Derive rules to combine instances of traits into a compound type.
To use simply add "dev.zio" %% "zio-macros-core" % "<version>"
to your libraryDependencies
An instance of
trait Mix[A, B] {
def mix(a: A, b: B): A with B
provides evidence that an instance of B
can be mixed into an instance of A
A macro is defined that can derive an instance of Mix for any two types if the first is a nonfinal class or a trait and the second one is a trait. It can be used like this
class Foo {
def foo: Int = 2
trait Bar {
def bar: Int
def withBar[A](a: A)(implicit ev: Mix[A, Bar]): A with Bar = {
ev.mix(a, new Bar { def bar = 2 })
withBar[Foo](new Foo()).bar // 2
Definitions in the second type will override implementations in the first type.
One of the primary motivations for writing this library was more comfortable incremental building of ZIO environment cakes. A possible way of doing this is:
import zio.macros.annotation.delegate
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.clock.Clock
trait Sys extends Serializable {
def sys: Sys.Service[Any]
object Sys {
trait Service[R] extends Serializable
trait Live extends Sys { self: Clock with Blocking =>
def sys = new Service[Any] {}
def withSys[A <: Clock with Blocking](a: A)(implicit ev: A Mix Sys): A with Sys = {
class SysInstance(@delegate underlying: Clock with Blocking) extends Live
// alternatively
// class SysInstance(underlying: Clock with Blocking) extends Live with Clock with Blocking {
// val blocking = underlying.blocking
// val clock = underlying.clock
// }
ev.mix(a, new SysInstance(a))
This is heavily inspired by both adamw/scala-macro-aop and b-studios/MixinComposition. Make sure to check out the projects!