.. include:: cyverse_rst_defined_substitutions.txt
.. include:: custom_urls.txt


`Learning Center Home <http://learning.cyverse.org/>`_

*Section Name*

1. Replace the text below with your own

2. Use the image src in this link to link to

   - A DE App: |CyVerse_launch|
   - An Atmosphere image: |CyVerse_launch|

3. Click :guilabel:`&Cancel` to continue is how you can show a button

4. Tell the user to choose an appropriate value for a setting

   .. admonition:: sample-data

     Tell them if they are following with our sample data exactly
     what value to choose

    #### Comment: A numbered list of steps go here ####




**Next Steps:**


Additional information, help

    Short description and links to any reading materials


**Fix or improve this documentation**

- Search for an answer:
  |CyVerse Learning Center|
- Ask us for help:
  click |Intercom| on the lower right-hand side of the page
- Report an issue or submit a change:
  |Github Repo Link|
- Send feedback: `learning@CyVerse.org <learning@CyVerse.org>`_


`Learning Center Home <http://learning.cyverse.org/>`_

.. Comment: Place Images Below This Line
   use :width: to give a desired width for your image
   use :height: to give a desired height for your image
   replace the image name/location and URL if hyperlinked

 .. |Clickable hyperlinked image| image:: ./img/IMAGENAME.png
    :width: 500
    :height: 100
 .. _CyVerse logo: http://learning.cyverse.org/

 .. |Static image| image:: ./img/IMAGENAME.png
    :width: 25
    :height: 25

.. Comment: Place URLS Below This Line

   # Use this example to ensure that links open in new tabs, avoiding
   # forcing users to leave the document, and making it easy to update links
   # In a single place in this document

   .. |Substitution| raw:: html # Place this anywhere in the text you want a hyperlink

      <a href="REPLACE_THIS_WITH_URL" target="blank">Replace_with_text</a>

.. |Github Repo Link|  raw:: html

   <a href="FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX_FIX" target="blank">Github Repo Link</a>