This very short guide is for my own benefit, so I'll remember how I set all of this up the next time I need to do this. The process is largely automated now, but there are a couple of steps to it that have to be done in the right way.
- Check that all dependencies in and requirements.txt are up to date and correct.
- Check that no new files or directories need to be included in the
- Checkout the master branch to vx.x.x, then tag it (using Pycharm put the commit as HEAD).
- Push to remote (make sure to include tags) - this will trigger the build and publishing to test PyPI
- STOP - Now check that the install from
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url xga
(I have had issues with fitsio and regions v0.4 on PIP, on Apollo, but conda install works). - Now do a release on the GitHub website - this should trigger the build and publishing to the real PyPI index.
- Seems like sometimes I need to make sure to push tags from all branches from PyCharm
- It will show up as a release but it doesn't seem to trigger the PyPI release action
- To delete a remote tag (as I have had to a LOT while figuring this all out), use git push --delete origin {tag_name}