From b5e213d49ec7829bbdc64663ae39230c168905e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Celene Chang <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 11:32:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [kubelet/kubernetes_state] add spec.yaml files

 kubelet/assets/configuration/spec.yaml        |  52 ++
 .../kubelet/data/conf.yaml.example            | 529 +++++++++++++++++-
 kubelet/manifest.json                         |   5 +-
 .../assets/configuration/spec.yaml            |  77 +++
 .../kubernetes_state/data/auto_conf.yaml      |  30 +-
 .../kubernetes_state/data/conf.yaml.example   | 526 +++++++++++++++--
 kubernetes_state/manifest.json                |   5 +-
 7 files changed, 1140 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 kubelet/assets/configuration/spec.yaml
 create mode 100644 kubernetes_state/assets/configuration/spec.yaml

diff --git a/kubelet/assets/configuration/spec.yaml b/kubelet/assets/configuration/spec.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..330e54e2d64cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubelet/assets/configuration/spec.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+name: Kubelet
+- name: kubelet.yaml
+  options:
+  - template: init_config
+    options:
+      - template: init_config/openmetrics_legacy
+  - template: instances
+    options:
+    - name: cadvisor_metrics_endpoint
+      description: |
+        1.7.6+ clusters expose container metrics in the prometheus format.
+        This is the default setting. See next section for legacy clusters.
+        URL of the cadvisor metrics prometheus endpoint.
+        Pass an empty string, or set the cadvisor_port option to disable cadvisor metrics collection.
+      example:
+      display_priority: 1
+    - name: kubelet_metrics_endpoint
+      description: |
+        URL of the kubelet metrics prometheus endpoint
+        Pass an empty string to disable kubelet metrics collection.
+      example:
+      display_priority: 1
+    - name: cadvisor_port
+      description: |
+        Metric collection for legacy (< 1.7.6) clusters via the kubelet's cadvisor port.
+        This port is closed by default on k8s 1.7+ and OpenShift, enable it
+        via the `--cadvisor-port=4194` kubelet option.
+        Port to connect to, uncomment and set accordingly to enable collection.
+      example: 4194
+      display_priority: 1
+    - name: enabled_rates
+      description: |
+        Allow list of rate type metrics to collect from cadvisor.
+      example:
+        - cpu.*
+        - network.*
+      display_priority: 1
+    - name: enabled_gauges
+      description: |
+        Allow list of gauge type metrics to collect from cadvisor.
+      example:
+        - filesystem.*
+      display_priority: 1
+    - template: instances/openmetrics_legacy
+      overrides:
+        prometheus_url.hidden: true
+        prometheus_metrics_prefix.hidden: true
+        min_collection_interval.value.example: 20
+        min_collection_interval.enabled: true
diff --git a/kubelet/datadog_checks/kubelet/data/conf.yaml.example b/kubelet/datadog_checks/kubelet/data/conf.yaml.example
index a7f9a2448727e0..1d0b3f15e749d1 100644
--- a/kubelet/datadog_checks/kubelet/data/conf.yaml.example
+++ b/kubelet/datadog_checks/kubelet/data/conf.yaml.example
@@ -1,62 +1,537 @@
+## All options defined here are available to all instances.
+    ## @param proxy - mapping - optional
+    ## Set HTTP or HTTPS proxies for all instances. Use the `no_proxy` list
+    ## to specify hosts that must bypass proxies.
+    ##
+    ## The SOCKS protocol is also supported like so:
+    ##
+    ##   socks5://user:pass@host:port
+    ##
+    ## Using the scheme `socks5` causes the DNS resolution to happen on the
+    ## client, rather than on the proxy server. This is in line with `curl`,
+    ## which uses the scheme to decide whether to do the DNS resolution on
+    ## the client or proxy. If you want to resolve the domains on the proxy
+    ## server, use `socks5h` as the scheme.
+    #
+    # proxy:
+    #   http: http://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTP>:<PORT>
+    #   https: https://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTPS>:<PORT>
+    #   no_proxy:
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_1>
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_2>
-  -
-    ## @param tags - list of key:value element - optional
-    ## List of tags to attach to every metric, event and service check emitted by this integration.
+    ## @param skip_proxy - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to `true`, this makes the check bypass any proxy
+    ## settings enabled and attempt to reach services directly.
+    #
+    # skip_proxy: false
+    ## @param timeout - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The timeout for connecting to services.
+    #
+    # timeout: 10
+    ## @param service - string - optional
+    ## Attach the tag `service:<SERVICE>` to every metric, event, and service check emitted by this integration.
-    ## Learn more about tagging:
+    ## Additionally, this sets the default `service` for every log source.
-    # tags:
-    #   - <KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>
-    #   - <KEY_2>:<VALUE_2>
+    # service: <SERVICE>
+## Every instance is scheduled independent of the others.
+  -
     ## 1.7.6+ clusters expose container metrics in the prometheus format.
     ## This is the default setting. See next section for legacy clusters.
-    ## @param cadvisor_metrics_endpoint - string - optional
-    ## url of the cadvisor metrics prometheus endpoint.
+    ##
+    ## URL of the cadvisor metrics prometheus endpoint.
     ## Pass an empty string, or set the cadvisor_port option to disable cadvisor metrics collection.
     # cadvisor_metrics_endpoint:
-    ## @param kubelet_metrics_endpoint - string - optional
-    ## url of the kubelet metrics prometheus endpoint
-    ## Pass an empty string to disable kubelet metrics collection
+    ## URL of the kubelet metrics prometheus endpoint
+    ## Pass an empty string to disable kubelet metrics collection.
     # kubelet_metrics_endpoint:
-    ## @param send_histograms_buckets - boolean - optional
-    ## The histogram buckets can be noisy and generate a lot of tags.
-    ## send_histograms_buckets controls whether or not you want to pull them.
-    #
-    # send_histograms_buckets: true
     ## Metric collection for legacy (< 1.7.6) clusters via the kubelet's cadvisor port.
     ## This port is closed by default on k8s 1.7+ and OpenShift, enable it
     ## via the `--cadvisor-port=4194` kubelet option.
-    ## @param cadvisor_port - integer - optional
+    ##
     ## Port to connect to, uncomment and set accordingly to enable collection.
     # cadvisor_port: 4194
-    ## @param enabled_rates - list of string - optional
-    ## Whitelist of rate type metrics to collect from cadvisor, these are the default
+    ## Allow list of rate type metrics to collect from cadvisor.
     # enabled_rates:
     #   - cpu.*
     #   - network.*
-    ## @param enabled_gauges - list of string - optional
-    ## Whitelist of gauge type metrics to collect from cadvisor, these are the default
+    ## Allow list of gauge type metrics to collect from cadvisor.
     # enabled_gauges:
     #   - filesystem.*
-    ## @param min_collection_interval - integer - optional - default: 15
+    ## @param health_service_check - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Send a service check reporting about the health of the Prometheus endpoint.
+    ## The service check is named <NAMESPACE>
+    #
+    # health_service_check: true
+    ## @param label_to_hostname - string - optional
+    ## Override the hostname with the value of one label.
+    #
+    # label_to_hostname: <LABEL>
+    ## @param label_joins - mapping - optional
+    ## Allows targeting a metric to retrieve its label with a 1:1 mapping.
+    #
+    # label_joins:
+    #   target_metric:
+    #     label_to_match: <MATCHED_LABEL>
+    #     labels_to_get:
+    #     - <EXTRA_LABEL_1>
+    #     - <EXTRA_LABEL_2>
+    ## @param labels_mapper - mapping - optional
+    ## The label mapper allows you to rename labels.
+    ## Format is <LABEL_TO_RENAME>: <NEW_LABEL_NAME>
+    #
+    # labels_mapper:
+    #   flavor: origin
+    ## @param type_overrides - mapping - optional
+    ## Override a type in the Prometheus payload or type an untyped metric (ignored by default).
+    ## Supported <METRIC_TYPE> are `gauge`, `counter`, `histogram`, and `summary`.
+    ## The "*" wildcard can be used to match multiple metric names.
+    #
+    # type_overrides:
+    ## @param send_histograms_buckets - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Set send_histograms_buckets to true to send the histograms bucket.
+    #
+    # send_histograms_buckets: true
+    ## @param send_distribution_buckets - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set `send_distribution_buckets` to `true` to send histograms as Datadog distribution metrics.
+    ##
+    ## Learn more about distribution metrics:
+    #
+    # send_distribution_buckets: false
+    ## @param send_monotonic_counter - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Set send_monotonic_counter to true to send counters as monotonic counter.
+    #
+    # send_monotonic_counter: true
+    ## @param send_distribution_counts_as_monotonic - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, sends histograms and summary counters as monotonic counters (instead of gauges).
+    #
+    # send_distribution_counts_as_monotonic: false
+    ## @param send_distribution_sums_as_monotonic - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, sends histograms and summary sums as monotonic counters (instead of gauges).
+    #
+    # send_distribution_sums_as_monotonic: false
+    ## @param use_process_start_time - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether to enable a heuristic for reporting counter values on the first scrape. When true,
+    ## the first time an endpoint is scraped, check `process_start_time_seconds` to decide whether zero
+    ## initial value can be assumed for counters. This requires keeping metrics in memory until the entire
+    ## response is received.
+    #
+    # use_process_start_time: false
+    ## @param exclude_labels - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of labels to be excluded. May be used in conjunction with `include_labels`.
+    ## Labels defined in `excluded labels` will take precedence in case of overlap.
+    #
+    # exclude_labels:
+    #   - timestamp
+    ## @param include_labels - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of labels to include. May be used in conjunction with `exclude_labels`.
+    ## Labels defined in `excluded labels` will take precedence in case of overlap.
+    #
+    # include_labels: []
+    ## @param bearer_token_auth - boolean or string - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, adds a bearer token authentication header.
+    ## If set to 'tls_only', only adds a bearer token authentication header if the endpoint is secure https.
+    ## Note: If bearer_token_path is not set, the default path is /var/run/secrets/
+    #
+    # bearer_token_auth: false
+    ## @param bearer_token_path - string - optional
+    ## The path to a Kubernetes service account bearer token file. Make sure the file exists and is mounted correctly.
+    ## Note: bearer_token_auth should be set to true to enable adding the token to HTTP headers for authentication.
+    #
+    # bearer_token_path: <TOKEN_PATH>
+    ## @param ignore_metrics - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of metrics to ignore, the "*" wildcard can be used to match multiple metric names.
+    ## The wildcard matching is done via fnmatch, it locates a match anywhere in the string.
+    #
+    # ignore_metrics:
+    #   - <SUBSTRING_*>
+    #   - <*_SUBSTRING>
+    ## @param ignore_metrics_by_labels - mapping - optional
+    ## A mapping of labels where metrics with matching label key and values are ignored.
+    ## Use the "*" wildcard to match all label values.
+    #
+    # ignore_metrics_by_labels:
+    #   <KEY_1>:
+    #   - <LABEL_1>
+    #   - <LABEL_2>
+    #   <KEY_2>:
+    #   - '*'
+    ## @param ignore_tags - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of regular expressions used to ignore tags added by autodiscovery and entries in the `tags` option.
+    #
+    # ignore_tags:
+    #   - <FULL:TAG>
+    #   - <TAG_PREFIX:.*>
+    #   - <TAG_SUFFIX$>
+    ## @param proxy - mapping - optional
+    ## This overrides the `proxy` setting in `init_config`.
+    ##
+    ## Set HTTP or HTTPS proxies for this instance. Use the `no_proxy` list
+    ## to specify hosts that must bypass proxies.
+    ##
+    ## The SOCKS protocol is also supported, for example:
+    ##
+    ##   socks5://user:pass@host:port
+    ##
+    ## Using the scheme `socks5` causes the DNS resolution to happen on the
+    ## client, rather than on the proxy server. This is in line with `curl`,
+    ## which uses the scheme to decide whether to do the DNS resolution on
+    ## the client or proxy. If you want to resolve the domains on the proxy
+    ## server, use `socks5h` as the scheme.
+    #
+    # proxy:
+    #   http: http://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTP>:<PORT>
+    #   https: https://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTPS>:<PORT>
+    #   no_proxy:
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_1>
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_2>
+    ## @param skip_proxy - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## This overrides the `skip_proxy` setting in `init_config`.
+    ##
+    ## If set to `true`, this makes the check bypass any proxy
+    ## settings enabled and attempt to reach services directly.
+    #
+    # skip_proxy: false
+    ## @param auth_type - string - optional - default: basic
+    ## The type of authentication to use. The available types (and related options) are:
+    ##
+    ##   - basic
+    ##     |__ username
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##     |__ use_legacy_auth_encoding
+    ##   - digest
+    ##     |__ username
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##   - ntlm
+    ##     |__ ntlm_domain
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##   - kerberos
+    ##     |__ kerberos_auth
+    ##     |__ kerberos_cache
+    ##     |__ kerberos_delegate
+    ##     |__ kerberos_force_initiate
+    ##     |__ kerberos_hostname
+    ##     |__ kerberos_keytab
+    ##     |__ kerberos_principal
+    ##   - aws
+    ##     |__ aws_region
+    ##     |__ aws_host
+    ##     |__ aws_service
+    ##
+    ## The `aws` auth type relies on boto3 to automatically gather AWS credentials, for example: from `.aws/credentials`.
+    ## Details:
+    #
+    # auth_type: basic
+    ## @param use_legacy_auth_encoding - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## When `auth_type` is set to `basic`, this determines whether to encode as `latin1` rather than `utf-8`.
+    #
+    # use_legacy_auth_encoding: true
+    ## @param username - string - optional
+    ## The username to use if services are behind basic or digest auth.
+    #
+    # username: <USERNAME>
+    ## @param password - string - optional
+    ## The password to use if services are behind basic or NTLM auth.
+    #
+    # password: <PASSWORD>
+    ## @param ntlm_domain - string - optional
+    ## If your services use NTLM authentication, specify
+    ## the domain used in the check. For NTLM Auth, append
+    ## the username to domain, not as the `username` parameter.
+    #
+    # ntlm_domain: <NTLM_DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>
+    ## @param kerberos_auth - string - optional - default: disabled
+    ## If your services use Kerberos authentication, you can specify the Kerberos
+    ## strategy to use between:
+    ##
+    ##   - required
+    ##   - optional
+    ##   - disabled
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_auth: disabled
+    ## @param kerberos_cache - string - optional
+    ## Sets the KRB5CCNAME environment variable.
+    ## It should point to a credential cache with a valid TGT.
+    #
+    # kerberos_cache: <KERBEROS_CACHE>
+    ## @param kerberos_delegate - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set to `true` to enable Kerberos delegation of credentials to a server that requests delegation.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_delegate: false
+    ## @param kerberos_force_initiate - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set to `true` to preemptively initiate the Kerberos GSS exchange and
+    ## present a Kerberos ticket on the initial request (and all subsequent).
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_force_initiate: false
+    ## @param kerberos_hostname - string - optional
+    ## Override the hostname used for the Kerberos GSS exchange if its DNS name doesn't
+    ## match its Kerberos hostname, for example: behind a content switch or load balancer.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_hostname: <KERBEROS_HOSTNAME>
+    ## @param kerberos_principal - string - optional
+    ## Set an explicit principal, to force Kerberos to look for a
+    ## matching credential cache for the named user.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_principal: <KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL>
+    ## @param kerberos_keytab - string - optional
+    ## Set the path to your Kerberos key tab file.
+    #
+    # kerberos_keytab: <KEYTAB_FILE_PATH>
+    ## @param auth_token - mapping - optional
+    ## This allows for the use of authentication information from dynamic sources.
+    ## Both a reader and writer must be configured.
+    ##
+    ## The available readers are:
+    ##
+    ##   - type: file
+    ##     path (required): The absolute path for the file to read from.
+    ##     pattern: A regular expression pattern with a single capture group used to find the
+    ##              token rather than using the entire file, for example: Your secret is (.+)
+    ##
+    ## The available writers are:
+    ##
+    ##   - type: header
+    ##     name (required): The name of the field, for example: Authorization
+    ##     value: The template value, for example `Bearer <TOKEN>`. The default is: <TOKEN>
+    ##     placeholder: The substring in `value` to replace by the token, defaults to: <TOKEN>
+    #
+    # auth_token:
+    #   reader:
+    #     type: <READER_TYPE>
+    #     <OPTION_1>: <VALUE_1>
+    #     <OPTION_2>: <VALUE_2>
+    #   writer:
+    #     type: <WRITER_TYPE>
+    #     <OPTION_1>: <VALUE_1>
+    #     <OPTION_2>: <VALUE_2>
+    ## @param aws_region - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the region.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_region: <AWS_REGION>
+    ## @param aws_host - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the host.
+    ## This only needs the hostname and does not require the protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, and more).
+    ## For example, if connecting to, set `aws_host` to ``.
+    ##
+    ## Note: This setting is not necessary for official integrations.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_host: <AWS_HOST>
+    ## @param aws_service - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the service code. For a list
+    ## of available service codes, see
+    ##
+    ## Note: This setting is not necessary for official integrations.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_service: <AWS_SERVICE>
+    ## @param tls_verify - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Instructs the check to validate the TLS certificate of services.
+    #
+    # tls_verify: true
+    ## @param tls_use_host_header - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If a `Host` header is set, this enables its use for SNI (matching against the TLS certificate CN or SAN).
+    #
+    # tls_use_host_header: false
+    ## @param tls_ignore_warning - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If `tls_verify` is disabled, security warnings are logged by the check.
+    ## Disable those by setting `tls_ignore_warning` to true.
+    ##
+    ## Note: `tls_ignore_warning` set to true is currently only reliable if used by one instance of one integration.
+    ## If enabled for multiple instances, spurious warnings might still appear even if `tls_ignore_warning` is set
+    ## to true.
+    #
+    # tls_ignore_warning: false
+    ## @param tls_cert - string - optional
+    ## The path to a single file in PEM format containing a certificate as well as any
+    ## number of CA certificates needed to establish the certificate's authenticity for
+    ## use when connecting to services. It may also contain an unencrypted private key to use.
+    #
+    # tls_cert: <CERT_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_private_key - string - optional
+    ## The unencrypted private key to use for `tls_cert` when connecting to services. This is
+    ## required if `tls_cert` is set and it does not already contain a private key.
+    #
+    # tls_private_key: <PRIVATE_KEY_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_ca_cert - string - optional
+    ## The path to a file of concatenated CA certificates in PEM format or a directory
+    ## containing several CA certificates in PEM format. If a directory, the directory
+    ## must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied with OpenSSL. See:
+    ##
+    #
+    # tls_ca_cert: <CA_CERT_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_protocols_allowed - list of strings - optional
+    ## The expected versions of TLS/SSL when fetching intermediate certificates.
+    ## Only `SSLv3`, `TLSv1.2`, `TLSv1.3` are allowed by default. The possible values are:
+    ##   SSLv3
+    ##   TLSv1
+    ##   TLSv1.1
+    ##   TLSv1.2
+    ##   TLSv1.3
+    #
+    # tls_protocols_allowed:
+    #   - SSLv3
+    #   - TLSv1.2
+    #   - TLSv1.3
+    ## @param headers - mapping - optional
+    ## The headers parameter allows you to send specific headers with every request.
+    ## You can use it for explicitly specifying the host header or adding headers for
+    ## authorization purposes.
+    ##
+    ## This overrides any default headers.
+    #
+    # headers:
+    #   X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>
+    ## @param extra_headers - mapping - optional
+    ## Additional headers to send with every request.
+    #
+    # extra_headers:
+    #   X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>
+    ## @param timeout - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The timeout for accessing services.
+    ##
+    ## This overrides the `timeout` setting in `init_config`.
+    #
+    # timeout: 10
+    ## @param connect_timeout - number - optional
+    ## The connect timeout for accessing services. Defaults to `timeout`.
+    #
+    # connect_timeout: <CONNECT_TIMEOUT>
+    ## @param read_timeout - number - optional
+    ## The read timeout for accessing services. Defaults to `timeout`.
+    #
+    # read_timeout: <READ_TIMEOUT>
+    ## @param request_size - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The number of kibibytes (KiB) to read from streaming HTTP responses at a time.
+    #
+    # request_size: 10
+    ## @param log_requests - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether or not to debug log the HTTP(S) requests made, including the method and URL.
+    #
+    # log_requests: false
+    ## @param persist_connections - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether or not to persist cookies and use connection pooling for increased performance.
+    #
+    # persist_connections: false
+    ## @param allow_redirects - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Whether or not to allow URL redirection.
+    #
+    # allow_redirects: true
+    ## @param tags - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of tags to attach to every metric and service check emitted by this instance.
+    ##
+    ## Learn more about tagging at
+    #
+    # tags:
+    #   - <KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>
+    #   - <KEY_2>:<VALUE_2>
+    ## @param service - string - optional
+    ## Attach the tag `service:<SERVICE>` to every metric, event, and service check emitted by this integration.
+    ##
+    ## Overrides any `service` defined in the `init_config` section.
+    #
+    # service: <SERVICE>
+    ## @param min_collection_interval - number - optional - default: 20
     ## This changes the collection interval of the check. For more information, see:
     min_collection_interval: 20
+    ## @param empty_default_hostname - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## This forces the check to send metrics with no hostname.
+    ##
+    ## This is useful for cluster-level checks.
+    #
+    # empty_default_hostname: false
diff --git a/kubelet/manifest.json b/kubelet/manifest.json
index 474dd1204f7db3..a90697de685e0e 100644
--- a/kubelet/manifest.json
+++ b/kubelet/manifest.json
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
     "dashboards": {},
     "service_checks": "assets/service_checks.json",
     "logs": {},
-    "metrics_metadata": "metadata.csv"
+    "metrics_metadata": "metadata.csv",
+    "configuration": {
+      "spec": "assets/configuration/spec.yaml"
+    }
diff --git a/kubernetes_state/assets/configuration/spec.yaml b/kubernetes_state/assets/configuration/spec.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..12401a0cac3bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes_state/assets/configuration/spec.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+name: Kubernetes State
+- name: kubernetes_state.yaml
+  options:
+  - template: init_config
+    options:
+      - template: init_config/openmetrics_legacy
+  - template: instances
+    options:
+    - name: kube_state_url
+      enabled: true
+      required: true
+      description: |
+        To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the URL exposing the API
+      value:
+        type: string
+        example:
+      display_priority: 1
+    - template: instances/openmetrics_legacy
+      overrides:
+        prometheus_url.hidden: true
+        prometheus_metrics_prefix.hidden: true
+- name: auto_conf.yaml
+  options:
+  - template: ad_identifiers
+    overrides:
+      value.example:
+      - kube-state-metrics
+  - template: init_config
+    options: []
+  - name: ignore_autodiscovery_tags
+    description: |
+      Ignore tags coming from autodiscovery
+    enabled: true
+    value:
+      type: boolean
+      example: true
+  - template: instances
+    options:
+    - name: kube_state_url
+      description: |
+        To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the URL exposing the API.
+      enabled: true
+      required: true
+      value:
+        type: string
+        example:
+          http://%%host%%:8080/metrics
+    - name: labels_mapper
+      description: |
+        Tags are reported as set by kube-state-metrics. If you want to translate
+        them to other tags, use the labels_mapper dictionary.
+      example:
+        namespace: kube_namespace
+    - name: label_joins
+      description: |
+        Add the tags to join from other KSM metrics.
+        Example: Joining for deployment metrics. Based on:
+        kube_deployment_labels{deployment="kube-dns",label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode="Reconcile"}
+        Use the following config to add the value of label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode as a tag to your KSM
+        deployment metrics.
+      example:
+        kube_deployment_labels:
+          labels_to_match:
+            - deployment
+          labels_to_get:
+            - label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode
+    - name: hostname_override
+      description: |
+        By default the hostname for metrics containing the node label is
+        overridden by the value of the label, this can be deactivated (all metrics
+        will be attached to the host running KSM)
+      example: true
diff --git a/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/auto_conf.yaml b/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/auto_conf.yaml
index ff7def6b607117..290920a97795c9 100644
--- a/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/auto_conf.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/auto_conf.yaml
@@ -1,26 +1,35 @@
+## @param ad_identifiers - list of strings - required
+## A list of container identifiers that are used by Autodiscovery to identify
+## which container the check should be run against. For more information, see:
   - kube-state-metrics
+## All options defined here are available to all instances.
-# Ignore tags coming from autodiscovery
+## @param ignore_autodiscovery_tags - boolean - optional - default: true
+## Ignore tags coming from autodiscovery
 ignore_autodiscovery_tags: true
+## Every instance is scheduled independent of the others.
     ## @param kube_state_url - string - required
-    ## To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the url exposing the API
+    ## To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the URL exposing the API.
   - kube_state_url: http://%%host%%:8080/metrics
-    ## @param labels_mapper - dictionary - optional
     ## Tags are reported as set by kube-state-metrics. If you want to translate
-    ## them to other tags, use the labels_mapper dictionary
+    ## them to other tags, use the labels_mapper dictionary.
     # labels_mapper:
     #   namespace: kube_namespace
-    ## @param label_joins - object - optional
     ## Add the tags to join from other KSM metrics.
     ## Example: Joining for deployment metrics. Based on:
     ## kube_deployment_labels{deployment="kube-dns",label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode="Reconcile"}
@@ -28,13 +37,12 @@ instances:
     ## deployment metrics.
     # label_joins:
-    #  kube_deployment_labels:
-    #    labels_to_match:
-    #      - deployment
-    #    labels_to_get:
-    #      - label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode
+    #   kube_deployment_labels:
+    #     labels_to_match:
+    #     - deployment
+    #     labels_to_get:
+    #     - label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode
-    ## @param hostname_override - boolean - optional - default: true
     ## By default the hostname for metrics containing the node label is
     ## overridden by the value of the label, this can be deactivated (all metrics
     ## will be attached to the host running KSM)
diff --git a/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/conf.yaml.example b/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/conf.yaml.example
index 8cee50b74563fe..a9ddde4c03897c 100644
--- a/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/conf.yaml.example
+++ b/kubernetes_state/datadog_checks/kubernetes_state/data/conf.yaml.example
@@ -1,71 +1,509 @@
+## All options defined here are available to all instances.
+    ## @param proxy - mapping - optional
+    ## Set HTTP or HTTPS proxies for all instances. Use the `no_proxy` list
+    ## to specify hosts that must bypass proxies.
+    ##
+    ## The SOCKS protocol is also supported like so:
+    ##
+    ##   socks5://user:pass@host:port
+    ##
+    ## Using the scheme `socks5` causes the DNS resolution to happen on the
+    ## client, rather than on the proxy server. This is in line with `curl`,
+    ## which uses the scheme to decide whether to do the DNS resolution on
+    ## the client or proxy. If you want to resolve the domains on the proxy
+    ## server, use `socks5h` as the scheme.
+    #
+    # proxy:
+    #   http: http://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTP>:<PORT>
+    #   https: https://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTPS>:<PORT>
+    #   no_proxy:
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_1>
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_2>
+    ## @param skip_proxy - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to `true`, this makes the check bypass any proxy
+    ## settings enabled and attempt to reach services directly.
+    #
+    # skip_proxy: false
+    ## @param timeout - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The timeout for connecting to services.
+    #
+    # timeout: 10
+    ## @param service - string - optional
+    ## Attach the tag `service:<SERVICE>` to every metric, event, and service check emitted by this integration.
+    ##
+    ## Additionally, this sets the default `service` for every log source.
+    #
+    # service: <SERVICE>
+## Every instance is scheduled independent of the others.
-    ## @param kube_state_url - string - required
-    ## To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the url exposing the API
+    ## @param kube_state_url - string - optional - default:
+    ## To enable Kube State metrics you must specify the URL exposing the API
   - kube_state_url:
-    ## @param labels_mapper - dictionary - optional
-    ## Tags are reported as set by kube-state-metrics. If you want to translate
-    ## them to other tags, use the labels_mapper dictionary
+    ## @param health_service_check - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Send a service check reporting about the health of the Prometheus endpoint.
+    ## The service check is named <NAMESPACE>
-    # labels_mapper:
-    #   namespace: kube_namespace
+    # health_service_check: true
-    ## @param label_joins - object - optional
-    ## Add the tags to join from other KSM metrics.
-    ## Example: Joining for deployment metrics. Based on:
-    ## kube_deployment_labels{deployment="kube-dns",label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode="Reconcile"}
-    ## Use the following config to add the value of label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode as a tag to your KSM
-    ## deployment metrics.
+    ## @param label_to_hostname - string - optional
+    ## Override the hostname with the value of one label.
+    #
+    # label_to_hostname: <LABEL>
+    ## @param label_joins - mapping - optional
+    ## Allows targeting a metric to retrieve its label with a 1:1 mapping.
     # label_joins:
-    #   kube_deployment_labels:
-    #     labels_to_match:
-    #       - deployment
+    #   target_metric:
+    #     label_to_match: <MATCHED_LABEL>
     #     labels_to_get:
-    #       - label_addonmanager_kubernetes_io_mode
+    #     - <EXTRA_LABEL_1>
+    #     - <EXTRA_LABEL_2>
+    ## @param labels_mapper - mapping - optional
+    ## The label mapper allows you to rename labels.
+    ## Format is <LABEL_TO_RENAME>: <NEW_LABEL_NAME>
+    #
+    # labels_mapper:
+    #   flavor: origin
+    ## @param type_overrides - mapping - optional
+    ## Override a type in the Prometheus payload or type an untyped metric (ignored by default).
+    ## Supported <METRIC_TYPE> are `gauge`, `counter`, `histogram`, and `summary`.
+    ## The "*" wildcard can be used to match multiple metric names.
+    #
+    # type_overrides:
+    ## @param send_histograms_buckets - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Set send_histograms_buckets to true to send the histograms bucket.
+    #
+    # send_histograms_buckets: true
+    ## @param send_distribution_buckets - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set `send_distribution_buckets` to `true` to send histograms as Datadog distribution metrics.
+    ##
+    ## Learn more about distribution metrics:
+    #
+    # send_distribution_buckets: false
+    ## @param send_monotonic_counter - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Set send_monotonic_counter to true to send counters as monotonic counter.
+    #
+    # send_monotonic_counter: true
+    ## @param send_distribution_counts_as_monotonic - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, sends histograms and summary counters as monotonic counters (instead of gauges).
+    #
+    # send_distribution_counts_as_monotonic: false
+    ## @param send_distribution_sums_as_monotonic - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, sends histograms and summary sums as monotonic counters (instead of gauges).
+    #
+    # send_distribution_sums_as_monotonic: false
+    ## @param use_process_start_time - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether to enable a heuristic for reporting counter values on the first scrape. When true,
+    ## the first time an endpoint is scraped, check `process_start_time_seconds` to decide whether zero
+    ## initial value can be assumed for counters. This requires keeping metrics in memory until the entire
+    ## response is received.
+    #
+    # use_process_start_time: false
+    ## @param exclude_labels - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of labels to be excluded. May be used in conjunction with `include_labels`.
+    ## Labels defined in `excluded labels` will take precedence in case of overlap.
+    #
+    # exclude_labels:
+    #   - timestamp
+    ## @param include_labels - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of labels to include. May be used in conjunction with `exclude_labels`.
+    ## Labels defined in `excluded labels` will take precedence in case of overlap.
+    #
+    # include_labels: []
+    ## @param bearer_token_auth - boolean or string - optional - default: false
+    ## If set to true, adds a bearer token authentication header.
+    ## If set to 'tls_only', only adds a bearer token authentication header if the endpoint is secure https.
+    ## Note: If bearer_token_path is not set, the default path is /var/run/secrets/
+    #
+    # bearer_token_auth: false
+    ## @param bearer_token_path - string - optional
+    ## The path to a Kubernetes service account bearer token file. Make sure the file exists and is mounted correctly.
+    ## Note: bearer_token_auth should be set to true to enable adding the token to HTTP headers for authentication.
+    #
+    # bearer_token_path: <TOKEN_PATH>
+    ## @param ignore_metrics - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of metrics to ignore, the "*" wildcard can be used to match multiple metric names.
+    ## The wildcard matching is done via fnmatch, it locates a match anywhere in the string.
+    #
+    # ignore_metrics:
+    #   - <SUBSTRING_*>
+    #   - <*_SUBSTRING>
+    ## @param ignore_metrics_by_labels - mapping - optional
+    ## A mapping of labels where metrics with matching label key and values are ignored.
+    ## Use the "*" wildcard to match all label values.
+    #
+    # ignore_metrics_by_labels:
+    #   <KEY_1>:
+    #   - <LABEL_1>
+    #   - <LABEL_2>
+    #   <KEY_2>:
+    #   - '*'
+    ## @param ignore_tags - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of regular expressions used to ignore tags added by autodiscovery and entries in the `tags` option.
+    #
+    # ignore_tags:
+    #   - <FULL:TAG>
+    #   - <TAG_PREFIX:.*>
+    #   - <TAG_SUFFIX$>
+    ## @param proxy - mapping - optional
+    ## This overrides the `proxy` setting in `init_config`.
+    ##
+    ## Set HTTP or HTTPS proxies for this instance. Use the `no_proxy` list
+    ## to specify hosts that must bypass proxies.
+    ##
+    ## The SOCKS protocol is also supported, for example:
+    ##
+    ##   socks5://user:pass@host:port
+    ##
+    ## Using the scheme `socks5` causes the DNS resolution to happen on the
+    ## client, rather than on the proxy server. This is in line with `curl`,
+    ## which uses the scheme to decide whether to do the DNS resolution on
+    ## the client or proxy. If you want to resolve the domains on the proxy
+    ## server, use `socks5h` as the scheme.
+    #
+    # proxy:
+    #   http: http://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTP>:<PORT>
+    #   https: https://<PROXY_SERVER_FOR_HTTPS>:<PORT>
+    #   no_proxy:
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_1>
+    #   - <HOSTNAME_2>
+    ## @param skip_proxy - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## This overrides the `skip_proxy` setting in `init_config`.
+    ##
+    ## If set to `true`, this makes the check bypass any proxy
+    ## settings enabled and attempt to reach services directly.
+    #
+    # skip_proxy: false
+    ## @param auth_type - string - optional - default: basic
+    ## The type of authentication to use. The available types (and related options) are:
+    ##
+    ##   - basic
+    ##     |__ username
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##     |__ use_legacy_auth_encoding
+    ##   - digest
+    ##     |__ username
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##   - ntlm
+    ##     |__ ntlm_domain
+    ##     |__ password
+    ##   - kerberos
+    ##     |__ kerberos_auth
+    ##     |__ kerberos_cache
+    ##     |__ kerberos_delegate
+    ##     |__ kerberos_force_initiate
+    ##     |__ kerberos_hostname
+    ##     |__ kerberos_keytab
+    ##     |__ kerberos_principal
+    ##   - aws
+    ##     |__ aws_region
+    ##     |__ aws_host
+    ##     |__ aws_service
+    ##
+    ## The `aws` auth type relies on boto3 to automatically gather AWS credentials, for example: from `.aws/credentials`.
+    ## Details:
+    #
+    # auth_type: basic
+    ## @param use_legacy_auth_encoding - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## When `auth_type` is set to `basic`, this determines whether to encode as `latin1` rather than `utf-8`.
+    #
+    # use_legacy_auth_encoding: true
+    ## @param username - string - optional
+    ## The username to use if services are behind basic or digest auth.
+    #
+    # username: <USERNAME>
+    ## @param password - string - optional
+    ## The password to use if services are behind basic or NTLM auth.
+    #
+    # password: <PASSWORD>
+    ## @param ntlm_domain - string - optional
+    ## If your services use NTLM authentication, specify
+    ## the domain used in the check. For NTLM Auth, append
+    ## the username to domain, not as the `username` parameter.
+    #
+    # ntlm_domain: <NTLM_DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>
+    ## @param kerberos_auth - string - optional - default: disabled
+    ## If your services use Kerberos authentication, you can specify the Kerberos
+    ## strategy to use between:
+    ##
+    ##   - required
+    ##   - optional
+    ##   - disabled
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_auth: disabled
+    ## @param kerberos_cache - string - optional
+    ## Sets the KRB5CCNAME environment variable.
+    ## It should point to a credential cache with a valid TGT.
+    #
+    # kerberos_cache: <KERBEROS_CACHE>
+    ## @param kerberos_delegate - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set to `true` to enable Kerberos delegation of credentials to a server that requests delegation.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_delegate: false
+    ## @param kerberos_force_initiate - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Set to `true` to preemptively initiate the Kerberos GSS exchange and
+    ## present a Kerberos ticket on the initial request (and all subsequent).
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_force_initiate: false
+    ## @param kerberos_hostname - string - optional
+    ## Override the hostname used for the Kerberos GSS exchange if its DNS name doesn't
+    ## match its Kerberos hostname, for example: behind a content switch or load balancer.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_hostname: <KERBEROS_HOSTNAME>
+    ## @param kerberos_principal - string - optional
+    ## Set an explicit principal, to force Kerberos to look for a
+    ## matching credential cache for the named user.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # kerberos_principal: <KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL>
+    ## @param kerberos_keytab - string - optional
+    ## Set the path to your Kerberos key tab file.
+    #
+    # kerberos_keytab: <KEYTAB_FILE_PATH>
+    ## @param auth_token - mapping - optional
+    ## This allows for the use of authentication information from dynamic sources.
+    ## Both a reader and writer must be configured.
+    ##
+    ## The available readers are:
+    ##
+    ##   - type: file
+    ##     path (required): The absolute path for the file to read from.
+    ##     pattern: A regular expression pattern with a single capture group used to find the
+    ##              token rather than using the entire file, for example: Your secret is (.+)
+    ##
+    ## The available writers are:
+    ##
+    ##   - type: header
+    ##     name (required): The name of the field, for example: Authorization
+    ##     value: The template value, for example `Bearer <TOKEN>`. The default is: <TOKEN>
+    ##     placeholder: The substring in `value` to replace by the token, defaults to: <TOKEN>
+    #
+    # auth_token:
+    #   reader:
+    #     type: <READER_TYPE>
+    #     <OPTION_1>: <VALUE_1>
+    #     <OPTION_2>: <VALUE_2>
+    #   writer:
+    #     type: <WRITER_TYPE>
+    #     <OPTION_1>: <VALUE_1>
+    #     <OPTION_2>: <VALUE_2>
+    ## @param aws_region - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the region.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_region: <AWS_REGION>
+    ## @param aws_host - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the host.
+    ## This only needs the hostname and does not require the protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, and more).
+    ## For example, if connecting to, set `aws_host` to ``.
+    ##
+    ## Note: This setting is not necessary for official integrations.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_host: <AWS_HOST>
+    ## @param aws_service - string - optional
+    ## If your services require AWS Signature Version 4 signing, set the service code. For a list
+    ## of available service codes, see
+    ##
+    ## Note: This setting is not necessary for official integrations.
+    ##
+    ## See
+    #
+    # aws_service: <AWS_SERVICE>
-    ## @param hostname_override - boolean - optional - default: true
-    ## By default the hostname for metrics containing the node label is
-    ## overridden by the value of the label, this can be deactivated (all metrics
-    ## will be attached to the host running KSM)
+    ## @param tls_verify - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Instructs the check to validate the TLS certificate of services.
-    # hostname_override: true
+    # tls_verify: true
-    ## @param tags - list of key:value element - optional
-    ## List of tags to attach to every metric, event and service check emitted by this integration.
+    ## @param tls_use_host_header - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If a `Host` header is set, this enables its use for SNI (matching against the TLS certificate CN or SAN).
+    #
+    # tls_use_host_header: false
+    ## @param tls_ignore_warning - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## If `tls_verify` is disabled, security warnings are logged by the check.
+    ## Disable those by setting `tls_ignore_warning` to true.
+    ##
+    ## Note: `tls_ignore_warning` set to true is currently only reliable if used by one instance of one integration.
+    ## If enabled for multiple instances, spurious warnings might still appear even if `tls_ignore_warning` is set
+    ## to true.
+    #
+    # tls_ignore_warning: false
+    ## @param tls_cert - string - optional
+    ## The path to a single file in PEM format containing a certificate as well as any
+    ## number of CA certificates needed to establish the certificate's authenticity for
+    ## use when connecting to services. It may also contain an unencrypted private key to use.
+    #
+    # tls_cert: <CERT_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_private_key - string - optional
+    ## The unencrypted private key to use for `tls_cert` when connecting to services. This is
+    ## required if `tls_cert` is set and it does not already contain a private key.
+    #
+    # tls_private_key: <PRIVATE_KEY_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_ca_cert - string - optional
+    ## The path to a file of concatenated CA certificates in PEM format or a directory
+    ## containing several CA certificates in PEM format. If a directory, the directory
+    ## must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied with OpenSSL. See:
+    ##
+    #
+    # tls_ca_cert: <CA_CERT_PATH>
+    ## @param tls_protocols_allowed - list of strings - optional
+    ## The expected versions of TLS/SSL when fetching intermediate certificates.
+    ## Only `SSLv3`, `TLSv1.2`, `TLSv1.3` are allowed by default. The possible values are:
+    ##   SSLv3
+    ##   TLSv1
+    ##   TLSv1.1
+    ##   TLSv1.2
+    ##   TLSv1.3
+    #
+    # tls_protocols_allowed:
+    #   - SSLv3
+    #   - TLSv1.2
+    #   - TLSv1.3
+    ## @param headers - mapping - optional
+    ## The headers parameter allows you to send specific headers with every request.
+    ## You can use it for explicitly specifying the host header or adding headers for
+    ## authorization purposes.
+    ##
+    ## This overrides any default headers.
+    #
+    # headers:
+    #   X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>
+    ## @param extra_headers - mapping - optional
+    ## Additional headers to send with every request.
+    #
+    # extra_headers:
+    #   X-Auth-Token: <AUTH_TOKEN>
+    ## @param timeout - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The timeout for accessing services.
-    ## Learn more about tagging:
+    ## This overrides the `timeout` setting in `init_config`.
+    #
+    # timeout: 10
+    ## @param connect_timeout - number - optional
+    ## The connect timeout for accessing services. Defaults to `timeout`.
+    #
+    # connect_timeout: <CONNECT_TIMEOUT>
+    ## @param read_timeout - number - optional
+    ## The read timeout for accessing services. Defaults to `timeout`.
+    #
+    # read_timeout: <READ_TIMEOUT>
+    ## @param request_size - number - optional - default: 10
+    ## The number of kibibytes (KiB) to read from streaming HTTP responses at a time.
+    #
+    # request_size: 10
+    ## @param log_requests - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether or not to debug log the HTTP(S) requests made, including the method and URL.
+    #
+    # log_requests: false
+    ## @param persist_connections - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## Whether or not to persist cookies and use connection pooling for increased performance.
+    #
+    # persist_connections: false
+    ## @param allow_redirects - boolean - optional - default: true
+    ## Whether or not to allow URL redirection.
+    #
+    # allow_redirects: true
+    ## @param tags - list of strings - optional
+    ## A list of tags to attach to every metric and service check emitted by this instance.
+    ##
+    ## Learn more about tagging at
     # tags:
     #   - <KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>
     #   - <KEY_2>:<VALUE_2>
-    ## @param prometheus_timeout - integer - optional - default: 10
-    ## Set a timeout for the prometheus query.
+    ## @param service - string - optional
+    ## Attach the tag `service:<SERVICE>` to every metric, event, and service check emitted by this integration.
+    ##
+    ## Overrides any `service` defined in the `init_config` section.
-    # prometheus_timeout: 10
+    # service: <SERVICE>
-    ## @param telemetry - boolean - optional - default: false
-    ## To enable the telemetry check's metrics,  you must set this parameter to true.
-    ## It will generate useful internal check metrics: message payload size, the number
-    ## of metrics received, processed, ignored....
-    ## Metrics can be found under `kubernetes_state.telemetry`
+    ## @param min_collection_interval - number - optional - default: 15
+    ## This changes the collection interval of the check. For more information, see:
+    ##
-    # telemetry: false
+    # min_collection_interval: 15
-    ## @param join_standard_tags - boolean - optional - default: false
-    ## To enable joining standard tags from labels, you must set this parameter to true.
-    ## It will join standard tags found in these labels coming from info Kube State metrics (*_labels).
-    ##     => env
-    ## => service
-    ## => version
-    ##
-    ## Resources enabled for join_standard_tags include:
-    ## Pod, Deployment, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, Job, CronJob
+    ## @param empty_default_hostname - boolean - optional - default: false
+    ## This forces the check to send metrics with no hostname.
+    ## This is useful for cluster-level checks.
-    # join_standard_tags: false
+    # empty_default_hostname: false
diff --git a/kubernetes_state/manifest.json b/kubernetes_state/manifest.json
index 3fef37a37504e9..064e7801c99f4c 100644
--- a/kubernetes_state/manifest.json
+++ b/kubernetes_state/manifest.json
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
     "dashboards": {},
     "service_checks": "assets/service_checks.json",
     "logs": {},
-    "metrics_metadata": "metadata.csv"
+    "metrics_metadata": "metadata.csv",
+    "configuration": {
+      "spec": "assets/configuration/spec.yaml"
+    }