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Complete Unity Developer - Section 5 - Block Breaker

This is the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most successful e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.

You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Unity Developer

In This Section

  • 2D Collisions & destroying objects.
  • Triggering SFX and music.
  • Responding to mouse input.
  • Automated playtesting.
  • Build & share your own levels.

Section 5 Game Design Document

Your Block Breaker Assets

Section 5 Notes

Gimp Image Editing 101

  • How to use GIMP as an alternative to PhotoShop
  • Selecting in Gimp
  • Cropping and Scaling
  • Adjusting Colour and Exposure
  • Saving Your Image

Creating A 2D Brick Sprite

  • Researching brick sizes.
  • Source an appropriate image.
  • Edit our brick sprites.
  • Create new project and import.

Import The Menu System

  • Export the menus from Number Wizard UI.
  • Import to this project.
  • Customise the words & fonts.
  • Wire up the buttons.

Playing Background Music

  • How persistent music improves quality.
  • Add a Music Player Game Object.
  • Add a music track of your choice.
  • Use GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad().
  • Test your music plays consistently.

Useful Links

About Statics & Singletons

  • How a static can help us here.
  • Watch Unity's short video
  • Preventing duplicate music players.

Useful Links

Using Static Variables

A Note About The Music Manager

Explaining that we don't use the music manager again for a while.

Execution Order & Singletons

  • Introducing Script Execution Order
  • Exactly when do scripts get called?
  • Debugging & explaining our music glitch
  • A simple fix using the Awake() method

Useful Links

Z-Depth in 2D games

  • What z-depth means.
  • The problem: sprites becoming semi-transparent or invisible for unknown reasons.
  • The solution: look at the z-position of sprites relative to the background.

Setting Up Your Play Space

Ball + Gravity + Colliders = Fun

  • Add a ball to your space
  • Import the ball sprite to Sprites folder.
  • Set a sensible “Pixels Per Unit” value.
  • Place the ball in the middle of the play space.

Colliders, Triggers & Collisions

  • What are colliders
  • If colliders overlap during a frame then…
  • … messages may be passed by the engine.
  • What is message passing?
  • Signatures of messages passed
  • Types of colliders explained

Tidying Up Before Moving On

  • Delete Music Player on Level_01 scene.
  • Setting Game window to 800 x 600.
  • Two handy keyboard shortcuts.
  • Remove Canvas and Event System from Level_01.
  • Make loose collider load next level.

Choosing Collider Type In Unity

  • Add our brick sprite as a player paddle.
  • Choosing our paddle collider type.
  • Rigid Body 2D
  • CHALLENGE: Add components to our paddle.

Using Physics Materials

  • What is a physics material.
  • Add a bouncy material.
  • Observe funky physics.

Movement By Mouse

  • Using Input.MousePosition.x
  • Screen.width to get screen width.
  • Move the paddle this.transform.position
  • Introducing float and Vector3.
  • Using Mathf.Clamp to constrain paddle.
  • Fix the paddle's “Pixels per unit” to 128.

Useful Links

Launching Ball On Mouse Click

  • Start the ball sitting on the paddle.
  • Capture the relative position from the editor.
  • Respond to Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0).
  • rigidbody2D.velocity to launch the ball.
  • Using bool hasStarted to keep track.

Invisible Colliders & Gravity Scale

  • Setup all your play space wall colliders.
  • Adjust the initial velocity and gravity.
  • Understanding Gravity Scale

Creating & Using Unity Prefabs

  • What is a prefab in Unity
  • Why prefabs are useful.
  • Setting up your prefabs.
  • How prefab linking works.

Unity Editor Snap To Grid

  • How Edit > Snap Settings works.
  • Snap initially to get on the grid.
  • You can do this with multi-select.
  • Hold cmd (ctrl) while dragging!
  • Build your first level

Making Everything A Prefab

  • Make everything a prefab!
  • Set Main Camera background to black.
  • Move & group Loose Collider.
  • Test by making new level.


  • Why linking prefabs programmatically helps.
  • Unity doesn't support “nested prefabs”.
  • How to use GameObject.FindObjectOfType< >
  • Link the ball to the paddle programatically.
  • Challenge: do this for LevelManager

Level Build Order

  • Create Loose Scene, modify LooseCollider.cs
  • Add LoadNextLevel() to LevelManager.cs
  • Add all our levels to Project > Build Settings
  • Modify Block.cs by adding SimulateWin()
  • Test that game transitions between levels

Destroying When Hit

  • How the Destroy() method works.
  • Why we destroy gameObject not this.
  • Challenge: only destroy on max hits

Useful Links

Importing Sprite Sheets

  • Why a sprite sheet is useful.
  • Key features of a sprite sheet.
  • Creating sprites for partially broken blocks.
  • Importing sprites into Unity.

Swapping Sprites In Script

  • The affordance principle
  • What is an array?
  • Using arrays to store these sprites.
  • Loading sprite when hit.

Consolidating Hit Counting

  • What are tags?
  • Why tags are useful for keeping track.
  • Tagging unbreakable bricks.
  • Use tags to decide when level is won.

Useful Links

Statics To Detect Win Condition

  • Why loading levels could be problematic.
  • How a static Brick variable can help.
  • Keeping track of breakable bricks in the level.
  • Creating a simple BrickDestroyed “message”.
  • Testing inc. when 2 bricks destroyed at once.

Playing Sound Effects On Impact

  • Using audio.Play() to play “boing” sound;
  • Why AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint useful.
  • Using this for playing “crack”.
  • Test & demonstrate.

Using Random.Range()

Automated Play Testing

  • Create & tidy your levels
  • Ensure Hierarchy is tidy in each level.
  • Give each level a different 800x600 background.
  • Play test all the levels.
  • Ensure level order is right in File > Build Order.

Build & Share On The Web

  • Revising setting your Game window.
  • How to tweak sound levels.
  • Doing a test web build and playing locally.
  • Revising building and sharing to web.
  • Looking forward to seeing your levels!

Useful Links

Fixing User Reported Bugs

  • How to reproduce the problem?
  • Debug to find the root cause.
  • Make the fix, and re-test.
  • Remove debug code.
  • Challenge: Fix the bug

More Complex Collider Shapes

  • What's a polygon collider.
  • Why it can help us improve our game.
  • How to manipulate polygon colliders.
  • Challenge: Chamfer your paddle.

Making Code Extendable

  • The coding trade off triangle.
  • Think about your future self on the project.
  • Renaming a game object and class.
  • Using Debug.LogError().

Using Particle Systems

  • Create a simple particle system.
  • Make brick look like it goes “up in smoke”.
  • Write code to trigger smoke puffs.
  • Tweak the smoke prefab while play testing.

Useful Links

BB Unity 5 Upgrade & WebGL Build

OPTIONALLY converting your project to Unity 5, and sharing with Web GL.

DOWNLOAD Section 5 Unity Project

Section 5 Wrap Up

  • Recap and what's next
  • Congratulations, you've learnt a lot.
  • Make your own levels.
  • Ask a friend to make levels.
  • Care with commercial music.
  • Share your creation with our fantastic community, or on our Complete Unity Developer Facebook Group.