# Backchannel for UITesting.

[Snapshot][1] is awesome. 

Now it uses UI Testing.

UI Testing is massively better than UI Automation - but sometimes, you just want to cheat.

HSTestingBackchannel gives you a simple method to send messages from your UITesting tests directly to your running app in the form of notifications.

## Installation

Install with CocoaPods

pod 'HSTestingBackchannel', :configuration => 'Debug'

# Dependency of HSTestingBackchannel - include this line to install it only in debug
pod 'GCDWebServer', :configuration => 'Debug'

## Usage

### 1. In your App Delegate, install the helper

    import HSTestingBackchannel

And then, in `application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)`:


### 2. Send notifications from your UITesting class



HSTestingBackchannel.sendNotification("SnapshotTest", with: ["aKey": "aValue"])

### 3. Respond to notifications within your app

        forName: NSNotification.Name("SnapshotTest"),
        object: nil,
        queue: .main) { _ in
            // Do Something

## Bonus -  Copy dummy files to the Simulator

Within a test method (or in setUp), call something like

HSTestingBackchannel.installFiles(from: "..pathTo/fastlane/DummyImages",
                                    to: HSTestingResources)

This will install the contents of DummyImages in the resources folder of your running app.
You can also install directly to the Documents directory in the app.

## Multiple Simultaneous Simulators

By default, Fastlane now runs multiple simulators simultaneously. This means you need to make sure that the server for each simulator is running on a different test.

Use the setup method to do the following

let app = XCUIApplication()

HSTestingBackchannel.port = UInt.random(in: 8000...60000)
    contentsOf: ["-HSTestingBackchannelPort", "\(HSTestingBackchannel.port)"])

Snapshot.setupSnapshot(app, waitForAnimations: true)


## How it works

HSTestingBackchannel installs a web server in your main app (GCDWebServer). 

You simply send requests directly to that - and it recognises them and broadcasts NSNotifications

  [1]: https://github.com/KrauseFx/snapshot
  [2]: https://github.com/fastlane/snapshot/issues/241