With this set of command you can create, list and delete giveaways. A giveaway is automated and it finishes when the timespan specified expires. Basically the flow of the giveaway is the following:
- Create a new giveaway with correct parameters
- In the lifespan of the giveaway any user can click the rection under it and as such be part of the giveaway lottery.
- When the giveaway timespan exipired the giveaway is finished and winners are randomly selected among the participants.
You need to have a CCX wallet registered with the Bot in order to be able to create a giveaway. You also need enough balance in the wallet as the amount you want to give as a reward is locked when you create the giveaway.
.giveaway create <timespan> <winners> <ammount> <title>
- timespan: Specifies how long the giveaway will last. If not specified otherwise its in seconds, but it supports other time formats. Examples:
- 10: Means 10 seconds
- 10m: means 10 minuts
- 10h: means 10 hours
- 10d: means 10 days
- winners: specifies the number of winners that are randomly selected from all participants.
- amount: Means the amount of CCX used for the giveaway. It will be equaly distributed among the winners.
- title The title of the giveaway for easier management.
.giveaway create 1h 3w 100CCX Random Giveaway
.giveaway list
This command has no additional parameters.
.giveaway list
.giveaway delete <id>
- id: id of the giveaway you want to delete. You need to be admin or owner of the giveaway. Use list command to get the id.
.giveaway delete 5