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base repository: CollaBu/pennyway-was
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base: Socket-v0.2.0
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head repository: CollaBu/pennyway-was
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compare: Socket-v0.3.0
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  • 2 commits
  • 50 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 29, 2024

  1. feat: ✨ Implementing Chatroom Join API: A Bounded Context Approach (#184

    * chore: external-api module messabe broker config 주입
    * chore: add chat_join_event_message exchange properties
    * chore: add chat.join exchange
    * style: domain service 역할을 구분하기 위한 chat_member 생성 로직 위치 수정
    * fix: modify the chat_member entity to don't check exsists member is_deleted
    * feat: add domain logic(is_active(), is_banned_member()) in the chat_member entity
    * feat: add ban domain method in entity
    * feat: add chat_member exception & error code
    * test: add user_fixture & chat_room_fixture within the domain test package
    * feat: impl chat_member_repository
    * feat: impl create_member business logic within chat_member_service
    * test: chat_member create business logic unit test
    * fix: exclude nickname parameter when create chat_member
    * feat: add password check and verify domain logic whitin the chat room entity
    * feat: add chat_room error code with exception
    * fix: add chat_room not_found error code
    * feat: chat_room_service.read_by_id()
    * feat: add count_chat_member in chat_room logic
    * feat: chat_member_join business service impl
    * feat: add chat_room_join event handler within infra module
    * fix: when member join finish, call the chat_room join event handler
    * feat: join_chat_room_usecase & fix chat_member_join_service return value
    * fix: chat_member_join_service return value is adding plus 1 about current_member_count
    * feat: impl join chat room controller
    * docs: write join_api swagger
    * fix: join_req_dto is added getter method for swagger ui presenting
    * fix: chat_member_repository method rule find_by_chat_room_id -> find_by_chatroom_id
    * test: add chat_member_fixture in the external-api module
    * test: chat_member_join_service_unit_test
    * test: refactor & add chat_member_join_service test case
    * chore: prevent automatic rabbitmq connection creation during application startup
    * fix: add two types of getter whitin chat_member_req
    * fix: add default constructor within dto
    * fix: modify distributed_lock's key correctly about the spel
    * rename: add log within chat_member_join_service
    * test: fix chat_room_id  of the chat_room_fixture due to integration failure when id is fixed 1
    * rename: join_service_test (usecase package) move to (service package)
    * fix: chat_room_join_event_hander bean create within the message_brocker_config
    * fix: modify join_event_hander phase after_commit to before_commit due to at_least_one condition
    * test: chat_member_join integration test
    psychology50 authored Oct 29, 2024
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    afb5d86 View commit details
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Commits on Oct 30, 2024

  1. feat: ✨ Chatroom Join Event Relay (#185)

    * feat: add message_content_type enum class
    * feat: add message_category_type enum class
    * feat: two types of converter impl
    * feat: chat_message entity with step builder
    * rename: type package path transfer
    * feat: chat_message repository & domain service
    * fix: chat_message redis entity @id package spring to jakarta
    * test: dao layer test
    * chore: configuring the rabbit listener container factory & socket application fix
    * chore: add rabbitmq dependency into the socket module
    * feat: impl chat_join_event_listener
    * refactor: seperate business logic from listener
    * rename: contants -> constants
    * feat: add system message enum classes
    * refactor: using send_message_command for dto
    * chore: when integration tests run in the external-api, amqp connect is blocked
    psychology50 authored Oct 30, 2024
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    444ad64 View commit details
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