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9.1: Script with CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Legacy P2SH

To follow along this tutorial and enter the commands step-by-step

  • Type node in a terminal after cd into ./code for a Javascript prompt
  • Open the Bitcoin Core GUI console or use bitcoin-cli for the Bitcoin Core commands
  • Use bx aka Libbitcoin-explorer as a handy complement

Let's create a legacy P2SH transaction with a script that contains the OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY absolute timelock opcode.


Here is the script. Either Alice can redeem the output of the P2SH after the timelock expiry (set 6 hours in the past), or Bob and Alice can redeem the funds at any time. We will run both scenarios.

function cltvCheckSigOutput (aQ, bQ, lockTime) {
  return bitcoin.script.compile([



Creating and Funding the P2SH

Import libraries, test wallets and set the network and hashType.

const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
const { alice, bob } = require('./wallets.json')
const network = bitcoin.networks.regtest
const hashType = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL

We also need an additional library to help us with BIP65 absolute timelock encoding.

const bip65 = require('bip65')

In both scenarios Alice_0 will get back the funds.

const keyPairAlice0 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(alice[0].wif, network)
const p2wpkhAlice0 = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({pubkey: keyPairAlice0.publicKey, network})

Create a key pair for Bob_0.

const keyPairBob0 = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(bob[0].wif, network)

Encode the lockTime value according to BIP65 specification (now - 6 hours).

const lockTime = bip65.encode({utc: Math.floor( / 1000) - (3600 * 6)})
console.log('lockTime  ', lockTime)

Generate the redeemScript with CLTV.

If you do it multiple times you will notice that the hex script is never the same, this is because of the timestamp.

const redeemScript = cltvCheckSigOutput(keyPairAlice0, keyPairBob0, lockTime)
console.log('redeemScript  ', redeemScript.toString('hex'))

You can decode the script in Bitcoin Core CLI with decodescript.

Generate the P2SH.

If you do it multiple times you will notice that the P2SH address is never the same, this is because of redeemScript.

const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({redeem: {output: redeemScript, network}, network})
console.log('P2SH address  ', p2sh.address)

Send 1 BTC to this P2SH address.

$ sendtoaddress [p2sh.address] 1

Get the output index so that we have the outpoint (txid / vout).

Find the output index (or vout) under details > vout.

$ gettransaction "txid"

Preparing the spending transaction

Now let's prepare the spending transaction by setting input and output, and the nLockTime value.

Create a BitcoinJS transaction builder object.

const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network)

We need to set the transaction-level locktime in our redeem transaction in order to spend a CLTV. You can use the same value as in the redeemScript.

Because CLTV actually uses nLocktime enforcement consensus rules the time is checked indirectly by comparing redeem transaction nLocktime with the CLTV value. nLocktime must be <= present time and >= CLTV timelock


Create the input by referencing the outpoint of our P2SH funding transaction. The input-level nSequence value needs to be change to 0xfffffffe, which means that nSequence is disabled, nLocktime is enabled and RBF is not signaled.

// txb.addInput(prevTx, input.vout, input.sequence, prevTxScript)
txb.addInput('TX_ID', TX_VOUT, 0xfffffffe)

Alice_0 will redeem the fund to her P2WPKH address, leaving 100 000 satoshis for the mining fees.

txb.addOutput(p2wpkhAlice0.address, 999e5)

Prepare the transaction.

const tx = txb.buildIncomplete()

Creating the unlocking script

Now we can update the transaction with the unlocking script, providing a solution to the locking script.

We generate the hash that will be used to produce the signatures.

const signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, hashType)

There are two ways to redeem the funds, either Alice after the timelock expiry or Alice and Bob at any time. We control which branch of the script we want to run by ending our unlocking script with a boolean value.

First branch: {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE

const inputScriptFirstBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairAlice0.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
    output: redeemScript

Second branch: {Alice's signature} {Bob's signature} OP_FALSE

const inputScriptSecondBranch = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({
  redeem: {
    input: bitcoin.script.compile([
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairAlice0.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
      bitcoin.script.signature.encode(keyPairBob0.sign(signatureHash), hashType),
    output: redeemScript

Update the transaction with the unlocking script.

tx.setInputScript(0, [inputScriptFirstBranch or inputScriptSecondBranch])

Get the raw hex serialization.

No build step here as we have already called buildIncomplete

console.log('tx.toHex  ', tx.toHex())

Inspect the raw transaction with Bitcoin Core CLI, check that everything is correct.

$ decoderawtransaction "hexstring"

Broadcasting the transaction

Beware of the mediantime of our node to be more than the timelock value.

$ getblockchaininfo

On regtest the mediantime is quite unpredictable. So you just need to generate enough blocks, can't tell you how many.

$ generate 10

It's time to broadcast the transaction via Bitcoin Core CLI.

$ sendrawtransaction "hexstring"

Inspect the transaction.

$ getrawtransaction "txid" true


For the first scenario, we note that our scriptSig contains

  • Alice_0 signature
  • 1, which is equivalent to OP_TRUE
  • the redeem script, that we can decode with decodescript

For the second scenario, we note that our scriptSig contains

  • Alice_0 signature
  • Bob_0 signature
  • 0, which is equivalent to OP_FALSE
  • the redeem script, that we can decode with decodescript

What's Next?

Continue "PART THREE: PAY TO SCRIPT HASH" with 9.2: Script with CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Native Segwit P2WSH.