diff --git a/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml b/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc8aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/jekyll-gh-pages.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Sample workflow for building and deploying a Jekyll site to GitHub Pages
+name: Deploy Jekyll with GitHub Pages dependencies preinstalled
+ # Runs on pushes targeting the default branch
+ release:
+ types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
+ contents: read
+ pages: write
+ id-token: write
+# Allow only one concurrent deployment, skipping runs queued between the run in-progress and latest queued.
+# However, do NOT cancel in-progress runs as we want to allow these production deployments to complete.
+ group: "pages"
+ cancel-in-progress: false
+ # Build job
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ submodules: recursive
+ - if: github.event.release != null
+ name: set release vars from release event
+ run: |
+ echo "LONG_DATE=${{ github.event.release.published_at }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "LONG_VERSION=${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - if: github.event.release == null
+ name: Get previous release
+ id: previousrelease
+ uses: InsonusK/get-latest-release@v1.0.1
+ with:
+ myToken: ${{ github.token }}
+ exclude_types: draft|prerelease
+ view_top: 1
+ - if: github.event.release == null
+ name: set release vars from previous release
+ run: |
+ echo "LONG_DATE=${{ steps.previousrelease.outputs.created_at }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "LONG_VERSION=${{ steps.previousrelease.outputs.tag_name }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Cut release date
+ uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
+ id: cut_release_date
+ with:
+ value: ${{ env.LONG_DATE }}
+ length_from_start: 10
+ - name: Cut release versopm
+ uses: bhowell2/github-substring-action@1.0.2
+ id: cut_release_version
+ with:
+ value: ${{ env.LONG_VERSION }}
+ index_of_str: "v"
+ - name: Substitute env vars in files
+ uses: chris-peterson/virgo@v1
+ env:
+ RELEASE_DATE: ${{ steps.cut_release_date.outputs.substring }}
+ RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.cut_release_version.outputs.substring }}
+ with:
+ templates: "metadata.yaml"
+ - name: Build the spec-publisher project & produce site artifacts
+ run: |
+ ./create_site.sh
+ - name: Run Docker job for PDF publication
+ run: |
+ docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/source" --entrypoint /source/create_pdf.sh eark4all/spec-pdf-publisher
+ - name: Setup Pages
+ uses: actions/configure-pages@v3
+ - name: Build with Jekyll docker box
+ run: |
+ mkdir _site
+ docker run --rm -v "$PWD"/site:/usr/src/app -v "$PWD"/_site:/_site starefossen/github-pages jekyll build -d /_site
+ - name: Upload artifact
+ uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1
+ # Deployment job
+ deploy:
+ environment:
+ name: github-pages
+ url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: build
+ steps:
+ - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
+ id: deployment
+ uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c6502f0..ebe0eea 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# Site publication file
@@ -14,3 +12,4 @@ Gemfile.lock
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1891732..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-dist: trusty
-sudo: required
-language: java
-- openjdk8
-- cd spec-publisher
-- mvn clean package
-- java -jar target/mets-profile-proc.jar ../profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml
-- cd ..
-- docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/source" -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --entrypoint /source/create-site.sh eark4all/spec-pdf-publisher
-- cd spec-publisher
-- git checkout feat/pdf-publication
-- mvn clean package
-- java -jar target/mets-profile-proc.jar ../profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml
-- cd ..
-- docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD:/source" -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --entrypoint /source/create-pdf.sh eark4all/spec-pdf-publisher
-- mkdir site
-- docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD"/docs:/usr/src/app -v "$PWD"/site:/_site -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" starefossen/github-pages jekyll build -d /_site
-- bundle install
-- bundle exec htmlproofer ./site --file-ignore /javadoc/ --only-4xx --check-html
- provider: pages
- skip_cleanup: true
- github_token: "$GH_TOKEN"
- keep_history: true
- local_dir: site
- fqdn: "$CNAME"
- on:
- branch: master
- global:
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8710b40..0000000
--- a/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-source 'https://rubygems.org'
-gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
-gem 'html-proofer'
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da6ab6c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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diff --git a/PDF.md b/PDF.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f289bfe..0000000
--- a/PDF.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-!INCLUDE "specification/metadata.md"
-!INCLUDE "specification/index.md"
diff --git a/SITE.md b/SITE.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a2828..0000000
--- a/SITE.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-!INCLUDE "specification/metadata.md"
-{{ page.subtitle }}
-!INCLUDE "spec-publisher/res/md/common-intro.md"
-{{ page.title }}
-{{ page.subtitle }}
-Version: {{ page.version }}
-Date: {{ page.date }}
-!INCLUDE "/tmp/site.md"
-!INCLUDE "specification/postface/postface.md"
diff --git a/SITE_BASE.md b/SITE_BASE.md
deleted file mode 100644
index eec1d92..0000000
--- a/SITE_BASE.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-!INCLUDE "specification/index.md"
diff --git a/archive/index.md b/archive/index.md
index 486b5da..97dbfb2 100644
--- a/archive/index.md
+++ b/archive/index.md
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
title: Archived Versions of the DIP Specification
-Archived Versions of the DIP Specification
+# Archived Versions of the DIP Specification
-[PDF Version 2.1.0](/pdf/eark-dip.pdf) 15-10-2021
+## Latest
+[PDF Version 2.2.0](/pdf/eark-dip.pdf) 15-10-2021
+## Archived Versions
+### 2.1.x
+- [PDF Version 2.1.0](v2_1/eark-dip-v2-1-0.pdf) 25-10-2021
-Archived Versions
### 2.0.x
- [PDF Version 2.0.4](v2_0/eark-dip-v2-0-4.pdf) 12-06-2020
- [PDF Version 2.0.2](v2_0/eark-dip-v2-0-2.pdf) 28-10-2019
- [PDF Version 2.0.1](v2_0/eark-dip-v2-0-1.pdf) 09-09-2019
- [PDF Version 2.0.0](v2_0/eark-dip-v2-0-0.pdf) 31-05-2019
### 1.x
- [PDF Final v1](v1/E-ARK Final Dip Specification (2017).pdf) 13-03-2017
- [PDF Draft v1](v1/E-ARK DIP Draft Specification (2015).pdf) 24-04-2015
diff --git a/archive/v2_1/eark-dip-v2-1-0.pdf b/archive/v2_1/eark-dip-v2-1-0.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9e96b
Binary files /dev/null and b/archive/v2_1/eark-dip-v2-1-0.pdf differ
diff --git a/create-site.sh b/create-site.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b317364..0000000
--- a/create-site.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-echo "Generating GitHub pages site from markdown"
-SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
-cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" || exit
-if [ ! -d ./docs ]
- echo " - creating docs directory"
- mkdir ./docs
-if [ -d ./docs/figs ]
- echo " - removing existing figs directory"
- rm -rf ./docs/figs
-if [ -d ./docs/profile ]
- echo " - removing existing profile directory"
- rm -rf ./docs/profile
-if [ -d ./docs/schema ]
- echo " - removing existing schema directory"
- rm -rf ./docs/schema
-if [ -d ./docs/archive ]
- echo " - removing existing archive directory"
- rm -rf ./docs/archive
-if [ -d ./docs/_data ]
- echo " - removing existing menu data"
- rm -rf ./docs/_data
-if [ -d ./docs/_includes ]
- echo " - removing existing includes"
- rm -rf ./docs/_includes
-if [ -d ./docs/_layouts ]
- echo " - removing existing layouts"
- rm -rf ./docs/_layouts
-if [ -d ./docs/img ]
- echo " - removing existing images"
- rm -rf ./docs/img
-if [ -d ./docs/css ]
- echo " - removing existing css"
- rm -rf ./docs/css
-if [ -d ./docs/release-notes ]
- echo " - removing existing release notes"
- rm -rf ./docs/release-notes
-mkdir ./docs/release-notes
-cp ./RELEASENOTES.md ./docs/release-notes/index.md
-bash "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/utils/create-venv.sh"
-command -v markdown-pp >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
- tmpdir=$(dirname $"(mktemp -u)")
- source "$tmpdir/.venv-markdown/bin/activate"
-markdown-pp SITE_BASE.md -o /tmp/site.md
-markdown-pp SITE.md -o ./docs/index.md
-cp -Rf spec-publisher/site/* docs/
-find ./docs/_* -type f -exec sed -i 's/CSIP/DIP/' {} \;
-find ./docs/_* -type f -exec sed -i 's/csip/dip/' {} \;
-cp -Rf spec-publisher/res/md/figs docs/
-cp -Rf specification/media docs/
-cp -Rf profile docs/
-cp -Rf archive docs/
-cp -Rf examples docs/
diff --git a/create-pdf.sh b/create_pdf.sh
similarity index 54%
rename from create-pdf.sh
rename to create_pdf.sh
index d1bc225..a18a71f 100755
--- a/create-pdf.sh
+++ b/create_pdf.sh
@@ -1,54 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" || exit
+echo "Generating specification PDF from markdown"
-cd "./specification/postface/" || exit
-bash "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/utils/create-venv.sh"
+cp -rf "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/pandoc/img" "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/res/md/figs" "$SCRIPT_DIR/doc/pdf/"
+cp -rf "$SCRIPT_DIR/specification/media" "$SCRIPT_DIR/doc/pdf/"
+bash "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/scripts/create-venv.sh"
command -v markdown-pp >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
tmpdir=$(dirname $"(mktemp -u)")
source "$tmpdir/.venv-markdown/bin/activate"
echo " - MARKDOWN-PP: Processing postface markdown"
-markdown-pp postface.md -o "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs/postface.md" -e tableofcontents
+cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/specification/postface/" || exit
+markdown-pp postface.md -o "$SCRIPT_DIR/doc/pdf/postface.md" -e tableofcontents
-cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs" || exit
+cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/doc/pdf" || exit
+# PDF Destinaton
echo " - PANDOC: Generating Preface from markdown"
pandoc --from gfm \
--to latex \
- --metadata-file "../spec-publisher/pandoc/metadata.yaml" \
- "../spec-publisher/res/md/common-intro.md" \
- -o ./preface.tex
-echo " - PANDOC: Finished"
+ --metadata-file "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/pandoc/metadata.yaml" \
+ "./preface.md" \
+ -o "./preface.tex"
sed -i 's%section{%section*{%' ./preface.tex
echo " - PANDOC: Generating Postface from markdown"
-pandoc --from gfm \
+pandoc --from markdown \
--to latex \
- --metadata-file "../spec-publisher/pandoc/metadata.yaml" \
- "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs/postface.md" \
+ --metadata-file "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/pandoc/metadata.yaml" \
+ "./postface.md" \
-o ./postface.tex
sed -i 's%section{%section*{%' ./postface.tex
-rm "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs/postface.md"
-if [ ! -d "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs/pdf" ]
- mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/docs/pdf/"
-cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" || exit
echo " - MARKDOWN-PP: Preparing PDF markdown"
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- source "$tmpdir/.venv-markdown/bin/activate"
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# --number-sections \ # Generate Heading Numbers
-# eark-sip-pdf.md \ # Input Markdown file
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+ --metadata-file "$SCRIPT_DIR/spec-publisher/pandoc/metadata.yaml" \
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+ --filter pandoc-citeproc eark-dip-pdf.md \
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eark-dip-pdf.md \
- -o "./pdf/eark-dip.pdf"
+ -o "$SCRIPT_DIR/site/pdf/eark-dip.pdf"
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new file mode 100755
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+echo "Generating GitHub pages site from markdown"
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+echo " - Cleaning up site directory and copying spec-publisher site..."
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+if [ -d _site ]
+ echo " - Removing old _site directory contents"
+ rm -rf _site/*
+echo " - copying files to site directory..."
+# Copy spec-publisher artifacts to the site
+cp -rf spec-publisher/site/* spec-publisher/res/md/figs site/
+# Copy remaining project collaterel to the site
+cp -rf profile archive examples specification/media site/
+echo " - spec-publisher: generating requirement tables, appendices, etc."
+mvn package -f spec-publisher/pom.xml
+java -jar ./spec-publisher/target/mets-profile-processor-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -f ./specification.yaml -o doc/site profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml
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+command -v markdown-pp >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
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+ source "$tmpdir/.venv-markdown/bin/activate"
+markdown-pp body.md -o body_toc.md
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+!INCLUDE "../../metadata.yaml"
+# {{ page.subtitle }}
+!INCLUDE "preface.md"
+# {{ page.title }}
+## {{ page.subtitle }}
+Version: {{ page.version }}
+Date: {{ page.date }}
+!INCLUDE "body_toc.md"
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similarity index 92%
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--- a/specification/metadata.md
+++ b/metadata.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
title: E-ARK DIP
subtitle: Specification for Dissemination Information Packages
abstract: |
@@ -9,6 +8,5 @@ abstract: |
a text document explaining the details of use of this profile.
This will enable repository interoperability and assist in the
management of the preservation of digital content.
-version: 2.1.0
-date: 15.10.2021
+version: ${RELEASE_VERSION}
+date: ${RELEASE_DATE}
diff --git a/pandoc/bibliography.bib b/pandoc/bibliography.bib
index 34b8a00..10cb7c2 100644
--- a/pandoc/bibliography.bib
+++ b/pandoc/bibliography.bib
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ @Manual{OAIS2012
Year = {2012},
Citeulike-article-id = {4688260},
- Citeulike-linkout-0 = {http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0b1.pdf},
+ Citeulike-linkout-0 = {https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m2.pdf},
Keywords = {oais, referencemodel, referenzmodell},
Posted-at = {2009-05-31 11:14:14},
Priority = {0},
- Url = {http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0b1.pdf}
+ Url = {https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m2.pdf}
diff --git a/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml b/profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-1-0.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml
rename to profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-1-0.xml
diff --git a/profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml b/profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9d2cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml
+ E-ARK DIP METS Profile
+ This is the extension of the E-ARK CSIP profile for creation of a E-ARK DIP. The profile describes the Dissemination Information Package (DIP) specification and the implementation of METS for packaging OAIS conformant Information Packages. The profile is accompanied with a textuall document explaning the details of use of this profile.
+ This will enable repository interoperability and assist in the management of the preservation of digital content.
+ 2024-03-17T09:00:00
+ DILCIS Board
+ http://dilcis.eu/
+ info@dilcis.eu
+ E-ARK CSIP METS Profile 2.2
+ E-ARK DIP profile
This profile together with the E-ARK SIP document describes an DIP conforming to the E-ARK SIP.
+ Principles for a package conforming to the Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP)
+ E-ARK SIP METS Extension
+ http://earksip.dilcis.eu/schema/DILCISExtensionSIPMETS.xsd
+ XML-schema for the attributes added by SIP and reused in the DIP
An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
The schema is used with a namespace prefix of sip.
The filepath must be decoded consistently throughout all file references within the information package.
+ OAIS Package type
+ DILCIS Board
+ http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyOAISPackageType.xml
+ Values for `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE`
Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.
+ dmdSec status
+ DILCIS Board
+ http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyStatus.xml
+ Values for `dmdSec/@STATUS`
Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.
+ Package Identifier
Note that the value of the `mets/@OBJID attribute` for the DIP is expected to be different from the SIP and AIP to reflect the creation of a new package.
+ METS Profile
The value is set to "https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml".
+ OAIS Package type information
The in CSIP added attribute `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is used with the value "DIP".
+ Status of the descriptive metadata
Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary. The status SHOULD in a DIP be set to "CURRENT".
A suite of tools for e-archiving and digital preservation. The tools provide functionality for producers to archive digital information, for archives to preserve digital information and for consumers to access archived information.
ES Solutions - www.essolutions.se
+ http://github.com/keeps/roda
RODA is a digital repository solution that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Dublin Core (DC) and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata).
RODA is licensed under LGPLv3 for all source-code including interoperability libraries like SIP manipulation libraries.
RODA-in is a tool specially designed for producers and archivists to create Submission Information Packages (SIP) ready to be submitted to an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). The tool creates SIPs from files and folders available on the local file system.
+ RODA-in supports several Submission Information Package formats such as BagIt, E-ARK SIP and the Hungarian SIP format.
RODA-in is licensed under LGPLv3.
+ RODA-in
+ 2.1.0-beta.7
+ RODA-in
+ 2.1.0-beta.7
diff --git a/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml/index.md b/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0617706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+layout: forward
+target: /profile
+targetname: E-ARK-DIP Profile page
+targettitle: Re-directing to E-ARK-DIP Profile page
+time: 10
+message: The E-ARK-DIP METS profile must now be accessed with a full version number, forwarding you to the profile page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/profile/index.md b/profile/index.md
index f5a1208..db20321 100644
--- a/profile/index.md
+++ b/profile/index.md
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
title: DIP METS Profile
-DIP METS Profile
+# DIP METS Profile
-- [Version 2.1.0](./E-ARK-DIP.xml) 15-10-2021
+## Latest
+- [Version 2.2.0](./E-ARK-DIP-v2-2-0.xml) 17-05-2024
+## Archived Versions
+### 2.1.x
+- [Version 2.1.0](./E-ARK-DIP-v2-1-0.xml) 15-10-2021
-Archived Versions
### 2.0.x
- [Version 2.0.4](./E-ARK-DIP-v2-0-2.xml) 12-06-2020
- [Version 2.0.2](./E-ARK-DIP-v2-0-2.xml) 28-10-2019
- [Version 2.0.1](./E-ARK-DIP-v2-0-1.xml) 09-09-2019
diff --git a/docs/Gemfile b/site/Gemfile
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/Gemfile
rename to site/Gemfile
diff --git a/docs/_config.yml b/site/_config.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/_config.yml
rename to site/_config.yml
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7867e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/_data/navbar.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+- title: "Specification"
+ href: "/"
+- title: "PDF"
+ href: "/pdf/eark-dip.pdf"
+- title: "Profile"
+ href: "/profile/"
+- title: "Archive"
+ href: "/archive/"
+- title: "Examples"
+ href: "/examples/"
+- title: "About"
+ href: "/"
+ subcategories:
+ - subtitle: "Release Notes"
+ subextref: "/release-notes/"
+ - subtitle: "Acknowledgements"
+ subextref: "/acknowledgements/"
+ - subtitle: "DILCIS"
+ subextref: "https://dilcis.eu/"
+ - subtitle: "On GitHub"
+ subextref: "https://github.com/DILCISBoard/E-ARK-DIP"
+ - subtitle: "Download"
+ subextref: "https://github.com/DILCISBoard/E-ARK-DIP/archive/master.zip"
diff --git a/spec-publisher b/spec-publisher
index 8ee9ea8..29b3def 160000
--- a/spec-publisher
+++ b/spec-publisher
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 8ee9ea80c3d50d428831df712a82d69896dd60fc
+Subproject commit 29b3def310a1c27583dc4a367df0a2245756d506
diff --git a/specification.yaml b/specification.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ee436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specification.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ - name: common-intro
+ type: file
+ source: spec-publisher/res/md/common-intro.md
+ - name: introduction
+ type: file
+ source: specification/introduction.md
+ - name: metadata-root-requirments
+ heading: "### Node level: mets root"
+ type: requirements
+ section: metsRootElement
+ examples: true
+ - name: metadata-metsHdr-requirments
+ heading: "### Node level: metsHdr"
+ type: requirements
+ section: metsHdr
+ examples: true
+ - name: metadata-dmdsec-requirements
+ heading: "### Node level: dmdSec"
+ type: requirements
+ section: dmdSec
+ examples: true
+ - name: metadata-amdsec-requirements
+ heading: "### Node level: amdSec"
+ type: requirements
+ section: amdSec
+ examples: true
+ - name: metadata-filesec-requirements
+ heading: "### Node level: fileSec"
+ type: requirements
+ section: fileSec
+ examples: true
+ - name: metadata-stuctmap-requirements
+ heading: "### Node level: structMap"
+ type: requirements
+ section: structMap
+ examples: true
+ - name: premis
+ type: file
+ source: specification/premis.md
+ - name: bibliography
+ type: file
+ source: specification/bibliography.md
+ - name: mets.examples
+ heading: "E-ARK Information Package METS Example"
+ label: "A"
+ type: mets
+ section: Appendix
+ - name: mets.schema
+ heading: "External Schema"
+ label: "B"
+ type: mets
+ section: external_schema
+ - name: mets.vocabs
+ heading: "External Vocabularies"
+ label: "C"
+ type: mets
+ section: vocabulary
+ - name: mets.metadata.requirments
+ heading: "E-ARK DIP Metadata Requirements"
+ label: "D"
+ type: mets
+ section: requirements
diff --git a/specification/appendices/examples/examples.md b/specification/appendices/examples/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ecdc482..0000000
--- a/specification/appendices/examples/examples.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-**Example 1:** Example of a whole METS document describing an dissimination information package with no representations.
- RODA-in
- 2.1.0-beta.7
diff --git a/specification/appendices/requirements/requirements.md b/specification/appendices/requirements/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c044c..0000000
--- a/specification/appendices/requirements/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **DIP1** | **Package Identifier** `mets/@OBJID` Note that the value of the `mets/@OBJID attribute` for the DIP is expected to be different from the SIP and AIP to reflect the creation of a new package. | **1..1** MUST |
-| **DIP2** | **METS Profile** `mets/@PROFILE` The value is set to "https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml". | **1..1** MUST |
-| **DIP3** | **OAIS Package type information** `metsHdr[@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE=`DIP`]` The in CSIP added attribute `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is used with the value "DIP". **See also:** [OAIS Package type](#VocabularyOAISPackageType) | **1..1** MUST |
-| **DIP4** | **Status of the descriptive metadata** `dmdSec/@STATUS` Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary. The status SHOULD in a DIP be set to "CURRENT". **See also:** [dmdSec status](#VocabularyStatus) | **0..1** SHOULD |
-| **REF_CSIP_1** | **Administrative metadata**
The DIP element should comply with amdSec requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
-| **REF_CSIP_2** | **File section**
The DIP fileSec element should comply with fileSec requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
-| **REF_CSIP_3** | **Structural description of the package**
The DIP structMap element should comply with structMap requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
-| **REF_METS_1** | **structLink**
Section not defined or used in CSIP or DIP, additional own uses may occur. Information regarding the structural links is found in the METS Primer | MAY |
-| **REF_METS_2** | **behaviorSec**
Section not defined or used in CSIP or DIP, additional own uses may occur. Information regarding the behavior section is found in the METS Primer | MAY |
diff --git a/specification/appendices/schema/schema.md b/specification/appendices/schema/schema.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4695d13..0000000
--- a/specification/appendices/schema/schema.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-### E-ARK SIP METS Extension
-**Location:** [http://earksip.dilcis.eu/schema/DILCISExtensionSIPMETS.xsd](http://earksip.dilcis.eu/schema/DILCISExtensionSIPMETS.xsd)
-**Context:** XML-schema for the attributes added by SIP and reused in the DIP
-An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
-The schema is used with a namespace prefix of sip.
diff --git a/specification/appendices/vocabs/vocabs.md b/specification/appendices/vocabs/vocabs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b9ca2..0000000
--- a/specification/appendices/vocabs/vocabs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-### OAIS Package type
-**Maintained By:** DILCIS Board
-**Location:** [http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyOAISPackageType.xml](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyOAISPackageType.xml)
-**Context:** Values for `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE`
-Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.
-### dmdSec status
-**Maintained By:** DILCIS Board
-**Location:** [http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyStatus.xml](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyStatus.xml)
-**Context:** Values for `dmdSec/@STATUS`
-Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.
diff --git a/specification/bibliography.md b/specification/bibliography.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b71a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specification/bibliography.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Bibliography
+1. Karin Bredenberg, Björn Skog, Anders Bo Nielsen, Kathrine Hougaard Edsen Johansen, Alex Thirifays,
+ Sven Schlarb, Andrew Wilson, et al. 2018. Common Specification for Information Packages (Csip). ERCIM
+ News. 2.0.0-DRAFT ed. Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standard Board (DILCIS Board).
+ [http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/)
+2. OAIS. 2012. Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. CCSDS 650.0-M-2 (Magenta
+ Book). CCSDS - Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems.
+ [http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0b1.pdf](http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0b1.pdf).
+3. PREMIS. 2017. PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, Version 3.0. The Library of Congress.
+ [https://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/index.html](https://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/index.html).
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/amdsec/requirements.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/amdsec/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ee09e..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/amdsec/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **REF_CSIP_1** | **Administrative metadata**
The DIP element should comply with amdSec requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/examples.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4214602..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/examples.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-**Example:** METS example of referencing the descriptive metadata which is described with an EAD document
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/requirements.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 80fae13..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **DIP4** | **Status of the descriptive metadata** `dmdSec/@STATUS` Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary. The status SHOULD in a DIP be set to "CURRENT". **See also:** [dmdSec status](#VocabularyStatus) | **0..1** SHOULD |
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/filesec/requirements.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/filesec/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b2f964..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/filesec/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **REF_CSIP_2** | **File section**
The DIP fileSec element should comply with fileSec requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/examples.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aa01786..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/examples.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-**Example:** METS root element showing use of `csip:@OTHERTYPE` attribute when an appropriate package content category value is not available in the vocabulary. The `@TYPE` attribute value is set to OTHER.
-**Example:** METS root element illustrating the use of a custom `csip:@OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` attribute value when the correct content type value does note exist in the vocabulary. The `csip:@CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` attribute value is set to OTHER.
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/requirements.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e43b8..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **DIP1** | **Package Identifier** `mets/@OBJID` Note that the value of the `mets/@OBJID attribute` for the DIP is expected to be different from the SIP and AIP to reflect the creation of a new package. | **1..1** MUST |
-| **DIP2** | **METS Profile** `mets/@PROFILE` The value is set to "https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-DIP.xml". | **1..1** MUST |
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/examples.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ed174..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/examples.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-**Example:** METS agent example of the mandatory agent
- RODA-in
- 2.1.0-beta.7
diff --git a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/requirements.md b/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/requirements.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d3889df..0000000
--- a/specification/implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/requirements.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **DIP3** | **OAIS Package type information** `metsHdr[@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE=`DIP`]` The in CSIP added attribute `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is used with the value "DIP". **See also:** [OAIS Package type](#VocabularyOAISPackageType) | **1..1** MUST |
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-| ID | Name, Location & Description | Card & Level |
-| ------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
-| **REF_CSIP_3** | **Structural description of the package**
The DIP structMap element should comply with structMap requirements in the CSIP profile. | SHOULD |
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-# Introduction
-## Definition of a DIP
-The OAIS reference model defines a DIP as:
-> An Information Package, derived from one or more AIPs, and sent by Archives to the Consumer in response to a request to the OAIS.
-The definition of an E-ARK DIP is that it corresponds to a CSIP which is ready to be processed by its designated Access Software; if it is not suited for processing and rendering by its designated Access Software, it is not (yet) a DIP.
-This is a very generic, but handy, definition. To be more specific, an E-ARK DIP is:
-- an IP which is sent (or is ready to be sent) to the user in an Access environment;
-- supported by tools, i.e. can be rendered by Access Software.
-First of all, the DIP looks like the AIP: It replicates the structure of the AIP from which it is derived. It also inherits metadata as well as the intellectual entities of the AIP.
-An E-ARK AIP may in its entirety therefore also be a E-ARK DIP, however in most cases it is necessary to convert from an AIP to a DIP. The DIP allows for example for the inclusion of new DIP representation formats, which are more user-friendly than the AIP formats that are intended for long-term preservation purposes.
-It also allows for the updating of the metadata as well as for the addition of new metadata elements. Representation Information, which is required for rendering and understanding the intellectual content, might also be added, and as a direct consequence, there may be a need for new folders and files, for example within the ‘Documentation’ folder.
-# Structure
-The folder structure of an E-ARK DIP must comply with the requirements for the folder structure for a CSIP, see [Folder structure of the CSIP](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/#41-folder-structure-of-the-csip).
-The CSIP folder structure and its requirements is visualised in the figure below:
-![IP Folder Structure](./media/Fig2DIP.svg)
-- Blue boxes represent folders
-- Yellow boxes represent files.
-- Boxes with full lines represent mandatory files/folders
-- Boxes with dotted lines represent optional files/folders.
-As can be seen from the figure - the requirements for the folder structure for a CSIP is at a bare minimum and makes it possible to have several extra optional folders and files in a CSIP (see boxes with dotted lines).
-The first thing to be said about the E-ARK DIP structure in regard to CSIP structure is that an E-ARK DIP will always consist of some of those files and folders that are optional in the CSIP minimum structure.
-There must be data to disseminate. Since the definition of an E-ARK DIP is that it corresponds to a CSIP which is ready to be processed by its designated Access Software, this leaves the question as to which data
-in the CSIP should be chosen to be encompassed in the E-ARK DIP.
-It is possible that an AIP in its current state and in its entirety can be delivered to a Consumer as is and still be considered an E-ARK DIP.
-That E-ARK DIP can contain the submission representation, and one or more preservation representations. Often, however, the OAIS is interested in leaving out irrelevant data and metadata and only present the
-Consumer with the data and metadata that the Consumer is interested in. This could be isolated to the content in one single representation in an E-ARK AIP, or maybe only a portion of a single representation in an E-ARK AIP. Maybe even only one specific file. The point here is that a plethora of different E-ARK DIPs can be created out of an E-ARK AIP or several E-ARK AIPs.
-# Content Information Types
-Content Information is *“A set of information that is the original target of preservation or
-that includes part or all of that information. It is an Information Object composed of its Content
-Data Object and its Representation Information*” according to the OAIS Reference Model.
-A Content Information Type can therefore be understood as a category of Content Information, for example
-relational databases, scientific data, electronic records management systems, digitised maps, etc..
-According to the Common Specification for Information Package it is possible to [create specifications for
-Content Information Types](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/#61-content-information-type-specifications). It is within these specifications that requirements and descriptions related to the specific Content Information Type is described. The DIP specification can not describe how each Content Information Type should be disseminated and therefore the DIP specification sets out requirements on how Content Information Type specifications should handle DIP requirements.
-- A Content Information Type specification should have a section which sole focus is on describing DIP requirements and/or recommendations
- - The DIP section should describe how to read/edit access rights
- - The DIP section should describe how to register access software
- - The DIP section could mention and list relevant access software for the Content Information Type
-# Metadata
-The DIP metadata is based upon the existing CSIP, E-ARK SIP and E-ARK AIP specifications.
-The metadata descriptions provided in this document cover the three core metadata categories:
-- structural (see METS)
-- preservation (see PREMIS)
-- descriptive (see EAD)
-It must be stated that the CSIP allows for and makes a distinction between preservation metadata and descriptive metadata (or Descriptive Information according to OAIS).
-One of the challenges when dividing metadata between preservation metadata and descriptive metadata is that the current metadata standards do not operate with the same distinction. Access rights information can for example both be stored in EAD (descriptive metadata) and in PREMIS (preservation metadata) or in METS.
-This leaves the question - where should this access and dissemination information be registered? This E-ARK DIP specification describes two ways of using EAD and PREMIS for registering Access Rights and Access Software. These are possible ways and not yet recommendations.
-## METS
-METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata expressed using the XML Schema Language.
-The use of METS is mandatory if it must comply with CSIP. See CSIP for the general use of METS in information packages.
-The differences between a METS instance for an E-ARK DIP vs an E-ARK AIP are small. Actually, most of the metadata differences between an AIP and a DIP are in the descriptive metadata or preservation metadata such as EAD and PREMIS.
-Below is a broad overview of the METS file.
-| | Elements | | | Values |Comments |
-|----------|--------------| ----------|-----------|----------------------------|----------------------|
-| **mets** | | | | | |
-| | **metsHdr** | | | | |
-| | | **agent** | | |software or archivist creating the DIP |
-| | **dmdSec** | | | | |
-| | | **mdRef** | | *EAD* |information about descriptive metadata files (e.g EAD) |
-| | **amdSec** | | | | |
-| | | **mdRef** | | *PREMIS* |information about preservation metadata files (e.g PREMIS) |
-| | **fileSec** | | | | |
-| | | **fileGrp** | | *Common Specification root* | |
-| | | | **fileGrp** | *metadata* | |
-| | | | **fileGrp** | *representations* | normally only one repr. in the DIP |
-| | | | **fileGrp** | *schemas* | |
-| | | | **fileGrp** | *documentation* | |
-| | **structMap** | | | | |
-| | | **div** | | *metadata* | |
-| | | **div** | | *representations* | mets pointer to mets file for the repr. |
-| | | **div** | | *schemas* | |
-| | | **div** | | *documentation* | |
-In the following the major differences between an XML instance for METS for an E-ARK DIP vs an E-ARK AIP are listed.
-**Node level: mets root**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/requirements.md"
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/mets-root/examples.md"
-**Node level: metsHdr**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/requirements.md"
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/metshdr/examples.md"
-**Node level: dmdSec**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/requirements.md"
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/dmdsec/examples.md"
-**Node level: admSec**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/amdsec/requirements.md"
-**Node level: fileSec**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/filesec/requirements.md"
-**Node level: structMap**
-!INCLUDE "implementation/metadata/mets/structmap/requirements.md"
-PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) is a standard that mainly caters for long-term preservation and technical usability, which for example is used to facilitate a range of preservation strategies including migration and emulation.
-From an Access perspective, PREMIS especially satisfies the requirements pertaining to the recording of Representation Information. It is practical to state in a formalised and consistent way how the Access Software should behave and where it should look when dealing with different pieces of information, such as which representation formats are included in the DIP.
-### Metadata regarding Representations and Access Software
-In PREMIS, a representation is a "set of files, including structural metadata, needed for a complete and reasonable rendition of an Intellectual Entity." See [PREMIS Editorial Committee (2015). "PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata", p.8](http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/premis-3-0-final.pdf).
-One of the core concepts in PREMIS is the above formulated definition of a representation, but it is also important to note that the CSIP structure also incorporates physical management of different representations. When implementing PREMIS in CSIPs one must therefore choose if there must exist PREMIS files at representation level or at root level only (see CSIP) and one must also choose how fine-grained each description should be.
-To enable rendition, three pieces of information are needed in PREMIS: One identifying the representation to be rendered; one identifying the software to enable this; and one establishing a relationship between the two.
-The descriptions below therefore show how to:
-1. Describe which DIP representation format is contained in the DIP (description 1 below);
-2. Describe which piece(s) of Access Software is/are needed to render a specific DIP representation format. Several pieces of software may indeed be needed (description 2 below);
-3. Describe the relationship between the DIP representation format and its Access Software (description 3 below).
-#### Description 1 - The description of DIP representation formats
-In order to describe the specific DIP representation format the semantic component "1.4 significantProperties" is used. An example is:
-Note that the object type is "representation" and that the objectIdentifierType value is "filepath", which according to the AIP specification is an IP scope value. The objectIdentifierValue is the file path to the representation folder or could be a file path to a file.
-#### Description 2 - The description of Access Software
-In PREMIS 3.0 a description of an environment has become an object itself, so that both non-environmental objects and environmental objects exist. Access Software is therefore an environmental object which per default is an intellectual entity.
-The semantic unit "1.9 environmentFunction" is conceived to describe the environment object(s) with different levels of granularity. It is suggested to use [the vocabulary from Library of Congress](http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/environmentFunctionType.html).
-The semantic unit "1.10 environmentDesignation" is used for information identifying the environment by using human-readable language which can be expected to be understood outside of a digital repository.
-See the example which follows this vocabulary:
-#### Description 3 - The description of the relation between the representations and the Access Software
-In order to establish a connection between the DIP representation format to be rendered and the Access Software to render it, it is necessary to use the semantic unit "1.13 relationship". The relationship element can bind both non-environmental objects together with environmental objects and it can bind environmental objects together with other environmental objects. The following example shows how the DIP representation format can be related to the Access Software:
-As can be seen above the nature of the relationship, \ is used (value, e.g. 'dependency'); intimately linked to this is also the indication of a \, e.g. 'requires'.
-In order to identify the Access Software, which is used to render the representation, the \ is employed; and the \ gives us a hint about what the purpose is (here: to 'render').
-Since it is not always possible to render the DIP representation formats with one piece of Access Software, it can be necessary to model software dependencies and sequences between several pieces of software in PREMIS.
-## Descriptive metadata - e.g. EAD
-Descriptive metadata are used to describe the intellectual contents of archival holdings, and they support finding and understanding individual information packages. The E-ARK DIP allows for the inclusion of any kind of descriptive metadata.
-The E-ARK project reached the conclusion that EAD was one of the most used. See the full report
-[D3.1 E-ARK Report on Available Best Practices](http://www.eark-project.com/resources/project-deliverables/6-d31-e-ark-report-on-available-best-practices). A common E-ARK EAD guideline is yet to be developed. But for information purposes and since the previous DIP specification described a way to register Access Rights Information the text is given here:
-### Access restrictions
-OAIS states:
-> Access Rights Information: The information that identifies the access restrictions pertaining
-> to the Content Information, including the legal framework, licensing terms, and access control.
-> It contains the access and distribution conditions stated within the Submission Agreement,
-> related to both preservation (by the OAIS) and final usage (by the Consumer).
-> It also includes the specifications for the application of rights enforcement measures.
-The E-ARK DIP specification does not require that access rights are stored in a specific way since different metadata standards
-can be applied differently to different Content Information Types. See Content Information Types.
-Since it is possible to have different metadata information in the metadata folder it is recommended to systematically control where access rights metadata are stored. For example access rights metadata can be stored in both EAD and in PREMIS.
-The \ tag is "An element for information about conditions that affect the availability of the materials being described." See [EAD3]().
-The Access Rights Information that concerns the end-user has to be available in EAD - not in PREMIS - and \ is used for this purpose. The reasons being:
-It should be possible to find the Access Rights Information in one place and one place only, namely in the descriptive metadata, which, per default, are the metadata displayed in the Access Software (Finding Aids and different viewers). EAD supports the description of potentially very complex hierarchical levels of an IP and can therefore if necessary differentiate access restrictions all the way down to the individual file level. Descriptive metadata are very often added upon Ingest and Finding Aids can thus immediately be populated with this kind of information.
-The \
tag in \ is repeatable and can be used in the following way:
-**EAD example of \**
-If the value of the first \
is "Restricted" or "" (empty - which also means that it is restricted) the tool will look for a second \
which specifies the restriction period. "Unrestricted" means that the IP is immediately accessible. The second \
can contain any text, for example \
This IP is available 20 years from November 14 2002\
-Note that the EAD3 schema validates even without the \ tag inside \.
-For more complex scenarios, it is possible to use \ as follows:
-EAD example of \
- 01.01.2016
- 01.01.2041
- type of the restriction (e.g. personal data)
- duration of the restriction in years (e.g. 25 years)
- source of the restriction (e.g. Public access law AvTS 7)
- additional description of the access restriction (e.g. The content can be made public if personal data is removed from the DIP)
-# Appendices
-## Appendix A: E-ARK Information Package METS example
-!INCLUDE "appendices/examples/examples.md"
-## Appendix B: External Schema
-!INCLUDE "appendices/schema/schema.md"
-## Appendix C: External Vocabularies
-!INCLUDE "appendices/vocabs/vocabs.md"
-## Appendix D: A Full List of E-ARK DIP Requirements
-!INCLUDE "appendices/requirements/requirements.md"
-# Bibliography
-Karin Bredenberg, Björn Skog, Anders Bo Nielsen, Kathrine Hougaard Edsen Johansen, Alex Thirifays,
-Sven Schlarb, Andrew Wilson, et al. 2018. Common Specification for Information Packages (Csip). ERCIM
-News. 2.0.0-DRAFT ed. Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standard Board (DILCIS Board).
-OAIS. 2012. Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. CCSDS 650.0-M-2 (Magenta
-Book). CCSDS - Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems.
-PREMIS. 2017. PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata, Version 3.0. The Library of Congress.
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+# Introduction
+## Definition of a DIP
+The OAIS reference model defines a DIP as:
+> An Information Package, derived from one or more AIPs, and sent by Archives to the Consumer in response to a request to the OAIS.
+The definition of an E-ARK DIP is that it corresponds to a CSIP which is ready to be processed by its designated Access Software; if it is not suited for processing and rendering by its designated Access Software, it is not (yet) a DIP.
+This is a very generic, but handy, definition. To be more specific, an E-ARK DIP is:
+- an IP which is sent (or is ready to be sent) to the user in an Access environment;
+- supported by tools, i.e. can be rendered by Access Software.
+First of all, the DIP looks like the AIP: It replicates the structure of the AIP from which it is derived. It also inherits metadata as well as the intellectual entities of the AIP.
+An E-ARK AIP may in its entirety therefore also be a E-ARK DIP, however in most cases it is necessary to convert from an AIP to a DIP. The DIP allows for example for the inclusion of new DIP representation formats, which are more user-friendly than the AIP formats that are intended for long-term preservation purposes.
+It also allows for the updating of the metadata as well as for the addition of new metadata elements. Representation Information, which is required for rendering and understanding the intellectual content, might also be added, and as a direct consequence, there may be a need for new folders and files, for example within the ‘Documentation’ folder.
+# Structure
+The folder structure of an E-ARK DIP must comply with the requirements for the folder structure for a CSIP, see [Folder structure of the CSIP](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/#41-folder-structure-of-the-csip).
+The CSIP folder structure and its requirements is visualised in the figure below:
+![IP Folder Structure](./media/Fig2DIP.svg)
+- Blue boxes represent folders
+- Yellow boxes represent files.
+- Boxes with full lines represent mandatory files/folders
+- Boxes with dotted lines represent optional files/folders.
+As can be seen from the figure - the requirements for the folder structure for a CSIP is at a bare minimum and makes it possible to have several extra optional folders and files in a CSIP (see boxes with dotted lines).
+The first thing to be said about the E-ARK DIP structure in regard to CSIP structure is that an E-ARK DIP will always consist of some of those files and folders that are optional in the CSIP minimum structure.
+There must be data to disseminate. Since the definition of an E-ARK DIP is that it corresponds to a CSIP which is ready to be processed by its designated Access Software, this leaves the question as to which data
+in the CSIP should be chosen to be encompassed in the E-ARK DIP.
+It is possible that an AIP in its current state and in its entirety can be delivered to a Consumer as is and still be considered an E-ARK DIP.
+That E-ARK DIP can contain the submission representation, and one or more preservation representations. Often, however, the OAIS is interested in leaving out irrelevant data and metadata and only present the
+Consumer with the data and metadata that the Consumer is interested in. This could be isolated to the content in one single representation in an E-ARK AIP, or maybe only a portion of a single representation in an E-ARK AIP. Maybe even only one specific file. The point here is that a plethora of different E-ARK DIPs can be created out of an E-ARK AIP or several E-ARK AIPs.
+# Content Information Types
+Content Information is *“A set of information that is the original target of preservation or
+that includes part or all of that information. It is an Information Object composed of its Content
+Data Object and its Representation Information*” according to the OAIS Reference Model.
+A Content Information Type can therefore be understood as a category of Content Information, for example
+relational databases, scientific data, electronic records management systems, digitised maps, etc..
+According to the Common Specification for Information Package it is possible to [create specifications for
+Content Information Types](http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/#61-content-information-type-specifications). It is within these specifications that requirements and descriptions related to the specific Content Information Type is described. The DIP specification can not describe how each Content Information Type should be disseminated and therefore the DIP specification sets out requirements on how Content Information Type specifications should handle DIP requirements.
+- A Content Information Type specification should have a section which sole focus is on describing DIP requirements and/or recommendations
+ - The DIP section should describe how to read/edit access rights
+ - The DIP section should describe how to register access software
+ - The DIP section could mention and list relevant access software for the Content Information Type
+# Metadata
+The DIP metadata is based upon the existing CSIP, E-ARK SIP and E-ARK AIP specifications.
+The metadata descriptions provided in this document cover the three core metadata categories:
+- structural (see METS)
+- preservation (see PREMIS)
+- descriptive (see EAD)
+It must be stated that the CSIP allows for and makes a distinction between preservation metadata and descriptive metadata (or Descriptive Information according to OAIS).
+One of the challenges when dividing metadata between preservation metadata and descriptive metadata is that the current metadata standards do not operate with the same distinction. Access rights information can for example both be stored in EAD (descriptive metadata) and in PREMIS (preservation metadata) or in METS.
+This leaves the question - where should this access and dissemination information be registered? This E-ARK DIP specification describes two ways of using EAD and PREMIS for registering Access Rights and Access Software. These are possible ways and not yet recommendations.
+## METS
+METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata expressed using the XML Schema Language.
+The use of METS is mandatory if it must comply with CSIP. See CSIP for the general use of METS in information packages.
+The differences between a METS instance for an E-ARK DIP vs an E-ARK AIP are small. Actually, most of the metadata differences between an AIP and a DIP are in the descriptive metadata or preservation metadata such as EAD and PREMIS.
+Below is a broad overview of the METS file.
+| | Elements | | | Values |Comments |
+|----------|--------------| ----------|-----------|----------------------------|----------------------|
+| **mets** | | | | | |
+| | **metsHdr** | | | | |
+| | | **agent** | | |software or archivist creating the DIP |
+| | **dmdSec** | | | | |
+| | | **mdRef** | | *EAD* |information about descriptive metadata files (e.g EAD) |
+| | **amdSec** | | | | |
+| | | **mdRef** | | *PREMIS* |information about preservation metadata files (e.g PREMIS) |
+| | **fileSec** | | | | |
+| | | **fileGrp** | | *Common Specification root* | |
+| | | | **fileGrp** | *metadata* | |
+| | | | **fileGrp** | *representations* | normally only one repr. in the DIP |
+| | | | **fileGrp** | *schemas* | |
+| | | | **fileGrp** | *documentation* | |
+| | **structMap** | | | | |
+| | | **div** | | *metadata* | |
+| | | **div** | | *representations* | mets pointer to mets file for the repr. |
+| | | **div** | | *schemas* | |
+| | | **div** | | *documentation* | |
+In the following the major differences between an XML instance for METS for an E-ARK DIP vs an E-ARK AIP are listed.
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+++ b/specification/postface/ack-contact.md
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
+## III Acknowledgements
-III Acknowledgements
The E-ARK Dissemination Information Package (DIP) Specification was first
developed within the E-ARK project in 2014 – 2017. E-ARK was an EC-funded pilot
action project in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme 2007- 2013, Grant
@@ -19,11 +18,10 @@ tool developers and other stakeholders who provided valuable knowledge about
their requirements for information packages and feedback to this and previous
versions of the specification.
+## IV Contact & Feedback
-IV Contact & Feedback
The E-ARK DIP specification is maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle
Interoperability Standard Board (DILCIS Board). For further information about
the DILCIS Board or feedback on the current document please consult the website
-http://www.dilcis.eu/ or https://github.com/dilcisboard or contact us at
+ or or contact us at
diff --git a/specification/postface/authors.md b/specification/postface/authors.md
index 74e59c0..10d2f97 100644
--- a/specification/postface/authors.md
+++ b/specification/postface/authors.md
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
## I. Authors
| Name | Organisation |
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index 1729c86..c447081 100644
--- a/specification/postface/postface.md
+++ b/specification/postface/postface.md
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Postface
!INCLUDE "authors.md"
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index 4fe4a30..08e23b2 100644
--- a/specification/postface/revisions.md
+++ b/specification/postface/revisions.md
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
## II. Revision History
| Revision No. | Date | Authors(s) | Organisation | Description |
@@ -11,3 +10,4 @@
| 2.0.2 | 28.10.2019 | Karin Bredenberg | SYD | Fixed schema paths. |
| 2.0.4 | 12.06.2020 | Carl Wilson Karin Bredenberg | OPF SYD | Examples fixed and site branding. |
| 2.1.0 | 15.10.2021 | Carl Wilson Karin Bredenberg | OPF SYD | Implementation of the latest publication changes. |
+| 2.2.0 | 15.10.2021 | Carl Wilson Karin Bredenberg | OPF SYD | Version updates and publication changes. |
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+PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) is a standard that mainly caters for long-term preservation and technical usability, which for example is used to facilitate a range of preservation strategies including migration and emulation.
+From an Access perspective, PREMIS especially satisfies the requirements pertaining to the recording of Representation Information. It is practical to state in a formalised and consistent way how the Access Software should behave and where it should look when dealing with different pieces of information, such as which representation formats are included in the DIP.
+### Metadata regarding Representations and Access Software
+In PREMIS, a representation is a "set of files, including structural metadata, needed for a complete and reasonable rendition of an Intellectual Entity." See [PREMIS Editorial Committee (2015). "PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata", p.8](http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/v3/premis-3-0-final.pdf).
+One of the core concepts in PREMIS is the above formulated definition of a representation, but it is also important to note that the CSIP structure also incorporates physical management of different representations. When implementing PREMIS in CSIPs one must therefore choose if there must exist PREMIS files at representation level or at root level only (see CSIP) and one must also choose how fine-grained each description should be.
+To enable rendition, three pieces of information are needed in PREMIS: One identifying the representation to be rendered; one identifying the software to enable this; and one establishing a relationship between the two.
+The descriptions below therefore show how to:
+1. Describe which DIP representation format is contained in the DIP (description 1 below);
+2. Describe which piece(s) of Access Software is/are needed to render a specific DIP representation format. Several pieces of software may indeed be needed (description 2 below);
+3. Describe the relationship between the DIP representation format and its Access Software (description 3 below).
+#### Description 1 - The description of DIP representation formats
+In order to describe the specific DIP representation format the semantic component "1.4 significantProperties" is used. An example is:
+Note that the object type is "representation" and that the objectIdentifierType value is "filepath", which according to the AIP specification is an IP scope value. The objectIdentifierValue is the file path to the representation folder or could be a file path to a file.
+#### Description 2 - The description of Access Software
+In PREMIS 3.0 a description of an environment has become an object itself, so that both non-environmental objects and environmental objects exist. Access Software is therefore an environmental object which per default is an intellectual entity.
+The semantic unit "1.9 environmentFunction" is conceived to describe the environment object(s) with different levels of granularity. It is suggested to use [the vocabulary from Library of Congress](http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/environmentFunctionType.html).
+The semantic unit "1.10 environmentDesignation" is used for information identifying the environment by using human-readable language which can be expected to be understood outside of a digital repository.
+See the example which follows this vocabulary:
+#### Description 3 - The description of the relation between the representations and the Access Software
+In order to establish a connection between the DIP representation format to be rendered and the Access Software to render it, it is necessary to use the semantic unit "1.13 relationship". The relationship element can bind both non-environmental objects together with environmental objects and it can bind environmental objects together with other environmental objects. The following example shows how the DIP representation format can be related to the Access Software:
+As can be seen above the nature of the relationship, \ is used (value, e.g. 'dependency'); intimately linked to this is also the indication of a \, e.g. 'requires'.
+In order to identify the Access Software, which is used to render the representation, the \ is employed; and the \ gives us a hint about what the purpose is (here: to 'render').
+Since it is not always possible to render the DIP representation formats with one piece of Access Software, it can be necessary to model software dependencies and sequences between several pieces of software in PREMIS.
+## Descriptive metadata - e.g. EAD
+Descriptive metadata are used to describe the intellectual contents of archival holdings, and they support finding and understanding individual information packages. The E-ARK DIP allows for the inclusion of any kind of descriptive metadata.
+The E-ARK project reached the conclusion that EAD was one of the most used. See the full report
+[D3.1 E-ARK Report on Available Best Practices](http://www.eark-project.com/resources/project-deliverables/6-d31-e-ark-report-on-available-best-practices). A common E-ARK EAD guideline is yet to be developed. But for information purposes and since the previous DIP specification described a way to register Access Rights Information the text is given here:
+### Access restrictions
+OAIS states:
+> Access Rights Information: The information that identifies the access restrictions pertaining
+> to the Content Information, including the legal framework, licensing terms, and access control.
+> It contains the access and distribution conditions stated within the Submission Agreement,
+> related to both preservation (by the OAIS) and final usage (by the Consumer).
+> It also includes the specifications for the application of rights enforcement measures.
+The E-ARK DIP specification does not require that access rights are stored in a specific way since different metadata standards
+can be applied differently to different Content Information Types. See Content Information Types.
+Since it is possible to have different metadata information in the metadata folder it is recommended to systematically control where access rights metadata are stored. For example access rights metadata can be stored in both EAD and in PREMIS.
+The \ tag is "An element for information about conditions that affect the availability of the materials being described." See [EAD3]().
+The Access Rights Information that concerns the end-user has to be available in EAD - not in PREMIS - and \ is used for this purpose. The reasons being:
+It should be possible to find the Access Rights Information in one place and one place only, namely in the descriptive metadata, which, per default, are the metadata displayed in the Access Software (Finding Aids and different viewers). EAD supports the description of potentially very complex hierarchical levels of an IP and can therefore if necessary differentiate access restrictions all the way down to the individual file level. Descriptive metadata are very often added upon Ingest and Finding Aids can thus immediately be populated with this kind of information.
+The \
tag in \ is repeatable and can be used in the following way:
+**EAD example of \**
+If the value of the first \
is "Restricted" or "" (empty - which also means that it is restricted) the tool will look for a second \
which specifies the restriction period. "Unrestricted" means that the IP is immediately accessible. The second \
can contain any text, for example \
This IP is available 20 years from November 14 2002\
+Note that the EAD3 schema validates even without the \ tag inside \.
+For more complex scenarios, it is possible to use \ as follows:
+EAD example of \
+ 01.01.2016
+ 01.01.2041
+ type of the restriction (e.g. personal data)
+ duration of the restriction in years (e.g. 25 years)
+ source of the restriction (e.g. Public access law AvTS 7)
+ additional description of the access restriction (e.g. The content can be made public if personal data is removed from the DIP)