Usage picongpu [-d dx=1 dy=1 dz=1] -g width height depth [options] : -h [ --help ] print help message and exit --validate validate command line parameters and exit -v [ --version ] print version information and exit -c [ --config ] arg Config file(s) PIConGPU: -s [ --steps ] arg Simulation steps --checkpoint.restart.loop arg (=0) Number of times to restart the simulation after simulation has finished (for presentations). Note: does not yet work with all plugins, see issue #1305 -p [ --percent ] arg (=5) Print time statistics after p percent to stdout --checkpoint.restart Restart simulation arg (=checkpoints) Directory containing checkpoints for a restart --checkpoint.restart.step arg Checkpoint step to restart from --checkpoint.period arg Period for checkpoint creation arg (=checkpoints) Directory for checkpoints --author arg The author that runs the simulation and is responsible for created output files --versionOnce print version information once and start -d [ --devices ] arg number of devices in each dimension -g [ --grid ] arg size of the simulation grid --gridDist arg Regex to describe the static distribution of the cells for each device,default: equal distribution over all devices example: -d 2 4 1 -g 128 192 12 --gridDist "64{2}" "64,32{2},64" --periodic arg specifying whether the grid is periodic (1) or not (0) in each dimension, default: no periodic dimensions -m [ --moving ] enable sliding/moving window --windowMovePoint arg (=0.90000000000000002) ratio of the global window size in y which defines when to start sliding the window. The window starts sliding at the time required to pass the distance of windowMovePoint * (global window size in y) when moving with the speed of light --stopWindow arg (=-1) stops the window at stimulation step, -1 means that window is never stopping --autoAdjustGrid arg (=1) auto adjust the grid size if PIConGPU conditions are not fulfilled Initializers: PluginController: Checkpoint: --checkpoint plugin disabled [compiled without dependency HDF5 or Adios] EnergyFields: calculate the energy of the fields: --fields_energy.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] SumCurrents: --sumcurr.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] ChargeConservation: Print the maximum charge deviation between particles and div E to textfile 'chargeConservation.dat': --chargeConservation.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] IntensityPlugin: calculate the maximum and integrated E-Field energy over laser propagation direction: --E_intensity.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] ResourceLog: --resourceLog.period arg Enable ResourceLog plugin [for each n-th step] --resourceLog.prefix arg (=resourceLog_) Set the filename prefix for output file if a filestream was selected arg (=file) Output stream [stdout, stderr, file] arg List of properties to log [rank, position, currentStep, cellCount, particleCount] --resourceLog.format arg (=json) Output format of log (pp for pretty print) [json, jsonpp, xml, xmlpp] SliceFieldPrinter: prints a slice of a field: --B_slice.period arg notify period --B_slice.fileName arg file name to store slices in --B_slice.plane arg specifies the axis which stands on the cutting plane (0,1,2) --B_slice.slicePoint arg slice point 0.0 <= x <= 1.0 SliceFieldPrinter: prints a slice of a field: --E_slice.period arg notify period --E_slice.fileName arg file name to store slices in --E_slice.plane arg specifies the axis which stands on the cutting plane (0,1,2) --E_slice.slicePoint arg slice point 0.0 <= x <= 1.0 SliceFieldPrinter: prints a slice of a field: --J_slice.period arg notify period --J_slice.fileName arg file name to store slices in --J_slice.plane arg specifies the axis which stands on the cutting plane (0,1,2) --J_slice.slicePoint arg slice point 0.0 <= x <= 1.0 EnergyParticles: calculate the energy of a species: --e_energy.period arg compute kinetic and total energy [for each n-th step] enable plugin by setting a non-zero value --e_energy.filter arg particle filter: [all] CalcEmittance: calculate the slice emittance of a species: --e_emittance.period arg compute slice emittance[for each n-th step] enable plugin by setting a non-zero value --e_emittance.filter arg particle filter: [all] BinEnergyParticles: calculate a energy histogram of a species: --e_energyHistogram.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] --e_energyHistogram.filter arg particle filter: [all] --e_energyHistogram.binCount arg number of bins for the energy range | default: 1024 --e_energyHistogram.minEnergy arg minEnergy[in keV] | default: 0 --e_energyHistogram.maxEnergy arg maxEnergy[in keV] CountParticles: count macro particles of a species: --e_macroParticlesCount.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] PngPlugin: create png's of a species and fields: --e_png.period arg enable data output [for each n-th step] --e_png.axis arg axis which are shown [valid values x,y,z] example: yz --e_png.slicePoint arg value range: 0 <= x <= 1 , point of the slice --e_png.folder arg folder for output files PositionsParticles: write position of one particle of a species to std::cout: --e_position.period arg enable plugin [for each n-th step] ParticleMerger: merges several macroparticles with similar position and momentum into a single one. plugin disabled. Enable plugin by adding the `voronoiCellId` attribute to the particle attribute list.: