Module to provide a logging functionality for scripts originally written by Oisin Grehan see link.
Start-Logging [-scriptPath] <Object>
The module exports only one function Start-Logging. This function provides logging functionality for script files Errors are written to the event log and are sent by email The logging can be implemented in any script by adding the following two lines at the beginning of the Main function:
- ipmo "$script:scriptPath\get-stats\Helper\Logging.psm1" -Force
- Start-Logging (Get-ScriptDirectory);exit (where Get-ScriptDirectory is a function that retrieves the directory the script is running in (see example)) -the Start-Logging function will read the script (replacing the lines that call the logging) and create a scriptblock that runs asynchronously
- providing the logging functionality where errors are logged to the "PowerShell Scripts" event log and send by email
function MyFunc{
$script:scriptDir = Get-ScriptDirectory | Split-Path -Parent
#setup the logging and exit.
this will start the whole script in a new thread with logging facility
#uncomment next two lines for debugging (without logging)
Import-Module "$scriptDir\Helper\Logging.psm1" -Force
Start-Logging (Get-ScriptDirectory);exit
#actual code comes here
function Get-ScriptDirectory{
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
The fullpath to the script to enable the logging for.
Type: Object
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
- email with error details
- event log entry