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This will attempt to show you how to use React in Scala.

It is expected that you know how React itself works.



  1. Add Scala.js to your project.

  2. Add scalajs-react to SBT:

// core = essentials only. No bells or whistles.
libraryDependencies += "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "core" % "0.9.2"

// React.JS itself
// Note the JS filename. Can also be "react/0.12.2/react.js", "react.min.js", or "react-with-addons.min.js".
jsDependencies +=
  "org.webjars" % "react" % "0.12.2" / "react-with-addons.js" commonJSName "React"

Creating Virtual-DOM

scalajs-react uses a specialised copy of @lihaoyi's Scalatags to build virtual DOM.

There are two built-in ways of creating virtual-DOM.

  1. Prefixed (recommended) - Importing DOM tags and attributes under prefixes is recommended. Apart from essential implicit conversions, only two names are imported: < for tags, ^ for attributes.
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._

  ^.id     := "my-list",
  ^.lang   := "en",
  ^.margin := "8px",
  <.li("Item 1"),
  <.li("Item 2"))
  1. Global - You can import all DOM tags and attributes into the global namespace. Beware that doing so means that you will run into confusing error messages and IDE refactoring issues when you use names like id, a, key for your variables and parameters.
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.all._

  id     := "my-list",
  lang   := "en",
  margin := "8px",
  li("Item 1"),
  li("Item 2"))


There are two ways of wiring up events to vdom.

  1. attr ==> handler where handler is in the shape of ReactEvent => Unit, an event handler. Event types are described in
def onTextChange(e: ReactEventI): Unit = {
  println("Value received = " +

  ^.`type`    := "text",
  ^.value     := currentValue,
  ^.onChange ==> onTextChange)
  1. attr --> proc where proc is in the shape of (=> Unit), a procedure.
def onButtonPressed: Unit = {
  println("The button was pressed!")

  ^.onClick --> onButtonPressed,
  "Press me!")

Optional markup

  • boolean ?= markup - Ignores markup unless boolean is true.

    def hasFocus: Boolean = ???
      hasFocus ?= (^.color := "green"),
      "I'm green when focused.")
  • Attributes, styles, and tags can be wrapped in Option or js.UndefOr to make them optional.

    val loggedInUser: Option[User] = ???
      <.h3("Welcome"), =>
          ^.href := user.profileUrl,
          "My Profile")))
  • EmptyTag - A virtual DOM building block representing nothing.

    <.div(if (allowEdit) editButton else EmptyTag)

Custom markup elements

The vdom imports will add string extension methods that allow you to create you own custom tags, attributes and styles.

val customAttr  = "customAttr" .reactAttr
val customStyle = "customStyle".reactStyle
val customTag   = "customTag"  .reactTag

// Produces: <customTag customAttr="hello" style="customStyle:123;">bye</customTag>
customTag(customAttr := "hello", customStyle := "123", "bye")

↳ produces ↴

<customTag customAttr="hello" style="customStyle:123;">bye</customTag>

Creating Components

Provided is a component builder DSL called ReactComponentB.

You throw types and functions at it, call build (or buildU) and when it compiles you will have a React component.

You first specify your component's properties type, and a component name.


Next you keep calling functions on the result until you get to a build method. If your props type is Unit, use buildU instead to be able to instantiate your component with having to pass () as a constructor argument.

For a list of available methods, let your IDE guide you or see the source.

The result of the build function will be an object that acts like a class. You must create an instance of it to use it in vdom.

(ReactComponent types are described in


val NoArgs =
  ReactComponentB[Unit]("No args")
    .render(_ => <.div("Hello!"))

val Hello =
  ReactComponentB[String]("Hello <name>")
    .render(name => <.div("Hello ", name))


In addition to props and state, if you look at the React samples you'll see that most components need additional functions and even (in the case of React's second example, the timer example), state outside of the designated state object (!). In this Scala version, all of that can be lumped into some arbitrary class you may provide, called a backend.

See the online timer demo for an example.

Using Components

Once you've created a Scala React component, it mostly acts like a typical Scala case class. To use it, you create an instance. To create an instance, you call the constructor.

val NoArgs =
  ReactComponentB[Unit]("No args")
    .render(_ => <.div("Hello!"))

val Hello =
  ReactComponentB[String]("Hello <name>")
    .render(name => <.div("Hello ", name))

// Usage

Component classes provides other methods:

Method Desc
withKey(js.Any) Apply a (React) key to the component you're about to instantiate.
`withRef(String Ref)`
set(key = ?, ref = ?) Alternate means of setting one or both of the above.
jsCtor The React component (constructor) in pure JS (i.e. without the Scala wrapping).
withProps(=> Props) Using the given props fn, return a no-args component.
withDefaultProps(=> Props) Using the given props fn, return a component which optionally accepts props in its constructor but also allows instantiation without specifying.


val Hello2 = Hello.withDefaultProps("Anonymous")



To render a component, it's the same as React. Use React.render and specify a target in the DOM.

import org.scalajs.dom.document

React.render(NoArgs(), document.body)

React Extensions

  • Where this.setState(State) is applicable, you can also run modState(State => State).

  • SyntheticEvents have numerous aliases that reduce verbosity. For example, in place of SyntheticKeyboardEvent[HTMLInputElement] you can use ReactKeyboardEventI. See for details.

  • React has a classSet addon for specifying multiple optional class attributes. The same mechanism is applicable with this library is as follows:

        "message"           -> true,
        "message-active"    -> true,
        "message-important" -> props.isImportant,
        "message-read"      -> props.isRead),
    // Or for convenience, put all constants in the first arg:
        "message message-active",
        "message-important" -> props.isImportant,
        "message-read"      -> props.isRead),
  • Sometimes you want to allow a function to both get and affect a portion of a component's state. Anywhere that you can call .setState() you can also call focusState() to return an object that has the same .setState(), .modState() methods but only operates on a subset of the total state.

    def incrementCounter(s: CompStateFocus[Int]): Unit =
      s.modState(_ + 1)
    // Then later in a render() method
    val f = $.focusState(_.counter)((a,b) => a.copy(counter = b))
    button(onclick --> incrementCounter(f), "+")

    (Using the Monocle extensions greatly improve this approach.)

Differences from React proper

  • In React JS you access a component's children via this.props.children. In Scala, instances of ComponentScope{U,M,WU} and BackendScope provide a .propsChildren method. There is also a .propsDynamic method as a shortcut to access the children as a js.Dynamic.

  • To keep a collection together when generating the dom, call .toJsArray. The only difference I'm aware of is that if the collection is maintained, React will issue warnings if you haven't supplied key attributes. Example:

  • To specify a key when creating a React component, instead of merging it into the props, apply it to the component class as described in Using Components.


Rather than specify references using strings, the Ref object can provide some more safety.

  • Ref(name) will create a reference to both apply to and retrieve a plain DOM node.

  •, name) will create a reference to a component so that on retrieval its types are preserved.

  • Ref.param(param => name) can be used for references to items in a set, with the key being a data entity's ID.

  • Because refs are not guaranteed to exist, the return type is wrapped in js.UndefOr[_]. A helper method tryFocus() has been added to focus the ref if one is returned.

    val myRef = Ref[HTMLInputElement]("refKey")
    class Backend($: BackendScope[Props, String]) {
      def clearAndFocusInput(): Unit =
       $.setState("", () => myRef(t).tryFocus())

Using JS Components

Added in v0.9.2. Kindly contributed by @imcharsi - Thank you!

First, let's create a simple example with only JavaScript, then convert it into scalajs-react example that uses Scala facades.

Below is sampleReactComponent.js.

var SampleReactComponent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {num:0,num2:0};
  render: function() {
    return React.createElement("div", null, this.props.propOne);
  getNum:function() {
    return this.state.num;
  setNum:function(n) {

Below is main.jsx.

var factory = React.createFactory(SampleReactComponent);
React.render(factory({propOne:"123"}), document.body);

First, copy JS Component library file that you want to use into Scala.JS resource directory.

Next, you need an SBT configuration like below. You may want to see here. (Feel free to change the react-with-addons.js filename according to your own case.)

jsDependencies += (ProvidedJS / "sampleReactComponent.js" dependsOn "react-with-addons.js")

Next, declare some Scala facades for your JS Components. You may want to see here too.

trait SampleReactComponentProperty extends js.Object {
  val propOne: js.UndefOr[String] = js.native

trait SampleReactComponentState extends js.Object {
  val num: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.native
  val num2: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.native

object SampleReactComponent
  extends JsComponentType[SampleReactComponentProperty, SampleReactComponentState, HTMLElement]

trait SampleReactComponentM
    extends JsComponentM[SampleReactComponentProperty, SampleReactComponentState, HTMLElement] {
  def getNum(): Int = js.native
  def setNum(n: Int): Unit = js.native

As with all Scala.JS facades, you will need some boilerplate code to act as a bridge between the JS and easier-to-use Scala. Below is an example of such boilerplate utility code:

object SampleReactComponentProperty {
  def apply(ref: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, propOne: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined): SampleReactComponentProperty = {
    val p = js.Dynamic.literal()



object SampleReactComponentState {
  def apply(prevState: SampleReactComponentState)(
    num: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined,
    num2: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined): SampleReactComponentState = {
    val p = js.Dynamic.literal()



Bow let's use the previously-mentioned main.jsx in scalajs-react. In this example we'll wrap it in a Scala component with a Scala-based backend.

class XxxBackend(scope: BackendScope[Unit, Unit]) {
  def modifyOne(i: Int): Unit = {

  def modifyTwo(i: Int): Unit = {
    ref(scope).foreach(c => c.setState(SampleReactComponentState(c.state)(num2 = i)))

val ref = Ref.toJS[SampleReactComponentM]("ref123")

val component = ReactComponentB[Unit]("S").stateless.backend(new XxxBackend(_)).render { scope =>
  val factory = React.createFactory(SampleReactComponent)
  factory(SampleReactComponentProperty(ref = ref, propOne = "123"))

React.render(component(), dom.document.body)

From this point on, the usage is the same as with normal scalajs-react components.

NOTE: When creating a JS component's state facade, do not use vars, or at least do not modify them directly if you do.

For example, don't do this:

trait SampleReactComponentState extends js.Object {
  var num: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.native     // using var

mountedComponent.foreach(_.state.var = 1)  // BAD: don't modify directly

Instead, ensure you call setState. Example:

trait SampleReactComponentState extends js.Object {
  val num: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.native   // using val, not var

mountedComponent.foreach(c =>            // GOOD: call setState
  c.setState(SampleReactComponentState(c.state)(num2 = 1)))


  • table(tr(...)) will appear to work fine at first then crash later. React needs table(tbody(tr(...))).

  • React's setState is asynchronous; it doesn't apply invocations of this.setState until the end of render or the current callback. Calling .state after .setState will return the initial, original value, i.e.

    val s1 = $.state
    val s2 = "new state"
    $.state == s2 // returns false
    $.state == s1 // returns true

    If this is a problem you have 2 choices.

    1. Refactor your logic so that you only call setState/modState once.
    2. Use Scalaz state monads as demonstrated in the online state monad example.
  • Type-inference when creating vdom can break if you call a function whose return type is also infered.

    Example: Option.getOrElse.

    If you have an Option[A], the return type of getOrElse is not always A. This is because the A in Option is covariant, and so instead of getOrElse(default: => A): A (which would avoid this vdom type-inference problem), it's actually getOrElse[B >: A](default: => B): B.

    This confuses Scala:

    def problem(name: Option[String]) =
      <.div(^.title := name.getOrElse("No Name"))


    // Workaround #1: Move the call outside.
    def workaround1(nameOption: Option[String]) = {
      val name = nameOption getOrElse "No Name"
      <.div(^.title := name)
    // Workaround #2: Specify the type manually.
    def workaround2(name: Option[String]) =
      <.div(^.title := name.getOrElse[String]("No Name"))