An advanced command API for minecraft paper-based server
English | 简体中文ONLY LATEST VERSION ARE SUPPORTED BETWEEN 1.13 AND 1.16.5, AND TO USE CANDY COMMAND API IN 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5 YOU MUST INSTALL THE PLUGIN CandyCommandOldNmsAdapter WHICH IS IN MODULE `candy-command-oldnms-adapter`
Oops, I forget that version too low not support Java 17, so support for 1.13 - 1.16 need a better solution
If you want to fork this project to maintain it or do other things, after you import the project, you may find that some classes imported in class CandyCommandAPI under `candy-command-impl` module is missed. Don't worry, it is not a problem, because we imported implementations for different version like `candy-command-impl-1-20-4`, and we need the re-obfuscated jar, so the original sources won't be imported. You should run `gradle shadowJar` task before modify anything in `candy-command-impl` module.
Before you starting create a command, you should get the CommandService first.
CommandService service = CommandService.getService(); // To get the service, you should make sure that the server has installed the plugin CandyCommandAPI
CommandManager commandManager = service.getCommandManager(); // Related to commands
ArgumentManager argumentManager = service.getArgumentManager(); // Related to arguments
// If you want to create command with annotation, this is what you need
AnnotationCommandManager annotationCommandManager = service.getAnnotationCommandManager();
For development usage, we actually have 3 ways (2 for all jvm language, 1 for kotlin).
1. Brigadier-Like
Now you can create a new command with something like below.
CommandBuilder baseCommand = commandManager.createCommand("test");
To add an executor with code below.
// Execute this with "/test"
baseCommand.executes((context, argument) ->{ // the first parameter is a CommandContext object, the second parameter is a CommandArgumentHelper
CommandSender sender = context.getSender(); // You can get sender with this
return 1; // This is required, any value lower or equal 0 means that the command execution is failed, or else successful
If you want to add a sub command to invoke the command like "/test subcmd", do below.
CommandBuilder subCommand = commandManager.createCommand("subcmd");
executes((context, argument) ->{
// do sth
return 1;
What if create a command that can accept arguments?
CommandBuilder argumentCommand = commandManager.createCommand("argumentName", argumentManager.integer(1, 10)); // This means accept an integer in [1, 10]
executes((context, argument) ->{
int argumentValue = argument.getInteger("argumentName");
// do sth
return 1;
Now, we can register this command.
commandManager.register(baseCommand); // If you don't specific the command prefix, it will be "candycmd"
// or
2. Annotation
import fit.d6.candy.api.command.ArgumentTypes;
import fit.d6.candy.api.command.annotation.*;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.Set;
@Command(name = "test")
public class TestCommand {
// Field annotated with @SubCommand will be registered as sub command like "/test sub"
// But SubTestCommand class must be annotated with @Command and have the same name with @SubCommand annotation
@SubCommand(name = "sub")
public final SubTestCommand sub = new SubTestCommand();
// To check the requirement, requires a CommandSender as parameter, and must return a boolean
public boolean check(CommandSender sender) {
return true;
// Create an executor without extra arguments
// You can use @Sender to specific where to deliver command sender
// You can use @Alias to specific where to deliver alias
// Invoke this with "/test"
public void executeFirst(@Sender CommandSender sender, @Alias String alias) {
sender.sendMessage("You just invoked a normal message with alias " + alias);
// Create an executor with extra arguments
// @RequiresPlayer will force a player sender, so the delivered sender is a Player object
// Add @SubCommand to a method to add an extra subcommand
// Annotate parameter with @Argument to specific its name and type, the name is not need to be same with the parameter name
// Invoke this with "/test second <name>"
@SubCommand(name = "second")
public void executeSecond(@Sender CommandSender sender, @Alias String alias, @Argument(type = ArgumentTypes.STRING, name = "name") String name) {
sender.sendMessage("Your name is " + name);
// Invoke this with "/test playertest <players>"
@SubCommand(name = "playertest")
public void playersTest(@Sender CommandSender sender, @Argument(type = ArgumentTypes.PLAYERS, name = "selector") Set<Player> players) {
sender.sendMessage("You selected: " + players);
for (Player player : players)
player.sendMessage("You are selected by commander");
@Command(name = "sub")
public class SubTestCommand {
public void executeFirst(@Sender CommandSender sender, @Alias String alias) {
sender.sendMessage("You invoked sub command with alais " + alias);
There is a little different with Brigadier-like command, you should register command with AnnotationCommandManager.
annotationCommandManager.register(new TestCommand());
3. Kotlin DSL
val command = Command("example") {
Literal("subcommand") {
Executor { context, argument -> // "/example subcommand"
// do sth
return@Executor 1
Literal("argument") {
Literal("string") {
) { nameArg -> // This is an extension function only can be used in Executor function and Suggester function
Suggester { context, argument, suggestion ->
"DeeChael", // suggestion content
Component.text("Main maintainer of Candy Command API") // suggestion tooltip
"\"Nostal Yuu\"",
Component.text("Friend of the main maintainer DeeChael")
Executor { context, argument -> // "/example argument string <name>"
context.sender.sendMessage("You typed name is ${nameArg()}")
return@Executor 1
Literal("players") {
Argument<Set<Player>>("players", playersArg()) { playersArg ->
Executor { context, argument -> // "/example argument players <players>"
val players = playersArg()
context.sender.sendMessage("You selected: $players")
for (player in players) {
player.sendMessage("You are selected by a command sender")
return@Executor 1
commandManager.register("cmdprefix", command)
Usually, registering commands with brigadier will only have a prefix "minecraft", because if you directly register your command into the CommandDispatcher, bukkit will automatically add a "minecraft" prefix to it because brigadier commands registration is before bukkit commands registration.
To solve this, I create a VanillaCommandWrapper object and register it with Bukkit CommandMap first.
// Code from CommandManagerV1_20_4 in module 'candy-command-impl-1-20-4'
public Command register(String prefix, CommandBuilder builder) {
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); // Actually all the commands registered in bukkit is lowercased, to make sure that command can be replaced correctly, I lowercased it
if (!REGISTERED.containsKey(prefix)) // REGISTERED map is Map<String, List<Command>>
REGISTERED.put(prefix, new ArrayList<>()); // make sure that the prefix has a List
CommandNode<CommandSourceStack> commandNode = ((CommandBuilderV1_20_4<?>) builder).toBrigadier().build(); // Convert the brigadier argument builder to brigadier command node
if (builder instanceof LiteralCommandBuilderV1_20_4) { // Only literal command can be registered
VanillaCommandWrapper wrappedCommand = new VanillaCommandWrapper(null, commandNode); // Here is the point, CommandDispatcher parameter deliver a null value
Bukkit.getCommandMap().register(prefix, wrappedCommand); // Register the command into CommandMap
Command command = new CommandV1_20_4(commandNode); // Built command
REGISTERED.get(prefix).add(command); // Add to the map, waiting for replacement
return command;
Then after the server is loaded, replace it with an updated VanillaCommandWrapper which has a real CommandDispatcher.
// Code from CommandManagerV1_20_4 in module 'candy-command-impl-1-20-4'
public void onLoad(ServerLoadEvent event) { // You can also do this will scheduler, but I prefer event
// Name this with bukkit because actually bukkit created a new one replace the vanilla one, that's the reason why commands registered into CommandDispatcher will have a prefix "minecraft"
// And this CommandDispatcher will be replaced after brigadier commands registered, before server is loaded, so I can only replace commands after server loaded
Commands bukkitCommands = MinecraftServer.getServer().getCommands();
CommandMap commandMap = Bukkit.getCommandMap(); // Get bukkit command map to replace the command
// Get the stored known commands (They didn't copy it when executing getKnownCommands method)
Map<String, org.bukkit.command.Command> knownCommands = commandMap.getKnownCommands();
for (String prefix : REGISTERED.keySet()) {
for (Command command : REGISTERED.get(prefix)) {
// Example with a command named "test" and prefix "prefix"
// Get the built brigadier command node
CommandNode<CommandSourceStack> commandNode = ((CommandV1_20_4) command).toBrigadier();
// Get command with "test"
org.bukkit.command.Command vanillaWrapper = knownCommands.get(command.getName());
// Get command with "prefix:test"
org.bukkit.command.Command prefixVanillaWrapper = knownCommands.get(prefix + ":" + command.getName());
// Update the command wrapper with a real CommandDispatcher
VanillaCommandWrapper commandWrapper = new VanillaCommandWrapper(bukkitCommands, commandNode);
if (vanillaWrapper != null) { // If the command exists
knownCommands.put(command.getName(), commandWrapper); // Replace it
if (prefixVanillaWrapper != null) { // If the command exists
knownCommands.put(prefix + ":" + command.getName(), commandWrapper); // Replace it