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Handle registration and ownership

Dpeta edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Handle registration with nickServ

NickServ can be found under the 'help' tab of the client and allows you to make an account and register your handles. Registering a handle gives you exclusive rights to the handle and allows you to register memos.

To get a full list of nickServ's commands, message help to nickServ.


Registering a handle

To register a handle, message register [password] [email] to nickServ, with a password and your email instead of [password] and [email]. This will create an account and register your handle to it. You can also type help register for more information.



The email is only used for resetting your password, it's fine to put in a fake one, but you probably won't be able to recover your account if you lose your password.

Signing in

To log into your account in the future, message identify [password] to nickServ:


You can also set Pesterchum to sign into your account automatically in options:

auto identify

Protecting your handle

To require people to identify before being able to use your handle, message set kill on to nickServ. When kill is turned on, anyone who doesn't message identify [password] to nickServ when getting on the handle will be kicked after a minute.


Alternatively, you can message recover [handle] [password] to nickServ to manually kick someone off of your registered handle.



By default, handle registrations expire if you don't sign in for 90 days.


You can check a handle's expiry date by messaging info [handle] to nickServ. Mods can set a handle to never expire at request.

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