A policy specifying system configuration such as timezone, DNS servers, and NTP Servers.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dns_domain_name | str | The DNS Search Domain Name. This setting applies to HyperFlex Data Platform 3.0 or later only. | [optional] |
dns_servers | list[str] | [optional] | |
ntp_servers | list[str] | [optional] | |
timezone | str | The timezone of the HyperFlex cluster's system clock. | [optional] [default to 'Pacific/Niue'] |
cluster_profiles | list[HyperflexClusterProfile] | A reference to a hyperflexClusterProfile resource. When the $expand query parameter is specified, the referenced resource is returned inline. List of cluster profiles using this policy. | [optional] |
organization | OrganizationOrganization | [optional] |