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A helpful countdown class, 一个实用的的倒计时类

1 Install & Import 安装导入

1.1 Install

# Use yarn
yarn add count-time-down

# Use npm
npm install count-time-down

1.2 Import

// Es Module
import CountDown from 'count-time-down'; 

// In CommonJS
const CountDown = require('count-time-down');

2 Quick Start 快速上手

2.1 Create and automatically start a 24-hour countdown


new CountDown(864e5, cd => console.log(cd.hhmmss));

2.2 Create and automatically start a 60s countdown


new CountDown(60000, { cdType: 's' }, cd => console.log(cd.s));

2.3 Create a countdown that accurate to milliseconds


new CountDown(10000, { interval: 50 }, ({ss, SSS}) => {
  console.log(`${ss} ${SSS}`);

2.4 Create a 60s countdown and start it manually


const cd = new CountDown(60000, { autoStart: false }, () => {
// A moment later

2.4 Create a countdown and customize the params


const cd = new CountDown();
cd.time = 10000;
cd.cdType = 's';
cd.onTick = cd => console.log(cd);
// A moment later
// A moment later
// Destory The countdown

3 Interface 接口

 * Time,倒计时时间
type CountDownTime = number | null | undefined;

 * Initial Options, 倒计时初始化参数
interface CountDownOptions {
  // 倒计时步进间隔,默认: 1000
  interval?: number;
  // 是否自动开启,默认为: true
  autoStart?: boolean;
  // 倒计时类型,d: 到天,h: 到小时,m: 到分钟,s: 到秒,S: 到毫秒,默认:'h'.
  cdType?: 'd' | 'h' | 'm' | 's' | 'S';
 * CountDown 构造定义
declare class CountDown {
  time: number | null;             // 倒计时时间
  options: CountDownOptions;       // 初始化的参数
  initTime: number | null;         // 初始化的时间
  restTime: number;                // 剩余时间
  interval: number;                // 定时间隔
  autoStart: boolean;              // 是否自动启动
  cdType: 'd' | 'h' | 'm' | 's';   // 倒计时类型
  running: boolean;                // 是否运行中
  destoryed: boolean;              // 是否已销毁
  completed: boolean;              // 是否已结束
  tickTimes: number;               // 步进次数
  restDays: number | null;         // 剩余天数
  restHours: number | null;        // 剩余小时
  restMinuts: number | null;       // 剩余分钟
  restSeconds: number | null;      // 剩余秒数
  restMilliSeconds: number | null; // 剩余毫秒数
  d: number | null;                // 天数
  h: number | null;                // 小时
  m: number | null;                // 分钟
  s: number | null;                // 秒数
  S: number | null;                // 毫秒数
  dd: string;                      // 至少两位天数,'--'
  hh: string;                      // 至少两位小时,'--'
  mm: string;                      // 至少两位分钟,'--'
  ss: string;                      // 至少两位秒数,'--'
  SSS: string;                     // 至少三位毫秒数,'---'
  ms: string;                      // 分秒,'-:-'
  hms: string;                     // 时分秒,'-:-:-'
  mmss: string;                    // 分钟秒数:'--:--'
  hhmmss: string;                  // 小时分钟秒数:'--:--:--'
  timerId: any;                    // 定时器ID
  start: () => void;               // 开启倒计时
  stop: () => void;                // 停止倒计时
  destory: () => void;             // 销毁倒计时
  onTick?: (cd: CountDown) => any; // 自定义步进处理函数
  [prop: string]: any;             // 其它属性

  constructor(tickHandler?: (cd: CountDown) => any);
  constructor(time: CountDownTime, tickHandler?: (cd: CountDown) => any);
  constructor(time: CountDownTime, options: CountDownOptions, tickHandler?: (cd: CountDown) => any);