This is a PHP-based project aimed at providing an efficient and secure platform for conducting online voting processes within the small community.
The primary objective of this project is to streamline the voting process, ensuring transparency and accessibility for all eligible voters, including students, faculty, and administrative staff. The system facilitates various types of elections, such as student council elections, faculty representatives, and other university-related voting events.
Key Features:
User-Friendly Interface: The system boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for all members of the university community to participate in the voting process.
Authentication and Authorization: To maintain the integrity of the voting system, users are required to authenticate themselves using their university credentials before casting their votes. Role-based authorization ensures that only eligible voters can access specific voting events.
Secure Voting Process: The system employs robust security measures, including encryption and data validation, to safeguard the voting process against potential threats like tampering and unauthorized access.
Real-Time Vote Counting: The platform offers real-time vote counting and result display, ensuring timely and accurate dissemination of election outcomes.
Can be integrated with SIMS: Leveraging the existing Student Information Management System of Mbeya University, the project seamlessly integrates voting functionalities, reducing the need for redundant data entry and maintaining a centralized database.
Auditing and Logs: Comprehensive auditing and logging mechanisms are in place to track all activities during the voting process, enhancing transparency and accountability.
Customizable and Scalable: The system is designed to be customizable and easily scalable to accommodate different voting scenarios and adapt to the evolving needs of the university community.
This project will aspires to foster democratic participation, enhance university governance, and empower the university community in shaping its future through a secure and efficient online voting platform.
** Admin Section: ** i) Add, edit and delete election ii) Add, edit and delete category (positions) of elections iii) Add, edit and delete candidates for each category iv) Activate and deactivate election v) View results of active election vi) View and update profile vii) View, make as admin and reset password of voter viii) Log in to the system securely
** Voter Section: ** i) Log in to the system securely ii) View the list of candidates of active election iii) Cast their votes in the active election iv) View what they have voted for after vote submission v) View live results of active election vi) View and update profile
** System administrative: ** Username: crescent Password: 1
** Voter: ** Register a new account, and by default you will be a voter of a System
NB: This register is just for demonstration only but a real system has to be embbeded in a SIMS which has already have the users, so there is no register for a new account in a real implementation of a system.