Clone the repo then run the following commands
sudo npm install -g pnpm
git clone -b master
cd etherpad-lite
pnpm i
pnpm run build:etherpad
pnpm run prod
The application runs on port 9001
Exit the process with ctrl + c
then run the following command to start the service
Abiword give ether pad the ability to export and import documents as MS Word and PDF's
Also make sure the settings.json is in the project root
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install abiword
run the following commands in the root of the project to make the application use sqlite as the database
pnpm add sqlite3 -w
Run the following commands
sudo mkdir /var/etherpad/
sudo touch /var/etherpad/etherpad.log
sudo touch /var/etherpad/etherpad-error.log
Copy the service file to /etc/systemd/system/
then run the following commands
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable etherpad.service
sudo systemctl start etherpad.service
These plugins are what makes it good for CDN use
cd etherpad-lite
pnpm run install-plugins ep_aa_file_menu_toolbar
pnpm run install-plugins ep_align
pnpm run install-plugins ep_embedded_hyperlinks2
pnpm run install-plugins ep_font_family
pnpm run install-plugins ep_font_color
pnpm run install-plugins ep_font_size
pnpm run install-plugins ep_headings2
pnpm run install-plugins ep_image_upload
pnpm run install-plugins ep_set_title_on_pad
pnpm run install-plugins ep_spellcheck