diff --git a/dev/objects.inv b/dev/objects.inv index b2c4e450..964c540a 100644 Binary files a/dev/objects.inv and b/dev/objects.inv differ diff --git a/dev/scripts/recon_surf.html b/dev/scripts/recon_surf.html index 28884b73..d38c4728 100644 --- a/dev/scripts/recon_surf.html +++ b/dev/scripts/recon_surf.html @@ -491,136 +491,6 @@
: Output directory $SUBJECTS_DIR (equivalent to FreeSurfer setup –> $SUBJECTS_DIR/<sid>/mri
… will be created).
: Subject ID for directory inside $SUBJECTS_DIR to be created ($SUBJECTS_DIR/sid/…)
: T1 full head input (not bias corrected). This must be conformed (dimensions: same along each axis, voxel size:
-isotropic, LIA orientation, and data type UCHAR). Images can be conformed using FastSurferCNN’s
-conform.py script (usage
-example: python3 FastSurferCNN/data_loader/conform.py -i <T1_input> -o <conformed_T1_output>
). If not passed we use
-the orig.mgz
in the output subject mri directory if available.
: Global path with filename of segmentation (where and under which name to find it, must already
-exist). This must be conformed (dimensions: same along each axis, voxel size: isotropic, and LIA orientation).
-FastSurferCNN’s segmentations are conformed by default. Please ensure that segmentations produced otherwise are also
-conformed and equivalent in dimension and voxel size to the --t1 <image>
-Default location: $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sid/mri/aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.deep.mgz
: for Talairach registration, use the 3T atlas instead of the 1.5T atlas (which is used if the flag is not
-provided). This gives better (more consistent with FreeSurfer) ICV estimates (eTIV) for 3T and better Talairach
-registration matrices, but has little impact on standard volume or surface stats.
: Use mri_tesselate instead of marching cube (default) for surface creation
: Use FreeSurfer default instead of novel spectral spherical projection for qsphere
: Use FS aparc segmentations in addition to DL prediction (slower in this case and usually the mapped ones
-from the DL prediction are fine)
: Set openMP and ITK threads to
: Command for python, used in both pipelines. Default: python3.10
: Skip surface registration with FreeSurfer (if only stats are needed)
: Path to FreeSurfer license key file.
-Register for free to obtain it if you do not have FreeSurfer
-installed already
The --help
flag of recon-surf.sh
also prints details to your specific version of recon-surf.sh
to the console.
$ ./recon-surf.sh --help
-Usage: recon-surf.sh --sid <sid> --sd <sdir> --t1 <t1> --asegdkt_segfile <asegdkt_segfile> [OPTIONS]
-recon-surf.sh takes a segmentation and T1 full head image and creates surfaces,
-thickness etc as a FS subject dir.
- --sid <subjectID> Subject ID to create directory inside $SUBJECTS_DIR
- --sd <subjects_dir> Output directory $SUBJECTS_DIR (or pass via env var)
- --t1 <T1_input> T1 full head input (not bias corrected). This must be
- a conformed image (dimensions: 256x256x256, voxel
- size: 1x1x1, LIA orientation, and data type UCHAR).
- Images can be conformed using FastSurferCNN's
- conform.py script (usage example: python3
- FastSurferCNN/data_loader/conform.py -i <T1_input>
- -o <conformed_T1_output>). Requires an ABSOLUTE Path!
- --asegdkt_segfile <asegdkt_segfile>
- Name of intermediate DL-based segmentation file
- (similar to aparc+aseg). This must be conformed
- (voxel size: isotropic, LIA orientation, and, if voxel
- size 1mm, dimensions: 256x256x256). FastSurferCNN's
- segmentations are conformed by default; please ensure
- that segmentations produced otherwise are conformed.
- Requires an ABSOLUTE Path! Default location:
- $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sid/mri/aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.deep.mgz
- --mask_name <mask_file> Path to the brain mask file to use. Default location:
- $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sid/mri/mask.mgz
- --edits Disable the check for existing recon-surf.sh run, replace
- <asegdkt_segfile> by its manedit-suffixed version,
- includes wm.mgz and brain.finalsurfs.mgz edits,
- and enables FreeSurfer-style WM control points.
- --fstess Revert to FreeSurfer mri_tesselate for surface creation
- (default: mri_mc)
- --fsqsphere Revert to FreeSurfer iterative inflation for qsphere
- (default: spectral spherical projection)
- --fsaparc Additionally create FS aparc segmentations and ribbon.
- Skipped by default (--> DL prediction is used which
- is faster, and usually these mapped ones are fine).
- Note, if you switch this on it will create all cortical
- parcellations with FreeSurfer's spherical atlases and
- also map these into the aparc+aseg file instead of
- the FastSurfer ones. FastSurfer's cortical DKT atlas
- results can still be found in:
- <hemi>.aparc.DKTatlas.mapped.stats
- --3T Use the 3T atlas for talairach registration (gives better
- eTIV estimates for 3T MR images, default: 1.5T atlas).
- --threads <int> Set openMP and ITK threads to <int>, parallelize
- hemispheres, if threads >= 2.
- --py <python_cmd> Command for python, default python3.10
- --fs_license <license> Path to FreeSurfer license key file. Register at
- https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html
- for free to obtain it if you do not have FreeSurfer
- installed already.
- --base For longitudinal template (base) creation.
- --long <baseid> For longitudinal time point creation, pass the ID of
- the base (template) which needs to exist already in
- the same subjects_dir.
- -h --help Print Help
-Dev Flags:
- --ignore_fs_version Switch on to avoid check for FreeSurfer version.
- Program will otherwise terminate if 7.4.1 is
- not sourced. Can be used for testing dev versions.
- --no_fs_T1 Do not generate T1.mgz (normalized nu.mgz included in
- standard FreeSurfer output) and create brainmask.mgz
- directly from norm.mgz instead. Saves 1:30 min.
- --no_surfreg Do not run Surface registration with FreeSurfer (for
- cross-subject correspondence). Not recommended, but
- speeds up processing if you just need the stats and
- don't want to do thickness analysis on the cortex.
-If you use this for research publications, please cite:
Henschel L, Conjeti S, Estrada S, Diers K, Fischl B, Reuter M, FastSurfer - A
fast and accurate deep learning based neuroimaging pipeline, NeuroImage 219
(2020), 117012. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117012
@@ -632,7 +502,6 @@ More parameters details