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Theme customization

Create a new color theme

  • First, duplicate the directories src/theme/custom/cosmoDark (resp. src/theme/custom/cosmoLight) and rename it fooDark (resp. fooLight) for instance.

  • Then, in the newly created directory, create src/theme/custom/fooDark/palette.js (resp. src/theme/custom/fooLight/palette.js) and set the colors dictionary as follows (colors are given as an example):

export default {
  mode: 'dark',
  primary: {
    main: '#a4bfe4',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  secondary: {
    main: '#ffe26b',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  error: {
    main: '#e57373',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  warning: {
    main: '#ffa726',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  info: {
    main: '#67B8E3',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  success: {
    main: '#66bb6a',
    contrastText: '#000000',
  microsoft: {
    main: '#2F2F2F',
    contrastText: '#FFFFFF',
  appbar: {
    main: '#121212',
    contrastText: '#FFFFFF',
  login: {
    main: '#2F363B',

Do the same for your light theme.

NB: There are other colors that can be modified, and the listed colors above are not mandatory. MUI has its own colors, and functions to compute missing ones, this is only to override the existing ones. For a complete theme file, see default theme from MUI, especially the palette entry.

Customize the webapp logo and the sign in wallpaper

  • Put your logo (fooDark.png resp. fooLight.png for instance) and your sign in picture (authDark.png resp. authDark.png) in the directory: public/theme

  • Then, create src/theme/custom/cosmoDark/picture.js (resp. src/theme/custom/cosmoDark/picture.js) and set your picture paths in it:

export default {
  logo: 'theme/fooDark.png',
  auth: 'theme/authDark.png',
  • Do the same for your light theme.

Customize the AG grid Theme

  • From the AG grid documentation, chose your favorite theme and specify it in src/theme/custom/cosmoDark/picture.js:
export default {
  agTheme: 'ag-theme-balham-dark',

Declare your overrides

  • Open src/theme/custom/index.js and set the required theme directories:
export { palette as paletteLight, picture as pictureLight, grid as gridLight } from './fooLight';
export { palette as paletteDark, picture as pictureDark, grid as gridDark } from './fooDark';