Requirement 1
Given a vehicle's arrival time and a reservation's scheduled pickup time, create a method called "getArriveTimeType" that returns if vehicle arrives on time, late or very late.- All dates must be treated in UTC and milliseconds.
- If the vehicle arrives 10 minutes or more after the scheduled time, then it's considered very late.
- If the vehicle arrives 5 minutes or more before the scheduled time, then it's considered on time.
- If the vehicle arrives less than 5 minutes before or up to 10 minutes after the scheduled time, then it's considered late.
Requirement 2
Given a driver and reservation, create a method called "canArriveAtTime" that checks if a driver can arrive to new reservation keeping in mind driver's existing workday.- A "workday" (conceptually) is a driver's entire day of work, made by the combination of date (only) and driver. Technically is an array of reservations.
- Use driver and reservation as Samples.ts.
- Assume database returns workday as in Samples.ts.