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Microsoft Active Directory Logo

Active Directory Domain Services Tool (ADDS_Tool)

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Windows Command shell program that is a wrapper for ADDS toolset: - DSQUERY - DSGET - DSADD - DSMOD - DSMOVE

The advantage of using ADDS Tool over something like Active Directory Explorer:

  • Command shell is faster.
  • Navigating shell menu is quicker.
  • Every search is saved to log file; text files are easy to extract information from, and stores a historical search record.
  • ADDS Tool allows setting parameters, most important is the -limit parameter, which by default is set to -limit 0, which is no limit.

Why not PowerShell? I like the windows command shell. It does most of what's needed. When the shell is lacking, PowerShell can be leveraged, which the program does.


  • 🆕 feature: ability to run multiple instances of the tool. This is useful when doing queries that take a long time, e.g. query every computer object in the directory.

What's Working

Currently only searching is working.

  • Main Menu
  • Settings Menu
  • Logs
  • Search Universal
  • Search User
  • Search Group
  • Search Computer
  • Search Server
  • Search OU


Default for logging is pathed to: %APPDATA%\ADDS

ADDS_Tool_Active_Session.log --User session information

ADDS_Tool_Session_Archive.log --archive log for all sessions

ADDS_Tool_Last_Search.log --will contain last search results

ADDS_Tool_Session_Search.log --will contain all searches for the session

ADDS_Tool_Search_Archive.log --archive log for all searches

  • There's the ability to keep session logs
  • There's the ability to nuke all logs --ghost mode.


Tool can be run in auto mode with the following parameters:

Parameter1 $SEARCH_TYPE

- user
- group
- computer
- server
- ou


- any valide attribute for the given object

Parameter3 $SEARCH_KEY

- any valide search key, such as "*" wildcard

e.g. ADDS_Tool.cmd "Parameter1" "Parameter2" "Parameter3"

Logs will need to be opened manually


The config file needs to be in the same directory as the tool cmd.


ADDS_Tool requires (RSAT) Remote Server Administrative Tools. The program will ask to install if not detected, using DISM. Must be runnig with administartive privilege in order to install RSAT.

PowerShell: Leveraged for some functions.

‼️ 🚧 ‼️ UNDER DEVELOPMENT ‼️ 🚧 ‼️

Future Features

Everything else beyond search.


