Building docker image command
docker build -t `image name` `path of the Dockerfile`
Show list of docker images in local machine
docker images / docker image ls
Run docker image command
docker run `image name`
Pull an image from docker hub
docker pull `image name`
Run image if the image is present in local machine run it otherwise pull the image from docker hub and run it
docker run `image name`
Print all the running container / stoped container
docker ps / docker ps -a
Start a container with interactive mode
docker run -it `image name`
Start a container that is recently closed
docker start -i `stoped container process id`
Start a new bash session in same container
docker exec -it `running container process id` bash
Start a new bash session in same container with a particuler user login
docker exec -it -u `user name` `running container process id` bash
Remove all stoped container
docker container prune
Remove all dangl images
docker image prune
Remove docker image
docker image rm `name of the image` / `image id`
Add tag in build time
docker build -t `image name`:`tag` `Path of the docker file`
Add tag after build
docker image tag `image name`:`Current tag / latest` `image name`:`new tag`
Explicitly set latest tag
docker image tag `image id` `image name`:`latest`
Docker login
docker login
Push the image into docker hub
docker push `image name`:`tag`
Save image
docker image save -o `zip file name` `image name`:`tag`
Docker image load
docker image load -i `zip file of the image`
Run Docker image and start shell
docker run -it `image name` sh
Run a container in background / detached mode
docker run -d `image name`
Run a container in background / detached mode with a name specified
docker run -d --name `name` `image name`
Check logs of a running container
docker logs `running container id`
Publishing a port
docker run -d -p `port of your local machine that you want to serve the app` : `port of container where app is running` --name `name` `image name`
Execute a command in a running container
docker exec `running container name / container id` `commands that you want o ececute`
Stop a running container
docker stop `container name / container id`
Start a recently stoped container
docker start `container name / container id`
remove a container
docker container rm `container name` / docker rm `container name`
Create a volume
docker volume create `volume name`
map a volume to docker container
docker run -d -p `here you have to map you port` -v `volume name`:`path of a folder that you want to map with volume (example: /app/data)` `docker image name`
Copy file from docker container to host
docker cp `container id`:`file path that we want to copy` `path where we put that file`
Copy file from host to container
docker cp `file path that we want to copy` `contener id`:`path where we want to copy`
map local direcotry with container directory
docker run -d -p `here you have to map you port` -v `$(pwd)`:`path of the root of the project (example /app )` `docker image name`
Remove all running and stoped container at once
docker container rm -f $(docker container ls -aq)
Remove all images at once
docker image rm $(docker image ls -q)
Starting application using docker-compose
docker-compose up
Build images using docker-compose
docker-compose build
Build images using docker-compose without using cache
docker-compose build --no-cache
Running a container with detached mode using docker compose
docker-compose up -d
Stop a container using docker-compose
docker-compose down
Print docker network
docker network ls
Viewing logs using docker compose
docker-compose logs