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👊OneForAll is a powerful subdomain collection tool 📝中文文档

🎉Project profile

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The importance of information collection in penetration testing is self-evident. Subdomain collection is an essential and very important part of information collection. At present, there are many open source tools for subdomain collection on the Internet, but there are always some of the following problems:

  • Not powerful enough,there are not enough interfaces to collect subdomains automatically, and there are no functions such as automatic subdomain resolve, verification, FUZZ and information expansion.

  • Not friendly enough,although the command line module is more convenient, but when there are a lot of optional parameters and the operation to be implemented is complex, using command line mode is a bit unfriendly. If there is a good interaction, With a highly operable front end, the experience will be much better.

  • Lack of maintenance,Many tools have not been updated once in years, what issues and PR are, do not exist.

  • Efficiency issues,do not take advantage of multi-process, multi-threading and asynchronous cooperation technology, the speed is slow.

In order to solve the above pain points, the term OneForAll comes from one of my favorite Japanese cartoons,《My Hero Academia》.It's a top personality that has grown from generation to generation, and now TV serieshas been updated to season 4. As its name suggests, I want OneForAll to be a collection of 100 strong, powerful and fast subdomains that collect the ultimate artifact 🔨.

At present, OneForAll is still under development, there must be a lot of problems and areas for improvement. Welcome to submit Issues or PR,If you like, give it to a little star ✨,At present, there is a special QQ group for OneForAll communication and feedback: 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦::824414244,You can also 📧email or tweet to me .


  • Powerful collection capability,For more information, please see collection module description.
    1. Collect subdomains using certificate transparency (there are currently 6 modules: censys_apispyse_apicertspottercrtshentrustgoogle

    2. General check collection subdomains (there are currently 4 modules: domain transfer vulnerability exploitationcdx, cross-domain policy file cdx, HTTPS certificate cert, content security policy csp, robots file robots, and sitemap file sitemap. Check NSEC record, NSEC3 record and other modules will be added later).

    3. Collect subdomains using web crawler files (there are currently two modules: archirawl, commoncrawl, which is still being debugged and needs to be added and improved).

    4. Collect subdomains using DNS datasets (there are currently 19 modules: CeBaidu, binaryedge_api, circl_api, hackertarget, riddler, bufferover, dnsdb, ipv4info, robtex, chinaz, dnsdb_api, netcraft, securitytrails_api, chinaz_api, dnsdumpster, passivedns_api, ptrarchive, sitedossier,threatcrowd

    5. Collect subdomains using DNS queries (there is currently a module to collect subdomains srv by enumerating common SRV records and making queries, which needs to be added and improved).

    6. Collect subdomains using threat intelligence platform data (there are currently five modules: riskiq_ api, threatbook_ api, threatkeeper , virustotal, virustotal_ api, which need to be added and improved).

    7. Use search engines to discover subdomains (there are currently 16 modules: ask, bing_ api, fofa_ api, shodan_ api, yahoo, baidu, duckduckgo, github, google, so, yandex, bing, exalead, google_ api, sogou, zoomeye_ api), except for special search engines in the search module. General search engines support automatic exclusion of search, full search, recursive search.

  • Support subdomain blasting,This module has both conventional dictionary blasting and custom fuzz mode. It supports batch blasting and recursive blasting, and automatically judges pan-parsing and processing.
  • Support subdmain verification,default to enable subdomain verification, automatically resolve subdomain DNS, automatically request subdomain to obtain title and banner, and comprehensively determine subdomain survival.
  • Support subdomain takeover,By default, subdomain takeover risk checking is enabled. Automatic subdomain takeover is supported (only Github, remains to be improved at present), and batch inspection is supported.
  • Powerful processing feature,The found subdomain results support automatic removal, automatic DNS parsing, HTTP request detection, automatic filtering of valid subdomains, and expansion of Banner information for subdomains. The final supported export formats are txt, rst, csv, tsv, json, yaml, html, xls, xlsx, dbf, latex, ods.
  • Very fastcollection module uses multithreaded calls, blasting module uses asynchronous multiprocess and multiprogramming, and DNS parsing and HTTP requests use asynchronous multiprogramming in subdomain verification. Multithreaded check subdomain takeover risk.
  • Good experience,Each module has a progress bar, and the results of each module are saved asynchronously.

🚀Start Guide

📢Currently, the project is under development, so it will continue to update iterations. It is best to clone the project when downloading and using OneForAll. Please take a moment to read this document to help you quickly get familiar with OneForAll!

🐍Installation requirements

OneForAll is based on CPython, so you need a Python environment to run. If your system doesn't already have a Python environment, you can refer to the Python 3 Installation Guide, theoretically Python 3.7 and 3.8 can run OneForAll, but many tests are done on Python 3.8, so recommended you use Python 3.8 version runs OneForAll. Run the following command to check the Python and pip3 versions:

python -V
pip3 -V

If you see the following output, there is no problem with the Python environment:

Python 3.8.0
pip 19.2.2 from C:\Users\shmilylty\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\pip (python 3.8)

✔Installation steps

  1. Download

    This project has been mirrored in Gitee. If you are in China, it is recommended that you use Gitee for cloning, which is faster:

    git clone


    git clone
  2. Installation

    You can install OneForAll dependencies via pip3 (if you are familiar with pipenv, then it is recommended that you use pipenv install dependencies, the following is an example of using pip3 to install dependencies under Windows system: (Note: If your Python3 is installed in the system Program Files In the directory, such as: C:\Program Files\Python37, then run the command prompt cmd as an administrator to execute the following command!)

   cd OneForAll/
   python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
   pip3 install -r requirements.txt
   cd oneforall/
   python --help

​ For other system platforms, please refer to dependency installation. If you find that compiling a dependent library fails during the installation dependencies, Refer to the solution in the Q&A documentation, if not resolved, welcome feedback.

  1. Update

    ❗Note: If you have cloned the project before, please back up your own modified files (such as to the location outside the project before updating, then execute the following command update project:

    git fetch --all
    git reset --hard origin/master
    git pull


  1. If you are installing dependencies through pip3, run the example using the following command:

    cd oneforall/
    python3 --target run


  2. If you install dependencies through pipenv, run the example using the following command:

    cd oneforall/
    pipenv run python --target run


The command line parameters only provide some common parameters. For more detailed parameter configuration, please see if you think Some parameters are frequently used in the command interface or missing parameters. Feedback is welcome. For well-known reasons, if you want to use some of the wall's collection interface, please go to to configure the proxy, some collection Modules need to provide APIs (most of which are freely available for registered accounts). If you need to use them, please go to to configure the API. Information, if not used, please ignore the error message. (For detailed modules, please read collection module description)

The OneForAll command line interface is based on Fire. For more advanced usage of Fire, please refer to using the Fire CLI, if you have any doubts during the use, please feel free to give me feedback. is the main program entry, and can call, and and other modules, in order to facilitate the sub-field blasting, is isolated independently, in order to facilitate the subdomain takeover risk check independently, in order to facilitate the database export independently, these modules can be run separately, and the parameters accepted are more abundant.

❗ Note: When you encounter some problems or doubts during use, please use Issues to search for answers. Also see Q&A.

  1. help

    python --help
    NAME - OneForAll is a powerful subdomain collection tool
    SYNOPSIS --target=TARGET <flags>
        Version: 0.0.6
            python3 --target run
            python3 --target ./domains.txt run
            python3 --target --brute True run
            python3 --target --dns False run
            python3 --target --req False run
            python3 --target --valid None run
            python3 --target --port medium run
            python3 --target --format csv run
            python3 --target --show True run
            Parameter valid optional value 1, 0, none indicates that the export is 
            valid, invalid, and all subdomains, respectively.
            Parameter port have optional values 'default' 'small', 'medium', 'large',
            See configuration for details.
            Parameter format have optional values 'txt', 'rst', 'csv', 'tsv', 'json', 
            'yaml', 'html', 'jira', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'dbf', 'latex', 'ods'.
            If the parameter path is None, the appropriate file is generated in the 
            project result directory based on the format parameter and the domain 
            Single domain name or file path for one domain name per line (required)
            Use blasting module (default False)
            DNS resolve subdomain (default True)
            HTTP request subdomain (default True)
            Port range for request authentication (default 80 port)
            Export validity of subdomains (default 1)
            Export path (default None)
            Export format (default xls)
            Check subdomain takeover (default True)
            Terminal display exported data (default False)
  2. help

    With regard to the handling of the universal parsing problem, first of all, OneForAll accesses a random subdomain to determine whether universal parsing is used, and if universal parsing is used, it is handled by the following judgment:

    • First, it is mainly compared with the pan-parsed IP set and TTL values, see this article.

    • Second, the number of times to resolve to the same IP collection multiple times (the default is 10, which can be set to size in

    • Third, considering the blasting efficiency, there is no HTTP response volume similarity comparison and response volume content judgment, this function has not been implemented yet, and will be implemented if necessary.

    After not rigorous testing, in the 16-core CPU, using 16 processes 64 coroutines, 100M network bandwidth environment, set the task to be divided into 50000, run two million dictionaries about 10 minutes to run, about 3333 subdomains per second.

    python --help
    NAME - OneForAll multi-process multi-correlation asynchronous subdomain blasting module
    SYNOPSIS --target=TARGET <flags>
            python3 --target run
            python3 --target ./domains.txt run
            python3 --target --process 4 --coroutine 64 run
            python3 --target --wordlist subdomains.txt run
            python3 --target --recursive True --depth 2 run
            python3 --target m.{fuzz} --fuzz True --rule [a-z] run
            The setting of the parameter segment is affected by CPU performance, 
            network bandwidth, and operator restrictions. By default, 500 subdomains 
            are set as task groups. When you feel that your environment is not 
            affected by the above factors, the current blasting speed is slow, so it 
            is strongly recommended to use the dictionary. Size resizing: 100,000 
            dictionary suggestions set to 5000, million dictionary set to 50000.
            Parameter valid optional value 1, 0, none indicates that the export is 
            valid, invalid, and all subdomains, respectively.
            Parameter format have optional values 'txt', 'rst', 'csv', 'tsv', 'json', 
            'yaml', 'html', 'jira', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'dbf', 'latex', 'ods'.
            If the parameter path is None, the appropriate file is generated in the 
            project result directory based on the format parameter and the domain 
            Single domain name or file path for one domain name per line (required)
            Number of processes blasted (default CPU core count)
            Number of coroutines per blasting process (default 64)
            Specify the dictionary path used for blasting ( is used by default)
            Blasting task segmentation (default 500)
            Whether to use recursive blasting (default False)
            Depth of recursive blasting (default 2)
            Specifies the dictionary path used by recursive blasting (configured by default using
            Whether to use the fuzz mode for blasting (default False, you must specify the fuzz regular rule)
            Regular rules used by fuzz mode (configured by default using
            Whether to export the blast result (default True)
            Export validity of subdomains (default None)
            Export format (default xls)
            Export path (default None)
            Terminal display exported data (default False)
  3. For other module usage, please refer to usage help.

👏Framework used

  • aiodns - aiodns provides a simple way for doing asynchronous DNS resolutions using pycares.
  • aiohttp - Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
  • aiomultiprocess - Take a modern Python codebase to the next level of performance. (Multiprocessing and asyncio combine to implement asynchronous multi-process multi-coroutine)
  • beautifulsoup4 - Beautiful Soup is a library that makes it easy to scrape information from web pages.
  • fire - Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
  • loguru - Loguru is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python.
  • records - Records is a very simple, but powerful, library for making raw SQL queries to most relational databases.
  • requests - A simple, yet elegant HTTP library.
  • tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

Thanks to these great excellent Python libraries!

🌲Directory structure

| collection module description
    |   Asynchronous multi-process multi-correlation subdomain blasting module, can be run separately
    |    Upper layer call of each collection module
    |     Configuration file
    |   Database export module, can be run separately
    |   domains.txt   List of domain names to be blasted
    |  OneForAll main entrance, can be run separately
    +---common Common call module
    +---data   Store some of the required data
    |       next_subdomains.txt     Next level subdomain dictionary
    |       public_suffix_list.dat  Top-level domain name suffix
    |       srv_names.json          Common SRV record prefix name
    |       subdomains.txt          Common Dictionary of subdomain blasting
        +---certificates     Using certificate transparency to collect subdomain
        +---check            Using conventional methods to collect subdomain
        +---crawl            Using web crawler files to collect subdomain
        +---datasets         Using DNS datasets to collect subdomain
        +---dnsquery         Using DNS query to collect subdomain
        +---intelligence     Using threat intelligence platform to collect subdomain
        \---search           Using search engine to collect subdomain


Very warmly welcome all ace to improve the project together!

⌛Follow-up plan

  • Continuous optimization and improvement of each module
  • Subdomain monitoring (marking each newly discovered subdomain)
  • Subdomain collection crawler implementation (including collection of subdomains from static resource files such as JS)
  • Implementation of front-end interface for powerful interaction (tentative: front-end: Element + back-end: Flask)

For more details, see

🔖Version control

The project uses SemVer language version format for version management), and you can view the available version in Releases.


You can see all the developers involved in the project in


The project has signed a GPL-3.0 license, for more information, please see LICENSE.


Thanks to the various subdomain collection projects of online open source!

Thanks ace of A-Team for their enthusiastic and unselfish answers!


This tool is limited to legally authorized enterprise security construction. In the process of using this tool, you should ensure that all your actions comply with local laws and regulations and have obtained sufficient authorization. If you have any illegal behavior in the process of using this tool, you are responsible for all consequences, and all authors and all contributors of this tool do not assume any legal and joint responsibility. Unless you have fully read, fully understood and accepted all the terms of this Agreement, please do not install and use this tool. Your use or any other express or implied representation of you to this Agreement is deemed to have been read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.