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File metadata and controls

136 lines (98 loc) · 10.1 KB


Currently, when adding an <img> or <video> to a webpage or when doing a fetch() or using an XMLHttpRequest in js, most browsers will only support http and https URLs. Specify a magnet uri as image source, for example, and it probably just won't work at all. The idea behind protocolloadfallbackhandler.js is to first give the browser a chance to load the resource, and if it fails, check if a protocol handler for that protocol has been specified, and if there is one, use it to load the resource. Changing what happens when such URIs are opened, however, is out of scope of this project and can already be changed by other means.


Protocol Handlers

Protocol handlers are used as a fallback if the browser fails to load a resource from a URI depending on the URI scheme. A protocol handler needs at least the fetch or the makeVirtualURI API. The fetch API is preferred, since a resource can sometimes be used before it is fully loaded, but can be tricky to get right, while makeVirtualURI is easier to implement.

You can register a resource handler using the protocolLoadFallbackHandler.setHandler("scheme",your_handler).

Method Description
fetch Must be a full implementation of the fetch Interface that can handle the scheme it was registered for
makeVirtualURI(uri) Make an URL from the URI the browser can understand
renderTo(element,uri) Use the URI as source for an element in a unknown special way.


Name What Default Purpose
protocolLoadFallbackHandler ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler The only instance of the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler class.
sourceIntercepter SourceIntercepter Only instance of the SourceIntercepter class.
CSSSourceIntercepter CSSSourceIntercepter The only instance of the CSSSourceIntercepter class.
URIMapCacher URIMapCacher The only instance of the URIMapCacher class.
ProtocolLoadFallbackHandlerError (message,soft) class For creating errors originating from protocol handlers. The soft parameter indicates if the proxy url should be tried as a fallback if possible.
nodeTypes Map A Node type name -> Node type map.
replaceFetch Boolean true Specifies wether fetch should be replaced so it can handle registered protocols.
nativeFetch Function A reference to the browsers own fetch function
replaceXMLHttpRequest Boolean true Specifies wether XMLHttpRequest should be replaced so it can handle registered protocols.
nativeXMLHttpRequest Function A reference to the browsers own XMLHttpRequest class
serviceWorkerDoesHandleLoadFallbackHandlers Boolean false Wether a service worker shall handle registered protocols.
serviceWorkerPrefix string location.origin + "/proxy/" If there is a service worker capable of handling registered protocols, requests it shall handle will be passed to it as an url of the form serviceWorkerPrefix + btoa(URI).
fallbackProxyAvailable Boolean false Wether there is a proxy for handling requests the registered protocol handlers couldn't handle.
proxybase string location.origin + "/proxy/" The url of a proxy for handling failed requests. Such requests will be passed to it as an url of the form proxybase + btoa(URI).


This class detects if loading a resource failed, and tries to use the registered protocol handlers if that is the case. It's also used to register protocol handlers. By itself, it only gets errors from nodes attached to the document body. It can be informed of errors from other sources using the onerror(event) method.

Method Description
getHandler(scheme) Returns the protocol handler for the given scheme using a promise.
setHandler(scheme,handler) Set a protocol handler for a specific URI scheme
removeHandler(scheme) Remove a protocol handler
renderTo(element,uri) Try to apply the URI to an element. This allows the usage of the MediaSource API and similar stuff.
fetch Same as a browsers fetch method, except that it tries to use the registered protocol handlers as a fallback
makeVirtualURI(uri) Try to create a URL from an URI that the Browser actually supports. Consider using renderTo or fetch instead whenever possible.


Intercepts the src and href properties of every Node instance, and renames the original ones to nativeSrc/nativeHref. This allows the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler to set a blob url or something similar for the browser to load the resource from while not changing the uri where the resurece was actually loaded from. When setting a source using one of these Attributes, it will also register an error handler to inform the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler when loading one of the resources fails. This is necessary because an element may not been attached to the document in some cases, like when loading images to draw in a canvas for example.

It also sets the class "loading", "ready", "loaded", "loaderror" or none when the loadState property of an element is set to one of them. The SourceIntercepter and ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler also try to set that property as accurately as possible, but since there is no unified way to figure out if a resource is loaded, loaded, or the loading failed, and sometimes there is none at all, it's not perfectly accurate and sometimes not set at all.

The SourceIntercepter also defines the property $sourcelock as a boolean for every html element. It's a workaround to only change the source of an element to load when changing the src or href properties, but not the values they return, which is necessary if a fallback protocol handler sets it using an independent library function that doesn't use this library to set the source. The ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler usually takes care of setting this property when necessary.

Method Description
getNativeURI(element) Get the URI the browser actually used to get the resource from
setNativeURI(element,uri) Set the URL to load, but don't modify the true URI of the resource or what getSource returns.


Intercepts every CSS property that can take an image URL, uses the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler to determine wheter the browser can handle the URI on it's own and tries to use the protocol handlers using the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler class to load the images anyway.

Method Description
CSSUnescape(value) Unescape CSS Properties, reverses CSS.escape
getCSSURIs(value) Extract URIs from CSS String
CSSURIReplace(value,uri,url) Replace all occurances of url(uri) in value by url(url)


Keeps track of URI => URL mappings. It's also an event target. Setting an url creates either a "newurl" or a "urlchange" event. If a mapping is removed, a "removed" event is generated.

Method Description
getURL(uri) Lookup the url for an uri. May return null, a string, or a promise returning null or a string. Also increments the url reference count.
getURI(url) Lookup the uri for an url. Returns the uri as a string, or null if not found
set(uri,url) Set a url for the uri. If a url for the uri is already set, override it. The url can be a promise or string, but the uri must be a string. Increments the url reference count.
release Decrements the url reference count. If it reaches 0, the uri => url mapping is remved.


Error events

While the ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler tries to stop the propagation of error events if a fallback is available and creates one if an unrecoverable error occures, it's not reliable. Because of this, if all fallbacks fail, it will also create a custom "loaderror" event, which is an instance of ErrorEvent. The "loaderror" event is cancellable. The ProtocolLoadFallbackHandler only sets the loadState property of an element to "loaderror" if the "loaderror" event wasn't cancelled. Other events indicating the start, end, etc. of resource loading should work as expected.

Custom events

Name detail property type Description
stylesheetadded CSSStyleSheet A new stylesheet was attached to the document.
stylesheetremoved CSSStyleSheet A new stylesheet was removed from the document.

Embeding this library using a <script> tag

You can use protocolloadfallbackhandler.min.js from a cdn. For example, you could use it using the jsdelivr cdn, which can be used as cdn for any npm package:

<script src=""></script>

You may want to change @latest to a specific version though, to prevent newer versions from inadvertenly breaking things. This is also necessary for specifying an integrity attribute to make sure the file wasn't manipulated by the cdn.

Alternatively, you can download protocolloadfallbackhandler.min.js from the github release page, download it with npm, or clone this project and creati it using npm install && npm run build.

The script should be embedded, and all protocol handlers registered, before they are needed anywhere. You can set all Globals that are listed above with a default value before embedding it to override their default value.

Current protocol handler implementations

Using this library with webpack

You can just use require, import or similar to use this library. Require will return the init function of this library, to which an object can be passed to override any defaults used for the Globals listed above. This library will still define these Globals in global scope after the init function is called, but it will also return an object containing references to them. Calling the init function more than once isn't recommended, if it's done with some different options, some of them may no longer have any effect, but it will reinstatement all classes and replace the globals while maintaining state.