This is the Swedish novel collection for ELTeC, the European Literary Text Collection, produced by the COST Action "Distant Reading for European Literary History" (CA16204,
General information about ELTeC releases is available at
- v0.7.1: This is a minor upgrade affecting only the header / metadata. DOI:
- v0.7.0: This release of the ELTeC-swe collection contains 58 novels encoded at level 1. The current release is a selection of Swedish novels, originally published between 1840 and 1920. The novels were selected from the existing e-texts produced by The Swedish Literature Bank (; the coding was adapted to the needs of ELTeC. DOI:
- Collection editors: Ljubica Miočević & Cai Alfredson.
The books were earlier published as e-texts at The Swedish Literature Bank. The scanning was performed at different libraries in Sweden (Royal Library in Stockholm, and University Libraries in Gothenburg, Lund & Uppsala). The work of producing the e-texts in The Swedish Literature Bank was a collective effort of Cai Alfredson and other editors at The Swedish Literature Bank, The Swedish Society for Belles-Lettres, The Collected Works of August Strindberg and The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland.
All texts included in this collection are in the public domain. The textual markup is provided with a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 licence (CC BY,
Swedish Novel Collection (ELTeC-swe), edited by Ljubica Miočević & Cai Alfredson. Version v0.7.1. In: European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC). COST Action Distant Reading for European Literature. April 11, 2021. URL: DOI:
Some of the works in this collection have originally been produced in collaboration with other institutions, namely: novels by C.J.L. Almqvist – The Swedish Society for Belles-Lettres (Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet); novels by August Strindberg – The Collected Works of August Strindberg (August Strindbergs Samlade Verk, Nationalupplagan, at Stockholm University); Mikael Lybeck’s novel ”Den starkare” – The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland).