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Quick Start

Stephan Sann edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

First screen

After startup DocumentArchiver will ask you to open (a) single file(s) or a folder containing files to archive.

First screen

Note: You can start DocumentArchiver with a file or folder command line argument. If you do so, the first screen will be skipped and the archiving screen will show up immediately.

Archiving screen

This screen will assist you with your input data for the archiving.

Archiving screen


A list of the documents to archive. If you decided to just open a single file, you will find the name of this file here. If you decided to open multiple files or a directory, a list of the names of the respective files.

Please select date

To set the date of the document. This will be the first part of the filename within the archive. The date will be pre-set to the creation date or the current file.

Utilize time information

If the time information should be utilized for the resulting filename.

Please define description

Define a description for the document. This will be found within the resulting filename within the archive. Quick description words: You can define recurring description words (in the preferences) for quick access.

Please select tags

By selecting "speaking" tags you will make it easier to find your documents in your archive. The tags will also be part of the resulting filename.

Take over description and tags to next document

By checking this box DocumentArchiver will keep the current description and tags for the next document (to archive multiple similar documents).

Move file

Click to move the current file to the archive - it will be renamed according to the input you chose above.

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