- These scripts perform preprocessing of fMRI data (task or rest), including head motion correction, registration (to anatomical and MNI standard space), ICA-AROMA, regression of eroded white matter and cerebrospinal fluid signals, highpass (0.01 Hz) cutoff filtering, bandpass (0.01 - 0.1 Hz) filtering (e.g. for resting state fMRI), and conversion to % signal change. The pipeline can be run in the standard way on one run at a time using the all_AROMA_preproc function, or it can be used with code more optimized for individual subjects who have multiple sessions (see below).
- Dataset should be organized in BIDS or BIDS-like format (e.g. dataset/subject/session/func contains all func files for a session)
- After cloning this repository, add the path to your bash startup script (.bash_profile on Mac or .bashrc on Linux), e.g. by adding these 2 lines (using your own path) to the script:
PATH="/Users/ak4379/Documents/project/scripts/fMRI_preprocessing:${PATH}" PATH="/Users/ak4379/Documents/project/scripts/fMRI_preprocessing/iProc:${PATH}"
- After adding those lines to your bash startup, test setup by opening a terminal and typing "all_AROMA_preproc" which you should output instructions for this function
Required software
- Required: FSL, python2.7 (+numpy), and niimath
- Note: If you have multiple versions of python installed, you can install numpy for version 2.7 by typing "python2.7 -m pip install numpy" in terminal
Running the scripts
- all_AROMA_preproc runs ICA-AROMA preprocessing on fMRI data in BIDS or BIDS-like format (for subjects who have just one session in the BIDS folder).
- In iProc folder, there are scripts for more optimal processing of individual subjects with multiple sessions:
- step1_run_alignment_onesub creates common fMRI template across all sessions/runs and registers each run to it (+performs motion correction)
- step2_ICA_AROMA_iProc_onesession runs ICA-AROMA (plus regression of thresholded white matter and CSF)
- step3_highpass_register_onesession runs highpass filtering (0.01 Hz cutoff), bandpass (0.01 - 0.1 Hz) filtering, and registration to MNI space, plus conversion to % signal change (for high-pass filtered data)