MonKafka is a simple implementation of a basic Kafka broker.
In its current state, the code handles topic creation, produce and consume requests. The mechanics are still very basic and have a long way to go.
I am also writing a blog post to share some of my learnings along the way.
I am running go1.23.4
for my local testing.
Start the server locally on port 9092:
go run main.go --bootstrap --node-id 1 Server is listening on port 9092...
I am testing with Kafka 3.9:
# Download Kafka cd /path/to/workdir curl -O tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.9.0.tgz cd kafka_2.13-3.9.0 # Create topic bin/ --create --topic titi --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 Created topic titi.
kafka_2.13-3.9.0> ./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic titi >hello >is it you? >Nope!
In another terminal:
kafka_2.13-3.9.0> ./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic titi --from-beginning hello is it you? Nope!
a simple performance test:
kafka_2.13-3.9.0> ./bin/ \ --topic perf1 \ --num-records 1000000 \ --record-size 500 \ --throughput 100000 \ --producer-props acks=1 batch.size=16384 bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 499713 records sent, 99942.6 records/sec (47.66 MB/sec), 3.9 ms avg latency, 113.0 ms max latency. 1000000 records sent, 99820.323418 records/sec (47.60 MB/sec), 2.58 ms avg latency, 113.00 ms max latency, 1 ms 50th, 14 ms 95th, 53 ms 99th, 70 ms 99.9th.
On another terminal, the consumer:
Cluster mode operates on a distributed state using the Raft protocol, with membership management monitored by HashiCorp Serf. This combinations is used by the great Consul and Jocko.
# The first node bootstraps (using `--bootstrap`) the Raft cluster. This needs to be done only once.
go run main.go --bootstrap --node-id 1 --serf-addr
# Subsequent nodes join the cluster via Serf by specifying an existing Serf endpoint with `--serf-join`
go run main.go --node-id 2 --broker-port 9093 --raft-addr localhost:2222 --serf-addr --serf-join ""
go run main.go --node-id 3 --broker-port 9094 --raft-addr localhost:2223 --serf-addr --serf-join ""
Simple end-to-end tests have been implemented to verify topic creation and basic producer and consumer functionality.
The tests assume Kafka is installed. The Kafka bin directory can be specified using the environment variable KAFKA_BIN_DIR
; otherwise, it defaults to $HOME/kafka_2.13-3.9.0/bin
export KAFKA_BIN_DIR=/tmp/kafka_2.13-3.9.0/bin
go test -v ./...
- Basic Topic Creation, Produce and Fetch.
- Multiple log segments per partition
- Parse requests properly
- Compression
- Cluster Mode / multiple brokers
- Improve Consumer offsets management
- SSL / ACls
- Configurability
- Honor more produce and consume options
- Better concurrency
- Error handling (e.g. topic not found)
- Transactions
Jocko has been a major inspiration for this work.