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File metadata and controls

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Useful shell tools

When you work in a unix environment, you will need to make frequent use of the command line tools available to you in order to complete the tasks you have.

Mention that the philosophy here is to have many tools which perform a few discrete tasks, and run them together to get what you want.

Working with your system


ps shows the processes currently running on the system. ps takes many arguments but some good recopies are ps aux to see all processes from a user standpoint, whether they have a tty or not. Also good is ps -lfU <username> to see all processes owned by <username> in long format. ps has output formatting with the -o switch and works well with grep. pgrep combines ps and grep into one command.

$ ps aux | grep vim
opsschool      5424  1.1  0.2 247360 10448 pts/0    Sl+  17:01   0:00 vim shell_tools_101.rst
opsschool      5499  0.0  0.0  13584   936 pts/5    S+   17:01   0:00 grep --color=auto vim

Note that the grep command also shows up in the proccess table.


top shows the top most cpu intensive processes in a table form with system stats summarized at the top. It refreshes every 1 second. By pressing m while running, top will sort not by processor use but by memory use.


df looks at all your mounted filesystems and reports on their status. This includes the filesystem type, total size, available space, percent used, and mountpoint. df -h will show the sizes in human readable form. df -h . will show only the filesystem the current working directory is on, very useful when debugging nfs and autofs mounts.

$ df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5        43G   31G  9.6G  77% /


du estimates the size on disk of a file or files. du -h returns the usage information in human readable format. If the argument to du is a directory, du will run and return a new value for each file in that directory, recursing into subdirectories as well. du -sh can be run on a directory to prevent this behavior and return the sum of the space on disk of all files under that directory.

$ du -sh drawing.svg
24K drawing.svg
4.0K    style.css
20K sitemeter.js


find is for finding files on the system. find . recursively walks the entire filesystem tree below the current working directory and prints out each file by its relative path. find . -name 'opsschool' again recursively walks the entire filesystem tree, but only prints out files named opsschool. find . -name 'opschool' -type d prints out only directories and -type f prints out only regular files. The -name filter also accepts wildcards. find . -name '*.html' will print out all files ending in .html. As you become more skilled at Unix/Linux, use the find command often, as it becomes more and more useful with experience.


kill is used to send a signal to a process, which is a way of interrupting it. The most common use of this is to stop, or kill, processes. For example, to stop a process with the PID '123':

$ kill 123

Once the signal is sent the process can decide what to do with it. For instance the above kill 123 sends a TERM signal to the process with PID 123. TERM (also known as SIGTERM) means "Software Termination Signal". Some processes will notice that signal, finish what they are doing, and shut down. Others will just shut down immediately or ignore it entirely.

But there are many more types of signals. (Check out man signal for a good list.) For instance, if the above kill command did not succeed in terminating your process, a more heavy-handed option is to send a KILL signal to the process:

$ kill -KILL 123

Every signal has a name and a number. You can reference them by either one. Another way of running kill -KILL is:

$ kill -9 123

Be careful when using the KILL signal as it is the one signal that cannot be caught by the process. It will not have a chance to gracefully shut down. This can lead to temporary files not being removed, open files not being closed, or even corruption of database files.

Signals can be used in a wide variety of ways, not just for terminating processes. One interesting use: if your system is running Unicorn processes, you can send a TTIN signal to the master process and it will spawn an additional worker. Likewise, you can send a TTOU signal and it will remove one of the workers. Another example is Apache which accepts USR1, which causes it to close and re-open log files, which is useful when you need to rotate your log files.

For more on signals see :doc:`unix_signals`.


Knowing what exists on your system is critical.







Extracting and manipulating data

A very common pattern in unix is to take some data (a text file, a directory listing, the output from a command) and either extract specific data from it, change some of the data, or both. These tools help you when you do this.


cat outputs the contents of a file either to the shell, another file that already exists, or a file that does not yet exist.

Perhaps most frequently, cat is used to print the contents of a file to the shell. For example, if file foo.txt contains the word 'foo':

$ cat /tmp/foo.txt
-bash: bar

When cat is called on multiple files, the output is in the same order as the files. If we have another file bar.txt that contains 'bar' and run:

$ cat /tmp/foo.txt /home/jdoe/bar.txt
-bash: foo bar

If you need to combine the contents of two files:

$ cat /tmp/foo.txt /home/jdoe/bar.txt > /home/jdoe/foobar.txt
$ cat /home/jdoe/foobar.txt
-bash: foo

It is important to note that foobar.txt did not exist before running this command. For this particular usage, cat can create a file "on the fly"

cat can also be used to output the contents of one file to another file. WARNING! You should be careful when using cat this way since it will overwrite the contents of the receiving file.

$ cat /tmp/foo.txt /home/jdoe/bar.txt
$ cat /home/jdoe/bar.txt
-bash: foo


This is a very useful command which should be covered.



awk is a very powerful utility that lets you extract and manipulate data from files.

For example, if you had a file students.txt that stored a list of student names, ages and email addresses in columns separated by a space:

$ cat students.txt
John Doe 25
Jack Smith 26
Jane Doe 24

Here, you can see that the first two columns have contain the student's name, the third has an age and the fourth, an email address. You can use awk to extract just the student's first name and email like this:

$ awk '{print $1, $4}' students.txt

By default, awk uses the space character to differentiate between columns. Using this, $1 and $4 told awk to only show the 1st and 4th columns of the file.

The order in which the columns is specified is important, because awk will print them out to the screen in exactly that order. So if you wanted to print the email column before the first name, here's how you would do it:

$ awk '{print $4, $1}' students.txt John Jack Jane

You can also specify a custom delimiter for awk and override the default one (the space character) by using the -F option. Suppose the students.txt instead stored data like this:

$ cat students.txt
John Doe - 25 -
Jack Smith - 26 -
Jane Doe - 24 -

Now, if the - character is used as a delimiter, the first column would be the student's full name:

$ awk -F '-' '{print $1}' students.txt
John Doe
Jack Smith
Jane Doe

Using this same logic, the second column would be the student's age, and the third their email address.

$ awk -F '-' '{print $1, $3}' students.txt
John Doe
Jack Smith
Jane Doe

awk functionality doesn't stop at printing specific columns out to the screen; you can use it to:

  • extract a specific row from the file using the NR command
$ awk 'NR==2' students.txt
Jack Smith - 26 -

NOTE: I didn't have to use the -F option here since rows are being manipulated, and the -F option specifies a delimiter for column manipulation

  • extract lines longer than a specific length by using the length($0) command
$ awk 'length($0) > 30' students.txt
John Doe - 25 -
Jack Smith - 26 -
Jane Doe - 24 -

$ awk 'length($0) > 32' students.txt
Jack Smith - 26 -
  • find the average of numbers in a column
$ awk -F '-' '{sum+=$2} END {print "Average age = ",sum/NR}' students.txt
Average age =  25

In the last example, with the average age, {sum+=$2} tells awk to take each value in the second column and add it to the existing value of the variable sum. It's important to note here that the variable sum didn't have to be declared or initialised anywhere, awk creates it on-the-fly. The END pattern tells awk what to do after all lines in the file have been processed. In our case, that involves printing out the average age of all students. To get the average age, the sum of all ages (stored in variable sum) was divided by the total number of lines in the file, represented by NR.

In addition to the END pattern, awk also provides a BEGIN pattern, which describes an action that needs to be taken before a the first line of the file is processed.

For example:

$ awk 'BEGIN {print "This is the second line of the file"} NR==2' students.txt
This is the second line of the file
Jack Smith - 26 -


Only talk about replacing text for now? It's the most common / needed piece of sed at this level.


Definitely need to discuss sort and how to use it in basic activities.