Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | [optional] | |
name | string | [optional] | |
description | string | [optional] | |
user_id | int | [optional] | |
creation_date | string | The date this attachment was created in UTC | [optional] |
accept_attachment_expiry_date | string | The expiry date of the accept attachment state in UTC. This will only be returned if the breakout is of type `Transit Gateway (type_id: 1)` and in Status `Pending AWS Actvation (status_id: 2)` | [optional] |
termination_date | string | [optional] | |
aws_transit_gateway_attachment_id | string | [optional] | |
aws_vpn_connection_id | string | This is only set when the breakout is a VPN attachment | [optional] |
status | \Emnify\EmnifySdk\Model\Apiv1cncbreakoutStatus | [optional] | |
type | \Emnify\EmnifySdk\Model\Apiv1cncbreakoutStatus | [optional] | |
region | string | The customer region that this attachment belongs to | [optional] |