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gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license


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gnark zk-SNARK library

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gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license

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gnark issues are tracked in the GitHub issues tab.

If you have any questions, queries or comments, GitHub discussions is the place to find us.

You can also get in touch directly:

gnark Users

To get started with gnark and write your first circuit, follow these instructions.

Release Notes

Release Notes

Proving schemes and curves

Refer to Proving schemes and curves for more details.

gnark support the following zk-SNARKs:

which can be instantiated with the following curves

  • BN254
  • BLS12-381
  • BLS12-377
  • BW6-761
  • BLS24-315


Refer to the gnark User Documentation

Here is what x**3 + x + 5 = y looks like

// CubicCircuit defines a simple circuit
// x**3 + x + 5 == y
type CubicCircuit struct {
	// struct tags on a variable is optional
	// default uses variable name and secret visibility.
	X frontend.Variable `gnark:"x"`
	Y frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

// Define declares the circuit constraints
// x**3 + x + 5 == y
func (circuit *CubicCircuit) Define(curveID gurvy.ID, cs *frontend.ConstraintSystem) error {
	x3 := cs.Mul(circuit.X, circuit.X, circuit.X)
	cs.AssertIsEqual(circuit.Y, cs.Add(x3, circuit.X, 5))
	return nil

// compiles our circuit into a R1CS
var circuit CubicCircuit
r1cs, err := frontend.Compile(ecc.BN254, backend.GROTH16, &circuit)

// groth16 zkSNARK
pk, vk := groth16.Setup(r1cs)
proof, err := groth16.Prove(r1cs, pk, witness)
err := groth16.Verify(proof, vk, publicWitness)


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details


gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license




Code of conduct

Security policy



