A contract for making registries which are owned, with transferable ownership.
Address: 0x48216df3d955d9a8afd28d417ff21d06647e6a6d
Serpent signature: extern registry.se: [create_registry:[]:int256, get_default_registry:[int256]:int256, get_owner:[int256]:int256, get_storage_key:[int256,int256]:int256, lookup:[int256,int256]:int256, lookup_by_id:[int256,int256]:int256, register:[int256,int256]:int256, register_by_id:[int256,int256,int256]:int256, remove:[int256]:int256, remove2:[int256[]]:int256[], remove_by_id:[int256,int256]:int256, remove_by_id2:[int256,int256[]]:int256[], set_default_registry:[int256]:int256, transfer_owner:[int256,int256]:int256, update:[int256,int256]:int256, update_by_id:[int256,int256,int256]:int256]
ABI signature:
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "create_registry()",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": []
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "get_default_registry(int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "owner"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "get_owner(int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "get_storage_key(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "lookup(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "owner"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "lookup_by_id(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "register(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"type": "int256",
"name": "val"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "register_by_id(int256,int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"type": "int256",
"name": "val"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "remove(int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "remove2(int256[])",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256[]",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256[]",
"name": "keys"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "remove_by_id(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "remove_by_id2(int256,int256[])",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256[]",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256[]",
"name": "keys"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "set_default_registry(int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "transfer_owner(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "new_owner"
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "update(int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"type": "int256",
"name": "val"
"constant": false,
"type": "function",
"name": "update_by_id(int256,int256,int256)",
"outputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "out"
"inputs": [
"type": "int256",
"name": "reg_id"
"type": "int256",
"name": "key"
"type": "int256",
"name": "val"
All registries are identified by a natural (i.e. positive) number (called it's ID or reg_id).
Every registry has an owner, who can mutate it's entries.
Every owner has one default registry that can be used for convenient operations.
Every registry can be used for lookups if you know it's ID.
sload(reg_id) # The owner of the registry.
sload(sha3([reg_id, key]:arr)) # The value accosicated with "key" in the registry.
sload(msg.sender) # The default registry to use for this owner's convenience functions
Here are all the functions in the registry contract, with types indicated using Python 3 annotation syntax. Mutating registry's could theoretically be done with one function, but I decided to split the functions up into three different groups. The purpose of this is to reduce the occurrence of bugs by making the contract programmer's intentions more explicit.
create_registry() -> int256
- Creates a new registry owned by the sender, and returns the registry id. If the sender doesn't already have a default registry, then the new registry is set as it's default.
get_owner(reg_id: int256) -> int256
- Takes a registry id and returns the address of the owner as an int256.
get_default_registry(owner: int256) -> int256
- Takes an address as an int256 and returns it's default registry. If the address doesn't have a default registry, the result of this function is zero.
set_default_registry(reg_id: int256) -> int256
- Takes a registry id the is owned by the sender, and set's the sender's default to it. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
transfer_owner(new_owner: int256, reg_id: int256) -> int256
- Takes an address and a registry id, and set's the address as the registry's owner. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
These functions register a new key-val pair. If the key is already used in the registry, then these functions will return 0, with the affect of not changing anything. On failure, these functions return 0, on success they return 1.
register(key: int256, val: int256) -> int256
- Registers a value under the given key at the sender's default registry.
register_by_id(reg_id: int256, reg_id: int256, key: int256) -> int256
- Registers a value under the given key at the specified registry.
These functions change the value of an existing key-val pair in a registry. They return 1 on success and 0 on failure. Failure modes are 1) not owning the registry you're trying to change and 2) trying to 'update' a key which is not currently registered.
update(key: int256, val: int256) -> int256
- Updates the value associated with the key in the msg.sender's default registry.
update_by_id(reg_id: int256, key: int256, val: int256) -> int256
- Updates the value associated with the key in the specified registry.
These functions remove key-val pairs from the registry. If a key isn't used in the registry, then these function fail.
The remove
and remove_by_id
functions return statuses similar to their registration counter-parts. They return 0
on failure and 1 on success. In the case of a failure nothing is changed about the registry's state. The remove2
functions are bit different: they return [1, n]
on success where n
is the length of their keys
input. On failure, they return [0, i]
where i
is the index of the key which caused the failure. Every key before
the index i
in the input are removed, and every key at and after i
are not. Failure means either that the i
th key does
not exist in the specified registry or that the msg.sender
doesn't have permission to modify the registry.
remove(key: int256) -> int256
- Removes a key-value pair from the default registry.
remove_by_id(reg_id: int256, key: int256) -> int256
- Removes a key-value pair from the specified registry.
remove2(keys: int256[]) -> int256[2]
- Removes a list of keys and their associated values from the registry.
remove_by_id2(reg_id: int256, keys: int256[]) -> int256[2]
- Removes a list of keys from the specified registry.
lookup(owner: int256, key: int256) -> int256
- Returns the value associated with a key in the owner's default registry.
lookup_by_id(reg_id: int256, key: int256) -> int256
- Returns the value associated with a key in the specified registry.
contains the necessary pieces of info for using PyContract to interact with the code,
namely the address and the ABI interface.
Tests are found in the test.py
file. To run them, install the dependency using pip install -r test_requirements.txt
(ideally in a virtualenv), and then run py.test test.py