c)/dtime
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyStateType.F90
index 5465697591c4..d03fc535793a 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyStateType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/CanopyStateType.F90
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module CanopyStateType
real(r8) , pointer :: rscanopy_patch (:) ! patch canopy stomatal resistance (s/m) (ED specific)
+ real(r8), pointer :: lbl_rsc_h2o_patch (:) ! laminar boundary layer resistance for water over dry leaf (s/m)
procedure, public :: Init
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%dewmx_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%dewmx_patch (:) = nan
allocate(this%rscanopy_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%rscanopy_patch (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%lbl_rsc_h2o_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%lbl_rsc_h2o_patch (:) = nan
end subroutine InitAllocate
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyDrainageMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyDrainageMod.F90
index 7f86daa4c0e3..1abb4b26d698 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyDrainageMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyDrainageMod.F90
@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ subroutine HydrologyDrainage(bounds, &
use landunit_varcon , only : istice, istwet, istsoil, istice_mec, istcrop
use column_varcon , only : icol_roof, icol_road_imperv, icol_road_perv, icol_sunwall, icol_shadewall
use clm_varcon , only : denh2o, denice, secspday
- use clm_varctl , only : glc_snow_persistence_max_days, use_vichydro
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevurb
+ use clm_varctl , only : glc_snow_persistence_max_days, use_vichydro, use_betr
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevurb, nlevsoi
use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_nstep
use SoilHydrologyMod , only : CLMVICMap, Drainage
+ use TracerParamsMod , only : pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux, diagnose_drainage_water_flux
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
@@ -122,11 +123,21 @@ subroutine HydrologyDrainage(bounds, &
soilhydrology_vars, waterstate_vars)
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
+ h2osoi_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevsoi))
+ endif
call Drainage(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
num_urbanc, filter_urbanc,&
temperature_vars, soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, &
waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars)
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call diagnose_drainage_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
+ h2osoi_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevsoi), waterflux_vars)
+ endif
do j = 1, nlevgrnd
do fc = 1, num_nolakec
c = filter_nolakec(fc)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyNoDrainageMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyNoDrainageMod.F90
index 220096bbc1d3..5d7f73276e80 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyNoDrainageMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/HydrologyNoDrainageMod.F90
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
atm2lnd_vars, soilstate_vars, energyflux_vars, temperature_vars, &
waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, &
soilhydrology_vars, aerosol_vars, &
- soil_water_retention_curve)
+ soil_water_retention_curve, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
! This is the main subroutine to execute the calculation of soil/snow
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
use landunit_varcon , only : istice, istwet, istsoil, istice_mec, istcrop, istdlak
use column_varcon , only : icol_roof, icol_road_imperv, icol_road_perv, icol_sunwall
use column_varcon , only : icol_shadewall
- use clm_varctl , only : use_cn
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_cn, use_betr
use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevsno, nlevsoi, nlevurb
use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_nstep
use SnowHydrologyMod , only : SnowCompaction, CombineSnowLayers, DivideSnowLayers
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
use SoilHydrologyMod , only : CLMVICMap, SurfaceRunoff, Infiltration, WaterTable
use SoilWaterMovementMod , only : SoilWater
use SoilWaterRetentionCurveMod, only : soil_water_retention_curve_type
+ use TracerParamsMod , only : pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux, diagnose_advect_water_flux, calc_smp_l
+ use BetrBGCMod , only : calc_dew_sub_flux
+ use tracerfluxType , only : tracerflux_type
+ use tracerstatetype , only : tracerstate_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : betrtracer_type
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
@@ -91,6 +96,9 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
type(aerosol_type) , intent(inout) :: aerosol_vars
type(soilhydrology_type) , intent(inout) :: soilhydrology_vars
class(soil_water_retention_curve_type), intent(in) :: soil_water_retention_curve
+ type(betrtracer_type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars ! betr configuration information
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars ! tracer flux
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! tracer state variables data structure
integer :: g,l,c,j,fc ! indices
@@ -142,6 +150,10 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
h2osno_top => waterstate_vars%h2osno_top_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] mass of snow in top layer (col) [kg]
wf => waterstate_vars%wf_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m
wf2 => waterstate_vars%wf2_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.17 m
+ h2osoi_liqvol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liqvol_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric liquid water content
+ h2osoi_icevol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_icevol_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric liquid water content
+ air_vol => waterstate_vars%air_vol_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric air porosity
+ eff_porosity => soilstate_vars%eff_porosity_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] effective soil porosity
watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)
sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] minimum soil suction (mm)
@@ -161,11 +173,14 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
call BuildSnowFilter(bounds, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, &
num_snowc, filter_snowc, num_nosnowc, filter_nosnowc)
! Determine the change of snow mass and the snow water onto soil
call SnowWater(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, num_nosnowc, filter_nosnowc, &
atm2lnd_vars, waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, aerosol_vars)
! mapping soilmoist from CLM to VIC layers for runoff calculations
if (use_vichydro) then
call CLMVICMap(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
@@ -179,10 +194,25 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
energyflux_vars, soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, &
waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars)
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call pre_diagnose_soilcol_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
+ waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevsoi))
+ endif
call SoilWater(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call diagnose_advect_water_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
+ waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevsoi), &
+ soilhydrology_vars%qcharge_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), waterflux_vars)
+ call calc_smp_l(bounds, 1, nlevgrnd, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
+ temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, 1:nlevgrnd), &
+ soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, soil_water_retention_curve)
+ endif
if (use_vichydro) then
! mapping soilmoist from CLM to VIC layers for runoff calculations
call CLMVICMap(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
@@ -192,6 +222,12 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
call WaterTable(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, filter_urbanc, &
soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars)
+ if (use_betr) then
+ !apply dew and sublimation fluxes, this is a temporary work aroud for tracking water isotope
+ !Jinyun Tang, Feb 4, 2015
+ call calc_dew_sub_flux(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
+ waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ endif
! Natural compaction and metamorphosis.
call SnowCompaction(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, &
temperature_vars, waterstate_vars)
@@ -343,6 +379,11 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
.or. ctype(c) == icol_roof) .and. j > nlevurb) then
h2osoi_vol(c,j) = h2osoi_liq(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denh2o) + h2osoi_ice(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denice)
+ h2osoi_liqvol(c,j) = h2osoi_liq(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denh2o)
+ h2osoi_icevol(c,j) = h2osoi_ice(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denice)
+ air_vol(c,j) = max(1.e-4_r8,watsat(c,j) - h2osoi_vol(c,j))
+ eff_porosity(c,j) = max(0.01_r8,watsat(c,j) - h2osoi_ice(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denice))
end if
end do
end do
@@ -373,22 +414,6 @@ subroutine HydrologyNoDrainage(bounds, &
end do
end if
- ! Update smp_l for history and for ch4Mod.
- ! ZMS: Note, this form, which seems to be the same as used in SoilWater, DOES NOT distinguish between
- ! ice and water volume, in contrast to the soilpsi calculation above. It won't be used in ch4Mod if
- ! t_soisno <= tfrz, though.
- do j = 1, nlevgrnd
- do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
- c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
- s_node = max(h2osoi_vol(c,j)/watsat(c,j), 0.01_r8)
- s_node = min(1.0_r8, s_node)
- smp_l(c,j) = -sucsat(c,j)*s_node**(-bsw(c,j))
- smp_l(c,j) = max(smpmin(c), smp_l(c,j))
- end do
- end do
if (use_cn) then
! Available soil water up to a depth of 0.05 m.
! Potentially available soil water (=whc) up to a depth of 0.05 m.
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/QSatMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/QSatMod.F90
index 53e690e4631c..0dc61b4f3a53 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/QSatMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/QSatMod.F90
@@ -5,41 +5,16 @@ module QSatMod
! Computes saturation mixing ratio and the change in saturation
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
implicit none
+ private
public :: QSat
+ public :: rhoSat
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- subroutine QSat (T, p, es, esdT, qs, qsdT)
- !
- ! Computes saturation mixing ratio and the change in saturation
- ! mixing ratio with respect to temperature.
- ! Reference: Polynomial approximations from:
- ! Piotr J. Flatau, et al.,1992: Polynomial fits to saturation
- ! vapor pressure. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31, 1507-1513.
- !
- ! !USES:
- use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
- use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
- !
- implicit none
- real(r8), intent(in) :: T ! temperature (K)
- real(r8), intent(in) :: p ! surface atmospheric pressure (pa)
- real(r8), intent(out) :: es ! vapor pressure (pa)
- real(r8), intent(out) :: esdT ! d(es)/d(T)
- real(r8), intent(out) :: qs ! humidity (kg/kg)
- real(r8), intent(out) :: qsdT ! d(qs)/d(T)
- !
- real(r8) :: T_limit
- real(r8) :: td,vp,vp1,vp2
! For water vapor (temperature range 0C-100C)
real(r8), parameter :: a0 = 6.11213476_r8
real(r8), parameter :: a1 = 0.444007856_r8
@@ -79,7 +54,37 @@ subroutine QSat (T, p, es, esdT, qs, qsdT)
real(r8), parameter :: d5 = 0.257180651e-08_r8
real(r8), parameter :: d6 = 0.133268878e-10_r8
real(r8), parameter :: d7 = 0.394116744e-13_r8
- real(r8), parameter :: d8 = 0.498070196e-16_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: d8 = 0.498070196e-16_r8
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine QSat (T, p, es, esdT, qs, qsdT)
+ !
+ ! Computes saturation mixing ratio and the change in saturation
+ ! mixing ratio with respect to temperature.
+ ! Reference: Polynomial approximations from:
+ ! Piotr J. Flatau, et al.,1992: Polynomial fits to saturation
+ ! vapor pressure. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31, 1507-1513.
+ !
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
+ !
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: T ! temperature (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: p ! surface atmospheric pressure (pa)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: es ! vapor pressure (pa)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: esdT ! d(es)/d(T)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: qs ! humidity (kg/kg)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: qsdT ! d(qs)/d(T)
+ !
+ real(r8) :: T_limit
+ real(r8) :: td,vp,vp1,vp2
@@ -90,18 +95,24 @@ subroutine QSat (T, p, es, esdT, qs, qsdT)
if (td >= 0.0_r8) then
es = a0 + td*(a1 + td*(a2 + td*(a3 + td*(a4 &
+ td*(a5 + td*(a6 + td*(a7 + td*a8)))))))
- esdT = b0 + td*(b1 + td*(b2 + td*(b3 + td*(b4 &
+ esdT = b0 + td*(b1 + td*(b2 + td*(b3 + td*(b4 &
+ td*(b5 + td*(b6 + td*(b7 + td*b8)))))))
es = c0 + td*(c1 + td*(c2 + td*(c3 + td*(c4 &
+ td*(c5 + td*(c6 + td*(c7 + td*c8)))))))
esdT = d0 + td*(d1 + td*(d2 + td*(d3 + td*(d4 &
+ td*(d5 + td*(d6 + td*(d7 + td*d8)))))))
es = es * 100._r8 ! pa
esdT = esdT * 100._r8 ! pa/K
vp = 1.0_r8 / (p - 0.378_r8*es)
vp1 = 0.622_r8 * vp
vp2 = vp1 * vp
@@ -109,6 +120,50 @@ subroutine QSat (T, p, es, esdT, qs, qsdT)
qs = es * vp1 ! kg/kg
qsdT = esdT * vp2 * p ! 1 / K
end subroutine QSat
+ subroutine rhoSat(T, rho, rhodT)
+ ! compute the saturated vapor pressure density and its derivative against the temperature
+ ! jyt
+ use clm_varcon, only: rwat
+ use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
+ implicit none
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: T
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: rho
+ real(r8), optional , intent(out) :: rhodT
+ !------------------
+ real(r8) :: T_limit
+ real(r8) :: td, es, esdT
+ T_limit = T - SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
+ if (T_limit > 100.0_r8) T_limit=100.0_r8
+ if (T_limit < -75.0_r8) T_limit=-75.0_r8
+ td = T_limit
+ if (td >= 0.0_r8) then
+ es = a0 + td*(a1 + td*(a2 + td*(a3 + td*(a4 &
+ + td*(a5 + td*(a6 + td*(a7 + td*a8)))))))
+ esdT = b0 + td*(b1 + td*(b2 + td*(b3 + td*(b4 &
+ + td*(b5 + td*(b6 + td*(b7 + td*b8)))))))
+ else
+ es = c0 + td*(c1 + td*(c2 + td*(c3 + td*(c4 &
+ + td*(c5 + td*(c6 + td*(c7 + td*c8)))))))
+ esdT = d0 + td*(d1 + td*(d2 + td*(d3 + td*(d4 &
+ + td*(d5 + td*(d6 + td*(d7 + td*d8)))))))
+ endif
+ es = es * 100._r8 ! pa
+ rho = es/(rwat*T) !kg m^-3
+ if(present(rhodT)) rhodT= esdT/(rwat*T)-rho/T !kg m^-3 K^-1
+ end subroutine rhoSat
end module QSatMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SnowHydrologyMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SnowHydrologyMod.F90
index 89164a0eb550..fa2f0f408190 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SnowHydrologyMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SnowHydrologyMod.F90
@@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ subroutine CombineSnowLayers(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, &
use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istdlak, istsoil, istwet, istice, istice_mec, istcrop
use LakeCon , only : lsadz
use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
@@ -641,6 +642,7 @@ subroutine CombineSnowLayers(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, &
snw_rds => waterstate_vars%snw_rds_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] effective snow grain radius (col,lyr) [microns, m^-6]
qflx_sl_top_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_sl_top_soil_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] liquid water + ice from layer above soil to top soil layer or sent to qflx_qrgwl (mm H2O/s)
+ qflx_snow2topsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_snow2topsoi_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] liquid water merged into top soil from snow
snl => col%snl , & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of snow layers
dz => col%dz , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m)
@@ -673,6 +675,7 @@ subroutine CombineSnowLayers(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, &
msn_old(c) = snl(c)
qflx_sl_top_soil(c) = 0._r8
+ qflx_snow2topsoi(c) = 0._r8
end do
! The following loop is NOT VECTORIZED
@@ -807,6 +810,7 @@ subroutine CombineSnowLayers(bounds, num_snowc, filter_snowc, &
if (ltype(l) == istsoil .or. urbpoi(l) .or. ltype(l) == istcrop) then
h2osoi_liq(c,0) = 0.0_r8
h2osoi_liq(c,1) = h2osoi_liq(c,1) + zwliq(c)
+ qflx_snow2topsoi(c) = zwliq(c)/dtime
end if
if (ltype(l) == istwet) then
h2osoi_liq(c,0) = 0.0_r8
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyMod.F90
index eb4f157f5099..d55e2cbd3b57 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyMod.F90
@@ -303,51 +303,53 @@ subroutine Infiltration(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, f
real(r8) :: top_icefrac ! temporary, ice fraction in top VIC layers
- associate( &
- snl => col%snl , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] minus number of snow layers
- dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m)
- t_soisno => temperature_vars%t_soisno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature (Kelvin)
- frac_h2osfc => waterstate_vars%frac_h2osfc_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of ground covered by surface water (0 to 1)
- frac_sno => waterstate_vars%frac_sno_eff_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1)
- h2osoi_ice => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice lens (kg/m2)
- h2osoi_liq => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2)
- h2osno => waterstate_vars%h2osno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow water (mm H2O)
- snow_depth => waterstate_vars%snow_depth_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow height (m)
- h2osfc => waterstate_vars%h2osfc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface water (mm)
- qflx_ev_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_ev_soil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] evaporation flux from soil (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
- qflx_evap_soi => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_soi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface evaporation rate (mm H2O/s) [+]
- qflx_evap_grnd => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_grnd_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface evaporation rate (mm H2O/s) [+]
- qflx_top_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_top_soil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] net water input into soil from top (mm/s)
- qflx_ev_h2osfc => waterflux_vars%qflx_ev_h2osfc_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] evaporation flux from h2osfc (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
- qflx_surf => waterflux_vars%qflx_surf_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface runoff (mm H2O /s)
- qflx_h2osfc_surf => waterflux_vars%qflx_h2osfc_surf_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface water runoff (mm/s)
- qflx_infl => waterflux_vars%qflx_infl_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] infiltration (mm H2O /s)
- smpmin => soilstate_vars%smpmin_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] restriction for min of soil potential (mm)
- sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] minimum soil suction (mm)
- watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)
- bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] Clapp and Hornberger "b"
- hksat => soilstate_vars%hksat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] hydraulic conductivity at saturation (mm H2O /s)
- eff_porosity => soilstate_vars%eff_porosity_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] effective porosity = porosity - vol_ice
- h2osfc_thresh => soilhydrology_vars%h2osfc_thresh_col, & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] level at which h2osfc "percolates"
- zwt => soilhydrology_vars%zwt_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] water table depth (m)
- zwt_perched => soilhydrology_vars%zwt_perched_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] perched water table depth (m)
- fcov => soilhydrology_vars%fcov_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional area with water table at surface
- b_infil => soilhydrology_vars%b_infil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] VIC b infiltration parameter
- frost_table => soilhydrology_vars%frost_table_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] frost table depth (m)
- fsat => soilhydrology_vars%fsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional area with water table at surface
- moist => soilhydrology_vars%moist_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil moisture in each VIC layers (liq, mm)
- max_moist => soilhydrology_vars%max_moist_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] maximum soil moisture (ice + liq, mm)
- max_infil => soilhydrology_vars%max_infil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] maximum infiltration capacity in VIC (mm)
- ice => soilhydrology_vars%ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice len in each VIC layers(ice, mm)
- i_0 => soilhydrology_vars%i_0_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] column average soil moisture in top VIC layers (mm)
- h2osfcflag => soilhydrology_vars%h2osfcflag , & ! Input: logical
- icefrac => soilhydrology_vars%icefrac_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] fraction of ice
- )
+ associate( &
+ snl => col%snl , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] minus number of snow layers
+ dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer depth (m)
+ t_soisno => temperature_vars%t_soisno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature (Kelvin)
+ frac_h2osfc => waterstate_vars%frac_h2osfc_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of ground covered by surface water (0 to 1)
+ frac_sno => waterstate_vars%frac_sno_eff_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1)
+ h2osoi_ice => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice lens (kg/m2)
+ h2osoi_liq => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2)
+ h2osno => waterstate_vars%h2osno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow water (mm H2O)
+ snow_depth => waterstate_vars%snow_depth_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow height (m)
+ h2osfc => waterstate_vars%h2osfc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface water (mm)
+ qflx_ev_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_ev_soil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] evaporation flux from soil (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
+ qflx_evap_soi => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_soi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface evaporation rate (mm H2O/s) [+]
+ qflx_evap_grnd => waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_grnd_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground surface evaporation rate (mm H2O/s) [+]
+ qflx_top_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_top_soil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] net water input into soil from top (mm/s)
+ qflx_ev_h2osfc => waterflux_vars%qflx_ev_h2osfc_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] evaporation flux from h2osfc (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
+ qflx_surf => waterflux_vars%qflx_surf_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface runoff (mm H2O /s)
+ qflx_h2osfc_surf => waterflux_vars%qflx_h2osfc_surf_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface water runoff (mm/s)
+ qflx_infl => waterflux_vars%qflx_infl_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] infiltration (mm H2O /s)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_gross_infl_soil_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] gross infiltration (mm H2O/s)
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil => waterflux_vars%qflx_gross_evap_soil_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] gross evaporation (mm H2O/s)
+ smpmin => soilstate_vars%smpmin_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] restriction for min of soil potential (mm)
+ sucsat => soilstate_vars%sucsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] minimum soil suction (mm)
+ watsat => soilstate_vars%watsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water at saturation (porosity)
+ bsw => soilstate_vars%bsw_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] Clapp and Hornberger "b"
+ hksat => soilstate_vars%hksat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] hydraulic conductivity at saturation (mm H2O /s)
+ eff_porosity => soilstate_vars%eff_porosity_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] effective porosity = porosity - vol_ice
+ h2osfc_thresh => soilhydrology_vars%h2osfc_thresh_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] level at which h2osfc "percolates"
+ zwt => soilhydrology_vars%zwt_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] water table depth (m)
+ zwt_perched => soilhydrology_vars%zwt_perched_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] perched water table depth (m)
+ fcov => soilhydrology_vars%fcov_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional area with water table at surface
+ b_infil => soilhydrology_vars%b_infil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] VIC b infiltration parameter
+ frost_table => soilhydrology_vars%frost_table_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] frost table depth (m)
+ fsat => soilhydrology_vars%fsat_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fractional area with water table at surface
+ moist => soilhydrology_vars%moist_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil moisture in each VIC layers (liq, mm)
+ max_moist => soilhydrology_vars%max_moist_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] maximum soil moisture (ice + liq, mm)
+ max_infil => soilhydrology_vars%max_infil_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] maximum infiltration capacity in VIC (mm)
+ ice => soilhydrology_vars%ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice len in each VIC layers(ice, mm)
+ i_0 => soilhydrology_vars%i_0_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] column average soil moisture in top VIC layers (mm)
+ h2osfcflag => soilhydrology_vars%h2osfcflag , & ! Input: logical
+ icefrac => soilhydrology_vars%icefrac_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] fraction of ice
+ )
dtime = get_step_size()
@@ -380,11 +382,19 @@ subroutine Infiltration(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, f
!1. partition surface inputs between soil and h2osfc
qflx_in_soil(c) = (1._r8 - frac_h2osfc(c)) * (qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c))
qflx_in_h2osfc(c) = frac_h2osfc(c) * (qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c))
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = (1._r8 - frac_h2osfc(c)) * (qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c))
!2. remove evaporation (snow treated in SnowHydrology)
qflx_in_soil(c) = qflx_in_soil(c) - (1.0_r8 - fsno - frac_h2osfc(c))*qflx_evap(c)
qflx_in_h2osfc(c) = qflx_in_h2osfc(c) - frac_h2osfc(c) * qflx_ev_h2osfc(c)
+ if (qflx_evap(c)>0._r8) then
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = (1.0_r8 - fsno - frac_h2osfc(c))*qflx_evap(c)
+ else
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = 0._r8
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)-(1.0_r8 - fsno - frac_h2osfc(c))*qflx_evap(c)
+ endif
!3. determine maximum infiltration rate
if (use_vichydro) then
top_moist(c)= 0._r8
@@ -417,6 +427,7 @@ subroutine Infiltration(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, f
!4. soil infiltration and h2osfc "run-on"
qflx_infl(c) = qflx_in_soil(c) - qflx_infl_excess(c)
qflx_in_h2osfc(c) = qflx_in_h2osfc(c) + qflx_infl_excess(c)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c)- qflx_infl_excess(c)
!5. surface runoff from h2osfc
if (h2osfcflag==1) then
@@ -459,6 +470,7 @@ subroutine Infiltration(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, f
!-- if all water evaporates, there will be no bottom drainage
if (h2osfc(c) < 0.0) then
qflx_infl(c) = qflx_infl(c) + h2osfc(c)/dtime
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) - h2osfc(c)/dtime
h2osfc(c) = 0.0
qflx_h2osfc_drain(c)= 0._r8
@@ -472,14 +484,19 @@ subroutine Infiltration(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, num_urbanc, f
!7. remove drainage from h2osfc and add to qflx_infl
h2osfc(c) = h2osfc(c) - qflx_h2osfc_drain(c) * dtime
qflx_infl(c) = qflx_infl(c) + qflx_h2osfc_drain(c)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) + qflx_h2osfc_drain(c)
! non-vegetated landunits (i.e. urban) use original CLM4 code
if (snl(c) >= 0) then
! when no snow present, sublimation is removed in Drainage
qflx_infl(c) = qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c) - qflx_evap_grnd(c)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c)
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = qflx_evap_grnd(c)
qflx_infl(c) = qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c) &
- (1.0_r8 - frac_sno(c)) * qflx_ev_soil(c)
+ qflx_gross_infl_soil(c) = qflx_top_soil(c) - qflx_surf(c)
+ qflx_gross_evap_soil(c) = (1.0_r8 - frac_sno(c)) * qflx_ev_soil(c)
end if
qflx_h2osfc_surf(c) = 0._r8
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyType.F90
index 31870293a01e..f7349484a01a 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilHydrologyType.F90
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Module SoilHydrologyType
real(r8), pointer :: frost_table_col (:) ! col frost table depth
real(r8), pointer :: zwt_col (:) ! col water table depth
+ real(r8), pointer :: zwts_col (:) ! col water table depth, the shallower of the two water depths
real(r8), pointer :: zwt_perched_col (:) ! col perched water table depth
real(r8), pointer :: wa_col (:) ! col water in the unconfined aquifer (mm)
real(r8), pointer :: qcharge_col (:) ! col aquifer recharge rate (mm/s)
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%frost_table_col (begc:endc)) ; this%frost_table_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%zwt_col (begc:endc)) ; this%zwt_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%zwt_perched_col (begc:endc)) ; this%zwt_perched_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%zwts_col (begc:endc)) ; this%zwts_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%wa_col (begc:endc)) ; this%wa_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%qcharge_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qcharge_col (:) = nan
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilWaterMovementMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilWaterMovementMod.F90
index 28a17d622f55..fb3ace80f708 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilWaterMovementMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SoilWaterMovementMod.F90
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ subroutine SoilWater(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
! select one subroutine to do the soil and root water coupling
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_betr
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi
use decompMod , only : bounds_type
use abortutils , only : endrun
use SoilHydrologyType , only : soilhydrology_type
@@ -51,6 +54,8 @@ subroutine SoilWater(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
use WaterFluxType , only : waterflux_type
use WaterStateType , only : waterstate_type
use SoilWaterRetentionCurveMod, only : soil_water_retention_curve_type
+ use clm_varcon , only : denh2o, denice, watmin
+ use ColumnType , only : col
implicit none
@@ -67,8 +72,20 @@ subroutine SoilWater(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
class(soil_water_retention_curve_type), intent(in) :: soil_water_retention_curve
- character(len=32) :: subname = 'SoilWater' ! subroutine name
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'SoilWater' ! subroutine name
+ real(r8) :: xs(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !excess soil water above urban ponding limit
+ integer :: fc, c, j
+ associate( &
+ wa => soilhydrology_vars%wa_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] water in the unconfined aquifer (mm)
+ dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer thickness (m)
+ h2osoi_ice => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2)
+ h2osoi_vol => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_vol_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2)
+ h2osoi_liq => waterstate_vars%h2osoi_liq_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2)
+ )
select case(soilroot_water_method)
@@ -84,6 +101,46 @@ subroutine SoilWater(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
end select
+ if(use_betr)then
+ !a work around of the negative liquid water embarrassment, which is
+ !critical for a meaningufl tracer transport in betr. Jinyun Tang, Jan 14, 2015
+ do j = 1, nlevsoi-1
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ if (h2osoi_liq(c,j) < 0._r8) then
+ xs(c) = watmin - h2osoi_liq(c,j)
+ else
+ xs(c) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ h2osoi_liq(c,j ) = h2osoi_liq(c,j ) + xs(c)
+ h2osoi_liq(c,j+1) = h2osoi_liq(c,j+1) - xs(c)
+ end do
+ end do
+ j = nlevsoi
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ if (h2osoi_liq(c,j) < watmin) then
+ xs(c) = watmin-h2osoi_liq(c,j)
+ else
+ xs(c) = 0._r8
+ end if
+ h2osoi_liq(c,j) = h2osoi_liq(c,j) + xs(c)
+ wa(c) = wa(c) - xs(c)
+ end do
+ !update volumetric soil moisture for bgc calculation
+ do j = 1, nlevsoi
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ h2osoi_vol(c,j) = h2osoi_liq(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denh2o) &
+ + h2osoi_ice(c,j)/(dz(c,j)*denice)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ end associate
end subroutine SoilWater
@@ -268,6 +325,7 @@ subroutine soilwater_zengdecker2009(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
qflx_infl => waterflux_vars%qflx_infl_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] infiltration (mm H2O /s)
qflx_tran_veg_col => waterflux_vars%qflx_tran_veg_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation transpiration (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
qflx_tran_veg_pft => waterflux_vars%qflx_tran_veg_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation transpiration (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
+ qflx_rootsoi => waterflux_vars%qflx_rootsoi_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] vegetation/soil water exchange (m H2O/s) (+ = to atm)
t_soisno => temperature_vars%t_soisno_col & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil temperature (Kelvin)
@@ -695,8 +753,15 @@ subroutine soilwater_zengdecker2009(bounds, num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc, &
+ do j = 1, nlevsoi
+ do fc = 1, num_hydrologyc
+ c = filter_hydrologyc(fc)
+ qflx_rootsoi(c,j) = qflx_tran_veg_col(c) * rootr_col(c,j) * 1.e-3_r8 ![m H2O/s]
+ enddo
+ enddo
end associate
- end subroutine soilwater_zengdecker2009
+ end subroutine soilwater_zengdecker2009
end module SoilWaterMovementMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SurfaceResistanceMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SurfaceResistanceMod.F90
index f98b27d2e209..46a1915b6a29 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SurfaceResistanceMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/SurfaceResistanceMod.F90
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module SurfaceResistanceMod
public :: calc_soilevap_stress
public :: do_soilevap_beta
public :: init_soil_stress
+ public :: getlblcef
! 6/25/2013 Created by Jinyun Tang
@@ -183,4 +184,37 @@ function do_soilevap_beta()result(lres)
end function do_soilevap_beta
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function getlblcef(rho,temp)result(cc)
+ !compute the scaling paramter for laminar boundary resistance
+ !the laminar boundary layer resistance is formulated as
+ !Rb=2/(k*ustar)*(Sci/Pr)^(2/3)
+ !cc = Rb*ustar
+ ! = 2/k*(Sci/Pr)^(2/3)
+ ! Pr=0.72, Prandtl number
+ ! Sci = v/Di, Di is diffusivity of gas i
+ ! v : kinetic viscosity
+ use clm_varcon , only : vkc
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: rho
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temp ! air temperature
+ real(r8), parameter :: C = 120._r8 ! K
+ real(r8), parameter :: T0 = 291.25_r8 ! K
+ real(r8), parameter :: mu0 = 18.27e-6_r8 ! Pa s
+ real(r8), parameter :: prandtl = 0.72 !
+ real(r8) :: mu, diffh2o, sc
+ real(r8) :: cc ! unitless scaling factor
+ !compute the kinetic viscosity
+ mu = mu0 * (T0+C)/(temp+C) * (temp/T0)**(1.5)/rho !m^2 s^-1
+ diffh2o = 0.229e-4_r8*(temp/273.15_r8)**1.75_r8 !m^2 s^-1
+ sc = mu/diffh2o !schmidt number
+ cc = 2._r8/vkc*(Sc/Prandtl)**(2._r8/3._r8)
+ return
+ end function getlblcef
end module SurfaceResistanceMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/TridiagonalMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/TridiagonalMod.F90
index 81a091c00fbf..1d0ac6759207 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/TridiagonalMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/TridiagonalMod.F90
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module TridiagonalMod
-#include "shr_assert.h"
! Tridiagonal matrix solution
@@ -12,104 +10,314 @@ module TridiagonalMod
public :: Tridiagonal
+ public :: trisim
+ interface Tridiagonal
+ module procedure :: Tridiagonal_sr, Tridiagonal_mr
+ end interface Tridiagonal
- subroutine Tridiagonal (bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numf, filter, a, b, c, r, u)
+ subroutine Tridiagonal_sr (bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numf, filter, a, b, c, r, u, is_col_active)
! Tridiagonal matrix solution
- !
+ ! A x = r
+ ! where x and r are vectors
! !USES:
- use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
- use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevurb
- use column_varcon , only : icol_roof, icol_sunwall, icol_shadewall
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use clm_varctl , only : iulog
use decompMod , only : bounds_type
- use ColumnType , only : col
implicit none
- type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds
- integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
- integer , intent(in) :: jtop( bounds%begc: ) ! top level for each column [col]
- integer , intent(in) :: numf ! filter dimension
- integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
- real(r8), intent(in) :: a( bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! "a" left off diagonal of tridiagonal matrix [col, j]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: b( bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! "b" diagonal column for tridiagonal matrix [col, j]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: c( bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! "c" right off diagonal tridiagonal matrix [col, j]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: r( bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! "r" forcing term of tridiagonal matrix [col, j]
- real(r8), intent(inout) :: u( bounds%begc: , lbj: ) ! solution [col, j]
- !
- integer :: j,ci,fc !indices
- real(r8) :: gam(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) !temporary
- real(r8) :: bet(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !temporary
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtop( bounds%begc: bounds%endc) ! top level for each column [col]
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! filter dimension
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: a( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "a" left off diagonal of tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: b( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "b" diagonal column for tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: c( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "c" right off diagonal tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: r( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "r" forcing term of tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: u( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! solution [col , j]
+ !
+ integer :: j,ci,fc ! indices
+ logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_col_active(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ logical :: l_is_col_active(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ real(r8) :: gam(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) ! temporary
+ real(r8) :: bet(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! temporary
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='Tridiagonal_sr'
- ! Enforce expected array sizes
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(jtop) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(a) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(b) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(c) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(r) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
- SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(u) == (/bounds%endc, ubj/)), errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
! Solve the matrix
+ if(present(is_col_active))then
+ l_is_col_active(:) = is_col_active(:)
+ else
+ l_is_col_active(:) = .true.
+ endif
do fc = 1,numf
- ci = filter(fc)
- bet(ci) = b(ci,jtop(ci))
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ if(l_is_col_active(ci))then
+ bet(ci) = b(ci,jtop(ci))
+ endif
end do
do j = lbj, ubj
do fc = 1,numf
- ci = filter(fc)
- if ((col%itype(ci) == icol_sunwall .or. col%itype(ci) == icol_shadewall &
- .or. col%itype(ci) == icol_roof) .and. j <= nlevurb) then
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ if(l_is_col_active(ci))then
if (j >= jtop(ci)) then
- if (j == jtop(ci)) then
- u(ci,j) = r(ci,j) / bet(ci)
- else
- gam(ci,j) = c(ci,j-1) / bet(ci)
- bet(ci) = b(ci,j) - a(ci,j) * gam(ci,j)
- u(ci,j) = (r(ci,j) - a(ci,j)*u(ci,j-1)) / bet(ci)
- end if
+ if (j == jtop(ci)) then
+ u(ci,j) = r(ci,j) / bet(ci)
+ else
+ gam(ci,j) = c(ci,j-1) / bet(ci)
+ bet(ci) = b(ci,j) - a(ci,j) * gam(ci,j)
+ u(ci,j) = (r(ci,j) - a(ci,j)*u(ci,j-1)) / bet(ci)
+ end if
end if
- else if (col%itype(ci) /= icol_sunwall .and. col%itype(ci) /= icol_shadewall &
- .and. col%itype(ci) /= icol_roof) then
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j = ubj-1,lbj,-1
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ if(l_is_col_active(ci))then
if (j >= jtop(ci)) then
- if (j == jtop(ci)) then
- u(ci,j) = r(ci,j) / bet(ci)
+ u(ci,j) = u(ci,j) - gam(ci,j+1) * u(ci,j+1)
+ end if
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine Tridiagonal_sr
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine Tridiagonal_mr (bounds, lbj, ubj, jtop, numf, filter, ntrcs, a, b, c, r, u, is_col_active)
+ !
+ ! Tridiagonal matrix solution
+ ! A X = R
+ ! where A, X and R are all matrices.
+ ! !USES:
+ use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ !
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: jtop( bounds%begc: bounds%endc) ! top level for each column [col]
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! filter dimension
+ integer , intent(in) :: ntrcs !
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: a( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "a" left off diagonal of tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: b( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "b" diagonal column for tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: c( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj) ! "c" right off diagonal tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: r( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj, 1:ntrcs) ! "r" forcing term of tridiagonal matrix [col , j]
+ real(r8) , intent(inout) :: u( bounds%begc:bounds%endc , lbj:ubj, 1:ntrcs) ! solution [col, j]
+ !
+ integer :: j,ci,fc,k ! indices
+ logical, optional, intent(in) :: is_col_active(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ logical :: l_is_col_active(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) !
+ real(r8) :: gam(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,lbj:ubj) ! temporary
+ real(r8) :: bet(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! temporary
+ character(len=255) :: subname ='Tridiagonal_sr'
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Solve the matrix
+ if (present(is_col_active)) then
+ l_is_col_active(:) = is_col_active(:)
+ else
+ l_is_col_active(:) = .true.
+ endif
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ if (l_is_col_active(ci))then
+ bet(ci) = b(ci,jtop(ci))
+ endif
+ end do
+ do j = lbj, ubj
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ if (l_is_col_active(ci))then
+ if (j >= jtop(ci)) then
+ if (j == jtop(ci))then
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ u(ci,j,k) = r(ci,j,k)/bet(ci)
+ enddo
gam(ci,j) = c(ci,j-1) / bet(ci)
bet(ci) = b(ci,j) - a(ci,j) * gam(ci,j)
- u(ci,j) = (r(ci,j) - a(ci,j)*u(ci,j-1)) / bet(ci)
- end if
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ u(ci,j,k) = (r(ci,j, k) - a(ci,j)*u(ci,j-1, k)) / bet(ci)
+ end do
+ end if
end if
end if
end do
end do
do j = ubj-1,lbj,-1
do fc = 1,numf
ci = filter(fc)
- if ((col%itype(ci) == icol_sunwall .or. col%itype(ci) == icol_shadewall &
- .or. col%itype(ci) == icol_roof) .and. j <= nlevurb-1) then
+ if (l_is_col_active(ci)) then
if (j >= jtop(ci)) then
- u(ci,j) = u(ci,j) - gam(ci,j+1) * u(ci,j+1)
- end if
- else if (col%itype(ci) /= icol_sunwall .and. col%itype(ci) /= icol_shadewall &
- .and. col%itype(ci) /= icol_roof) then
- if (j >= jtop(ci)) then
- u(ci,j) = u(ci,j) - gam(ci,j+1) * u(ci,j+1)
+ do k = 1, ntrcs
+ u(ci,j, k) = u(ci,j, k) - gam(ci,j+1) * u(ci,j+1, k)
+ end do
end if
end if
end do
end do
- end subroutine Tridiagonal
+ end subroutine Tridiagonal_mr
+ subroutine Trisim(bounds, lbj, ubj, numf, filter, a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,w1, w2)
+ !
+ ! This subroutine solves two coupled tridiagonal equations
+ ! A1*W1(J-1)+B1*W1(j)+C1*W1(J+1) = D1*W2(j) + E1 AND
+ ! A2*W2(J-1)+B2*W2(j)+C2*W2(J+1) = D2*W1(j) + E2
+ ! for the input coefficients array
+ ! A1(1)=A2(1)=B1(1)=B2(1)=C1(1)=C2(1)=D1(1)=D2(1)=E1(1)=E2(1)=0
+ ! A1(2)=A2(2)=C1(M)=C2(M)=0
+ ! the solution is solved at 2 ... M
+ ! but I have changed solution location to 1.. M-1 in the code implemented below
+ ! Reference:
+ ! Deshpande, M. D. and Giddens, D. P. (1977), Direct solution of two linear systems of equations
+ ! forming coupled tridiagonal-type matrices. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng.,
+ ! 11: 1049�1052. doi: 10.1002/nme.1620110612
+ !Created by Jinyun Tang
+ !Attention: Now the code is specifically written for the soil water coupling with hydraulic
+ !redistribution. Idealy, the code should fit well with the purpose of solving coupled heat and
+ !water transport equation, but I did not make any attempt here.
+ use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use clm_varctl , only : iulog
+ use decompMod , only : bounds_type
+ implicit none
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: lbj, ubj ! lbinning and ubing level indices
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf ! filter dimension
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:) ! filter
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: a1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: b1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: c1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: d1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: e1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: a2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: b2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: c2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: d2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: e2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: w1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj-1) !
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: w2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj-1) !
+ !local variables
+ real(r8) :: gam1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: gam2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: xi1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: xi2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: phi1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: phi2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, lbj:ubj) !
+ real(r8) :: bp1, bp2, dg1, dg2, ee1, ee2 !
+ real(r8) :: q !
+ integer :: m, l1, j, j2, k, fc, ci !
+ character(len=255) :: subname='Trisim'
+ m = ubj
+ l1= ubj - 1
+ j = lbj + 1
+ do fc = 1,numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ bp1 = b1(ci,j)
+ dg1 = d1(ci,j)
+ bp2 = b2(ci,j)
+ dg2 = d2(ci,j)
+ q = 1._r8 / (bp1 * bp2 - dg1 * dg2)
+ phi1(ci,j) = q * bp2 * c1(ci,j)
+ phi2(ci,j) = q * bp1 * c2(ci,j)
+ gam1(ci,j) =-q * dg1 * c2(ci,j)
+ gam2(ci,j) =-q * dg2 * c1(ci,j)
+ ee1 = e1(ci,j)
+ ee2 = e2(ci,j)
+ xi1(ci,j) = q* (bp2 * ee1+dg1 * ee2)
+ xi2(ci,j) = q* (dg2 * ee1+bp1 * ee2)
+ enddo
+ do j= lbj+2 , l1
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ bp1 =b1(ci,j) -a1(ci,j) * phi1(ci,j - 1)
+ dg1 =d1(ci,j) -a1(ci,j) * gam1(ci,j - 1)
+ bp2 =b2(ci,j) -a2(ci,j) * phi2(ci,j - 1)
+ dg2 =d2(ci,j) -a2(ci,j) * gam2(ci,j - 1)
+ q = 1._r8/(bp1 * bp2 - dg1 * dg2)
+ ee1 = e1(ci,j)-a1(ci,j) * xi1(ci,j - 1)
+ ee2 = e2(ci,j)-a2(ci,j) * xi2(ci,j - 1)
+ phi1(ci,j) =q * bp2 * c1(ci,j)
+ phi2(ci,j) =q * bp1 * c2(ci,j)
+ gam1(ci,j) = - q * dg1 * c2(ci,j)
+ gam2(ci,j) = - q * dg2 * c1(ci,j)
+ xi1(ci,j) = q * (bp2 * ee1 + dg1 * ee2)
+ xi2(ci,j) = q * (dg2 * ee1 + bp1 * ee2)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ j=m
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ bp1 =b1(ci,j) -a1(ci,j) * phi1(ci, j - 1)
+ dg1 =d1(ci,j) -a1(ci,j) * gam1(ci, j - 1)
+ bp2 =b2(ci,j) -a2(ci,j) * phi2(ci, j - 1)
+ dg2= d2(ci,j) -a2(ci,j) * gam2(ci, j - 1)
+ q = 1.0/(bp1*bp2-dg1*dg2)
+ ee1 = e1(ci,j) - a1(ci,j) * xi1(ci,j - 1)
+ ee2 = e2(ci,j) - a2(ci,j) * xi2(ci,j - 1)
+ xi1(ci,j) = q* ( bp2* ee1+dg1* ee2)
+ xi2(ci,j) = q* ( dg2* ee1+bp1* ee2)
+ w1(ci,m-1) = xi1(ci,m)
+ w2(ci,m-1) = xi2(ci,m)
+ enddo
+ do j2 = lbj+1, l1
+ j=m+ 1-j2
+ k =j -1
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ ci = filter(fc)
+ w1 (ci, k )=-phi1(ci, j) *w1(ci, k+ 1) + gam1(ci, j)*w2(ci, k+1)+xi1(ci, j)
+ w2 (ci, k )=-phi2(ci, j) *w2(ci, k+ 1) + gam2(ci, j)*w1(ci, k+1)+xi2(ci, j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine trisim
end module TridiagonalMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterStateType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterStateType.F90
index 6d704292225d..3d8b78e7386a 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterStateType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterStateType.F90
@@ -32,14 +32,18 @@ module WaterstateType
real(r8), pointer :: int_snow_col (:) ! col integrated snowfall (mm H2O)
real(r8), pointer :: snow_layer_unity_col (:,:) ! value 1 for each snow layer, used for history diagnostics
real(r8), pointer :: bw_col (:,:) ! col partial density of water in the snow pack (ice + liquid) [kg/m3]
+ real(r8), pointer :: finundated_col (:) ! fraction of column that is inundated, this is for bgc caclulation in betr
+ real(r8), pointer :: smp_l_col (:,:) ! col liquid phase soil matric potential, mm
real(r8), pointer :: h2osno_col (:) ! col snow water (mm H2O)
real(r8), pointer :: h2osno_old_col (:) ! col snow mass for previous time step (kg/m2) (new)
real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_liq_col (:,:) ! col liquid water (kg/m2) (new) (-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)
real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_ice_col (:,:) ! col ice lens (kg/m2) (new) (-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)
real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_liqice_10cm_col (:) ! col liquid water + ice lens in top 10cm of soil (kg/m2)
- real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_vol_col (:,:) ! col volumetric soil water (0<=h2osoi_vol<=watsat) [m3/m3] (nlevgrnd)
+ real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_vol_col (:,:) ! col volumetric soil water (0<=h2osoi_vol<=watsat) [m3/m3] (nlevgrnd)
+ real(r8), pointer :: air_vol_col (:,:) ! col air filled porosity
real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_liqvol_col (:,:) ! col volumetric liquid water content (v/v)
+ real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_icevol_col (:,:) ! col volumetric ice content (v/v)
real(r8), pointer :: h2ocan_patch (:) ! patch canopy water (mm H2O)
real(r8), pointer :: h2ocan_col (:) ! col canopy water (mm H2O)
real(r8), pointer :: h2osfc_col (:) ! col surface water (mm H2O)
@@ -160,12 +164,18 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%int_snow_col (begc:endc)) ; this%int_snow_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%snow_layer_unity_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:0)) ; this%snow_layer_unity_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%bw_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:0)) ; this%bw_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%smp_l_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%smp_l_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%finundated_col (begc:endc)) ; this%finundated_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osno_col (begc:endc)) ; this%h2osno_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osno_old_col (begc:endc)) ; this%h2osno_old_col (:) = nan
- allocate(this%h2osoi_liqice_10cm_col (begc:endc)) ; this%h2osoi_liqice_10cm_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%h2osoi_liqice_10cm_col (begc:endc)) ; this%h2osoi_liqice_10cm_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osoi_vol_col (begc:endc, 1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%h2osoi_vol_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%air_vol_col (begc:endc, 1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%air_vol_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osoi_liqvol_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%h2osoi_liqvol_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%h2osoi_icevol_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%h2osoi_icevol_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osoi_ice_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%h2osoi_ice_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%h2osoi_liq_col (begc:endc,-nlevsno+1:nlevgrnd)) ; this%h2osoi_liq_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%h2ocan_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%h2ocan_patch (:) = nan
diff --git a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterfluxType.F90 b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterfluxType.F90
index 1c879a4bd8c1..259418501f63 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterfluxType.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterfluxType.F90
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ module WaterfluxType
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_ev_h2osfc_patch (:) ! patch evaporation heat flux from soil (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_ev_h2osfc_col (:) ! col evaporation heat flux from soil (W/m**2) [+ to atm]
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_gross_evap_soil_col (:) ! col gross infiltration from soil, this satisfies the relationship qflx_infl_col = qflx_gross_infl_soil_col-qflx_gross_evap_soil_col
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_gross_infl_soil_col (:) ! col gross infiltration, before considering the evaporation
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_adv_col (:,:) ! col advective flux across different soil layer interfaces [mm H2O/s] [+ downward]
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_rootsoi_col (:,:) ! col root and soil water exchange [mm H2O/s] [+ into root]
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_infl_col (:) ! col infiltration (mm H2O /s)
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_surf_col (:) ! col surface runoff (mm H2O /s)
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_drain_col (:) ! col sub-surface runoff (mm H2O /s)
@@ -81,6 +86,10 @@ module WaterfluxType
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_glcice_col (:) ! col net flux of new glacial ice (growth - melt) (mm H2O/s), passed to GLC
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_glcice_frz_col (:) ! col ice growth (positive definite) (mm H2O/s)
real(r8), pointer :: qflx_glcice_melt_col (:) ! col ice melt (positive definite) (mm H2O/s)
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_drain_vr_col (:,:) ! col liquid water losted as drainage (m /time step)
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col (:) ! col liquid water coming from surface standing water top soil (mm H2O/s)
+ real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snow2topsoi_col (:) ! col liquid water coming from residual snow to topsoil (mm H2O/s)
real(r8), pointer :: snow_sources_col (:) ! col snow sources (mm H2O/s)
real(r8), pointer :: snow_sinks_col (:) ! col snow sinks (mm H2O/s)
@@ -98,6 +107,7 @@ module WaterfluxType
procedure, public :: Init
procedure, public :: Restart
+ procedure, public :: Reset
procedure, private :: InitAllocate
procedure, private :: InitHistory
procedure, private :: InitCold
@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
! !USES:
use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevgrnd
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevgrnd, nlevsoi
class(waterflux_type) :: this
@@ -183,6 +193,12 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate( this%qflx_ev_h2osfc_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%qflx_ev_h2osfc_patch (:) = nan
allocate( this%qflx_ev_h2osfc_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_ev_h2osfc_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_gross_evap_soil_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_gross_evap_soil_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_gross_infl_soil_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_gross_infl_soil_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_drain_vr_col (begc:endc,1:nlevsoi)) ; this%qflx_drain_vr_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_adv_col (begc:endc,0:nlevsoi)) ; this%qflx_adv_col (:,:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_rootsoi_col (begc:endc,1:nlevsoi)) ; this%qflx_rootsoi_col (:,:) = nan
allocate(this%qflx_infl_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_infl_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%qflx_surf_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_surf_col (:) = nan
allocate(this%qflx_drain_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_drain_col (:) = nan
@@ -217,6 +233,9 @@ subroutine InitAllocate(this, bounds)
allocate(this%irrig_rate_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%irrig_rate_patch (:) = nan
allocate(this%n_irrig_steps_left_patch (begp:endp)) ; this%n_irrig_steps_left_patch (:) = 0
+ allocate(this%qflx_snow2topsoi_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_snow2topsoi_col (:) = nan
+ allocate(this%qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col (begc:endc)) ; this%qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col (:) = nan
end subroutine InitAllocate
@@ -225,7 +244,7 @@ subroutine InitHistory(this, bounds)
! !USES:
use shr_infnan_mod , only : nan => shr_infnan_nan, assignment(=)
use clm_varctl , only : create_glacier_mec_landunit, use_cn, use_lch4
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, crop_prog
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, crop_prog, nlevsoi
use histFileMod , only : hist_addfld1d, hist_addfld2d, no_snow_normal
@@ -595,4 +614,26 @@ subroutine Restart(this, bounds, ncid, flag)
end subroutine Restart
+ subroutine Reset(this, bounds, numf, filter)
+ !
+ ! Intitialize SNICAR variables for fresh snow column
+ !
+ class(waterflux_type) :: this
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds
+ integer , intent(in) :: numf
+ integer , intent(in) :: filter(:)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer :: fc, column
+ do fc = 1, numf
+ column = filter(fc)
+ this%qflx_snow2topsoi_col (column) = 0._r8
+ this%qflx_h2osfc2topsoi_col (column) = 0._r8
+ enddo
+ end subroutine Reset
end module WaterfluxType
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/clm_driver.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/clm_driver.F90
index 2509ff603138..a55b1eb6ac1d 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/clm_driver.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/clm_driver.F90
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module clm_driver
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
use clm_varctl , only : wrtdia, iulog, create_glacier_mec_landunit, use_ed
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevtrc_soil
+ use clm_varctl , only : wrtdia, iulog, create_glacier_mec_landunit, use_ed, use_betr
use clm_varctl , only : use_cn, use_cndv, use_lch4, use_voc, use_noio, use_c13, use_c14
use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_curr_date, get_ref_date, get_nstep, is_beg_curr_day
use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, nlevgrnd, crop_prog
@@ -113,7 +115,20 @@ module clm_driver
use clm_initializeMod , only : lnd2glc_vars
use clm_initializeMod , only : EDbio_vars
use clm_initializeMod , only : soil_water_retention_curve
+ use clm_initializeMod , only : chemstate_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : betrtracer_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : tracercoeff_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : tracerflux_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : tracerState_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : tracerboundarycond_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : bgc_reaction
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : plantsoilnutrientflux_vars
+ use BetrBGCMod , only : run_betr_one_step_without_drainage
+ use BetrBGCMod , only : run_betr_one_step_with_drainage
+ use TracerBalanceMod , only : betr_tracer_massbalance_check
+ use TracerBalanceMod , only : begin_betr_tracer_massbalance
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc, do_betr_leaching
+ use CNEcosystemDynBetrMod , only : CNEcosystemDynBetrVeg, CNEcosystemDynBetrSummary, CNFluxStateBetrSummary
use GridcellType , only : grc
use LandunitType , only : lun
use ColumnType , only : col
@@ -273,6 +288,14 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
do nc = 1,nclumps
call get_clump_bounds(nc, bounds_clump)
+ if (use_betr .and. (.not. do_betr_leaching)) then
+ call begin_betr_tracer_massbalance(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, betrtracer_vars , &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ endif
if (use_cn) then
call t_startf('begcnbal')
@@ -457,6 +480,7 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
call t_startf('bgflux')
+ call waterflux_vars%Reset(bounds_clump, filter(nc)%num_nolakec , filter(nc)%nolakec)
! Bareground fluxes for all patches except lakes and urban landunits
call BareGroundFluxes(bounds_clump, &
@@ -588,7 +612,7 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
filter(nc)%num_nosnowc, filter(nc)%nosnowc, &
atm2lnd_vars, soilstate_vars, energyflux_vars, temperature_vars, &
waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, soilhydrology_vars, aerosol_vars, &
- soil_water_retention_curve)
+ soil_water_retention_curve, betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
! Calculate column-integrated aerosol masses, and
! mass concentrations for radiative calculations and output
@@ -676,9 +700,58 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
call t_startf('ecosysdyn')
- ! FIX(SPM,032414) push these checks into the routines below and/or make this consistent.
- if (.not. use_ed) then
- if (use_cn) then
+ if(is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ !right now betr bgc is intended only for non-ed mode
+ !this returns the plant nutrient demand to soil bgc
+ call CNEcosystemDynBetrVeg(bounds_clump, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ filter(nc)%num_pcropp, filter(nc)%pcropp, doalb, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, crop_vars, &
+ dgvs_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, energyflux_vars,&
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars, &
+ phosphorusflux_vars, phosphorusstate_vars)
+ !do belowground bgc and transport
+ call t_startf('betr_nodrain')
+ call run_betr_one_step_without_drainage(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ col, atm2lnd_vars, &
+ soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, chemstate_vars, cnstate_vars, canopystate_vars, &
+ carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars,&
+ betrtracer_vars, bgc_reaction, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('betr_nodrain')
+ !do ecosystem variable summary
+ call CNEcosystemDynBetrSummary(bounds_clump, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ filter(nc)%num_pcropp, filter(nc)%pcropp, doalb, &
+ cnstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, temperature_vars, crop_vars, &
+ dgvs_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, energyflux_vars,&
+ plantsoilnutrientflux_vars, phosphorusstate_vars)
+ else
+ ! FIX(SPM,032414) push these checks into the routines below and/or make this consistent.
+ if (.not. use_ed) then
+ if (use_cn) then
! fully prognostic canopy structure and C-N biogeochemistry
! - CNDV defined: prognostic biogeography; else prescribed
@@ -809,46 +882,80 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
end if
call t_stopf('ecosysdyn')
- end if ! end of if-use_cn
+ end if ! end of if-use_cn
- else ! use_ed
+ else ! use_ed
- call carbonflux_vars%SetValues(&
+ call carbonflux_vars%SetValues(&
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, 0._r8, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, 0._r8)
- if ( use_c13 ) then
+ if ( use_c13 ) then
call c13_carbonflux_vars%SetValues(&
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, 0._r8, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, 0._r8)
- end if
- if ( use_c14 ) then
+ end if
+ if ( use_c14 ) then
call c14_carbonflux_vars%SetValues(&
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, 0._r8, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, 0._r8)
- end if
- call nitrogenflux_vars%SetValues(&
+ end if
+ call nitrogenflux_vars%SetValues(&
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, 0._r8, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, 0._r8)
- call EDbio_vars%SetValues( 0._r8 )
+ call EDbio_vars%SetValues( 0._r8 )
- end if ! end of if-use_ed
- ! Dry Deposition of chemical tracers (Wesely (1998) parameterizaion)
- call t_startf('depvel')
- call depvel_compute(bounds_clump, &
- atm2lnd_vars, canopystate_vars, waterstate_vars, frictionvel_vars, &
- photosyns_vars, drydepvel_vars)
- call t_stopf('depvel')
- if (use_lch4) then
- call t_startf('ch4')
- call ch4 (bounds_clump, &
+ end if ! end of if-use_ed
+ call t_stopf('ecosysdyn')
+ ! Dry Deposition of chemical tracers (Wesely (1998) parameterizaion)
+ call t_startf('depvel')
+ call depvel_compute(bounds_clump, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, canopystate_vars, waterstate_vars, frictionvel_vars, &
+ photosyns_vars, drydepvel_vars)
+ call t_stopf('depvel')
+ if (use_betr)then
+ if (do_betr_leaching)then
+ call bgc_reaction%init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(bounds_proc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ !the following is dirty hack, I'll reconsider this in later modifcations, Jinyun Tang May 14, 2015
+ call begin_betr_tracer_massbalance(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, betrtracer_vars , &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ endif
+ !this is used for non-online bgc with betr
+ call run_betr_one_step_without_drainage(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ col, atm2lnd_vars, &
+ soilhydrology_vars, soilstate_vars, waterstate_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, chemstate_vars, cnstate_vars, canopystate_vars, &
+ carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ nitrogenflux_vars, betrtracer_vars, bgc_reaction, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars, tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, &
+ tracerflux_vars, plantsoilnutrientflux_vars)
+ endif
+ if (use_lch4) then
+ call t_startf('ch4')
+ call ch4 (bounds_clump, &
filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
filter(nc)%num_lakec, filter(nc)%lakec, &
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
atm2lnd_vars, lakestate_vars, canopystate_vars, soilstate_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
temperature_vars, energyflux_vars, waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, &
carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, ch4_vars, lnd2atm_vars)
- call t_stopf('ch4')
- end if
+ call t_stopf('ch4')
+ end if
+ endif !end of if is_active_betr_bgc
+ ! Dry Deposition of chemical tracers (Wesely (1998) parameterizaion)
+ call t_startf('depvel')
+ call depvel_compute(bounds_clump, &
+ atm2lnd_vars, canopystate_vars, waterstate_vars, frictionvel_vars, &
+ photosyns_vars, drydepvel_vars)
+ call t_stopf('depvel')
! ============================================================================
! Calculate soil/snow hydrology with drainage (subsurface runoff)
! ============================================================================
@@ -865,15 +972,49 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
call t_stopf('hydro2 drainage')
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call t_startf('betr drainage')
+ call run_betr_one_step_with_drainage(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ tracerboundarycond_vars%jtops_col(bounds_clump%begc:bounds_clump%endc), &
+ waterflux_vars%qflx_drain_vr_col(bounds_clump%begc:bounds_clump%endc, 1:nlevtrc_soil), &
+ col, betrtracer_vars , tracercoeff_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('betr drainage')
+ call t_startf('betr balchk')
+ call betr_tracer_massbalance_check(bounds_clump, 1, nlevtrc_soil, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, betrtracer_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars)
+ call t_stopf('betr balchk')
+ call bgc_reaction%betr_alm_flux_statevar_feedback(bounds_clump, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, &
+ tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, betrtracer_vars)
+ endif
! ============================================================================
! Check the energy and water balance, also carbon and nitrogen balance
! ============================================================================
if (.not. use_ed) then
if (use_cn) then
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ !extract nitrogen pool and flux from betr
+ !summarize total column nitrogen and carbon
+ call CNFluxStateBetrSummary(bounds_clump, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
+ filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ carbonflux_vars, carbonstate_vars, &
+ c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
+ c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ else
! FIX(SPM,032414) there are use_ed checks in this routine...be consistent
! (see comment above re: no leaching
- call CNEcosystemDynLeaching(bounds_clump, &
+ call CNEcosystemDynLeaching(bounds_clump, &
filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
filter(nc)%num_pcropp, filter(nc)%pcropp, doalb, &
@@ -881,14 +1022,17 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
c13_carbonflux_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, &
c14_carbonflux_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, dgvs_vars, &
nitrogenflux_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, &
- waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, canopystate_vars,&
+ waterstate_vars, waterflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, &
+ canopystate_vars, &
+ end if
if (doalb) then
- call CNVegStructUpdate(filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
+ call CNVegStructUpdate(filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, &
waterstate_vars, frictionvel_vars, dgvs_vars, cnstate_vars, &
carbonstate_vars, canopystate_vars)
- end if
+ end if
end if
end if
@@ -899,7 +1043,7 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
waterstate_vars, energyflux_vars, canopystate_vars)
call t_stopf('balchk')
- if(.not. use_ed)then
+ if (.not. use_ed)then
if (use_cn) then
nstep = get_nstep()
@@ -1174,9 +1318,11 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars,rdate=rdate)
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, &
+ tracercoeff_vars, rdate=rdate )
call t_stopf('clm_drv_io_wrest')
end if
@@ -1438,6 +1584,13 @@ subroutine clm_drv_patch2col (bounds, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, &
waterflux_vars%qflx_irrig_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ call p2c (bounds, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, &
+ waterflux_vars%qflx_tran_veg_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ waterflux_vars%qflx_tran_veg_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) )
+ call p2c (bounds, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, &
+ waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_veg_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
+ waterflux_vars%qflx_evap_veg_col (bounds%begc:bounds%endc))
end subroutine clm_drv_patch2col
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90
index b9659644cb96..471983e2bef9 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/clm_initializeMod.F90
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ module clm_initializeMod
use abortutils , only : endrun
use clm_varctl , only : nsrest, nsrStartup, nsrContinue, nsrBranch
use clm_varctl , only : create_glacier_mec_landunit, iulog
- use clm_varctl , only : use_lch4, use_cn, use_cndv, use_voc, use_c13, use_c14, use_ed
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_lch4, use_cn, use_cndv, use_voc, use_c13, use_c14, use_ed, use_betr
use clm_varsur , only : wt_lunit, urban_valid, wt_nat_patch, wt_cft, wt_glc_mec, topo_glc_mec
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
- use readParamsMod , only : readParameters
+ !use readParamsMod , only : readParameters
+ use readParamsMod , only : readSharedParameters, readPrivateParameters
use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t
@@ -70,8 +71,8 @@ module clm_initializeMod
use EDBioType , only : EDbio_type ! ED type used to interact with CLM variables
use EDVecPatchType , only : EDpft
use EDVecCohortType , only : coh ! unique to ED, used for domain decomp
- ! bgc interface
use clm_bgc_interface_data , only : clm_bgc_interface_data_type
+ use ChemStateType , only : chemstate_type ! structure for chemical indices of the soil, such as pH and Eh
implicit none
@@ -118,11 +119,10 @@ module clm_initializeMod
type(glc_diagnostics_type) :: glc_diagnostics_vars
class(soil_water_retention_curve_type), allocatable :: soil_water_retention_curve
type(EDbio_type) :: EDbio_vars
type(phosphorusstate_type) :: phosphorusstate_vars
type(phosphorusflux_type) :: phosphorusflux_vars
- !! bgc interface:
type(clm_bgc_interface_data_type) :: clm_bgc_data
+ type(chemstate_type) :: chemstate_vars
public :: initialize1 ! Phase one initialization
public :: initialize2 ! Phase two initialization
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
use shr_orb_mod , only : shr_orb_decl
use shr_scam_mod , only : shr_scam_getCloseLatLon
use seq_drydep_mod , only : n_drydep, drydep_method, DD_XLND
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, numpft, crop_prog
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno, numpft, crop_prog, nlevsoi
use clm_varcon , only : h2osno_max, bdsno, c13ratio, c14ratio, spval
use landunit_varcon , only : istice, istice_mec, istsoil
use clm_varctl , only : finidat, finidat_interp_source, finidat_interp_dest, fsurdat
@@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
use restFileMod , only : restFile_read, restFile_write
use accumulMod , only : print_accum_fields
use ndepStreamMod , only : ndep_init, ndep_interp
- use CNEcosystemDynMod , only : CNEcosystemDynInit
+ use CNEcosystemDynMod , only : CNEcosystemDynInit
+ use CNEcosystemDynBetrMod , only : CNEcosystemDynBetrInit
use CNDecompCascadeBGCMod , only : init_decompcascade_bgc
use CNDecompCascadeCNMod , only : init_decompcascade_cn
use CNDecompCascadeContype, only : init_decomp_cascade_constants
@@ -412,9 +413,12 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
use glc2lndMod , only : glc2lnd_type
use lnd2glcMod , only : lnd2glc_type
use SoilWaterRetentionCurveFactoryMod , only : create_soil_water_retention_curve
- ! bgc interface & pflotran:
use clm_varctl , only : use_bgc_interface, use_pflotran
use clm_pflotran_interfaceMod , only : clm_pf_interface_init !!, clm_pf_set_restart_stamp
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : betr_initialize
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : bgc_reaction
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
implicit none
@@ -463,11 +467,10 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
nclumps = get_proc_clumps()
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Read in parameters files
+ ! Read in shared parameters files
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call readParameters()
+ call readSharedParameters()
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Initialize time manager
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -642,8 +645,10 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
soilstate_vars%watsat_col(begc:endc, 1:), &
temperature_vars%t_soisno_col(begc:endc, -nlevsno+1:) )
call waterflux_vars%init(bounds_proc)
+ call chemstate_vars%Init(bounds_proc)
! WJS (6-24-14): Without the following write statement, the assertion in
! energyflux_vars%init fails with pgi 13.9 on yellowstone. So for now, I'm leaving
! this write statement in place as a workaround for this problem.
@@ -675,6 +680,16 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
allocate(soil_water_retention_curve, &
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Initialise the BeTR
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(use_betr)then
+ !state variables will be initialized inside betr_initialize
+ call betr_initialize(bounds_proc, 1, nlevsoi, waterstate_vars)
+ endif
call SnowOptics_init( ) ! SNICAR optical parameters:
call SnowAge_init( ) ! SNICAR aging parameters:
@@ -689,16 +704,26 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
call vocemis_vars%Init(bounds_proc)
end if
- if (use_cn) then
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Read in private parameters files, this should be preferred for mulitphysics
+ ! implementation, jinyun Tang, Feb. 11, 2015
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(use_cn) then
call init_decomp_cascade_constants()
- if (use_century_decomp) then
- ! Note that init_decompcascade_bgc needs cnstate_vars to be initialized
- call init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds_proc, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
- else
- ! Note that init_decompcascade_cn needs cnstate_vars to be initialized
- call init_decompcascade_cn(bounds_proc, cnstate_vars)
- end if
+ endif
+ !read bgc implementation specific parameters when needed
+ call readPrivateParameters()
+ if (use_cn) then
+ if (.not. is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ if (use_century_decomp) then
+ ! Note that init_decompcascade_bgc needs cnstate_vars to be initialized
+ call init_decompcascade_bgc(bounds_proc, cnstate_vars, soilstate_vars)
+ else
+ ! Note that init_decompcascade_cn needs cnstate_vars to be initialized
+ call init_decompcascade_cn(bounds_proc, cnstate_vars)
+ end if
+ endif
! Note - always initialize the memory for the c13_carbonstate_vars and
! c14_carbonstate_vars data structure so that they can be used in
@@ -807,7 +832,11 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (use_cn) then
- call CNEcosystemDynInit(bounds_proc)
+ if(is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ call CNEcosystemDynBetrInit(bounds_proc)
+ else
+ call CNEcosystemDynInit(bounds_proc)
+ endif
call SatellitePhenologyInit(bounds_proc)
end if
@@ -856,9 +885,10 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars )
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars )
end if
else if ((nsrest == nsrContinue) .or. (nsrest == nsrBranch)) then
@@ -870,12 +900,17 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars )
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
end if
+ if (use_betr)then
+ call bgc_reaction%init_betr_alm_bgc_coupler(bounds_proc, &
+ carbonstate_vars, nitrogenstate_vars, betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars)
+ endif
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Initialize filters and weights
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -910,9 +945,10 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars )
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
! Interpolate finidat onto new template file
call getfil( finidat_interp_source, fnamer, 0 )
@@ -924,9 +960,10 @@ subroutine initialize2( )
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars )
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
! Reset finidat to now be finidat_interp_dest
! (to be compatible with routines still using finidat)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varcon.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varcon.F90
index e9a6499516a6..455805557f29 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varcon.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varcon.F90
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module clm_varcon
real(r8) :: tfrz = SHR_CONST_TKFRZ ! freezing temperature [K]
real(r8), parameter :: tcrit = 2.5_r8 ! critical temperature to determine rain or snow
real(r8) :: o2_molar_const = 0.209_r8 ! constant atmospheric O2 molar ratio (mol/mol)
+ real(r8) :: oneatm = 1.01325e5_r8 ! one standard atmospheric pressure [Pa]
real(r8) :: bdsno = 250._r8 ! bulk density snow (kg/m**3)
real(r8) :: alpha_aero = 1.0_r8 ! constant for aerodynamic parameter weighting
@@ -167,8 +168,9 @@ module clm_varcon
! Note some of these constants are also used in CNNitrifDenitrifMod
- real(r8), parameter :: catomw = 12.011_r8 ! molar mass of C atoms (g/mol)
+ real(r8), parameter :: catomw = 12.011_r8 ! molar mass of C atoms (g/mol)
+ real(r8), parameter :: natomw = 14.007_r8 ! molar mass of N atoms (g/mol)
real(r8) :: s_con(ngases,4) ! Schmidt # calculation constants (spp, #)
data (s_con(1,i),i=1,4) /1898_r8, -110.1_r8, 2.834_r8, -0.02791_r8/ ! CH4
data (s_con(2,i),i=1,4) /1801_r8, -120.1_r8, 3.7818_r8, -0.047608_r8/ ! O2
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varctl.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varctl.F90
index 0c00bf9fa663..afdffeea0aef 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varctl.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varctl.F90
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module clm_varctl
public :: cnallocate_carbonnitrogen_only
public :: cnallocate_carbonphosphorus_only_set
public :: cnallocate_carbonphosphorus_only
+ public :: get_carbontag ! get the tag for carbon simulations
@@ -190,6 +191,11 @@ module clm_varctl
logical, public :: use_ed = .false. ! true => use ED
logical, public :: use_ed_spit_fire = .false. ! true => use spitfire model
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ ! BeTR switches
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ logical, public :: use_betr = .false. ! true=> use BeTR
! lai streams switch for Sat. Phenology
@@ -363,7 +369,6 @@ logical function CNAllocate_Carbon_only()
cnallocate_carbon_only = carbon_only
end function CNAllocate_Carbon_only
! Set module carbonnitrogen_only flag
subroutine cnallocate_carbonnitrogen_only_set(carbonnitrogen_only_in)
logical, intent(in) :: carbonnitrogen_only_in
@@ -387,6 +392,19 @@ logical function CNAllocate_CarbonPhosphorus_only()
cnallocate_carbonphosphorus_only = carbonphosphorus_only
end function CNAllocate_CarbonPhosphorus_only
+ function get_carbontag(carbon_type)result(ctag)
+ implicit none
+ character(len=*) :: carbon_type
+ character(len=3) :: ctag
+ if(carbon_type=='c12')then
+ ctag = 'C'
+ elseif(carbon_type=='c13')then
+ ctag = 'C13'
+ elseif(carbon_type=='c14')then
+ ctag = 'C14'
+ endif
+ end function get_carbontag
end module clm_varctl
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varpar.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varpar.F90
index f351b7148778..44bd6ec79e5c 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/clm_varpar.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/clm_varpar.F90
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module clm_varpar
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod , only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
- use clm_varctl , only: use_extralakelayers, use_vertsoilc, use_crop
+ use clm_varctl , only: use_extralakelayers, use_vertsoilc, use_crop, use_betr
use clm_varctl , only: use_century_decomp, use_c13, use_c14
use clm_varctl , only: iulog, create_crop_landunit, irrigate, flanduse_timeseries
use clm_varctl , only: use_vichydro
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ module clm_varpar
integer :: nlevdecomp ! number of biogeochemically active soil layers
integer :: nlevdecomp_full ! number of biogeochemical layers
! (includes lower layers that are biogeochemically inactive)
+ integer :: nlevtrc_soil
+ integer :: nlevtrc_full
integer, parameter :: nlevsno = 5 ! maximum number of snow layers
integer, parameter :: ngases = 3 ! CH4, O2, & CO2
integer, parameter :: nlevcan = 1 ! number of leaf layers in canopy layer
@@ -160,6 +163,11 @@ subroutine clm_varpar_init()
nlevdecomp = 1
nlevdecomp_full = 1
end if
+ nlevtrc_full = nlevsoi
+ if(use_betr) then
+ nlevtrc_soil = nlevsoi
+ endif
if (.not. use_extralakelayers) then
nlevlak = 10 ! number of lake layers
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/controlMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/controlMod.F90
index d0188259cbaf..de94cffc2ffa 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/controlMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/controlMod.F90
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module controlMod
public :: control_setNL ! Set namelist filename
public :: control_init ! initial run control information
public :: control_print ! print run control information
@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@ subroutine control_init( )
! Initialize CLM run control information
! !USES:
- use clm_time_manager , only : set_timemgr_init, get_timemgr_defaults
- use fileutils , only : getavu, relavu
- use shr_string_mod , only : shr_string_getParentDir
- ! pflotran
- use clm_pflotran_interfaceMod, only : clm_pf_readnl
+ use clm_time_manager , only : set_timemgr_init, get_timemgr_defaults
+ use fileutils , only : getavu, relavu
+ use shr_string_mod , only : shr_string_getParentDir
+ use clm_pflotran_interfaceMod , only : clm_pf_readnl
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : betr_readNL
+ !
implicit none
@@ -202,7 +203,9 @@ subroutine control_init( )
namelist /clm_inparm / use_c13, use_c14
namelist /clm_inparm / use_ed, use_ed_spit_fire
+ namelist /clm_inparm / use_betr
namelist /clm_inparm / use_lai_streams
namelist /clm_inparm/ &
@@ -381,6 +384,11 @@ subroutine control_init( )
if (use_pflotran) then
call clm_pf_readnl(NLFilename)
end if
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call betr_readNL( NLFilename )
+ endif
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! consistency checks
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -533,6 +541,8 @@ subroutine control_spmd()
call mpi_bcast (use_ed, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, mpicom, ier)
call mpi_bcast (use_ed_spit_fire, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, mpicom, ier)
+ call mpi_bcast (use_betr, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, mpicom, ier)
call mpi_bcast (use_lai_streams, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, mpicom, ier)
call mpi_bcast (use_dynroot, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, mpicom, ier)
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/histFileMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/histFileMod.F90
index 27307ee3fb2e..e0b2c942e488 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/histFileMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/histFileMod.F90
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ subroutine htape_create (t, histrest)
! !USES:
use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevsno, nlevlak, nlevurb, numrad
- use clm_varpar , only : natpft_size, cft_size, maxpatch_glcmec, nlevdecomp_full
+ use clm_varpar , only : natpft_size, cft_size, maxpatch_glcmec, nlevdecomp_full, nlevtrc_full
use landunit_varcon , only : max_lunit
use clm_varctl , only : caseid, ctitle, fsurdat, finidat, paramfile
use clm_varctl , only : version, hostname, username, conventions, source
@@ -1835,6 +1835,7 @@ subroutine htape_create (t, histrest)
end do
call ncd_defdim(lnfid, 'string_length', 8, strlen_dimid)
call ncd_defdim( lnfid, 'levdcmp', nlevdecomp_full, dimid)
+ call ncd_defdim( lnfid, 'levtrc', nlevtrc_full, dimid)
if ( .not. lhistrest )then
call ncd_defdim(lnfid, 'hist_interval', 2, hist_interval_dimid)
call ncd_defdim(lnfid, 'time', ncd_unlimited, time_dimid)
@@ -4259,7 +4260,7 @@ subroutine hist_addfld2d (fname, type2d, units, avgflag, long_name, type1d_out,
! initial or branch run to initialize the actual history tapes.
! !USES:
- use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevsno, nlevlak, numrad, nlevdecomp_full
+ use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevsno, nlevlak, numrad, nlevdecomp_full, nlevtrc_soil
use clm_varpar , only : natpft_size, cft_size, maxpatch_glcmec
use landunit_varcon , only : max_lunit
@@ -4338,6 +4339,8 @@ subroutine hist_addfld2d (fname, type2d, units, avgflag, long_name, type1d_out,
num2d = numrad
case ('levdcmp')
num2d = nlevdecomp_full
+ case ('levtrc')
+ num2d = nlevtrc_soil
num2d = max_lunit
@@ -4373,7 +4376,7 @@ subroutine hist_addfld2d (fname, type2d, units, avgflag, long_name, type1d_out,
case default
write(iulog,*) trim(subname),' ERROR: unsupported 2d type ',type2d, &
' currently supported types for multi level fields are: ', &
- '[levgrnd,levlak,numrad,levdcmp,ltype,natpft,cft,glc_nec,elevclas,levsno]'
+ '[levgrnd,levlak,numrad,levdcmp,levtrc,ltype,natpft,cft,glc_nec,elevclas,levsno]'
call endrun(msg=errMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__))
end select
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/lnd2atmMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/lnd2atmMod.F90
index 1143cb529339..0d61f7e86fce 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/lnd2atmMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/lnd2atmMod.F90
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module lnd2atmMod
use clm_varpar , only : numrad, ndst, nlevgrnd !ndst = number of dust bins.
use clm_varcon , only : rair, grav, cpair, hfus, tfrz, spval
use clm_varctl , only : iulog, use_c13, use_cn, use_lch4, use_voc
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
use seq_drydep_mod , only : n_drydep, drydep_method, DD_XLND
use decompMod , only : bounds_type
use subgridAveMod , only : p2g, c2g
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ subroutine lnd2atm(bounds, &
! ch4 flux
- if (use_lch4) then
+ if (use_lch4 .and. (.not. is_active_betr_bgc)) then
call c2g( bounds, &
ch4_vars%ch4_surf_flux_tot_col (bounds%begc:bounds%endc), &
lnd2atm_vars%flux_ch4_grc (bounds%begg:bounds%endg), &
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/readParamsMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/readParamsMod.F90
index d9aac931ac42..7cb67609b117 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/readParamsMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/readParamsMod.F90
@@ -12,22 +12,24 @@ module readParamsMod
- public :: readParameters
+ public :: readSharedParameters
+ public :: readPrivateParameters
- subroutine readParameters ()
+ subroutine readSharedParameters ()
implicit none
- call CNParamsReadFile()
+ call CNParamsSharedReadFile()
! calls for ED parameters
call EDParamsReadFile()
- end subroutine readParameters
+ end subroutine readSharedParameters
subroutine EDParamsReadFile ()
@@ -74,11 +76,54 @@ subroutine EDParamsReadFile ()
end subroutine EDParamsReadFile
- subroutine CNParamsReadFile ()
+ subroutine CNParamsSharedReadFile ()
! read CN and BGC shared parameters
- use CNAllocationMod , only : readCNAllocParams
+ use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
+ use clm_varctl , only : paramfile, iulog
+ use spmdMod , only : masterproc
+ use fileutils , only : getfil
+ use ncdio_pio , only : ncd_pio_closefile, ncd_pio_openfile, &
+ file_desc_t, ncd_inqdid, ncd_inqdlen
+ !
+ implicit none
+ !
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNParamsSharedReadFile'
+ character(len=256) :: locfn ! local file name
+ type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
+ integer :: dimid ! netCDF dimension id
+ integer :: npft ! number of pfts on pft-physiology file
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (masterproc) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'readParamsMod.F90::'//trim(subname)//' :: reading CN '//&
+ 'and BGC parameter file'
+ end if
+ call getfil (paramfile, locfn, 0)
+ call ncd_pio_openfile (ncid, trim(locfn), 0)
+ call ncd_inqdid(ncid,'pft',dimid)
+ call ncd_inqdlen(ncid,dimid,npft)
+ !
+ ! some parameters (eg. organic_max) are used in non-CN, non-BGC cases
+ !
+ call CNParamsReadShared(ncid)
+ end subroutine CNParamsSharedReadFile
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine readPrivateParameters
+ ! read CN and BGC shared parameters
+ !
+ use CNAllocationBetrMod , only : readCNAllocBetrParams
+ use CNAllocationMod , only : readCNAllocParams
use CNDecompMod , only : readCNDecompParams
use CNDecompCascadeBGCMod , only : readCNDecompBgcParams
use CNDecompCascadeCNMod , only : readCNDecompCnParams
@@ -88,19 +133,21 @@ subroutine CNParamsReadFile ()
use CNGapMortalityMod , only : readCNGapMortParams
use CNNitrifDenitrifMod , only : readCNNitrifDenitrifParams
use CNSoilLittVertTranspMod , only : readCNSoilLittVertTranspParams
- use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsReadShared
use ch4Mod , only : readCH4Params
- use clm_varctl , only : paramfile, iulog
+ use clm_varctl , only : paramfile, iulog, use_betr
use spmdMod , only : masterproc
use fileutils , only : getfil
use ncdio_pio , only : ncd_pio_closefile, ncd_pio_openfile, &
file_desc_t, ncd_inqdid, ncd_inqdlen
+ use tracer_varcon , only : is_active_betr_bgc
+ use betr_initializeMod , only : bgc_reaction, betrtracer_vars
implicit none
- character(len=32) :: subname = 'CNParamsReadShared'
+ character(len=32) :: subname = 'readPrivateParameters'
character(len=256) :: locfn ! local file name
type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! pio netCDF file id
integer :: dimid ! netCDF dimension id
@@ -115,45 +162,51 @@ subroutine CNParamsReadFile ()
call getfil (paramfile, locfn, 0)
call ncd_pio_openfile (ncid, trim(locfn), 0)
call ncd_inqdid(ncid,'pft',dimid)
- call ncd_inqdlen(ncid,dimid,npft)
- !
- ! some parameters (eg. organic_max) are used in non-CN, non-BGC cases
- !
- call CNParamsReadShared(ncid)
+ call ncd_inqdlen(ncid,dimid,npft)
+ if(use_betr)then
+ call bgc_reaction%readParams(ncid, betrtracer_vars)
+ endif
if (use_cn) then
! populate each module with private parameters
- !
- call readCNAllocParams(ncid)
- call readCNDecompParams(ncid)
- if (use_century_decomp) then
- call readCNDecompBgcParams(ncid)
+ !
+ if (is_active_betr_bgc)then
+ call readCNAllocBetrParams(ncid)
- call readCNDecompCnParams(ncid)
- end if
+ call readCNAllocParams(ncid)
+ call readCNDecompParams(ncid)
+ if (use_century_decomp) then
+ call readCNDecompBgcParams(ncid)
+ else
+ call readCNDecompCnParams(ncid)
+ end if
+ if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
+ call readCNNitrifDenitrifParams(ncid)
+ end if
+ call readCNSoilLittVertTranspParams(ncid)
+ if (use_lch4) then
+ call readCH4Params (ncid)
+ end if
+ endif
call readCNPhenolParams(ncid)
call readCNMRespParams (ncid)
call readCNNDynamicsParams (ncid)
call readCNGapMortParams (ncid)
- if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
- call readCNNitrifDenitrifParams(ncid)
- end if
- call readCNSoilLittVertTranspParams(ncid)
- if (use_lch4) then
- call readCH4Params (ncid)
- end if
- !
- ! close CN params file
- !
- call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
end if
- end subroutine CNParamsReadFile
+ !
+ ! close CN params file
+ !
+ call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
+ end subroutine readPrivateParameters
end module readParamsMod
diff --git a/components/clm/src/main/restFileMod.F90 b/components/clm/src/main/restFileMod.F90
index 1d6b2bb8dcde..a875f47699b2 100644
--- a/components/clm/src/main/restFileMod.F90
+++ b/components/clm/src/main/restFileMod.F90
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module restFileMod
use accumulMod , only : accumulRest
use histFileMod , only : hist_restart_ncd
use clm_varpar , only : crop_prog
- use clm_varctl , only : use_cn, use_c13, use_c14, use_lch4, use_cndv, use_ed
+ use clm_varctl , only : use_cn, use_c13, use_c14, use_lch4, use_cndv, use_ed, use_betr
use clm_varctl , only : create_glacier_mec_landunit, iulog
use clm_varcon , only : c13ratio, c14ratio
use clm_varcon , only : nameg, namel, namec, namep, nameCohort
@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ module restFileMod
use atm2lndType , only : atm2lnd_type
use lnd2atmType , only : lnd2atm_type
use glc2lndMod , only : glc2lnd_type
- use lnd2glcMod , only : lnd2glc_type
+ use lnd2glcMod , only : lnd2glc_type
+ use BeTRTracerType , only : BeTRTracer_Type
+ use TracerStateType , only : TracerState_type
+ use TracerFluxType , only : TracerFlux_Type
+ use tracercoefftype , only : tracercoeff_type
use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t, ncd_pio_createfile, ncd_pio_openfile, ncd_global
use ncdio_pio , only : ncd_pio_closefile, ncd_defdim, ncd_putatt, ncd_enddef, check_dim
use ncdio_pio , only : check_att, ncd_getatt
@@ -92,9 +96,11 @@ subroutine restFile_write( bounds, file,
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars,rdate,noptr)
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars, phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars, &
+ rdate, noptr)
! Define/write CLM restart file.
@@ -126,10 +132,12 @@ subroutine restFile_write( bounds, file,
type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_vars ! due to EDrest call
type(waterflux_type) , intent(in) :: waterflux_vars
type(EDbio_type) , intent(inout) :: EDbio_vars ! due to EDrest call
type(phosphorusstate_type),intent(inout) :: phosphorusstate_vars
type(phosphorusflux_type) ,intent(in) :: phosphorusflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! due to Betrrest call
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
character(len=*) , intent(in), optional :: rdate ! restart file time stamp for name
logical , intent(in), optional :: noptr ! if should NOT write to the restart pointer file
@@ -239,6 +247,12 @@ subroutine restFile_write( bounds, file,
end if
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call tracerstate_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='define', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracerflux_vars%Restart( bounds, ncid, flag='define', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracercoeff_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='define', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ endif
if (present(rdate)) then
call hist_restart_ncd (bounds, ncid, flag='define', rdate=rdate )
end if
@@ -330,6 +344,12 @@ subroutine restFile_write( bounds, file,
end if
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call tracerstate_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='write', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracerflux_vars%Restart( bounds, ncid, flag='write', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracercoeff_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='write', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ endif
call hist_restart_ncd (bounds, ncid, flag='write' )
! --------------------------------------------
@@ -358,9 +378,10 @@ subroutine restFile_read( bounds, file,
carbonstate_vars, c13_carbonstate_vars, c14_carbonstate_vars, carbonflux_vars, &
ch4_vars, dgvs_vars, energyflux_vars, frictionvel_vars, lakestate_vars, &
nitrogenstate_vars, nitrogenflux_vars, photosyns_vars, soilhydrology_vars, &
- soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
- waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars,&
- phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars)
+ soilstate_vars, solarabs_vars, surfalb_vars, temperature_vars, &
+ waterflux_vars, waterstate_vars, EDbio_vars, &
+ phosphorusstate_vars,phosphorusflux_vars, &
+ betrtracer_vars, tracerstate_vars, tracerflux_vars, tracercoeff_vars)
! Read a CLM restart file.
@@ -397,10 +418,12 @@ subroutine restFile_read( bounds, file,
type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_vars
type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_vars
type(EDbio_type) , intent(inout) :: EDbio_vars
type(phosphorusstate_type) , intent(inout) :: phosphorusstate_vars
type(phosphorusflux_type) , intent(inout) :: phosphorusflux_vars
+ type(tracerstate_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerstate_vars ! due to Betrrest call
+ type(BeTRTracer_Type) , intent(in) :: betrtracer_vars
+ type(tracerflux_type) , intent(inout) :: tracerflux_vars
+ type(tracercoeff_type) , intent(inout) :: tracercoeff_vars
type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! netcdf id
@@ -502,6 +525,12 @@ subroutine restFile_read( bounds, file,
end if
+ if (use_betr) then
+ call tracerstate_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='read',betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracerflux_vars%Restart( bounds, ncid, flag='read',betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ call tracercoeff_vars%Restart(bounds, ncid, flag='read', betrtracer_vars=betrtracer_vars)
+ endif
call hist_restart_ncd (bounds, ncid, flag='read')
! Do error checking on file
@@ -762,7 +791,7 @@ subroutine restFile_dimset( ncid )
use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
use clm_varctl , only : caseid, ctitle, version, username, hostname, fsurdat
use clm_varctl , only : flanduse_timeseries, conventions, source
- use clm_varpar , only : numrad, nlevlak, nlevsno, nlevgrnd, nlevurb, nlevcan
+ use clm_varpar , only : numrad, nlevlak, nlevsno, nlevgrnd, nlevurb, nlevcan, nlevtrc_full
use clm_varpar , only : cft_lb, cft_ub, maxpatch_glcmec
use decompMod , only : get_proc_global
@@ -803,6 +832,7 @@ subroutine restFile_dimset( ncid )
call ncd_defdim(ncid , 'numrad' , numrad , dimid)
call ncd_defdim(ncid , 'levcan' , nlevcan , dimid)
call ncd_defdim(ncid , 'string_length', 64 , dimid)
+ call ncd_defdim(ncid , 'levtrc' , nlevtrc_full , dimid)
if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then
call ncd_defdim(ncid , 'glc_nec', maxpatch_glcmec, dimid)
end if