Go to pollev.com/martinholzer210 on your browser or phone and wait until the poll is active.
- This GitHub repository will guide you through the whole workshop
- That means, that we will also jump a bit around between this repository, slide decks, the terminal, demo examples, and hands-on sessions
- You will find example commands in this workshop repository
- keep in mind that these are examples! You should always familiarize yourself with a bioinformatics tool (read the publication, the GitHub README, ...)
- we will mostly use default parameter settings if not otherwise stated, which might be not optimal for your own data!
- remember that
and google (and ChatGPT) are your friends!
- Please raise your hand to ask a question at any time
- There will be usually "lecture" parts followed by practical hands-on
- We will work on Linux systems
- this can be your own laptops or laptops we provide
- or you will work on a High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, which adds more complexity but will be introduced
- details about the RKI HPC usage can be found in the intranet (Confluence)
- if you are not used to a Linux system, we will give a crash-course but highly recommend you continue working and learning on Linux systems if you want to continue doing bioinformatics
So, let's get started!