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2.6 21:17 caojh更新

  • pkl文件中存储数据dataframe的二进制形式,其中将answer列改为数字,对应关系为{"star": 0, "galaxy": 1, "qso": 2},并删除了id列。现在读完整的训练集只需要两分钟。

  • 模型用Random Forest,n_estimators=10


    • 训练时间25.3s
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9975236085557581,'f1': 0.9934531625317428}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9524987923273988, 'f1': 0.8382630805902855}


    • 训练时间63.2s
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9983345395568655, 'f1': 0.994567191973572}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9676099592443196, 'f1': 0.8919070389039198}


    • 训练时间141.3s
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9986375516912889, 'f1': 0.9960921028010502}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.961093090579331, 'f1': 0.866631163406836}


    • 训练时间401.7s
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9986855098717554, 'f1': 0.9956542270730346}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9661243067908339, 'f1': 0.8811825648128023}

2.7 11.07 caojh更新:

  • validation set重新存储为pkl文件。

  • 模型用Random Forest,n_estimators=10


    • Train time: 181.53187441825867
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9987286738970069, 'f1': 0.9961105309060985}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9622030804096021, 'f1': 0.8686221219322383}


    • Train time: 538.9405434131622
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9987757600489696, 'f1': 0.9959931420938423}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9674332717810978, 'f1': 0.885273528861346}


    • Train time: 461.1937208175659
    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9986937952659234, 'f1': 0.9959827209113853}
    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9430974064126239, 'f1': 0.8032911077217327} ??? 反而下降了?


    • Train time: 1144.545776605606

    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9991384978122378, 'f1': 0.9968619888883445}

    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9717978848413631, 'f1': 0.891567251312332}

    • 目前最佳,存储在 model_rf_891567.pkl

    • precision recall f1-score support
      0 0.99 0.99 0.99 160000
      1 0.93 0.88 0.90 23376
      2 0.80 0.76 0.78 7248
      accuracy 0.97 190624
      macro avg 0.90 0.88 0.89 190624
      weighted avg 0.97 0.97 0.97 190624
    • 应该问题在类别不平衡上

2.7 18.00 lixy更新:

  • 直接调用classify.rf中的train,test函数,用full进行训练并在validation上预测,主要区别在于提取特征:

    • 进行流量归一化,不进行平滑处理
    • 将波长2600的光谱分为50等份,并统计每段的均值、标准差和峰值、偏值,由每个样本统计得到4个长度均为50的向量,并拼接为200维向量
    • 调用train,test函数采用RandomForest进行训练、预测
  • 训练效果:

    • Train time: 143.57545375823975

    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9991332660175753, 'f1': 0.9971259832719356}

    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9763408594930334, 'f1': 0.9209636155848386}

    • precision recall f1-score support
      0 0.99 0.99 0.99 160000
      1 0.94 0.91 0.93 23376
      2 0.88 0.83 0.85 7248
      accuracy 0.98 190624
      macro avg 0.94 0.91 0.92 190624
      weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 190624
  • 补充:流量归一化之后采用平滑处理,最终macro average略有提升

    • Train time: 161.81601238250732

    • Train score: {'accuracy': 0.9991768643064297, 'f1': 0.9972064368148651}

    • Test score: {'accuracy': 0.9791893990263556, 'f1': 0.9299095851191229}

    precision recall f1-score support
    0 0.99 0.99 0.99 160000
    1 0.95 0.92 0.94 23376
    2 0.89 0.84 0.86 7248
    accuracy 0.98 190624
    macro avg 0.94 0.92 0.93 190624
    weighted avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 190624
    • 在上一步基础上,改变平滑处理的窗口大小,(之前默认窗口大小为7) | | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | | :-------------: | :-----------: | :-----------: | :----------: | :-----------: | | windows size | 0.92895530592 | 0.92990958511 | 0.9285834443 | 0.92648703925 |

2.8 12:14 caojh更新


boost_round = 50
early_stop_rounds = 10
params = {
    'task': 'train',
    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
    'objective': 'multiclass',  # multiclassova
    'num_class': 3,
    'num_iterations': 100,
    'learning_rate': 0.1,
    'num_leaves': 32,
    'device_type': 'cpu',
    'metric': 'multi_logloss',
    'num_threads': 40,
    'feature_fraction': 0.9,
    'bagging_fraction': 0.8,
    'bagging_freq': 5,
    'verbose': 0
  • Train time: 12.179835081100464 sec

  • Train score: macro f1: 0.9671390294944482

          		 precision  recall  f1-score   support
           0       1.00      1.00     1.00      385067
           1       0.97      0.97     0.97      56219
           2       0.93      0.94     0.93      17447
    accuracy                          0.99      458733
    macro avg       0.97      0.97    0.97      458733
    weighted avg    0.99      0.99    0.99      458733
  • Test score: macro f1: 0.9574201666435972

           		 precision  recall  f1-score   support
           0       1.00      1.00     1.00      160000
           1       0.97      0.96     0.97      23376
           2       0.91      0.91     0.91      7248
    accuracy                          0.99      190624
    macro avg      0.96      0.96     0.96      190624
    weighted avg   0.99      0.99     0.99      190624


boost_round = 50
early_stop_rounds = 50

params = {
    'task': 'train',
    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
    'objective': 'multiclass',  # multiclassova
    'num_class': 3,
    'num_iterations': 10000,
    'learning_rate': 0.1,
    'num_leaves': 100,
    'device_type': 'cpu',
    'metric': 'multi_logloss',
    'num_threads': 40,
    'max_depth': 8,
    'feature_fraction': 0.9,
    'bagging_fraction': 0.8,
    'bagging_freq': 5,
    'verbose': 0
  • Train score: macro f1: 0.99971281606622

    precision    recall  f1-score   support
              0       1.00      1.00      1.00    385067
               1       1.00      1.00      1.00     56219
               2       1.00      1.00      1.00     17447
        accuracy                           1.00    458733
       macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
  • Test score: macro f1: 0.9697850134563225

     precision    recall  f1-score   support
                0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.98      0.97      0.98     23376
               2       0.94      0.93      0.94      7248
        accuracy                           0.99    190624
       macro avg       0.97      0.97      0.97    190624
    weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99    190624      

2.8 16.11 lixy 更新

full前80%来train,后20%来validate,val_sets来test,模型用gbdt,沿用之前参数,主要不同在于特征提取方法中加入argmin, argmax,表征光谱中吸收峰和发射峰的位置

  • Train score: macro f1: 0.9997498020618419

                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    385067
                 1       1.00      1.00      1.00     56219
                 2       1.00      1.00      1.00     17447
          accuracy                           1.00    458733
         macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
      weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
  • Test score:

      macro f1: 0.9708099321394084
                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                 1       0.98      0.98      0.98     23376
                 2       0.94      0.94      0.94      7248
          accuracy                           0.99    190624
         macro avg       0.97      0.97      0.97    190624
      weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99    190624
  • Confusion Matrix:

      [[159659    190    151]
       [   237  22844    295]
       [   119    342   6787]]
  • 补充,加入min, max两个值之后f1 score未有明显上升.

2.8 18:05 caojh更新

  • 整合了预处理部分,在preprocess/integrate.py中,具体流程如下:

  • 将PCA 750维特征和区间400维特征拼接后,模型参数不变,训练效果得到提升,如下:

    Train score::
    macro f1: 0.9997238755662178
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    385067
               1       1.00      1.00      1.00     56219
               2       1.00      1.00      1.00     17447
        accuracy                           1.00    458733
       macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    458733
    Test score:
    macro f1: 0.9712274753428779
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.98      0.98      0.98     23376
               2       0.94      0.94      0.94      7248
        accuracy                           0.99    190624
       macro avg       0.97      0.97      0.97    190624
    weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99    190624
    [[159666    187    147]
     [   221  22866    289]
     [   129    334   6785]]
    Feature name list: ['pca', 'means', 'theta', 'skews', 'kurts', 'argmaxs', 'argmins', 'maxs', 'mins']
    Feature importance list: [0.39766245778269826, 0.07703518925963816, 0.06799613212438864, 0.10338158835152823, 0.07606822035679751, 0.05496307299914514, 0.08866684417786622, 0.05981193155541853, 0.0744145633925193]

2.9 11:36 caojh更新

  • 重写了,封装了load, train, test等函数。

  • 由于预处理数据时间较长,因此把预处理后的数据存下来了,在运行python命令后加入参数 --load-dataXY 可以直接读取存好的预处理后的数据,否则将重新生成并存储。

  • 由于我本地的pycharm配置有一点问题,import matplotlib会报错(但服务器端不会),因此暂时将与画图相关的部分注释掉了,如果要画训练时的loss变化图,将

    ax = lgb.plot_metric(results)




2.11 15:49 caojh更新

加入了data augmention。

  • 用完整数据集,三个类别扩充[0.01,1,1],lgb参数不变,效果略有上升(之前换成sklearn的train_test_split后相同参数test macro f1为0.97297):

    Test score:
    macro f1: 0.9746593453238144
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.98      0.98      0.98     23376
               2       0.94      0.95      0.95      7248
        accuracy                           0.99    190624
       macro avg       0.97      0.98      0.97    190624
    weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99    190624
    Confusion matrix:
    [[159604    222    174]
     [   156  22970    250]
     [    76    292   6880]]

2.10 14.32 lixy更新

  • 从所有数据中提取出qso, galaxy两类,训练和测试样本分别为X_train, Y_train,选取其中20%为验证集,并经过平滑处理后,沿用之间区间统计的特征工程方法,提取400维向量,并调用gbdt进行训练,沿用之前的参数,训练结果如下

  • Train time: 13.520026206970215 Train score: macro f1: 0.9998494264390219

                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               1       1.00      1.00      1.00     56301
               2       1.00      1.00      1.00     17381
        accuracy                           1.00     73682
       macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00     73682
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00     73682
  • Test score: macro f1: 0.9675190166350669

                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               1       0.98      0.99      0.98     23376
               2       0.96      0.94      0.95      7248
        accuracy                           0.98     30624
       macro avg       0.97      0.97      0.97     30624
    weighted avg       0.98      0.98      0.98     30624
    Confusion matrix: 
    [[23059   317]
     [  399  6849]]
  • 主要发现:梯度上升决策树可能本身对样本不平衡不敏感,单独提取qso, galaxy两类难以提高macro-f1 score

2.10 20:10 caojh更新

  • 把lgb的metric换成了macro-f1,early_stop_rounds改成100,其他参数不变,效果得到提升:

      Test score:
      macro f1: 0.9752608987601077
                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                 1       0.98      0.98      0.98     23376
                 2       0.95      0.95      0.95      7248
          accuracy                           0.99    190624
         macro avg       0.98      0.97      0.98    190624
      weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99    190624
      Confusion matrix:
      [[159740    141    119]
       [   202  22914    260]
       [   117    279   6852]]

3.31 15:20 lixy更新


神经网络具体结构具体参考自天池比赛 天文数据挖掘大赛——龙樱组开源方案,并在其基础上进行一定修改,将dropout改为batch normalization,将最后一层全连接激活函数由tanh函数改为relu函数等。

  • 一维卷积神经网络 + Dropout

    • 网络结构

      def ConvNet_DropOut(input_shape=(2600, 1, 1), classes=3) -> Model:
          seed = 710
          X_input = Input(input_shape)
          X_list = []
          for step in range(3, 19, 2):
              Xi = X_input
              for _ in range(3):
                  Xi = Conv2D(32, (step, 1), strides=(1, 1),
                              padding='same', activation='relu', 	
                  Xi = AveragePooling2D((3, 1), strides=(3, 1))(Xi)
          X = concatenate(X_list, axis=3)
          X = Flatten()(X)
          for nodes in [1024, 512, 256]:
              X = Dense(nodes, activation='relu', 
              X = Dropout(0.8)(X)
          X = Dense(classes, activation='softmax', 
          model = Model(inputs=X_input, outputs=X, name='ConvNet')
          return model
    • batch size = 256

      epoch=25时取到macro f1最大值:0.9816884312451949

        Test score:
        macro f1: 0.9811327474489104
                      precision    recall  f1-score   support
                   0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                   1       0.99      0.98      0.98     23376
                   2       0.96      0.96      0.96      7248
            accuracy                           1.00    190624
           macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
        weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
        Confusion matrix:
        [[159817    121     62]
         [   189  22982    205]
         [   118    192   6938]]


    • batch size = 128

      epoch=29时取到macro f1最大值:0.9810167027934155

      Test score:
      macro f1: 0.9810167027934155
                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                 1       0.99      0.98      0.98     23376
                 2       0.96      0.96      0.96      7248
          accuracy                           1.00    190624
         macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
      weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
      Confusion matrix:
      [[159782    131     87]
       [   206  22942    228]
       [   102    161   6985]]


    • epoch - f1 score曲线变化趋势如图:

  • 一维卷积神经网络 + Batch Normalization

    drop out机制对于过拟合有效,但对于batch_size等参数敏感,转而采用batch normalization。

    • 网络结构

      def ConvNet_BN(input_shape=(2600, 1, 1), classes=3) -> Model:
          seed = 710
          X_input = Input(input_shape)
          X_list = []
          for step in range(3, 19, 2):
              Xi = X_input
              for _ in range(3):
                  Xi = Conv2D(32, (step, 1), strides=(1, 1), use_bias=False,
                              padding='same', kernel_initializer=glorot_uniform(seed))(Xi)
                  Xi = BatchNormalization()(Xi)
                  Xi = Activation('relu')(Xi)
                  Xi = AveragePooling2D((3, 1), strides=(3, 1))(Xi)
          X = concatenate(X_list, axis=3)
          X = Flatten()(X)
          for nodes in fc_layers:
              X = Dense(nodes, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=glorot_uniform(seed))(X)
              X = BatchNormalization()(X)
              X = Activation('relu')(X)
          X = Dense(classes, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=glorot_uniform(seed))(X)
          X = BatchNormalization()(X)
          X = Activation('softmax')(X)
          model = Model(inputs=X_input, outputs=X, name='ConvNet')
          return model
    • batch size = 256 + large fully-connected layers

      全连接层为fc_layers = [1024, 512, 256],macro f1最大为0.9823131759657721

      Test score:
      macro f1: 0.9823131759657721
                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                 1       0.99      0.99      0.99     23376
                 2       0.96      0.96      0.96      7248
          accuracy                           1.00    190624
         macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
      weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
      Confusion matrix:
      [[159827    117     56]
       [   122  23052    202]
       [    86    206   6956]]

      由于log文件丢失,因此何时达到峰值与变化曲线信息丢失 :-<


    • batch size = 128 + large fully-connected layers

      epoch=12时取到macro f1最大值:0.9827169677156951,全连接层为[1024, 512, 256]

      Test score:
      macro f1: 0.9827169677156951
                    precision    recall  f1-score   support
                 0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
                 1       0.99      0.99      0.99     23376
                 2       0.97      0.96      0.96      7248
          accuracy                           1.00    190624
         macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
      weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
      Confusion matrix:
      [[159831    110     59]
       [   141  23050    185]

    [ 88 202 6958]]

    - batch size = 256 + small fully-connected layers
    epoch=22时取到macro f1最大值:0.9825546143678788,全连接层为`[512, 256]`

    Test score: macro f1: 0.9825546143678788 precision recall f1-score support 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 160000 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 23376 2 0.96 0.96 0.96 7248 accuracy 1.00 190624 macro avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 190624 weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 190624 Confusion matrix: [[159818 112 70] [ 130 23049 197] [ 88 190 6970]]

    - epoch - f1 score曲线示意图 

4.3 14.50 lixy更新

对参数组合进行探索以后发现效果逐渐收敛,尝试对网络结构进行微调,将卷积层数由3层改为6层,batch = 128,在原数据集与增强后数据集上均有提升,但值得一提的是验证集上表现最好的epoch并不出现在训练效果逐渐收敛的后期,可能存在epoch参数过拟合验证集的现象。

  • 原数据集

    epoch=6时取到macro f1最大值:0.983868834820611

    Test score:
    macro f1: 0.983868834820611
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.99      0.99      0.99     23376
               2       0.97      0.96      0.97      7248
        accuracy                           1.00    190624
       macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
    Confusion matrix:
    [[159811    110     79]
     [   182  23040    154]
     [    97    161   6990]]
  • aug3数据集

    epoch=14时取到macro f1最大值:0.9832982745367626

    Test score:
    macro f1: 0.9832982745367626
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.99      0.99      0.99     23376
               2       0.97      0.96      0.96      7248
        accuracy                           1.00    190624
       macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
    Confusion matrix:
    [[159805    120     75]
     [   144  23058    174]
     [    92    175   6981]]
    macro f1: 0.9832982745367626, highest score: 0.9832982745367626
  • aug6数据集

    epoch=15时取到macro f1最大值:0.9835375033241983

    Test score:
    macro f1: 0.9835375033241983
                  precision    recall  f1-score   support
               0       1.00      1.00      1.00    160000
               1       0.99      0.99      0.99     23376
               2       0.97      0.96      0.97      7248
        accuracy                           1.00    190624
       macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98    190624
    weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00    190624
    Confusion matrix:
    [[159798    129     73]
     [   134  23080    162]
     [    79    191   6978]]
    macro f1: 0.9835375033241983, highest score: 0.9835375033241983
  • epoch - macro f1曲线示意图





  • 交叉验证,完整数据集太大,应该在小数据集上实验

  • 网络结构,BN效果好,卷积层数也可以多一点

  • 数据预分析还不够,数据清洗和缺失值等都没有做

  • 没有分析模型分错样本,根据分错的样本特征重新设计预处理,提取特征等操作