- json-stream-stringify@1.6.1 to support noDecycle (#10) (7971ad1)
- update dev deps. move to nyc (#8) (0fb40b1)
- swap mississippi for through2 (#9) (6b95783)
- move to JSONStream. remove multibyte option (#6) (43344be)
- rev dev dependencies (#5) (58aaa92)
- add callback style APIs (#4) (a12598f)
- fix changelog bug with versioning (aa23d6b)
- add support for multibyte chars (#2) (ec4bb36)
- more changelog fixes (d76911b)
- more fixes to changelog script (3ff79fa)
- update changelog script, add CHANGES.md (d9a9ac1)
- update license in README (2308c03)
- add gitignore file (5b30220)
- first release (#1) (d0997ee)