This application makes possible to play a connect 4 game with another player in local. It uses swing library, has automatic checks and is partially personalizable.
Have Java installed on the machine.
Change directory and enters Forza4/src/forza4 folder and compile the program with the following command:
-$ javac -d ../../build GUI/.java interfaces/.java IO/.java logic/.java testers/*.java
Now move in the new folder where are all the .class with the command
On windows:
-$ CHDIR ../../build
On linux:
-$ Mkdir ....\build
and create the jar
-$ jar cfe forza4.jar forza4.Starter forza4/Starter.class forza4/GUI/.class forza4/interfaces/.class forza4/IO/.class forza4/logic/.class forza4/testers/*.class
now open the program with the command
-$ java -jar forza4.jar
© Paossi Davide, 2021
Licensed under the GNU LICENSE