Code for ECCV 2022 paper 3D Shape Sequence of Human Comparison and Classification using Current and Varifolds
The code to generate gram hankel matrices can be found in You will need to set properly the folder of each dataset in real_path, dyna_path and synt_path. The dest_path will be set by default to current folder. The full experience (all sigmas, centroid or not) will run over 2 weeks for a single GPU. The h5pys are available here
python --real_path="/path/to/cvssp3d/real" --synt_path="/path/to/cvssp3d/artif" --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna" --dest_path="/path/to/save"
To compute a single experience, and set manually the sigmas, run the script in the following way (dyna_path for dyna, real_path for CVSSP3D real, synt_path for CVSSP3D artificial).
python --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna" --varifold="absolute" --sigma=0.4 --centroid=true --dest_path="/path/to/save"
The command below set the script to run the absolute varifolds experience (other options, "current" and "oriented"), with gaussian kernel sigma set to 0.4, and centroid normalization (false to avoid normalization).
The code to compute the score associated to Hankel matrices can be found in This script will compute the Hankel matrices for r values between 1 and maximum r value, and will print the final score. The computed scores are save in npy files. You will need to set properly the folder of each dataset experiments (stored h5pys). Each folder must contain the inner products of only one dataset (see google drive formats). The dest_path will be set by default to current folder. The full experience (all dataset, all normalizations, all varifolds type) will run for several hours on a modern CPU. This experience doesn't need Pykeops, and can be run on Windows.
python --real_path="/path/to/cvssp3d/real/h5pys" --synt_path="/path/to/cvssp3d/artif/h5pys" --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna/h5pys" --dest_path="/path/to/save/scores"
To compute a single experience, and set manually the sigmas, run the script in the following way (dyna_path for dyna, real_path for CVSSP3D real, synt_path for CVSSP3D artificial).
python --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna" --varifold="absolute" --centroid=True --inner_norm=True --rmax=42
The command below set the script to run the absolute varifolds experience (other options, "current" and "oriented"), with centroid normalization and inner product normalization. The maximum r value for Gram-Hankel matrices is set to 42.
Those files are helper files that should not be loaded, but are used to compute files.
- : computes the score of each experience
- : Helper class to load CVSSP3D mesh files
The scripts to launch comparisons with GDVAE, LIMP, Zhou et al, Areas and Breadths and are available in the comparisons folder. For the first three, a script to generate the features of the motions are provided. The user will need to launch the scripts in the folder of the code of each method:
Once the h5py are generated (available in comparisons/dyna_res anyway!), the script can be launched. Be careful to put the files in "dyna_res" folder inside comparisons folder. We provide the precomputed h5py for each method. The script can be launched as follow:
python --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna"
To add comparisons with deep learning methods (here just limp, but you can add gdvae and uns in the same manner):
python --dyna_path="/path/to/dyna" --limp=true
The full script should run less than one hour since no cross validation is needed.
The pykeops library is only usable in Linux. The scores computation can be made using the precomputed provided h5py. We recommend to use anaconda, and to create an environment with installed packages:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ECCV_2022_6963
In case you want to install yourself in a custom way, the main requirements are:
- Pytorch (run experience varifolds + deep learning experiments)
- Numpy
- Pykeops (run experience varifolds)
- Scipy
- Scikit-learn
- tslearn
- tqdm
Without Pytorch and Pykeops, you should still be able to compute scores.
In case you would like to compute the whole h5pys inner product, you will find the datasets as follow:
- CVSSP3D artificial : you will need to contact Adrien Hilton and ask him for data : Please ask for "cvssp3d" dataset. Once downloaded, simply unzip all individual folders in the same folder, organized as follow: artif/person/motion/surface.tri
- CVSSP3D real you will need to contact Adrien Hilton and ask him for data : Please ask for "i3d_pose_action" dataset Once downloaded, simply unzip all motion folders in folders, organized as follow: artif/person/motion_id/surface.ntri where motion_id is the number of the motion when downloading
- Dyna dataset: download the dataset here Please put the 2 h5 files (dyna_dataset_f.h5, dyna_dataset_m.h5) in the same folder
If you're using our code in your work, please cite us using:
author = {Emery, Pierson and Mohamed, Daoudi and Sylvain, Arguillère},
title = {3D Shape Sequence of Human Comparison and Classification using Current and Varifolds},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
year = {2022}