Day 15: Rambunctious Recitation
Haskell: Part 1 (00:38:33, rank 4277), Part 2 (01:07:30, rank 4462)
This one got a little silly. I decided to use Data.Map
again, which was fine for part 1, although I made a few errors with indices and such that took a while to figure out.
As soon as I read the spec for part 2, I assumed brute force would be intractable and started looking for patterns in the first 100 numbers that might allow working out the 30000000th number very quickly. However, if I'd just started the program running while I was thinking, it would have finished after a minute or two. That's a lesson for future me.
The other obvious takeaway here is that this really is not a problem well-suited to a purely functional dictionary structure. Instead, an unboxed array would have sufficed, since I did notice from inspecting the numbers that, excluding the starting numbers, none of the other values up to index i
seem be greater than i
-- in fact the maximum at index i
seemed to be around 0.944*i
. So instead of generating a new map 30 million times (facepalm), I could just update the array (nums[nextNum] = i
). I might make that change now, just to see the difference in performance.
Thanks to another tip from a seasoned Haskeller, I made a version that replaces the Map Int Int
with an STUArray s Int Int
, an unboxed integer array. The compiled version runs about 100 times faster, solving the full problem in 1.5 seconds on my laptop.
Out of curiosity, I re-implemented the algorithm with an unboxed u64 array in zz, a variant of C with some proof-checking abilities but no dynamic allocation. It took quite a while to convince the compiler that what I was doing was safe, and somehow I managed to get things wrong and smash the stack several times by overflowing an array pointer to a negative value. Surprisingly, the performance was almost the exact same as the Haskell version with an unboxed integer array -- I was sort of expecting it to be a good bit faster, but maybe the biggest cost of this algorithm is its lack of memory locality, meaning the cache is of very little help.
Because zz
requires all memory to be on the stack, running it for 30000000 steps requires temporarily increasing the stack size. By default it's 8 mb on Ubuntu machine, and I needed to set it to over 230 mb with ulimit -s 240000