A node within a cluster of device connectors. A Device Registration may contain multiple ClusterMembers with each holding the connection details of the device connector as well as the nodes current leadership within the cluster.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
leadership | str | The current leadershipstate of this member. Updated by the device connector on failover or leadership change. If a member is elected as Primary within the cluster this connection will be the same as the DeviceRegistration connection. E.g a message addressed to the DeviceRegistration will be forwarded to the ClusterMember connection. | [optional] [readonly] [default to 'Unknown'] |
locked_leader | bool | Devices lock their leadership on failure to heartbeat with peers. Value acts as a third party tie breaker in election between nodes. Intersight enforces that only one cluster member exists with this value set to true. | [optional] |
member_identity | str | The unique identity of the member within the cluster. The identity is retrieved from the platform and reported by the device connector at connection time. | [optional] [readonly] |
parent_cluster_member_identity | str | The member idenity of the cluster member through which this device is connected if applicable. | [optional] [readonly] |
sudi | AssetSudiInfo | [optional] | |
device | AssetDeviceRegistration | [optional] |