This document is meant to help you migrate your Terraform config to new newest version. In migration guides we will only describe deprecations or breaking changes and help you to change your configuration to keep the same (or similar) behaviour across different versions.
In this change we have done a provider refactor to make it more complete and customizable by supporting more options that were already available in Golang Snowflake driver. This lead to several attributes being added and a few deprecated. We will focus on the deprecated ones and show you how to adapt your current configuration to the new changes.
provider "snowflake" {
# before
username = "username"
# after
user = "username"
provider "snowflake" {
# before
browser_auth = false
oauth_access_token = "<access_token>"
oauth_refresh_token = "<refresh_token>"
oauth_client_id = "<client_id>"
oauth_client_secret = "<client_secret>"
oauth_endpoint = "<endpoint>"
oauth_redirect_url = "<redirect_uri>"
# after
authenticator = "ExternalBrowser"
token = "<access_token>"
token_accessor {
refresh_token = "<refresh_token>"
client_id = "<client_id>"
client_secret = "<client_secret>"
token_endpoint = "<endpoint>"
redirect_uri = "<redirect_uri>"
Specifying a region is a legacy thing and according to you can specify a region as a part of account parameter. Specifying account parameter with the region is also considered legacy, but with this approach it will be easier to convert only your account identifier to the new preferred way of specifying account identifier.
provider "snowflake" {
# before
region = "<cloud_region_id>"
# after
account = "<account_locator>.<cloud_region_id>"
provider "snowflake" {
# before
private_key_path = "<filepath>"
# after
private_key = file("<filepath>")
provider "snowflake" {
# before
session_params = {}
# after
params = {}