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Your First Transaction

Create an Account

The following code will generate a new account:

// using Algorand.Unity;
// using UnityEngine;

var (privateKey, address) = Account.GenerateAccount();
Debug.Log($"My address: {address}");
Debug.Log($"My private key: {privateKey}");
Debug.Log($"My passphrase (mnemonic): {privateKey.ToMnemonic()}");

Save your address and passphrase in a separate place.


Never share your private key or mnemonic. Production environments require stringent private key management.

Fund the Account

Before sending transactions to the Algorand network, the account must be funded to cover the minimal transaction fees that exist on Algorand. To fund the account use the Algorand faucet.

Connect to a Node



The easiest way to access a node in development is via AlgoKit. Alternatively, AlgoNode provides algod and indexer nodes with limited features.

> algokit localnet start

Once the network is up and running, you should be able to connect to the algod service. Verify that the node is healthy and you can connect to it. Create a new AlgodCheck component that creates an AlgodClient on Start() and makes a GetHealth() request.

using Algorand.Unity;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;

public class AlgodCheck : MonoBehaviour
    AlgodClient algod;

    public void Start()
        algod = new AlgodClient("", ("X-API-Key", "my-secret-key"));

    public async UniTaskVoid CheckAlgodStatus()
        var response = await algod.HealthCheck();
        if (response.Error)
            Debug.Log("Connected to algod!");

Add the AlgodCheck component to a GameObject in a new scene, and press Play. You should see the Connected to algod! message in the editor console. If you cannot connect, or the node is not healthy, then you should see an error message in the console.


It's possible the node you're connecting to may require different HTTP request headers for authentication. In that case you can specify the explicit HTTP headers using key-value string tuples:

algod = new AlgodClient(
   ("X-API-Key", "my-super-secret-api-key")

Check Your Balance

To verify your funds were added to your account, add the following method to your AlgodCheck script. Replace the address with the address of the account you generated earlier.

public async UniTaskVoid CheckBalance()
    var (error, accountInfoResponse) = await algod.AccountInformation(accountAddress);
    if (error)
        MicroAlgos amount = accountInfoResponse.Account.Amount;
        Debug.Log($"My account has {amount.ToAlgos()} algos");

Then call it in your Start() method.

public void Start()
    algod = new AlgodClient("", ("X-API-Key", "my-secret-key"));

Your balance should appear in the editor console when you press Play again.

Send a Transaction

The process for sending a transaction will look like

  1. Get the suggested TransactionParams from AlgodClient.GetSuggestedParams(). This contains information like the fee, the hash of the genesis block, and the latest round number.
  2. Create a transaction using the static creation methods found in the Transaction class. For a payment transaction, we're going to use Transaction.Payment(Address sender, TransactionParams txnParams, Address receiver, ulong amount).
  3. Sign the transaction using either a secret key or a wallet.
  4. Send the signed transaction with AlgodClient.SendTransaction<T>(Signed<T> txn) and save its TransactionId.
  5. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed by polling AlgodClient.GetPendingTransaction(TransactionId txid) until it returns PendingTransaction.ConfirmedRound > 0 marking that it was confirmed.

Add a new method, MakePayment(PrivateKey senderKey, Address receiver, ulong amount) that will send a PaymentTxn.

public async UniTaskVoid MakePayment(PrivateKey senderKey, Address receiver, ulong amount)
    var senderAccount = new Account(senderKey);

    // Get the suggested transaction params
    var (txnParamsError, txnParams) = await algod.TransactionParams();

    // Construct and sign the payment transaction
    var paymentTxn = Transaction.Payment(
        sender: senderAccount.Address,
        txnParams: txnParams,
        receiver: receiver,
        amount: amount
    var signedTxn = senderAccount.SignTxn(paymentTxn);

    // Send the transaction
    var (sendTxnError, txid) = await algod.SendTransaction(signedTxn);

    // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
    var (confirmErr, confirmed) = await algod.WaitForConfirmation(txid.TxId);

    Debug.Log($"Successfully made payment! Confirmed on round {confirmed.ConfirmedRound}");

To keep things simple, add a new Update() method that will invoke MakePayment whenever the player presses their spacebar. Replace the passphrase with the passphrase you generated earlier.

public void Update()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
        var privateKey = Mnemonic
            .FromString("find paddle girl crumble hammer usual obvious toy actual obscure decorate lock bag inmate author valve course ship burger denial sibling tissue nominee above remove")
        ulong amount = 100_000;
        MakePayment(privateKey, receiver, amount).Forget();

Now press Play again, then press the spacebar. After a couple seconds, your transaction should be confirmed and you should see a "Successfully made payment!" message in the editor console.

Complete Example

Here is the final code for AlgodCheck component.

using Algorand.Unity;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;

public class AlgodCheck : MonoBehaviour
    AlgodClient algod;

    public void Start()
        algod = new AlgodClient("", ("X-API-Key", "my-secret-key"));

    public void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            var privateKey = Mnemonic
                .FromString("find paddle girl crumble hammer usual obvious toy actual obscure decorate lock bag inmate author valve course ship burger denial sibling tissue nominee above remove")
            ulong amount = 100_000;
            MakePayment(privateKey, receiver, amount).Forget();

    public async UniTaskVoid CheckAlgodStatus()
        var response = await algod.HealthCheck();
        if (response.Error)
            Debug.Log("Connected to algod!");

    public async UniTaskVoid CheckBalance()
        var (error, accountInfoResponse) = await algod.AccountInformation(accountAddress);
        if (error)
            MicroAlgos amount = accountInfoResponse.Account.Amount;
            Debug.Log($"My account has {amount.ToAlgos()} algos");

    public async UniTaskVoid MakePayment(PrivateKey senderKey, Address receiver, ulong amount)
        var senderAccount = new Account(senderKey);

        // Get the suggested transaction params
        var (txnParamsError, txnParams) = await algod.TransactionParams();

        // Construct and sign the payment transaction
        var paymentTxn = Transaction.Payment(
            sender: senderAccount.Address,
            txnParams: txnParams,
            receiver: receiver,
            amount: amount
        var signedTxn = senderAccount.SignTxn(paymentTxn);

        // Send the transaction
        var (sendTxnError, txid) = await algod.SendTransaction(signedTxn);

        // Wait for the transaction to be confirmed
        var (confirmErr, confirmed) = await algod.WaitForConfirmation(txid.TxId);

        Debug.Log($"Successfully made payment! Confirmed on round {confirmed.ConfirmedRound}");