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Data & Methods

Christian edited this page Mar 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

The node.raumkernel and its managers have soem methods and data holders that are useful. Here is a list of the important one. Others may be looked up in the code

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.deviceManager.getRaumfeldMediaServer()

    returns the class/object of the raumfeld media server. Will return null if media server is not present. With the return value you can call actions on the media server.

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.deviceManager.getVirtualMediaRenderer(_udnOrChildName)

    Returns the class/object of a virtual raumfeld media renderer (a zone renderer). Will return null if the device is not found. The "udnOrChildName" parameter may be a udn of a zone, a room or even a room name. The method will always return the zone renderer object wheer you can call actions e.g. play

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.zoneManager.connectRoomToZone(_roomUdn, _zoneUdn)

    Can be used to connect a room to a zone. If the zoneUdn is empty a new zone will be created for the room

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.zoneManager.dropRoomFromZone(_roomUdn)

    Is used to drop a room from a zone

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.zoneManager.zoneConfiguration

    This as a variable which contains the current zone configuration as a JSON converted fron the raumfeld xml

  • raumkernel.managerDisposer.mediaListManager.getMediaList(_listId, _objectId, _useListCache = true, _emitReady = true)

    Is used to read a list from the content directory. The _listId should be a unique id for the list and the _objectId is the objekt key of the contentDirectory (eg. "0" for root list or "0/My Music" for the "My Music" list

  • And lots of methods on the mediaRenderer objects. Please look the up in the code!

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