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221 lines (165 loc) · 9.78 KB

File metadata and controls

221 lines (165 loc) · 9.78 KB

Advanced Astro v4 i18n


Major change

New feature: Pagination

The blog index now has a pagination feature that allows to break up large collections into multiple pages. Paginated route names should use the same [bracket] syntax as a standard dynamic route. For instance, the file name /blog/[page].astro will generate routes for /blog/1, /blog/2, etc, where [page] is the generated page number. Refer to Astro's documentation on Pagination for more information.

patch change

  • Upgraded Astro packages

What should I do on my fork?

// blog/[].astro
- const locale = getLocale();
- const posts = await getCollection("blog", ({ id }) => {
-    return id.startsWith(locale);
- });
- posts.sort(
-      (a, b) => new Date( - new Date(,

+ import type { GetStaticPaths, Page } from "astro";
+ import type { CollectionEntry } from "astro:content";
+ import { collectionFilters } from "@astrolicious/i18n/content-collections";
+ import { getLocalePlaceholder } from "i18n:astro";
+ import Pagination from "@components/TemplateComponents/Pagination.astro";
+ export const getStaticPaths = (async ({ paginate }) => {
+   const locale = getLocalePlaceholder();
+   const posts = await getCollection("blog", (post: CollectionEntry<"blog">) =>
+     collectionFilters.byLocale(post, { locale })
+   );
+   const sortedPosts = posts.sort(
+     (a, b) => new Date( - new Date(,
+ );
+   // paginates with options -
+   return paginate(sortedPosts, {
+     pageSize: 3,
+   });
+ }) satisfies GetStaticPaths;
+ const { page } = Astro.props as { page: Page };


Major change

  • #20 Feature: adds support for localized routes. For example, we are on /blog/third-post-in-english and switch language to fr. We will now correctly navigate to /fr/blog/troisieme-article-en-francais

What should I do on my fork?

  • 76f8e00 - update config.astro.mjs
  • 720afe6 - renamed [page] to [slug] and modified he getStaticpaths() script to use dynamicParams and localized routes
  • acd2672 - add defaultLocaleVersion key and renamed markdown files for localization
  • acd2672 - add defaultLocaleVersion: reference("blog").optional(), to your blog schema in src/content.config.ts
  • cd405a8 - using getLocalePath() instead of now deleted slugify() utility function
  • 8a2e69d - delete trailing slashes to enforce proper routing
  • [3cc3d2f](renamed and changed location of the blog page) - the blog index page is now named blog.astro and lives in the pages folder (from /blog/inddex.astro)


Patch change

  • Fix: changes file path to use alias instead of absolute path In blog markdown files, the images were not pulled from the right location. Using alias path @assets makes sure images are pulled from src. image: "@assets/images/blog/blog-cover.jpg"


Major changes

  • Astro has been upgraded to v5.0

What should I do on my fork?

  1. Upgrade Astro and its dependencies
    1. Run npx @astrojs/upgrade in your terminal
    2. At the yellow warning, choose “Yes” to continue

  1. Breaking change: Renamed: component
    📢 Reference:
    1. In BaseLayout.astro, replace all occurrences of the ViewTransitions import and component with ClientRouter

      // BaseLayout.astro
      - import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions';
      + import { ClientRouter } from 'astro:transitions';
         - <ViewTransitions />
         + <ClientRouter />

  1. Breaking Change: Content Collections
    📢 Reference:

    1. Move the content config file. This file no longer lives within the src/content/ folder. This file should now exist at src/content.config.ts.

    2. Edit the collection definition. Your updated collection requires a loader which indicates both a folder for the location of your collection (base) and a pattern defining the collection entry filenames and extensions to match.

      // src/content.config.ts
       + import { glob } from 'astro/loaders';
      // type: 'content',
      loader: glob({ pattern: '**/[^_]*.{md,mdx}', base: "./src/content/blog" }),
    3. Change references from slug to id. Content layer collections do not have a reserved slug field. Instead, all updated collections will have an id.

      For example:

      // src/pages/blog/[].astro
      export async function getStaticPaths() {
        const posts = await getCollection("blog");
        return => ({
          // params: { post: entry.slug },
          params: { post: },
          props: { post: entry },

      📢 CTRL+SHIFT+F and check for any traces of .slug. There shouldn’t be any more.

    4. Switch to the new render() function. Entries no longer have a render() method. Instead, import the render() function from astro:content.

      // src/pages/blog/[].astro
      import { getCollection, render } from 'astro:content';
      // const { Content } = await page.render();
      const { Content } = await render(post);

      📢 Running into Module '"astro:content"' has no exported member 'render'? => Restart the dev server

    5. Repeat for every content collection you may have added.

  2. Breaking change: TypeScript configuration
    📢 Reference:

    1. Add the following include and exclude properties to your existing tsconfig.json:
      "extends": "astro/tsconfigs/base",
      "include": [".astro/types.d.ts", "**/*"],
      "exclude": ["dist"]
  • Ensure that the other packages you may have added are up-to-date and compatible with Astro v5
  • Please refer to the official Upgrade to v5 guide if you run into any issues.

Minor changes

  • Added to keep track of patch changes and setup instructions


Patch Changes

  • #17 8a346bb Thanks @Masoud-M! - Fixes meta tag title to make it check for any language in the config.

    • Adds utility functions in utils.ts
export function trimArrSlashes(arr: string[]) {
  return => str.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ""));

export function trimStringSlashes(arr: string) {
  return arr.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, "");
  • Adds support for checking any language to create the meta title
+ import { getHtmlAttrs, getLocales, t } from "i18n:astro";
+ import { trimArrSlashes, trimStringSlashes } from "@utils/utils";
+ const locales = getLocales();
+ // Trimming "/" from the beginning and end to handle URLs with or without trailing slashes.
+ const trimmedLocales = trimArrSlashes(locales);
+ const trimmedPathname = trimStringSlashes(Astro.url.pathname);
+ const isLandingPage = Astro.url.pathname === "/" || trimmedLocales.includes(trimmedPathname);

- {Astro.url.pathname === "/" ?  (`${ title }
+ {isLandingPage ?  (`${ title }

[1.0.0] - 2023-10-05


  • Initial release of Advanced Astro v4 with i18n support.